
Министерство общего и профессионального образования Ростовской области

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Ростовской области

Комплект оценочных средств

для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации

по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык

в форме дифференцированного зачёта по иностранному языку

в рамках основной профессиональной образовательной программы

(ПП ССЗ) по специальностям СПО

07.02.01 Архитектура


2016 год

Контрольные оценочные средства составлены на основе ФГОС СПО по специальности 07.02.01 Архитектура, утвержденного приказом Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации от 28 июля 2014 г. № 850, зарегистрированного в Министерстве Юстиции Российской Федерации от от 19 августа 2014г. №33633, укрупненная группа специальностей 07.00.00 «Архитектура» и соответствуют рабочей программе дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, утверждённой 1.09.2016г. зам. директора по учебной работе

Разработчики:преподаватели ГБПОУ РО ;


I. Паспорт комплекта оценочных средств


2.1 Задания для проведения текущего контроля.

2.2 Задания для проведения рубежного контроля.

2.3 Задания для проведения промежуточной аттестации.

1. Область применения комплекта оценочных средств

Комплект оценочных средств предназначен для оценки результатов освоения учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык». Таблица 1

|Результаты освоения |Основные показатели оценки результата и их |Тип задания; |Форма аттестации |

|(объекты оценивания) |критерии |№ задания |(в соответствии с учебным|

| | | |планом) |

|Уметь общаться (устно и письменно) на |- поиск и отбор соответствующей |Устный опрос: - -- подготовить пересказ |текущий контроль |

|иностранном языке на профессиональные |информации и подготовка |по тексту: Видеоурок « Барселона», Видеоурок | |

|и повседневные темы. |рассказа (монолога) |«Ирландия», Видеоурок « Москва», | |

| |-составление монологические высказывания по|Видеоурок «Уэльс», Видеоурок «Большой Каньон» | |

|ОК 1. |темам дискуссионного характера; | | |

|Понимать сущность и социальную | |Устный опрос: | |

|значимость своей будущей профессии, |-изложение своих мыслей на иностранном |-вопросно-ответная форма по теме: «Досуг» | |

|проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес. |языке | | |

|ОК 2. | |Письменный опрос: | |

|Организовывать собственную |- выполнение заданий по грамматике для |-выберите правильный модальный глагол; | |

|деятельность, определять методы и |продуктивного усвоения |-выберите правильную форму оборота there |текущий контроль |

|способы выполнения профессиональных | |is/are по темам: «Межличностные отношения | |

|задач, оценивать их эффективность и |- выполнение различных видов |дома, в учебном заведении, на работе» | |

|качество. |самостоятельной работы на уроке, домашнее | | |

| |задание любого типа. |Письменный опрос | |

|ОК 4. Осуществлять поиск, анализ и | |- переведите предложения в косвенную речь |текущий контроль |

|оценку информации, необходимой для | |-образуйте множественное число \ единственное | |

|постановки и решения профессиональных |- осуществление запроса, поиск и обобщение |число по теме: «Повседневная жизнь, условия | |

|задач, профессионального и личностного|информации в сети Интернет; |жизни, учебный день, выходной день», | |

|развития. | |«Планирование времени,рабочий день» | |

| | | | |

|ОК 6. | |Письменный опрос | |

|Работать в коллективе и команде, | |-местоимения указательные, личные, | |

|обеспечи | |притяжательные, объектные в теме «Новости, | |

|вать ее сплочение, эффективно общаться| |средства массовой информации» |текущий контроль |

|с коллегами, руководством, |- поиск и отбор соответствующей | | |

|потребителями. |информации и подготовка |Письменный опрос : | |

|ОК 9 |рассказа (монолога) |- употребите неопределенные местоимения и их | |

|Быть готовым к смене технологий в | |производные | |

|профессиональной деятельности. |участие в дискуссиях, исследовательской |- образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных | |

| |работе; |по теме: | |

| | |«Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология)»|текущий контроль |

| |работа с оригинальными | | |

| |учебными пособиями |Письменный опрос | |

| |-выбор необходимой информации в объявлениях|- дифференциальные признаки глаголов в Past, | |

| |и рекламе; рассуждение о фактах, событиях, |Present, Future Continuous по темам: «Отдых, | |

| |приводя примеры, аргументы, делая выводы; |каникулы, отпуск. Туризм», «Государственное | |

| | |устройство, правовые институты», «Деловой | |

| | |английский. Подготовка к работе и учебе за | |

| | |рубежом» | |

| | |Тестирование по теме: «Искусство и | |

| | |развлечения» | |

| | |Письменный опрос:- ответить на вопросы по | |

| | |просмотренному фильму: Видео-урок «Восточная | |

| | |Канада» | |

| | |Тестирование по теме Видео-урок «Восточная | |

| | |Канада» | |

| | | | |

| | |Письменный опрос:-времена активного залога | |

| | |- видовременные формы глагола по теме:« | |

| | |Архитектура и строительные конструкции», | |

| | |«Архитектура и строительные конструкции» | |

| | | | |

| | |Письменный опрос: | |

| | |-употребление «глагола-связки» по | |

| | |теме«Описание людей: друзей, родных и близких | |

| | |и т.д.(внешность, характер, личностные | |

| | |качества)» | |

| | | | |

| | |Письменный опрос: | |

| | |-употребление глаголов а Present, Past, Future| |

| | |Simple по теме«Межличностные отношения дома, | |

| | |в учебном заведении, на работе», «Здоровье, | |

| | |спорт, правила здорового образа жизни», | |

| | |«Досуг», «Планирование времени(рабочий день)» | |

| | |Тестирование по временам активного залога по | |

| | |теме | |

| | |Видео-урок «Восточная Канада». | |

| | |Дифференцированный зачет | |

| | | |текущий контроль |

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| | | |текущий контроль |

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| | | |рубежный контроль |

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| | | |текущий контроль |

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| | | |текущий контроль |

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| | | |дифференци |

| | | |рованный |

| | | |зачет |

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| | | |текущий контроль |

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| | | |Рубежный контроль |

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| | | |Рубежный контроль |

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| | | |Дифферен |

| | | |цированный зачет |

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| | |Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа для |Текущий контроль |

| | |обучающихся: подготовить проект: «Лучший | |

| | |друг», «Друг познается в беде», «Доброград», | |

| | |Проект «День здоровья», «Здоровый образ | |

| | |жизни», «Уроки доброты -равные | |

| | |возможности для всех», «Год добра» | |

| | |Эссе «Сказка для добрых сердец», «Жизнь без | |

| | |табака», «Жизнь без наркотиков» | |

| | |Подготовить и провести экскурсию по музею | |

| | |своего учебного учреждения или музея | |

| | |города. | |

|Уметь переводить со словарем |Перевод текстов, под готовка |Устный опрос: |текущий контроль |

|иностранные тексты профессиональной |монологические высказывания с |-вопросно-ответная работа по тексту, | |

|направленности. |использованием нового лексического |подготовка высказывания опираясь на текст по | |

| |материала; |Темам: «Город, деревня, инфраструктура», | |

|ОК 5. |выполнение компьютерное |«Досуг» , | |

|Использовать |тестирование(входное и |«Планирование времени(рабочий день)», | |

|информационно-коммуникационные |текущее); |«Документы, письма, контракты»« Профессии, | |

|технологии для совершенствования | |карьера», «Искусство и развлечения», «Деловой | |

|профессиональной деятельности. |использование электронного словаря; |английский. Оформление деловой документации», | |

|ОК 7. |работа с информацией, документами, |«Страноведение. Культура. Города мира», | |

|Ставить цели, мотивировать |литературой; |«Архитектура и строительные конструкции. | |

|деятельность подчиненных, |группировка лексические единицы текста, |Свойства и формы», | |

|организовывать и контролировать их |сходные по смыслу; |«Деловой английский язык Переписка с |текущий контроль |

|работу с принятием на себя |написание краткие изложения по содержанию |университетом» | |

|ответственности за результат |текстов, | | |

|выполнения заданий. |составлять резюме; | | |

| |- написание эссе на заданную тему | | |

|ОК 8. Самостоятельно определять задачи| | | |

|профессионального и личностного и | | | |

|личностного развития, заниматься | | | |

|самообразованием, сознательно | |Письменный опрос: | |

|планировать повышение квалификации. | |- составить краткий обзор текста. | |

|ОК 9 | |- составить план текста | |

|Быть готовым к смене технологий в | |- закончить предложение с опорой на текст | |

|профессиональной деятельности. | |- просмотреть текст и выбрать правильный ответ| |

| | |по теме « Природа и человек (климат, погода, | |

| | |экология)», « Отдых, каникулы, отпуск. | |

| | |Туризм», «Искусство и развлечения» | |

| | | | |

| | |Письменный опрос: | |

| | |- подобрать подходящие слова из текста | |

| | |-определить значение слова по контексту | |

| | |-подобрать конец предложения из предложенных | |

| | |по темам «Образование в России и за рубежом, |текущий контроль |

| | |среднее профессиональное образование», | |

| | |«общественная жизнь(повседневное поведение, | |

| | |профессиональные навыки и умения)» | |

| | | | |

| | |Письменный опрос | |

| | |- вводный мониторинг по темам: «Описание | |

| | |людей: друзей, родных и близких и | |

| | |т.д.(внешность, характер, личностные | |

| | |качества)» | |

| | |-лексико-грамматический тест по теме «Природа | |

| | |и человек (климат, погода, экология)» | |

| | | | |

| | |Письменный опрос: | |

| | |- вставьте подходящие по смыслу предлоги по | |

| | |теме: «Здоровье, спорт, правила здорового | |

| | |образа жизни» |текущий контроль |

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| | | |текущий контроль |

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| | | |текущий контроль |

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| | |Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа для |Текущий контроль |

| | |обучающихся: Эссе «Компьютер в нашей жизни», | |

| | |«Интернет в нашей жизни», «От науки к | |

| | |профессии», «От науки к бизнесу» | |

|Уметь самостоятельно |поиск в электронных и печатных источниках и|Устный | |

|совершенствовать |анализ небольших сообщений по изучаемым |опрос : | |

|устную |темам |-вопросно-ответная работа, выражение согласия | |

|и письменную речь, пополнять словарный| |и несогласия по теме: | |

|запас. |- изложение своих мыслей на иностранном |«Новости, средства массовой информации» | |

| |языке, |«Город, деревня, инфраструктура» |Рубежный контроль |

|ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную |распознание иностранной речи на слух; | | |

|значимость своей будущей профессии, | |Письменный опрос: | |

|проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес. | |- составить план текста из предложенных | |

|ОК 8. Самостоятельно определять задачи|-небольшой рассказ (эссе); |предложений по теме: «Профессии, карьера» | |

|профессионального и личностного и |-заполнение анкет, бланков; | |Текущий контроль |

|личностного развития, заниматься |-изложение сведений о себе в формах, |Устный фронтальный опрос: | |

|самообразованием, сознательно |принятых в европейских странах |- работа с текстом по теме «Досуг» | |

|планировать повышение квалификации. |(автобиография, резюме); |- работа с текстом по теме | |

|ОК 9 |составление плана действий; |«Государственное устройство, правовые | |

|Быть готовым к смене технологий в | |институты», Страноведение. Культура. Города |Текущий контроль |

|профессиональной деятельности. |-написание тезисов, конспекта сообщения, в |мира» | |

|ОК 6.Работать в коллективе и команде, |том числе на основе работы с текстом. | | |

|обеспечивать ее сплочение, эффективно | |-Письменный опрос по теме «Артикль и случаи |Рубежный контроль |

|общаться с коллегами, руководством, |защита проектов по темам страноведческого |его употребления» «Повседневная жизнь, условия| |

|потребителями. |характера. |жизни, учебный день, | |

|ОК 5.Использовать информационно- |осуществление, подготовка и участие в |выходной день» | |

|коммуникационные технологии для |сюжетно-ролевых и деловых играх; | | |

|совершенствования профессиональной | |Письменный опрос : | |

|деятельности. | |- написать письмо в иностранный университет по|Рубежный контроль |

| | |теме: «Деловой английский. Оформление деловой | |

| | |документации» | |

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| | | |Рубежный контроль |

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| | |Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа для |Текущий контроль |

| | |обучающихся: Проект «Любимая книга ,любимый | |

| | |писатель(фильм, спектакль, журнал и т.д.)», | |

| | |Экскурсия «Средства массовой информации: за и | |

| | |против» , | |

| | |Ролевая игра «Я на телешоу». | |

| | |Проект «Издание газеты в колледже», | |

| | |Конкурс эссе «У природы нет плохой погоды» | |

| | |проект «Планета – наш дом», «Человек и природа| |

| | |– сотрудничество или | |

| | |противостояние», «Экология глазами юных», | |

| | |«Студенческая экологическая тропа», | |

| | |«Дайте планете шанс», «Природное наследие | |

| | |нации», создание | |

| | |презентаций на тему «Как сделать нашу планету | |

| | |чище?», | |

| | |Написать эссе «Иностранный язык в современном | |

| | |мире», «Качество образования – залог | |

| | |успеха выпускника» | |

| | |Экскурсия «Мой колледж», подготовка рекламного| |

| | |проспекта «Колледж», | |

| | |Проект «Образование в России и за рубежом», | |

| | |Письмо другу на тему «Традиции моей семьи», | |

| | |Проект «Праздники России» | |

|знать лексический (1200-1400 |Применение полученных знаний при написании |Письменный опрос: | |

|лексических единиц) и грамматический |сочинений, эссе, создании проектов, |- подобрать подходящие слова из текста | |

|минимум, необходимый для чтения и |выполнении контрольных работ; сопоставление|-определить значение слова по контексту | |

|перевода (со словарем) иностранных |лексических и грамматических особенностей |- переводить слова с русского на английский и | |

|текстов профессиональной |родного и изучаемого иностранного языка. |с английского на русский | |

|направленности. |осуществление запроса, поиск и обобщение |- составьте глоссарий по темам: | |

|ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную |информации в сети Интернет; |«Образование в России и за рубежом, среднее | |

|значимость своей будущей профессии, | |профессиональное образование» | |

|проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес. | |«Научно-технический прогресс» | |

|ОК 3. Решать проблемы, оценивать риски| | | |

|и принимать решения в нестандартных |- Изложение своих мыслей на иностранном |Письменный опрос: |Рубежный контроль |

|ситуациях. |языке |- перевод простых, безличных предложений | |

|ОК 4.Осуществлять поиск, анализ и | |- порядок слов в утвердительных, | |

|оценку информации, необходимой для | |вопросительных и отрицательных предложений по |Текущий контроль |

|постановки и решения профессиональных | |теме:«Описание людей: друзей, родных и близких| |

|задач профессионального и личностного |описание особенностей жизни и культуры |и т.д.(внешность, характер, личностные | |

|развития. |своей страны/города; |качества)» | |

|ОК 5.Использовать информационно- | | | |

|коммуникационные технологии для |- выстраивание логических связей |Письменный опрос: | |

|совершенствования профессиональной |(связанный текст); |-сложносочиненные и сложноподчиненные | |

|деятельности. |самостоятельный выбор темы и разработка |предложения | |

|ОК 8. Самостоятельно определять задачи|проек |- употребление предложений с отрицательными | |

|профессионального и личностного и |та |союзами neither…nor, either…or. |Текущий контроль |

|личностного развития, заниматься |- выполнение заданий по грамматике для |- Сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными| |

|самообразованием, сознательно |рецептивного усвоения |типа If I were you, I would do | |

|планировать повышение квалификации. | |English, instead of French. | |

|ОК 2.Организовывать собственную | |по темам: «Межличностные отношения дома, в | |

|деятельность, определять методы и | |учебном заведении, на работе» , «Природа и | |

|способы выполнения профессиональных | |человек (климат, погода, экология)» , | |

|задач, оценивать их эффективность и | |«Культурные и национальные традиции, | |

|качество. | |краеведение, обычаи и праздники», «Профессии, | |

| | |карьера», «Страноведение. Культура. Города | |

| | |мира» | |

| | |Общественная жизнь(повседневное поведение, | |

| | |профессиональные навыки и умения), | |

| | |«Научно-технический прогресс» | |

| | | | |

| | |Письменный опрос: | |

| | |-тестирование по просмотренному фильму: | |

| | |Видеоурок по теме «Десятка лучших замков |Текущий контроль |

| | |Англии» | |

| | | | |

| | |Письменный опрос: | |

| | |-Образуйте предложения в пассивном залоге в | |

| | |Simple, Progressive,Perfect Passive по темам: | |

| | |«Досуг», «Новости, средства массовой | |

| | |информации», «Образование в России и за | |

| | |рубежом, среднее профессиональное | |

| | |образование», «Общественная жизнь(повседневное| |

| | |поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения)»,| |

| | |«Архитектура и строительные конструкции. | |

| | |Принцип расположения здания», «Деловой |Рубежный контроль |

| | |английский. Средства передачи информации» | |

| | | | |

| | |«Искусство и развлечения», | |

| | |«Архитектура и строительные конструкции. Жилые| |

| | |и общественные здания» | |

| | | | |

| | |Тестирование по грамматическим темам «Артикль.| |

| | |Страдательный залог» по теме «Документы |Текущий контроль |

| | |(письма, контракты)» | |

| | | | |

| | |Письменный опрос: | |

| | |-инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты и способы | |

| | |передачи их значений на родном языке; | |

| | |- предложения со сложным дополнением типа I | |

| | |want you to come here | |

| | |- признаки и значения слов и словосочетаний с | |

| | |формами на -ing без обязательного различения |Текущий контроль |

| | |их функций | |

| | |по темам :«Образование в России и за рубежом, | |

| | |среднее профессиональное образование», | |

| | |«Культурные и национальные традиции, | |

| | |краеведение, обычаи и праздники», | |

| | |«Научно-технический прогресс», | |

| | |«Государственное устройство, правовые | |

| | |институты», «Архитектура и строительные | |

| | |конструкции. Жилые и общественные здания» | |

| | | | |

| | |Контрольная работа по теме «Инфинитив» по теме| |

| | |Видеоурок «Большой Каньон».Дифферен | |

| | |цированный | |

| | |Зачет. | |

| | | | |

| | |«Профессии, карьера», | |

| | |« Отдых, каникулы, отпуск. Туризм», |Рубежный контроль |

| | | | |

| | |Письменный опрос: | |

| | |-дифференциальные признаки глаголов в Past | |

| | |Perfect, Past Continuous, Future in the |Дифферен |

| | |Past по теме: «Культурные и национальные |цированный |

| | |традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники» |за |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Текущий контроль |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Дифферен |

| | | |цированный |

| | | |зачет |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Рубежный контроль |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Рубежный контроль |

| | |Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа для |Текущий контроль |

| | |обучающихся: подготовить проект: «Семья», «Дом| |

| | |моей мечты», «Хобби», «Я и другой» | |

| | |Сочинение «Мы в ответе за тех, кого приручили»| |

| | |Выставка «Ярмарка увлечений» | |

| | |Написать эссе «Мой любимый жанр в российском | |

| | |кинематографе». Сочинение на тему «Вклад моей | |

| | |семьи в ВОВ». | |

| | |Презентация «Мой город«Мой район», «Любимое | |

| | |место», «Москва вчера, сегодня, | |

| | |завтра» Проект: «Маршрут экскурсии для | |

| | |зарубежных гостей» | |

| | |(с использованием карты | |

| | |города), | |

| | |Эссе «Жизнь в обществе», «Герой и антигерой | |

| | |нашего времени», «Лицо России», | |

| | |«Международное волонтерское движение», | |

| | |Подготовить презентацию «Хочу учиться – хочу | |

| | |быть профессионалом», «Деловая молодежь» | |

| | |Проекты «Лучший отдых», «Страны и континенты»,| |

| | |Подготовить экскурсию по теме: « Учеба за | |

| | |рубежом» | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

2. Комплект оценочных средств.

2.1. Задания для текущего контроля.

Раздел 1. Основной модуль.

Тема 1.1. Описание людей: друзей, родных и близких и т.д.(внешность, характер, личностные качества).

Вводный мониторинг по грамматическим темам: «Простые времена. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Глагол to be. Множественном число существительных».


1.Выберите правильный ответ:

1.It’s 5 o’clock. She…tea.

a) is drinking b)drink c)drinks

2 .What subject …she good at?

a)are b)does c)is

3. While Jack …biting his nails, we…the book.

a) sits, reads b)was sitting ,were reading c)was sitting, read

4. Whose parents …want to help us?

a) does b)do c)-

2. Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения

1) This is … room in the building

a) biggest b) the biggest c) bigger

2) Dick is … than the other boy

a) politer b) the politest c) more polite

3) That lesson was … of all

a) good b) the best c) better

4) Betty is … girl of all

a) most beautiful b) beautifulest c) beautifuler

5) They have … furniture than we

a) expensive b) expensive c) more expensive

3.Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be: is/are, was/were, will be

1. There…a telegram on the table.

2….there …a flight for Moscow tomorrow?

3.There …much snow last winter.

4….there a lamp over the table? Yes, there…

5. There…7 days in a week.

4.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

Box, sheep, place, library, mouse, dress


1.Выберите правильный ответ:

1.It’s 5 o’clock. She…tea.

a) is drinking b)drink c)drinks

2 .What subject …she good at?

a)are b)does c)is

3. While Jack …biting his nails, we…the book.

a) sits, reads b)was sitting ,were reading c)was sitting, read

4. Whose parents …want to help us?

a) does b)do c)-

2. Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения

1) Tom is … than his brother

a) smallest b) smaller c) the smallest

2)This house is … than this building

a)the most beautiful b) more beautiful c) beautifulest

3) His bracelet is … than mine

a) valuablest b) most valuable c) more valuable

4) Bill is … student of all

a) tallest b) taller c) the tallest

5) I am … Dick

a) as tall as b) as taller as c) as tallest as

3.Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be: is/are, was/were, will be

1.There …4 seasons in a year.

2….there any telegrams from Moscow?

3….there …a lift in your future house?

4. Some years ago there …many old houses in our street.

5.Soon there … …a new film on.

4.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

Photo, lady, glass, wife, man, music, looks


1. Выберите правильный ответ,:

1.He …her car and…away.

Steals, drives b)stole, drove c)was stealing, drove

2.How often…you go swimming?

a) do b)does c)-

3. How far …New York from Washington?

a) has b)have c)is

4. I cook meals and my sister …dishes.

a) is wash b)washes c) Is washing

2.Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения

1) New York has … buildings of any city

a) tall b) taller c) the tallest

2) This is … chair of all

a) the most comfortable b) comfortablest c) more comfortable

3) She is … than her sister

a) the youngest b) young c) younger

4) Is Charles … than his sister?

a) clever b) the cleverest c) cleverer

5) This is … room of all

a) the beautifuler b) beautifulest c) the most beautiful

3.Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be: is/are, was/were, will be:

1…. there a test last lesson?

2. There … nobody in the room yesterday.

3.There…. … much work next week.

4.There … some new pupils in our class.

5. … there any interesting stories in this book?

4.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

Bush, country, life, goose, day, knowledge, fish


1 .Выберите правильный вариант:

1.Ayoung man…out into the street. He…a strange placard. a)runs, was carrying b)ran, carries c)ran, was carrying

2.He….now. a) is writing b)writes c)write

3. When…your father go to work? A) do b)does c)-

4. What…the weather like today? A) does b)is c)has

2.Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения

1) Are there … people than here?

a) many b) more c) the most

2) This is … task of all

a) the easiest b) easier c) easiest

3) John has … talent of any in the group

a) least b) less c) little

4. They have … books … we

a) many b) more c) as many as

5. I am … than Nick

a) taller b) the tallest c) more tall

3.Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be: is/are, was/were, will be:

1. There… no lift in our house.

2. There … … 3 rooms in our flat.

3.There … many places of interest in London.

4. There … many books in our library 3 years ago.

5. … there …much snow next winter?

4.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

Money, deer, month, child, foot, leaf, goods



1 .What sports…you fond of ?

a)are b)have c)do

2. Which letter …comes after “E”?

a)do b)does c)-

3. They….tea and coffee.

A)likes b)like c) are liking

4. It…dark, so we…to return.

A)grew,decided b)was growing,decided c)grew,were deciding

2.Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения:

1. This book is …one.

a)interesting b)the most interesting c)interestinger

2. Sasha is …. Mike.

a)not so tall as b)taller as c)the taller

3. She is … girl of all.

a)cleverest b)clever c) the cleverest

4.Olga has as …house as they.

a)bigger b)big c)the biggest

5.They are …. Than we.

a)faster b)fast c)the fastest

3.Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be: is/are, was/were, will be:

1. There … a lot of stars and planets in space.

2…. There any lectures yesterday?

3.There … … a conference next week.

4.There … something on the shelf yesterday.

5. There …many beautiful flowers in our garden.

4.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

Tomato, match, tooth, swine, clothes, shelf, play

Эталоны ответов:


1.Выберите правильный ответ:

1.It’s 5 o’clock. She…tea.

a) is drinking b)drink c)drinks

2 .What subject …she good at?

a)are b)does c)is

3. While Jack …biting his nails, we…the book.

a) sits, reads b)was sitting ,were reading c)was sitting, read

4. Whose parents …want to help us?

a) does b)do c)-

2. Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения

1) This is … room in the building

a) biggest b) the biggest c) bigger

2) Dick is … than the other boy

a) politer b) the politest c) more polite

3) That lesson was … of all

a) good b) the best c) better

4) Betty is … girl of all

a) most beautiful b) beautifulest c) beautifuler

5) They have … furniture than we

a) expensive b) expensive c) more expensive

3.Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be: is/are, was/were, will be

1. There is a telegram on the table.

2.Will there be a flight for Moscow tomorrow?

3.There was much snow last winter.

4. Is there a lamp over the table? Yes, there is.

5. There are 7 days in a week.

4.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

Boxes, sheep, places, libraries, mice, dress, thanks


1.Выберите правильный ответ:

1.It’s 5 o’clock. She…tea.

a) is drinking b)drink c)drinks

2 .What subject …she good at?

a)are b)does c)is

3. While Jack …biting his nails, we…the book.

a) sits, reads b)was sitting ,were reading c)was sitting, read

4. Whose parents …want to help us?

a) does b)do c)-

2. Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения

1) Tom is … than his brother

a) smallest b) smaller c) the smallest

2)This house is … than this building

a)the most beautiful b) more beautiful c) beautifulest

3) His bracelet is … than mine

a) valuablest b) most valuable c) more valuable

4) Bill is … student of all

a) tallest b) taller c) the tallest

5) I am … Dick

a) as tall as b) as taller as c) as tallest as

3.Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be: is/are, was/were, will be

1. There are 4 seasons in a year.

2. Are there any telegrams from Moscow?

3. Will there be a lift in your future house?

4. Some years ago there were many old houses in our street.

5. Soon there will be a new film on.

4.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

Photos, ladies, glasses, wives, men, music, looks


1. Выберите правильный ответ,:

1.He …her car and…away.

Steals, drives b)stole, drove c)was stealing, drove

2.How often…you go swimming?

a) do b)does c)-

3. How far …New York from Washington?

a) has b)have c)is

4. I cook meals and my sister …dishes.

a) is wash b)washes c) Is washing

2.Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения

1) New York has … buildings of any city

a) tall b) taller c) the tallest

2) This is … chair of all

a) the most comfortable b) comfortablest c) more comfortable

3) She is … than her sister

a) the youngest b) young c) younger

4) Is Charles … than his sister?

a) clever b) the cleverest c) cleverer

5) This is … room of all

a) the beautifuler b) beautifulest c) the most beautiful

3.Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be: is/are, was/were, will be:

1. Was there a test last lesson?

2. There was nobody in the room yesterday.

3.There will be much work next week.

4.There are some new pupils in our class.

5. Are there any interesting stories in this book?

4.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

Bushes, countries, lives, geese, days, knowledge, fish


1 .Выберите правильный вариант:

1. A young man…out into the street. He … a strange placard.

a)runs, was carrying b)ran, carries c)ran, was carrying


a) is writing b)writes c)write

3. When…your father go to work?

A) do b)does c)-

4. What…the weather like today?

A) does b)is c)has

2.Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения

1) Are there … people than here?

a) many b) more c) the most

2) This is … task of all

a) the easiest b) easier c) easiest

3) John has … talent of any in the group

a) least b) less c) little

4. They have … books … we

a) many b) more c) as many as

5. I am … than Nick

a) taller b) the tallest c) more tall

3.Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be: is/are, was/were, will be:

1. There is no lift in our house.

2. There will be 3 rooms in our flat.

3.There are many places of interest in London.

4. There were many books in our library 3 years ago.

5. will there be much snow next winter?

4.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

Money, deer, months, children, feet, leaves, goods



1 .What sports…you fond of ?

a)are b)have c)do

2. Which letter …comes after “E”?

a)do b)does c)-

3. They….tea and coffee.

A)likes b)like c) are liking

4. It…dark, so we…to return.

A)grew,decided b)was growing, decided c)grew,were deciding

2.Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения:

1. This book is …one.

a)interesting b)the most interesting c)interestinger

2. Sasha is …. Mike.

a)not so tall as b)taller as c)the taller

3. She is … girl of all.

a)cleverest b)clever c) the cleverest

4.Olga has as …house as they.

a)bigger b)big c)the biggest

5.They are …. Than we.

a)faster b)fast c)the fastest

3.Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be: is/are, was/were, will be:

1. There are a lot of stars and planets in space.

2. were there any lectures yesterday?

3.There will be a conference next week.

4.There was something on the shelf yesterday.

5. There are many beautiful flowers in our garden.

4.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

Tomatoes, matches, teeth, swine, clothes, shelves, plays

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов()

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет №51

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

Тема 1.1. Описание людей: друзей, родных и близких и т.д.(внешность, характер, личностные качества).

Письменный опрос по теме «Простые предложения».


1.Переведите на русский язык простые предложения.

1.One could see the mountains from the windows

2.We certainly must see this film. They say it is really wonderful

3. She is unpredictable. One never knows what she will say or do the next moment

4.One cannot know everything

5.They say no news is good news.

Вариант № 2

Переведите на русский язык.

1.1.It is warm.

2.It is getting dark

3.It seems you don’t like spicy food

4.It usually takes him half an hour to get to the college

5.It is very late

Вариант № 3

Переведите на русский язык.

1.It is a long distance to the park from here

2.What time is it?- It is quarter to three

3.It is pleasant to see that you are happy

4.It is a pity that she is ill

5.It is raining

Эталон ответов:

Вариант № 1

1.Все могут увидеть горы из окна

2.Мы обязательно должны увидеть этот фильм. Говорят, очень интересный

3.Она непредсказуема. Никто не знает что она может сказать или сделать в следующий момент

4.Никто не может знать все

5.Говорят,отсутствие плохих новостей есть хорошие новости

Вариант № 2



3.Кажется, вам не нравится острая пища

4.Обычно ему нужно полчаса чтобы добраться до колледжа

5.Уже очень поздно

Вариант № 3

1.Отсюда до парка очень далеко

2.Сколько времени?- Половина третьего

3.Как приятно видеть, что вы счастливы

4.Как жаль, что она больна

5.Идет дождь

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания.

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

Тема 1.1. Описание людей: друзей, родных и близких и т.д.(внешность, характер, личностные качества).

Письменный опрос по теме «Безличные предложения», «Порядок слов в утвердительных, вопросительных, отрицательных и побудительных предложениях».

1.Из слов правого столбца составьте безличные предложения, соответствующие русским.

1)На улице темно? Is, in the street, dark, it.

2) Когда светит солнце, when, shines, hot, the sun, it, very, here,

здесь очень жарко.

3) Если вы откроете окно you, open, it, be, cold, if, the window, will, here.

здесь будет холодно.

4) Когда становится темно, it, dark, switch on, when, we, the light, becomes.

мы включаем свет.

5) Вы любите когда идет дождь? you, like, it, do, when, rains?

6) Вам трудно вставать рано утром? morning, it, in, for, is, you, difficult, to get up, early?

7) В детстве я не любил, когда шел дождь. I, when, like, it, did not, rained, my, in, childhood.

8) Мне не будет трудно will, it, for, to come, difficult, me, here,

прийти сюда рано. not, early, be.

9) Мне нравится читать английские to read, W. Sheakspeare, I, like, books.

книги В. Шекспира.

2.Составьте и запишите предложения, обращая внимание на порядок слов в них.

1. royal, very, is, special, a, there, tradition

2. celebrations, atmosphere, this, like, I, before, Christmas

3. your, love, accent, I, English

4. ago, agencies, travel, long, started

5. a, it, house, nice, is?

6. have, grandmother, I, a, got

7. can, speak, I, English

8. there, a, is, chair, room, the, in

Эталон ответов.

1.Из слов правого столбца составьте безличные предложения, соответствующие русским.

1.Is it dark in the street?

2.When the sun shines it is very hot here.

3.If you open the window it will be cold here.

4.When it becomes dark we switch on the light.

5.Do you like when it rains?

6. Is it difficult for you to get up in early morning ?

7.I didn’t like when it rained in my childhood.

8.It will not be difficult for me to come here early.

9.I like to read Sheakspeare books.

2.Составьте и запишите предложения, обращая внимание на порядок слов в них.

1.There is a special royal tradition

2.I like this atmosphere before Christmas celebrations

3.I love your English accent

4.Travel agencies started long ago

5.Is it a nice house?

6.I have got a grandmother

7.I can speak English

8.Ther is a chair in the room

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты

Раздел 1. Тема 1.2.Межличностные отношения дома, в учебном заведении, на работе.

Письменный опрос по теме «Модальные глаголы».

Вариант № 1

Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол

1 We______see the lake from our bedroom window.

a) are able c) must

b) can d) might

2-______ you speak any foreign languages?

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

3.1 am afraid I______come to the party next week.

a) could not c) must not

b) cannot . d) might not

4. When we went to the forest, we______smell burning.

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

5. She spoke in a very low voice, but I______understand what she said.

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

6.1 do not know when they will be here. They______arrive at any time.

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

7.1 was so tired. I______sleep for a week.

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

Вариант № 2

Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол

1. We______have gone away if we had enough money.

a) could c) must

b) can d) might

2. You have been travelling all day. You______be tired.

a) could c) must

b) must to d) might

3. They have not lived here for very long. They______, know many people.

a) could c) must not

b) should d) might

4. The phone rang but I did not hear it. I______have been asleep.

a) could c) must

b) may d) might

5. She passed me without speaking. She______have seen me.

a) could not c) should

b) cannot d) might not

6. - Why did not your sister answer the phone?

- She______have been asleep.

a) can c) must

b) should d) might'nt

7. - Why did Sarah miss meeting?

- She______have known about it.

a) should not c) must

b) should d) might not

Эталон ответов:

Вариант № 1

Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол

1 b) can

2b) can

3. b) cannot .

4.a) could

5.a) could

6.b) can

7.d) might

Вариант № 2

Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол

1. a) could

2. c) must

3. b) should

4. d) might

5. d) might not

6. c) must

7. d) might not

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

Раздел 1. Тема 1.2.Межличностные отношения дома, в учебном заведении, на работе.

Письменный опрос по теме «конструкции there is / there are».

1.Выберите правильный вариант, обращая внимание на конструкции there is / there are.

1. There ... many children in the park.



2. There ... many ways of solving such a problem.



3. There ... a man outside the building.



4. How many children ... there in your class?



5.There ... much sugar left.



6. There ... many restaurants in my town.



7.I am sorry to tell you but there ... no good news for you today.



8. There ... nothing he could do to prevent the crime.




will be

9.You should go. There will ... something new to learn at the meeting.

to be




10. There ... soup in the fridge.

are many

is many

are much

is much

11.... there ... here?

Is / somebody

Are / anybody

Is / anybody

Are / somebody

12. There ... a lot of people at yesterday’s meeting.





13There ... much food left in the fridge. We should buy some.





14.Jim, come here! There ... I need to talk to you.

are something

are anything

is anything

is something

15. You didn’t understand me right. I am sure there ... some misunderstanding.

must have been

will be



16.I am planning to redecorate my room. There ... a lot of flowers and toys here.

will be




17.... there ... I can do for you?

Is / anything

Was / anything

Will / be

Are / something

18. There ... several bedrooms in my previous apartment.





19.There ... an interesting show tomorrow.

will be




20.There ... plenty of fish in that river, when I was young.





Эталон ответов:

1. are

2. are

3. wasn’t

4. are

5. isn’t

6. are

7. is

8. was

9. be

10. is much

11. is anybody

12. were

13. isn’t

14. is something

15. are

16. are

17. Is / anything

18. were

19. will be

20. was

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

Раздел 1. Тема 1.2.Межличностные отношения дома, в учебном заведении, на работе.

Письменный опрос по теме «Сложносочиненные предложения».

1. Образуйте сложносочиненные предложения соединяя 2 предложения в одно используя бессоюзные и с союзами and, but.

1.I saw a man there. The man was playing tennis

2.You gave me a book to read. I lost it

3.We will speak about it. He comes soon

4.He will not come to the party. He is busy

5. He invited Mary to the movies. Mary didn’t come

6.I can’t play tennis well. I began playing it when I was only fifteen

7. He came to the sports club. He wanted to talk to us

8. He promised to come to see us. But if it rains, he won’t come

9. We were talking about the man. Here he is

10.He is playing a new game. It is very interesting

11.He went to the Crimea last year. He says so

12.They were playing outdoors. At that time their mother was cooking dinner

13.I saw a lot in London. I told them about everything

14. We are playing at a small sports ground now. The sports ground at our college is larger

15. The examinations will begin soon. I will read for the examinations.

Эталон ответов:

1. Образуйте сложносочиненные предложения соединяя 2 предложения в одно используя бессоюзные и с союзами and, but.

1.I saw a man there and the man was playing tennis

2.You gave me a book to read but I lost it

3.We will speak about it and he comes soon

4.He will not come to the party and he is busy

5. He invited Mary to the movies but Mary didn’t come

6.I can’t play tennis well because I began playing it when I was only fifteen

7.He came to the sports club and he wanted to talk to us

8.He promised to come to see us. But if it rains, he won’t come

9.We were talking about the man and here he is

10.He is playing a new game and it is very interesting

11.He went to the Crimea last year and he says so

12.They were playing outdoors and at that time their mother was cooking dinner

13.I saw a lot in London so I told them about everything

14.We are playing at a small sports ground now but the sports ground at our college is larger

15.The examinations will begin soon so I will read for the examinations.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

Раздел 2. Тема 2.1Повседневная жизнь, условия жизни, учебный день, выходной день.

Письменный опрос по теме «Косвенная речь».

1.Переделайте следующие предложения в ковенную речь по образцу.

Model 1: He said, “Open the door!” — Heasked me to open the door.

He said, “Don’t go there!” — He ordered us not to go there.

Use the verbs: ask, order, advise, remind, recommend, warn, implore.

1.He asked, “Close the door!”

2.The children ordered, “Read to us!”

3.She said, “Don’t laugh at them!”

4.The teacher asked, “Please give me a pen.”

5.Mother reminded, “Don’t be late for school.”

6.He advised, “Take the umbrella.”

7.She said, “Please help yourself.”

8.He said, “Don’t ask me this silly question again!”

9.She reminded, “Call me as soon as you can!”

10.Jane begged, “Will you help me?”

Model 2: She said, “He is my friend.” — She said that he was her friend.

1.Tom remarked, “I didn’t expect him to be so young.”

2.Jane muttered, “I am sorry I am late”.

3.Jean said, “My Dad will be fifty years old next year.”

4.Mother answered, “The children are playing in the garden.”


5.Sam told Boris, “It is raining outside. Take an umbrella.”

6.The teacher said in surprise, “Sorry to say, but you have got a bad mark for your test.”

7.Mike noted, “I called him a few days ago.”

8.Vlad explained, “I have had a flu, but now I am feeling much better.”

