
Burbage Surgery established a Patient Reference Group in 2011 and meetings have been held with committee members, Dr King and the Practice Manager. An anonymous survey of registered patients was undertaken by sending a questionnaire via SMS messaging to those patients with valid mobile phone numbers in their patient record.

Profile of the Practice

3354 Patients

Age Range 0-16 682 patients

Age Range 17-25 288 patients

Age Range 26-40 457 patients

Age Range 41-65 1334 patients

Age Range 66-75 343 patients

Age Range over 76 250 patients

Sex Male 1691 patients Female 1663 patients

Ethnicity 0.6% (represented by black and minor ethnic groups)

Profile of the PRG members

The surgery advertised for members to the PRG by posters displayed in the waiting room, leaflets in the waiting room, by word of mouth and via the village news magazine published monthly and delivered to every house in Burbage.

The group is made up from patients registered at the practice, the members are a cross section of the list of patients from the surgery including, some retired members, a physiotherapist, a retired GP, and patients with work commitments. The practice has a very small ethnic population and this group is not represented in the PRG. Two members of the group do not live in Burbage. The practice acknowledges that there are no patients under 24 in the PRG, no candidates put themselves forward, the practice will endeavour to recruit some younger members for the next year.

The members represent a variety of ages - their names and details of how they can be contacted are below.

June Brew (Chair)

Godfrey Brew

Matthew Kellow

Liz Rowland

Joyce Goold

Mary Nocton

Gerard Dinnage

Linda Kidd

The age ranges represented are 0-24 0

45. 2

46-65 2

Over 65 4

The Committee can be contacted by either a personal approach to any of the above, or by email at


or by post to the Committee at 198 High Street Burbage SN8 3AB.

When the group was established the Practice advertised the fact that the PRG was to be as representative of the Practice as possible, this was done via the local parish magazine, and via the surgery notice board.

The PRG has a dedicated notice board available in the reception area of the surgery.

The Survey

Over 1000 text messages were sent and 76 responses were received.

Last year a total of 149 surveys were completed on line and 39 surveys were completed by hand.

The survey was available for completion over a 4 week period and the questionnaire was closed on 28.02.2014. The final question of the survey related to age ranges to enable the Practice to establish that the survey had been completed by a variety of patients.

Priority Areas

Careful consideration was given to the areas covered in the survey. As a practice we were interested to have feedback from patients on how they feel about the availability of appointments, telephone access and confidentiality.

Method of communication

In previous years we have provided paper questionnaires so that patients do not feel excluded if they did not have access to a computer.

This year it was decided that the survey would be conducted via Survey Monkey and a link sent to patients with a mobile phone listed in their record, this resulted in more responses from a slightly younger cohort than last year.

Survey result overview

Availability of appointments with the doctor or nurse of choice - 82.43% said that it was very easy to see their clinician of choice and 17.57% said it was fairly easy..

Telephone Access – 94.73% said telephone access was easy or fairly easy, the remaining patients had not tried to telephone the surgery.

Confidentiality - only 6.85% of patients thought that confidentiality was an issue.

General comments from the survey

Burbage surgey in my opinion is the best doctors in my area I have been with burbage for nearly 23 years I have never had a problem. If more doctors surgerys were like burbage people would be a lot happier

All the staff at Burbage surgery are fantastic, I like that I am able to be seen at short notice and I always feel welcome and looked after. Thank you!

I moved to the area about 3 years ago. My experience with the Surgery has been excellent. All the staff, whether doctors, nurses or reception have been amazing. They are all friendly and welcoming and, because of my health issues meaning I attend the Surgery regularly, they seem more like "friends" than someone providing you care. An excellent team. My only point of issue would be that if the Doctors or Nurses are running late that maybe we should be informed when checking-in. But that's it! Personally, I couldn't ask for better! Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to let them know that.

Other comments highlighting areas that could be addressed

Recommend you move to 'on-line' appointment booking; the published data suggest improvements in 'no shows'.

opening during the lunchtime would reduce pressure at reception

Having sound proof doors so the piped radio can be turned off to cover the voices from the nurses room

Action plan

On-line appointment booking- this is an area that the surgery may look into. Although this sounds desirable to the patient, it would impact on the number of appointments that would be available to be booked on “the day” for patients on the telephone. From repeated surveys it is evident that patients like to ring in and be able to book an appointment on the day.

Also if booking an on-line appointment with a nurse it is necessary to book appointments of different lengths for different procedures and as a patient you may not be aware of this which would result in a waste of your time and the appointment.

If the surgery proceeds with on-line booking it would need to be managed carefully.

Opening during lunchtime - the surgery is open on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes.

The surgery will publish the opening times of the surgery in the next issue of the Burbage News. The opening times are available to view on the surgery website and on the front door.

Confidentiality – the surgery has been aware of a soundproofing issue between the reception and the treatment room. A radio has been used in reception to give a background noise and since issuing the survey a double door has been installed which has resolved the issue even though the majority of patients did not think that confidentiality was a problem.

Dr King would like to thank our Patient reference Group for their help in producing this survey and report, and also to thank the patients who kindly gave their time to complete the survey.

For Patient Information Purposes as part of this report we are also including details of the Practice Opening Hours

Opening Hours

Monday 8.30-1.00pm and 2.00pm- 18.45pm

Tuesday 8.30am-19.00pm

Wednesday 8.30am- 12.00pm

Thursday 8.30am-6.30pm

Friday8.30am-1.00pm and 2.00pm-6.30pm

Saturday- Closed

Sunday- Closed

Telephone: (01672) 810566 Fax. (01672) 811329

Patients requiring medical assistance outside of these hours should call NHS 111, or on a Wednesday afternoon, Dr Ballards’ surgery at Great Bedwyn.. Full contact details can be heard on our answer phone, but in summary Contact details are:

NHS 111 (6.30pm-8.00am)

(01672) 870388 ( Wednesday afternoons)

Extended Hours

The Practice has an extended hours contract with the local PCT. This allows us to extend our opening hours to 18.45pm on a Monday evening and 7.00pm on Tuesday evening. Appointments can be pre booked with Dr King and Dr Andrea Clark, and also with our Practice Nurse. The surgery is not open for collection of prescriptions during the late clinics.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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