Lesson 4 – Splat

Lesson 4 – Splat.

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Splat instructions and answers.

This game is a quick fire (mini-) plenary which can be used to check students recall and understanding of keywords. You may want to consider buying two fly-swats to play the game!

1. The class is split in two with each half nominating a representative to stand by the board.

2. On the board the teacher projects the ‘splat’ document (this is one page with two copies of the same ‘splat board’ side-by-side. (You need two copies as students may fly-swat each other’s hands by accident, otherwise).

3. The teacher reads out a series of clues (definitions of keywords, sentences which need completing etc). The first representative to fly-swat / ‘splat’ the correct answer on the board gets the point. Each team (half of the class) can shout out the answers to help their representative. You must get the students to keep their fly-swat in place so you can check they have correctly ‘splatted; the right answer.

4. You may want to allow teams to swap fly-swatters part way through the game.

5. You may want to allow bonus points if students can give another definition of the word, make up a sentence with the word in it, etc.

To allow the more able students a challenging role in this activity you can project the words as soon as they finish the previous activity and see if they can write the clues for the rest of the class, when they are ready to play ‘splat’.

If you don’t have an IWB then simply copy two copies of the above grid onto your ordinary whiteboard (or project them using an OHT) and play in the same way.


1. An area of countryside – rural

2. A built up area (like a town) – urban

3. A migrational ‘pull’ factor – better jobs

4. A migrational ‘push’ factor – war

5. When people choose to move home for an extended period of time – voluntary migration

6. When people have to move home for an extended period of time – forced migration

7. The attractions of a city – ‘bright lights’ syndrome

8. A person who moves to a new country – immigrant

9. A person who moves a new country – emigrant






Push factor

Push factor



Pull factor

Pull factor

Voluntary migration

Voluntary migration



‘Bright lights’ syndrome

‘Bright lights’ syndrome

Forced migration

Forced migration


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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