Test on Genesis .au

Test on Genesis Name: ________________________________ Date: _____________________ Answer the questions completely in full sentences. 1. What did God do on the following days? (Genesis 1:3-2:3)

Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: 2. What was the name of the garden that Adam and Eve lived in? (Genesis 2:8) 3. What was the first job God gave Adam to do? (Genesis 2:15) 4. What were the two trees in the midst of the garden? (Genesis 2:9) 5. What were the four rivers that flowed out of the garden? (Genesis 2:10-14)

6. How did God make Eve? (Genesis 2:22) 7. What were we given that made us created in God's image over the animals

that God had created? 8. What beast was more subtle than any others in the garden field? (Genesis

3: 1) 9. What did the serpent say would happen if Eve took of the Tree of

Knowledge? (Genesis 3:5) 10. What would bruise the head of the serpent in time? (Genesis 3:15)

Page 2 - Genesis Test 11. What did God place at the east end of the garden to keep Adam and Eve

from returning? (Genesis 3:24) 12. What were the difference between the clothes Adam and Eve made for

themselves and the ones God made for them? (Genesis 3:7 & Genesis 3:21)

13. Who committed the first murder? (Genesis 4:8)

14. Abel was a keeper of _______________ while Cain did what? (Genesis 4:2)

15. What land did Cain dwell in after God sent him away? (Genesis 4:16) 16. Who was the father of all who handle musical instruments? (Genesis 4:21) 17. I f Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, who would be avenged seventy and

sevenfold? (Genesis 4:24) 18. What wood was the ark made from? (Genesis 6:14) 19. What was the number of pairs of clean animals that were brought into the

ark? (Genesis 7:2) 20. What was the number of pairs of unclean animals that were brought into the

ark? (Genesis 7:2) 21. How many days did the water prevail upon the earth? (Genesis 7: 24) 22. Who was the man that built the ark? (Genesis 6:8) 23. How many days did the rain fall? (Genesis 7:12, 17) 24. What was the name of the mountain that the ark finally rested on? (Genesis

8: 4) 25. What was the first type of bird Noah used to test for dry land and what

happened to him? (Genesis 8:7)

Page 3 - Genesis Test 26. What was the second type of bird Noah used to test for dry land and how

many times did he use this bird? (Genesis 8:8-12)

27. What was the total number of days spent in the ark? (Add the days from Genesis 7:12-8:14)

28. Why did the people build the tower in the land of Shinar? (Genesis 11:4)

29. What did the people use for stone and mortar? (Genesis 11:3) 30. What did God do in response to the building of this tower? (Genesis 11:7) 31. What name was given to this place after this incident? (Genesis 11:9) 32. Why was Abraham considered a man of faith? Give incidents to support your


33. What city did Abraham leave to find the promised land? 34. What priest of God did Abraham give a tithe to? (Genesis 14:17-20) 35. Why did Lot choose the plain of Jordan to leave in? (Genesis 13:10) 36. When Lot was captured, how many servants did Abraham use to rescue Lot?

(Genesis 14:14) 37. How do we know that Lot was an important man in Sodom? (Genesis 19:1)

38. How many angels came to see Lot in Sodom? (Genesis 19:1) 39. What was wrong with Sodom? (Genesis 13-19)

40. How did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? (Genesis 19:24)

Page 4 - Genesis Test 41. What happened to Lot's wife? (Genesis 19:26)

42. What was the name of the son whom Abraham was told to sacrifice? (Genesis 22:2)

43. What did Abraham find caught in the thickets that God gave him to sacrifice instead? (Genesis 22:13)

44. What was the name of I saac's wife? 45. What were the names of I saac's twins? 46. When I saac grew old, what could he no longer do? (Genesis 27:1) 47. What did I saac want Esau to bring him? (Genesis 27:3) 48. Who fooled I saac into thinking they were Esau and how did they go about it?

(Genesis 27:6-23)

49. Where did Jacob flee to after deceiving his father and robbing his brother? (Genesis 27:43)

50. How did Jacob acquire his wives? (Genesis 28-37)

Page 5 - Genesis Test 51. Which son did Jacob love the best? (Genesis 37:3)

52. What did the Jacob's sons do to Joseph? (Genesis 37)

53. How old was Joseph when his brothers sold him? 54. Who bought Joseph from the Midianites? (Genesis 37:36) 55. Who lied about Joseph and caused him to be cast into prison? (Genesis

39: 14)

56. How long did Joseph stay in prison before Pharaoh release him? (Genesis 41:1 & 14)

57. What did the lean cows do to the fat cows in Pharaoh's dream? (Genesis 41: 4)

58. What did Pharaoh's dream mean? (Genesis 41:26-29)

59. What were the names of Joseph's two sons? (Genesis 41:51-52)

60. Who stayed home while the rest of Jacob's sons went to by food from Egypt? (Genesis 42:4)

61. What land did Jacob and his sons live in? (Genesis 42:7) 62. Why did Joseph say to his brothers as to why God had sent him to Egypt?

(Genesis 45:7) 63. Where did Joseph say his brothers and father could live? (Genesis 45:10) 64. What new name did God give Jacob? 65. Who was your favorite character in Genesis and why?


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