PS 110 General Physical Science - Admissions

PS 110 General Physical Science

3 credits – pre-requisite MTH 121,121, or 123 or CI201 Co Req PS 110L

Instructor: Mr. David L. Adkins


Office Hours: T-TR 4:10 to 4:30 room S179, or after lecture

Text: Physical Universe 11th ed. Krauskopf & Beiser

PS 110 Lab Manual by Bady

Course Description:

This course is an introduction, for the non-science major, to the concepts of chemistry and earth science. We will be covering chapters 7- 15.

Evaluation and Grading:

Grade Scale 90-A, 80-B, 70-C, 60-D

Homework 15%

Quizzes(6) 35%

Tests (3) 35%

Final Exam: 15%

There will be six quizzes lowest score dropped.

The quizzes will be both announced and unannounced.

Three tests the third one coming during dead week.

The test will include material from the reading that is not covered in lecture.

Final exam will be comprehensive.

Attendance and other policies:

Attendance is encouraged. A sign in sheet will be used each lecture.

Quizzes cannot be made up because the answers are covered after the quiz.

Homework will not be accepted late because it will be discussed the day it is due.

If you are going to be absent the day homework is due please try to scan it and email it to me, this is acceptable.

Homework will consist of Handouts, Questions from the book, Questions from the lab book, and short reports.

Approximate Course Outline:

Part 1 Chapters 7,8,9

homework assignments

Two quizzes

One test

Part 2 Chapters 10,11,12

homework assignments

Two quizzes

One test

Part 3 Chapters 13,14,15

homework assignments

Two quizzes

One test

The schedule will be adjusted as the semester progresses.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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