PAKISTAN STUDIES Paper II 2059/02 2 0 2 0 - 2 1

[Pages:11]A d a b i s t a n-e-S o o p h i a

International General Certificate of Secondary Education ? I (2nd Term Examination)

Adabistan-e-Soophia School for Boys & Girls



Environment of Pakistan

Candidates answer on the enclosed Answer Booklet

Additional Materials:

Answer Booklet/Paper


Session Time Marks


2020 - 21

9 0m i n u t e s

7 5


Answer all questions. 1. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part

question. 2. The total of the marks for this paper is 75.

For Examiner's Use

1 2 3


Geography IGCSE?I

This document consists of 11 Printed pages

[TURN OVER] Page 1 of 11

1. A) i. Name rivers V, W, X and Y.

V _______________________________________

W _______________________________________

X _______________________________________

Y _______________________________________


ii. Name dam Z shown on Fig. 2.1. Z

______________________________________________________________ [1]

Name two examples of small dams.

1. __________________________

2. __________________________


Geography IGCSE?I

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iii. State the differences between large and small dams.




iv. Suggest four problems caused by siltation.






Identify the following method of irrigation.



Explain how does it work.





Geography IGCSE?I

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C) i. Name two barrages and the rivers where they are present.

_________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ [2] ii. differentiate between the following. Inundation canal and perennial canal _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ [2] Barrages and weirs _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ [2]

[Total: 25]

Geography IGCSE?I

Page 4 of 11

2. A) Study Fig which shows the climate of Karachi.

i. By how much does the temperature rise from January to May? ______________________________________________________________ [1]

ii. Describe the pattern of rainfall during the winter season from October to March. _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ [2]

iii. With reference to Fig. only, describe the climate of the months from June to September. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ [4]

Geography IGCSE?I

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B) i. Explain the causes of the monsoon at Karachi.

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ [4] ii. Name the violent storms that form over the sea and that may affect Karachi. ______________________________________________________________ [1] iii. In which months may these occur? ______________________________________________________________ [1]

Geography IGCSE?I

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C) i. Explain all the factors effecting the temperature of Pakistan.

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ [4] ii. Explain the term Maritime influence with the help of an example _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ [2] iii. Mention any two sources of rain fall in Pakistan other than monsoon. _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ [2]

iv. Explain the reason of any one source of rainfall mentioned in part c (iii) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ [4] [Total: 25]

Geography IGCSE?I

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3. A)

i. Label the following features on the map.


River A, B and C



Barrage y ___________


ii. Explain the importance of dams in Pakistan _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ [3]

Geography IGCSE?I

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