Question Generation

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|Brief Description: Research indicates that reading comprehension is increased when students produce their own questions to answer |

|while reading material. Generating questions prior to reading the text helps guide the student’s reading. Story Grammars are a |

|useful tool to use to do this. Question generation helps to guide reading and promotes retention and understanding. This strategy |

|was adapted from Understanding, Assessing, and Intervening on Reading Problem (Joseph, 2006). |

|Materials Needed: Something to read, Story Grammar Sheet (found under Tools section, below). |

|Implementation: This strategy may be implemented individually, in small groups, or with a whole class, and can be facilitated by a|

|teacher, paraprofessional or adult volunteer. |

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|Students are taught by an instructor how to generate questions using story and chapter titles, main ideas, and other key parts to |

|the text. During the learning period the teacher should begin by aiding in question generation, then move to letting the class or |

|small group generate questions (if individual, the instructor actively facilitates question development by scaffolding). |

|Eventually, individual students should be able to generate questions independently, with feedback as necessary from the teacher. |

|Students are encouraged to write their questions down. When reading fiction, the use of the Story Grammar Worksheet may be useful |

|to have students write down questions from different parts of the story. |

|Students are then instructed to read the text, using the questions to guide their reading. |

|Once reading is complete, students are then instructed to answer their questions, referring to the reading material for accuracy. |

|Students should be encouraged to also remember important facts that were not addressed in their questions. |

|Variation: n/a |

|Schedule for implementation: |

|This intervention should occur a minimum of 3 days each week. Progress should be monitored using review questions and tests as |

|needed and according to the particular tier the student is in. |

|Research Summary & References: |

|Joseph, L. M. (2006).Understanding, Assessing, and Intervening on Reading Problems. Bethesda, MD. |

|Tools/ Attachments: |

|The file entitled “Story Grammar Worksheet” in the TOOLS folder on this disk contains a reproducible handout. |


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