9.Lena told her friend, “I am going to the seaside for a holiday.”

10.His friend shouted, “It’s a lie!”

Model 3: He asked, “When do you finish your work?”

— He asked me when I finished my work. She asked, “Is everything ready?” —

She asked if everything was ready.

1.He.inquired, “Do you want to speak to me?”

2.She wondered, “When will they arrive?”

3.Mother asked in surprise, “Have you already done your homework?”

4.George inquired, “Are you sure that you are doing the right thing?”

5.The man asked, “When were you last in the Crimea?”

6.He wondered, “What are you laughing at?”

7.The boy asked, “Why were you so surprised?”

8.He asked, “Are you playing football with us today?”

9.She inquired, “Who will help me to do the washing up?”

10.Fred asked, “Did you write the answer to his previous letter?”

Эталон ответов.

1.1.He asked to close the door.

2.The children ordered to read to us.

3.She recommend not to laugh at them.

4.The teacher asked to give him a pen.”

5.Mother reminded no to be late for school.

6.He advised to take the umbrella.

7.She advise to help yourself.”

8.He ask not to ask me this silly question again!”

9.She reminded to call her as soon as you can.

10.Jane asked if I would help her.

2.1.Tom remarked he hadn’t expected him to be so young.”

2.Jane exuced that she was late.

3.Jean said that her Dad would be fifty years old the next year.”

4.Mother answered that the children were playing in the garden.”

5.Sam told Boris that it wass raining outside.And he advised to take an umbrella.”

6.The teacher said in surprise that I had got a bad mark for my test.”

7.Mike noted that he had called him a few days before.”

8.Vlad explained that he had had a flu, but he was feeling much better then.”

9.Lena told her friend that she was going to the seaside for a holiday.”

10.His friend shouted that it was a lie.

3.1.He inquired if I wanted to speak to him.

2.She wondered when they would arrive”

3.Mother asked in surprise if I had already done my homework.

4.George inquired if I was sure that I was doing the right thing.

5.The man asked when I had been the last in the Crimea.

6.He wondered what I was laughing at.

7. The boy asked why I had been so surprised.

8.He asked if I was playing football with them that day.

9.She inquired who would help her to do the washing up.

10.Fred asked if I had written the answer to his previous letter.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 30мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

Раздел 2. Тема 2.1Повседневная жизнь, условия жизни, учебный день,

выходной день.

Письменный опрос по теме «Имя существительное».

Вариант 1

Напишите приведенные ниже существительные во множественном числе

1.a foot

2.a month

3.a model

4.a child

5.a clock

6.a mouse

7.a class

8.a schoolgirl

9.a goose

10.a man

2.Выпишите исчисляемые существительные в левую колонку, а не исчисляемые существительные в правую колонку из данных слов.

Box, coffee, sheep, coin, university, money, milk, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, tree, idea, ice-cream, furniture, chalk, juice, mouse, butter, hors, umbrella, ocean, tea, porridge.

Вариант 2

Напишите приведенные ниже существительные во множественном числе

1.a museum

2.a woman

3.a friend

4.a pen

5.a table

6.a box

7.a book

8.a potato

9.a leaf

10.a story

2.Выпишите исчисляемые существительные в левую колонку, а не исчисляемые существительные в правую колонку из данных слов.

Wool, air, airship, assistant, book, cat, paper, hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, rat, cheese, happiness, event, glass(стакан), fox, glass(стекло), hero, music, piano, guitar, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette.

Эталон ответов:

Вариант 1


2. months

3. models

4. children

5. clocks

6. mice

7. classes

8. schoolgirls

9. geese

10. men

2.исчисляемые; Box, sheep, coin, university, banknote, watch, tree, mouse, hors, umbrella.

Неисчисляемые: Coffee, money, milk, ink, meat, silver, idea, ice-cream, furniture, chalk, juice, butter, ocean, tea, porridge.


Вариант 2

1. museums

2. women

3. friends

4. pens

5. tables

6. boxes

7. books

8. potatoes

9. leaves

10. stories

2.исчисляемые; Airship, assistant, book, cat, hour, bread, rat, event, glass(стакан), fox, hero, piano, guitar, friend, cigarette.

Неисчисляемые: Wool, air, paper, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, glass(стекло), hero, music, guitar, friendship, quickness, tobacco.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

Раздел 2. Тема 2.2.Здоровье, спорт, правила здорового образа жизни.

Письменный опрос по теме « Имя числительное».

Вариант 1

1.Напишите числительные и даты











2.Напишите словами из следующих порядковых числительных количественных.









Вариант 2

1.Напишите числительные и даты











2.Напишите словами из следующих порядковых числительных количественных.






Эталон ответов

Вариант 1

1.one hundred and thirty four

2. seventy-five

3. ninety-eight

4. thirty- two

5. fifty-four

6. one hundred and sixty-five

7. nineteen sixty-five

8. seventeen seventy-eight

9. eighteen twenty-five

10. nineteen eighty-six

2.Напишите словами из следующих порядковых числительных количественных.

1й- the first

6й-the sixth

9й-the nineth

12й-the twelfth

15й-the fifteenth

22й-the twenty-second

24й-the twenty-fourth

31й-the thirty-first

Вариант 2

1. forty-five

2. one hundred and eighty- six

3 .one hundred and ninety- four

4. thirteen twenty- eight

5. seven hundred and fifty- one

6. six hundred and forty- nine

7. eleven forty- seven

8. nineteen eighteen

9. thirteen seventy- one

10. sixteen forty

2.Напишите словами из следующих порядковых числительных количественных.

3й-the third

17й-the seventeenth

20й-the twentyth

26й-the twenty-sixth

28й- the twenty-eighth

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты

Раздел 2. Тема 2.2.Здоровье, спорт, правила здорового образа жизни.

Письменный опрос по теме «Модальные глаголы».

1.Задание № 1. Перевести на русский язык

You may read a book now

He can speak English very well

They must read for their exam today

Students in Oxford must wear a uniform

You can show better results if you don’t work by fits and starts

Mike must pass the credit test today

You may go for a walk as soon as you finish your homework

Students can get a scholarship if they are at the top of the group

2. Прочтите текст об олимпийских играх и заполните пропуски предлогами.

The history ... the Olympic games began ... 777 BC ... the south ...

Greece. Since that time they were held every four years ... Olympia, and were devoted ... Zeus, the chief god ... Greeks. There was a tradition to stop wars when the Games were held. All the cities ... Ancient Greece sent their best athletes ... participate ... the Games. They competed ...

wrestling, running, chariot racing, jumping and reciting poems. The winners were honored with laurel wreaths. No women were allowed not only to take part ... the Games, but also to watch them. The Olympic Games were held ... more than eleven centuries and were prohibited ...

Emperor Theodosius I in 394 AD.

The new history ... the ancient games began only ... the end ... the nineteenth century due ... a French enthusiast Pierre de Coubertin. The first Olympic Games ... present time were held ... Athens. They have become a real festival... sport, helping to establish international friendship and peace all over the world. Athletes ... many countries compete ...

many kinds ... sport. There are Summer and Winter Olympic Games, which are held separately. The tradition ... holding the Games every four years remained.

Эталон ответов:

Задание №1

Ты можешь сейчас прочитать эту книгу

Он может говорить по- английски очень хорошо

Они должны сегодня подготовиться к экзамену

Студенты в Оксфорде должны носить униформу

Ты можешь показать лучшие результаты, если будешь заниматься

Майк сегодня должен сдавать экзамен

Ты сможешь пойти на прогулку как только сделаешь домашнее задание

Студенты могут получать стипендию, если будут хорошо учиться

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

Раздел 2. Тема «Видеоурок по теме «Десятка лучших замков Англии»».

Тестирование по просмотренному фильму.


1.Which of the following castles was not mentioned in the film?



C)Blais Hame

G)St. Michaels Mount

2.How many centuries at Windsor castle?

A)9 b)5 C)10 d)3

3.In what year was burning Windsor castle?

A) 1997 b)1995 C)1992 d)2000

4.On the banks of which river stands the castle of HAMPTON Court?

A)Avon b)Dart C)the Thames d) the Clyde

5.HAMPTON Court is famous as the residence of?

A) Prince Charles b) Princess Diana C) Henry 8 d) Queen Victoria

6.How many wives had Henry the 8,

A)8 b)6 C)5 d)3

7.What is known of the garden "Privy" in HAMPTON Court?

A)a fountain b)exotic trees C)maze d)sculptors

8.Where the castle of Edinburgh?

A)Wales b)Ireland C)Scotland d)England

9.What is stored in the castle of Edinburgh?

A)the Royal regalia in the castle of Edinburgh b) the Treasury of England) family heirlooms of the crown g)the Protestant Bible

10.Talking about the cannon at Edinburgh castle?

A)the exact time at 13.00 b)meet the foreign delegation)dispersed the clouds g) the fire in the castle

11.As salesomega titled prisoner to Edinburgh castle?

A)the Duke of Albany Alexander b)Prince albert C)Elizabeth

12.What notable happened in the castle of St. Michaels mount.

A) it was visited by the Pope B)there WAS the PHENOMENON of SV.Of Michael)was the earthquake d)was the eruption of a volcano

13.Who built the castle Карнарфон7

A)Эдвард1 b)king John C)Alfred the Great d)king Arthur

14.In what year died Princess Diana?

A)1997 b)1995 C) 2000 d)1898

15.That show the sundial in Leeds castle?

A)in England b)Kansas C)the time in Virginia

16.How old is the castle Tintagel?

A)500 b)200 C)800

17.How old is Warwick castle?

A)1000 b)500 C)300

18. How old is Tower?

A)1000 b) 500 C)600 d) 400

Эталон ответов:



















Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин.

3.Словари, конспекты.

Раздел 2. Тема 2. 3. Город, деревня, инфраструктура.

Письменный опрос по теме «Глаголы в Present, Past, Future Simple/Indefinite»

1.Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple, Past Simple, Futures Simple.

1. The students … in the Russian Museum.

2. Last month they … in the Hermitage. There … an interesting exhibition there.

3. In two weeks they … in the Tretyakov Gallery. They … lucky.

4. My father … a professor.

5. He … a student 30 years ago.

6. I … a fireman.

7. My sister … not … at home tomorrow.

8. She … at school tomorrow?

9. … you … at home tomorrow?

10. … your father at work yesterday?

11. My sister … ill last week.

12. She … not ill now.

13.Yesterday we … at the theatre.

14. Where … your mother now? - She … in the kitchen.

15. Where … you yesterday?- I … at the cinema.

16. When I come home tomorrow, all my family … at home.

17. … your little sister in bed now?- Yes, she … .

18. … you … at the institute tomorrow?- Yes, I … .

19. When my granny … young, she …an actress.

20. Where … your books now?- They … in my pocket.

2. Look through the text and answer the following questions:

|Moscow. |

Moscow was founded in 1147 by Prince Yury Dolgoruky. It stands on the Moskva River. Since the time of its foundation the history of Moscow is inseparable from the history of the country. At first it was a little town on the boundary of the Kiev Russia. Some time passed and it developed into a prosperous city. It became the capital of Russia during the rule of Ivan the Third. Peter the Great moved the capital to St Petersburg, but Moscow still played an important role in the life of Russia. In 1918 the Soviet government moved from Petrograd to Moscow, and thus the ancient city became the capital of the country for the second time.

At present Moscow is the largest city in the Russian Federation, the seat of the government, the political, educational and cultural centre of the country. The population of Moscow is over nine million people and the city is growing from day to day. Moscow being an ancient city, one can come across the sights on every step.

The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin and Red Square. It is not only a historic centre, but also a unique architectural assembly, famous all over the world. The Kremlin includes over twenty towers joined by the wall. Each tower has its own name; the most famous one is the Spasskaya Tower with its chimes. On the territory of the Kremlin there are beautiful ancient cathedrals, Tsar Bell and Tsar Cannon and the Armoury Museum — the exhibition of the treasures of the Russian tsars, including icons, crowns, coaches, presents from monarchs of other countries and ceremonial dresses. The Spasskaya Tower outlooks Red Square and the Pokrovsky Cathedral, which is famous all over the world for its exotic beauty.

Not far from the Kremlin Arbat begins. It is the best-known street of the city. There is no traffic, so one can walk and enjoy watching the crowds of people strolling by. Arbat is the main tourist attraction after the Kremlin.

But Moscow is not only the Kremlin and Arbat. The best way to describe Moscow is probably to say that it is like any other metropolis in the world — lines of cars (and traffic jams!), hurrying people, tall buildings, elegant restaurants, night clubs and much more. Its appearance is not always attractive, but, beyond any doubt, fascinating and capturing!

1.When was Moscow founded?

2.What river does it stand on?

3.When did Moscow become the capital of Russia for the first time?

4.Where was the capital moved under the rule of Peter the Great?

5.What did the Soviet government do in 1918?

6.How large is the population of Moscow?

7.What is called the heart of Moscow?

8.How many towers are there in the Moscow Kremlin?

9.What sights can visitors see on the territory of the Kremlin?

Эталон ответов.

1.Moscow was founded in 1147.

2.It stands on Moskva river.

3. It became the capital of Russia first time during the rule of Ivan the Third.

4. Peter the Great moved the capital to St Petersburg.

5. In 1918 the Soviet government moved from Petrograd to Moscow.

6. The population of Moscow is over nine million people and the city is growing from day to day.

7. The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin and Red Square.

8. The Kremlin includes over twenty towers joined by the wall.

9. . On the territory of the Kremlin there are beautiful ancient cathedrals, Tsar Bell and Tsar Cannon and the Armoury Museum — the exhibition of the treasures of the Russian tsars, including icons, crowns, coaches, presents from monarchs of other countries and ceremonial dresses

Критерии оценки просмотрового чтения.

Оценка «5» -ставится ученику, если он может достаточно быстро просмотреть несложный оригинальный текст (типа расписания поездов, меню, программы телепередач) или несколько небольших текстов и выбрать правильно запрашиваемую информацию.

Оценка «4» -ставится ученику при достаточно быстром просмотре текста, но при этом он находит только примерно 2/3 заданной информации.

Оценка «3»- выставляется, если ученик находит в данном тексте (или данных текстах) примерно 2/3 заданной информации.

Оценка «2»- выставляется в том случае, если ученик практически не ориентируется в тексте.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин.

3.Словари, опорные таблицы по грамматике.

Раздел 2. Тема 2. 3. Город, деревня, инфраструктура.

Письменный опрос по теме «Глаголов в Present,Past, Future Simple/Indefinite в отрицательных предложениях.»

1.Образуйте из следующих предложений отрицательные предложения.

1. Tom is king.

2. Alice is lazy girl/

3. He has got a book.

4. They can read well.

5. I have got red apples.

6. His friend is a pupil.

7. Kate wants to be a teacher.

8. We like to play ping-pong.

9. Denis has a pig.

10. Her friend has a pig.

11. Sam plays the piano.

12. We can jump.

13. I like to read English books.

14. My cat is little.

15. We are pupils.

16. They has got a lot of friends.

17. She has a son.

18. I am at college.

19. It is in the box.

20. Nick is twelve.

Эталон ответов.

1. Tom isn’t a king.

2. Alice isn’t a lazy girl.

3. He hasn’t got a book.

4. They cannot read well.

5. I haven’t got red apples.

6. His friend isn’t a pupil.

7. Kate doesn’t want to be a teacher.

8. We don’t like to play ping-pong.

9. Denis hasn’t a pig.

10. Her friend hasn’t a pig.

11. Sam doesn’t play the piano.

12. We cannot jump.

13. I don’t like to read English books.

14. My cat isn’t little.

15. We aren’t pupils.

16. They hasn’t got a lot of friends.

17. She hasn’t a son.

18. I amnot at college.

19. It isn’t in the box.

20. Nick isn’t twelve.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин.

3. Словари, опорные таблицы по грамматике.

2.Устный фронтальный опрос по теме.

Read, translate the text and prove that:


London, the capital of the UK, was founded in AD 43 by the Roman invaders as a settlement and a fortress. At first it had the name of Londinium. Due to its convenient position in the mouth of the river Thames the settlement grew and developed into a city. In the 11th century London became the capital of England. For centuries it was a prominent port through which wealth and prosperity came to the country.

Being an important trade and political centre, the city enjoyed greater independence than the other cities of the medieval England and even had the right to elect the head of the city, Lord Mayor. The picturesque ceremony of the elections of Lord Mayor of London is still held every year and attracts thousands of tourists.The city was built rather chaotically,the streets being narrow and dirty. It grew and developed together with the developing of the nation. In 1666 the Great Fire of London destroyed the most part of the city,which rebuilt,but the old planning remained untouched.

| |  |  |

Historically and geographically London can be divided into three parts: the City, the West End and the East End. The City is the financial centre of the country, with offices of large firms and banks and the Stock Exchange.

The West End has always been considered a place where aristocrats lived. There is a great number of sights and attractions: the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, St Paul’s Cathedral, the Nelson Column, to mention just a few of them. London’s beautiful parks are also there: Hyde Park, St. James’ Park, Regent’s Park are favourite places for Londoners to visit and relax. One may also go shopping in the West End- Picadilly Street and Oxford Street both present a wide choice of expensive shops and boutiques.

The East End was previously considered the place where not well-to-do people lived.The identity of the East End as a place of deprivation and poverty persisted until well after the Second World War,becoming overlaid with certain gangster glamour in the 1960-s. At the begunning of the 21-st century,London east of the City is still seen as having a different character, claiming a certain independence of look from the rest of metropolis;but its cultural status has been transformed. Parts of the Easr End are believed to house the highest population of artists in Europe, and the East End is now considered a bohemian district. The ugly docks, which for years disguised the face of the East End,are now closed, and new hotels, stadiums and apartment houses are being built.

Now London extends much more than the City, The west End and the East End. Its suburbs grow rapidly. London has its suburbs are called Greater London.

As well as it is impossible to say that Moscow is a typical Russian city, nobody can call London a typical British one. In fact, it has become a multinational metropolis, being inhabited by people from all over the world. It is always busy and crowded. It certainly has its own face — millions of faces. Maybe, this is the reason why people say: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.”

Prove that

•London is an old city;

•London has always been playing an important role in the life of the country;

•London enjoyed greater independence than the other cities in England;

•the planning of London is chaotic;

•there are a lot of tourist attractions in the West End;

•the East End has always been different from the rest of metropolis;

•London grows rapidly;

•London is a multinational metropolis.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания текста, для последующих ответов на вопросы по тексту, учащийся не делает грубых фонетических ошибок, владеет лексикой по теме.

«4» (хорошо) чтение текста с неполным, но значительным пониманием содержания текста для дальнейших ответов на вопросы по тексту, в отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки.

«3» (удовлетв.) - слабое понимание смысла текста и с трудом может ответить на вопросы, большое количество фонетических ошибок.

«2»(неудовл.) - учащийся не умеет читать, демонстрирует незнание лексики и отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний, допускает огромное количество фонетических ошибок, не готов ответить на вопросы по тексту.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 10мин.

3.Словари, учебник Голубева А.П. Английский язык.

Раздел 2. Тема 2. 3. Город, деревня, инфраструктура.

Письменный опрос по теме «Глаголов в Present,Past, Future Simple/Indefinite в вопросительных предложениях.»

1.Задайте вопросы. Используйте Present Simple “ do/ does “

1. I work hard. And you?

2. We play tennis. And you?

3. He swims well. And you?

4. She speaks Spanish. And you ?

5. You live in London. And you?

2. Образуйте вопросительное предложение используя слова, стоящие в скобках.

1. I have lunch at home. ( where / you )

2. She watches TV every day ( how often / she )

3. They get up at 7.30. ( what time / they )

4. I go to work by bus. ( how / you )

5. You live in Krasnodar. ( where / you )

3. Выберите в подчеркнутых словах правильные времена глаголов группы Simple для будущих событий.

1. We are going to the theatre toning?

We have got 2 tickets

2. What are you doing tomorrow evening?

Nothing .I am free

3. I I am going away tomorrow morning.

My train is at 8.40.

Эталон ответов:

1.Задайте вопросы. Используйте Present Simple “ do/ does “

1. I work hard. Do you work hard?

2. We play tennis. Do you play tennis?

3. He swims well. Do you swim well?

4. She speaks Spanish. Do you speak Spanish ?

5. You live in London. Do you live in London?

2. Образуйте вопросительное предложение используя слова, стоящие в скобках.

1. I have lunch at home. ( where do you have lunch?)

2. She watches TV every day ( how often does she watch tv?)

3. They get up at 7.30. ( what time do they get up?)

4. I go to work by bus. ( how do you go to work?)

5. You live in Krasnodar. ( where do you live? )

3. Выберите в подчеркнутых словах правильные времена глаголов группы Simple для будущих событий.

1. We shall go / We are going to the theatre toning.

We have got 2 tickets

2. What will you do/ are you doing tomorrow evening.

Nothing .I am free

3. I shall go / I am going away tomorrow morning.

My train is at 8.40.

4.1.Is New York the largest city?

2.What river does it stand on?

3.How many parts are there in New York?

4. What is the oldest part of New York?

5. What is the busiest financial and cultural centre

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин

2. Фронтальный опрос.

Read the text, translate and ask 15 questions.

New York

New York, or the Big Apple, as the Americans often call it, is the largest city in the USA and in the whole world. It stands in the mouth of the Hudson River. The people of New York City (NYC) live within five boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. Manhattan Island,the oldest part of the city was bought from the Native Americans for the amount of goods worth $26.

Now it is one of the busiest financial and cultural centre in the world, offering the visitors a unique collection of experiences and at tractions. There is a wide choice of internationally acclaimed theatres, restaurants and museums, historic parks and churches.

Manhattan is also a district of business and finance. In Wall Street there are offices of large companies and banks, as well as New York Stock Exchange, which dominates the business life of the whole world. New York is an international city. On the map of Manhattan one can find Little Italy with the Italian restaurants and its own way of life, Brighton Beach, where the immigrants from the former Soviet Union live and Chinatown, inhabited by the Chinese. NY is also famous for its fine department stores and boutiques. In the evening you can enjoy one of its many nightclubs, the ballet, opera, a show or concert. Broadway is the centre of nightlife. It is the longest street in New York with many sights.

The best way to go around NY is on foot. One word applies to driving your own car in Manhattan: don’t! Streets are jammed and the parking is scarce and astronomically expensive. However, NYC is a paradise for walkers, who enjoy the finest window shopping and people-watching. When proper caution is exercised, most areas are safe. It is best to usewell-lighted, busy streets at night. You can also travel anywhere you want by subway and buses. Subway, though rather inattractive and not so well organized as in Moscow, runs 24 hours a day. The fare is S 1.50 for a single journey, payable with tokens. Free bus and subway system maps are available from hotels, tourist information centres and subway stations.

However one gets around New York, it is important to know some basic geography: Fifth Avenue divides the city between East and West. Street numbers begin at Fifth Avenue, so Two W. (west) 57th Street is just a few steps to the west of the Fifth Avenue, while Two E. (east)57th Street is just to the east. Most streets in Manhattan are one-way. With a few exceptions, traffic on even-numbered streets travels east, and traffic on odd-numbered streets travels west. To New Youkers, “downdown” soes not connote the city centre. Rather, “downtown” simply means “south” and “uptown” means “north”.

Thousands of tourists come to New York every day to see the Statue of Liberty, which is situated on Liberty Island and is a symbol of Amer ican democracy. It has a torch of Freedom in her right hand.

New York is famous for its skyscrapers, among which are the Chrys ler Building and the Empire State Building.

The unprecedented terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 disguised the face of New York. Two twin towers, which used to form the World Trade Centre, were destroyed as the result of the planes crash. This was the tragic day for the people of the USA and for the whole world. Two towers were in ruins in the matter of minutes. The life of the big city was paralyzed completely for more than a month. Now the WTC is under reconstruction.

Ask 15 questions about New York.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания текста, для последующих ответов на вопросы по тексту, учащийся не делает грубых фонетических ошибок, владеет лексикой по теме.

«4» (хорошо) - чтение текста с неполным, но значительным пониманием содержания текста для дальнейших ответов на вопросы по тексту, в отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки.

«3» (удовлетв.) - слабое понимание смысла текста и с трудом может ответить на вопросы, большое количество фонетических ошибок.

«2»(неудовл.) - учащийся не умеет читать, демонстрирует незнание лексики и отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний, допускает огромное количество фонетических ошибок, не готов ответить на вопросы по тексту.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45 мин.

3.Словари, учебник Голубева А.П. Английский язык, опорные таблицы по грамматике.

Раздел2.Тема 2.4.Досуг

Письменный опрос по теме «Present Simple/Indefinite для выражения действий в будущем.»

1.Read the text and ask 10 questions.

| | |  |  |  |

|OnTravelling | | | | |

People started travelling in the ancient times. The first travelers were pilgrims, nomads and explorers. Travelling was really dangerous in those days, but there were always brave and daring people who went on discovering new lands, in search of wealth and fame.

Nowadays things have changed significantly. Hundreds of compa nies are willing to help you if you are planning to go somewhere. You are free to choose where to go: you may want to spend a vacation in the mountains or by the sea, and a plane will take you to the place of your choice in a matter of hours. A lot of people will cater to the needs of the travellers in hotels and holiday centres all over the world. Visitors are amused and taken care of in any possible way.

Holidaymaking has become one of the most profitable industries, and the budget of many countries, such as Turkey, Egypt and Greece depends on tourism a lot. Travelling has become easier — and maybe less exciting.

3. Answer the following questions:

1.Do you like travelling?

2.Why do people like travelling?

3.What is the fastest kind of transport?

4.What way of transport is the most comfortable?

5.What kind of transport do you prefer?

6.Why do some people prefer hiking to other kinds of travelling?

7.Where do people buy railway tickets?

8.Is travelling by air more expensive than air travel?

9.What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car?

Эталон ответов

1. Answer the questions. Make use of the words in the second column.

1. I will come to our place if I have time.

2. They will come with us if they do their homework.

3. She will pass her test in English if she works a lot.

4. I will help you if you help me first.

5. Mike will finish his work if he is clever enough.

6. We will travel by train if we book the tickets.

7. I will go to the South in summer if I have money.

8. Kate will travel by plane if she is not be airsick.

9. I will book a ticket for you if you tell me the time of departure.

10. I will translate this sentence if you give me the dictionary.

Критерии оценки просмотрового чтения.

Оценка «5» -ставится ученику, если он может достаточно быстро просмотреть несложный оригинальный текст (типа расписания поездов, меню, программы телепередач) или несколько небольших текстов и выбрать правильно запрашиваемую информацию.

Оценка «4» -ставится ученику при достаточно быстром просмотре текста, но при этом он находит только примерно 2/3 заданной информации.

Оценка «3»- выставляется, если ученик находит в данном тексте (или данных текстах) примерно 2/3 заданной информации.

Оценка «2»- выставляется в том случае, если ученик практически не ориентируется в тексте.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 30мин

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике.

Раздел2.Тема 2.4.Досуг

Письменный опрос по теме «Придаточные предложения времени и условия (if, when).»

1.Transform the sentences according to the models.

Model : I will write letters to you. You will give me the address. —I will write letters to you if you give me the address.

1.They will tell you all they know. They will come to see you.

2 .She will take the children out for a walk. It will stop raining.

3. I shall buy the vouchers today. I shall get the money from the


4.There will be enough room in the car.They won’t take a tent with


5.They won’t have to bother about the accommodation. They will buy vouchers to a holiday centre.

6.She will come to see me. She will have time.

7.They will arrange everything for the party. His mother will help


Эталон ответов:

1. Transform the sentences according to the models.

1. They will tell you all they know if they come to see you.

2. She will take the children out for a walk if it stops raining.

3. I shall buy the vouchers today if I get the money from the


4.There will be enough room in the car if they don’t take a tent with


5. They won’t have to bother about the accommodation if they buy vouchers to a holiday centre.

6. She will come to see me if he has time.

7. They will arrange everything for the party if his mother helps


Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин

3. Словари, опросные таблицы по грамматике.

2.Устный фронтальный опрос.

Read and translate the text and answer the questions.

Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world’s most memorable fictional characters and is considered to be one of the greatest novelists. He was born on February 7th, 1812 in Portsmouth, England. His father was an office man, who worked hard to provide for his family. Charles had many brother and sisters. When he was 10, his family moved to London, where his father got into debtor’s prison. After that, Charles left school to work in a factory. For two years he worked in a dirty room pasting labels on bottles. Then he went to school for three more years. He had little formal education but still succeeded in life. Over his career he wrote 15 novels, 5 novellas, hundreds of short stories and non-fiction articles. He also worked for 20 years as an editor in a weekly journal. Dickens’ other merits include campaigns for children’s rights, education and other social reforms. He obtained international attention and fame in 1836 with a series of publications called “Pickwick Papers”. He used to be a young and poor reporter at that time, who immediately became a famous writer. Dickens published many other novels later. Among them “Oliver Twist”, “Dombey and Son”, “David Copperfield” and many others. His books are rather interesting to read. He mostly wrote about the hard life of poor people in Victorian England. Even though he lived more than a hundred years ago, people still read his books with pleasure. One of his most influential works ever written was “A Christmas Carol” novella. His fellow writers of that time highly praised his literary genius. Leo Tolstoy, George Orwell, Chesterton were among them. Charles Dickens died on June 9th, 1870 and he was buried in Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey. Answer the questions:

1.Do you like reading?

2.Do you prefer to read English books?

3.What is your favourite book?

4.Who are your favourite poems?

5.What books are popular among boys and girls?

6.What is the biggest library in London?

7. How often do you go to the bookshops?

8.Do you like to buy books?

9.Do you know Ch/Dickens?

10.What do you know about him?

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания текста, для последующих ответов на вопросы по тексту, учащийся не делает грубых фонетических ошибок, владеет лексикой по теме.

«4» (хорошо) чтение текста с неполным,но значительным пониманием содержания текста для дальнейших ответов на вопросы по тексту, в отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки.

«3» (удовлетв.) - слабое понимание смысла текста и с трудом может ответить на вопросы, большое количество фонетических ошибок.

«2»(неудовл.) - учащийся не умеет читать, демонстрирует незнание лексики и отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний, допускает огромное количество фонетических ошибок, не готов ответить на вопросы по тексту.

Условия выполнения.

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 25мин

3. Словари.

Раздел2.Тема 2.4.Досуг

Письменный опрос по теме «Пассивный залог в «Simple Tenses ».

1. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. The building (destroy) two years ago.

a. destroyed

b. was destroyed

c. were destroyed

2. I (surprise) by the news he told me yesterday.

a. am surprising

b. surprised

c. was surprised

3. The document (examine) attentively.

a. examined

b. was examined

c. were examined

4. All the text (translate) tomorrow.

a. was translated

b. translated

c. will be translated

5. A lot of money (steal) from the shop.

a. was stolen

b. stolen c. stole

2. Заполните пропуски предлогами with, by.

1. The house was built … money that he had borrowed from the bank.

2. The door was opened…a girl.

3. The children were taken to the theatre…the teacher.

4. At the last competition the first prize was won…our team.

5. A nail was hit…a hammer.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. My question (to answer) yesterday.

2. Hockey (to play) in winter.

3. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn.

4. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London.

5. His new book (to finish) next year.

Эталон ответов:

1. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. The building (destroy) two years ago.

a. destroyed

b. was destroyed

c. were destroyed

2. I (surprise) by the news he told me yesterday.

a. am surprising

b. surprised

c. was surprised

3. The document (examine) attentively.

a. examined

b. was examined

c. were examined

4. All the text (translate) tomorrow.

a. was translated

b. translated

c. will be translated

5. A lot of money (steal) from the shop.

a. was stolen

b. stolen c. stole

2. Заполните пропуски предлогами with, by.

1. The house was built with money that he had borrowed from the bank.

2. The door was opened by a girl.

3. The children were taken to the theatre by the teacher.

4. At the last competition the first prize was won by our team.

5. A nail was hit with a hammer.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. My question was answered yesterday.

2. Hockey is played in winter.

3. Mushrooms are gathered in autumn.

4. Many houses were burnt during the Great Fire of London.

5. His new book will be finished next year.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин

3. Словари, опросные таблицы по грамматике.

Раздел.2.Тема 2.5.Новости, средства массовой информации.

Письменный опрос по теме «Пассивный залог в Present Continuous Passive /Progressive, Present


Задание №1.

Перепишите данные предложения в пассивном залоге.

Example: We can solve the problem. - The problem can be solved.

1. The people have their complains to the head office.

2. They are watching the film now.

3. An electrical fault could have caused the fair.

4. They are to hold next year's congress in San Francisco.

5. They shouldn't have played the football match in such bad weather.

Задание №2.

Замените активную форму глагола на эквивалентную ей пассивную

Example: We made some suggestions - Some suggestions to improve the project to improve the project were made.

1. Divers don't wear heavy breathing apparatus.

2. Navy engineers will raise the wreck tomorrow.

3. The bill includes service.

4. Somebody accused me of stealing the money.

5. They made a decision to reduce export orders.

3. Задайте вопросы к предложениям:

– This house was built in 1991. (What ?)

– The TV set was bought in the shop. (Where ?)

– Football is played all over the world because it is a very popular game. (Why ?)

– English is spoken in Great Britain. (What language ?)

– Cheese is made from milk. (What ?)

– The letter will be answered next week. (When ?)

– The pupils will be met in the garden. (Where ?)

4.Расставьте слова в предложении в правильном порядке:

1. Discovered, in, America, 1472, was.

2. In the morning, the newspaper, not, brought, is.

3. Monday, written, next, the letter, will have been,by.

4. Every, two, given, are, apples, day.

5. Yesterday, photo, taken, that, was.

Эталоны ответов:


1.Their complains to the head office have been sent by people

2. 2The film is being watched by them now

3.The fair could have been caused by an electrical fault

4.Next year’s congress in San Francisco is held by them

5.The football match in such bad weather shouldn’t have been played by them.


1.Heavy breathing apparatus don’t worn by divers

2.The wreck will be raised by navy engineers tomorrow

3.Service is included by the bill

4.I was accused of stealing the money by somebody

5.A decision was made by them to reduce export orders


1.He wasn’t invited to the party

2.Mr. Miller doesn’t liked being kept

3.Most people are liked given presents

4.Mr. Kelly doesn’t like his phone is used by other people

5.Few people are ready to work without paying


1.What was built in 1991?

2.Where was bought the TV set?

3.Why is football played all over the world?

4.What language is spoken in Great Britain?

5.What is made from milk?

6.When the letter will be answered?

7.Where the pupils will be met?

1.America was discovered in 1472

2.The newspaper is not brought in the morning

3.The letter will have been written by next Monday

4.Two apples are given every day

5.That photo was taken yesterday

6.The news will not be old tomorrow.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 25мин

3. Словари, опорные таблицы по грамматике.

Раздел.2.Тема 2.5.Новости, средства массовой информации.

Письменный опрос по теме «Местоимения: указательные (this/these, that/those),личные, притяжательные, вопросительные, объектные»

1.Вставьте необходимое по смыслу личное местоимения

1. My sister and (Я) are pupils.

2. Pavel and (Она) are friends.

3. (Они) are students.

4. (Они) are pens

5. (Он) is my best friends.

6. It is (Он).

7. This is a dog. (Она) is a nice dog.

8. Kate is not a teacher. (Она) is a student.

9. Nick is my husband. (Он) is a doctor.

10. “Belka and Strelka “are dogs. (Они) were cosmonauts.

2.Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями.

He is Jim. She is Jill. Jim has got a dog. The dog is black. Jill has got a cat. The cat is white. The dog and the cat can jump and run very fast.

3. Вместо точек вставьте одну из местоимений “who, whom, whose, what, which”.

1. … will help me?

2. … of you will help me?

3. … is your hat?

4. … is your telephone number?

5. … teaches you English?

4.Опустите, где можно, относительное местоимение.

1. Is that the man for whom you have been waiting?

2. The house that I live in was built 10 years ago.

3. I have found the book for which I was looking.

4. Do you like the house that they have built?

5. I should like to see the tree from which you picked these apple.

6. My sister, to whom the letter was addressed, opened it and read it attentively.

7. The library is in the house that stands on the corner.

8. The book which is lying on the table is mine.

9. He showed me a beautiful picture which he has bought lately.

10. This was an answer that no one expected.

Эталон ответов:

1. My sister and me are pupils.

2. Pavel and she are friends.

3. Theyare students.

4. They are pens

5. He is my best friends.

6. It is he.

7. This is a dog. She is a nice dog.

8. Kate is not a teacher. She is a student.

9. Nick is my husband. He is a doctor.

10. “Belka and Strelka “are dogs. They were cosmonauts.

2.Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями.

He is Jim. She is Jill. He has got a dog. It is black. Jill has got a cat. The cat is white. They can jump and run very fast.

3. Вместо точек вставьте одну из местоимений “who, whom, whose, what, which”.

1. Who will help me?

2. Whom of you will help me?

3. What is your hat?

4. What is your telephone number?

5. Who teaches you English?

4.Опустите, где можно, относительное местоимение.

1. Is that the man for whom you have been waiting?

2. The house that I live in was built 10 years ago.

3. I have found the book for which I was looking.

4. Do you like the house they have built?

5. I should like to see the tree from which you picked these apple.

6. My sister, to whom the letter was addressed, opened it and read it attentively.

7. The library is in the house that stands on the corner.

8. The book which is lying on the table is mine.

9. He showed me a beautiful picture he has bought lately.

10. This was an answer no one expected.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике.

Раздел 2.Тема 2.6 Планирование времени(рабочий день).

Письменный опрос по теме «Косвенная речь».

Вариант 1.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1. The woman said,” He has graduated from college.”

a. The woman said that he had graduated from college.

b. The woman said he has graduated from college.

2. “ Don’t move your head”, said mother.

a. Mother told me not to move my head.

b. Mother told not to move your hand.

3. “ We saw a lot of places of interests” , said Marina.

a. Marina said that we had seen a lot of places of interests.

b. Marina said that they had seen a lot of places of interests.

4. “ Open your books, please “ , said the teacher.

a. The teacher asked us to open our books.

b. The teacher asked to open your books.

5. “ You will have no problems getting to my place “, said Oleg.

a. Oleg said that we would have no problems getting to my place.

b. Oleg said that we would have no problems getting to his place.

6. Mike said , “ Where have you put my book? “

a. Mike asked where I had put his book.

b. Mike asked where you had put his book.

7. “ Do you often meet my sister ?”, said Tom.

a. Tom asked if I often meet my sister.

b. Tom asked if I often met his sister.

Вариант 2.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1. “ Don’t forget to bring your books”, said the teacher.

a. The teacher asked not to forget to bring our books.

b. The teacher asked not to forget to bring your books.

2. “ I have got a very good bicycle “, said Fred.

a. Fred said that I had got a very good bicycle.

b. Fred said that he had got a very good bicycle.

3. “ Why did she do it ? “, said Mary.

a.Mary asked why she had done it.

b. Mary asked why she did it.

4. “ Will you write a test tomorrow ? “ , said the grandmother.

a. The grandmother asked if I would write a test next day.

b. The grandmother asked if I will write a test tomorrow.

5. “ My sister knows two foreign languages .”,said Mike.

a. Mike said that my sister knows two foreign languages.

b. MIKE said that his sister knew two foreign languages.

6. Mother said , “ Wash your hands .”

a. Mother told to wash your hands.

b. Mother told to wash my hands.

7. “ I want to go there “, said the boy.

a. The boy said that he wanted to go there.

b. The boy said that I wanted to go there.

Эталон ответов.

Вариант 1.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.


1.The woman said,” He has graduated from college.”

c. The woman said that he had graduated from college.

d. The woman said he has graduated from college.

2. “ Don’t move your head”, said mother.

c. Mother told me not to move my head.

d. Mother told not to move your hand.

