
Ancient Rome Study Notes1. What is the influence of geography in ancient Italy? ROMAN REPUBLICMonarch vs. Republic – what’s the difference? Roman allies vs. Roman citizensThree virtues of Romans Success of the Romans Roman Law:Law of Nations DECLINE OF THE REPUBLICWho has political power?Who is the “backbone” of society? Where do the landless poor go? What were the changes in military recruitment? How did the influence the power of the Roman Republic? COLLAPSE OF THE REPUBLICJulias Caesar: Why did he give land to the poor and increase the senate? Second Triumvirate – what was the outcome of the Battle of Actium? Octavian: Why was he so powerful? PAX ROMANAMajor reforms during the Five Good Emperors: SOCIETY & CULTUREReligion in Rome:Slavery in Rome:Wealthy vs. the poor:DECLINE & COLLAPSE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE What happened at the Edit of Milan?What were the problems with this? What happened after the death of Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 180) the last “good emperor”?Policies were based on coercion and control... therefore? Where was the center of the Eastern Roman Empire (ERE), also considered the “new Rome”? ____________________________________Explain why Istanbul (Byzantium, Constantinople) is in such an important strategic military position. Why was this imperialistic expansion a key factor in Rome’s fall?What were the three conflicting sources of power? Explain the economic problems of Rome and its ramifications:What were the results of the barbarian invasions? Which explanation of Rome’s fall seems most plausible to you? Why?In one or two paragraphs, define the Roman Empire and what you believe led to its decline. There is no right or wrong answer, only a well-supported argument, so be sure to support your position with evidence. Draw upon what you know about the Roman Empire, and if you need to, conduct additional research into its history, culture, politics, geography, accomplishments, religion, and what it stood for. Please type or write neatly and submit your paragraph to Ms. Thompson. Use the space below for notes:DEVELOPMENT OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE ROMAN EMPIREWhy were Romans drawn to eastern religions? What were the teachings of Jesus? How did the persecutions of Christians make the religion of Christianity grow stronger? Why was Christianity seen as an act of treason?Why were there more Christians by the end of the persecution?“And [you] have put on the new self... Here there is no Greek nor Jew... barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all”What does this mean?Why was Christianity so desirable as a religion? Who was most attracted to Christianity and why?Differences between the two religions… Roman state religionsChristianity What do you see as the benefits and drawbacks of this religion?Benefits:Drawbacks: What do you see as the benefits and drawbacks of this religion?Benefits:Drawbacks: ................

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