Oasis Academy Isle of Sheppey

Why did WWII begin?Do Now: Copy and Complete.1 Appeasement means . . .2 Neville Chamberlain was . . .3 A New weapon used in WWI was . . .4 Emmaline Pankhurst fought for . . .5 NDSAP stands for . . . 6 Auschwitz was . . .Read the following information.Since his appointment of Chancellor in 1933 Hitler had systematically defied the Treaty of Versailles as he promised in many of his election speeches.The first thing Hitler did was refused to pay reparations – the allies allowed him to stop paying them.Hitler also began to re arm Germany – Tanks, Submarines and a Luftwaffe! all military equipment that Germany were banned from having by the Treaty were built. Left the League of nations. – He said they had done nothing to help Germany and that being part was a waste of time. Since his appointment of Chancellor in 1933 Hitler declared that he wanted to Unite all Germans under the protection of the Reich. So in 1936 he entered the Rhineland that was supposed to be demilitarised – The Allies (Britain France) did nothing. Then in 1938 he united with Austria in a Coup – Again the Allies di nothing. Then in 1939 he made an agreement with The allies that Bohemia (the Sudetenland) would join with Germany as there were 3 million Germans living there. Hitler went one step further and took over the whole country a month later. Hitler also had ambitions in Poland. It was made clear that if Hitler invaded Poland War would start. However as the Allies had not moved a muscle in Hitler’s other actions he thought they were bluffing.Just in case Britain weren’t bluffing Hitler made an agreement with the Soviet Union – they would each share Poland and most of Eastern Europe. This meant Hitler could Press ahead without any Fear of Russia helping the British.In spetmeber 1939 Hitler defied the allies and invaded PolandIt was a simple attack against a weak polish army to strengthen Hitler’s own powerful nationHe claimed it was self defence.The allies didn’t believe him and the declared war on Germany. At 4.45 am on 1 September 1939 the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein opened fire on the Polish garrison of the Westerplatte Fort, Danzig (modern-day Gdansk), in what was to become the first military engagement of World War Two. Simultaneously, 62 German divisions supported by 1,300 aircraft commenced the invasion of Poland. The decision of Adolf Hitler to invade Poland was a gamble. The Wehrmacht (the German Army) was not yet at full strength and the German economy was still locked into peacetime production. As such, the invasion alarmed Hitler's generals and raised opposition to his command - and leaks of his war plans to Britain and France.Hitler's generals urged caution and asked for more time to complete the defences of the 'West Wall', in order to stem any British and French counter-offensive in the west while the bulk of the Wehrmacht was engaged in the east. Their leader dismissed their concerns, however, and demanded instead their total loyalty.Hitler was confident that the invasion of Poland would result in a short, victorious war for two important reasons. First, he was convinced that the deployment of the world's first armoured corps would swiftly defeat the Polish armed forces in a blitzkrieg offensive. Secondly, he judged the British and French prime-ministers, Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier, to be weak, indecisive leaders who would opt for a peace settlement rather than war.Now using that information complete the following sentences.WWII started on . . . Hitler Invaded Poland because . . .Hitler thought the Allies would not declare war because . . .It was a gamble for Hitler Because . . .The German Generals requested . . .Read the information sheet below:Now complete the following questions:What was Blitzkrieg? (in detail)Why did Chamberlain resign as Prime Minister in May 1940? (3 reasons)Find out what these key words mean:Operation YellowMaginot LineBEFVichyRAFPanzerNow complete the plenary. ................

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