3. “ We saw a lot of places of interests” , said Marina.

a. Marina said that we had seen a lot of places of interests.

b. Marina said that they had seen a lot of places of interests.

4. “ Open your books, please “ , said the teacher.

a. The teacher asked us to open our books.

b. The teacher asked to open your books.

5.“ You will have no problems getting to my place “, said Oleg.

a. Oleg said that we would have no problems getting to my place.

b. Oleg said that we would have no problems getting to his place.

6.Mike said , “ Where have you put my book? “

c. Mike asked where I had put his book.

d. Mike asked where you had put his book.

7.“ Do you often meet my sister ?”, said Tom.

a. Tom asked if I often meet my sister.

b. Tom asked if I often met his sister.

Вариант 2.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1. “ Don’t forget to bring your books”, said the teacher.

a. The teacher asked not to forget to bring our books.

b. The teacher asked not to forget to bring your books.

2. “ I have got a very good bicycle “, said Fred.

c. Fred said that I had got a very good bicycle.

d. Fred said that he had got a very good bicycle.

3. “ Why did she do it ? “, said Mary.

a. Mary asked why she had done it.

b. Mary asked why she did it.

4. “ Will you write a test tomorrow ? “ , said the grandmother.

a. The grandmother asked if I would write a test next day.

b. The grandmother asked if I will write a test tomorrow.

5. “ My sister knows two foreign languages .”,said Mike.

a. Mike said that my sister knows two foreign languages.

b. MIKE said that his sister knew two foreign languages.

6. Mother said , “ Wash your hands .”

a. Mother told to wash your hands.

b. Mother told to wash my hands.

7. “ I want to go there “, said the boy.

c. The boy said that he wanted to go there.

d. The boy said that I wanted to go there.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 10мин

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике.

Раздел 2.Тема 2.6 Планирование времени(рабочий день).

Устный фронтальный опрос по теме «My working day».

Read, translate and answer the questions.

My Working Day

Hello. Му name is Vlad Volkov and I am a college student. I am in my first year now.

I want to tell you about my usual working day.

It is 6.30 am and my younger brother Alexei is knocking at the door of my bedroom. “Will you jog with me today?” he asks. This is the way every morning begins for me. I went jogging last year but then I have become lazier and Alexei uses every chance to mock at me. He goes jogging regularly and he is a good sportsman by the way — so his coach says. Alexei goes in for tennis and he has been playing football since he went to primary school. He is the best forward in his team. But anyway it is time to get up. I go to the bathroom and take a shower and clean my teeth, the come back to my room and switch on the tv to watch the news while I am brushing my hair, shaving and putting my clothes.

Now it is time for breakfast. All my family is at table — my mother, my father, Alexei and myself. We have scrambled eggs and bacon, a cup of tea and sandwiches. We chat and discuss news. I think it is right time to introduce my family members to you. My mother’s name is Mary. She is a children’s doctor. My father’s name is Alexander and he is an engineer. Alexei is still a schoolboy. He is four years my junior. Oh, I haven’t yet told you about my elder sister. Her name is Nina. She is married. Her husband and she rent a flat not far from our place.

After breakfast I look through my notes — just in case I have left something behind, put on my coat, then say good-bye to my mother and leave home. My father gives me a lift to the college in his car. He starts working later than my classes begin.

I arrive at my college just in time to say hello to my fellow-students before the bell goes. As a rule, we have three or four periods every day. We go to college five days a week. Saturday and Sunday are our days off. We have lectures and seminars. Sometimes we work in the workshops. To my mind, these are the most interesting lessons. My friends say that we will be having a test in English today. I think that writing tests in grammar is more difficult than speaking English. I hope I won’t fail.

During the breaks we go to the gym and play a round or two of basketball or volleyball. My friend John and I are fond of reading fan tasy and we discuss the latest book by Nick Perumov. He asks me if I liked the book that he had given me. I tell him that I will have read the book by the end of the week.

At 1 pm we have a long break. We go to the canteen and have a roll and a cup of juice. Then there is one more period, which is Mathematics. It is my favourite subject. The classes are over at 2.40 pm. Some times I go to the library to study there, but today I don’t.

On my way home I see my girlfriend Lena. She smiles at me and we walk together for a while. I suddenly remember that we will have been dating for a year next week. I will go and look for a present for her tomorrow. When we first met at a party, I told her that she was the prettiest girl in the world and I had been looking for her all my life. Now I think that she is not only the most beautiful girl, but also the best friend. I am really fond of her. She is still a schoolgirl; she is leaving school this year. Lena’s dream is to enter Moscow State University.

I come to my place at about 4p.m. Mother is already at home. She is cooking in the kitchen. Soon my father and brother arrive and we have dinner together. After dinner I do my lessons for tomorrow, watch tv and read. I don’t go out because the weather has become worse. I go to bed at about 11.30.


1. It is 6.30 am and his younger brother Alexei is knocking at the door of his bedroom

2.What does Vlad’s family havefor breakfast?

3.What is Vlad’s mother?

4.What is Vlad’s father?

5.How many children have Vlad’s parents got?

6.How many days does Vlad go to college?

7.What is Lena’s dream?

8.When does Vlad go to bed?

Эталон ответов:

1. It is 6.30 am and his younger brother Alexei is knocking at the door of his bedroom

2. They have scrambled eggs and bacon, a cup of tea and sandwiches for breakfast.

3. She is a children’s doctor.

4.He is an engineer.

5. Vlad’s parents have got 2 children.

6. Vlad goes to college 5 days a week.

7. Lena’s dream is to enter Moscow State University

8. Vlads goes to bed at 11.30.

Критерии оценки.

«5»(отлично) - чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания текста, для последующих ответов на вопросы по тексту, учащийся не делает грубых фонетических ошибок, владеет лексикой по теме.

«4» (хорошо) чтение текста с неполным, но значительным пониманием содержания текста для дальнейших ответов на вопросы по тексту, в отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки.

«3» (удовлетв.) - слабое понимание смысла текста и с трудом может ответить на вопросы, большое количество фонетических ошибок.

«2»(неудовл.) - учащийся не умеет читать, демонстрирует незнание лексики и отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний, допускает огромное количество фонетических ошибок, не готов ответить на вопросы по тексту.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 30мин

3.Словари,учебник А.П. Голубева Английский язык.

Раздел.3. Тема 3.Документы (письма, контракты).

Устный фронтальный опрос по теме.

Прочтите и переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

Образцы составления и оформления документов и писем

|Personal |  |

|Statement  | |

My interest in education and foreign languages dates back to my school years where I excelled in organizing different parties, concerts and discussions for primary classes. During the years at Primary School Teachers’ Training College I participated in pedagogical conferences in St. Petersburg and received a few rewards for my reports.

| | | |

When I began my studies at St.Petersburg Primary School Teacher’s Training College,I had the opportunity to be exposed to the full range of methodical courses, all of which tended to reinforce and enhance my intense interest in education. But rather soon I realized that education is too wide a subject and I had to choose a specific field to deal with. I have always been strong in English and German. So I came to methods of language teaching.

Since I was in my second year of study, I have been studing with my teachei, Mrs.Krylova, intensive methods of language teaching. In my course paper I am adopting these numerous methods for the primary and secondary.

Now my interest has shifted to multi-lingualeducation, which would serve an excellent base for wider literary education at all levels. Such an idea has recently been discussed, but there are still no standard pro grammes to realize it. It is very interesting and responsible to create these sort of programmes for schoolchildren. I am sure that they could develop their linguistic abilities and widen their knowledge of foreign literature.

My studies at the College will soon be completed and I would like to continue my education at the University of Toronto. After completing my Bachelor’s degree I am going to continue my studies and to write appropriate textbooks for my courses. 1 am actually aware of the superb reputation of your University and I hope you will not deny me the privilege of continuing my studies at your fine institution.

Tatyana Larina

Answer the following questions:

1.What field interests you particularly?

2.What were your activities at school in this field?

3.Aren’t there any other events in your life connected with it? What are they?

4.Why did you choose primary school for your work?

5.Do you intend to continue your education after college?

6.Where would you like to study? Why?

7.What attracts you more: the theory or the practice?

8.What is the modem state of your science in our country?

9.Have you read any foreign authors concerning the problems of education?

10.Have you got any results of your proper research?

Критерии оценки.

«5»(отлично) - чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания текста, для последующих ответов на вопросы по тексту, учащийся не делает грубых фонетических ошибок, владеет лексикой по теме.

«4» (хорошо) чтение текста с неполным, но значительным пониманием содержания текста для дальнейших ответов на вопросы по тексту, в отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки.

«3» (удовлетв.) - слабое понимание смысла текста и с трудом может ответить на вопросы, большое количество фонетических ошибок.

«2»(неудовл.) - учащийся не умеет читать, демонстрирует незнание лексики и отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний, допускает огромное количество фонетических ошибок, не готов ответить на вопросы по тексту.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 30мин

3.Словари, учебник А.П. Голубева Английский язык.

3 курс.

Раздел 2. Тема 2.8.

Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология).

Лексико-грамматический тест.

Вариант 1

1. ____ beef is a kind of ____ meat. 

A. The, the

B. A, the

C. The, –

D. –, – 

2. I’m really angry ____ you!

A. with

B. about

C. on

D. over

3. My father has lived in Japan ____ five years.

A. at

B. on

C. in

D. for

4. I’ll be on vacation ____ next week.

A. on

B. – 

C. at

D. in

5. Can you tell ____ not to be so rude?

A. he

B. him

C. himself

D. his

6. ____ wasn’t easy to find your house.

A. There

B. This

C. That

D. It

7. The news he told us ____ interesting.

A. was

B. were

C. be

D. are

8. What is the ____ important invention in the twentieth century?

A. much

B. more

C. most

D. much more

9. This bank of the river isn’t ____ that one.

A. more beautiful

B. beautiful

C. so beautiful

D. as beautiful as

10. You look much ____ today.

A. good

B. better

C. the best

D. best

11. No letters again! ____ has written to me for a month.

A. Anybody

B. Somebody

C. Some

D. Nobody

12. Aunts, uncles and cousins are ____.

A. relatives

B. parents

C. families

D. neighbours

13. I’ll call you as soon as he ____.

A. will come

B. came

C. has come

D. comes

14. If he ____ without her, she will never speak to him again.

A. go

B. is going

C. will go

D. goes

15. What are you laughing ____?

A. about

B. at

C. over

D. above

16. It ____ since early morning.

A. rained

B. rains

C. had rained

D. has been raining

17. I’m afraid he ____ five minutes ago.

A. leaves

B. left

C. is leaving

D. has left

18. ____ you do me a favour?

A. May

B. Should

C. Can

D. Need

19. My sister was translating the article when I ____ the room.

A. had come into

B. came into

C. am coming into

D. come

20. I’d like to ask you ____ questions.

A. few

B. a little

C. a few

D. little

21. Children ____ by special instructors how to swim.

A. have taught

B. had taught

C. are taught

D. teach

22. Bill wanted to know when Nick ____ come to us.

A. can

B. will

C. will be able

D. could

23. My friend wanted ____ him as soon as I came home.

A. that I call

B. that I called

C. me to call

D. I called

24. Mother didn’t let the child ____ TV.

A. to watch

B. watching

C. watched

D. watch

25. It was so late that I ____ take a taxi.

A. was able

B. can

C. must

D. had to

26. She liked the film, ____ she?

A. did

B. didn’t

C. doesn’t

D. does

27. ____ Steve ____ Ann the other day?

A. Has ____ seen

B. Does ____ see

C. Did ____ see

D. Will ____ see

28. I got two letters. One was from my father. ____ was from my girlfriend.

A. The other

B. Another

C. Others

D. The others

29. If the ice were thick enough, we ____ able to walk across the river.

A. will be

B. would be

C. are

D. were

36. In the United States Julia Howe suggested the idea of Mother’s Day in 1872. Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia is credited with bringing about the official observance of Mother’s Day. But when she died in 1948, at the age of 84, Jarvis had become a woman of great ironies. Never a mother herself, her maternal fortune dissipated by her efforts to stop the commercialization of the holiday she had founded. Jarvis told a reporter shortly before her death that she was sorry she had ever started Mother’s Day. She spoke these words in a nursing home where every Mother’s Day her room had been filled with cards from all over the world.

Перед смертью Анна Джарвис говорила о том, что она:

A. счастлива, что праздник “День Матери” существует.

B. счастлива, что люди помнят о ней как об инициаторе празднования “Дня Матери”.

C. сожалеет, что подала идею празднования “Дня Матери”.

D. сожалеет, что ей самой не посчастливилось стать матерью.

Вариант 2

1. ____ President of ____ United States lives in ____ White House in ____ Washington D.C.

A. – , the, the, – 

B. – , the, – , the

C. – , – , the, the

D. The, the, the, – 

2. ____ not any glass in the windows, that is why ____ so cold in the room.

A. There is, it is

B. It is, there is

C. There are, it is

D. There was, there is

3. When the fog ____, we ____ to see where we are.

A. lifts, may

B. will lift, will be able

C. lifts, will be able

D. lifts, must

4. You looked very busy when I ____ you last night. What ____?

A. see, do you do

B. see were you doing

C. have seen, are you doing

D. saw, were you doing

5. Mary hasn’t been in London, ____ she?

A. hasn’t

B. did

C. has

D. didn’t

6. ____ breakfast yet? – Yes, I ____.

A. Did you have, have

B. Had you had, have

C. Have you had, have

D. Do you have, had

7. I ____ a new house last year, but I ____ my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.

A. buy, don’t sell

B. bought, haven’t sold

C. have bought, sold

D. had bought, didn’t sell

8. After failing his driving test four times, he finally ____ trying to pass.

A. gave in

B. gave off

C. gave away 

D. gave up

9. I ____ all of the questions correctly since I began this grammar exercise.

A. am answering

B. answer

C. have answered

D. had answered

10. I have my English class ____ Monday morning.

A. in

B. at

C. for

D. on

11. I was late. The teacher ____ the test when I ____ to class.

A. has already given, got

B. had already given, got

C. has already given, get

D. was already giving, get

12. They can’t have ____ more strawberries. I want ____ to make jam.

A. some, any

B. no, some

C. any, any

D. any, some

13. We all ____ his story as a joke.

A. thought

B. intended

C. treated

D. found

14. They ____ to return next Monday.

A. are sure

B. was sure

C. will be sure

D. would sure

15. My hair ____ very long.

A. grow

B. has grown

C. have grown

D. are growing

16. Nothing was stolen, ____?

A. was it 

B. wasn’t anything

C. wasn’t it

D. was anything

17. I enjoyed the film last night. ____.

A. Neither do I

B. Neither did I

C. So do I

D. So did I

18. You are always ____ excuses for not ____ your homework on time.

A. making, making

B. doing, doing

C. making, doing

D. doing, making

19. I can’t speak French. I wish I ____.

A. can

B. would

C. could

D. had been able

20. What time does your plane take ____?

A. off

B. out

C. to

D. from

21. When I ____ for my passport, I ____ this old photograph.

A. look, found

B. was looking, found

C. will look, will find

D. looked, found

22. I____ to the theatre for ages.

A. wasn’t

B. hadn’t been

C. won’t be

D. haven’t been

23. Did you notice Nick ____ another student’s paper during the exam?

A. looked at

B. to look at

C. has looked at

D. looking at

24. I ____ to live with my family, but now I live alone.

A. am used

B. used

C. am accustomed

D. was used

25. You ____ have a passport if you want to travel abroad.

A. have to

B. can

C. may

D. might

26. She said that she ____ her present flat and ____ to find another.

A. doesn’t like, tried

B. doesn’t like, was trying

C. didn’t like, was trying

D. doesn’t like, will try

27. If it ____ raining yesterday, we ____ the game.

A. hadn’t been, would have finished

B. wasn’t, will finish

C. weren’t, would have finished

D. weren’t, would finish

28. The new highway ____ sometime next month.

A. has been completed

B. completes

C. will complete

D. will be completed

29. I have always enjoyed travelling. My sister, ____, prefers to stay home.

A. although

B. though

C. however

D. but

Тест на понимание содержания текста:

THE EARL OF ST. VINCENT dates back to the 12th century, when it was built as a boarding house for the masons who constructed the church. It was named after a former Admiral who sailed with Lord Nelson. Lovingly restored by the present owners, it is a most extraordinary pub, filled with antiques and hidden away in the old part of the tiny, picturesque village of Engloshayle, in beautiful North Cornwall, England. North Cornwall is one of the last, unpoint places in the British Isles to offer the visitor coastal scenery as magnificent and beautiful as anywhere in the world, together with the facilities and hospitality to ensure that one returns time and time again. The Earl of St. Vincent is to be found off the A389 Wadebridge to Bodmin Road. Close by there are the picturesque harbors of Padstow and Port Isaac, some superb golfing and a great many historic monuments and ancient sites.

30. Чем привлекает туристов описанный паб? Тем, что:

A. он расположен в доме, где в ХII веке находилась церковь.

B. в доме, где он расположен, жил соратник адмирала Нельсона.

C. до него удобно добираться путешествующим на автотранспорте.

D. в нем до сих пор сохранился дух старой Англии.

Эталон ответов.

Вариант 1

1. D; 2. A; 3. D; 4. B; 5. B; 6. D; 7. A; 8. C; 9. D; 10. B; 11. D; 12. A; 13. D; 14. D; 15. B; 16. D; 17. B; 18. C; 19. B; 20. C; 21. C; 22. D; 23. C; 24. D; 25. D; 26. B; 27. C; 28. A; 29. B; 30. C

Вариант 2

1. D; 2. A; 3. C; 4. D; 5. C; 6. C; 7. B; 8. D; 9. C; 10. D; 11. B; 12. D; 13. C; 14. A; 15. B; 16. A; 17. D; 18. C; 19. C; 20. A; 21. B; 22. D; 23. D; 24. B; 25. A; 26. C; 27. A; 28. D; 29. C; 30. D

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(30-28 )

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(27-25)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(24-22)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(21 -0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.8.

Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология).

Письменный опрос по теме

Сложноподчиненные предложения с союзами because, so, if, when, that, that is why.Понятие согласования времен и косвенная речь.

Вариант 1.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

8. The woman said,” He has graduated from college.”

e. The woman said that he had graduated from college.

f. The woman said he has graduated from college.

9. “ Don’t move your head”, said mother.

e. Mother told me not to move my head.

f. Mother told not to move your hand.

10. “ We saw a lot of places of interests” , said Marina.

a. Marina said that we had seen a lot of places of interests.

b. Marina said that they had seen a lot of places of interests.

11. “ Open your books, please “ , said the teacher.

a. The teacher asked us to open our books.

b. The teacher asked to open your books.

12. “ You will have no problems getting to my place “, said Oleg.

a. Oleg said that we would have no problems getting to my place.

b. Oleg said that we would have no problems getting to his place.

13. Mike said , “ Where have you put my book? “

e. Mike asked where I had put his book.

f. Mike asked where you had put his book.

14. “ Do you often meet my sister ?”, said Tom.

a. Tom asked if I often meet my sister.

b. Tom asked if I often met his sister.

Вариант 2.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

8. “ Don’t forget to bring your books”, said the teacher.

a. The teacher asked not to forget to bring our books.

b. The teacher asked not to forget to bring your books.

9. “ I have got a very good bicycle “, said Fred.

e. Fred said that I had got a very good bicycle.

f. Fred said that he had got a very good bicycle.

10. “ Why did she do it ? “, said Mary.

a.Mary asked why she had done it.

b. Mary asked why she did it.

11. “ Will you write a test tomorrow ? “ , said the grandmother.

a. The grandmother asked if I would write a test next day.

b. The grandmother asked if I will write a test tomorrow.

12. “ My sister knows two foreign languages .”,said Mike.

a.Mike said that my sister knows two foreign languages.

b.MIKE said that his sister knew two foreign languages.

13. Mother said , “ Wash your hands .”

a.Mother told to wash your hands.

b.Mother told to wash my hands.

14. “ I want to go there “, said the boy.

e. The boy said that he wanted to go there.

f. The boy said that I wanted to go there.

Вариант 3

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1. “ Cook soup, please. “, said Tanya.

a. Tanya asked to cook soup.

b. TANYA asked that I cooked soup.

2. “ Don’t touch these photos “, said Nick.

a Nick told not to touch those photos.

g. Nick told that I doesn’t touch these photos.

3. “ Does Misha like Shakespeare? “, said John.

a. John asked if Misha liked Shakespeare.

b. John asked if does Misha like Shakespeare.

4. “ Olga walked with her friends yesterday.”, said Den.

a. Den said Olga walked with her friends yesterday.

b. Den said that Olga had walked with her friends the day before.

5. “ The teacher is speaking now .”,said Sasha.

a. Sasha said that the teacher is speaking now.

b. Sasha said that the teacher was speaking then.

6. “ Sveta has been doing her homework for 2 hours.”, sa id he.

a. He said that Sveta had been doing her homework for 2 hours.

b. HE said that Sveta has been doing her homework for 2 hours.

7. “ Did you like the book ?”, said Den.

a., Den asked if did you like the book.

b .Den asked if I had liked the book.

Вариант 4.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1.”You will read this book next year.”, said the teacher.

a. The teacher said that we would read that book the next year.

b. The teacher said that you will read that book the next year.

2. “ Don’t buy this book “, said Mike.

a. Mike told not to buy that book.

b. Mike told that I didn’t buy this book.

3. “ I had done my homework by 7 p.m.” said Helen.

a. Helen said that I had done my homework by 7 p.m.

b. Helen said that she had done her homework by 7p.m.

4. “ Were he writing a letter at 5 p.m. yesterday ? “, said Mike.

a. Mike asked if he had been writing a letter at 5 p.m. the day before.

b. Mike asked if he were writing a letter at 5 p.m. yesterday.

5. “ I have never seen your toys .”, said Oleg.

a. Oleg said that he had never seen my toys.

b. Oleg said that he has never seen your toys.

6. “ Don’t play in the street,” said the man.

a. The man told not to play in the street.

b. The man told that I didn’t play in the street.

7. “I shall buy some stamps for you ,” said she.

A She said that I should buy some stamps for you.

g. She said that she would buy some stamps for me.

Вариант 5.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1. “ They shall discuss this subject soon, “ said the worker.

a.The worker said that they would discuss that subject soon.

b.The worker said that they will discuss that subject soon.

2. “ Don’t read aloud, please ,” said Oleg.

a. Oleg asked not to read aloud.

b. Oleg asked that I don’t read aloud.

3. Sasha said to me , “ I like to go to the circus every week.”

a. Sasha told me that he liked to go to the circus every week.

b. Sasha told me that he like to go to the circus every day.

4. Ann said ,” My parents will explain this question”.

a. Ann said that her parents would explain that question.

b. Ann said that my parents will explain that question.

5. Father said,” Why do you help him?”

a. Father asked why do you help him.

b. Father asked why I helped him.

6. The girl said ,” Last year we learnt many poems .”

a. The girl said last year we learnt many poems.

b. The girl said that they had learnt many poems the week before.

7. Nina said, “ I will have flown to America by next Tuesday.”

a. Nina said that she would have flown to America by next Tuesday.

b. Nina said that she will have flown to America by the next Tuesday.

Эталон ответов.

Вариант 1.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.


1.The woman said,” He has graduated from college.”

g. The woman said that he had graduated from college.

h. The woman said he has graduated from college.

2. “ Don’t move your head”, said mother.

g. Mother told me not to move my head.

h. Mother told not to move your hand.

3. “ We saw a lot of places of interests” , said Marina.

a. Marina said that we had seen a lot of places of interests.

b. Marina said that they had seen a lot of places of interests.

4. “ Open your books, please “ , said the teacher.

a. The teacher asked us to open our books.

b. The teacher asked to open your books.

5.“ You will have no problems getting to my place “, said Oleg.

a. Oleg said that we would have no problems getting to my place.

b. Oleg said that we would have no problems getting to his place.

6.Mike said , “ Where have you put my book? “

g. Mike asked where I had put his book.

h. Mike asked where you had put his book.

7.“ Do you often meet my sister ?”, said Tom.

a. Tom asked if I often meet my sister.

b. Tom asked if I often met his sister.

Вариант 2.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

8. “ Don’t forget to bring your books”, said the teacher.

a. The teacher asked not to forget to bring our books.

b. The teacher asked not to forget to bring your books.

9. “ I have got a very good bicycle “, said Fred.

h. Fred said that I had got a very good bicycle.

i. Fred said that he had got a very good bicycle.

10. “ Why did she do it ? “, said Mary.

a.Mary asked why she had done it.

b. Mary asked why she did it.

11. “ Will you write a test tomorrow ? “ , said the grandmother.

a. The grandmother asked if I would write a test next day.

b. The grandmother asked if I will write a test tomorrow.

12. “ My sister knows two foreign languages .”,said Mike.

a.Mike said that my sister knows two foreign languages.

b.MIKE said that his sister knew two foreign languages.

13. Mother said , “ Wash your hands .”

a.Mother told to wash your hands.

b.Mother told to wash my hands.

14. “ I want to go there “, said the boy.

h. The boy said that he wanted to go there.

i. The boy said that I wanted to go there.

Вариант 3

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1. “ Cook soup, please. “, said Tanya.

a. Tanya asked to cook soup.

b. TANYA asked that I cooked soup.

2. “ Don’t touch these photos “, said Nick.

a Nick told not to touch those photos.

j. Nick told that I doesn’t touch these photos.

3.“ Does Misha like Shakespeare? “, said John.

a. John asked if Misha liked Shakespeare.

b. John asked if does Misha like Shakespeare.

4.“ Olga walked with her friends yesterday.”, said Den.

a. Den said Olga walked with her friends yesterday.

b. Den said that Olga had walked with her friends the day before.

5.“ The teacher is speaking now .”,said Sasha.

a. Sasha said that the teacher is speaking now.

b. Sasha said that the teacher was speaking then.

6.“ Sveta has been doing her homework for 2 hours.”, sa id he.

a. He said that Sveta had been doing her homework for 2 hours.

b. HE said that Sveta has been doing her homework for 2 hours.

7.“ Did you like the book ?”, said Den.

a., Den asked if did you like the book.

b .Den asked if I had liked the book.

Вариант 4.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

1.”You will read this book next year.”, said the teacher.

a. The teacher said that we would read that book the next year.

b. The teacher said that you will read that book the next year.

2. “ Don’t buy this book “, said Mike.

a. Mike told not to buy that book.

b. Mike told that I didn’t buy this book.

3. “ I had done my homework by 7 p.m.” said Helen.

a. Helen said that I had done my homework by 7 p.m.

b. Helen said that she had done her homework by 7p.m.

4. “ Were he writing a letter at 5 p.m. yesterday ? “, said Mike.

a. Mike asked if he had been writing a letter at 5 p.m. the day before.

b. Mike asked if he were writing a letter at 5 p.m. yesterday.

5. “ I have never seen your toys .”, said Oleg.

a. Oleg said that he had never seen my toys.

b. Oleg said that he has never seen your toys.

6. “ Don’t play in the street,” said the man.

a. The man told not to play in the street.

b. The man told that I didn’t play in the street.

7. “I shall buy some stamps for you ,” said she.

a. She said that I should buy some stamps for you.

b.She said that she would buy some stamps for me.

Вариант 5.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.


1.“ They shall discuss this subject soon, “ said the worker.

a.The worker said that they would discuss that subject soon.

b.The worker said that they will discuss that subject soon.

2.“ Don’t read aloud, please ,” said Oleg.

a. Oleg asked not to read aloud.

b. Oleg asked that I don’t read aloud.

3.Sasha said to me , “ I like to go to the circus every week.”

a. Sasha told me that he liked to go to the circus every week.

b. Sasha told me that he like to go to the circus every day.

4. Ann said ,” My parents will explain this question”.

a. Ann said that her parents would explain that question.

b. Ann said that my parents will explain that question.

5.Father said,” Why do you help him?”

a. Father asked why do you help him.

b. Father asked why I helped him.

6.The girl said ,” Last year we learnt many poems .”

a. The girl said last year we learnt many poems.

b. The girl said that they had learnt many poems the week before.

7. Nina said, “ I will have flown to America by next Tuesday.”

a. Nina said that she would have flown to America by next Tuesday.

b. Nina said that she will have flown to America by the next Tuesday.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(7 )

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(6)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(5)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(4 и меньше)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.8.

Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология).

Письменный опрос по теме

Неопределенные местоимения, производные от some, any, no, every.

Вариант1. Вставьте “some, any, no”.

1. There are … pictures in the book.

2. There are … old houses in our street.

3. Are there … new students in your group?

4. Are there … English textbooks on the desks?

–Yes, there are … .

5. Are there … maps on the walls?

-No, there are not … .

Вариант2. Заполни пропуски, вставив одну из слов, данных в скобках.

1. We haven’t … black stockings ( no / any ).

2. They have … red boots, Kate … ( any / no ).

3. I don’t want ... today, thank you ( nothing / anything ).

4. “I haven’t got … clean ex. books, Mother “, said the boy ( any / no ).

5. “We shall not buy … in this shop, children,” said the mother ( nothing / anything ).

Эталон ответов.

Вариант1. Вставьте “some, any, no”.

1. There are some/ no pictures in the book.

2. There are some /no old houses in our street.

3. Are there any new students in your group?

4. Are there any English textbooks on the desks?

–Yes, there are some .

5. Are there any maps on the walls?

-No, there are not any .

Вариант2. Заполни пропуски, вставив одну из слов, данных в скобках.

1. We haven’t … black stockings ( no / any ).

2. They have … red boots, Kate . ( any / no ).

3. I don’t want ... today, thank you ( nothing / anything ).

4. “I haven’t got … clean ex. books, Mother “, said the boy ( any / no ).

5. “We shall not buy … in this shop, children,” said the mother ( nothing / anything ).

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 10мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(5)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(4)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(3)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(2)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.8.

Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология).

Прочитайте, переведите текст и выполните задание.

How the climate can influence meals

     In southern countries where there is a lot of sunlight and it is usually hot many people like eating their meals in the fresh air. In these areas people often eat under trees or big umbrellas during the day because the heat is generally very strong. While in the evening they eat under the moon and stars which produces a romantic effect on people. This, for example, is often done in Italy. The restaurants put tables in a garden or in the street and most people eat there and not inside the restaurants.

     Renato was born in Italy and lived in a small town on the seacoast. When he was thirty-two, he moved to London and bought a restaurant there. At first London seemed huge, grey and unfriendly to him. But by and by he began to like this city. Though he couldn’t forget Italy and his home town.

     So, it’s not surprising that one day he put some of his tables out in the street. As you know it rains much more in England than it does in Italy. That’s why Renato’s idea was not really good and did not work. What happened to Mr. Jenkins, a Londoner, one rainy afternoon, proves it. Mr. Jenkins went to Renato’s restaurant and in the evening he said to his wife, “I had lunch at that new Italian restaurant today, and it rained all the time. It took me twenty-five minutes to drink my soup”.

     Расположите предложения в правильной последовательности.

1. Renato moved to England and bought a restaurant in London.

2. Mr. Jenkins had lunch in Renato’s restaurant.

3. Renato was born in Italy and lived there for thirty-two years.

4. Mr. Jenkins told his wife about his lunch at Renato’s restaurant.

5. Renato decided to put some of the tables out into the street.

6. Renato couldn’t forget Italy and his home town.

Эталон ответов.

 Расположите предложения в правильной последовательности.


Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 10мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты.

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок.

Раздел 2. Тема 2.8.

Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология).

Письменный опрос по теме

Имена прилагательные в положительной, сравнительной и превосходной степенях, образованные по правилу, а также исключения.

Наречия в сравнительной и превосходной степенях,

Вариант 1.Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в нужной степени сравнения

1) This is … room in the building

a) biggest b) the biggest c) bigger

2) Dick is … than the other boy

a) politer b) the politest c) more polite

3) That lesson was … of all

a) good b) the best c) better

4) Betty is … girl of all

a) the most beautiful b) beautifulest c) beautifuler

5) They have … furniture than we

a) expensive b) expensive c) more expensive

Вариант 2.Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в нужной степени сравнения

1) Tom is … than his brother

a) smallest b) smaller c) the smallest

2)This house is … than this building

a)the most beautiful b) more beautiful c) beautifulest

3) His bracelet is … than mine

a) valuablest b) most valuable c) more valuable

4) Bill is … student of all

a) tallest b) taller c) the tallest

5) I am … Dick

a) as tall as b) as taller as c) as tallest as

Вариант3.Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в нужной степени сравнения

1) New York has … buildings of any city

a) tall b) taller c) the tallest

2) This is … chair of all

a) the most comfortable b) comfortablest c) more comfortable

3) She is … than her sister

a) the youngest b) young c) younger

4) Is Charles … than his sister?

a) clever b) the cleverest c) cleverer

5) This is … room of all

a) the beautifuler b) beautifulest c) the most beautiful

Вариант4.Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в нужной степени сравнения

1) Are there … people than here?

a) many b) more c) the most

2) This is … task of all

a) the easiest b) easier c) easiest

3) John has … talent of any in the group

a) least b) less c) little

4. They have … books … we

a) many b) more c) as many as

5. I am … than Nick

a) taller b) the tallest c) more tall

Эталон ответов

Вариант 1.Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в нужной степени сравнения

1) This is … room in the building

a) biggest b) the biggest c) bigger

2) Dick is … than the other boy

a) politer b) the politest c) more polite

3) That lesson was … of all

a) good b) the best c) better

4) Betty is … girl of all

a) the most beautiful b) beautifulest c) beautifuler

5) They have … furniture than we

a) expensive b) expensive c) more expensive

Вариант 2.Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в нужной степени сравнения

1) Tom is … than his brother

a) smallest b) smaller c) the smallest

2)This house is … than this building

a)the most beautiful b) more beautiful c) beautifulest

3) His bracelet is … than mine

a) valuablest b) most valuable c) more valuable

4) Bill is … student of all

a) tallest b) taller c) the tallest

5) I am … Dick

a) as tall as b) as taller as c) as tallest as

Вариант3.Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в нужной степени сравнения

1) New York has … buildings of any city

a) tall b) taller c) the tallest

2) This is … chair of all

a) the most comfortable b) comfortablest c) more comfortable

3) She is … than her sister

a) the youngest b) young c) younger

4) Is Charles … than his sister?

a) clever b) the cleverest c) cleverer

5) This is … room of all

a) the beautifuler b) beautifulest c) the most beautiful

Вариант4.Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в нужной степени сравнения

1) Are there … people than here?

a) many b) more c) the most

2) This is … task of all

a) the easiest b) easier c) easiest

3) John has … talent of any in the group

a) least b) less c) little

4. They have … books … we

a) many b) more c) as many as

5. I am … than Nick

a) taller b) the tallest c) more tall

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет №

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 10мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(5)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(4)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(3)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(2)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.9. Образование в России и за рубежом, среднее профессиональное образование

Письменный опрос по теме

Глаголы в страдательном залоге, преимущественно в Indefinite Passive.

Вариант 1

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1) The work … yesterday

a) had been finished b) was finished c) will have finished

2) The packages … tomorrow

a) will be delivered b) will delivered c) will be delivering

3) That … by them already

a) would be suggested b)has been suggested c) have been suggested

4) The documents … by boss now

a) are being signed b) will sign c) was signed

5) My mail … always at 10 o’clock a. m.

a) was delivered b) is delivered c) will be delivered

2.Замените формы активного залога на пассивные

Example: He closed the door- The door was closed by him.

1)She opens the mail every day.

2)Mr. Brown will sign the letter.

3)The students enjoyed the lecture.

4)She has received the letter already.

5)Mr. White is repairing the car now.

Вариант 2

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1) My lessons … by the teacher every day

a) is corrected b) are corrected c) was corrected

2) Mr. Brown’s house … last summer

a) was built b) were built c) is built

3) The news … by everybody soon

a) will be knowing b) will be known c) will known

4) That new house … by them already

a) had been bought b) have been bought c) has been bought

5) The text … by them this moment

a) is being translated b) are being translated c) were being translated

2.Измените формы активного залога на пассивные

Example: He closed the door- The door was closed by him.

1)They ate the chocolate candy.

2)The messenger will return the envelope

3)He always signs the documents

4)The builders had built the house by the end of November last year

5)He has written the letter

Вариант 3

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1) The news … yesterday

a) was announced b) were announced c) be announced

2. A new house … here next year

a) is being built b) will be built c) had been built

3. The room … already by him

a) has been cleaned b)has been cleaning c) is being cleaned

4. Our exercises … by the teacher every lesson

a) were corrected b) is corrected c) are corrected

5. The things … by the thieves now

a) are being stolen b) was being stolen c) is being stolen

2.Измените формы активного залога на пассивные

Example: He closed the door—The door was closed by him

1) He will deliver the books to them

2) She has written the letter

3) He mailed that big package

4) She is writing the test now

5)Peter cleans the room twice a week

Вариант 4

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1. The president … in November last year

a) was elected b) were elected c) was being elected

2. Our class … by Mr Brown tomorrow

a) will taught b)will be teaching c) will be taught

3.Two letters … already

a) has been written b) have been written c) had been written

4. The new film … by them now

a) is being watched b) was being watched c) are being watched

5. The house … by them by January next year

a) will be built b) will had been built c) will have been built

2.Замените формы активного залога на пассивные

Example: He closed the door- The door was closed by him

1.She doesn’t sign the checks

2.He will not move the furniture

3)They had not built the house by Monday

4)I am not translating the text now

5)Somebody has stolen my bracelet

Эталоны ответов

Вариант 1


1)was finished

2)will be delivered

3)has been suggested

4)are being signed

5)is delivered


1)The mail is opened by her every day

2)The letter will be signed by Mr. Brown

3)The lecture was enjoyed by the students

4)The letter has already received by her

5)The car is repairing by Mr. White now

Вариант 2


1)are corrected

2)was built

3)will be known

4)has been bought

5)is being translated


1)The chocolate candy is eaten by then already

2)The envelope will be returned by the messenger

3)The documents are always signed by him

4)The house had been built by the builders by the end of November last year

5)The letter has written by him

Вариант 3


1)was announced

2)will be built

3)has been cleaned

4)are corrected

5)are being stolen


1)The books will be delivered to them by him

2)The letter has written by her

3)That big package was mailed by him

4)The test is written by her already

5)The rooms are cleaned by Peter twice a week

Вариант 4


1)was elected

2)will be taught

3)have been written

4)is being watched

5)will be built


1)The checks are not signed by her

2)The furniture will not moved by him

3)The house had not built by them by Monday

4)The text is not translating by me now

5)My bracelet has stolen by somebody

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(10-9)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(8)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(7)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(6-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.9. Образование в России и за рубежом, среднее профессиональное образование

Письменный опрос по теме

Инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты и способы передачи их значений на родном языке.

Вариант1. Замените выделенные части речи предложений инфинитивными оборотами.

Ex. The boy had many toys which he could play with.

The boy had many toys to play with.

1. Here is something which will warm you up.

2. Here is new brush which you will clean your teeth with.

3. Here are some more facts which will prove that your theory is correct.

4. Here is something which you can rub on your hands.

5. Here are tablets which will relive your headache.

Вариант 2. Вставьте частицу “to” перед инфинитивом где необходимо.

1. She did not let her mother … go away.

2. Do you like … fly?

3. May I … use your telephone?

4. He did not want … play in the yard any more.

5. I’d like … speak to Nick.

Вариант 3. Вставьте частицу “to” перед инфинитивом, где необходимо.

1. I like … dance.

2. I would like … dance.

3. I shall do all I can … help you.

4. She made me … repeat my words several times.

5. I saw him … enter the room.

Вариант 4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.

1. Я рад, что рассказал вам эту историю.

2. Я рад, что мне рассказали эту историю.

3. Я хочу познакомить вас с этой артисткой.

4. Я хочу, чтобы меня познакомили с этой артисткой.

