[Pages:35]30th ANNUAL 2013 BIBLE BOWL






CONTENTS Information and Rules Letter to Parents and Coaches Letter to Bible Bowl Students

Study Questions Scoring for Bible Bowl Samples of Find the Verse Questions

Memory Work



1. Date of Competition: Saturday, November 9th, 2013 2. Time: 9:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. 3. Ages: Children from the 2nd - 12th Grades 4. Open to any church who wants to participate 5. Material Covered: The Book of Genesis, Chapters 1-25

? Bible Memory Lists are at end of study guide 6. Bible Translation: New King James Version 7. Competition:

? One "Find the Verse" Round worth 30 points ? Two "General Question" multiple choice rounds worth 75 points each

? Over the covered material ? SAMPLE TEST QUESTIONS are included with the study guide ? 3rd - 12th Grades have two extra tests to take 8. Awards: ? Trophies for the top five scores in nine age groups (45 total) ? Ribbons for 6th - 13th place in nine age groups (72 total) ? Team Award Certificates ? On-line Practice Certificates ? All participants receive a participation ribbon 9. Cost ? The cost is $8 per participant to offset the cost of awards, lunch, etc. (If money is a problem, please contact Christian Torres) ? The fee should be sent with your order for the second part of the guide ? You may add participants up to the week of the competition 10. Study Guide: ? The study questions for Genesis are downloadable or can be ordered by mail, phone, e-mail, or fax when you need them 11. Contact Christian Torres (director of Bible Bowl) for orders or questions: ? Weber Rd. Church of Christ * 5253 Weber Rd * Corpus Christi, TX 78411 ? Christian's Cell Phone: 361-500-2018 ? Church Phone: 361-853-7701 ? Church Fax: 361-853-7836 ? E-Mail: thereisdesign@

To All Bible Bowl Coaches and Parents,

Coastal Bend Bible Bowl will be here soon! The Book of Genesis will be a lot of fun to study! I hope you, your students and all parents will grow spiritually during these studies in coming weeks. Thank you for your commitment to young people and remember that your commitment will bless the lives of each child you have in your care. You are also helping the church of the present and future! I encourage you to keep up the great work!

Young people are looking for direction and it's up to us to show them how God's Word provides the direction they need. Bible Bowl can serve as a tool to help them understand and live the Word of God. Remember David's words found in Psalm 119:105, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Let's do our best to make that verse come to life for each child involved with Bible Bowl.

Do not underestimate your children's amazing memories! At one Christian school third graders memorize Hebrews 11. I have known 3 and 4 year olds who know the Books of the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and up to 100 basic Bible facts, among other things. Do not put limits on them. Challenge and encourage them. Their confidence and desire will grow as they learn.

As in past years, this study guide focuses on leading each student through the Bible. If your students follow this guide, they will gain knowledge and understanding. All scripture will be taken from the New King James Version. Also, there may be questions which are answered by using other study materials such as dictionaries, commentaries, etc.

Here are ideas to use in preparing for Bible Bowl: (1) Meet at least one time per week (try not to over-work the students, especially at first). (2) Use "grease pencils" to color code the scripture: Blue-important quotes, Yellownames, Orange-verse numbers, Green-places, Red or pink-objects and other nouns; (3) Encourage parents to help in study. (4) Make a schedule to follow to cover a certain amount of material per week. (5) Split up students to have practice contests or tests. (6) Compliment them in front of the congregation, in the bulletin, in front of parents, etc. (7) Remind them that this is not a school grade and whatever they learn will help them in life and for eternity. (8) Make use of the website with practice questions ()

Whether each student knows everything does not matter. Encourage each young person to participate November 9, 2013.

Enjoy your study of Genesis 1-25 and I hope your lives and your students will be enriched over the next few months.

In Christ, Christian Torres (Director)

A Note to All Bible Bowlers:

Bible Bowl can be so much fun if you get involved is studying God's Word. It will be as much fun and fulfilling as you make it! This is my 2nd Bible Bowl and I'm looking forward to seeing you in November.

This year we will have many awards to give out and that means if you study and do well, you have a very good chance of receiving a trophy, ribbon or plaque. No matter what you receive or don't receive, you study and commitment will benefit you always. The Book of Genesis is a great study from which you will grow if you apply it daily. Remember, no matter how you do, you will be learning God's Word.

As you study try not only to know the facts - try to understand what is going on. This study guide is designed to aid your study. Here are a few tips in studying for Bible Bowl:

(1) Read the Bible without your study guide. Take short notes or write down words and items you do not understand.

(2) Look at the guide and see if it helps you understand (if not, ask your parents, coach, teacher or preacher).

(3) The older participants will have an open Bible section. Each participant will be expected to find the chapter and verse in which certain scriptures are found. Bring your Bible for this section.

