Bible Plays For Children - Hands Be Strong

[Pages:5]Bible Plays For Children

Teacher's Guide Introduction New Testament Plays The Wise Men Follow The Star John Is A Special Messenger Jesus Is Tempted The Lord's Prayer Healing Of The Centurion's Servant Jesus Stills A Storm The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like... Peter Walks On The Sea A Mother Pleads For Her Child

Script Only Scripture

BPC038 BPC064 BPC095 BPC076 BPC082 BPC003 BPC077 BPC006 BPC079

Matthew 2:1-12 Matthew 3:1-3, 11:1-19 Matthew 4:1-11 Matthew 6:9ff Matthew 8:5-13, Luke 7:1-10 Matthew 8:18-27 Matthew 13:24-50 Matthew 14:22-33 Matthew 15:21-28, Mark 7:24-30

The Unforgiving Servant The Laborers In The Vineyard Who Is Greatest In God's Kingdom Healing Of Blind Bartimaeus Jesus Triumphantly Enters Jerusalem Jesus Goes To Calvary. The Wedding Feast The Last Judgment The Last Supper. Passion According To St. Matthew The Talents Friends Bring A Sick Man To Jesus. Jesus Chooses Helpers. The Parable Of The Soils Jesus Heals Jairus' Daughter. Jesus Feeds 5000 People. Jesus Blesses The Children. Jesus Is Born. Boy Jesus Visits The Temple. A Samaritan Helps A Traveler. Jesus Visits Mary And Martha. The Friend At Midnight The Lost Lamb. The Lost Coin The Prodigal Son Returns. The Rich Man And Lazarus A Leprous Man Thanks Jesus. The Unjust Judge The Pharisee and the Publican Pray. Zacchaeus Meets Jesus. A Widows Generous Gift Jesus Is Alive Again. Jesus Ascends To Heaven. Jesus Turns Water Into Wine

BPC047 BPC088 BPC078 BPC083 BPC009 BPC041 BPC087 BPC089 BPC054 BPC093 BPC099 BPC007 BPC044 BPC085 BPC053 BPC005 BPC042 BPC001 BPC002 BPC011 BPC008 BPC084 BPC052 BPC086 BPC046 BPC098 BPC039 BPC090 BPC040 BPC004 BPC065 BPC010 BPC060 BPC097

Matthew 18:21-35 Matthew 20:1-16 Matthew 20:17-28 Matthew 20:29-34, Mark 10:46-52 Matthew 21:1-11,Mark 11:1-11 Matthew 21:15-16, 26 Matthew 22:1-14 Matthew 25:31-45 Matthew 26:20-30 Matthew 26:14-27:66 Matthew 25:14-30 Mark 2:1-12 Mark 3:13-19 Mark 4:3-20, Luke 8:5-8 Mark 5:21-24, 35-43 Mark 6:34-44, Luke 9:11-17 Mark 10:13-16,Luke 18:15-17 Luke 2:1-20 Luke 2:41-52 Luke 10:25-37 Luke 10:38-42 Luke 11:1-13 Luke 15:3-7, Psalm 23 Luke 15:8-10 Luke 15:11-32 Luke 16:19-31 Luke 17:11-19 Luke 18:1-8 Luke 18:9-14 Luke 19:1-10 Luke 21:45-22:4 Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-18 Luke 24:14-53 John 2:1-11

Jesus Teaches A Samaritan Woman. The Man Born Blind Is Healed Jesus Raises Lazarus To Life. Upper Room Questions Stations Of The Cross Thomas' Doubt Turns to Faith Peter and John Heal the Lame Man Dorcas Helps Others. Philip Teaches An Ethiopian Man Saul Sees A Great Light. Peter Meets Cornelius. Peter Is Delivered From Prison. Timothy Learns To Serve God. Paul And Silas Sing In Jail. Paul Is Shipwrecked. Old Testament Plays God Creates Land, Water, Plants. God Creates Living Creatures. By Faith, Abel Noah Builds An Ark. Abram And Sarai Abraham Lets Lot Choose First. The Lord Will Provide Rebekah Is A Willing Helper. Esau and Jacob Joseph As Strange Dreams. Joseph Is Sold By His Brothers. Joseph Is Kind To His Brothers. Baby Moses Is Kept Safe. Moses Sees A Burning Bush. God Sends Plagues To Egypt. Israel Crosses The Red Sea. Lord Our Healer Jehovah Rophe Lord My Banner Jehovah Nissi