5. Я рад, что встретил её на станции.

Задание5. Поставьте, где нужно, частицу “to” перед инфинитивом.

1. I think you ought … apologize.

2. Make him … speak louder.

3. Help me … carry this dag/

4. My son asked me … let him … go to the theatre.

5. I must … go to the country.

Эталон ответов

Вариант1. Замените выделенные части речи предложений инфинитивными оборотами.

1. Here is something to warm you up.

2. Here is new brush to clean your teeth with.

3. Here are some more facts to prove that your theory is correct.

4. Here is something to rub on your hands.

5. Here are tablets to relive your headache.

Вариант 2. Вставьте частицу “to” перед инфинитивом где необходимо.

1. She did not let her mother _ go away.

2. Do you like to fly?

3. May I _ use your telephone?

4. He did not want to play in the yard any more.

5. I’d like to speak to Nick.

Вариант 3. Вставьте частицу “to” перед инфинитивом, где необходимо.

1. I like to dance.

2. I would like to dance.

3. I shall do all I can _ help you.

4. She made me _ repeat my words several times.

5. I saw him _ enter the room.

Вариант 4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.

1. I am glad to have told you this story.

2. I am glad to have been told this story.

3.I want to introduce you to this actress.

4. I want to be introduced to this actress.

5. I am glad to have met her at the station.

Задание5. Поставьте, где нужно, частицу “to” перед инфинитивом.

1. I think you ought to apologize.

2. Make him _ speak louder.

3. Help me to carry this dag/

4. My son asked me to let him _ go to the theatre.

5. I must _ go to the country.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 10мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(5)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(4)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(3)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(2)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.9. Образование в России и за рубежом, среднее профессиональное образование

Прочитайте, переведите текст. Выполните задания к тексту.

Education in Russia

Children start school at the age of six in Russia. The course of studies at school is eleven years now: four years of primary school and seven years of secondary school. Previously it was only ten years: three years of primary school and seven years of secondary school. Children under the age of six are taken to crèches and nursery schools.

There is a wide choice of schools nowadays: state schools, private schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. The majority of schools are free of charge, but in some (usually private ones) parents have to pay for the education of their children. In ordinary schools parents sometimes pay for additional subjects in the curriculum, such as a foreign language or arts. Though it is generally not a demand, most children can already read and write when they start their school: this makes education much easier for them.

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In primary school there are three or four lessons a day, they usually are Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. A lesson lasts forty minutes. During the first term children get used to learning and adapt to school regulations. Beginning with the second term of the first year at school, children also take Handicrafts, Drawing,

Music and Physical Education. The list of subjects under study is further extended during the second, third and fourth years and includes the World History of Arts, Fundamentals of Security, History, Geography, and others. At primary schools all lessons are usually conducted by one teacher. At the age of ten children pass to the second stage of education, known as secondary school. In secondary school there is a wide variety of subjects under study, and teachers specialize. The transition from primary to secondary school is sometimes difficult for children. After finishing the ninth form and getting the Certificate of Basic Secondary Education, schoolchildren may either continue their education in the tenth form, or leave school and go to technical (vocational) schools and colleges.

After eleven years at school the school leavers take examinations and get the Certificate of Complete Secondary Education. Those who have only excellent marks in the Certificate get a gold medal, which gives the right to enter higher school taking only one examination.

The admission to higher school is competitive and based on the system of entrance examinations, usually three or four. During the ex aminations the school leavers must show their abilities in the chosen field. Young people also have an option to get specialized secondary education in vocational schools after leaving the eleventh form.

Among higher educational establishments are institutes (colleges), academies and universities. The term of studying in higher school is from four to six years. Students can be involved in scientific research while studying. At the end of their final year at college, university or academy they take final examinations and get a diploma. Besides, they can take postgraduate courses in the chosen field.

1. Переведите на русский язык.

the course of studies; primary school; secondary school; previously; creche; lyceum; gymnasium; free of charge; curriculum; demand; to adapt; to extend; to conduct; transition; vocational school; higher school; competitive; ability; to be involved in; postgraduate courses.

2. Переведите на английский язык.

детский сад; большой выбор; государственная школа; большинство школ; дополнительные предметы; первая четверть; школьные правила; изучаемые предметы; выпускники ; академия; выпускные экзамены.

Эталон ответов

1. Переведите на русский язык.

детский сад; большой выбор; государственная школа; большинство школ; дополнительные предметы; первая четверть; школьные правила; изучаемые предметы; выпускники ; академия; выпускные экзамены.

2 Переведите слова на английский.

the course of studies; primary school; secondary school; previously; creche; lyceum; gymnasium; free of charge; curriculum; demand; to adapt; to extend; to conduct; transition; vocational school; higher school; competitive; ability; to be involved in; postgraduate courses.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 60мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.10.Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники .

Письменный опрос по теме

Предложения со сложным дополнением типа I want you to come here.

Вариант 1 Закончите предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение.         

E.g. “Bring me a book,” said my brother to me.     

My brother wanted me to bring him a book.

1. The teacher said to the pupils: “Learn the rule.” — The teacher wanted ... 2. “Be careful, or else you will spill the milk,” said my mother to me. — My mother did not want ... 3. “My daughter will go to a ballet school,” said the woman. — The woman wanted ...4. “Oh, father, buy me this toy, please,” said the little boy. — The little boy wanted …5. “Wait for me after school,” said Ann to me. — Ann wanted ... 6. “Fix the shelf in the kitchen,” my father said to me. — My father wanted ... 7. “Fetch me some water from the river, children,” said our grandmother. — Our grandmother wanted ... 8. “Come to my birthday party,” said Kate to her classmates. — Kate wanted ... 9. The biology teacher said to us: “Collect some insects in summer.” — The biology teacher wanted ...10. “Don’t eat ice cream before dinner,” said our aunt to us. Our aunt did not want .

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Составьте предложения с Complex Object, используя глагол, данный в скобках.

1. I think she will phone. (expect)

2. My father said I could use his car. (allow)

3. I suggested that she should go home. (offer)

4. I asked my friend 'Can you help me?' (ask)

5. I think you should know the truth. (want)

Вариант 3. Замените дополнение, выраженное существительным, на местоимение в объектном падеже.

1. We expected Tom to be late.

2. I wouldn't recommend my friends to stay in that hotel.

3. I saw Mary take the pen out of the pocket.

4. I asked my friend to help me.

5. Jane's parents wouldn't let their daughter go out alone.

Вариант 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя конструкцию Complex Object.

1. Я хочу, чтобы ты знал об этом.

2. Я сказал Алану идти домой.

3. Они пригласили его погостить у них несколько дней.

4. Она не хотела, чтобы я ушел.

5. Я слышал, как она играет на пианино.

Вариант 5. Постройте предложения без конструкции Complex Object, сохранив их первоначальный смысл.

1. I want you to remember this rule.

2. Glasses make him look older.

3. Do you expect her to phone?

4. They think him to be a good driver.

5. She allowed us to borrow her books.

Эталон ответов.

Вариант 1

1. The teacher wanted the pupils to learn the rule.

2. My mother did not want me to spill the milk.

3. The woman wanted her daughter to go to a ballet school.

4. The little boy wanted his father to buy him this toy.

5. Ann wanted me to wait for her after school.

6. My father wanted me to fix the shelf in the kitchen

7. Our grandmother wanted us to fetch her some water from the river.

8. Kate wanted her classmates to come to her birthday party.

9. The biology teacher wanted us to collect some insects in summer.

10. Our aunt did not want us to eat ice cream before dinner.

Вариант 2

1. I expect her to phone.

2. My father allowed me to use his car.

3. I offered her to go home.

4. I asked my friend to help me.

5. I want you to know the truth.

Вариант 3.

1. him

2. them

3. her

4. him/her

5. her

Вариант 4.

1. I want you to know about it.

2. I told Alan to go home.

3. They invited him to come and stay with them for a few days.

4. She didn't want me to go.

5. I heard her playing the piano.

Вариант 5

1. You should remember this rule.

2. He looks older in glasses.

3. Do you think she will phone?

4. They think that he is a good driver.

5. She said that we could borrow her books.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 10мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(5)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(4)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(3)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(2)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.10.Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники .

Письменный опрос по теме

Сложноподчиненные предложения с союзами for, as, till, until, (as) though.

Вариант1. Выберите в скобках верный вариант союза. Переведите предложения.

1. Please, call me ... (while/as soon as/till) you arrive at the station.

2. ... (Until/After/Before) going to sleep, she likes reading a book for an hour or so.

3. Don’t sit down ... (until/after/while) we ask you.

4. The house became empty ... (after/before/until) they left.

5. I won’t start my journey ... (when/while/until) he pays all my expenses.

6. ... (As soon as/While/Before) he was making a fire, it started raining.

7. ... (While/Till/As soon as) we get married, we’ll move to another place.

8. Turn off the light ... (before/when/while) the lesson is over.

9. You should read this paper ... (before/until/while) you express your opinion.

10. We won’t start our dinner ... (after/until/as soon as) Richard arrives.

Вариант 2. Соедините два простых предложения в одно сложное, используя предложенный союз в скобках.

Например:  Don’t call your uncle. First I’ll tell you. (till) – Don’t call your uncle till I tell you. (Не звони своему дяде, пока я не скажу тебе.)

1. Tom will come in a minute. Then I will go to the chemist’s. (as soon as)

2. I will come home soon. I want to have a foam bath. (when)

3. We are moving to Miami. Then we’ll invite you to our house. (after)

4. You will need my car. But first let me know. (before)

5. Alice will be picking up the berries. Sam will be cutting the grass. (while)

6. She will have finished her homework in half an hour. Then she will go for a walk. (after)

7. Dad will have repaired the van by Saturday. Then we’ll travel to the lakes. (as soon as)

8. You must clean your teeth. Then you may go to bed. (until)

9. I will get my salary next week. Then I will buy a new smart phone. (when)

10. First wait for the green light on. Then you can cross the street. (before)


Вариант 3. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в необходимой видо-временной форме.

Например: He ... (help) us with the housework before the party ... (start). – He will help us with the housework before the party starts. (Он поможет нам с уборкой по дому до того, как начнется вечеринка.)

1. You need to buy a present before your wife ... (come).

2. I ... (drop) my keys as I was leaving the apartment.

3. As soon as you sign the contract we ... (send) the payment.

4. After the princess fell asleep, she ... (have) a scary dream.

5. Robert woke up while the sun ... (rise).

6. After he ... (break) his arm he never ... (play) volleyball again.

7. She was doing shopping while her sister ... (wash) the windows.

8. We’ll go to the beach as soon as the film ... (be over).

9. Don’t eat chocolate until your allergy ... (disappear).

10. Can you feed my cats when I ... (go) on holiday?

Эталон ответов.


1. as soon as (Пожалуйста, позвони мне, как только приедешь на вокзал.)

2. Before (Перед тем, как ложиться спать, она любит почитать книгу где-то около часа.)

3. until (Не садитесь, пока мы не попросим вас.)

4. after (Дом опустел после того, как они уехали.)

5. until (Я не начну свое путешествие, пока он не оплатит все мои расходы.)

6. While (В то время, когда он разводил костер, начался дождь.)

7. As soon as (Как только мы поженимся, мы переедем в другое место.)

8. when (Выключайте свет, когда урок закончен.)

9. before (Вам следует почитать этот документ, прежде чем высказывать свое мнение.)

10. until (Мы не приступим к ужину, пока не приедет Ричард.)

Вариант 2.

1. As soon as Tom comes, I will go to the chemist’s. (Как только придет Том, я пойду в аптеку.)

2. When I come home I will have a foam bath. (Когда я приду домой, я приму ванну с пеной.)

3. After we move to Miami, we’ll invite you to our house. (После того, как мы переедем в Майами, мы пригласим тебя в наш дом.)

4. Please, let me know before you need my car. (Дай мне знать, прежде чем тебе будет нужна моя машина.)

5. While Alice will be picking up the berries, Sam will be cutting the grass. (В то время, как Алиса будет собирать ягоды, Сэм будет стричь траву.)

6. After she has finished her homework, she will go for a walk. (После того, как она закончит домашнюю работу, она пойдет гулять.)

7. As soon as dad has repaired the van, we’ll travel to the lakes. (Как только папа починит грузовик, мы отправимся на озера.)

8. You won’t go to bed until you clean your teeth.(Ты не пойдешь спать, пока не почистишь зубы.)

9. When I get my salary I will buy a new smart phone. (Когда я получу зарплату, я куплю новый смартфон.)

10. Don’t cross the street before you see the green light on.(Не переходи улицу, пока не увидишь зеленый свет.)

Вариант 3.

1. comes (Тебе нужно купить подарок до того, как придет твоя жена.)

2. dropped (Я выронил ключи в то время, как выходил из квартиры.)

3. will send (Как только вы подпишете контракт, вы вышлем оплату.)

4. had (После того, как принцесса уснула, ей приснился страшный сон.)

5. was rising (Роберт проснулся в то время, как солнце вставало.)

6. broke – played (После того, как он сломал руку, он больше никогда не играл в волейбол.)

7. was washing (Она занималась покупками в то время, как ее сестра мыла окна.)

8. is over (Мы пойдем на пляж, как только закончится фильм.)

9. disappears (Не ешь шоколад, пока не исчезнет твоя аллергия.)

10. go (Ты можешь покормить моих кошек, когда я уеду в отпуск?)

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(10-9)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(8)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(7)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(6-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.10.Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники .

Письменный опрос по теме

Предложения с союзами neither…nor, either…or.

Вариант1. Выберите из скобок подходящий вариант.

1. We have asked them both but … (neither/both) of them knows his address.

2. He has lived in Milan and Madrid but he didn’t like … (either/neither) of the cities much.

3. She is very slim. I think she is … (either/neither) a sportsman … (or/nor) a model.

4. Anna never works all day. She works … (either/neither) in the morning … (or/nor) after lunch.

5. He has 2 cars, but I don’t like … (either/neither) of them.

6. She couldn’t choose between them, she liked them … (both/either).

7. You can take … (either/neither) a bus or a train to get to Oxford.

8. Would you like fish or chicken? - It doesn’t matter. … (Either/Both) will do for me.

9. Would you like apple juice or orange juice? - … (Either/Neither), thanks. I don’t like juice.

10. Would you like some salad or some steak? - … (Either/Both). I’m so hungry.

11. Doesn’t he use … (either/neither) of his phones?

12. My old granny could … (either/neither) read … (or/nor) write.

13. … (Either/Neither) of them invited me, so I didn’t go there.

14. You should keep … (either/both) hands on the steering wheel.

Вариант 2. Дайте краткие ответы, используя neither и слово в скобках в качестве подлежащего.

Н-р:  I don’t eat garlic. (Mary) – Neither does Mary.  (Я не ем чеснок. – И Мэри тоже.)

1. I cannot understand him. (we)

2. We are not from Brazil. (I)

3. He didn’t go to the movie. (William)

4. I will never talk to him. (my Mum)

5. He hasn’t bought a present yet. (I)

6. I haven’t got any sisters. (my friend)

7. I don’t enjoy horse-riding. (we)

8. I am not going to Moscow. (Jack)

9. I don’t like horror films, and my husband doesn’t like … (either/neither).

10… (Either/Both) my mother and father have green eyes.

11.I asked two friends to help me with the test, but … (either/neither) of them knew the answer.

12.Her dress was … (either/both) black or brown.

13.Please ask … (either/neither) Fred or Linda to buy some milk.

14.We can meet … (either/neither) today … (or/nor) tomorrow. I am terribly busy.

Эталон ответов.

Вариант 1.

1. neither (Мы спросили их обоих, но никто из них не знает его адрес.)

2. either (Он жил в Милане и в Мадриде, но ему не понравился ни один из городов.)

3. either – or (Она очень стройная. Думаю, она или спортсменка, или модель.)

4. either – or (Анна  никогда не работает целый день. Она работает или утром, или после обеда.)

5. either (У него 2 машины, но мне не нравится ни одна из них.)

6. both (Она не могла сделать свой выбор, ей нравились они оба.)

7. either (Ты можешь поехать в Оксфорд или на автобусе, или на поезде.)

8. Either (Вы будете рыбу или курицу? – Без разницы. Или то, или то подойдет.)

9. (Вы будете яблочный или апельсиновый сок? – Ни то, ни другое, спасибо. Я не люблю сок.)

10. (Вы будете салат или стейк? – И то, и другое. Я такой голодный.)

11. either (Разве он не пользуется одним из телефонов?)

12. neither – nor (Моя старая бабушка не могла ни читать, ни писать.)

13. Neither (Никто из них не пригласил меня, поэтому я туда не ходил.)

14. both (Тебе следует держать обе руки на руле.)

Вариант 2.

1. Neither can we. (Я не могу понять его. – И мы тоже.)

2. Neither am I. (Мы не из Бразилии. – И я тоже.)

3. Neither did William. (Он не ходил в кино. – И Уильям тоже.)

4. Neither will my Mum. (Я никогда не буду с ним разговаривать. – И моя мама тоже.)

5. Neither have I. (Он еще не купил подарок. – И я тоже.)

6. Neither has my friend. (У меня нет сестер. – И у моего друга тоже.)

7. Neither do we. (Я не люблю верховую езду. – И мы тоже.)

8. Neither is Jack. (Я не еду в Москву. – И Джек тоже.)

9. either (Я не люблю фильмы ужасов, и мой муж тоже не любит.)

10. Both (И у мамы, и у папы зеленые глаза.)

11. neither (Я попросил двоих друзей помочь мне с тестом, но никто из них не знал ответ.)

12. either (Ее платье было либо черным, либо коричневым.)

13. either (Попроси Фреда или Линду купить немного молока.)

14. neither – nor (Мы не можем встретиться ни сегодня, ни завтра. Я ужасно занят.)

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 30мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(10-9)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(8)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(7)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(6-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.11. Общественная жизнь(повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения) .

Прочитайте переведите текст, выполните задания к тексту.

St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral is situated in the City of London. It was designed by Sir Christopher Wren (1632s 1723 4-234?) who was not only an architect but also one of the best geometers of his day, a mathematician and astronomer. It took Wren 35 years to build the Cathedral which is the greatest of English Churches. It is considered to be a fine specimen of Renaissance architecture.

The Cathedral is 515 ft long and 180 ft wide. Its famous dome is the largest church dome in the world after St. Peter’s in Rome. The Cathedral is Gothic in plan but the details are classic Renaissance. In one of the twin baroque towers there is one of the largest bells in the world, Great Paul, weighting 17, 5 tons.

Inside there is a wonderful mixture of architectural work, paintings, mosaics and statues which are monuments to generals and admirals who are buried there and among them admiral Nelson and the Duke of Wellington (under his command the army of the allies defeated Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815).

When Christopher Wren was 90 he was carried here once a year so that he could see his beautiful work. He himself is buried in the Cathedral. There is no monument to Christopher Wren but on his tomb in the centre of the Cathedral there is an inscription which reads: “If you seek a monument, look around”. The inscription is in Latin.

St. Paul’s Cathedral was partly destroyed in 1941 by a direct hit from bombs. After the war it was restored.

1. Текст о…

1) the interior of St. Paul’s Cathedral.

2) Sir Christopher Wren.

3) Renaissance architecture.

4) Christopher Wren’s masterpiece.

2. Закончи предложение.

In one of the towers of St. Paul’s Cathedral one can see …

1. one of the largest bells in the world.

2. the monument to Christopher Wren.

3. the tombs of Nelson and Wellington.

4. the largest church dome in the world.

3.Выберите предложения, соответствующие тексту.

1. St. Paul’s Cathedral was designed by Sir Christopher Wren who was not only an architect but also one of the best writers of his day.

2. The dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral is the largest church dome in the world after St. Peter’s.

3. The Cathedral is Gothic in plan but the details are baroque and classic Renaissance.

4. Christopher Wren is buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral, where there is a beautiful monument to him with an inscription in Latin.

4. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке.

1) Christopher Wren was carried here once a year.

2) St. Paul’s Cathedral was restored after World War II.

3) It took Wren 35 years to build the Cathedral.

4) Great Paul weight about 17, 5 tons.

Эталон ответов.





Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.11. Общественная жизнь(повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения) .

Прочитайте, переведите текст. Выполните задания к тексту.


An electric current is a flow of electricity. There are two kinds of electricity, positive and negative. Grass rubbed with silk is positively charged, ebonite rubbed with fur is negatively charged. Like charges repel, unlike charges attract. The leaf electroscope is used to detect, distinguish and measure charges. The ultimate particle of negative electricity is called the electron; that of positive electricity is called the proton.

It has been known for centuries that certain black, heavy stones have the property of attracting iron, this property being called magnetism. A body that exhibits magnetism is called a magnet. The two types of a magnet that show the strongest magnetism are called the North pole and the South pole. Magnets not only affect ordinary iron, but they affect one another. When a pole of one magnet is brought toward a pole of the second magnet, they will repel if both are north poles or both are south poles, but they will attract if one is a north pole and the other a south pole.

The region in which magnetic forces act is called a magnetic field. When placed in a strong magnetic field, iron becomes magnetized. Electricity and magnetism are closely connected. Almost all metals are good conductors of electricity, with copper being one of the best conductors of all. Glass, paper, rubber are the most common non-conductors or insulators.

According to their conductivity all materials are divided into conductors, insulators and semiconductors. A conductor owes its conducting powers to the presence of free electrons which have broken away from their atoms. The most common of them are metals, carbon electrolytes. According to their resistivity, conductors are divided into two groups: the first includes materials with low resistivity; copper, aluminium and others. These metals are used to produce wire conductors due to their high mechanical strength. The second group includes materials with high resistivity: one of these is nichrome.

Due to its good heat resistance, nichrome is used to produce heaters. Insulating materials have a very low conductivity. They offer extremely high resistance to the flow of current. Insulators are divided into gaseous, liquid, solid. They are also divided into groups according to their heat resistance. The semi-conductor is a material whose conductivity ranges between that of conductors and non-conductors of insulators. While the conductivity of metals is very little influenced by temperature, the conductivity of semi-conductors increases sharply with heating and falls with cooling. This dependence has opened great prospects for employing semi-conductors in measuring techniques.

There are several factors that determine the electrical resistance of any wire: - the material which it is composed of; - the size of the wire; - its temperature. In more general terms, the resistance of a wire is proportional to its length and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area. This is Ohm’s law.

1. Замените русские слова в скобках на английские:

Magnetism is the ( свойство ) of attracting iron.

Every magnet has two ( полюса ): the ( северный ), pole and the ( южный ) pole.

Magnet ( влияют ) one another.

The North pole of one magnet (отталкивает) the North pole of another magnet.. It is the same with the South pole.

The North pole of one magnet (притягивает) the South pole of another magnet.

Almost all metals are good (проводники) of electricity.

2. Переведите и задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям:

Semi-conductors find wide application in designing electronic counters, because they react to all kinds of radiations. ( Where? ).

One of the main engineering problems which could be solved by using semi-conductor was converting heat into electricity without using boilers or other machines. ( What? ).

3.Найдите в тексте предложения с пассивным залогом и переведите их.

Эталон ответов

Замените русские слова в скобках на английские:

1 property

2 poles, north, south

3 resist



Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.11. Общественная жизнь(повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения) .

Письменный опрос по теме

Глаголы в страдательном залоге, преимущественно в Indefinite Passive.

Вариант 1. Употребите правильную форму глагола в пассивном залоге.

1. The roads (cover) with the snow. – Дороги покрыты снегом.

2. Chocolate (make) from cocoa. – Шоколад изготавливается из какао.

3. The Pyramids (build) in Egypt. – Пирамиды были построены в Египте.

4. This coat (buy) four years ago. – Это пальто было куплено 4 года назад.

5. The stadium (open) next month. – Стадион будет открыт в следующем месяце.

6. Your parents (invite) to a meeting. – Твои родители будут приглашены на собрание.

7. Where is your car? – It (mend) at the moment.  – Где твоя машина? – В данный момент она ремонтируется.

8. The books already (pack). – Книги уже упакованы.

9. The castle can (see) from a long distance. – Замок можно увидеть издалека.

10. The guests must (meet) at noon. - Гости должны быть встречены в полдень.

Вариант 2. Измените предложения по образцу:

Н-р:   Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet”. (Шекспир написал «Ромео и Джульетту».) – “Romeo and Juliet” was written by Shakespeare. («Ромео и Джульетта» была написана Шекспиром.)

1. Popov invented radio in Russia. (Попов изобрел радио в России.)

2. Every four years people elect a new president in the USA. ( Каждые 4 года народ выбирает нового президента в США.)

3. The police caught a bank robber last night. (Полиция поймала грабителя банка прошлой ночью.)

4. Sorry, we don’t allow dogs in our safari park. (Извините, но мы не допускаем собак в наш сафари парк.)

5. The postman will leave my letter by the door. (Почтальон оставит мое письмо у двери.)

6. My mum has made a delicious cherry pie for dinner. (Мама приготовила вкусный вишневый пирог на ужин.)

7. George didn’t repair my clock. (Джордж не отремонтировал мои часы.)

8. Wait a little, my neighbor is telling an interesting story. (Подожди немного, мой сосед рассказывает интересную историю.)

9. My son can write some more articles about football. (Мой сын может написать еще немного статей о футболе.)

10. You must clean your bedroom tonight. (Ты должен убраться в своей спальне сегодня вечером.)

Вариант 3. Превратите предложения в отрицательные и переведите.

1. Ann was bitten by a homeless dog.

2. The zoo is being reconstructed at the moment.

3. The luggage must be checked at the customs.

4. Souvenirs are sold everywhere.

5. The job will be finished at 3 o’clock.

Вариант 4. Дайте полные ответы на следующие вопросы.

1. Are the Olympic Games held every 10 years? (Олимпийские игры проводятся каждые 10 лет?)

2. Is bread made from flour or potatoes? (Хлеб готовят из муки или картофеля?)

3. Was the Eifel Tower built in Moscow? (Эйфелева башня была построена в Москве?)

4. Will the final exams be taken in summer or in winter? (Выпускные экзамены будут сдаваться летом или зимой?)

5. When is Christmas celebrated in Europe? (Когда празднуется Рождество в Европе?)


Эталон ответов:


1. The roads are covered with the snow.

2. Chocolate is made from cocoa.

3. The Pyramids were built in Egypt.

4. This coat was bought four years ago.

5. The stadium will be opened next month.

6. Your parents will be invited to a meeting.

7. Where is your car? – It is being mended at the moment.

8. The books have already been packed.

9. The castle can be seen from a long distance.

10. The guests must be met at noon.


1. Radio was invented by Popov in Russia. (Радио было изобретено Поповым в России.)

2. A new president is elected every four years in the USA. (Новый президент избирается каждые 4 года в США.)

3. A bank robber was caught by the police last night. (Банковский грабитель был пойман полицией прошлой ночью.)

4. Sorry, dogs are not allowed in our safari park. (Извините, но собаки не допускаются в наш сафари парк.)

5. My letter will be left by the postman by the door. (Мое письмо будет оставлено почтальоном у двери.)

6. A delicious cherry pie has been made by my mum for dinner. (Вкусный вишневый пирог приготовлен мамой к ужину.)

7. My clock wasn’t repaired by George. (Мои часы не были отремонтированы Джорджем.)

8. Wait a little, an interesting story is being told by my neighbor. (Подожди немного, интересную историю рассказывает мой сосед.)

9. Some more articles about football can be written by my son. (Еще немного статей о футболе может быть написано моим сыном.)

10. Your bedroom must be cleaned tonight. (Твоя спальня должна быть убрана сегодня вечером.)


1. Ann wasn’t  bitten by a homeless dog. – Аня не была покусана бездомной собакой.

2. The zoo isn’t being reconstructed at the moment. – Зоопарк не реконструируется в данный момент.

3. The luggage must not be checked at the customs. – Багаж не должен быть проверен на таможне.

4. Souvenirs aren’t sold everywhere. – Сувениры не продаются повсюду.

5. The job will not be finished at 3 o’clock. – Работа не будет закончена в 3 часа.


1. No, they are not. The Olympic Games are held every four years.

2. Bread is made from flour.

3. No, it wasn’t. The Eifel Tower was built in Paris.

4. The final exams will be taken in summer.

5. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December in Europe.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки 1,2 вариант:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(10-9)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(8)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(7)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(6-0)

Критерии оценки 3,4 вариант:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(5)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(4)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(3)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(2-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.11. Общественная жизнь(повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения) .

Письменный опрос по теме «Глаголы в действительном и страдательном залоге, преимущественно в Indefinite Passive».

Задание №1.

Перепишите данные предложения в пассивном залоге.

Example: We can solve the problem. - The problem can be solved.

1. People should send their complains to the head office.

2. They had to postpone the meeting because of illness.

3. An electrical fault could have caused the fair.

4. They are to hold next year's congress in San Francisco.

5. They shouldn't have played the football match in such bad weather.

Задание №2.

Замените активную форму глагола на эквивалентную ей пассивную

Example: We made some suggestions - Some suggestions to improve the project to improve the project were made.

1. Divers don't wear heavy breathing apparatus.

2. Navy engineers will raise the wreck tomorrow.

3. The bill includes service.

4. Somebody accused me of stealing the money.

5. They made a decision to reduce export orders.

Задание №3.

Дополните предложения глаголами в пассивном залоге

Example: I don't like (ask) stupid questions. - I don't like being asked Stupid questions.

1. He came to the party without (invite).

2. Mr. Miller doesn't like (keep) waiting.

3. Most people like (give) presents.

4. Mr. Kelly doesn't like his phone (use) by other people.

5. Few people are ready to work without (pay).

Эталоны ответов:

Задание №1

1.Their complains to the head office should be sent by people

2.The meeting had to postponed by them because of illness

3.The fair could have been caused by an electrical fault

4.Next year’s congress in San Francisco is held by them

5.The football match in such bad weather shouldn’t have been played by them.

Задание №2

1.Heavy breathing apparatus don’t worn by divers

2.The wreck will be raised by navy engineers tomorrow

3.Service is included by the bill

4.I was accused of stealing the money by somebody

5.A decision was made by them to reduce export orders

Задание №3

1.He wasn’t invited to the party

2.Mr. Miller doesn’t liked being kept

3.Most people are liked given presents

4.Mr. Kelly doesn’t like his phone is used by other people

5.Few people are ready to work without paying

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(5)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(4)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(3)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(2-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.12. Научно-технический прогресс.

Письменный опрос

Предложения со сложным дополнением типа I want you to come here.

Вариант1. Раскройте скобки, используя сложное дополнение. Переведите.

1. I want (she) to be my wife.

2. My brother taught ( I ) to swim and dive.

3. They would like (we) to read aloud.

4. Bob advised (she) to stay for another week.

5. We expect (he) to arrive at noon.

6. I heard (you) open the door.

7. Dad always makes ( I ) go fishing with him every weekend.

8. Our parents expect (we) to stop quarreling.

9. Sara never lets (he) drive her car.

10. I saw (you) cross the street.

Вариант 2. Поставьте «to» там, где необходимо.

1. We heard the lorry … stop near the house.

2. I want my elder sister … take me to the zoo.

3. I believe the Internet … be the greatest invention ever.

4. The teacher doesn’t let us … use our mobile phones.

5. They didn’t expect her … be late.

6. The police officer made him … tell the truth.

7. I would like you … admit your fault.

8. Swan believes Vicky … be the best manager in our store.

9. Nick persuaded me … go in for sports.

10. We saw Jacob … break the window.

Вариант 3. Перефразируйте предложения, используя сложное дополнение.

Н-р:  I want that she will cook mushroom soup. (Я хочу, чтобы она приготовила грибной суп.) – I want her to cook mushroom soup.

1. The children were laughing and enjoying themselves on the beach. Their parents saw them. – Their parents saw … .

2. They said: “He is an expert in our industry.” – They consider … .

3. The bike disappeared in the forest. The policeman noticed it. – The policeman noticed … .

4. Elvis said to his son: “Don’t watch horror films.” – Elvis doesn’t let … .

5. “Mummy, please, buy me that doll”, said the little girl. – The little girl would like … .

6. Dad says that I can travel to China with you. – Dad allows … .

7. He swears a lot. Many people heard that. – Many people heard … .

8. “Bring me some water from the well,” my grandmother said. – My grandmother wanted … .

9. Somebody was watching me. I felt that. – I felt … .

10. Daniel said: “Helen, you can go to a night club tonight.” – Daniel let … .

 Эталон ответов.

Вариант 1.

1. her (Я хочу, чтобы она стала моей женой.)

2. me (Мой брат научил меня плавать и нырять.)

3. us (Они хотят, чтобы мы читали вслух.)

4. her (Боб посоветовал ей остаться еще на неделю.)

5. him (Мы ожидаем, что он приедет в полдень.)

6. you (Я слышал, как ты открыл дверь.)

7. me (Папа всегда заставляет меня ходить с ним на рыбалку каждый выходной.)

8. us (Наши родители надеются, что мы перестанем ссориться.)

9. him (Сара никогда не разрешает ему водить ее машину.)

10. you (Я видел, как ты переходил улицу.)

Вариант 2.

1. - (Мы слышали, как грузовик остановился возле дома.)

2. to (Я хочу, чтобы моя старшая сестра сводила меня в зоопарк.)

3. to (Я считаю, что интернет – величайшее изобретение всех времен.)

4. - (Учитель не разрешает нам пользоваться мобильными телефонами.)

5. to (Они не ожидали, что она опоздает.)

6. - (Полицейский заставил его сказать правду.)

7. to (Я бы хотел, чтобы ты признал свою вину.)

8. to (Мистер Свон считает Вики лучшим менеджером в нашем магазине.)

9. to (Ник убедил меня заняться спортом.)

10. - (Мы видели, как Джейкоб разбил окно.)

Вариант 3.

1. Their parents saw the children laughing and enjoying themselves on the beach. (Их родители видели, как дети смеются и веселятся на пляже.)

2. They consider him to be an expert in our industry. (Они считают его экспертом в нашей индустрии.)

3. The policeman noticed the bike disappear in the forest. (Полицейский заметил, как мотоцикл скрылся в лесу.)

4. Elvis doesn’t let his son watch horror films. (Элвис не разрешает своему сыну смотреть фильмы ужасов.)

5. The little girl would like her mum to buy a doll. (Маленькая девочка хотела бы, чтобы мама купила ей куклу.)

6. Dad allows me to travel to China with you. (Папа разрешает мне поехать с тобой в Китай.)

7. Many people heard him swear a lot. (Многие люди слышали, как он нецензурно выражается.)

8. My grandmother wanted me to bring her some water from the well. (Моя бабушка захотела, чтобы я принесла для нее воды из колодца.)

9. I felt somebody watching me. (Я чувствовал, что кто-то следил за мной.)

10. Daniel let Helen go to a night club. (Дэниэл позволил Хелен сходить в ночной клуб.)

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 30мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(10-9)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(8)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(7)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(6-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.12. Научно-технический прогресс.

Переведите текст и задайте 10 вопросов к тексту. Составьте глоссарий по теме. Выучите новые слова и выражения



Verbs: anticipate, collaborate, devise, donate, emerge, foresee, intimidate, market, thrive.Nouns: application, capacity, components, entrepreneur, expertise, gadget, innovation, investment, potential, technology, venture, wizard, pioneer, integrated circuit, microprocessor, circuit, peripherals.

Adjectives/Participles: cumbersome, genuine, inevitable, makeshift, massive, muted, skeptical, state-of-the-art, user-friendly. Adverbials: passionately, technologically, thereby, whereas.


(1) Until the late 1970s, the computer was viewed as a massive machine that was useful to big business and big government but not to the general public. Computers were too cumbersome and expensive for private use, and most people were intimidated by them. As technology advanced, this was changed by a distinctive group of engineers and entrepreneurs who rushed to improve the designs of then current technology and to find ways to make the computer attractive to more people. Although these innovators of computer technology were very different from each other, they had a common enthusiasm for technical innovation and the capacity to foresee the potential of computers. This was a very competitive and stressful time, and the only people who succeeded were the ones who were able to combine extraordinary engineering expertise with progressive business skills and an ability to foresee the needs of the future.

(2) Much of this activity was centered in the Silicon Valley in northern California where the first computer-related company had located in 1955. That company attracted thousands of related businesses, and the area became known as the technological capital of the world. Between 1981 and 1986, more than 1000 new technology-oriented businesses started there. At the busiest times, five or more, new companies started in a single week. The Silicon Valley attracted many risk-takers and gave them an opportunity to thrive in an atmosphere where creativity was expected and rewarded.

(3) Robert Noyce was a risk-taker who was successful both as an engineer and as an entrepreneur. The son of an Iowa minister, he was informal, genuine, and methodical. Even when he was running one of the most successful businesses in the Silicon Valley, he dressed informally and his office was an open cubicle that looked like everyone else's. A graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), he started working for one of the first computer-related businesses in 1955. While working with these pioneers of computer engineering, he learned many things about computers and business management.

(4) As an engineer, he co-invented the integrated circuit, which was the basis for later computer design. This integrated circuit was less than an eighth of an inch square but had the same power as a transistor unit that was over 15 inches square or a vacuum tube Unit that was 6.5 feet square. As a businessman, Noyce co-founded Intel, one of the most successful companies in the Silicon Valley and the first company to introduce the microprocessor. The microprocessor chip became the heart of the computer, making it possible for a large computer system that once filled an entire room to be contained on a small chip that could be held in one's hand. The directors of Intel could not have anticipated the effects that the microprocessor would have on the world. It made possible the invention of the personal computer and eventually led to the birth of thousands of new businesses. Noyce's contributions to the development of the integrated circuit and the microprocessor earned him both wealth and fame before his death in 1990. In fact, many people consider his role to be one of the most significant in the Silicon Valley story.

(5) The two men who first introduced the personal computer (PC) to the marketplace had backgrounds unlike Robert Noyce's. They had neither prestigious university education nor experience in big business. Twenty-year-old Steven Jobs and twenty-four-year-old Stephen Wozniak were college' drop-outs who had collaborated on their first project as computer hobbiests in a local computer club. Built in the garage of Jobs's parents, this first personal computer utilized the technology of Noyce's integrated circuit. It was typewriter-sized, as powerful as a much larger computer, and inexpensive to build. To Wozniak the new machine was a gadget to share with other members of their computer club. To Jobs, however, it was a product with great marketing potential for homes and small businesses. To raise the $1300 needed to fill their first orders Jobs sold his Volkswagen bus and Wozniak sold his scientific calculator. Wozniak built and delivered the first order of 100 computers in ten days. Lacking funds, he was forced to use the least expensive materials, the fewest chips, and the most creative arrangement of components. Jobs and Wozniak soon had more orders than they could fill with their makeshift production line.

(6) Jobs and Wozniak brought different abilities to their venture: Wozniak was the technological wizard, and Jobs was the entrepreneur. Wozniak designed the first model, and Jobs devised its applications and attracted interest from investors and buyers. Wozniak once admitted that without Jobs he would never have considered selling the computer or known how to do it. "Steve didn't do one circuit, design or piece of code. He's not really been into computers, and to this day he has never gone through a computer manual. But it never crossed my mind to sell computers. It was Steve who said, 'Let's hold them up and sell a few.

(7) From the very beginning, Apple Computer had been sensitive to the needs of a general public that is intimidated by high technology. Jobs insisted that the computers be light, trim, and made in muted colors. He also insisted that the language used with the computers be "user-friendly" and that the operation be simple enough for the average person to learn in a few minutes. These features helped convince a skeptical public that the computer was practical for the home and small business. Jobs also introduced the idea of donating Apple Computers to thousands of California schools, thereby indirectly introducing his product into the homes of millions of students. Their second model, the Apple II, was the state-of-the-art PC in home and small business computers from 1977 to 1982. By 1983 the total company sales were almost $600 million, and it controlled 23 percent of the worldwide market in personal computers.

