GCSE Geography Paper 2 - Ullswater Community College

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GCSE Geography Paper 2

Section A: Urban issues and challenges (Rio and Bristol) Urban planning to improve quality of life for the urban poor (Favela Bairro) Urban regeneration project in the UK (Temple Quarter, Bristol) Urban sustainability and Urban Transport Strategies Section B: Development, causes and consequences of uneven development. Strategies to reduce development gap & Tourism in Jamaica Economical development in Nigeria Economic change in the UK Section C: Resource Management Energy Example of gas extraction

Urban Issues and Challenges

The global pattern of urban change and urban trends in different parts of the world ? urbanisation is slower in HICs than LICs because most area than can be urbanised are urbanised and the birth rate is slower than LICs. LICs urbanise due to improved economic development, industry and trade that HICs have already had/got. In the majority of HICs over 60% of the country's population live in urban areas. Urbanisation is increasing in places such as India, China and Nigeria. Causes of urbanisation ? migration (push and pull factors) and natural increase. Megacities ? cities with over 10 000000 people living in them, often found towards the coast. Tokyo, Lagos and New York.

Urban Issues and Challenges (Rio de Janeiro) LIC/`NEE'

Location and importance ? Brazil's Atlantic coast at 23S and 43W. It has grown around a large natural bay called Guanabara Bay. Until 1960, Rio was the capital of Brazil, the capital is now Brasilia. Rio is an NEE. Brazil's GPD is 1.796 trillion.

Regional (local) importance ? hospitals, schools and employment.

National (Brazil) importance ? second largest city in Brazil, construction companies, 5% to Brazil's GDP. In 2013, Rio accounted for 12% of Brazil's GDP.

International (global) importance ? tourism - statue of Christ (one of the seven new wonders of the world), world cup 2014, Olympics 2016. Trade of food, clothing and furniture.

Urban Issues and Challenges (Rio de Janeiro) LIC/`NEE'

Causes of urban growth ? migration (from China to set up trade, from surrounding countries and the Amazon Basin for jobs, education and healthcare) and natural increase (1.78 births per woman). The north zone is poor, west zone is wealthy.

How urban growth has created opportunities ? social: ? access to services ? health (Santa Maria ? medics visited homes to detect and

treat diseases) and education (99% literacy rate). ? access to resources ? water supply (95% of the population had mains water

supply by 2014), energy (60km of new power lines installed). economic: how urban industrial areas can be a stimulus for economic development/trade/jobs (Rio is second most important city in Brazil, Rio provides 6% of Brazil's employment, it has one of the highest incomes per person in Brazil, types of employment include oil, retail, steel, tourism and construction). b

Urban Issues and Challenges (Rio de Janeiro) LIC/`NEE'

How urban growth has created challenges: ? managing urban growth ? slums, squatter settlements ? providing clean water and sanitation systems (Guanabara bay is very

polluted, 200 tonnes of raw sewage and 50 tonnes of industrial waste pumped into the Bay daily) and energy (frequent blackouts due to people illegally tapping into supplies) ? providing access to services ? health (in 2013, only 55% of the city had access to family health clinics) and education (in Rio only half of all children continue their education past 14 years old). ? reducing unemployment (recession in 2015, over 20% unemployment rate in favelas) and crime (robbery, drugs and violent crime).


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