BPC045 BPC094 BPC059 BPC080 BPC096 BPC092 BPC048 BPC014 BPC066 BPC012 BPC055 BPC049 BPC043 BPC013 BPC050

John 4:5-42 John 9 John 11:1-44 John 13-14 Gospels John 20:19-31 Acts 3 Acts 6:1-3, 9:36-42 Acts 8:26-41 Acts 9:1-22 Acts 10 Acts 12 Acts 16:1-3 Acts 16:19-39 Acts 27

BPC032 BPC033 BPC071 BPC031 BPC067 BPC015 BPC106 BPC037 BPC081 BPC016 BPC017 BPC018 BPC019 BPC061 BPC056 BPC020 BPC107 BPC100

Genesis 1:1-19 Genesis 1:20-25 Genesis 4:1-16 Genesis 6-9 Gen 11:29-32, 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 22:1-18 Genesis 24 Gen 25:27-34, 27:1-45 Genesis 37:1-11 Genesis 37:13-36 Genesis 42-45 Exodus 1:7-17 Exodus 3 Exodus 7:14-12:36 Exodus 12:30-39 Exodus 15:22-27 Exodus 17:8-16

Jethro Helps Moses God Gives The Law To Moses Ten Commandments & Jesus' Two The People Build A Tabernacle. Joshua And Caleb Are Brave Spies Balaam Talks With His Donkey The Walls Of Jericho Fall. Lord Is Peace Jehovah Shalom Gideon, A Mighty Warrior Samson ? Set Apart to God Ruth Is Faithful God Gives Hanna A Son. Samuel Lives In God's House. David Is Chosen To Be King. David Is A Shepherd Boy. David Meets Goliath. David Spares Saul's Life. Unmerited Favor To Mephibosheth You are the man! Elijah Meets Baal's Priests Elisha Helps A Poor Widow Naaman's Leprosy Is Healed. King Joash Repairs God's House Ezra Teaches God's Word. The Story Of Job The Heavens Declare The Lord Is My Shepherd Whoso Dwelleth The Song Of Songs Daniel And His Friends Stand Firm Daniel In The Lion's Den. Jonah Is Caught By A Great Fish

BPC103 BPC021 BPC068 BPC022 BPC062 BPC091 BPC057 BPC101 BPC072 BPC070 BPC112 BPC023 BPC024 BPC027 BPC025 BPC026 BPC028 BPC073 BPC069 BPC029 BPC030 BPC058 BPC035 BPC036 BPC102 BPC104 BPC074 BPC111 BPC105 BPC075 BPC051 BPC063

Exodus 18 Exodus 19-20 Exodus 20, Mark 12:28-31 Exodus 35:4-40:38 Numbers 13-14, Deut 1:12-23 Numbers 22: 20-34 Joshua 5:13-15,6 Judges 6:11-24 Judges 6:11-7:25 Judges 13 Ruth 1-4 1 Samuel 1:1-22 1 Samuel 1:24-28, 2:1-11 1 Samuel 15:10-35 1 Samuel 17:12-15, Psalm 23 1 Samuel 17:1-53 1 Samuel 26 2 Sam 4:4, 9 2 Samuel 12:1-25 1 Kings 18 2 Kings 4:1-7 2 Kings 5:1-15 2 Chronicles 24:5-14 Nehemiah 8, 9:1-3 Job 1-2, 38-42 Psalm 19 Psalm 23 Psalm 91 The Song of Songs Daniel 1 Dan 6 Jonah 1-4

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