2223135-226060REGION BYLAWS________Genesee Valley__________________________________ Region Parent Teacher AssociationPTA Code # _07_ __ Federal ID Number _16_ __ – 1453828__ __ __ __ __ __ __ New York State Sales Tax Exempt Number EX- _134890_ __ __ __ __ __ Membership Adoption Date___11/04/15________________________________ Region Director’s Name___Lisa Christoffel___________________________________ Region Director’s Signature___________________________________Secretary’s Name_______Gary Elling_____________________________________ Secretary's Signature_________________________________________Do not write in this spaceState Approved (signature)Date of Approval____________________ Date of Expiration___________________Bylaws valid as of state approval date.Adopted bylaws must be submitted to the Bylaws Coordinatorimmediately following the annual meeting.center0MODIFICATION OR DELETION OF ANY OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THIS TEMPLATE MAKE THESE BYLAWS NULL AND VOID00MODIFICATION OR DELETION OF ANY OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THIS TEMPLATE MAKE THESE BYLAWS NULL AND VOID19050596392000#ARTICLE I—NameThe name of this organization is the Genesee Valley Region PTA of the New York State Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc. (the “New York State PTA”), a branch of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers (the “National PTA”). It is a subsidiary organization established to facilitate the administration of the affairs of the New York State PTA and the carrying out of its program.#ARTICLE II—Articles of OrganizationThe articles of organization of a constituent organization is the bylaws of such organization and (b) the certificate of incorporation or articles of incorporation of such organization (in cases in which the organization is a corporation) or the articles of association by whatever name (in cases in which the organization exists as an unincorporated association).#ARTICLE III—PurposesSection 1.The Purposes of the Genesee Valley Region PTA, in common with those of the National PTA and the New York State PTA, are:To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worshipTo raise the standards of home life.To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.Section 2. The Purposes of the National PTA, the New York State PTA, and this region are promoted through an educational program directed toward parents, teachers, and the general public; are developed through conferences, committees, projects, and programs; and are governed and qualified by the basic policies set forth in Article IV.Section 3. The organization is organized exclusively for the charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding Section of any future Federal tax code (hereinafter “Internal Revenue Code”).#ARTICLE IV—Basic PoliciesThe following are basic policies of this region in common with those of the National PTA and the New York State PTA.The organization shall be non-commercial, nonsectarian, and non-partisan.The name of the organization or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used to endorse or promote a commercial concern or in connection with any partisan interest or for any purposes not appropriately related to promotion of the Purposes of the organization.The organization or members in their official capacities shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or distributing of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office; or devote more than an insubstantial part of its activities to attempting to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise.The organization shall work with the schools and community to provide quality education for all children and youth and shall seek to participate in the decision-making process establishing school policy, recognizing that the legal responsibility to make decisions has been delegated by the people to boards of education, state education authorities and local education authorities.The organization shall not enter into membership with other organizations except such international or national organizations as may be approved by the National PTA Board of Directors. The New York State PTA or any of its divisions may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with child welfare, but a PTA/PTSA representative shall make no commitments that bind the group he represents.No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, directors, trustees, officers or other private persons except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article III hereof. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (i) by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.Upon the dissolution of this organization, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more non-profit funds, foundations, or organizations which have established their tax exempt status under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.