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Genetics Review Name ___________________________Complete Dominance Dragon Genetics: Show Punnett squares and answer the questionsIn dragons, the allele for fire breathing is dominant. Dragons can be fire breathers, or non-fire breathers. 1. If a heterozygous fire-breathing dragon is crossed with one that does not breathe fire, howmany offspring will be fire breathers? 50%FffFffffFfff2. If two heterozygous dragons are crossed, how many offspring would you expect to NOT be fire-breathers? 25%FfFFFFffFfff3. Also in dragons, wings are a dominant trait. If you crossed two wingless dragons, how many of their offspring would you expect to have wings? 0%wwwwwwwwwwww4. Two winged dragons produce an offspring that does not have wings. What are the genotypes of the parents? Ww x WwWwWWWWwwWwww5. If a purebred winged dragon is crossed with a purebred wingless dragon, how many of their offspring will be winged and what is their genotype? 100%WWwWwWwwWwWwPart II. Dragon Genetics: Codominance and Incomplete DominanceIncomplete dominance: Neither allele is completely dominant over the other allele- there will be blending between the two traits.Codominance is a condition when both alleles are dominant and both are expressed at the same time.6. Dragon Eyes can be yellow, blue, or the intermediate green color. Is this codominance orincomplete dominance? Explain – With incomplete dominance, the two characteristics of the two alleles blend. So yellow and blue green eyes 7. What is the chance that two green eyed dragons will have offspring with yellow eyes? 25%BYBBBBYYBYYY8. a. Dragon spines can be red, blue, or a mix or red and blue. Is this codominance or incomplete? b. A red spined dragon and a blue spined dragon have offspring. What color are the babies' spines? Red & blueRRBRBRBBRBRB9. A red spined dragon and a mixed spined dragon are crossed. How many of their babies will have red spines? 50%RRRRRRRBRBRBMultiple Alleles- more than two alleles in the population for a genetic trait.Alleles A and B are codominant and allele O is recessive.The Case of the Long-Lost SonMr. Cash died and left all his money to his two children. A young man claiming to be a lost third child sued for his share of the estate. The judge ordered blood tests for all family members and for the young man. Mr. Cash’s blood type was AB. His wife had type A blood.10. Using a Punnett square, diagram the offspring that could be produced if Mrs. Cash had genotype AA and Mr. Cash had genotype AB.AAAAAAABABAB11. Using another Punnett square diagram the possible offspring if Mrs. Cash had genotype AO and Mr. Cash had genotype AB.AOAAAAOBABBO12. Which phenotypes could result among the offspring of this marriage? _____A, B, AB__________________** The man claiming to be the long-lost son then went for his blood test. He had type O blood.13. What is the genotype of the young man claiming to be Mr. Cash’s long lost son?____OO_____________14. Could this young man have been Mr. Cash’s son? __No_____Suppose two newborn babies were accidentally mixed up in a hospital, something that rarely happens. In an effort to determine the parents of each baby, the blood types of the parents and the babies were determined. Baby 1-type A Mrs. Davisson-type B Mr. Davisson-type O Baby 2-type O Mrs. Lantz-type O Mr. Lantz-type AB15. Which baby belongs to Mr. & Mrs. Davisson? __baby 2_________________16. Which baby belongs to Mr. And Mrs. Lantz? __baby 1___________________Dragon Genetics Multiple AllelesDragons have three main alleles for colors: black, red, and green (similar to blood type). Black and red are codominent to each other, creating a black and red dragon, but both are dominant over green.17. What would be the possible genotypes and phenotypes of the children of a black dragon whose mother was green, and a mixed black and red dragon.The black and red dragon BRThe black dragon with a mother who was green BgBgBBBBgRBRRgOffspring genotypes and phenotypes are: BB (black), BR (black and red), Bg (black), Rg (red)Sex- Linked Inheritance- these genes are located on the sex (usually the X) chromosome.Dragon Genetics Sex - Linked TraitsThe presence of ears is a rare trait in the dragon community. Ears are a sex linked, recessive trait.18. A female dragon is a carrier for the ears trait. If this dragon mates with a normal male. How many of her offspring will have ears? One male will have ears (one female is a carrier, one normal female, one normal male)XEXeXEXEXEXEXeYXEYXeY19. A male dragon with ears is crossed with a female dragon who is a carrier. How many of their offspring will have ears? 2-- One female with ears, one male with ears (one normal female, and one normal male.) XEXeXeXEXeXeXeYXEYXeY20. Colour blindness is a sex-linked trait. When a Color-Blind man marries a woman with normal vision what are the genotypes and phenotypes of their possible children? XCXCXcXCXcXCXc YXCYXCYboth girls will appear normal, though they will both be carriers (XCXc)Both boys will be normal XCYWhat percentage of their boys will be expected to be colorblind? _0%____OrXCXcXcXCXcXcXc YXCYXcYOne girl will appear normal, but be a carriers (XCXc)One girl will be colour blind XcXcone boy will be normal XCYOne boy will be colour blind XcYWhat percentage of their boys will be expected to be colorblind? _50% of the boys (1/2) will be colour blind.21. Hemophilia is a sex-linked trait. If a hemophiliac man marries a normal woman who had a hemophiliac father, what Genotypes and Phenotype can occur in the children? What percentage of their girls will be expected to be hemophiliacs? _____ 25% (1 out of 2 girls) XHXhXhXHXhXhXhYXHYXhY22. Muscular dystrophy is a sex linked trait. If a man with muscular dystrophy marries a woman with muscular dystrophy what Genotypes and Phenotypes can occur in their children? What percentage of their boys will be expected to have muscular dystrophy? ___100%__XmXmXmXmXmXmXmYXmYXmYGenetics Vocabulary Practicea. The two alleles for a trait are different ____6______b. Gene not expressed when the dominant gene for the trait is present _15___c. Chart that predicts the outcome of a genetic cross___12_____d. This gene is expressed whenever it is present __11_______e. First two individuals crossed in a breeding experiment ___1____f. Physical appearance of a trait ____10__________g. Offspring of the F1 generation ____3_________h. When the two alleles of a particular gene are the same ______5_____i. The different possible variations of a gene _____4_______j. Offspring of a Parental generation ______2______k. The genetic makeup of an individual (the two alleles present) ___14____ l. Genes with three or more alleles _____9_______m. When an event displays a trait that is intermediate between the two parents _____8________n. Trait whose allele is located on the X chromosomes ___13_________o. Two dominant alleles are expressed at the same time ___7_________1. P generation2. F1 generation3. F2 generation4. Alleles5. Homozygous (Pure)6. Heterozygous (Hybrid)7. Codominance8. Incomplete dominance9. Multiple alleles10. Phenotype11. Dominant12. Punnett square13. X-linked trait14. Genotype15. Recessive ................

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