1. Which of the following was the first black African colony to become independent?

A. Ghana

B. Ivory Coast

C. Uganda

D. Kenya

2. Organizing space into states has existed for approximately how long?

A. Since the beginning of time.

B. Around 5000 years.

C. Fewer than 400 years.

D. Only 100 years.

3. Which continent's state system most influenced development of the modern state system we know today?

A. Europe

B. South America

C. North America

D. Asia

4. Which of the following best describes a nation-state?

A. A recognized country with multiple cultures.

B. An unrecognized country that has a unified culture.

C. An organized area that was once a nation and then became a state.

D. A politically organized area in which nation and state occupy the same space.

5. Which of the following is an example of a stateless nation?

A. France.

B. Canada.

C. Israel.

D. Palestine.

6. Which of the following is not a tenet of world-systems theory?

A. The world-economy has one market and a global division of labor.

B. Undeveloped countries have the greatest impact on the world-economy.

C. Although the world has multiple states, almost everything takes place within the context of the world-economy.

D. The world-economy has a three-tier structure.

7. World-systems theorists divide the world into:

A. First world and third world.

B. rich and poor.

C. developed and undeveloped.

D. the core, periphery, and semi-periphery.

8. What is the difference between centripetal and centrifugal forces?

A. Forces in a large country are centripetal and those in a small country are centrifugal.

B. Forces that unify the people are centrifugal and forces that divide them are centripetal.

C. Forces that unify the people are centripetal and forces that divide them are centrifugal.

D. None of the above.

9. Which of the following is an example of a federal state?

A. United States

B. Canada

C. Nigeria

D. All of the above.

10. Which of the following best describes the process of devolution?

A. The movement of power from the central government to regional governments within the state.

B. The movement of power from regional governments to central governments.

C. Movement of power from a monarchy to military dictatorship.

D. Change of power from a democracy to communism.

11. Where are the United States most serious devolutionary pressures?

A. The U.S. has no devolutionary pressures.

B. Alaska

C. Guam

D. Hawaii

12. The Constitution establishes a census to occur how often?

A. Every 10 years

B. Every 5 years

C. Every 20 years

D. Whenever it is determined it is needed.

13. Which of the following describes a definitional boundary dispute?

A. Focuses on the legal language of the boundary agreement.

B. Focuses on the delimitation and possibly the demarcation of the boundary.

C. Involves neighbor who differ over the way their border should function.

D. None of the above.

14. Which of the following statements best describes Ratzel's organic theory?

A. All human made building should of organic form.

B. Cultures should focus on eating and growing organic foods.

C. The largest organisms in a country have the most power.

D. A nation, which is an aggregate of organisms (human beings) would itself function and behave as an organism.

15. NATO stands for:

A. North American Trade Organization.

B. North Atlantic Trade Organization.

C. North American Treaty Organization.

D. North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

16. A state is a politically organized territory with a permanent population, a defined territory, and a government that is recognized as such by other states.

A. True

B. False

17. There are over 100 nation-states in existence today.

A. True

B. False

18. Commodification is the process of placing a price on a good and then buying, selling, and trading the good.

A. True

B. False

19. Federal states are highly centralized, with the capital city serving as the focus of power.

A. True

B. False

20. Reapportionment is the process by which districts are moved according to population shifts, so that each district encompasses approximately the same number of people.

A. True

B. False

21. The League of Nations was created in 1919 as the first international organization that would include all nations of the world. Its success was dealt a serious blow by the failure of what country to join?

A. Britain

B. Russia

C. United States

D. Canada

E. China

22. One move by the old league of Nations that would have a critical impact in the second half of the 20th century involved?

A. Maritime boundaries

B. Refugee questions

C. Atmospheric boundaries

D. Mineral resources underlying two or more countries

E. Ignored global warming

23. The United Nations is not a world government, but in recent years individual states have asked the United Nations to do a number of different things, the most expensive of which is?

A. Creating a common of global currency

B. monitoring elections

C. providing for refugees

D. setting a maritime boundaries

E. peacekeeping

24. The European Union’s future expansion into the Muslim a realm by the inclusion of ________________ is highly controversial and strongly opposed by Greece.

A. Saudi Arabia

B. Bosnia

C. Algeria

D. Turkey

E. Iraq

25. Sir Halford Mackinder developed what would become known as the heartland theory which suggested that interior Eurasia contained a critical “pivot area” that would generate a state capable of challenging for world domination. The key to the area according to Mackinder was?

A. Natural protection

B. distance

C. natural resources

D. Eastern Europe

E. the Russian steppe

26. The movement of power from the central government to regional governments is referred to as?

A. Revolution

B. pluralism

C. supranationalism

D. devolution

E. decentralization

27. The boundaries of independent African states were drawn at the Berlin conference and were essentially drawn?

A. Arbitrarily

B. along ethnic lines

C. along religious lines

D. along ecological lines

E. along linguistic lines

28. What ultimately proved to be the undoing of monarchical absolutism and its system of patronage during Europe’s rebirth?

A. The reemergence of church power

B. growing economic power of merchants

C. an increasing population

D. colonization

E. labor shortage after the plague

29. Yugoslavia was a prime example of a?

A. Multi-state nation

B. nation-state

C. stateless nation

D. unitary state

E. multination state

30. The present number of countries and territories in the world is around?

A. 400

B. 350

C. 300

D. 200

E. 100

31. Robert Sack’s view of human territorial behavior implies an expression of control over space and time. This control is closely related to the concept of?

A. Nationhood

B. colonialism

C. sovereignty

D. warfare

E. hegemony

32. Nigeria is a state with a federal system of government. This fact is reflected in the adoption of a _____________ law in the states of the Muslim north?

A. British Common

B. Nigerian Federal

C. Sharia

D. local tribal

E. state’s rights

33. In Italy, the Northern League’s desire for independence was based on the economic difference between the Northern Po region and the southern Mezzogiorno. These differences are attributed to?

A. regional ethnic differences

B. religious differences between North and South

C. core periphery of processes

D. ecological differences

E. respect for the rule of law

34. In 1943 Mackinder wrote about his concerns over the potential of Stalin’s control of the countries of Eastern Europe. His views led to the development of the United States’s containment policy and to the establishment of?

A. Friendly relationships with China

B. the United Nations


D. the Berlin wall


35. Listed among the challenges to the state in the 21st century are all of the following except?

A. Nuclear weapons

B. economic globalization

C. increased cultural communication

D. terrorism in the name of religion

E. the United Nations


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