(8) As the computer industry began to reach into homes and small businesses around the world, the need for many new products for the personal computer began to emerge. Martin Alpert, the founder of Tecmar, Inc., was one of the first people to foresee this need. When IBM released its first personal computer in 1981, Alpert bought the first two models. He took them apart and worked twenty-four hours a day to find out how other products could be attached to them. After two weeks, he emerged with the first computer peripherals for the IBM PC, and he later became one of the most successful creators of personal computer peripherals. For example, he designed memory extenders that enabled the computer to store more information, and insert able boards that allowed people to use different keyboards while sharing the same printer. After 1981, Tecmar produced an average of one new product per week.

(9) Alpert had neither the technical training of Noyce nor the computer clubs of Jobs and Wozniak to encourage his interest in computer engineering. His parents were German refugees who worked in a factory and a bakery to pay for his college education. They insisted that he study medicine even though his interest was in electronics. Throughout medical school he studied electronics passionately but privately. He became a doctor, but practiced only part time while pursuing his preferred interest in electronics. His first electronics products were medical instruments that he built in his living room. His wife recognized the potential of his projects before he did, and enrolled in a graduate program in business management so she could run his electronics business successfully. Their annual sales reached $1 million, and they had 15 engineers working in their living room before they moved to a larger building in 1981. It wasn't until 1983 that Alpert stopped practicing medicine and gave his full attention to Tecmar. By 1984 Tecmar was valued at $150 million.

(10) Computer technology has opened a variety of opportunities for people who are creative risk-takers. Those who have been successful have been alert technologically, creatively, and financially. They have known when to use the help of other people and when to work alone. Whereas some have been immediately successful, others have gone unrewarded for their creative and financial investments; some failure is inevitable in an environment as competitive as the Silicon Valley. Rarely in history have so many people been so motivated to create. Many of them have been rewarded greatly with fame and fortune, and the world has benefited from this frenzy of innovation.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.12. Научно-технический прогресс.

Переведите текст и задайте 10 вопросов к тексту. Составьте глоссарий по теме. Выучите новые слова и выражения

Текст "Digital computers"

There are two fundamentally different types of computers: analog and digital. The former type solver problems by using continuously changing data such as voltage. In current usage, the term "computer" usually refers to high-speed digital computers. These computers are playing an increasing role in all branches of the economy.

Digital computers based on manipulating discrete binary digits (1s and 0s). They are generally more effective than analog computers for four principal reasons: they are faster; they are not so susceptible to signal interference; they can transfer huge data bases more accurately; and their coded binary data are easier to store and retrieve than the analog signals.

For all their apparent complexity, digital computers are considered to be simple machines. Digital computers are able to recognize only two states in each of its millions of switches, "on" or "off", or high voltage or low voltage. By assigning binary numbers to there states, 1 for "on" and 0 for "off", and linking many switches together, a computer can represent any type of data from numbers to letters and musical notes. It is this process of recognizing signals that is known as digitization. The real power of a computer depends on the speed with which it checks switches per second. The more switches a computer checks in each cycle, the more data it can recognize at one time and the faster it can operate, each switch being called a binary digit or bit.

A digital computer is a complex system of four functionally different elements: 1) the central processing unit (CPU), 2) input devices, 3) memory-storage devices called disk drives, 4) output devices. These physical parts and all their physical components are called hardware.

The power of computers greatly on the characteristics of memory-storage devices. Most digital computers store data both internally, in what is called main memory, and externally, on auxiliary storage units. As a computer processes data and instructions, it temporarily stores information internally on special memory microchips. Auxiliary storage units supplement the main memory when programmes are too large and they also offer a more reliable method for storing data. There exist different kinds of auxiliary storage devices, removable magnetic disks being the most widely used. They can store up to 100 megabytes of data on one disk, a byte being known as the basic unit of data storage.

Output devices let the user see the results of the computer's data processing. Being the most commonly used output device, the monitor accepts video signals from a computer and shows different kinds of information such as text, formulas and graphics on its screen. With the help of various printers information stored in one of the computer's memory systems can be easily printed on paper in a desired number of copies.

Programmes, also called software, are detailed sequences of instructions that direct the computer hardware to perform useful operations. Due to a computer's operating system hardware and software systems can work simultaneously. An operating system consists of a number of programmes coordinating operations, translating the data from different input and output devices, regulating data storage in memory, transferring tasks to different processors, and providing functions that help programmers to write software. In large corporations software is often written by groups of experienced programmers, each person focusing on a specific aspect of the total project. For this reason, scientific and industrial software sometimes costs much more than do the computers on which the programmes run.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.13 Профессии, карьера

 Прочитайте текст. Выполните задания к тексту

Alfred Nobel

After inventing dynamite Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich mail. However, he realized its destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who made worthwhile contributions to mankind. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awards ceremony.

Nobel's original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest of this sum is used for tile awards which vary from $30,000 to $125,000. Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated diploma and money) are presented to the winners.

No awards were presented from 40 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.

1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. When did the first award ceremony take place? 1) in 1895 2) in 1901 3) in 1962 4) in 1968

2. Why was the Nobel prize established?

1) to recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity 2) to resolve political differences

3) to honor the inventor of dynamite 4) to spend money

3. In which area have people received awards since 1968?

1) literature 2) peace 3) economics 4) science

4. In how many fields are prizes given? 1) four 2) five 3) six 4) tell

2. Укажите неправильное предложение.

1) Alfred Nobel became a very rich man after inventing dynamite.

2) Nobel preferred to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite.

3) Awards vary in monetary value.

4) Some people have won two awards.

1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1 in 1895

2 to recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity

3 economics

4 six


Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.13 Профессии, карьера

Письменный опрос по теме

Систематизация знаний о сложносочиненных и сложноподчиненных предложениях,

в том числе условных предложениях (Conditional I, II, III)

Вариант 1 Подчеркните правильный вариант ответа.

1. If Rita opens /will open a boutique in the High Street, she’ll make lots of money.

2. If the economy doesn’t improve, lots of businesses will close / would close down.

3. This burglar alarm is so sensitive: it goes off if a mouse runs / will run across the floor.

4. George may go to prison unless he won’t pay / pays his taxes.

5. The company was / would be more successful if it spent more money on advertising.

6. If the employees of a company are/were happy, they work harder.

7. We might sell our business if it makes / would make another loss this year.

8. It looks like Molly’ll be okay, unless something new will happen / happens.

9. Unless Shelly had read him wrong, Jack would find /would have found her unorthodox approach irresistible.

10. Mat would not trust/ didn’t trust that unless he had to.

Вариант 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме условного наклонения.

1. If Felix (to be) ___________ here I would have seen him.

2. Michael would not agree even if you (to ask) ____________ him.

3. If they (mention) __________ this yesterday, everything would have been done.

4. If I (to find) __________ that letter, I’ll show it to you.

5. If I meet him, I (to invite) __________ him.

6. Would they come if we (to invite) __________them?

7. The boss (be) __________ very disappointed if you aren’t at the meeting tomorrow.

8. The teacher said, “I’ll begin the lesson as soon as Jack _____________ (stop) talking.”

9. The old gentleman doesn’t go out in winter. He _____________ (go) out if the weather gets warmer.

10. She’s flying to Cairo tomorrow. She’ll send her family a telegram providing she _____________ (arrive) with a delay.

Вариант 3. Образуйте условные предложения, употребив нужную форму


1. Molly (be) _______ a splendid woman, if only she didn't talk so much!

2. The evening will be fine, if only we ________ (not have) a storm.

3. You might be of interest to me, if only I (have) _________time to waste on you.

4. If you (leave) __________ at two, you will be there before dark.

5. When he isdrowning, a man (clutch) ________ at any straw.

6. If only Greg (can) _______ get some favourable shock, that's what would do it!

7. You (can) _________ do it if you try

8. You (can) _________ do it if you tried.

9. You (can) _________ it if you had tried.

10. We (go) __________ if it does not rain.

Вариант 4. Определите, к какому типу условных предложений относятся

следующие предложения. Раскройте скобки.

1. If you (to heat) __________ iron, it (to start) ____________ to get red hot and then white hot.

2. If Molly and Paul (be) ________ misinformed about the train times, they (not be) __________ late.

3. If Ioannis (stay) _______ longer at the party, he (have) ________ a good time

4. If the government (lose) __________ the next election, the Prime Minister (resign) ________ from politics.

5. If we (not go) ________ to your friend's party, I never (meet) _________ Alan.

6. If train fares (be) _________ cheaper, more people (use) _________ them.

7. If Molly (get) _______ that job she's applied for, she will be delighted.

8. It (be) ______ a disaster if it the explosion had happened in the middle of the day.

9. If the talks (be broken) __________ down again, there (be) ______ a war between the two countries

10. If Ali (know) _______ anything about mechanics at that time, I'm sure she (help) _____ us.

Вариант 5. Переведите следующие условные предложения на английский.

1. Джаггер пригрозил уйти в отставку, если правительство потерпит поражение

2. Если бы в компании согласились, мы могли бы достичь быстрого прогресса.

3. Компания вернет деньги, если вы передумаете.

4. Выставка, возможно, закрылась бы, если бы они не нашли новых спонсоров.

5. Я бы отказался сотрудничать, если бы я был в вашем положении

6. Пожалуйста, сообщите врачу немедленно, если она покажет признаки улучшения.

7. Молли и Салли поняли бы свою ошибку, если бы только остались до конца.

8. Можете считать, что мы согласны, если не получите от нас новостей до воскресенья.

9. Если вы выпьете слишком много кофе, вы не сможете уснуть.

10. Если бы Джек привез карту, мы бы не заблудились.

Эталон ответов.

Вариант 1

1 opens, 2 will close, 3 runs, 4 pays, 5 would be, 6 are, 7 makes, 8 happens, 9 would find, 10 wouldn't trust

Вариант 2.

1 had been, 2 asked, 3 had mentioned, 4 find, 5 will invite, 6 invited, 7 will be, 8 stops, 9 will go, 10 arrives

Вариагт 3.

1 would be, 2 don’t have, 3 had, 4 leave, 5 will clutch или clutches, 6 could, 7 can, 8 could, 9 could have done, 10 will go


1 heat / will start или starts, 2 hadn't been / wouldn't have been, 3 had stayed / would have had, 4 loses / will resign, 5 hadn't gone / would have never met, 6 were / would use, 7 gets, 8 would have been, 9 are broken / will be, 10 had known / would have helped,


1. Jagger has threatened to resign if the government is defeated.

2. If the companies agreed, we could make rapid progress.

3. The company will refund the money if you change your mind

4. The exhibition might have closed if they hadn't found new sponsors.

5. I would refuse to co-operate if I were in your position

6. Please inform the doctor immediately if she shows signs of improvement.

7. Molly and sally would have realized their mistake if only they had stayed until the end.

8. You may assume we have agreed if you do not hear from us by Sunday

9. If you drink too much coffee, you won't be able to sleep.

10. If Jack’d brought map, we wouldn't have got lost.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(9-10)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(8)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(7)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(6-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.13 Профессии, карьера.

 Прочитайте текст. Выполните задания к тексту

Вариант 1.

From the history of building

Many thousands of years ago there were no houses such as people live in today. In hot countries people sometimes made their homes in the trees and used leaves to protect themselves from rain or sun. In colder countries they dwelt in caves. Later people left their caves and trees and began to build houses of different materials such as mud, wood or stones.

Later people found out that bricks made of mud and dried in the hot sunshine became almost as hard as stones. In ancient Egypt especially, people learned the use of these sun-dried mud bricks. Some of their buildings are still standing after several thousands of years.

The ancient Egyptians discovered how to cut stone for building purposes. They erected temples, palaces and huge tombs. The greatest tomb is the stone pyramid of Khufu, King of Egypt. The ancient Egyptians often erected their huge buildings without thinking of their usefulness.

The ancient Greeks also understood the art of building with cut stone, and their buildings were beautiful as well as useful. They often used pillars, partly for supporting the roofs and partly for decoration.

During the last hundred years many new methods of building have been discovered.

One of the most recent discoveries is the usefulness of steel as a building material.

Nowadays when it is necessary to have a very tall building, the frame of it is first built in steel and then the building is completed in concrete. Concrete is an artificial kind of stone, much cheaper than brick or natural stone and much stronger than they are.

1. Расположить вопросы в той последовательности, чтобы ответы на них могли служить планом к тексту. Выбрать из пяти предложенных вариантов ответов правильный. Записать данную букву в бланк ответов.

1. What did the ancient Greeks use pillars for?

2. Is steel used as building material?

3. Where did people live many thousands of years ago?

4. What kinds of buildings did the ancient Egyptians erect?

5. Did ancient people use wood or bricks to build their houses?

Варианты ответов: А. 5, 3, 1, 2, 4.

В. 3, 5, 4, 1, 2.

С. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4.

D. 4, 5, 1, 3, 2.

E. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1.

2. Выбрать из предложенного ряда подходящее по смыслу слово и вставить его в предложение. Записать букву, под которой стоит данное слово, в бланк ответов.

1. People first lived in ….

a) houses b) palaces c) trees or caves

2. Egyptian pyramids are made of ….

a) stone b) wood c) bricks

3. The cheapest building material is ….

a) wood b) bricks c) concrete

4. The ancient Greeks knew the art of building with ….

a) steel b) cut stone c) concrete)

5. Nowadays very tall and huge building are made of ….

a) steel and concrete b) bricks c) stone

Вариант 2.

Building materials

To build a house the civil engineer must consider many factors. The choice of materials, their physical properties, availability, cost and many others are among them. Materials to be used for structural purposes should meet several requirements. In most cases they should be hard, durable and fire-resistant.

Steel, concrete, stone, timber and brick are the most commonly used materials. Timber is the most ancient structural material. It is light, cheap and easy to work with. But timber has certain disadvantages: it burns and decays. Timber used for building purposes is divided into two groups: softwoods and hardwoods. Softwoods are chiefly used in construction and hardwoods are used for decorative purposes.

Bricks were known many thousands of years ago. They are made of clay into a required shape. Bricks are usually rectangular in form. They are hardened by burning in a kiln.

Concrete is one of the most important building materials. It is difficult to imagine modern structure without concrete. Concrete is made by mixing together in suitable proportions fine and coarse aggregates, cement and water. Crushed stone, broken brick and gravel are considered to be coarse aggregates. Sand is the best fine aggregate. Both quarry and river sands are extensively used.

1. Расположить вопросы в той последовательности, чтобы ответы на них могли служить планом к тексту. Выбрать из пяти предложенных вариантов ответов правильный. Записать данную букву в бланк ответов.

1.What are the most commonly used building materials?

2.Into what groups is timber divided?

3.What does concrete consist of ?

4.What must the civil engineer consider to build a house?

5.What requirements should building materials meet?

Варианты ответов: А. 5, 3, 1, 2, 4.

B. 3, 5, 4, 1, 2.

C. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4.

D. 4, 5, 1, 2, 3.

E. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1. 2. Выбрать из предложенного ряда подходящее по смыслу слово и вставить его в предложение. Записать букву, под которой стоит данное слово, в бланк ответов.

1. Materials used in modern construction should ….

a) meet several requirements b) meet several purposes с) meet several disadvantages

2. … is light, cheap and easy to work with, but it has certain disadvantages.

a) concrete b) stone c) timber

3. … are hardened burning in a kiln.

a) plastics b) bricks c) timber

4. Concrete is made by mixing cement, sand, gravel and … in suitable proportions.

a) glass b) water c) clay

5. Plastics are produced from ….

a) gravel b) stone c) chemicals

Вариант 3.

The various parts of a building

A building consists of two main parts: the substructure and the superstructure. The substructure is the part of a building below ground level. It includes the footing, the basement and the foundation walls. The superstructure is the part of a building above ground level. It includes the walls, floors, roofs, beams, columns and trusses.

To build a house first the excavation must be dug for the basement, then the foundation walls are constructed. After that the framework is erected, sheathed with various finishing materials and protected by several coats of paint.

A foundation is the lowest part of the structure upon which the superstructure rests. Foundations are usually made of monolithic concrete, concrete blocks, piles or bricks. They keep the walls and floors from contact with the soil, support the superstructure and prevent the building from sinking.

Walls enclose internal spaces and support the weight of the floors and roof. Non-structural subdividing walls are called partitions. Walls also protect the interior from exposure to the weather. They are made of wood, brick, stone, concrete, concrete blocks, reinforced concrete and/or other natural or artificial building materials.

A window is an opening in the wall of a structure which lets the light and air. Doors are constructed in the walls to allow access. Floors divide a building into storeys. They may be of timber or constructed from fire-resistant materials.

A roof is the topmost part of a building. Roofs cover the building and protect it from exposure to the weather. They should tie in the walls and give strength and firmness to the whole structure.

1. Расположить вопросы в той последовательности, чтобы ответы на них могли служить планом к тексту. Выбрать из пяти предложенных вариантов ответов правильный. Записать данную букву в бланк ответов.

1. What parts of a building do you know?

2. What parts does the substructure (the superstructure) include?

3. What is the substructure (the superstructure)?

4. What materials are foundations (walls, floors, roofs) made of?

5. What is the function of foundation (walls, floors, roofs)?

Варианты ответов: А. 5, 3, 1, 2, 4.

В. 3, 5, 4, 1, 2.

С. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4.

D. 4, 5, 1, 3, 2.

E. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1. 3. Выбрать из предложенного ряда подходящее по смыслу слово и вставить его в предложение. Записать букву, под которой стоит данное слово, в бланк ответов.

1. The substructure is the part of a building … ground level .

a) below b) in c) above

2. The superstructure includes the wall , floors, … , beams, columns and trusses.

a) footings b) basements c) roofs

3. The … keeps the walls and floors from contact with the soil .

a) staircase b) foundation c) door

4. The building is divided into stories by ….

a) walls b) columns c) floors

5. …protect the building from exposure to the weather.

a) roofs b) partitions c) beams

Вариант 4.

Construction work

The building erected nowadays can be divided into two general classes: buildings for housing and industrial buildings.

As far as material is concerned buildings can be divided into brick, wood, concrete, and steel buildings. Brick is an artificial building material made of clay which is then brunt for hardening. Natural stone (rubble masonry) is used for footing and foundations for external walls carrying the load.

Buildings made of stone are durable and fire-resisting.

The floors divide a building into stories. They may be either of timber or, in brick buildings, of reinforced concrete details of big and small sizes.

The coverings or upper parts of buildings meant to keep out rain and wind and to preserve the interior from exposure to weather are called roofs. They tie the walls and give the construction strength and firmness.

Every building must have a beautiful appearance. The interior should be planed to suit the requirements of the occupants while the exterior must be simple with nothing superfluous.

Every building should be provided with water, electricity, ventilation and heating systems. The water supply and sewerage systems are called plumbing.

Careful consideration must be given to the amount of money which is going to be spent in building the house.

1. Расположить вопросы в той последовательности, чтобы ответы на них могли служить планом к тексту. Выбрать из пяти предложенных вариантов ответов правильный. Записать данную букву в бланк ответов.

1. How should the interior be planned?

2. What should every building be provided with?

3. In what way should the exterior be planned?

4. Into what groups can the buildings be divided as far as material is concerned?

5. Of what material are the building built?

Варианты ответов: А. 5, 3, 1, 2, 4.

B. 4, 5, 1, 3, 2.

C. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4.

D. 4, 5, 1, 2, 3.

E. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1.

2. Выбрать из предложенного ряда подходящее по смыслу слово и вставить его в предложение. Записать букву, под которой стоит данное слово, в бланк ответов.

1. Artificial building materials are made … .

a) of wood b) of brick c) clay

2. Buildings made of stone are … .

a) indurable b) light c) durable

3. The coverings or upper parts of the building are called ….

a) roofs b) ceilings c) walls

4. The water supply and sewerage systems are called ….

a) ventilation b) heating c) plumbing

5. Materials used in modern construction should ….

a) meet several requirements b) meet several purposes с) meet several disadvantages

Эталон ответов


1. С. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4.

2. 1. c) trees or caves

2. a) stone

3. a) wood

4.c) concrete

5. a) steel and concrete

2 Вариант

1. B. 3, 5, 4, 1, 2.

2. 1.a) meet several requirements

2. c) timber

3. b) bricks

4. b) water

5. c) chemicals

3 Вариант

D. 4, 5, 1, 3, 2.


1. a) below

2. c) roofs

3. b) foundation

4. c) floors

5.a) roofs


1. E. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1.


1.a) of wood

2. a) indurable

3. a) roofs

4.c) plumbing

5.a) meet several requirements

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.14. Отдых, каникулы, отпуск. Туризм.

 Прочитайте текст. Выполните задания к тексту. The City

The City occupies a site which was Norman London. It is a very small part of London (only one square mile). About ten thousand people live in the City but about 500,000 of them work there.

The City can still show the remains of its defensive wall and some other signs of the Roman time. In other parts of the City almost every stone, every wall, every house is Saxon or Norman or connected with some famous man, book or historical event.

The City of London was described by a Roman historian as a “busy emporium for trade and traders” and this description could have been applied to it at any time since then. The City still remains one of the most important commercial centres in the world.

All the principal streets lead to the heart of the City, which is represented by three buildings: the Mansion House, the Royal Exchange, the Bank of England.

The Mansion House is where the Lord Mayor lives. This is a big house built in 1739s53 which reminds us of Greek temple. The Lord Mayor also receives the guests of London there.

The Bank of England or as the Londoners call it “The Old Lady” is 250 years old and is a huge building seven storeys high. It is one of the most important banks in the world.

The Royal Exchange has been burnt down three times by fire and three times rebuilt. It is a place of business and public meetings.

There are also a lot of insurance companies, offices and churches in the City.

1. Текст о…

1) historical and business importance of the City.

2) Lord Mayor's residence.

3) principal business buildings of the City.

4) the territory and the population of the City.

2. Закончите предложение.

The City is a commercial and business part of London as ...

1) about ten thousand people live there.

2) all the principal streets lead to the heart of the City.

3) it is an area with a long history.

4) many offices, insurance companies, banks are concentrated there.

3. Выберите правильное предложение.

1) The City is a recently built part of London where one can't see any signs of ancient time.

2) The Mansion House reminds us of a Greek temple.

3) Many people live in the City but only a few of them work there.

4) Londoners call the Royal Exchange “The Old Lady” because it is a huge building seven storeys high.

4. Выберите неправильное предложение.

1) The Mansion House is a residence of Lord Mayor.

2) The Lord Mayor receives the guests of London in the Mansion House.

3) The Mansion House was built in the eighteenth century.

4) There are a lot of insurance companies and offices in the Mansion House.

5. Расставьте предложения согласно тексту.

1) The City of London was described by a Roman historian.

2) In the City one can see many signs of the Roman time.

3) The Royal Exchange has been burnt down three times by fire.

4) All the principal streets lead to the heart of the City.

Эталон ответов

1. Текст о…

1) historical and business importance of the City.

2. Закончите предложение.

The City is a commercial and business part of London as ...

4) many offices, insurance companies, banks are concentrated there.

3. Выберите правильное предложение.

3) Many people live in the City but only a few of them work there.

4. Выберите неправильное предложение.

3) The Mansion House was built in the eighteenth century.

5. Расставьте предложения согласно тексту.


Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.14. Отдых, каникулы, отпуск. Туризм.

Письменный опрос по теме

Дифференциальные признаки глаголов в Past Continuous.

Вариант 1.

Поставьте глагол в форму Present Continuous, Past Continuous или Future Continuous.

to shine

1. The sun … yesterday morning.

2. The sun … brightly now.

3. Tomorrow the sun … all day long.

to write

4. I … a postcard at the moment.

5. I … a postcard when you phoned.

6. I … a lot of Christmas cards tomorrow evening.

to sit

7. We … in the garden at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon.

Вариант 2.

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Present Continuous, Past Continuous или Future Continuous.

1. I … (study) Japanese online from 5 till 6 tomorrow evening.

2. Listen! Why the dogs … (bark)?

3. She … (wear) a yellow coat when I saw her.

4. They … (take) their driving test next Monday.

5. I dropped my wallet when I … (get) on the bus.

6. What you … (do) in my office yesterday?

7. Bob … (feel) much better today.

Вариант 3.

Преобразуйте утвердительные предложения в отрицательные, обращая внимание на форму глагола-сказуемого.

1. We are enjoying the party. (Нам нравится вечеринка.)

2. He’ll be playing chess in an hour. (Через час он будет играть в шахматы.)

3. They were planting flowers in the garden last May. (Они занимались посадкой цветов в саду в прошлом мае.)

4. I am looking for a job. (Я ищу работу.)

5. The phone was working yesterday. (Вчера телефон работал.)

6. Margaret will be working as a waiter during her summer holidays. (Маргарита будет работать официанткой во время летних каникул.)

7. The secretary is typing a contract. (Секретарь печатает договор.)


Эталон ответов.


1. was shining (Вчера утром светило солнце.)

2. is shining (Сейчас ярко светит солнце.)

3. will be shining (Завтра весь день будет светить солнце.)

4. am writing (Я пишу открытку в данный момент.)

5. was writing (Я писал открытку, когда ты позвонил.)

6. will be writing (Я буду писать много рождественских открыток завтра вечером.)

7. were sitting (Мы сидели в саду в 3 часа, вчера днем.)


1. will be studying (Я буду изучать японский онлайн с 5 до 6 завтра вечером.)

2. Why are the dogs barking? (Слушай! Почему лают собаки?)

3. was wearing (Она была одета в желтое пальто, когда я ее видел.)

4. will be taking (Они будут сдавать экзамен по вождению в следующий понедельник.)

5. was getting (Я выронил свой бумажник, когда садился на автобус.)

6. What were you doing in my office yesterday? (Что ты делал вчера в моем офисе?)

7. is feeling (Сегодня Боб чувствует себя намного лучше.)


1. We aren’t enjoying the party.

2. He won’t be playing chess in an hour.

3. They were not planting flowers in the garden last May.

4. I’m not looking for a job.

5. The phone wasn’t working yesterday.

6. Margaret won’t be working as a waiter during her summer holidays.

7. The secretary isn’t typing a contract. 

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(7-6)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(5)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(4)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(3-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.14. Отдых, каникулы, отпуск. Туризм.

Прочтите текст. Выполните задания к нему, выбрав один из правильных вариантов ответа.

My name is Gerry Tongass. I am an Alaskan Eskimo. Some people think that all Eskimos live in show houses (an igloo), eat only raw fish, and spend most of their time fishing and hunting. The truth is very different.

There are a few Eskimos who live in snow houses. Most Alaskan Eskimos live in villages and towns. For example, I live in Bethel, a city of about 4, 500 people in southwest Alaska. I have never seen an igloo – except in pictures. My house is made of wood. Right now, we Alaskan Eskimos are experiencing the biggest change in our long history. We are “between the ways” – the old ways of our people and the new ways of the white people. We used to get all of our food by hunting and fishing. Now we shop for food at the local supermarket. We used to make all of our clothes from animal skins. Now we wear clothes that we buy in department stores. We used to travel by dog sled. Now many of us use snowmobiles.

In many ways, our lives are the same as the lives of people in Chicago or Toronto. There are Eskimo bankers, doctors, and hotel owners. We have televisions and VCR’s. We sit in chairs, cook in stoves, and sleep in modern beds. We use electricity and oil to heat our homes.

However, we have not completely forgotten the old ways. Older Eskimos teach young ones traditional songs and dances. Some of my friends still hunt and fish. We like to feel the spirits of our fathers. It makes us feel good to be close to the people and traditions of our past.

1. Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок для прочитанного текста:

a) The Truth about Eskimos;

b) Fishing in Alaska;

c) Dog Sleds and Snowmobiles.

2. В тексте речь идет:

а) о жизни на Аляске;

б) о том, как эскимосы Аляски жили раньше и живут теперь;

в) о том, как живут люди в Чикаго.

3. Герой рассказа Gerry Tongass:

а) живет в снежном доме (юрте);

б) живет в Торонто;

в) живет в городе на юго-западе Аляски.

4. Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием текста: “Gerry Tongass is …”:

a) proud to be an Eskimo.

b) sorry to be an Eskimo.

c) Ready to leave Alaska.

5. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста:

a) Modern Eskimos make their own clothing.

b) Eskimos don’t remember their traditions.

c) The life of Alaskan Eskimos today is different from their fathers’ life.

6. Укажите вариант, где все утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста:

а) 1, 2, 5;

б) 1, 3, 5;

в) 2, 3, 4.

1) Some Eskimos use snowmobiles.

2) The life of Alaskan Eskimos is very different from the life of their fathers.

3) Gerry Tongass lives in a snow house.

4) Eskimos don’t remember their traditions.

5) Gerry Tongass is proud to be an Eskimo.

7. В тексте не содержится информация о том:

а) как молодежь эскимосов обучается в колледжах и университетах;

б) что эскимосы испытывают большие перемены в своей истории;

в) что эскимосы работают банкирами, врачами и ведут обычный для белого человека образ жизни.

Эталон ответов


А)The Truth about Eskimos;


б) о том, как эскимосы Аляски жили раньше и живут теперь;


в) живет в городе на юго-западе Аляски.


d) proud to be an Eskimo.


d) The life of Alaskan Eskimos today is different from their fathers’ life.


б) 1, 3, 5;


б) что эскимосы испытывают большие перемены в своей истории;

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.15. Искусство и развлечения.

Письменный опрос.

Вариант 1Выберете правильный форму глагола.

1. He _____ some new shoes last month.

A) bought

B) buying

C) buy

D) buys

2. A: _____ did she _____ a job?

B: In the car factory.

A) When / get

B) Where / got

C) Who / get

D) Where / get

3. Max didn’t _____ yesterday afternoon; he _____ at home.

A) go out / stayed

B) go out / stay

C) went out / stayed

D) went out / stay

4. A: _____ you _____ Jane last month?

B: No, I _____ .

A) * / saw / didn’t

B) Did / see / didn’t

C) Did / saw / didn’t

D) Did / see / did

5. Geoffrey _____ French before, but he _____ at university now.

A) study didn’t / studies

B) didn’t study / study

C) did not study / studies

D) didn’t studied / studies

6. I _____ a friend while I _____ the shopping

A) was meeting / did

B) met / was doing

C) meet / do

D) met / did

7. I _____ for my things when I ____ someone call my name.

A) paid / was hearing

B) pay / heard

C) was paying / hear

D) was paying / heard

8. While we _____ a drink, a waiter _____ a pile of plates.

A) had / was dropping

B) have / dropped

C) have / drop

D) were having / dropped

9. While the waiter _____ up the broken plates, he _____ his finger.

A) picked / was cutting

B) was picking / cut

C) pick / cut

D) picks / cut

10. While I _____ this morning, I _____ my money. I don’t know how.

A) shopped / lose

B) was shopping / lost

C) shopped / was losing

D) shop / lose

Вариант 2 Выберете правильный форму глагола.

1. What … at 20 years old, that’s to say five years ago? … anywhere or were you jobless?

a) did you do/ did you work

b) were you working/ did you work

c) had you worked/ were you working

d) were you working/ did you work

2. The other day we … her at the shop. She was busy putting on a red scarf.

a) were meeting

b) met

c) meet

d) had met

3. My mother … supper by the time I appeared. When I … she was still preparing it.

a) did not cook/ was returning

b) had cooked/ return

c) wasn’t cooking/ returned

d) had not cooked/ returned

4. Last summer our kids … the competition. Fortunately, they won first place.

a) took part in

b) was taking part in

c) were taking part in

d) had taken part in

5. It … his first voyage that day. He …to New York many times.

a) were not/ was already

b) was/ been already

c) wasn’t/ had already been

d) was not/ was already

6. ….I started talking … they interrupted me.

a) hardly have/ when

b) hardly/ if

c) hardly had/ when

d) hardly had/ than

7. Once upon a time there … a witch together with her husband and stepdaughter.

a) were living

b) living

c) had lived

d) lived

8. We went home after it … snowing.

a) had stopped

b) have stopped

c) stopped

d) was stopping

9. … your bother … off the table before I turned up?

a) have/ felled

b) did/ fell

c) had/ fallen

d) did/ fall

10. She … her school in 2000, then she … a job in 2003 and then she … married in spring, 2005.

a) finished/ found/ got

b) was finishing/ find/ get

c) had finished/ had found/ had got

d) fisnished/ finded/ getteng

Эталон ответов.

Вариант 1

1-A, 2-D, 3-A, 4-B, 5-C, 6-B, 7-D, 8-D, 9-B, 10-B

Вариант 2

1. a

2. b

3. d

4. a

5. c

6. c

7. d

8. a

9. c

10. a

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(10-9)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(8)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(7)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(6-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.16. Деловой английский. Оформление деловой документации.

Письменный опрос.

Прочитайте. Выполните задания к тексту.


My interest in education and foreign languages dates back to my school years where I excelled in organizing different parties, concerts and discussions for primary classes. During the years at Primary School Teachers’ Training College I participated in pedagogical conferences in St. Petersburg and received a few rewards for my reports.

When I began my studies at St. Petersburg Primary School Teachers’ Training College, I had the opportunity to be exposed to the full range of methodical courses, all of which tended to reinforce and enhance my intense interest in education. But rather soon I realized that education is too wide a subject and I had to choose a specific field to deal with. I have always been strong in English and German. So I came to methods of language teaching.

Since I was in my second year of study, I have been studying with my teacher, Mrs. Krylova intensive methods of language teaching. In my course paper I am adopting these numerous methods for the primary and secondary education.

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Now my interest has shifted to multi-lingual education, which would serve an excellent base for wider literary education at all levels. Such an idea has recently been discussed, but there are still no standard programmes to realize it. It is very interesting and responsible to create these sort of programmes for schoolchildren. I am sure that they could develop their linguistic abilities and widen their knowledge of foreign literature.

My studies at the College will soon be completed and I would like to continue my education at the University of Toronto. After completing my Bachelor’s degree I am going to continue my studies and to write appropriate textbooks for my courses. 1 am actually aware of the superb reputation of your University and I hope you will not deny me the privilege of continuing my studies at your fine institution.

Tatyana Larina


1.Answer the following questions on the text:

1.How was Tatyana’s school life connected with pedagogics?

2.Did Tatyana take part in local pedagogical conferences?

3.What did she receive awards for?

4.What did Ms Larina study at the College?

5.Was she particularly interested in English or in German?

6.She came to methods of teaching science, didn’t she?

7.What kind of methods has she been studying at the College?

8.What sort of work did Tatyana write?

9.Where has her interest shifted now? Why?

10.Why is she eager to study at the University of Toronto?

2.Answer the following questions:

1.What field interests you particularly?

2.What were your activities at school in this field?

3.Aren’t there any other events in your life connected with it? What are they?

4.Why did you choose primary school for your work?

5.Do you intend to continue your education after college?

6.Where would you like to study? Why?

7.What attracts you more: the theory or the practice?

8.What is the modem state of your science in our country?

9.Have you read any foreign authors concerning the problems of education?

10.Have you got any results of your proper research?

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Видео-урок «Восточная Канада».

Письменный опрос.

Посмотрите фильм и ответьте на вопросы.

1.  How many provinces and territories does Canada have?

2.  What does the flag of Canada look like?

3.  What are the official languages of Canada?

4.  What country does Canada border?

5.  When did Canada become independent?

6. Who is Canada's Head of State?

7. Who is the current Canada Prime Minister?

8.  What are Canadian favourite winter sports?

9.  What is the currency in Canada? Canadian dollar is the official currency in Canada.

10. What is the capital of Canada?

Эталон ответов.

1.Canada has ten provinces and three territories.

2. Canadian flag has a red field with a white square and red maple leaf.

3. English and French are official languages of Canada.

4. Canada borders the United States of America.

5. Canada officially became a country in July 1, 1867.

6. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is Canada’s Head of State.

7. Stephen Harper is Canada's Prime Minister.

8. Ice hockey, curling, cross country and mountain skiing are popular winter sports in Canada.

9. Canadian dollar is the official currency in Canada.

10. Ottawa is the capital of Canada.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 1ч.30мин.

3.Телевизор, DVD, конспекты.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(10-9)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(8)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(7)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(6-0)

4 курс

Раздел 2. Тема 2.15. Искусство и развлечения.

Устный опрос по теме

Прочтите текст. Выполните задания к нему

William Shakespeare

The second half of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century are known to be the golden age of English literature. It was the time of the English Renaissance and the age of Shakespeare. Many fine books were written in that period, but it was especially the theatre that rose to an unsurpassed height, for it was more closely connected with the people than any other art. All London went to see the plays of the great dramatists, and the greatest of them was William Shakespeare, one of the most famous playwrights of the world.

Most critics agree that William Shakespeare was the son of an English merchant and was born in the year 1564 in the small English town of Stratford-upon-Avon. Here he lived until he was about twenty-one, when he left for London.

In London Shakespeare found an opportunity of showing his ability as an actor. He became a member of one of the chief acting companies of the day. He shortly began writing plays for his company, and in a few years became famous and prosperous. Very many of his plays were acted in the London theatre called «The Globe»

Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven tragedies and comedies. He took the stories of his plays from different sources: English novels, Italian stories, English history and tales of ancient Rome. The wit a wisdom of the English people, folklore and Englands national past, London life and manners, all may be found in his deepest tragedies, light comedies and historical dramas.

Shakespeare died in 1616. His plays are translated into a great many languages. They are read, staged and enjoyed all over the world.

1.Закончите предложение из текста

1.Many fine books were written in that time…

2.All London went to see the plays of…

3.Most critics agree that William Shakespeare was…

4.He became a member of one the chief…

5.Shakespears experience as an actor must have…

6.He took the stories of his plays…

7.The wit and wisdom of the English people…

8.Very many of his plays were…

9.Shakespears plays are translated…

Эталон ответов

1.Закончите предложение из текста

1.Many fine books were written in that period, but it was especially the theatre that rose to an unsurpassed height, for it was more closely connected with the people than any other art.

2.All London went to see the plays of the great dramatists, and the greatest of them was William Shakespeare, one of the most famous playwrights of the world.

3.Most critics agree that William Shakespeare was the son of an English merchant and was born in the year 1564 in the small English town of Stratford-upon-Avon.

4.He became a member of one of the chief acting companies of the day.

5.Shakespeare experiences as an actor must have helped him a great deal to compose his plays.

6.He took the stories of his plays from different sources: English novels, Italian stories, English history and tales.

7. The wit and wisdom of the English people, folklore and Englands national past, London life and manners all may be found in his deepest tragedies, light comedies and historical dramas.

8.Very many of his plays were acted in the London theater called «The Globe»

9.Shakespeares plays are translated into a great many languages. They are read, staged and enjoyed all over the world.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.17 Государственное устройство, правовые институты.

Посменный опрос по теме « Дифференциальные признаки глаголов в Past Perfect, Past Continuous, Future in the Past»

Поставьте глагол в форму Present Continuous, Past Continuous или Future Continuous.

to shine

4. The sun … yesterday morning.

5. The sun … brightly now.

6. Tomorrow the sun … all day long.

to write

7. I … a postcard at the moment.

8. I … a postcard when you phoned.

9. I … a lot of Christmas cards tomorrow evening.

to sit

8. We … in the garden at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon.

9. This time tomorrow we … in the garden.

10. We … in the garden now.


Вариант 2.

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Present Continuous, Past Continuous или Future Continuous.

8. I … (study) Japanese online from 5 till 6 tomorrow evening.

9. Listen! Why the dogs … (bark)?

10. She … (wear) a yellow coat when I saw her.

11. They … (take) their driving test next Monday.

12. I dropped my wallet when I … (get) on the bus.

13. What you … (do) in my office yesterday?

14. Bob … (feel) much better today.

15. The kids … (watch) cartoons in their room now.

16. I’m afraid she … (sleep) in ten minutes.

17. We … (have) tea soon?

Вариант 3.

