Genesis Study Guide


Genesis 37:12-36

Genesis Study Guide


Summarize Genesis 37:12-36 in 1-2 sentences on your own.


What stood out to you the most in this passage and why?


What does this mean, and how can you apply this truth to your life?


? Where is God in our suffering? Why do you think God allows us to suffer?

? How do we faithfully walk with The Lord even in the face of persecution? What hope do we have to get us through suffering?

? When we find ourselves in the midst of suffering for our faith, how do we suffer well so that God's glory may be put on display to the world through our suffering?

? Do you think there was an ulterior motive behind Judah's decision to sell Joseph? How do we try to justify or cover up sin within our own lives?


? How Involved is God in the Details of Your Life (Article) ? A Brother Ambushed (Devotional) ? Genesis Chapters 12-50 (Video)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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