Class Presentation Questions for CH 12 Part 1

Class Presentation Questions for CH 12 Part 1


12-1 DNA

1. In 1928 British scientist Frederick Griffith was trying to figure out how bacteria make people sick. He was seeking to find out how certain types of bacteria produce a serious lung disease known as ________________.

2. ___________________ bacteria in Griffith’s experiment grew in smooth textured colonies. _______________________bacteria grew in rough textured colonies.

3. List in detail the four steps of Griffith’s experiment.

4. What was the conclusion to Griffith’s experiment?

5. Oswald Avery repeated Griffith’s work in 1944 and showed that bacteria were transformed by ___________, which stores & transmits the genetic information from one generation to the next.

6. Alfred Hershey & Martha Chase were American scientists who studied ________________, non-living particles smaller than a cell that can infect living organisms.

7.________________________(meaning “bacteria eater”) is a virus that infects bacteria. They are composed of a ____________ or _______________ core and a ______________ coat.

8. How does a bacteriophage infect a bacterial cell?

9. Hershey & Chase reasoned that if they could determine which part of a virus entered an infected cell, they could determine whether genes were made of ____________ or _____________.

10. To carry out their experiment Hershey & Chase grew the viruses in cultures containing _______________ isotopes of __________________ & _____________________.

11. What would Hershey & Chase have concluded if both radioactive Phosphorus-32 and Sulfur-35 were found in the bacteria in their experiment?

12. What was the ACTUAL conclusion of the Hershey-Chase experiment?

13. DNA is a long molecule made up of units called _________________________.

14. List the three basic parts of a nucleotide.

15. There are ___________ kinds of nitrogen bases in DNA.

16. The backbone of a DNA chain is formed by a _______ & ____________ group of each nucleotide.

17. List the four nitrogen bases found in DNA. Which ones belong to the purines? Which to the pyrimidines?

18. What is Chargaff’s rule?

19. How would the amount of purines & pyrimidines found in a DNA molecule compare? *Remember that PURINES are: Adenine & Guanine; PYRIMIDINES are: Thymine & Cytosine;

20. What was Rosalind Franklin’s important contribution to the discovery of the DNA molecule?

21. __________________ & _________________ used Franklin’s work and within weeks determined the structure of DNA. The structure was a double ______________, in which _________strands were wound around each other.

22. What is base pairing?

12-2 Chromosomes & DNA Replication

1. Compare/Contrast the DNA of a prokaryote and eukaryote.

2. Where is DNA found in a eukaryotic cell?

3. Before a cell divides, the DNA must be duplicated/copied in a process called ______________________.

4. What happens during DNA replication?

5. Define enzyme.

6. Define catalyst.

7. The enzymes that carry out DNA replication have two main functions. List them.

8. If you have a strand of DNA with the following bases: ATTGCTACCGAACTCGG. What would the complementary strand look like?

9. The two new resulting DNA strands from DNA replication are _____________ to each other and ______________ to the original strand of DNA.

10. Replication “BEGINS” when __________________ bonds between the base pairs are broken & the DNA molecule “unzips”.

11. Each strand resulting from the “Unzipping” serves as a ____________ for the attachment of __________________ bases.

12. The principle enzyme involved in DNA replication is called ______________________________.

13. The replication of the DNA molecule results in __________ copies of the same gene.

**Be sure you understand the entire structure of the DNA molecule!

12-3 RNA & Protein Synthesis

1. The double helix structure explains how DNA can be copied but does not explain _____________________________.

2. ____________ are coded DNA instructions that control the production of proteins within the cell.

3. The process of decoding DNA involves a second nucleic acid known as _________________________________.

4. List & describe the three types of RNA.

5. List three differences between RNA & DNA.

6. RNA molecules are involved mainly in one job…the creation of _____________.

7. RNA molecules are produced by copying part of the molecule sequence of DNA into a complementary sequence in RNA, in a process known as _______________.

8. What enzyme is used during transcription?

9. What happens during transcription?

10. A _______________ is a group of three nucleotides on a mRNA that specify a particular amino acid.

11. Each codon represents a(an)_________________________________.

12. There are _________ different codons of genetic code but only 20 amino acids. This makes it possible for an amino acid to be specified by more than one kind of codon.

13. __________ is a start codon that also specifies for the amino acid_______________________.

14. How many stop codons exist? What is their sequence?

15. During the process of ________________, the cell uses information from mRNA to produce proteins.

16. What is an anticodon?

17. During translation, the type of amino acid that is added to the growing polypeptide chain depends on the ______________ of the mRNA & the ____________________ on the tRNA to which the amino acid is attached.

18. Genes contain instructions for assembling ________________.

19. The RNA type that functions as a blueprint of the genetic code is _______________.

20. If a nucleic acid contains uracil, it is _____________.

21. What causes translation to stop?

**Be sure you understand how to use the Genetic Code Wheel on page 303 figure 12-17


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