Преобразуйте утвердительные предложения в отрицательные, обращая внимание на форму глагола-сказуемого.

8. We are enjoying the party. (Нам нравится вечеринка.)

9. He’ll be playing chess in an hour. (Через час он будет играть в шахматы.)

10. They were planting flowers in the garden last May. (Они занимались посадкой цветов в саду в прошлом мае.)

11. I am looking for a job. (Я ищу работу.)

12. The phone was working yesterday. (Вчера телефон работал.)

13. Margaret will be working as a waiter during her summer holidays. (Маргарита будет работать официанткой во время летних каникул.)

14. The secretary is typing a contract. (Секретарь печатает договор.)


Эталон ответов.


8. was shining (Вчера утром светило солнце.)

9. is shining (Сейчас ярко светит солнце.)

10. will be shining (Завтра весь день будет светить солнце.)

11. am writing (Я пишу открытку в данный момент.)

12. was writing (Я писал открытку, когда ты позвонил.)

13. will be writing (Я буду писать много рождественских открыток завтра вечером.)

14. were sitting (Мы сидели в саду в 3 часа, вчера днем.)

15. will be sitting (В это время завтра мы будем сидеть в саду.)

16. are sitting (Сейчас мы сидим в саду.)


8. will be studying (Я буду изучать японский онлайн с 5 до 6 завтра вечером.)

9. Why are the dogs barking? (Слушай! Почему лают собаки?)

10. was wearing (Она была одета в желтое пальто, когда я ее видел.)

11. will be taking (Они будут сдавать экзамен по вождению в следующий понедельник.)

12. was getting (Я выронил свой бумажник, когда садился на автобус.)

13. What were you doing in my office yesterday? (Что ты делал вчера в моем офисе?)

14. is feeling (Сегодня Боб чувствует себя намного лучше.)

15. are watching (Дети смотрят мультфильмы в своей комнате сейчас.)

16. will be sleeping (Боюсь, что через 10 минут она будет спать.)

17. Shall we be having tea soon? (Мы будем скоро пить чай?)


8. We aren’t enjoying the party.

9. He won’t be playing chess in an hour.

10. They were not planting flowers in the garden last May.

11. I’m not looking for a job.

12. The phone wasn’t working yesterday.

13. Margaret won’t be working as a waiter during her summer holidays.

14. The secretary isn’t typing a contract. 

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Раздел 2. Тема 2.17Государственное устройство, правовые институты.

Писменный опрос по теме «Признаки инфинитива и инфинитивных оборотов и способы передачи их значений»

Вариант1. Переведите на русский язык.

1 . The buyers want to know our terms of payment.

2 . This is for you to decide.

3 . The plan of our work will be discussed at the meeting to be held on May 25. 

4 . To walk in the garden was a pleasure.

5 . Jane remembered to have been told a lot about Mr. Smith.

6 . I felt him put his hand on my shoulder.

7 . This writer is said to have written a new novel.

8 . She seems to be having a good time at the seaside.

9 . They watched the boy cross the street.

10 . To advertise in magazines is very expensive.

11 . He proved to be one of the cleverest students at our Institute.

12 . He knew himself to be strong enough to take part in the expedition.

13 . To see is to believe.

14 . He is sure to enjoy himself at the disco.

15 . To tell you the truth, this company has a very stable position in the market.

Вариант 2. Употребите “to” где необходимо.

1 . My son asked me … let him … go to the club.

2 . You must make him … practice an hour a day.

3 . She was made … repeat the song.

4 . He is not sure that it can … be done, but he is willing … try.

5 . Let me … help you with your work.

6 . She asked me … read the letter carefully and … write an answer.

7 . You ought … take care of your health.

8 . I looked for the book everywhere but could not … find it.

9 . He was seen … leave the house.

10 . We had … put on our overcoats because it was cold.

11 . The man told me not … walk on the grass.

12 . Have you heard him … play the piano? 

13 . You had better … go there at once.

14 . I would rather not … tell them about it.

15 . We shall take a taxi so as not … miss the train.

Вариант 3. Употребите подходящую форму инфинитива.

1 . They want (to take) to the concert by their father.

2 . I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday.

3 . This plant is known (to produce) tractors.

4 . He wants his son (to become) a lawyer.

5 . The enemy army was reported (to overthrow) the defense lines and (to advance) towards the suburbs of the city.

6 . He seems (to know) French very well: he is said (to spend) his youth in Paris.

7 . You had better (to call) our distributors at once.

8 . We are happy (to invite) to the party.

9 . That firm is reported (to conduct) negotiations for the purchase of sugar.

10 . It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning: the ground was covered with a deep layer of snow.

11 . He didn’t hear me (to knock) at the door.

12 . I want (to inform) of her arrival.

13 . Our sportsmen are proud (to win) the cup.

14 . He is known (to work) on the problem for many years.

15 . The representative of the firm asked for the documents (to send) by air mail.

Эталон ответов.

Вариант1. Переведите на русский язык.

1 . Покупатели хотят знать наши условия платежа.

2 . Это вы должны решать.

3 . План нашей работы будет обсуждаться на собрании, которое состоится 25 мая.

4 . Гулять в саду было приятно.

5 . Джейн вспомнила, что ей много рассказывали о мистере Смите.

6 . Я почувствовал, как он положил руку на мое плечо.

7 . Говорят, что этот писатель написал новый роман.

8 . Она, кажется, хорошо проводит время на берегу моря.

9 . Они видели, как мальчик переходил улицу.

10 . Реклама в журналах очень дорогая.

11 . Он оказался одним из самых способных студентов нашего института.

12 . Он знал, что он достаточно вынослив, чтобы принять участие в этой экспедиции.

13 . Видеть — значит верить.

14 . Ему, несомненно, понравится на дискотеке.

15 . Честно говоря, эта компания имеет очень стабильное положение на рынке.

Вариант 2. Поставьте, где нужно, “to” перед инфинитивом.

1. to, - | 2- | 3. to | 4-, to | 5. - | 6. to, to/- | 7. to | 8. - | 9. to | 10. to | 11. to | 12- | 13. -| 14. - | 15. to

Вариант 3. Используйте соответствующую форму инфинитива.

1 . to be taken

2 . to have done

3 . to produce

4 . to become

5 . to have thrown, to be advancing

6 . to know, to have spent

7 . call

8 . to have been invited

9 . to be conducting

10 . to have been snowing

11 . knock

12 . to be informed

13 . to have won

14 . to have been working

15 . to be sent

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(15-14)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(13-12)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(11-10)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(9-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.17Государственное устройство, правовые институты.

Письменый опрос по теме «Признаки и значения слов и словосочетаний с формами на -ing без обязательного различения их функций»

Вариант 1

Дополните предложения глаголами в пассивном залоге

Example: I don't like (ask) stupid questions. - I don't like being asked Stupid questions.

1. He came to the party without (invite).

2. Mr. Miller doesn't like (keep) waiting.

3. Most people like (give) presents.

4. Mr. Kelly doesn't like his phone (use) by other people.

5. Few people are ready to work without (pay).

Вариант 2

Задайте вопросы к предложениям:

– This house was built in 1991. (What ?)

– The TV set was bought in the shop. (Where ?)

– Football is played all over the world because it is a very popular game. (Why ?)

– English is spoken in Great Britain. (What language ?)

– Cheese is made from milk. (What ?)

– The letter will be answered next week. (When ?)

– The pupils will be met in the garden. (Where ?)

Вариант 3

Расставьте слова в предложении в правильном порядке:

1. Discovered, in, America, 1472, was.

2. In the morning, the newspaper, not, brought, is.

3. Monday, written, next, the letter, will be.

4. Every, two, given, are, apples, day.

5. Yesterday, photo, taken, that, was.

6. Not, tomorrow, be, will, the news, old.

Эталоны ответов:

Вариант 1

1.He wasn’t invited to the party

2.Mr. Miller doesn’t liked being kept

3.Most people are liked given presents

4.Mr. Kelly doesn’t like his phone is used by other people

5.Few people are ready to work without paying

Вариант 2

1.What was built in 1991?

2.Where was bought the TV set?

3.Why is football played all over the world?

4.What language is spoken in Great Britain?

5.What is made from milk?

6.When the letter will be answered?

7.Where the pupils will be met?

Вариант 3

1.America was discovered in 1472

2.The newspaper is not brought in the morning

3.The letter will be written next Monday

4.Two apples are given every day

5.That photo was taken yesterday

6.The news will not be old tomorrow

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(15-14)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(13-12)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(11-10)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(9-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.18 Страноведение. Культура. Города мира

Письменный опрос по теме «Сложносочинённые предложения»

Вариант1. Выберите из скобок подходящий вариант.

15. We have asked them both but … (neither/both) of them knows his address.

16. He has lived in Milan and Madrid but he didn’t like … (either/neither) of the cities much.

17. She is very slim. I think she is … (either/neither) a sportsman … (or/nor) a model.

18. Anna never works all day. She works … (either/neither) in the morning … (or/nor) after lunch.

19. He has 2 cars, but I don’t like … (either/neither) of them.

20. She couldn’t choose between them, she liked them … (both/either).

21. You can take … (either/neither) a bus or a train to get to Oxford.

22. Would you like fish or chicken? - It doesn’t matter. … (Either/Both) will do for me.

23. Would you like apple juice or orange juice? - … (Either/Neither), thanks. I don’t like juice.

24. Would you like some salad or some steak? - … (Either/Both). I’m so hungry.

25. Doesn’t he use … (either/neither) of his phones?

26. My old granny could … (either/neither) read … (or/nor) write.

27. … (Either/Neither) of them invited me, so I didn’t go there.

28. You should keep … (either/both) hands on the steering wheel.

Вариант 2. Дайте краткие ответы, используя neither и слово в скобках в качестве подлежащего.

Н-р:  I don’t eat garlic. (Mary) – Neither does Mary.  (Я не ем чеснок. – И Мэри тоже.)

9. I cannot understand him. (we)

10. We are not from Brazil. (I)

11. He didn’t go to the movie. (William)

12. I will never talk to him. (my Mum)

13. He hasn’t bought a present yet. (I)

14. I haven’t got any sisters. (my friend)

15. I don’t enjoy horse-riding. (we)

16. I am not going to Moscow. (Jack)

9. I don’t like horror films, and my husband doesn’t like … (either/neither).

10… (Either/Both) my mother and father have green eyes.

11.I asked two friends to help me with the test, but … (either/neither) of them knew the answer.

12.Her dress was … (either/both) black or brown.

13.Please ask … (either/neither) Fred or Linda to buy some milk.

14.We can meet … (either/neither) today … (or/nor) tomorrow. I am terribly busy.

 Эталон ответов.

Вариант 1.

15. neither (Мы спросили их обоих, но никто из них не знает его адрес.)

16. either (Он жил в Милане и в Мадриде, но ему не понравился ни один из городов.)

17. either – or (Она очень стройная. Думаю, она или спортсменка, или модель.)

18. either – or (Анна  никогда не работает целый день. Она работает или утром, или после обеда.)

19. either (У него 2 машины, но мне не нравится ни одна из них.)

20. both (Она не могла сделать свой выбор, ей нравились они оба.)

21. either (Ты можешь поехать в Оксфорд или на автобусе, или на поезде.)

22. Either (Вы будете рыбу или курицу? – Без разницы. Или то, или то подойдет.)

23. (Вы будете яблочный или апельсиновый сок? – Ни то, ни другое, спасибо. Я не люблю сок.)

24. (Вы будете салат или стейк? – И то, и другое. Я такой голодный.)

25. either (Разве он не пользуется одним из телефонов?)

26. neither – nor (Моя старая бабушка не могла ни читать, ни писать.)

27. Neither (Никто из них не пригласил меня, поэтому я туда не ходил.)

28. both (Тебе следует держать обе руки на руле.)

Вариант 2.

15. Neither can we. (Я не могу понять его. – И мы тоже.)

16. Neither am I. (Мы не из Бразилии. – И я тоже.)

17. Neither did William. (Он не ходил в кино. – И Уильям тоже.)

18. Neither will my Mum. (Я никогда не буду с ним разговаривать. – И моя мама тоже.)

19. Neither have I. (Он еще не купил подарок. – И я тоже.)

20. Neither has my friend. (У меня нет сестер. – И у моего друга тоже.)

21. Neither do we. (Я не люблю верховую езду. – И мы тоже.)

22. Neither is Jack. (Я не еду в Москву. – И Джек тоже.)

23. either (Я не люблю фильмы ужасов, и мой муж тоже не любит.)

24. Both (И у мамы, и у папы зеленые глаза.)

25. neither (Я попросил двоих друзей помочь мне с тестом, но никто из них не знал ответ.)

26. either (Ее платье было либо черным, либо коричневым.)

27. either (Попроси Фреда или Линду купить немного молока.)

28. neither – nor (Мы не можем встретиться ни сегодня, ни завтра. Я ужасно занят.)

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 30мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(10-9)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(8)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(7)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(6-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.18 Страноведение. Культура. Города мира

Устный опрос по теме

Прочтите текст. Выполните задания к нему


| | |

|I wish I were in London now. If I were there I would organize an excursion and would give you a good idea about this | |

|wonderful city. As we know, London is the capital of Great Britain and one of the largest industrial and cultural centers | |

|in Europe. I suppose you will share the opinion that in this historic city modern rules shoulders with the old, the | |

|present arises from the past, the great and the small live side by side in mutual tolerance and respect and in every part | |

|of its noisy and complex life there is to be found a great affection for old traditions and history. I don’t know if you | |

|have had a possibility to visit this exciting city but I insist that you should do it. And I will give a piece of advice | |

|how to plan your tour of the city. The best starting point for all the excursions is well known Trafalgar square with | |

|Nelson’s Column in the center. The square was named to commemorate the victory of British vice-admiral Nelson at the | |

|battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and the Column is surmounted with his statue. I have managed to see this monument and it has | |

|made a great impression on me. Then I recommend you to see the Houses of Parliament on the north bank of the river Thames.| |

|It also has another name – the Palace of Westminster - as in the past here lived kings and queens. This ensemble is a | |

|remarkable example of Gothic architecture: the buildings seem to be directed high into the air and of course are worth | |

|seeing. And here you will find the famous Clock Tower, called “Big Ben”. The next stop is Westminster Abbey. It is a big | |

|church and a national shrine, a place, where English kings and queens are crowned and famous people are buried. It’s well | |

|known for its’ Poets’ Corner with memorials to English poets and writers who were buried here. Everybody has heard about | |

|Saint Paul’s Cathedral. It is the largest Protestant Church in England and a remarkable architectural masterpiece. It | |

|contains the unique Whispering Gallery where you can hear the whisper of the person, standing at the other end of the | |

|gallery. And at the end you should see the majestic and dreary Tower of London, which has an abundant history. It was one | |

|of the first and most impressive castles built after the Norman invasion of England in the 11th century. It has been used | |

|as a royal palace, an observatory, and arsenal and, finally, as a state prison. And now it’s a museum where you can see | |

|the Crown Jewels - the finest precious stones of the English nation and a great collection of armour. No doubt that in | |

|London there are many other sights – Tate Gallery, City, Hyde Park and others, and everyone will find a preference | |

|according to his taste.You should only remember that in this city you will get fresh impressions, take great delight in | |

|viewing monuments and discover the history of England. | |

1.Докажите что

•London is an old city;

•London has always been playing an important role in the life of the country;

•London enjoyed greater independence than the other cities in England;

•the planning of London is chaotic;

•there are a lot of tourist attractions in the West End;

•the East End has always been different from the rest of metropolis;

•London grows rapidly;

•London is a multinational metropolis.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.18 Страноведение. Культура. Города мира

Письменный опрос по теме «Сложносочиненные предложения: бессоюзные и с союзами and, but.»

1.Fill in the blanks with the conjunctions and, but, neither… nor, so

My friend and I go in for sports together. In fact, we got acquainted in sports club,… since then we are inseparable. I started playing tennis at the age of six, … he began going in for tennis only at ten, … now he plays better than I do, … he always wins when we play together. Not long ago a swimming pool was opened not far from the place where we live, … we started doing in for swimming, too. We both enjoy team games, … we often play basketball and volleyball, neither of us plays football. We … go mountain skiing, … play bowling, … we dream to try both when we are on holiday next year.

2.Join two sentences into one.

1.I saw a man there. The man was playing tennis

2.You gave me a book to read. I lost it

3.We will speak about it. He comes soon

4.He will not come to the party. He is busy

5. He invited Mary to the movies. Mary didn’t come

6.I can’t play tennis well. I began playing it when I was only fifteen

7.He came to the sports club. He wanted to talk to us

8.He promised to come to see us. But if it rains, he won’t come

9.We were talking about the man. Here he is

10.He is playing a new game. It is very interesting

11.He went to the Crimea last year. He says so

12.They were playing outdoors. At that time their mother was cooking dinner

13.I saw a lot in London. I told them about everything

14.We are playing at a small sports ground now. The sports ground at our college is larger

15.The examinations will begin soon. I will read for the examinations.

Эталон ответов:

1.Употребите предлоги and, but, neither… nor, so

And, and, but, so, and, so, neither, not, but

2.Составьте одно предложение

1.I saw a man there and the man was playing tennis

2.You gave me a book to read but I lost it

3.We will speak about it and he comes soon

4.He will not come to the party and he is busy

5. He invited Mary to the movies but Mary didn’t come

6.I can’t play tennis well because I began playing it when I was only fifteen

7.He came to the sports club and he wanted to talk to us

8.He promised to come to see us. But if it rains, he won’t come

9.We were talking about the man and here he is

10.He is playing a new game and it is very interesting

11.He went to the Crimea last year and he says so

12.They were playing outdoors and at that time their mother was cooking dinner

13.I saw a lot in London so I told them about everything

14.We are playing at a small sports ground now but the sports ground at our college is larger5.The examinations will begin soon so I will read for the examination.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(15-14)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(13-12)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(11-10)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(9-0)

Видеоурок « Барселона»

Пересказ фильма по просмотренному видео-материалу по теме « Архитектура Барселоны»

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки

«5»(отлично) - если речь звучит в естественном темпе, лексика адекватна ситуации

«4» (хорошо) - если коммуникация затруднена, допускается фонетические ошибки

«3» (удовлетв.) - если коммуникация затруднена, речь воспринимается трудом из-за большого количества фонетических ошибок

«2»(неудовл.) -если речь не воспринимается слух, отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний.

Раздел 2. Тема 2.18 Страноведение. Культура. Города мира

Прочтите текст. Выполните задания к нему

Andrew Lloyd Webber

Andrew Lloyd Webber is one of the world’s famous modem com posers, and the creator of many musicals. He is British, and was born on March 22, 1948.

Even at a young age, he loved to make his own music. Webber also had a great interest in inspecting ancient monuments around England. It and history were what many thought he would choose to do for a career. However, his Aunt Vi introduced him to the theatre, and under her advice he started writing music of his own. In 1956, he went to Westminster and began composing music for the school’s plays. In 1962, he won a Challenge Scholarship that reduced his tuition at West minster, and then another scholarship in 1964 to transfer to Oxford.

Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber met in 1965 and, consequently, Andrew dropped out of Oxford to pursue music with Tim. The first musical, The Likes of Us, was a failure, but soon afterwards Joseph was created. The first showing was at Colet Court in 1968. It enjoyed great success. Jesus Christ Superstar came next. Together with Tim Rice they wrote Evita in late 1975. The next musical, Cats, paired Andrew with the deceased poet T. S. Eliot and producer, Cameron Mackintosh. It was an incredible hit. Cats made Andrew Lloyd Webber rich and fa mous and ready to start a musical about trains. Starlight Express was created in 1984, the most expensive musical created up to that point.

His next work was Requiem. It isn’t a musical, but solemn music for a Mass. Two years later, in 1986, one of Webber’s most famous works,

Phantom of the Opera, was created.

the Wind came out. The show had a lot of promise, but closed due to extensive problems. The long awaited Evita movie also came out and was a box-office success. Andrew is currently working on a sequel to

1.Найдите в тексте какие событие связаны с этими датами.

1948, 1956, 1962, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1986.

2.Расскажите о своем любимом художнике

1. The artists childhood.

2.The artists first experience in painting/ drawing

3.The artists most outstanding work/ works

4.The artists academic education in painting

5.Where are the artists works exhibited.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2Тема 2.19 Архитектура и строительные конструкции.

Письменный опрос по теме « Активный залог»

Вариант 1

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

Вариант 1

1.Замените формы активного залога на пассивные

Example: He closed the door- The door was closed by him.

1)She opens the mail every day.

2)Mr. Brown will sign the letter.

3)The students enjoyed the lecture.

4)She has received the letter already.

5)Mr. White is repairing the car now.

Вариант 2

1.Измените формы активного залога на пассивные

Example: He closed the door- The door was closed by him.

1)They ate the chocolate candy.

2)The messenger will return the envelope

3)He always signs the documents

4)The builders had built the house by the end of November last year

5)He has written the letter

2.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1) The news … yesterday

a) was announced b) were announced c) be announced

2. A new house … here next year

a) is being built b) will be built c) had been built

3. The room … already by him

a) has been cleaned b)has been cleaning c) is being cleaned

4. Our exercises … by the teacher every lesson

a) were corrected b) is corrected c) are corrected

5. The things … by the thieves now

a) are being stolen b) was being stolen c) is being stolen

Эталоны ответов

Вариант 1


1)The mail is opened by her every day

2)The letter will be signed by Mr. Brown

3)The lecture was enjoyed by the students

4)The letter has already received by her

5)The car is repairing by Mr. White now


1)are corrected

2)was built

3)will be known

4)has been bought

5)is being translated

Вариант 2

1)The chocolate candy is eaten by then already

2)The envelope will be returned by the messenger

3)The documents are always signed by him

4)The house had been built by the builders by the end of November last year

5)The letter has written by him


1)was announced

2)will be built

3)has been cleaned

4)are corrected

5)are being stolen

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(15-14)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(13-12)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(11-10)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(9-0)

Раздел 2Тема 2.20 Архитектура и строительные конструкции. Принцип расположения здания.

Письменный опрос по теме «Пассивный залог в Present Continuous Passive /Progressive, Present, Perfeсt»

1.Перепишите данные предложения в пассивном залоге.

Example: We can solve the problem. - The problem can be solved.

1. She can answer the question. -

2. He would bring the file. -

3. They should open the window. -

4. We might play chess. -

5. You ought to wash the dishes. -

6. I must fill in the questionnaire. -

7. They don't need to buy milk. -

8. She could not read the article. -

9. Will the teacher test our vocabulary? -

10. Could Vasya lock the gate? -

2.Замените активную форму глагола на эквивалентную ей пассивную

Example: We made some suggestions - Some suggestions to improve the project to improve the project were made.

1. The words __ explained by the teacher every class. (present simple)

2. We __ sent the contract yesterday. (past simple)

3. This car __ (not) sold. It's too old. (future)

4. This document __ (already) signed. (present perfect)

5. A new restaurant __ opened next month. (future)

6. He __ interviewed when I came there yesterday. (past continuous)

7. The traffic lights __ seen from that distance. (can)

8. This task __ done by me right now. (present continuous)

9. The dishes __ washed by the time I arrived home. (past perfect)

10. These questions __ asked. (future)

3. Задайте вопросы к предложениям:

– This house was built in 1991. (What ?)

– The TV set was bought in the shop. (Where ?)

– Football is played all over the world because it is a very popular game. (Why ?)

– English is spoken in Great Britain. (What language ?)

– Cheese is made from milk. (What ?)

– The letter will be answered next week. (When ?)

– The pupils will be met in the garden. (Where ?)

4.Расставьте слова в предложении в правильном порядке:

1. Discovered, in, America, 1472, was.

2. In the morning, the newspaper, not, brought, is.

3. Monday, written, next, the letter, will have been,by.

4. Every, two, given, are, apples, day.

5. Yesterday, photo, taken, that, was.

Эталоны ответов:


1.He wasn’t invited to the party

2.Mr. Miller doesn’t liked being kept

3.Most people are liked given presents

4.Mr. Kelly doesn’t like his phone is used by other people

5.Few people are ready to work without paying


1.What was built in 1991?

2.Where was bought the TV set?

3.Why is football played all over the world?

4.What language is spoken in Great Britain?

5.What is made from milk?

6.When the letter will be answered?

7.Where the pupils will be met?


1.America was discovered in 1472

2.The newspaper is not brought in the morning

3.The letter will have been written by next Monday

4.Two apples are given every day

5.That photo was taken yesterday

6.The news will not be old tomorrow

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(15-14)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(13-12)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(11-10)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(9-0)

Раздел 2 Тема 2.21 Архитектура и строительные конструкции. Жилые и общественные здания.

Письменный опрос по теме « Признаки инфинитива и инфинитивных оборотов и способы передачи их значений»

Вариант 1

К подчеркнутой грамматической конструкции подберите соответствующий

русский перевод.

1. Не was pleased to have been made such an offer.

1. чтобы сделать; 2. сделать; 3. сделав; 4. ему сделали.

2. То see the performance we had to buy tickets in advance.

1. просмотр; 2. просмотрев; 3. чтобы посмотреть; 4. во время просмотра.

3. She gave us a list of books to be read.

1. которые надо прочитать; 2. прочитанные; 3. читать; 4. читаемые.

4. The book is small enough to be carried in the pocket.

1. чтобы носить; 2. отнес; 3. отнесенная; 4. несущий.

5. Не was proud to have helped his friend.

1. помог; 2. помогает; 3. надо помочь; 4. помогающий.

6. The amount to be paid includes the cost of packing.

1. уплаченная; 2. платить; 3. которая должна быть уплачена; 4. уплатили.

7. I hired a taxi so as not to miss the train.

1. опаздывая; 2. чтобы не опоздать; 3. не опоздав; 4. не опаздывая.

8. It was a matter to be thought over and decided upon.

1. который надо обдумать; 2. обдумав; 3. обдумали; 4. думать.

9. I am glad to have met him before his departure.

1. встретиться; 2. встретился; 3. встречаясь; 4. чтобы встретиться.

10. То know the subject well you should study it thoroughly.

1. знание; 2. чтобы знать; 3. узнав; 4. узнавая.

Вариант 2

Выберите русское предложение, наиболее точно соответствующее по смыслу

английскому предложению.

1. We expected her to reserve accommodation for us.

1. Мы полагали, что она заказала нам номер в гостинице.

2. Мы ждали ее, чтобы заказать номер в гостинице.

3. Мы ожидали, что она закажет нам номер в гостинице.

2. She was believed to have returned to London.

1. Она предполагала вернуться в Лондон.

2. Полагали, что она вернулась в Лондон.

3. Полагали, что она вернется в Лондон.

3. They saw the ship sail away from the shore.

1. Они видели, что корабль отплыл от берега.

2. Они видели, как корабль отплывает от берега.

3. Они видели отплывающий от берега корабль.

4. The book seems to be making quite a stir.

1. По-видимому, книга произведет сенсацию.

2. По-видимому, книга производит сенсацию.

3. По-видимому, книга произвела сенсацию.

5. We want the letter to be written just now.

1. Нам нужно это только что написанное письмо.

2. Мы хотим написать письмо прямо сейчас.

3. Мы хотим, чтобы письмо было написано прямо сейчас.

6. She expected him to be waiting for her at the corner.

1. Она ждала его на углу.

2. Она предполагала, что он ждет ее на углу.

3. Она предполагала подождать его на углу.

7. Не was said not to have taken any decision yet.

1. Говорили, что он все еще принимает решение.

2. Он сказал, что пока не будет принимать никакого решения.

3. Говорили, что он еще не принял никакого решения.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Видеоурок «Уэльс»

Пересказ фильма по просмотренному видео-материалу по теме « Уэльс»

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки

«5»(отлично) - если речь звучит в естественном темпе, лексика адекватна ситуации

«4» (хорошо) - если коммуникация затруднена, допускается фонетические ошибки

«3» (удовлетв.) - если коммуникация затруднена, речь воспринимается трудом из-за большого количества фонетических ошибок

«2»(неудовл.) -если речь не воспринимается слух, отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний.

Раздел 2Тема 2.22 Деловой английский. Средства передачи информации.

письменный опрос по теме « Пассивный залог в Simple Tenses ».

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets.

2. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.

3. Bread (to eat) every day.

4. The letter (to receive) yesterday.

5. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week.

2.Выберите правильный ответ.

1. I (buy) potatoes yesterday.

a. bought

b. was bought

c. were buy

2. The milk (sell) in this shop.

a. sold

b. sells

c. is sold

3. The police (return) my passport to me yesterday.

a. is returns

b. returned

c. was returned

4. Yesterday the whole programme (devote) to a report from Bosnia.

a. was devoted

b. devoted

c. devoted

5. A great number of priceless works of art (destroy) in the earthquake.

a. were destroyed

b. was destroy c. destroyed

3. Заполните пропуски предлогами with, by.

1. When the accident happened, the car was taken … police.

2. He was fired…a new director.

3. The book was written…a famous writer.

4. This chair was made…him… his own hands.

5. The letter was written…his pen.

5. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week.

Эталон ответов.

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets.

2. St. Petersburg was founded in 1703.

3. Bread is eaten every day.

4. The letter was received yesterday.

5. Nick will be sent to Moscow next week.

2. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. I (buy) potatoes yesterday.

a. bought

b. was bought

c. were buy

2. The milk (sell) in this shop.

a. sold

b. sells

c. is sold

3. The police (return) my passport to me yesterday.

a. is returns

b. returned

c. was returned

4. Yesterday the whole programme (devote) to a report from Bosnia.

a. was devoted

b. were devoted

c. devoted

5. A great number of priceless works of art (destroy) in the earthquake.

a. were destroyed

b. was destroy c. destroyed

3. Заполните пропуски предлогами with, by.

1. When the accident happened, the car was taken by police.

2. He was fired by a new director.

3. The book was written by a famous writer.

4. This chair was made by him with his own hands.

5. The letter was written by his

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Раздел2Тема 2.22 Деловой английский. Средства передачи информации.

письменный опрос по теме «Глаголы в страдательном залоге, преимущественно в Indefinite Passive»

Вариант 1. Употребите правильную форму глагола в пассивном залоге.

11. The roads (cover) with the snow. – Дороги покрыты снегом.

12. Chocolate (make) from cocoa. – Шоколад изготавливается из какао.

13. The Pyramids (build) in Egypt. – Пирамиды были построены в Египте.

14. This coat (buy) four years ago. – Это пальто было куплено 4 года назад.

15. The stadium (open) next month. – Стадион будет открыт в следующем месяце.

16. Your parents (invite) to a meeting. – Твои родители будут приглашены на собрание.

17. Where is your car? – It (mend) at the moment.  – Где твоя машина? – В данный момент она ремонтируется.

18. The books already (pack). – Книги уже упакованы.

19. The castle can (see) from a long distance. – Замок можно увидеть издалека.

20. The guests must (meet) at noon. - Гости должны быть встречены в полдень.

Вариант 2. Измените предложения по образцу:

Н-р:   Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet”. (Шекспир написал «Ромео и Джульетту».) – “Romeo and Juliet” was written by Shakespeare. («Ромео и Джульетта» была написана Шекспиром.)

11. Popov invented radio in Russia. (Попов изобрел радио в России.)

12. Every four years people elect a new president in the USA. ( Каждые 4 года народ выбирает нового президента в США.)

13. The police caught a bank robber last night. (Полиция поймала грабителя банка прошлой ночью.)

14. Sorry, we don’t allow dogs in our safari park. (Извините, но мы не допускаем собак в наш сафари парк.)

15. The postman will leave my letter by the door. (Почтальон оставит мое письмо у двери.)

16. My mum has made a delicious cherry pie for dinner. (Мама приготовила вкусный вишневый пирог на ужин.)

17. George didn’t repair my clock. (Джордж не отремонтировал мои часы.)

18. Wait a little, my neighbor is telling an interesting story. (Подожди немного, мой сосед рассказывает интересную историю.)

19. My son can write some more articles about football. (Мой сын может написать еще немного статей о футболе.)

20. You must clean your bedroom tonight. (Ты должен убраться в своей спальне сегодня вечером.)

Вариант 3. Превратите предложения в отрицательные и переведите.

6. Ann was bitten by a homeless dog.

7. The zoo is being reconstructed at the moment.

8. The luggage must be checked at the customs.

9. Souvenirs are sold everywhere.

10. The job will be finished at 3 o’clock.

Вариант 4. Дайте полные ответы на следующие вопросы.

6. Are the Olympic Games held every 10 years? (Олимпийские игры проводятся каждые 10 лет?)

7. Is bread made from flour or potatoes? (Хлеб готовят из муки или картофеля?)

8. Was the Eifel Tower built in Moscow? (Эйфелева башня была построена в Москве?)

9. Will the final exams be taken in summer or in winter? (Выпускные экзамены будут сдаваться летом или зимой?)

10. When is Christmas celebrated in Europe? (Когда празднуется Рождество в Европе?)

 Эталон ответов:


11. The roads are covered with the snow.

12. Chocolate is made from cocoa.

13. The Pyramids were built in Egypt.

14. This coat was bought four years ago.

15. The stadium will be opened next month.

16. Your parents will be invited to a meeting.

17. Where is your car? – It is being mended at the moment.

18. The books have already been packed.

19. The castle can be seen from a long distance.

20. The guests must be met at noon.


11. Radio was invented by Popov in Russia. (Радио было изобретено Поповым в России.)

12. A new president is elected every four years in the USA. (Новый президент избирается каждые 4 года в США.)

13. A bank robber was caught by the police last night. (Банковский грабитель был пойман полицией прошлой ночью.)

14. Sorry, dogs are not allowed in our safari park. (Извините, но собаки не допускаются в наш сафари парк.)

15. My letter will be left by the postman by the door. (Мое письмо будет оставлено почтальоном у двери.)

16. A delicious cherry pie has been made by my mum for dinner. (Вкусный вишневый пирог приготовлен мамой к ужину.)

17. My clock wasn’t repaired by George. (Мои часы не были отремонтированы Джорджем.)

18. Wait a little, an interesting story is being told by my neighbor. (Подожди немного, интересную историю рассказывает мой сосед.)

19. Some more articles about football can be written by my son. (Еще немного статей о футболе может быть написано моим сыном.)

20. Your bedroom must be cleaned tonight. (Твоя спальня должна быть убрана сегодня вечером.)


6. Ann wasn’t  bitten by a homeless dog. – Аня не была покусана бездомной собакой.

7. The zoo isn’t being reconstructed at the moment. – Зоопарк не реконструируется в данный момент.

8. The luggage must not be checked at the customs. – Багаж не должен быть проверен на таможне.

9. Souvenirs aren’t sold everywhere. – Сувениры не продаются повсюду.

10. The job will not be finished at 3 o’clock. – Работа не будет закончена в 3 часа.


6. No, they are not. The Olympic Games are held every four years.

7. Bread is made from flour.

8. No, it wasn’t. The Eifel Tower was built in Paris.

9. The final exams will be taken in summer.

10. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December in Europe.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки 1,2 вариант:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(10-9)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(8)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(7)

«2- менее 70% правильных ответов(6-0)

Раздел 2Тема 2.23 Деловой английский. Подготовка к работе и учебе за рубежом.

Письменный опрос по теме «Дифференциальные признаки глаголов в Past Continuous».

Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple.

1. Elena was waiting (wait) for me when I arrived. (arrive)

2. ´What _______________ (you/do) this time yesterday?´ I was asleep.

3. ´___________ (you(go) out last night?´ ´No, I was too tired.´

4. ´Was Elizabeth at the party last night?´ ´Yes, she ____________ ´ (wear) a really nice dress.

5. How fast _____________ (you/drive) when the accident ____________ (happen)?

6. Damian ___________ (take) a photograph of me while I ___________ (not/look). 

7. We were in a very difficult position. We _______________ (not/know) what to do.

8. I haven't seen Peter for ages. When I last _________ (see) him, he _________ (try) to find a job in London.

9. I ____________ (walk) along the street when suddenly I ________(hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody ______ (follow) me. I was frightened and I __________ (start) to run.

10. When I was young, I ____________ (want) to be a bus drive

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Раздел 2Тема 2.24 Деловой английский язык Переписка с университетом.

Прочитаете текст и ответе на вопросы

The Art of Architecture

Architecture the art of building in which human requirements and construction materials are related so as to furnish practical use as well as an aesthetic solution, thus differing from the pure utility of engineering construction. As an art, architecture is essentially abstract and nonrepresentational and involves the manipulation of the relationships of spaces, volumes, planes, masses, and voids. Time is also an important factor in architecture, since a building is usually comprehended in a succession of experiences rather than all at once. In most architecture there is no one vantage point from which the whole structure can be understood. The use of light and shadow, as well as surface decoration, can greatly enhance a structure.

The analysis of building types provides an insight into past cultures and eras. Behind each of the greater styles lies not a casual trend nor a vogue, but a period of serious and urgent experimentation directed toward answering the needs of a specific way of life. Climate, methods of labor, available materials, and economy of means all impose their dictates. Each of the greater styles has been aided by the discovery of new construction methods. Once developed, a method survives tenaciously, giving way only when social changes or new building techniques have reduced it. That evolutionary process is exemplified by the history of modern architecture, which developed from the first uses of structural iron and steel in the mid-19th cent.

Until the 20th cent. there were three great developments in architectural construction—the post-and-lintel, or trabeated, system; the arch system, either the cohesive type, employing plastic materials hardening into a homogeneous mass, or the thrust type, in which the loads are received and counterbalanced at definite points; and the modern steel-skeleton system. In the 20th cent. new forms of building have been devised, with the use of reinforced concrete and the development of geodesic and stressed-skin (light material, reinforced) structures.

See also articles under countries, e.g., American architecture; styles, e.g., baroque; periods, e.g., Gothic architecture and art; individual architects, e.g., Andrea Palladio; individual stylistic and structural elements, e.g., tracery, orientation; specific building types, e.g., pagoda, apartment house.

Architecture of the Ancient World

In Egyptian architecture, to which belong some of the earliest extant structures to be called architecture (erected by the Egyptians before 3000 BC), the post-and-lintel system was employed exclusively and produced the earliest stone columnar buildings in history. The architecture of W Asia from the same era employed the same system; however, arched construction was also known and used. The Chaldaeans and Assyrians, dependent upon clay as their chief material, built vaulted roofs of damp mud bricks that adhered to form a solid shell.

After generations of experimentation with buildings of limited variety the Greeks gave to the simple post-and-lintel system the purest, most perfect expression it was to attain (see Parthenon ; orders of architecture). Roman architecture, borrowing and combining the columns of Greece and the arches of Asia, produced a wide variety of monumental buildings throughout the Western world. Their momentous invention of concrete enabled the imperial builders to exploit successfully the vault construction of W Asia and to cover vast unbroken floor spaces with great vaults and domes, as in the rebuilt Pantheon (2d cent. AD; see under pantheon).

The Evolution of Styles in the Christian Era

The Romans and the early Christians also used the wooden truss for roofing the wide spans of their basilica halls. Neither Greek, Chinese, nor Japanese architecture used the vault system of construction. However, in the Asian division of the Roman Empire, vault development continued; Byzantine architects experimented with new principles and developed the pendentive, used brilliantly in the 6th cent. for the Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.

The Romanesque architecture of the early Middle Ages was notable for strong, simple, massive forms and vaults executed in cut stone. In Lombard Romanesque (11th cent.) the Byzantine concentration of vault thrusts was improved by the device of ribs and of piers to support them. The idea of an organic supporting and buttressing skeleton of masonry (see buttress), here appearing in embryo, became the vitalizing aim of the medieval builders. In 13th-century Gothic architecture it emerged in perfected form, as in the Amiens and Chartres cathedrals.

