SOCIAL STUDIES - Newfane Elementary School


Global History & Geography I

Global History & Geography I Honors

Global History & Geography II

American History and Government

AP US History

AP World History


* College Psychology

AP Government/Economics

* A significantly discounted GCC College tuition fee is required for students who wish to receive college credit.

Note: A registration fee will be required to take an AP exam.


Length/Credit: 1 yr/1 credit Final Exam: Local

Grade 9 begins with the Paleolithic Era and the development of the first civilizations, continues with an examination of classical societies, and traces the expansion of trade networks and their global impact. The course emphasizes the key themes of interactions

over time, shifts in political power, and the role of belief systems.


Length/Credit: 1yr/1credit Final Exam: Local

This course follows a similar chronological coverage of history and geography as the regular Global History and Geography I course. It begins with the Paleolithic Era progresses through the development of civilization, the classical civilizations, and traces the expansion of trade networks and their global impact. In addition to the key themes of interactions over time, shifts in political power, and the role of belief systems, the Honors class will focus on strategies to improve students' historical thinking skills, specifically interpretation and analysis of primary, secondary, written and visual sources. This course is designed to provide students with the skills necessary for being successful in AP World History. Student selection for this course will be based upon grades and performance in 7th and 8th grade History of the United States and New York State and teacher and guidance counselor recommendation.


Length/Credit: 1 yr/1 credit Prerequisite: Global History and

Geography I

Final Exam: Regents

Grade 10 begins with a brief look back while focusing on the early 1700s and provides a snapshot of the world circa 1750. The course continues chronologically up to the present. Several concepts are woven throughout the course including industrialization, nationalism, imperialism, conflict, technology, and the interconnectedness of the world. The last four key ideas focus on global issues and a more thematic approach is taken. At the conclusion of Global History and Geography II all students are required to pass a comprehensive Regents exam covering topics from both courses in this sequence.


Length/Credit: 1 yr/1 credit Prerequisite: Global Studies I & II

Final Exam: Regents

This course is intended to give students a basic background knowledge in the workings of the US and State governments as well as the major forces and events that helped shape American History. The six topics included in the course are: Constitutional foundations of our Democratic Republic, the Industrialization of the U.S., The Progressive movement - Response the Industrialization and World War I, Prosperity and Depressions 1917 - 1940, The U.S. in an age of Global Crises 1930-1960, The World in uncertain times 1950 - to the present. Students will be required to complete various written and oral projects throughout the year.

AP US HISTORY Recommended Grade: 11

Length/Credit: 1 yr/1 credit

Final Exam: AP Exam

This course is an intensive study of American history. Designed to replicate introductory history courses found on college campuses, a heavy emphasis will be placed on listening, reading, and critical thinking skills. The first semester will investigate this nation’s history beginning with its humble origins at Jamestown and concluding with post-Civil War Reconstruction. The second semester focuses on the trials and triumphs of this nation as it moved to become a dominant world power starting in the late 19th century and continuing through to present day. Students will be required to produce a number of major research papers, as well as regularly scheduled shorter, critical thinking type essays. A registration fee will be required to take the AP exam.

Students will be required to pass the regents.

* A registration fee will be required to take the AP exam.

AP WORLD HISTORY Recommended Grade: 10

Length/Credit: 1yr/1credit Prerequisite: Global History and

Geography I (Honors)

Final Exam: AP Exam and Regents

AP World History focuses on developing students’ abilities to think conceptually about world history from approximately 8000 BCE to the present and apply historical thinking skills as they learn about the past. Five themes of equal importance — focusing on the environment, cultures, state-building, economic systems, and social structures — provide areas of historical inquiry for investigation throughout the course. AP World History encompasses the history of the five major geographical regions of the globe: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania, with special focus on historical developments and processes that cross multiple regions. The AP World History course corresponds to two semesters of a typical introductory college history course.

Student selection for this course will be based upon performance and success in Global History and Geography I (Honors) and teacher recommendation. It is essential that students possess the skills necessary to be successful at the AP level.

Sophomore students will be required to pass the regents.

* A registration fee will be required to take the AP exam.


Length/Credit: 1 yr/1 credit Prerequisite: US History

Final Exam: Local

The study of economics in grade 12 should provide students with the economic knowledge and skills that enable them to function as informed and economically literate citizens in the U.S. society and in the world. The course emphasizes rational decision making, allowing students to become wiser consumers, and also includes group and individual research into important economic issues facing all world citizens in the 21st century.

Participation in Government is the civics capstone of a student's K-12 social studies experience. It is designed to be a culminating course that focuses on the study of contemporary and/or historic public issues and attempts to increase the student's awareness of their rights and responsibilities as a citizen.

Fundamental to Participation in Government is a course of study that has students defining, analyzing, monitoring, and discussing issues and policies. The course reflects:

* An issue-based approach to public policy, in which students and teacher select

important public issues to explore in depth.

* Obtaining the tools and skills needed in real-world learning experiences, and

* Acquiring the knowledge needed for effective citizenship.

AP/COLLEGE PSYCHOLOGY Recommended Grade: 11 or 12

Length/Credit: 1yr/1credit Prerequisite: Passing grade of 80%

or higher:

College Credit: 3 credits -Global History Exam for Juniors

-US History Exam for Seniors

Final Exam: College and AP Exam

The purpose of the AP/College course in Psychology is to introduce the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Included is a consideration of the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. Students also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice. The content of the AP/College Psychology course follows the Advanced Placement guidelines of the College Entrance Examination Board and aligns with SUNY SLO standards as required by Genesee Community College; consequently, instruction is given at the college level.

* To take this course, students must meet the established criteria.

* A significantly discounted GCC College tuition fee is required for students who wish to receive college credit.


This course is designed to give students an analytical perspective on government and politics in the United States, and is intended as a secondary school equivalent to a one- semester college introductory course. This AP course is designed to also meet the NYS

graduation requirements for economics.

Some of the topics to be covered include the Constitutional foundations of U.S. government such as federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances;

political parties, interest groups, and mass media; political beliefs and behaviors;

public policy making; institutions of national government such as the Congress and the federal courts; and civil rights and civil liberties.

The AP United States Government and Politics exam is 2 hours and 25 minutes long, consisting of 60 multiple choice questions and a 100 minute free-response section consisting of 4 questions. It is offered in May.

* A registration fee will be required to take the AP exam.


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