#ARTICLE V—Relationship with the National PTA and the New York State PTASection 1. This region is part of the New York State PTA, a branch of the National PTA, and exists for the purpose of accomplishing, at the region level, the Purposes of the National PTA in accordance with its policies. Within the framework of the responsibility that this region shares with the National PTA and the New York State PTA for the implementation of the Purposes of the National PTA, this region shall be obligated to comply with the bylaws of the National PTA and the New York State PTA, a self-governing organization with independent legal existence.Section 2. The relationship of this region with the New York State PTA and the National PTA and its duties, obligations, and responsibilities are set forth in the bylaws of the National PTA and in the charter that is issued by the National PTA to the New York State PTA.Section 3. This region shall adopt such bylaws for the government of the organization as may be approved by the New York State PTA. Such bylaws shall not be in conflict with the bylaws of the National PTA or the bylaws of the New York State PTA.Section 4. The bylaws of this region shall include a provision establishing a quorum.Section 5. Only members of a local PTA who have paid dues for the current membership year may participate in the business of the association.Section 6. The members of the nominating committee for officers of a constituent organization shall be elected by membership, board of directors/managers, executive board, or executive committee. Section 7. The bylaws of this region shall include an article on amendments.Section 8. The adoption of an amendment to any provision of the bylaws of the National PTA and the New York State PTA shall serve automatically and without the requirement of further action by the region PTA to amend correspondingly the bylaws of each region PTA. Notwithstanding the automatic character of the amending process, the region PTAs shall promptly incorporate such amendments in their respective bylaws.Section 9.This region shall include in its bylaws provisions corresponding to the provisions of the Bylaws of the New York State PTA that are identified by the state symbol (#).Section 10. The region exists to:Unify and strengthen local PTAs comprising the region.Provide for the conference and cooperation among the PTAs/ PTSAs/ SEPTAs in the region membership so as to create a public opinion favorable to the interests of child welfare.Encourage child welfare projects in the various PTAs.Assist in the formation of new PTAs and councils according to the procedures of the New York State PTA.Promote the interests of the National PTA and of the New York State PTA within the region.Section 11. Each officer or board member of a constituent organization shall be a member of a local PTA within its area.Section 12. As a constituent organization of the New York State PTA, this region shall share the responsibility for compliance by the local and council PTAs within its area with the bylaws of the National PTA and the New York State PTA.Section 13.The bylaws of all constituent organizations shall prohibit voting by proxy.Section 14. This region shall submit to the New York State PTA a report of its work and activities for inclusion in the report to the National PTA.Section 15. This region shall keep such permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of the organization. Such books of account and records shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by an authorized representative of the New York State PTA or, where directed by the committee on state and national relationships, by a duly authorized representative of the National PTA.Section 16. This region may be reorganized or dissolved upon the order of the executive committee of the New York State PTA.Section 17.This region is obligated, upon order for dissolution from the executive committee of the New York State PTA.To yield up and surrender all its books and records and all of its assets and property to the New York State PTA. To cease and desist from the further use of any name that implies or connotes association with the National PTA or the New York State PTA or status as a constituent organization of the National PTA.To carry out promptly, under the supervision and direction of the New York State PTA, all proceedings necessary or desirable for the purpose of dissolving this PTA.#ARTICLE VI—Members and FundsSection 1.This region shall consist of those PTAs chartered by the New York State PTA within the county/counties of Monroe, Ontario, Wayne, Seneca, Livingston and Yates which have been assigned to the region by the New York State PTA.Section 2. Funds for carrying on the activities of the region shall be paid by the treasurer of the New York State PTA to the region director of the region. The amount of funds to be allocated shall be based on the National PTA membership record of the region as of the previous March 31. (See Article XIV, Section 1. f. of the Bylaws of the New York State PTA.)Section 3.Honorary Life Membership.An Honorary Life Membership in the New York State PTA in recognition of distinguished service to children and youth may be conferred by the New York State PTA or any of its constituent organizations in good standing upon payment of a fee established by the Board of Managers of the New York State PTA. An Honorary Life Member must pay dues to a local PTA to be entitled to all the rights and privileges of active status.All contributions made in recognition of the selection of persons to Honorary Life Membership in the New York State PTA shall be paid to the funds for the New York State PTA Jenkins Memorial Scholarship for Teacher Education and/or the New York State PTA Fellowship for Graduate Study in Memory of Richard Gazzola as designated by the contributor.ARTICLE VII—Officers: Election and Vacancies#Section 1. Each officer shall be a member of a local PTA.Section 2.Officers:The officers of the region shall be a region director appointed by the executive committee of New York State PTA, 4 associate director(s), a secretary, no corresponding secretary, and a treasurer.