The birth of Renaissance architecture (15th cent.) inaugurated a period of several hundred years in Western architecture during which the multiple and complex buildings of the modern world began to emerge, while at the same time no new and compelling structural conceptions appeared. The forms and ornaments of Roman antiquity were resuscitated again and again and were ordered into numberless new combinations, and structure served chiefly as a convenient tool for attaining these effects. The complex, highly decorated baroque style was the chief manifestation of the 17th-century architectural aesthetic. The Georgian style was among architecture's notable 18th-century expressions (see Georgian architecture ). The first half of the 19th cent. was given over to the classic revival and the Gothic revival.

New World, New Architectures

The architects of the later 19th cent. found themselves in a world being reshaped by science, industry, and speed. A new eclecticism arose, such as the architecture based on the Ecole des Beaux-Arts , and what is commonly called Victorian architecture in Britain and the United States. The needs of a new society pressed them, while steel, reinforced concrete, and electricity were among the many new technical means at their disposal.

After more than a half-century of assimilation and experimentation, modern architecture, often called the International style, produced an astonishing variety of daring and original buildings, often steel substructures sheathed in glass. The Bauhaus was a strong influence on modern architecture. As the line between architecture and engineering became a shadow, 20th-century architecture often approached engineering, and modern works of engineering—airplane hangars, for example—often aimed at and achieved an undeniable beauty. More recently, postmodern architecture (see postmodernism), which exploits and expands the technical innovations of modernism while often incorporating stylistic elements from other architectural styles or periods, has become an international movement.

1.Ответе на вопросы

1.Why did you make up your mind to become an architect?

2.Did anybody advice you to choose a career?

3. What can you say about the role of an architect in civilized society?

4.What do you think the word architecture means?

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 60мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Видеоурок « Большой Каньон»

Дифференцированный зачет.

Пересказ фильма по просмотренному видео-материалу по теме « Большой Каньон»

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки

«5»(отлично) - если речь звучит в естественном темпе, лексика адекватна ситуации

«4» (хорошо) - если коммуникация затруднена, допускается фонетические ошибки

«3» (удовлетв.) - если коммуникация затруднена, речь воспринимается трудом из-за большого количества фонетических ошибок

«2»(неудовл.) -если речь не воспринимается слух, отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний.

2. 2 Задания для рубежного контроля:

Тема 1.1. Описание людей: друзей, родных и близких и т.д.(внешность, характер, личностные качества).

Письменный опрос по теме «Глагол-связка».

1.Поставьте глагол-связку в нужной форме

1. Charles Dickens (is, are, am) a famous English writer.

2. They (is, are, am) in the yard

3. Mike (is, are, am) in the fifth form

4. March, April and May (is, are, am) spring months

5. (is, are, am) it cold?- No, it isn’t

6. Boris Zakhoder (is, are, am) a great poet

7. (is, are, am) days foggy in winter?

Вариант № 2

1.Поставьте глагол-связку в нужной форме

1.English (is, are, am) my favourite subject

2.How (is, are, am) you?- I (is, are, am) fine, thanks

3.Look at these ducks. They (is, are, am) really nice!

4. (is, are, am) it warm in summer?- Yes, it (is, are, am)

5.My father (is, are, am) not a doctor. He is a pilot

6.How old (is, are, am) you?- I (is, are, am) eight

7.Larisa (is, are, am) an engineer.

Вариант № 3

1.Поставьте глагол-связку в нужной форме

1.It (is, are, am) a very difficult profession

2.It (is, are, am) a wild animal

3.We (is, are, am) fond of swimming

4.Moscow (is, are, am) a modern city

5.Math and History (is, are, am) my favourite subjects

6.Robert Burns (is, are, am) a well-known Scottish poet

7.Where (is, are, am) you going?

Вариант № 4

1.Поставьте глагол- связку в нужной форме

1.We (is, are, am) at the lesson

2.It (is, are, am) Saturday

3. (is, are, am) it far from your lesson?

4.Nastya (is, are, am) a nice girl

5.His hobby (is, are, am) swimming

6.Our flat (is, are, am) big and comfortable

7.Where (is, are, am) the piano?- It (is, are, am) on the left

Эталон ответов:

Вариант № 1








Вариант № 2


2.are, am


4.is, is


6.are, am


Вариант № 3









Вариант № 4








7.is, is

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 10мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

Раздел 1. Тема 1.2.Межличностные отношения дома, в учебном заведении, на работе.

Письменный опрос по теме «Глаголы в Present, Past, Future Simple/Indefinite».

1.Употребление глаголов в Present, Past, Future Simple/Indefinite


Вариант № 1

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильной форме.


1. The USA (to be) one of the largest countries in the world.

2. The Statue of Liberty (to be) one of the interesting monuments in New York.

3. The Statue of Liberty (to stand) in New York Harbour.

4. Liberty (to mean) freedom.

5. The Statue of Liberty (to be) as tall as skysckraper.


1. The word Olympic (to come) from the Greek mountain Olympus.

2. The first Olympic Games (to take) place in Greece.

3. The strongest men of ancient Greece (to complete) in various sports.

4. Russia (to be) the host country for the Olympic Games in 1980.

5. Our country (to choose) its own mascot. It (to be) a bear.


1.1 think I (to be) a computer programmer.

2.1 know I (to learn) English well.

3. My mother says that she (to send) me study computers.

4.1 promises I (to work) hard.

5.1 am sure that my favourite subject (to be) computer science.

Вариант 2

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильной форме


1. Maslenitsa (to be) a very popular holiday in our country.

2. It (to last) for a week.

3. Russian people (to celebrate) it at the end of February or at the beginning of March.

4. During Maslenitsa week we always (to cook) pancakes. 5.1 (to like) this old Russian tradition.


Robert Burns (to begin) to write poems at the age of 15.

He (to write) hundreds of songs and poems on country life, love, and national pride.

Robert Burns (to publish) his book „Poem" when he (to be) 27 years old.

He (to become) Scotland's national poet.


My friend Kostya wants to be a teacher of English. He says that he (to learn) English hard next year.

He promises that he (to buy) many English books.

He thinks that he (to read) a lot.

If he (to work) hard, he (to know) English well.

Эталон ответов:

Вариант 1

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильной форме.


1. is

2. is

3. stands

4. means

5. is


1. came

2. took

3. competed

4. was

5. chose; was


1.will be

2.will learn

3. will send

4.will work

5.will be

Вариант 2

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильной форме


1. is

2. lasts

3. celebrate

4. cook

5. like


1. began

2. wrote

3. published; was

4. became


1. Will learn

2. Will buy

3. Will read

4. Work; will know

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

Раздел 2. Тема 2.1Повседневная жизнь, условия жизни, учебный день,

выходной день.

Письменный опрос по теме «Артикль. Случаи его употребления».

1.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. There is______sand in my shoes.

a) — c) the

b) a d) an

2. The news was______very depressing.

a) a c) —

b) the d) an

3.______man and______woman were sitting opposite me.

a) a, the с) а, а

b)the, a d) -, -

4. Paris is______capital of France.

a) the c) an

b)a d) -

5. Chinese eat______rice every day.

a) the с) а

b) - d) an

6. There were______very few people in the shops today.

a) an c) —

b) a d) the

7. What is______longest river in______world?

a) a, a c) the, a

b) the, the d) a, the

8. Did you hear______noise just now?

a) the с) а

b) - d) an

9. What did you have for______breakfast?

a) - с) а

b) the d) an

10. Have you got these shoes in______size 43?

a) the c) an

b) a d) -

11. Ken's brother is in______prison now for robbery.

a) the с) а

b) - d) an

12. Bob is_______seaman. He spends most of his time at


a) a, — c) an, the

b) the, - d) a, the

13.______children team a lot from playing.

a) the c) -

b) a d) an

14.______giraffe is______tallest of all animals.

a) the, the c) an, the

b) a, a d) -, -

15. We had______very nice lunch.

a) - c) the

b)a d) an

16. We visited _____ Canada and______United States.

a) a, a c) the, the

b) -, - d) -, the

17. Jill has gone to______hospital to visit Jack.

a) the c) -

b) a d) an

18. We took______ children to the Zoo.

a) - c) an

b) a d) the

19. It can be dangerous to swim in_______sea.

a) - с) а

b) the d) an

20. Have you ever been to______British Museum?

a) a c) the

b) - d) an

Эталон ответов:

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. a) —

2. c) —

3. с) а, а

4. a) the

5. b) -

6. c) —

7. b) the, the

8. с) а

9. a) -

10. d) -

11. b) -

12. d) a, the

13. b) a

14.a) the, the

15. b)a

16.d) -, the

17. a) the

18. d) the

19. с) а

20. c) the

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

Раздел 2. Тема 2.2.Здоровье, спорт, правила здорового образа жизни.

Письменный опрос по теме «Глаголы в Past, Future Simple/Indefinite

1.Выберите правильный вариант.

1 .When Mark arrived, the Johnsons______dinner, but

stopped in order to talk to him.

a) were having c) had been having

b) had d) was having

2. While Tom______a book, Marhta______TV.

a) was reading, watched c) was reading, was watching

b) read, watched d) read, was watching

3. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen______delicious.

a) is smelling c) smelt

b) smells d) will smell

4. We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we______.

a) will plan c) plan

b) were planning d) had planned

5. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so______


a) is c) was

b) does d) were

6.1 feel terrible. I think I______to be sick.

a) will c) am going

b) go d) will be going

7. My colleagues usually______four days a week, and tills

week they______five days.

a) work, work c) are working, are working

b) are working, work d) work, are working

8. It______outside; 1 do not like to walk in such weather.

a) rains c) is raining

b) is rain d) is rained

9. I______a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare

for the exam.

a) will have c) have

b) am having d) would have

10. At 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom______

a delegation in the office.

a) will receive c) will be receiving

b) is receiving d) would receive

11. Although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it ______hard for two hours.

a) had been raining c) had rained

b) was raining d) is raining

12. She______at the parcel long enough, before she______

that it was for her brother.

a) had been looking, had understood

b) had been looking, understood

c) was looking, understood

d) was looking, had understood

13.1_____to the cinema but my friend persuaded me to stay.

a) am not going c) did not go

b) was going d) had been going

14. We were good friends, we______each other for years.

a) had known c) were knowing

b) had knowing d) know

15. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We ______for more than 24 hours.

a) had travelled c) had been travelling

b) were travelling d) travel

Эталон ответов:

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 .a) were having

2. c) was reading, was watching

3. a) is smelling

4. d) had planned

5. b) does

6.c) am going

7. a) work, work

8. c) is raining

9. a) will have

10. c) will be receiving

11. a) had been raining

12. b) had been looking, understood

13.d) had been going

14. a) had known

15. c) had been travelling

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

2. Фронтальный опрос по теме «Спорт».

Ответьте на вопросы.

1.Are sports popular in Russia?

2.What are the most popular sports?

3.Do you go in for sports?

4.What is your favourite kind of sport?

5.Do you try to keep physically fit?

6.What is it necessary to do to keep oneself physically fit?

7.Can you play bowling/baseball/American football/soccer?

8.What sporting games did you play when you were a child?

9.Bowling is not a sport, but an entertainment, isn’t it?

10.Are there any other sports that are entertainment?

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - лексика адекватна ситуации, редкие

грамматические ошибки не мешают коммуникации, учащийся не делает грубых фонетических ошибок.

«4» (хорошо) - грамматические и/или лексические ошибки заметно влияют на восприятие речи учащегося, в отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки.

«3» (удовлетв.) - учащийся делает большое количество грубых грамматических

и/или лексических, большое количество фонетических ошибок.

«2»(неудовл.) - речь не воспринимается на слух, учащийся демонстрирует незнание лексики и отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 10мин.

3.Словари, учебник Голубева А.П. Английский язык.

Раздел 2. Тема 2. 3. Город, деревня, инфраструктура.

Устный фронтальный опрос по теме.

Read, translate and answer the questions.

Washington, DC

Washington, the capital of the United States of America, is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. The district is a piece of land ten miles square and it does not belong to any separate state but to all the states. The district is named in honour of Columbus, the discoverer of America. The capital owes much to the first President of the USA -George Washington. It was G. Washington, who chose the place for the District and laid in 1790 the corner-stone of the Capitol, where Congress sits.

Washington is not the largest city in the USA. It has a population of 900 000 people. Washington is a one-industry town. That industry is government. It does not produce anything except very much scrap paper. Every day 25 railway cars leave Washington loaded with scrap paper.

Washington has many historical places. The largest and tallest among the buildings is the Capitol with its great House of Representatives and the Senate chamber. There are no skyscrapers in Washington because no other building must be taller than the Capitol. The White House is the President's residence. All American presidents except George Washington (the White House was not yet built in his time), have lived in the White House. It was built in 1799. It is a two-storied, white building.

Not far from the Capitol is the Washington Monument, which looks like a very big pencil. It rises 160 metres and is hollow inside. A special lift brings visitors to the top in 70 seconds from where they can enjoy a wonderful view of the whole city.

The Jefferson Memorial was built in memory of the third President of the USA, Thomas Jefferson, who was also the author of the Declaration of Independence. The memorial is surrounded by cherry-trees. The Lincoln Memorial devoted to the memory of the 16th President of the US, the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves in America.

On the other bank of the Potomac lies the Arlington National Cemetery where President Kennedy was buried. American soldiers and officers, who died in World Wars I and II are buried there too.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is Washington, DC situated?

2. Why is the city unique?

3. When did the government move to Washington, DC?

4. Where is the official residence of the President of the USA situated?

5. What is the Capitol?

6. How many chambers are there in the Congress?

7. Why aren’t there any skyscrapers in Washington, DC?

8. What is the population of the city?

9. Is there any industry in Washington, DC?

10. What are the main attractions of the city?

2. Make up the outline of the text.

Эталон ответов

1. Washington, DC is situated in the mouth of the Potomac River, in the District of Columbia (DC).

2. The city is unique in its own way- it was specially designed as the capitol way — it was specially designed as the capital of the USA.

3. In 1800 the Government moved to Washington, DC.

4. The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States.

5. The Capitol is the seat of the Congress.

6. The Congress has two chambers: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

7. There are no skyscrapers,according to the law, no house in Washington, DC must be higher than the Capitol.

8. Washington, DC has the population of about 900,000 people.

9. Yes,it is.

10. Among the attractions of the capital it is necessary to mention the museums: the National Gallery of Art, the National Museum of History and Technology, and others.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания текста, для последующих ответов на вопросы по тексту, учащийся не делает грубых фонетических ошибок, владеет лексикой по теме.

«4» (хорошо) чтение текста с неполным,но значительным пониманием содержания текста для дальнейших ответов на вопросы по тексту, в отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки.

«3» (удовлетв.) - слабое понимание смысла текста и с трудом может ответить на вопросы, большое количество фонетических ошибок.

«2»(неудовл.) - учащийся не умеет читать, демонстрирует незнание лексики и отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний, допускает огромное количество фонетических ошибок, не готов ответить на вопросы по тексту.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45 мин.


Раздел2.Тема 2.4.Досуг

Письменный опрос по теме «Пассивный залог в Present, Past, Future Simple/Indefinite».

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets.

2. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.

3. Bread (to eat) every day.

4. The letter (to receive) yesterday.

5. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week.

2.Выберите правильный ответ.

1. I (buy) potatoes yesterday.

a. bought

b. was bought

c. were buy

2. The milk (sell) in this shop.

a. sold

b. sells

c. is sold

3. The police (return) my passport to me yesterday.

a. is returns

b. returned

c. was returned

4. Yesterday the whole programme (devote) to a report from Bosnia.

a. was devoted

b. devoted

c. devoted

5. A great number of priceless works of art (destroy) in the earthquake.

a. were destroyed

b. was destroy c. destroyed

3. Заполните пропуски предлогами with, by.

1. When the accident happened, the car was taken … police.

2. He was fired…a new director.

3. The book was written…a famous writer.

4. This chair was made…him… his own hands.

5. The letter was written…his pen.

5. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week.

Эталон ответов.

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets.

2. St. Petersburg was founded in 1703.

3. Bread is eaten every day.

4. The letter was received yesterday.

5. Nick will be sent to Moscow next week.

2. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. I (buy) potatoes yesterday.

a. bought

b. was bought

c. were buy

2. The milk (sell) in this shop.

a. sold

b. sells

c. is sold

3. The police (return) my passport to me yesterday.

a. is returns

b. returned

c. was returned

4. Yesterday the whole programme (devote) to a report from Bosnia.

a. was devoted

b. were devoted

c. devoted

5. A great number of priceless works of art (destroy) in the earthquake.

a. were destroyed

b. was destroy c. destroyed

3. Заполните пропуски предлогами with, by.

1. When the accident happened, the car was taken by police.

2. He was fired by a new director.

3. The book was written by a famous writer.

4. This chair was made by him with his own hands.

5. The letter was written by his pen.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 15мин

3. Словари, опросные таблицы по грамматике.

Раздел.2.Тема 2.5.Новости, средства массовой информации.

Устный фронтальный опрос по теме «Новости,средства массовой информации».

Read, translate and answer the questions.

|British Mass Media |

|Newspaper. |

The British people are probably the greatest newspaper readers in the world. This explains the fact that there are quite a lot of editions of different kind. Generally, all the newspapers are divided into two groups. On the one hand, there are “quality” newspapers, which publish ana lytical articles on serious topics, involving economy, politics and busi ness issues. Among the “quality” papers are The Times, The Guardian, TheFinancial Times, The Independent. Their circulation is not large, but their reputation is unshakeable. On the other hand, there are “popular” papers, or “tabloids” which are considered entertaining rather than informative.People buy such kind of papers to learn the latest news on sports events, private life of celebrities and rumors. Their cir culation is much larger compared to “quality” papers. They are usually less in size and use large letters for the headings to report sensational news. The newspapers of this kind have the word “Daily” in the name. There are usually a lot of photographs, crosswords, sketches, and com mixes in these papers. Among them the most popular are Daily Express, The Sun, Daily Mail, Private Eye, Daily Mirror, Daily Star and others.

Besides newspapers of daily circulation, there are also the ones issued on Sundays. These may be either the supplements to the daily papers, or independent Sunday papers, which are larger in size than the daily ones and usually have several separate parts on different topics. They can be called family papers, as there is something to read for each member of the family: love stories, detective stories, facts from history, sport, art and much more. These newspapers contain the word “Sunday” in their title. Besides, there are a great number of all kinds of magazines.

All the newspapers and magazines in the UK are privately owned. Fleet Street in London, which was known as the home of many news papers, has now lost its prominence — the offices of many newspapers have moved away from London, as the rent is very high.

Radio and Television

There are two main companies on the British Isles, which do the broadcasting over the country. They are the BBC (British Broadcasting

Corporation) and the IBA (Independent Broadcasting Authorities). There are several minor broadcasting companies as well.

In Britain there are four TV channels: the BBC I, the ВВС II, the ITV (“I” stands for “independent”) and Channel IV. All of them are different, each channel having its own target group and providing the viewers with high quality of programmes to all tastes. Commercial TV stations broadcast entertainment programmes, light dramas, talk shows and documentaries, as well as sport programmes and news.

1.Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1.Not many newspapers are published in the United Kingdom today.

2.Quality newspapers publish analytical articles about business and politics.

3.The Financial Times is a popular newspaper.

4.The circulation of “popular” papers is much larger compared to

“quality” papers.

5.All the newspapers and magazines in the United Kingdom are owned by the state.

6.There are a lot of offices of newspaper agencies in Fleet Street.

2.Answer the questions about television in Russia.

1.How many TV channels are there?

2.Are there any local TV channels in your city/town?

3.Do you watch TV regularly?

4.What is your favourite channel? Why do you like it?


5.Do you watch TV regularly or occasionally?

6.What kinds of programmes do you like watching?

7.Do you watch news regularly?

8.Why is it essential to watch news programmes?

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания текста, для последующих ответов на вопросы по тексту, учащийся не делает грубых фонетических ошибок, владеет лексикой по теме.

«4» (хорошо) чтение текста с неполным,но значительным пониманием содержания текста для дальнейших ответов на вопросы по тексту, в отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки.

«3» (удовлетв.) - слабое понимание смысла текста и с трудом может ответить на вопросы, большое количество фонетических ошибок.

«2»(неудовл.) - учащийся не умеет читать, демонстрирует незнание лексики и отсутствие грамматических навыков, умений и знаний, допускает огромное количество фонетических ошибок, не готов ответить на вопросы по тексту.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 30мин

3.Словари, учебник Голубева А.П. Английский язык.

Раздел 2.Тема 2.6 Планирование времени(рабочий день).

Письменный опрос по теме «Образование настоящего простого времени».

1. I __ (go) shopping with my brother.

2. We sometimes __ (use) a dictionary in class.

3. My friends __ (study) Italian at their school.

4. School __ (finish) at three o´clock.

5.You __ (live) near me.

6. He __(like) rap music.

7. She __ (do) her homework before dinner.

8. We __ (play) tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.

9. I __ (watch) TV in the evening.

10. My mother __ (teach) art.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словари,опорные таблицы по грамматике, конспекты.

Раздел 2. Тема 2.9. Образование в России и за рубежом, среднее профессиональное образование

Задание №4

Прочитайте, переведите текст. Выполните задания к тексту.

Schools in the United Kingdom

Education in the United Kingdom is compulsory from the age of five to sixteen. Children under five go either to nursery schools, or to playgroups. Both types of pre-primary educational establishments are non-state; the difference is that a child spends the whole day in a nursery school, while he or she can stay in a playgroup only for some hours a day. Anyway, the main aim of such kind of establishments is to make the children ready for primary schools. Children play, draw, model things from clay and learn to work together.

Compulsory education for all children begins at the age of five. There are 35,000 state schools in Britain. All of them are the responsibility of the Local Educational Authorities (LEA). The LEA caters for the curriculum and exams in each region; they also appoint head teachers and held assessment tests at schools.

Primary school is for children from five to eleven. At first the studies are more like playing than working; English teachers say that this is the best way for children to get used to school. Probably they are right:

children learn better when they play. Lessons usually last from nine in the morning till four or five in the afternoon with a long break at the lunchtime.

At the age of eleven pupils go to comprehensive schools. Children usually wear a uniform; it is different in different schools. They study Maths, English, Arts, English Literature, Geography, one or two foreign languages, usually French, Italian or German, PE (Physical Education), IT (Information Technology), Religion, Science, Biology, Sex Education and other subjects.

At the end of their studies they take General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations (GCSE) О-level, and then they either leave school and start working or continue their studies at school or at college for two more years. This is called the sixth form at school or the sixth form college, and the students take only the subject they need for entering the University of their choice.

At the age of eighteen they take GCSE A –level/ They usually take three or four A-levels. There are no entrance exams to universities, so the students can enter a university or a college on the results of their A-level examinations.

Speaking about education in the UK it is necessary to say that there is a great difference between state education and private education. State school are free, and about ninety per cent of all children attend them.

| |

Private, or public schools are very expensive. These are usually boarding schools, where children stay while they study, coming home only on vacations. These schools are for children between thirteen and eighteen. Before entering a public school children are usually educated at home. State schools are usually mixed, while private schools are typically single-sex, with a few exceptions.

1.Переведите на русский язык.

Local Educational Authorities; primary school; comprehensive school; Secondary school; Art; English Literature; Information Technology; General Certificatebof Secondary Educational examinations; A-level; 0-level.

| |

2. Переведите на английский язык.

обязательный; до пяти лет; или ... или; детский сад; лепить; учебный план; директор; больше похоже на ... ; школьная форма; иностранные языки; продолжать обучение; подготовительный класс колледжа; бесплатный; каникулы

3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1.From what age is education in the United Kingdom compulsory?

2.What are the establishments for pre-primary


3.What is the difference between nursery schools and playgroups?

4.How many state schools are there in Great Britain?

5.What does the LEA do?

6.At what age do children go to primary schools?

7.What subjects do children take in secondary schools?

8.What kind of exam do the pupils take at the age of sixteen?

9.When do the pupils take GCSE A-level?

10.Are there any entrance exams in British universities?

Эталон ответов

1.Переведите на русский язык.

обязательный; до пяти лет; или ... или; детский сад; лепить; учебный план; директор; больше похоже на ... ; школьная форма; иностранные языки; продолжать обучение; подготовительный класс колледжа; бесплатный; каникулы

2. Переведите на английский язык.

Local Educational Authorities; primary school; comprehensive school; Secondary school; Art; English Literature; Information Technology; General Certificatebof Secondary Educational examinations; A-level; 0-level.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 60мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.10.Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники .

Письменный опрос по теме

Дифференциальные признаки глаголов в Past Perfect, Past Continuous, Future in the


Выберете правильный форму глагола.

1. He _____ some new shoes last month.

A) bought

B) buying

C) buy

D) buys

2. A: _____ did she _____ a job?

B: In the car factory.

A) When / get

B) Where / got

C) Who / get

D) Where / get

3. Max didn’t _____ yesterday afternoon; he _____ at home.

A) go out / stayed

B) go out / stay

C) went out / stayed

D) went out / stay

4. A: _____ you _____ Jane last month?

B: No, I _____ .

A) * / saw / didn’t

B) Did / see / didn’t

C) Did / saw / didn’t

D) Did / see / did

5. Geoffrey _____ French before, but he _____ at university now.

A) study didn’t / studies

B) didn’t study / study

C) did not study / studies

D) didn’t studied / studies

6. I _____ a friend while I _____ the shopping

A) was meeting / did

B) met / was doing

C) meet / do

D) met / did

7. I _____ for my things when I ____ someone call my name.

A) paid / was hearing

B) pay / heard

C) was paying / hear

D) was paying / heard

8. While we _____ a drink, a waiter _____ a pile of plates.

A) had / was dropping

B) have / dropped

C) have / drop

D) were having / dropped

9. While the waiter _____ up the broken plates, he _____ his finger.

A) picked / was cutting

B) was picking / cut

C) pick / cut

D) picks / cut

10. While I _____ this morning, I _____ my money. I don’t know how.

A) shopped / lose

B) was shopping / lost

C) shopped / was losing

D) shop / lose

Эталон ответов.

1-A, 2-D, 3-A, 4-B, 5-C, 6-B, 7-D, 8-D, 9-B, 10-B

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(10-9)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(8)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(7)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(6-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.11. Общественная жизнь(повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения) .

Письменный опрос

Сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными типа If I were you, I would do

English, instead of French.

Вариант1. Раскройте скобки в условных предложениях I типа и поставьте глаголы в правильную           форму.

Н-р:   If it … (rain), we … (stay) at home. (Если пойдет дождь, мы останемся дома.) – If it rains, we shall stay at home.

1. If he … (practice) every day, he … (become) a champion. (Если он будет тренироваться каждый день, он станет чемпионом.)

2. She … (help) us if we … (ask). (Она поможет нам, если мы попросим.)

3. If they … (have) enough money, they … (open) a restaurant next year. (Если у них будет достаточно денег, они откроют ресторан в следующем году.)

4. I … (not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me. (Я не буду с тобой больше разговаривать, если ты обидишь меня.)

5. If Bob … (not keep) his word, Anna … (be angry) with him. (Если Боб не сдержит слово, Анна разозлится на него.)


Вариант 2. Раскройте скобки в условных предложениях II типа и поставьте глаголы в правильную         форму.

Н-р: If Susan … (move) to Tokyo, she … (live) near her sister. (Если бы Сюзан переехала в Токио, она бы жила рядом со своей сестрой.) – If Susan moved to Tokyo, she would live near her sister.

1. If you … (have) a driving license, you … (get) this job. (Если бы у тебя были водительские права, ты бы получил эту работу.)

2. My dog … (be) 20 years old today if it … (be) alive. (Моей собаке исполнилось бы 20 лет сегодня, если бы она была жива.)

3. I … (go) to the police if I … (be) you. (Я бы обратился в полицию на твоем месте.)

4. If people … (not buy) guns, the world … (become) safer. (Если бы люди не покупали оружие, мир стал бы безопаснее.)

5. Tom ... (not eat) much “fast food” if his wife … (cook) at home. (Том не ел бы много «фастфуда», если бы его жена готовила дома.)


Вариант 3. Раскройте скобки в условных предложениях III типа и поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

Н-р:    John … (not have) a car accident if he … (choose) another road. (Джон не попал бы в автомобильную аварию, если бы выбрал другую дорогу.) – John wouldn’t have had a car accident if he had chosen another road.

1. I … (visit) Sarah yesterday if I … (know) that she was ill. (Я бы навестил Сару вчера, если бы знал, что она больна.)

2. If you … (go) with me to Paris last month, you … (see) the Eifel Tower too. (Если бы ты поехал со мной в Париж в прошлом месяце, ты бы тоже увидел Эйфелеву башню.)

3. We … (not get wet) if you … (take) an umbrella. (Мы бы не промокли, если бы ты взяла зонт.)

4. If Mum … (not open) the windows, our room … (not be) full of mosquitoes. (Если бы мама не открыла окна, наша комната не была бы полна комаров.)

5. Nick … (not be) so tired this morning if he … (go to bed) early last night. (Ник не был бы таким уставшим этим утром, если бы рано лег спать прошлой ночью.)


Вариант 4. Подберите к первой части условных предложений (из первого столбика) их окончание (из второго столбика). Обратите внимание на тип условного предложения. Переведите получившиеся предложения.

Н-р:   1 – с  (Мы бы испекли торт, если бы мы купили немного яиц вчера.)

1) We would have made a cake                     a) if he hadn’t shouted at them.

2) If it rains much                                         b) if she loses weight.

3) If I knew English well                                c) if we had bought some eggs yesterday.

4) My kids wouldn’t have cried                      d) if I were you.

5) I would call him                                        e) I would be an interpreter.

6) She will put this dress on                          f) the flowers will grow very fast.


Вариант 5. Переведите условные предложения всех типов.

1. Если бы у меня был отпуск сейчас, я бы поехал на озеро Байкал.

2. Я посмотрю этот фильм, если он понравится тебе.

3. Если бы ты подписал документы вчера, мы бы отослали их сегодня.

4. Если бы Джон не потерял номер телефона, он бы позвонил ей.

5. Марк был бы здоровым мужчиной, если бы не курил.

6. Если я пойду в магазин, я куплю новый телефон.

Эталон ответов.

Вариант 1.

1. If he practices every day, he will become a champion.

2. She will help us if we ask.

3. If they have enough money, they will open a restaurant next year.

4. I won’t talk to you anymore if you insult me.

5. If Bob doesn’t keep his word, Anna will be angry with him.

Вариант 2.

1. If you had a driving license, you would get this job.

2. My dog would be 20 years old today if it was be alive.

3. I would go to the police if I were you.

4. If people didn’t buy guns, the world would become safer.

5. Tom wouldn’t eat much “fast food” if his wife cooked at home.

Вариант 3.

1. I would have visited Sarah yesterday if I had known that she was ill.

2. If you had gone with me to Paris last month, you would have seen the Eifel Tower too.

3. We wouldn’t have got wet if you had taken an umbrella.

4. If Mum hadn’t opened the windows, our room wouldn’t have been full of mosquitoes.

5. Nick wouldn’t have been so tired this morning if he had gone to bed early last night.

Вариант 4.

            2 – а (Если будет много дождя, цветы вырастут очень быстро.)

            3 – е (Если бы я знал английский хорошо, я бы был переводчиком.)

            4 – а (Мои дети не заплакали бы, если бы он не крикнул на них.)

            5 – d (Я бы позвонила ему на твоем месте.)

            6 – b (Она наденет это платье, если похудеет.)

Вариант 5.

1. If I had a holiday now, I would go to the lake Baikal.

2. I will watch this film if you like it.

3. If you had signed the papers yesterday, we would have sent them today.

4. If John hadn’t lost the phone number, he would have called her.

5. Mark would be a healthy man if he didn’t smoke.

6. If I go shopping, I will buy a new phone.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(6-5)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(4)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(3)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(2)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.12. Научно-технический прогресс.

Письменный опрос

Сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными типа If I were you, I would do

English, instead of French.

Вариант 1. Составьте вопросы так, как это показано в примере.

Пример: Perhaps one day you will meet Britney Spears.

               What would you do if you met Britney Spears?

1. Perhaps one day a cat will follow you home.

What would you do...

2. Perhaps one day somebody will ask you to sing your favourite song.

What would you do...

3. Perhaps one day you will find a hidden treasure.

What would you do...

4. Perhaps one day somebody will throw an egg at you.

What would you do...

5. Perhaps one day your car will be stolen.

What would you do...

Вариант 2. Соедините части предложений.

|1. I would buy the ring     |A. if it snows. |

|2. If I had taken my mother’s advice       |B. I would study French. |

|3. If you help me |C. I wouldn’t have left the university. |

|4. We will go skiing      |D. if it was cheaper. |

|5. If I had a lot of free time    |E. I won’t be late for work. |

Вариант 3. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму.

1. If you drive so fast, you………(crash).

2. If I had had more time, I………(help) you.

3. If I had a yacht, I………often………(go) sailing.

4. I would travel a lot if I …………(have) a lot of money.

Вариант 4. Из двух вариантов выберите один верный.

1. If it rains/will rain, I will stay at home.

2. If I had a lot of money, I buy/I would buy a big house.

3. Jim would have entered the university if he had passed/has passed the exams.

4. If I were/would be you, I would tell him everything.

Вариант 5. Переведите на английский язык.

1. На твоем месте я не стал бы покупать это платье.

2. Я подвез бы тебя, если бы у меня была машина.

3. Если бы ты не забыл зонтик, ты бы не простыл.

4. Если бы вы работали усерднее в прошлом году, вы бы теперь хорошо знали английский язык.

Эталон ответов.

Вариант 1.

1. What would you do if a cat followed you home?

2. What would you do if somebody asked you to sing your favourite song?

3. What would you do if you found a hidden treasure?

4. What would you do if somebody threw an egg at you?

5. What would you do if your car was/were stolen?  (в придаточной части (условии) условных предложений допустимо использовать were вместо was)

Вариант 2.

1. D

2. C 

3. E

4. A

5. B

Вариант 3.

1. will crash

2. would have helped

3. would often go

Вариант 4.

1. rains

2. would

3. had passed

4. were

Вариант 5.

1. If I were you, I wouldn’t buy this dress.

2. I would give you a lift if I had a car.

3. If you hadn’t forgotten the umbrella, you wouldn’t have caught a cold.

4. If you had worked harder last year, you would know English well now.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 10мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

5. Критерии оценки:

6. «5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(5-4)

7. «4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(4-3)

8. «3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(3-2)

9. «2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(2)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.13.Профессии и карьера.

Письменный опрос по теме

Признаки инфинитива и инфинитивных оборотов и способы передачи их значений

на родном языке.

Вариант1. Переведите на русский язык.

1 . The buyers want to know our terms of payment.

2 . This is for you to decide.

3 . The plan of our work will be discussed at the meeting to be held on May 25. 

4 . To walk in the garden was a pleasure.

5 . Jane remembered to have been told a lot about Mr. Smith.

6 . I felt him put his hand on my shoulder.

7 . This writer is said to have written a new novel.

8 . She seems to be having a good time at the seaside.

9 . They watched the boy cross the street.

10 . To advertise in magazines is very expensive.

11 . He proved to be one of the cleverest students at our Institute.

12 . He knew himself to be strong enough to take part in the expedition.

13 . To see is to believe.

14 . He is sure to enjoy himself at the disco.

15 . To tell you the truth, this company has a very stable position in the market.

Вариант 2. Употребите “to” где необходимо.

1 . My son asked me … let him … go to the club.

2 . You must make him … practice an hour a day.

3 . She was made … repeat the song.

4 . He is not sure that it can … be done, but he is willing … try.

5 . Let me … help you with your work.

6 . She asked me … read the letter carefully and … write an answer.

7 . You ought … take care of your health.

8 . I looked for the book everywhere but could not … find it.

9 . He was seen … leave the house.

10 . We had … put on our overcoats because it was cold.

11 . The man told me not … walk on the grass.

12 . Have you heard him … play the piano? 

13 . You had better … go there at once.

14 . I would rather not … tell them about it.

15 . We shall take a taxi so as not … miss the train.

Вариант 3. Употребите подходящую форму инфинитива.

1 . They want (to take) to the concert by their father.

2 . I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday.

3 . This plant is known (to produce) tractors.

4 . He wants his son (to become) a lawyer.

5 . The enemy army was reported (to overthrow) the defense lines and (to advance) towards the suburbs of the city.

6 . He seems (to know) French very well: he is said (to spend) his youth in Paris.

7 . You had better (to call) our distributors at once.

8 . We are happy (to invite) to the party.

9 . That firm is reported (to conduct) negotiations for the purchase of sugar.

10 . It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning: the ground was covered with a deep layer of snow.

11 . He didn’t hear me (to knock) at the door.

12 . I want (to inform) of her arrival.

13 . Our sportsmen are proud (to win) the cup.

14 . He is known (to work) on the problem for many years.

15 . The representative of the firm asked for the documents (to send) by air mail.

Вариант 4. Употребите “to” где необходимо.

1. I think you ought … apologize. 

2. Make him … speak louder. 

3. Help me … carry this bag. 

4. My son asked me … let him … go to the theatre. 

5. I must … go to the country. 

6. It cannot … be done to-day. 

7. She asked me … read the letter carefully and … write an answer. 

8. The man told me not … walk on the grass. 

9. Let me … help you with your work. 

10. She ought … take care of her health. 

11. We had better … stop to rest a little. 

12. I don’t know what … do. 

13. He was seen … leave the house. 

14. We have come … ask whether there is anything we can … do. 

15. We heard the siren … sound and saw the ship … move. 

Эталон ответов.

Вариант1. Переведите на русский язык.

1 . Покупатели хотят знать наши условия платежа.

2 . Это вы должны решать.

3 . План нашей работы будет обсуждаться на собрании, которое состоится 25 мая.

4 . Гулять в саду было приятно.

5 . Джейн вспомнила, что ей много рассказывали о мистере Смите.

6 . Я почувствовал, как он положил руку на мое плечо.

7 . Говорят, что этот писатель написал новый роман.

8 . Она, кажется, хорошо проводит время на берегу моря.

9 . Они видели, как мальчик переходил улицу.

10 . Реклама в журналах очень дорогая.

11 . Он оказался одним из самых способных студентов нашего института.

12 . Он знал, что он достаточно вынослив, чтобы принять участие в этой экспедиции.

13 . Видеть — значит верить.

14 . Ему, несомненно, понравится на дискотеке.

15 . Честно говоря, эта компания имеет очень стабильное положение на рынке.

Вариант 2. Поставьте, где нужно, “to” перед инфинитивом.

1. to, ~ | 2. ~ | 3. to | 4. ~, to | 5. ~ | 6. to, to/~ | 7. to | 8. ~ | 9. to | 10. to | 11. to | 12. ~ | 13. ~ | 14. ~ | 15. to

Вариант 3. Используйте соответствующую форму инфинитива.

1 . to be taken

2 . to have done

3 . to produce

4 . to become

5 . to have thrown, to be advancing

6 . to know, to have spent

7 . call

8 . to have been invited

9 . to be conducting

10 . to have been snowing

11 . knock

12 . to be informed

13 . to have won

14 . to have been working

15 . to be sent

Вариант 4. Поставьте частицу “to” там, где это необходимо.

1. to | 2. ~ | 3. ~ | 4. to, ~ | 5. ~ | 6. ~ | 7. to, to | 8. to | 9. ~ | 10. to | 11. ~ | 12. to | 13. to | 14. to,~ | 15. ~.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(15-14)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(13-12)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(11-10)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(9-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.14. Отдых, каникулы, отпуск. Туризм.

Письменный опрос по теме

Признаки инфинитива и инфинитивных оборотов и способы передачи их значений на родном языке.

Вариант 1

К подчеркнутой грамматической конструкции подберите соответствующий

русский перевод.

1. Не was pleased to have been made such an offer.

1. чтобы сделать; 2. сделать; 3. сделав; 4. ему сделали.