(4) You are allowed to mark in your Bible if you wish. (5) Look up any words that you do not understand. (6) Do not get discouraged. (7) Remember to include prayer in your study. (8) Use the website with practice questions ()

You have a great mind, if you use it and that's what Bible Bowl can do for you. You will never be sorry for taking the time to study the Bible because it can help you for the rest of your life. The more you know, the better off you will be. Here is a verse, 2 Timothy 2:15 that you should remember as you study, "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

In Christ,

Christian Torres (Director)

2013 Bible Bowl


Genesis 1-25


1. Who wrote the book of Genesis? Moses

2. What does the term "genesis" mean? Origin, source, generation or beginning

3. In how many days did God create the world? Six

4. What hovered over the face of the waters after the heavens and earth were created? (1:2) Spirit of God

11. What did God call the waters that were gathered together? (1:10) Seas

12. What did God create on the fourth day? (1:14-19) Sun, moon, and stars

13. What did the lights in the firmament divide? (1:14) Day from the night

14. What did God create on the fifth day? (1:2023) Birds and fish

5. What did God create on the first day? (1:35) Light

15. What did God create on the sixth day? (1:24-31) Animals and man

6. What did God create on the second day? (1:6-8) Clouds and sky

16. Who is the "Us" mentioned in Genesis 1:26? Father, Son, Holy Spirit

7. What divided the waters "above" from the waters "under"? (1:7) The firmament

8. What did God call the "firmament"? (1:8) Heaven

17. In whose image was man created? (1:27) God's

18. Who was to have dominion over the earth? (1:26, 28) Man

9. What did God create on the third day? (1:913) Land, plants, and trees

19. What word describes how God saw all that He created? (1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31) Good

10. What did God call the dry land? (1:10) Earth


20. What did God do on the seventh day? (2:2)) Rested

21. What did God sanctify according to Genesis 2:3? Seventh day

22. What does "sanctify" mean? (2:3) To set apart

23. Did it rain when God first created the world? (2:5) No

24. How was the earth watered when God first created the world? (2:6) A mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground

25. From what did God create man? (2:7) Dust of the ground

2013 Bible Bowl


Genesis 1-25

26. Who was the first man? (2:15 and 19) Adam

33. Why was Adam put in the garden? (2:15) To tend and keep it

27. Where did the first man and woman live? (2:8) Garden of Eden

34. Of what tree was Adam and Eve not to eat? (2:17) Tree of knowledge of good and evil

28. What, in the Garden, are described as "pleasant to the sight and good for food"? (2:9) Trees

29. What were the four rivers that formed from the Garden (2:11-14) Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates

30. What precious metal was found in the land of Havilah? (2:11-12) Gold

31. Which river went around the whole land of Cush? (2:13) Gihon

32. Which river went toward the east of Assyria (2:14) Hiddekel

35. What would happen if the fruit of the forbidden tree was eaten? (2:17) They would die

36. God said, "It is not good that man should be ______;" (2:18) Alone

37. Who named the animals? (2:20) Adam

38. From what did God create the first woman? (2:21-22)) Adam's rib

39. Who said, "She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of man." (2:23) Adam

40. Who is a man to leave when he marries? (2:24) His father and mother


41. How did Satan appear to Eve? (3:1) As a snake or serpent

42. How did Satan differ from all the other beasts of the field? (3:1) He was more cunning

43. Satan said to Eve, "You will not surely ______." (3:4) Die

44. What did Satan tell Eve would happen if they ate the forbidden fruit? (3:5) They would become like God, knowing good and evil

45. What three things did the woman consider in viewing the forbidden tree? (3:6) It was good for food It was desirable to make one wise It was pleasant to the eyes

46. What did the man and woman immediately realize after eating the forbidden fruit? (3:7) That they were naked

47. What did Adam and Eve sew together to make clothing? (3:7)) Fig leaves

48. At what time of the day did they hear God "walking" in the garden? (3:8) Cool of the day

49. After eating the forbidden fruit, what did Adam and Eve do when God came to the garden? (3:8) Hid among the trees of the garden

50. What question did God first ask when he called for Adam? (3:9) "Where are you?"

2013 Bible Bowl


Genesis 1-25

51. Why did Adam tell God that he was afraid? (3:10) He was naked

52. Who did Adam blame for disobeying God after eating the forbidden fruit? (3:12) The woman that God gave to him

53. Who did Eve blame for her sin? (3:13) The serpent

58. What was the first punishment for the man because he ate of the forbidden fruit? (3:17) The ground would be cursed and he would have to work it all the days of his life

59. What was the final punishment mentioned to Adam for disobeying God? (3:19) He would die and return to the ground

54. What did God tell the serpent that he would eat all the days of his life? (3:14) Dust

60. What was the name of the first woman and what does the name mean? (3:20) Eve, mother of all living

55. God said to serpent concerning the woman's Seed, "He shall bruise your ______, And you shall bruise His ______." (3:15) Head, heel

56. Who is the woman's Seed? (3:15) Jesus Christ

61. What did God make clothes from for Adam and Eve? (3:21) Skins

62. Who said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil."? (3:22) The Lord God

57. What was the first punishment for the woman for eating the forbidden fruit? (3:16) She would have pain in having children

63. What guarded the Garden after Adam and Eve were driven out? (3:24) A cherubim and flaming sword


64. Name the first baby? (4:1) Cain

70. Whose offering did the Lord respect? (4:4) Abel's

65. Who were Adam and Eve's three sons? (4:2, 25) Cain, Abel, and Seth

71. What was Cain's reaction to God's rejection? (4:5) He was angry

66. What did Abel do for a living? (4:2) Shepherd

67. What did Cain do for a living? (4:2) Farmer

68. What type of offering did Cain bring to the Lord? (4:3) Fruit of the ground

72. What were Cain and Abel doing before the terrible confrontation? (4:8) Talking

73. Who was the first murderer? (4:8) Cain

74. Who said, "Am I my brother's keeper?" (4:9) Cain

69. What type of offering did Abel bring to the Lord (4:4) Firstborn of his flock and of their fat

75. What did God tell the murderer he would be seen as for punishment? (4:12) A fugitive and vagabond


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