#b.The region director shall be the official state representative in the region. The region director shall serve for a term of one (1) year and shall not serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.c.Officers, except the region director, shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting. However, if there is only one nominee for any office, election may be by voice vote. A majority vote shall be required for election.d.Officers shall be installed at the annual meeting and assume their duties at the close of the annual meeting and shall serve for a term of one (1) year.e.No person shall hold more than one office at the same time.f.No person shall be eligible to serve more than three (3) consecutive terms in the same office. Any officer who has served more than one-half a term shall be credited with having served that term. #g.No person under the age of 18 years shall be eligible to serve in the office of region director, recording secretary (or secretary), or treasurer.Section 3. Nominating Committeea.There shall be a nominating committee consisting of 5 members. The chair and 2 members and 1 alternate(s) shall be elected by the region board from its body at least sixty (60) days before the annual meeting and 2 members and 1 alternate who shall not be members of the region board elected by the delegate body at its Spring Conference (the annual meeting) of the preceding year.#b.The nominating committee shall select one (1) candidate for each office to be filled.c.The slate prepared by the nominating committee shall be sent to each PTA unit and council and to each member of the region board at least thirty (30) days prior to the election meeting.#d.Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the election meeting.e. Nominees for office shall have served at least 1 year on the region board (or served as an elected officer of a unit or council).#f.Members of the nominating committee may be nominees for office without resigning from the committee.#g.Only those persons who have consented to serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to such office.Section 4.Vacancies.A vacancy occurring in any office other than region director shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the region board, ten (10) days’ notice having been given; without prior notice, a two-thirds (2/3) vote shall be required to elect.ARTICLE VIII—Duties of OfficersSection 1. The region director shall:#a.Be the chief executive officer of the region and shall have general charge and supervision of the business and affairs of the region and perform the duties usually incident to the office of president of a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of New York State.#b.Sign and execute all contracts, agreements, or other obligations in the name of the region.#c.Preside at all meetings of the region, the region board, and the executive committee.Assign duties and areas of responsibility to the associate directors and assistant directors and coordinate the work of the officers and chairmen of standing and special committees.#e.Be a member exofficio of all committees except a member of the nominating committee or the audit committee. The region director may not be an elected or appointed member of these committees.#f.Represent the region on the New York State PTA Governance Team.#g.Supervise the organization of new units and councils.#h.Assist in advancing the work of units and councils within the region.#i.Appoint six (6) delegates with the approval of the executive committee to represent the region at state convention according to region procedures.Appoint assistant directors, the committee chairmen including all special committees, except those for which other provision is made, and fill vacancies in chairmen of all committees, except those for which other provision is made, in cooperation with the executive committee.#k.Appoint an audit committee in cooperation with the executive committee of no fewer than three (3) members or a professional auditor at least two (2) weeks prior to the date the audit report is due.#l.Keep a current copy of the region’s state approved bylaws.Section 2. The associate directors shall: Act as aide(s) to the region director.Perform such duties as may be delegated to them by the region director or the executive committee.Perform the duties of the region director in the absence or inability of that officer to act. In order to perform the duties of the region director, a person must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.Section 3. The recording secretary shall:#a.Record the minutes of all meetings of the region, region board, and executive committee.#b.Send the names and addresses of the elected officers to the state office immediately following their election.Maintain a file of minutes, committee reports, and records pertaining to the work of the region.#d.Keep a current copy of the region’s state-approved bylaws.Section 4. The corresponding secretary (or recording secretary if only one secretary) shall:Conduct the correspondence of the region under the direction of the region director.Maintain a file of all correspondence pertaining to the work of the region.Send notices of meetings as required.Section 5. The treasurer shall:#a.Have custody of all funds of the region in banks approved by the executive committee and keep such permanent books of account and records as conform to the requirements of Article V, Section 14.#b.Disburse funds of the region as may be authorized by the region director or region board in accordance with the budget adopted by the region board.#c.Issue written receipts for donations of seventy-five dollars ($75) or more indicating the portion of the donation exceeding the value of the goods or services received that is deductible.