2. То see the performance we had to buy tickets in advance.

1. просмотр; 2. просмотрев; 3. чтобы посмотреть; 4. во время просмотра.

3. She gave us a list of books to be read.

1. которые надо прочитать; 2. прочитанные; 3. читать; 4. читаемые.

4. The book is small enough to be carried in the pocket.

1. чтобы носить; 2. отнес; 3. отнесенная; 4. несущий.

5. Не was proud to have helped his friend.

1. помог; 2. помогает; 3. надо помочь; 4. помогающий.

6. The amount to be paid includes the cost of packing.

1. уплаченная; 2. платить; 3. которая должна быть уплачена; 4. уплатили.

7. I hired a taxi so as not to miss the train.

1. опаздывая; 2. чтобы не опоздать; 3. не опоздав; 4. не опаздывая.

Вариант 2

Выберите русское предложение, наиболее точно соответствующее по смыслу

английскому предложению.

1. We expected her to reserve accommodation for us.

1. Мы полагали, что она заказала нам номер в гостинице.

2. Мы ждали ее, чтобы заказать номер в гостинице.

3. Мы ожидали, что она закажет нам номер в гостинице.

2. She was believed to have returned to London.

1. Она предполагала вернуться в Лондон.

2. Полагали, что она вернулась в Лондон.

3. Полагали, что она вернется в Лондон.

3. They saw the ship sail away from the shore.

1. Они видели, что корабль отплыл от берега.

2. Они видели, как корабль отплывает от берега.

3. Они видели отплывающий от берега корабль.

4. The book seems to be making quite a stir.

1. По-видимому, книга произведет сенсацию.

2. По-видимому, книга производит сенсацию.

3. По-видимому, книга произвела сенсацию.

5. We want the letter to be written just now.

1. Нам нужно это только что написанное письмо.

2. Мы хотим написать письмо прямо сейчас.

3. Мы хотим, чтобы письмо было написано прямо сейчас.

6. She expected him to be waiting for her at the corner.

1. Она ждала его на углу.

2. Она предполагала, что он ждет ее на углу.

3. Она предполагала подождать его на углу.

7. Не was said not to have taken any decision yet.

1. Говорили, что он все еще принимает решение.

2. Он сказал, что пока не будет принимать никакого решения.

3. Говорили, что он еще не принял никакого решения.

Эталон ответов.

Вариант 1


Вариант 2

1-3; 2-2;3-1;4-2;5-3;6-2;7-3.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 10мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(7-6)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(5)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(4)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(3-0)

Раздел 2. Тема 2.16. Деловой английский. Оформление деловой документации.

Письменный опрос.

Напишите письмо в иностранный университет.

Общие принципы составления Personal Statement:

1.Мотивы вашего поступления в данный университет.

2.Основания для успеха в данном поприще.

3.Опыт в данной сфере.

4.Пишите о том, что лучше помогает понять ваш характер и ваши жизненные планы.

5. Вся информация о себе, которую вы посылаете, должна иметь связь с общей целью эссе.

6. Эссе должно содержать только положительную информа цию.

7. Следует указать свое имя, специальность, которую вы выб рали, и поставить свою подпись.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - Учтены все принципы составления письма. Нет грамматических ошибок.

«4» (хорошо) - Учтены все принципы составления письма. 1-2 грамматические ошибки.

«3» (удовлетв.) - Учтены не все принципы составления письма. 3 грамматические ошибки.

«2»(неудовл.) -Не учтены принципы составления письма. Более 4 грамматических ошибок.

Раздел 2. Тема 2.15. Искусство и развлечения.

Письменный опрос по теме « Глаголы в страдательном залоге»

1. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. The building (destroy) two years ago.

a. destroyed

b. was destroyed

c. were destroyed

2. I (surprise) by the news he told me yesterday.

a. am surprising

b. surprised

c. was surprised

3. The document (examine) attentively.

a. examined

b. was examined

c. were examined

4. All the text (translate) tomorrow.

a. was translated

b. translated

c. will be translated

5. A lot of money (steal) from the shop.

a. was stolen

b. stolen c. stole

2. Заполните пропуски предлогами with, by.

1. The house was built … money that he had borrowed from the bank.

2. The door was opened…a girl.

3. The children were taken to the theatre…the teacher.

4. At the last competition the first prize was won…our team.

5. A nail was hit…a hammer.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. My question (to answer) yesterday.

2. Hockey (to play) in winter.

3. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn.

4. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London.

5. His new book (to finish) next year.

Эталон ответов:

1. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. The building (destroy) two years ago.

a. destroyed

b. was destroyed

c. were destroyed

2. I (surprise) by the news he told me yesterday.

a. am surprising

b. surprised

c. was surprised

3. The document (examine) attentively.

a. examined

b. was examined

c. were examined

4. All the text (translate) tomorrow.

a. was translated

b. translated

c. will be translated

5. A lot of money (steal) from the shop.

a. was stolen

b. stolen c. stole

2. Заполните пропуски предлогами with, by.

1. The house was built with money that he had borrowed from the bank.

2. The door was opened by a girl.

3. The children were taken to the theatre by the teacher.

4. At the last competition the first prize was won by our team.

5. A nail was hit with a hammer.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. My question was answered yesterday.

2. Hockey is played in winter.

3. Mushrooms are gathered in autumn.

4. Many houses were burnt during the Great Fire of London.

5. His new book will be finished next year.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Раздел 2. Тема 2.17 Государственное устройство, правовые институты.

Устный опрос по теме « Государственное устройства, правовые институты»

Прочтите текст. Выполните задания к нему

The political System of Russia

The Russian Federation was set up by the Constitution of 1993. After its destruction in 1991, the Soviet Union was broken up into an independent Russia and other new, sovereign nations.

The Russian Federation is a presidential. The President is the head of state and is elected directly by the people. He controls all the three branches of power. The President is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, he makes treaties and enforces laws, appoints the prime minister, cabinet members and key judges. The president has his administration, but it is not part of the Federal Government. The President is involved in the work of the legislative and executive branches.

The government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Each of them is checked and balanced by the President. The legislative power is vested in the federal Assembly. It consists of the Federation Council and the State Duma. The members of the State Duma are elected by popular vote for a four-year period. The Federation Council is not elected. It is formed of the heads of the regions. Each Chamber is headed by the Chairman. Legislature is initiated in the State Duma, but to become a law a bill must be approved by the lower and upper houses and signed by the President. The executive power belongs to the Government. The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and regional courts.

1.Составляте 10 вопросов к тексту.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2. Тема 2.18 Страноведение. Культура. Города мира

Устный опрос по теме

Прочтите текст. Выполните задания к нему

New York

New York is the largest city in the USA and the biggest seaport. It is the business centre of the United States.

New York is situated in the mouth of the Hudson river. In comparison with such ancient historical cities as, say, Rome, London, Moscow or Paris, New York is quite young. It was founded in 1613 by Dutch settlers.

There are five districts in the city: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the central and the oldest part of the city. It is the district of business and finance. It is here in Wall Street that many business offices, banks and the world famous New York stock exchange are situated. The New York stock exchange dominates business life of many countries.

The total area of New York is 365 square miles or 900 square kilometres. Its population together with the population of its suburbs amounts to 16 million people.

Among the inhabitants of New York one can meet people of almost all nationalities. They settled here during the immigration in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century.

A traveller who visits New York for the first time wonders at the modern architecture. The Statue of Liberty, which is on Liberty Island, was a present from France in 1876 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of American independence. This statue and a few 18th and 19th century churches, hospitals, newspaper offices and other buildings are the only examples of "old" architecture in New York. Wherever your eyes travel, everywhere you can see sky-scrapers. New York, one of the USA leading manufacturing cities, is the home of great firms and banks. The most important branches of industry are those producing vehicles, glass, chemicals and all kinds of machinery. The city has very busy traffic. Its streets and highways are full of cars and buses.

The mouth of the Hudson river makes an excellent harbour for numerous passengers and cargo ships from all over the world.

Speaking about New York one can't but mention the outstanding role, the city plays, in the cultural life of the country. New York has many museums and art galleries which have collected works of art of many peoples and of all times. Many of them are on constant display in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of Art. Most of the theatres and cinemas are in or near Broadway, the longest street and the biggest shopping district in New York. The Metropolitan and Modern Arts Museums attract many visitors.

1.Составьте 15 вопросов из текста

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценивания:

Оценка ОТЛИЧНО: при переводе соблюдены все лексико-грамматические нормы

Оценка ХОРОШО: при переводе допустимы 2-3 грамматические и/или лексические ошибки.

Оценка УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНО: 4-6 грамматических/лексических ошибок.

Оценка ПЛОХО: свыше 7 ошибок

Раздел 2Тема 2.19 Архитектура и строительные конструкции.

письменный опрос по теме «Видовременные формы глагола»

Вариант 1

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 .When Mark arrived, the Johnsons______dinner, but

stopped in order to talk to him.

a) were having c) had been having

b) had d) was having

2. While Tom______a book, Marhta______TV.

a) was reading, watched c) was reading, was watching

b) read, watched d) read, was watching

3. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen______delicious.

a) is smelling c) smelt

b) smells d) will smell

4. We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we______.

a) will plan c) plan

b) were planning d) had planned

5. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so______


a) is c) was

b) does d) were

6.1 feel terrible. I think I______to be sick.

a) will c) am going

b) go d) will be going

7. My colleagues usually______four days a week, and tills

week they______five days.

a) work, work c) are working, are working

b) are working, work d) work, are working

8. It______outside; 1 do not like to walk in such weather.

a) rains c) is raining

b) is rain d) is rained

9. I______a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare

for the exam.

a) will have c) have

b) am having d) would have

10. At 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom______

a delegation in the office.

a) will receive c) will be receiving

b) is receiving d) would receive

11. Although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it ______hard for two hours.

a) had been raining c) had rained

b) was raining d) is raining

12. She______at the parcel long enough, before she______

that it was for her brother.

a) had been looking, had understood

b) had been looking, understood

c) was looking, understood

d) was looking, had understood

13.1_____to the cinema but my friend persuaded me to stay.

a) am not going c) did not go

b) was going d) had been going

14. We were good friends, we______each other for years.

a) had known c) were knowing

b) had knowing d) know

15. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We ______for more than 24 hours.

a) had travelled c) had been travelling

b) were travelling d) travel

Вариант 2

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. We______to the top of Holborn Hill before I______

that he was not smiling at all.

a) had got, knew c) were getting, knew

b) got, knew d) have got, have known

2. Turning from the Temple gate as soon as I______the

warning, I______my way to Fleet Street, and then______

to Covent Garden.

a) was reading, made, drove

b) have read, made, drove

c) had read, made, drove

d) read, made, drove

3. Seventy-seven detective novels and books of stories by

Agatha Christie______into every major language, and

her sales______in tens of millions.

a) are translated, are calculated

b) were translated, were calculated

c) have been translated, are calculated

d) had been translated, were calculated

4. In recent years, scientific and technological developments

______human life on our planet, as well as our views both

of ourselves as individuals in society and of the universe as a whole.

a) have drastically changed c) are drastically changing

b) drastically changed d) change drastically

5. Before we______from swimming in the river near the

camp, someone______our clothes, and we had to walk

back with our towels around us.

a) returned, stole c) were returning, stole

b) had returned, had stolen d) returned, had stolen

6. Our new neighbours______in Arizona for ten years before moving to their present house.

a) had been living c) have been living

b) lived d) were living

7. We went into the house by a side door and the first thing 1

______was that the passages______all dark, and that

she______a candle burning there.

a) noticed, were, left

b) had noticed, had been, had left

c) noticed, were, had left

d) have noticed, were, had left

8. The sun______brightly all day on the roof of my attic,

and the room was warm.

a) was shining c) has shone

b) shone d) had been shining

9. Although the period that we call "the Renaissance" ______in Italy in the fourteenth century, this idea of rebirth in learning characterized other epochs in history in different parts of the world.

a) begins c) began

b) had begun d) will begin

10. Egyptians left no written accounts as to the execution of

mummification, so the scientists______to examine

mummies and establish their own theories.

a) had c) are having

b) have d) have had

11. In spite of the fact that it______all day long, the match

______and the stands were full of spectators.

a) had been raining, was not cancelled

b) rained, was not cancelled

c) was raining, has not cancelled

d) had rained, had not been cancelled

12. Many football fans claimed that after "Real FC"______

that important game it______no chance to win the


a) lost, had c) had lost, had

b) lose, has d) will lose, will have

13. I wish he______last Friday but his flight______because of bad weather. If he______the next day I would

have brought him by car.

a) arrived, was cancelled, called

b) had arrived, was cancelled, had called

c) had arrived, had been cancelled, called

d) arrived, have cancelled, had called

14. After many long years of devoted and patient instruction,

the doctor______able to get the boy to clothe and feed

himself, recognize and utter a number of words, as well as write letters and form words.

a) was c) had been

b) has been d) were

15. At the first stages of the Industrial Revolution advertising ______a relatively straightforward means of announcement and communication and was used mainly to promote novelties and fringe products which______unknown to the public.

a) had been, were c) was, were

b) had been, had been d) was being,

Эталон ответов:

Вариант 1

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 .a) were having

2. c) was reading, was watching

3. a) is smelling

4. d) had planned

5. b) does

6.c) am going

7. a) work, work

8. c) is raining

9. a) will have

10. c) will be receiving

11. a) had been raining

12. b) had been looking, understood

13.d) had been going

14. a) had known

15. c) had been travelling

Вариант 2

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. a) had got, knew

2. d) read, made, drove

3. a) are translated, are calculated

4. a) have drastically changed

5. d) returned, had stolen

6. a) had been living

7. c) noticed, were, had left

8. a) was shining

9. c) began

10. a) had

11. b) had been raining, was not cancelled

12. a) lost, had

13. a) arrived, was cancelled, called

14. a) was

15. c) was, were

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(15-14)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(13-12)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(11-10)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(9-0)

Раздел 2 Тема 2.21 Архитектура и строительные конструкции. Жилые и общественные здания.

письменный опрос по теме «Пассивный залог»

Вариант 1

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1) The work … yesterday

a) had been finished b) was finished c) will have finished

2) The packages … tomorrow

a) will be delivered b) will delivered c) will be delivering

3) That … by them already

a) would be suggested b)has been suggested c) have been suggested

4) The documents … by boss now

a) are being signed b) will sign c) was signed

5) My mail … always at 10 o’clock a. m.

a) was delivered b) is delivered c) will be delivered

2.Замените формы активного залога на пассивные

Example: He closed the door- The door was closed by him.

1)She opens the mail every day.

2)Mr. Brown will sign the letter.

3)The students enjoyed the lecture.

4)She has received the letter already.

5)Mr. White is repairing the car now.

3.Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения

1) This is … room in the building

a) biggest b) the biggest c) bigger

2) Dick is … than the other boy

a) politer b) the politest c) more polite

3) That lesson was … of all

a) good b) the best c) better

4) Betty is … girl of all

a) most beautiful b) beautifulest c) beautifuler

5) They have … furniture than we

Вариант 2

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1) My lessons … by the teacher every day

a) is corrected b) are corrected c) was corrected

2) Mr Brown’s house … last summer

a) was built b) were built c) is built

3) The news … by everybody soon

a) will be knowing b) will be known c) will known

4) That new house … by them already

a) had been bought b) have been bought c) has been bought

5) The text … by them this moment

a) is being translated b) are being translated c) were being translated

2.Измените формы активного залога на пассивные

Example: He closed the door- The door was closed by him.

1)They ate the chocolate candy.

2)The messenger will return the envelope

3)He always signs the documents

4)The builders had built the house by the end of November last year

5)He has written the letter

3.Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения

1) Tom is … than his brother

a) smallest b) smaller c) the smallest

2)This house is … than this building

a)the most beautiful b) more beautiful c) beautifulest

3) His bracelet is … than mine

a) valuablest b) most valuable c) more valuable

4) Bill is … student of all

a) tallest b) taller c) the tallest

5) I am … Dick

a) as tall as b) as taller as c) as tallest as

Эталоны ответов

Вариант 1


1)was finished

2)will be delivered

3)has been suggested

4)are being signed

5)is delivered


1)The mail is opened by her every day

2)The letter will be signed by Mr. Brown

3)The lecture was enjoyed by the students

4)The letter has already received by her

5)The car is repairing by Mr. White now


1)the biggest

2)more polite

3)the best

4)the most beautiful

5)more expensive

Вариант 2


1)are corrected

2)was built

3)will be known

4)has been bought

5)is being translated


1)The chocolate candy is eaten by then already

2)The envelope will be returned by the messenger

3)The documents are always signed by him

4)The house had been built by the builders by the end of November last year

5)The letter has written by him



2)more beautiful

3)more valuable

4)the tallest

5)as tall as

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(15-14)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(13-12)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(11-10)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(9-0)

2.3 Задания для итоговой аттестации.

Раздел.3. Тема 3.Документы (письма, контракты).Дифференцированный зачет.

Тестирование по грамматическим темам «Артикль. Страдательный залог»

Вариант 1

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1) The work … yesterday

a) had been finished b) was finished c) will have finished

2) The packages … tomorrow

a) will be delivered b) will delivered c) will be delivering

3) That … by them already

a) would be suggested b)has been suggested c) have been suggested

4) The documents … by boss now

a) are being signed b) will sign c) was signed

5) My mail … always at 10 o’clock a. m.

a) was delivered b) is delivered c) will be delivered

2.Употребите артикль, где необходимо

Please, clean… blackboard

a)a b)the c)a

I must go to… bank and … post office

a)a b)the c)a

… good books have good examples

a)the b)- c)an

It is as cold as… ice

a)the b)- c)an

3.Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи

Nick said:”I am waiting for my parents”.

a)Nick said that he was waiting for his parents.

b)Nick said that he is waiting for my parents.

Anne asked me:” Do you know where Kate is living?”

a)Anne asked me if I knew where Kate was living.

b)Anne asked me if you know where Kate is living.

The teacher said to us:”Go home”.

a)The teacher said to us go home.

b)The teacher said to us to go home.

She said:” I spent my holidays in the Crimea last year”.

a)She said that she had spent her holidays in the Crimea the year before.

b)She said that she spent my holidays in the Crimea last year

Вариант 2

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1) My lessons … by the teacher every day

a) is corrected b) are corrected c) was corrected

2) Mr Brown’s house … last summer

a) was built b) were built c) is built

3) The news … by everybody soon

a) will be knowing b) will be known c) will known

4) That new house … by them already

a) had been bought b) have been bought c) has been bought

5) The text … by them this moment

a) is being translated b) are being translated c) were being translated

2 Употребите артикль, где необходимо

Would you like to go to … theatre with me tonight?

a)the b)a c)an

Is… Everest… highest mountain in … world?

a)- b)the c)an

It is… pity that you can’t come.

a)the b) a c)an

They say… sugar is bad for you.

a)the b)- c) an

3. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

My mother said to me:”Sit down at the table and your homework”.

a)My mother said to me sit down at the table and do my homework.

b)My mother said to me to sit down at the table and do my homework.

She said to me:”Don’t worry over such a small thing”.

a)She said to me do not worry over such a small thing.

b)She said to me not to worry over such a small thing.

He said:”They arrived in St. Petersburg yesterday”.

a)He said that they had arrived in St. Petersburg the day before.

b)He said that they arrived in St. Petersburg yesterday.

I said to him:”How long are you going to stay there?”

a)I said to him how long he was going to stay there.

b)I said to him if he going to stay there.

Вариант 3

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1) The news … yesterday

a) was announced b) were announced c) be announced

2. A new house … here next year

a) is being built b) will be built c) had been built

3. The room … already by him

a) has been cleaned b)has been cleaning c) is being cleaned

4. Our exercises … by the teacher every lesson

a) were corrected b) is corrected c) are corrected

5. The things … by the thieves now

a) are being stolen b) was being stolen c) is being stolen

2. Употребите артикль, где необходимо

Is … Amsterdam in … United States or in … Netherlands?

a)- b)the c)an

This school has quite … large campus.

a)the b) a c)an

… Statue of liberty was presented as … gift by … people of … France to … people of … United States.

a)the b)- c)a

… sun rises in… east and sets in … west.

a)the b)an c)a

3. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

My friend said to me:”You should be careful”.

a)My friend said to me that I should be careful.

b)My friend said to me you should be careful.

She asked her friend:”Why didn’t you say that to me?”

a)She asked her friend why you didn’t say that to me.

b)She asked her friend why he hadn’t said that to her.

The girl asked:”Give me your telephone number”.

a)The girl asked give me your telephone number.

b)The girl asked to give her his telephone number.

Tom said:”I have good English pronunciation”.

a)Tom said that he had good English pronunciation.

b)Tom said that he have good English pronunciation.

Вариант 4

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1. The president … in November last year

a) was elected b) were elected c) was being elected

2. Our class … by Mr Brown tomorrow

a) will taught b)will be teaching c) will be taught

3.Two letters … already

a) has been written b) have been written c) had been written

4. The new film … by them now

a) is being watched b) was being watched c) are being watched

5. The house … by them by January next year

a) will be built b) will had been built c) will have been built

2. Употребите артикль, где необходимо

… Thames is … river in … England.

a)the b)- c)a

… English are very proud of their history.

a)a b)the c)an

Is … Malta in … Mediterranean?

a)- b)the c)an

They are looking for … man with … long dark hair.

a)a b)the c) –

3. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи

He said:”Lev Tolstoy is my favourite writer”.

a)He said that Lev Tolstoy was his favourite writer.

b)He said that Lev Tolstoy is his favourite writer.

She said:”I will go to Rome”.

a)She said that she would go to Rome.

b)She said that I will go to Rome.

Robert asked:”Please, help me with this work”.

a)Robert asked help me with this work.

b)Robert asked to help him with this work.

I asked to Boris:”Does your friend live in London?”

a)I asked to Boris if his friend lived in London.

b)I asked to Boris if his friend live in London.

Эталоны ответов:

Вариант 1

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1) The work … yesterday

a) had been finished b) was finished c) will have finished

2) The packages … tomorrow

a) will be delivered b) will delivered c) will be delivering

3) That … by them already

a) would be suggested b)has been suggested c) have been suggested

4) The documents … by boss now

a) are being signed b) will sign c) was signed

5) My mail … always at 10 o’clock a. m.

a) was delivered b) is delivered c) will be delivered

2.Употребите артикль, где необходимо

Please, clean… blackboard

a)a b)the c)a

I must go to… bank and … post office

a)a b)the c)a

… good books have good examples

a)the b)- c)an

It is as cold as… ice

a)the b)- c)an

3.Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи

Nick said:”I am waiting for my parents”.

a)Nick said that he was waiting for his parents.

b)Nick said that he is waiting for my parents.

Anne asked me:” Do you know where Kate is living?”

a)Anne asked me if I knew where Kate was living.

b)Anne asked me if you know where Kate is living.

The teacher said to us:”Go home”.

a)The teacher said to us go home.

b)The teacher said to us to go home.

She said:” I spent my holidays in the Crimea last year”.

a)She said that she had spent her holidays in the Crimea the year before.

b)She said that she spent my holidays in the Crimea last year

Вариант 2

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1) My lessons … by the teacher every day

a) is corrected b) are corrected c) was corrected

2) Mr Brown’s house … last summer

a) was built b) were built c) is built

3) The news … by everybody soon

a) will be knowing b) will be known c) will known

4) That new house … by them already

a) had been bought b) have been bought c) has been bought

5) The text … by them this moment

a) is being translated b) are being translated c) were being translated

2 Употребите артикль, где необходимо

Would you like to go to … theatre with me tonight?

a)the b)a c)an

Is… Everest… highest mountain in … world?

a)- b)the c)an

It is… pity that you can’t come.

a)the b) a c)an

They say… sugar is bad for you.

a)the b)- c) an

3. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

My mother said to me:”Sit down at the table and your homework”.

a)My mother said to me sit down at the table and do my homework.

b)My mother said to me to sit down at the table and do my homework.

She said to me:”Don’t worry over such a small thing”.

a)She said to me do not worry over such a small thing.

b)She said to me not to worry over such a small thing.

He said:”They arrived in St. Petersburg yesterday”.

a)He said that they had arrived in St. Petersburg the day before.

b)He said that they arrived in St. Petersburg yesterday.

I said to him:”How long are you going to stay there?”

a)I said to him how long he was going to stay there.

b)I said to him if he going to stay there.

Вариант 3

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1) The news … yesterday

a) was announced b) were announced c) be announced

2. A new house … here next year

a) is being built b) will be built c) had been built

3. The room … already by him

a) has been cleaned b)has been cleaning c) is being cleaned

4. Our exercises … by the teacher every lesson

a) were corrected b) is corrected c) are corrected

5. The things … by the thieves now

a) are being stolen b) was being stolen c) is being stolen

2. Употребите артикль, где необходимо

Is … Amsterdam in … United States or in … Netherlands?

a)- b)the c)an

This school has quite … large campus.

a)the b) a c)an

… Statue of liberty was presented as … gift by … people of … France to … people of … United States.

a)the a,a,-,the,the

… sun rises in… east and sets in … west.

a)the b)an c)a

3. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

My friend said to me:”You should be careful”.

a)My friend said to me that I should be careful.

b)My friend said to me you should be careful.

She asked her friend:”Why didn’t you say that to me?”

a)She asked her friend why you didn’t say that to me.

b)She asked her friend why he hadn’t said that to her.

The girl asked:”Give me your telephone number”.

a)The girl asked give me your telephone number.

b)The girl asked to give her his telephone number.

Tom said:”I have good English pronunciation”.

a)Tom said that he had good English pronunciation.

b)Tom said that he have good English pronunciation.

Вариант 4

1.Напишите глаголы в нужной форме страдательного залога

1. The president … in November last year

a) was elected b) were elected c) was being elected

2. Our class … by Mr Brown tomorrow

a) will taught b)will be teaching c) will be taught

3.Two letters … already

a) has been written b) have been written c) had been written

4. The new film … by them now

a) is being watched b) was being watched c) are being watched

5. The house … by them by January next year

a) will be built b) will had been built c) will have been built

2. Употребите артикль, где необходимо

… Thames is … river in … England.

a)the ,a,-

… English are very proud of their history.

a)a b)the c)an

Is … Malta in … Mediterranean?

a)- b)the c)an

They are looking for … man with … long dark hair.


3. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи

He said:”Lev Tolstoy is my favourite writer”.

a)He said that Lev Tolstoy was his favourite writer.

b)He said that Lev Tolstoy is his favourite writer.

She said:”I will go to Rome”.

a)She said that she would go to Rome.

b)She said that I will go to Rome.

Robert asked:”Please, help me with this work”.

a)Robert asked help me with this work.

b)Robert asked to help him with this work.

I asked to Boris:”Does your friend live in London?”

a)I asked to Boris if his friend lived in London.

b)I asked to Boris if his friend live in London.

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 25 мин

3.Словари, опорные таблицы по грамматике.

Раздел 2 Видео-урок «Восточная Канада». Дифференцированный зачет

Вариант 1

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 .When Mark arrived, the Johnsons______dinner, but

stopped in order to talk to him.

a) were having c) had been having

b) had d) was having

2. While Tom______a book, Marhta______TV.

a) was reading, watched c) was reading, was watching

b) read, watched d) read, was watching

3. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen______delicious.

a) is smelling c) smelt

b) smells d) will smell

4. We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we______.

a) will plan c) plan

b) were planning d) had planned

5. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so______


a) is c) was

b) does d) were

6.1 feel terrible. I think I______to be sick.

a) will c) am going

b) go d) will be going

7. My colleagues usually______four days a week, and tills

week they______five days.

a) work, work c) are working, are working

b) are working, work d) work, are working

8. It______outside; 1 do not like to walk in such weather.

a) rains c) is raining

b) is rain d) is rained

9. I______a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare

for the exam.

a) will have c) have

b) am having d) would have

10. At 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom______

a delegation in the office.

a) will receive c) will be receiving

b) is receiving d) would receive

11. Although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it ______hard for two hours.

a) had been raining c) had rained

b) was raining d) is raining

12. She______at the parcel long enough, before she______

that it was for her brother.

a) had been looking, had understood

b) had been looking, understood

c) was looking, understood

d) was looking, had understood

13.1_____to the cinema but my friend persuaded me to stay.

a) am not going c) did not go

b) was going d) had been going

14. We were good friends, we______each other for years.

a) had known c) were knowing

b) had knowing d) know

15. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We ______for more than 24 hours.

a) had travelled c) had been travelling

b) were travelling d) travel

Вариант 2

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. We______to the top of Holborn Hill before I______

that he was not smiling at all.

a) had got, knew c) were getting, knew

b) got, knew d) have got, have known

2. Turning from the Temple gate as soon as I______the

warning, I______my way to Fleet Street, and then______

to Covent Garden.

a) was reading, made, drove

b) have read, made, drove

c) had read, made, drove

d) read, made, drove

3. Seventy-seven detective novels and books of stories by

Agatha Christie______into every major language, and

her sales______in tens of millions.

a) are translated, are calculated

b) were translated, were calculated

c) have been translated, are calculated

d) had been translated, were calculated

4. In recent years, scientific and technological developments

______human life on our planet, as well as our views both

of ourselves as individuals in society and of the universe as a whole.

a) have drastically changed c) are drastically changing

b) drastically changed d) change drastically

5. Before we______from swimming in the river near the

camp, someone______our clothes, and we had to walk

back with our towels around us.

a) returned, stole c) were returning, stole

b) had returned, had stolen d) returned, had stolen

6. Our new neighbours______in Arizona for ten years before moving to their present house.

a) had been living c) have been living

b) lived d) were living

7. We went into the house by a side door and the first thing 1

______was that the passages______all dark, and that

she______a candle burning there.

a) noticed, were, left

b) had noticed, had been, had left

c) noticed, were, had left

d) have noticed, were, had left

8. The sun______brightly all day on the roof of my attic,

and the room was warm.

a) was shining c) has shone

b) shone d) had been shining

9. Although the period that we call "the Renaissance" ______in Italy in the fourteenth century, this idea of rebirth in learning characterized other epochs in history in different parts of the world.

a) begins c) began

b) had begun d) will begin

10. Egyptians left no written accounts as to the execution of

mummification, so the scientists______to examine

mummies and establish their own theories.

a) had c) are having

b) have d) have had

11. In spite of the fact that it______all day long, the match

______and the stands were full of spectators.

a) had been raining, was not cancelled

b) rained, was not cancelled

c) was raining, has not cancelled

d) had rained, had not been cancelled

12. Many football fans claimed that after "Real FC"______

that important game it______no chance to win the


a) lost, had c) had lost, had

b) lose, has d) will lose, will have

13. I wish he______last Friday but his flight______because of bad weather. If he______the next day I would

have brought him by car.

a) arrived, was cancelled, called

b) had arrived, was cancelled, had called

c) had arrived, had been cancelled, called

d) arrived, have cancelled, had called

14. After many long years of devoted and patient instruction,

the doctor______able to get the boy to clothe and feed

himself, recognize and utter a number of words, as well as write letters and form words.

a) was c) had been

b) has been d) were

15. At the first stages of the Industrial Revolution advertising ______a relatively straightforward means of announcement and communication and was used mainly to promote novelties and fringe products which______unknown to the public.

a) had been, were c) was, were

b) had been, had been d) was being, w

Эталон ответов:

Вариант 1

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 .a) were having

2. c) was reading, was watching

3. a) is smelling

4. d) had planned

5. b) does

6.c) am going

7. a) work, work

8. c) is raining

9. a) will have

10. c) will be receiving

11. a) had been raining

12. b) had been looking, understood

13.d) had been going

14. a) had known

15. c) had been travelling

Вариант 2

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. a) had got, knew

2. d) read, made, drove

3. a) are translated, are calculated

4. a) have drastically changed

5. d) returned, had stolen

6. a) had been living

7. c) noticed, were, had left

8. a) was shining

9. c) began

10. a) had

11. b) had been raining, was not cancelled

12. a) lost, had

13. a) arrived, was cancelled, called

14. a) was

15. c) was, were

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(15-14)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(13-12)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(11-10)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(9-0)

Видеоурок «Большой Каньон». Дифференцированный зачет.

Контрольная работа по теме «Инфинитив».

Вариант 1. Употребите “to” где необходимо.

1. I think you ought … apologize. 

2. Make him … speak louder. 

3. Help me … carry this bag. 

4. My son asked me … let him … go to the theatre. 

5. I must … go to the country. 

6. It cannot … be done to-day. 

7. She asked me … read the letter carefully and … write an answer. 

8. The man told me not … walk on the grass. 

9. Let me … help you with your work. 

10. She ought … take care of her health. 

11. We had better … stop to rest a little. 

12. I don’t know what … do. 

13. He was seen … leave the house. 

14. We have come … ask whether there is anything we can … do. 

15. We heard the siren … sound and saw the ship … move. 

Вариант 2. Переведите на английский употредляя Objective Infinitive Construction (Coplex Object) где необходимо.

1. Он хочет, чтобы мы пришли к нему сегодня. 

2. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы подождали меня здесь. 

3. Он хочет, чтобы его сын стал врачом. 

4. Он хочет, чтобы его послали в С.-Петербург на конференцию. 

5. Она хочет, чтобы ее пригласили на вечер. 

6. Мы не хотели, чтобы нас прерывали. 

7. Хотите ли вы, чтобы я вам помог? 

8. Я хочу, чтобы его статья была опубликована. 

9. Доктор не хочет, чтобы вы ехали на юг. 

10. Он хочет, чтобы груз был застрахован. 

11. Она не любит, чтобы дети готовили уроки вечером. 

12. Она любит, чтобы обед был вовремя. 

13. Он не любит, когда его прерывают. 

14. Он хочет, чтобы ему задавали вопросы.

Эталон ответов.

Вариант 2. Поставьте частицу “to” там, где это необходимо.

1. to | 2. ~ | 3. ~ | 4. to, ~ | 5. ~ | 6. ~ | 7. to, to | 8. to | 9. ~ | 10. to | 11. ~ | 12. to | 13. to | 14. to,~ | 15. ~.

Вариант 5. Переведите на английский язык, испульзуя объектную инфинитивную конструкцию (сложное дополнение), где это возможно.

1. He wants us to come to him today. 

2. I would like you to wait for me here. 

3. He wants his son to become a doctor. 

4. He wants to be sent to St. Petersburg to a conference. 

5. She wants to be invited to a party. 

6. We didn’t want to be interrupted. 

7. Would you like me to help you? 

8. I want his article to be published. 

9. The doctor doesn’t want you to go to the south. 

10. He wants the cargo to be insured. 

11. She doesn’t like the children to do their home task in the evening. 

12. She likes to have her dinner on time. 

13. He doesn’t like to be interrupted. 

14. He wants to be asked questions.

Условия выполнения задания

1. Место выполнения задания: кабинет иностранных языков.

2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 20мин.

3.Словарь, грамматические таблицы, конспекты

Критерии оценки:

«5»(отлично) - 90-100% правильных ответов(15-14)

«4» (хорошо) - 80-90% правильных ответов(13-12)

«3» (удовлетв.) - 70-80 % правильных ответов(11-10)

«2»(неудовл.) - менее 70% правильных ответов(9-0)

Задание 1

1-2 ошибки – 5 баллов

3-4 ошибки – 4 балла

5-7 ошибок – 3 балла

Больше 7 ошибок – 2 балла

Задание 2

1-2 ошибки – 5 баллов

3-4 ошибки – 4 балла

5-6 ошибок – 3 балла

Больше 6 ошибок – 2 балла

Перечень рекомендуемых учебных изданий, Интернет-ресурсов,

дополнительной литературы.

Основные источники:

1. Тимофеев В.Г., Вильнер А.Б., Колесникова И.Л. и др. Учебник

английского языка для 10 класса (базовый уровень) / под ред. В.Г.

Тимофеева. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. – 261 с.

2. Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский и русско-английский. – М.: Эксмо,

p.698, 2008.

3. Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley Upspream. Elementary A2 Student’s

book - Express Publishing, р. 145, 2007

4. Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley Upspream. Elementary A2 Student’s

CD - Express Publishing, p. 157, 2007

5. Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley Upspream. Elementary A2 Workbook

student’s book - Express Publishing, p. 97, 2007

Дополнительные источники:

базовые курсы

6. Global Beginner Coursebook. Кейт Пикеринг, Джеки Макэвой, -

Оксфорд, Макмиллан, 2010 Global Elementary Coursebook. Линдсей

Кленфилд, Ребекка Роб Бени, - Оксфорд, Макмиллан, р. 198, 2010

7. Global Pre-intermediate Coursebook. Линдсей Кленфилд, -

Оксфорд, Макмиллан, р. 199, 2010

8. In Company Second Edition, Elementary Student's Book with CDRom.

Саймон Кларк - Оксфорд, Макмиллан, р. 240, 2010

9. In Company Second Edition, Pre-intermediate Student's Book with

CD-Rom. Саймон Кларк - Оксфорд, Макмиллан, р. 137, 2009

10. Virginia Evans – Jenny Doole Upload 1 Student’s/Publishing house:

Express Publishing, 2011, p. 128


11. Virginia Evans – Jenny Doole Upload 2 Student’s/Publishing house:

Express Publishing, 2011, p.128

12. Virginia Evans – Jenny Doole Upload 3 Student’s/Publishing house:

Express Publishing, 2011, p. 136

13. Virginia Evans – Jenny Doole Upload 4 Student’s/Publishing house:

Express Publishing, 2011, p. 136

14. Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley – Veronica Garza Career Paths:

Hotel & Catering, Express Publishing, 2011,p.120

15. Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley – Veronica Garza Career Paths:

Tourism Express Publishingpages: p.120

профильные курсы

1. Macmillan Guide to Science. Е.Э. Кожарская - Макмиллан, Оксфорд, p. 137,


2. Macmillan Guide to Economics. Л.К. Раицкая - Макмиллан, Оксфорд, p.

145, 2007

3. Basic Survival, International Communication for Professional People, Peter

Viney, Macmillan, p. 127, 2010

4. Серия Oxford English for careers (Pre-Int, Int, Upper-Int. MID A2 to B2) –

OUP, p. 145, 2009

5. Oxford Business Dictionary(Upper-Int to Advanced B1 to C2) – OUP, p. 478,


подготовка к ЕГЭ

1. АфанасьеваО.В., Эванс В., Копылова В.В. Английский язык. Единый

государственный экзамен. Тренировочные задания. Пособие для учителей

образовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского

языка. – М. Просвещение__________, Express Publishing, p. 167, 2010

2. АфанасьеваО.В., Эванс В., Копылова В.В. Английский язык. Единый

государственный экзамен. Тренировочные задания. Пособие для

обучающихся. – М. Просвещение, Express Publishing, p. 217, 2010

3. Единый государственный экзамен: английский язык: индивидуальный

комплект тренировочных материалов: 2010: вариант № 1, № 2. – М.

Просвещение; СПб, p.37, 2010

4. Сборник тестов для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. М.В.

Вербицкая - Макмиллан, Оксфорд, p. 217, 2010

5. Учебное пособие для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

Грамматика и лексика. М.В. Вербицкая - Макмиллан, Оксфорд, p. 232, 2010

6. Practice Tests for the Russian State Exam. E. Klekovkina, Malcolm Mann,

Steve Taylore-Knowles – Macmillan, 215, 2010

7. Oxford Essential Dictionary (Elementary and Pre-Intermediate A1to A2) –

OUP, p. 475, 2009

Дополнительные источники с мультимедийным приложением


1. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Upstream Beginner A1+ р.135 (c компьютерным

приложением для интерактивной доски), Express Publishing

2. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Upstream Beginner A2 р.135 (c компьютерным

приложением для интерактивной доски), Express Publishing

3. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1 р.155 (c

компьютерным приложением для интерактивной доски), Express Publishing


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