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101 Color & Sing Bible Stories

Copyright ? 2014 by Stephen Elkins. All rights reserved.

All back cover photographs are the property of their respective copyright holders and all rights are reserved: dreamy girl copyright ? Oksana Kuzmina/Shutterstock; boy dancing ? VaLiza/Shutterstock; girl jumping ? Inga Marchuk/Shutterstock; girl coloring ? Jenn Huls/Shutterstock; crayons ? Brooke Becker/Shutterstock; girl scribbling ? 3445128471/Shutterstock; paper ? A-R-T/Shuttertock.

Illustration of electronic media copyright ? Shutterstock. All rights reserved.

Lyrics to "My God Is So Big" by Ruth Harms Calkin found on page 84 and on Disc 1, Song 40 ? copyright 2007 by Nuggets of Truth Publishing, Troutdale, OR. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Created by Stephen Elkins

Designed by Nicole Grimes

Edited by Brittany Buczynski

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ? 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. (Some quotations may be from the NLT1, copyright ? 1996.) Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version.

For manufacturing information regarding this product, please call 1-800-323-9400.

ISBN 978-1-4143-9019-2

Printed in China

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Letter to Parents

101 Color & Sing Bible Stories


Welcome to the adventure! Truly it is! As you begin using 101 Color & Sing Bible Stories, you'll notice that it's a little different from other children's books. Why? This book has been uniquely designed to get kids excited about reading these timeless Bible stories and exploring them in a whole new way.

We began by creating an engaging Bible storybook that's easy to read, with over 100 incredible illustrations. But that was just the beginning! We then took each illustration that appears in the book and converted it into a line-art coloring book image. This way, kids can look at the full-color illustrations in the book and enjoy coloring them in their own special way. And as they color, they can sing along with 101 favorite Bible songs--one to go with every single story--all contained on the CDs included.

Watch as your kids interact with the Bible like never before. Now they can READ about creation . . . COLOR a picture of creation . . . and SING about creation . . . all with this one amazing book! We hope you will enjoy this wonderful new expression of God's love for children!


How to Use This Book

1. At the beginning of each story, find the disc and song track number indicated at the top of each story page.

2. Insert the CD-ROM into your computer. 3. Print out the coloring pages. 4. Listen to the songs! You can download a handy index to all the songs

at share-a-.

Table of Contents

God Creates the Heavens and the Earth...................................6

God Creates All Living Things................8 God Creates the First Man.................. 10 Adam Names the Animals.................. 12 Adam Is Lonely.................................... 14 One Simple Rule.................................. 16 Adam and Eve Disobey....................... 18 Good-bye, Eden!................................ 20 Noah Builds the Ark........................... 22 Animals Come Two by Two................ 24 40 Days and 40 Nights...................... 26 God Puts a Rainbow in the Sky.......... 28 A Promise for Abraham...................... 30 Isaac Is Born....................................... 32 A Wife for Isaac.................................. 34 Twins! Esau and Jacob....................... 36 Jacob Gets the Blessing..................... 38 Esau Is Angry...................................... 40 Jacob's Dream.................................... 42 The Coat of Many Colors.................... 44 Joseph Is Sold to Traders.................... 46 Joseph Explains the King's Dream..... 48

Storing Up Food................................. 50 The Brothers Come to Egypt............... 52 "I Am Joseph".................................... 54 Happy Day!........................................ 56 God's People Become Slaves............. 58 Baby in a Basket................................ 60 A Surprise for the Princess................. 62 Miriam Obeys..................................... 64 The Burning Bush............................... 66 "Let My People Go!".......................... 68 The 10 Plagues................................... 70 The Red Sea Miracle.......................... 72 The Ten Commandments................... 74 Balaam's Talking Donkey................... 76 Joshua and the Battle of Jericho........ 78 Strong Samson................................... 80 Ruth and Naomi................................. 82 The Giant in the Valley....................... 84 Israel's Army Is Afraid......................... 86 The Shepherd Boy Decides

to Fight......................................... 88 We Serve a Mighty God..................... 90 Goliath Loses the Fight....................... 92

Elijah's Firefall..................................... 94 Elijah's Chariot of Fire......................... 96 Queen Esther Saves Her People........ 98 The Lord Is My Shepherd................... 100 I Have All I Need............................... 102 He Leads Me..................................... 104 Still Waters......................................... 106 He Restores Me................................. 108 The Valley, His Rod, and His Staff......110 He Prepares a Table...........................112 Train Up a Child..................................114 Dry Bones...........................................116 Shadrach, Meshach,

and Abednego.............................118 Thrown into the Fire.......................... 120 "Now There Are Four!"...................... 122 The King Praises God........................ 124 Three Times a Day............................ 126 Daniel in the Lions' Den.................... 128 Jonah Runs Away.............................. 130 God Sends a Storm........................... 132 Swallowed by a Big Fish................... 134 Jonah Prays and Obeys.................... 136 Mary and Joseph.............................. 138 On to Bethlehem............................... 140 Jesus Is Born...................................... 142 Jesus Sleeps in a Manger................. 144 "Glory to God in the Highest!".......... 146 John the Baptist................................. 148

Jesus Is Baptized............................... 150 Fishers of Men................................... 152 Jesus' 12 Disciples............................. 154 Salt of the Earth................................. 156 Light of the World.............................. 158 Seek God First................................... 160 The Lord's Prayer............................... 162 Jesus Heals........................................ 164 Rooftop Miracle................................. 166 Jesus Teaches Us to Forgive.............. 168 Jesus Calms the Storm...................... 170 A Little Boy's Lunch............................ 172 Walking on the Water....................... 174 The Prodigal Son............................... 176 I Am the Good Shepherd.................. 178 Let the Little Children Come.............. 180 The Wise and Foolish Builders........... 182 The Mustard Seed............................. 184 Zacchaeus......................................... 186 "Hosanna to the King!"..................... 188 The Last Supper................................. 190 The Cross........................................... 192 Jesus Is Alive!.................................... 194 The Fruit of the Spirit......................... 196 Be an Example.................................. 199 Read Your Bible................................ 200 Grow in Grace.................................. 202 He's Coming in the Clouds............... 204 Heaven Is Real................................. 206


God Creates the Heavens and the Earth


Find it on the green disc!


Did you know that God's tallest mountain is Mount Everest? It is 29,029 feet tall!


Genesis 1:1-13 In the beginning, there was only darkness. But everything changed when God said, "Let there be light!" Suddenly on that very first day, God created every color of the rainbow! On the second colorful day, God made the beautiful blue sky. On the third day, He made the tall green mountains, the rich brown earth, and the deep blue sea! Everything God made was good.


God Created In the beginning, God created The heavens and the earth.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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