#d.Serve as auditor of all bills and vouchers submitted by region board members.#e.Present a financial statement at every meeting of the region board and at other times when requested by the region board.#f.Submit an annual financial statement for the previous fiscal year to the delegates at the annual meeting.#g.Prepare the annual budget with an appointed committee and submit it for adoption to the region board.#h.Submit reports to the State PTA as required.#i.Submit all financial records in accordance with Article XII, Section 7 to the audit committee or a professional auditor at least two (2) weeks prior to the date the audit report is due.#j.Have the accounts examined annually or upon change of treasurer by an audit committee or a professional auditor. The audit report shall be presented at the annual meeting for adoption.#k.File all forms as are required by the Internal Revenue Service and New York State agencies.Section 6.All officers shall:#a.Meet the fiduciary duties of careful and prudent judgment and adherence to the organization’s purposes and rules.#b.Perform the duties outlined in these bylaws and those assigned from time to time.Turn over to the region director/ successor all pertinent records, books, and materials and return to the treasurer all funds without delay upon the expiration of the term of office or in case of resignation.ARTICLE IX—Duties of Assistant DirectorsSection 1. The assistant directors shall:anize new units and stabilize existing units under the supervision of the region director.Seek to visit each unit in their respective areas at least once each year at region expense.Perform such other duties as may be delegated to them by the region director or the coordinator of assistant directors.Be responsible for such reports as may be requested by the region director or the coordinator of assistant directors.Section 2. The assistant directors shall be appointed for a term of one (1) year and shall not serve more than three (3) consecutive terms in this capacity.ARTICLE X—Region Board#Section 1. Each member of the region board shall be a member of a local PTA.#Section 2.A PTA member shall not serve as a voting member of a constituent organization’s board at the local, council, region, state, or national level while serving as a paid employee of, or under contract to, that constituent organization.Section 3. The region board shall consist of the region director, elected officers, assistant directors, chairmen of standing committees, the immediate past region director, council presidents, and all New York State PTA officers and Governance Team residing within the region.Section 4. The region board shall:#ern the affairs of the region.#b.Have full power and authority over the affairs of the region during the interim between annual meetings except that of modifying any action taken by the annual meeting.Fill vacancies in office as per Article VII, Section 4.Create pile a directory of unit and council officers for the state PTA office.#f.Attend training workshops.Plan and conduct workshops and conferences for units and councils in the region.Approve a budget.Section 5. Regular meetings of the region board shall be held at least five (5) times a year, the dates and times to be determined by the board. At least ten (10) days’ notice shall be given.Section 6. Special meetings of the region board may be called by the region director or when requested by a majority of the members. At least two (2) days’ notice shall be given.#Section 7. 10 members of the region board shall constitute a quorum.Section 8.The region board may participate in and act at any meeting of the region board, as determined by the region board, through the use of a conference telephone by means of which all participating in the meeting can communicate with each other at the same time. Participation in such meeting shall constitute attendance and presence in person at the meeting.ARTICLE XI—Executive CommitteeSection 1.The executive committee shall consist of the region director and the elected officers (and immediate past Region Director if available).Section 2. The executive committee shall:Transact necessary business between meetings of the region board and all business referred to it by the region board. It may make recommendations to the region board.Approve the appointment of assistant directors, committee chairmen including all special committee chairmen, except those for which other provision is made, and fill vacancies in chairmen of all committees, except those for which other provision is made, in cooperation with the Region Director.Approve the plans of work of standing committee chairmen.#d.Appoint an audit committee in cooperation with the region director of no fewer than three (3) members or a professional auditor at least two (2) weeks prior to the date the audit report is due.Approve appointment of six (6) delegates to represent the region at state convention in addition to the Region Director.Section 3. The executive committee shall meet at the call of the region director or a majority of the executive committee members. At least ten (10) days’ notice shall be given.Section 4. Special meetings may be called by the region director or upon the request of the majority of the members. At least two (2) days’ notice shall be given.#Section 5. A majority of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum.ARTICLE XII—CommitteesSection 1. The region board shall create such standing committees as may be required to facilitate the administration of the affairs of the New York State PTA and to extend its services to the units and councils within the region.Section 2.Chairmen of standing committees shall:#a.Be appointed by the region director in cooperation with the executive committee.#b.Serve for a term of one (1) year and shall not be reappointed to serve in the same capacity for more than three (3) consecutive terms.Submit plans of work to the executive committee for approval. No committee work shall be undertaken without the approval of the executive committee.Be responsible for submitting such reports as may be requested by the region director or the coordinator of chairmen of standing committees.Section 3. Special committees may be created by the region board as may be required to promote the Purposes and the interests of the National PTA, the New York State PTA, and the region. The chair shall be appointed by the region director in cooperation with the executive committee.Section 4.A nominating committee shall be formed and shall perform its duties in accordance with the provisions of Article VII, Section 3.#Section 5.A budget committee shall be appointed by the region board. The treasurer shall be chair of the committee.#Section 6.An audit committee of no fewer than three (3) members or a professional auditor shall be appointed by the region director in cooperation with the executive committee at least two (2) weeks prior to date audit report is due. This committee shall examine the treasurer’s accounts and, satisfied that they are correct, sign a statement of that fact to be presented for adoption by the membership at the annual meeting.#Section 7. A majority of any committee shall constitute a quorum.#Section 8.The region director shall be a member ex officio of all committees except the nominating committee and the audit committee. The region director shall not be an elected or appointed member of these committees.ARTICLE XIII—Region MeetingsSection 1.Spring Conference/Annual Meeting#a.The spring conference shall be the annual meeting at which time annual reports shall be given and officers elected and installed.Notice of the annual meeting shall be sent to each unit and council in the region and to each member of the region board at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.Each unit shall be entitled to be represented at the annual meeting by its president or alternate and one (1) delegate for each 50 members or a major fraction thereof.Each council shall be entitled to be represented by its president or an alternate.The annual meeting shall be open to all members of the units and councils in the region. The privilege of making motions, debating, and voting shall be limited to the accredited delegates of the member units and councils in good standing and the members of the region board.20 delegates, representing 15% of the member units and councils, shall constitute a quorum.Section 2. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the region director and shall be called at the request of a majority of the members of the region board. At least seven (7) days’ notice shall be given.#ARTICLE XIV—Fiscal YearThe fiscal year of the region shall begin on July1 and end on the following June 30.#ARTICLE XV—Parliamentary AuthorityThe rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the National PTA and its constituent organizations in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not in conflict with these bylaws, the bylaws of the New York State PTA, and the bylaws of the National PTA, or the articles of incorporation.#ARTICLE XVI—AmendmentsSection 1. These bylaws are valid for three years from the date of approval by the New York State PTA. At least every three years or more often as changes may be needed, the bylaws must be submitted for approval by New York State PTA in accordance with the bylaws or regulations of the New York State PTA. The existing bylaws should be reviewed by a committee, revised if necessary, and approved by the region whether revised or not.These bylaws may be amended at the region annual meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the accredited delegates present and voting provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given to each local unit and council and to each member of the region board at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting at which action is taken.A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of bylaws as a substitute for the existing bylaws by a majority vote of the delegates present and voting at the annual meeting or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the region board.Section 2. All new or revised bylaws and amendments adopted by this region shall not be in conflict with the required articles prescribed in the bylaws of the National PTA and the New York State PTA. These bylaws are subject to approval by the New York State PTA Bylaws Coordinator, and become effective upon such approval.Section 3.The adoption of an amendment to any provision of the bylaws of the National PTA shall serve automatically and without the requirement of further action by this region to amend correspondingly these bylaws. Notwithstanding the automatic character of the amending process, this region shall promptly incorporate such amendments in its bylaws.Section 4. The adoption of an amendment to any provision of the bylaws of the New York State PTA identified by a state symbol (#) shall serve automatically and without the requirement of further action by this region to amend correspondingly these bylaws. Notwithstanding the automatic character of the amending process, this region shall promptly incorporate such amendments in the bylaws. ................

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