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Geography Terms

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1. Antarctic Circle 2. Arable 3. Arctic Circle 4. Atlas 5. Cardinal

Directions 6. Compass Rose

7. Demography

8. Elevation 9. Geography 10. Hemisphere 11. Intermediate

Directions 12. Key

13. Latitude

14. Latitude

15. Latitude line at 23 degrees north

16. Latitude line at about 23 degrees north

17. Longitude

18. Longitude

19. Meridian 20. Navigable

21. Parallel 22. Peninsula

23. Physical map

24. Plateau

25. Political map

26. Population

imaginary circle around the south pole

land good for farming

imaginary circle around the north pole

a collection of maps

four main parts of the compass NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST a diagram of a compass showing direction the science that studies population distribution and change measurement of altitude above sea level

study of the earth's surface

one half of the earth

northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest the section of a map that explains the symbols and colors on the map the distance north or south of Earth's Equator in degrees imaginary lines on a map or globe that run east and west Tropic of Cancer

Tropic of Capricorn

The distance east or west of the Prime Meridian, in degrees imaginary lines on a globe or map that run north and south a line of longitude

wide and deep enough for ships to travel through a line of latitude

body of land jutting into a lake or ocean, surrounded on three sides by water a map that shows natural features, like rivers, valleys, and mountains a large raised area of mostly level land bordered on one or more sides by steep slopes or cliffs a map that shows official boundaries of states, countries, and more total number of people in an area

27. Population Density

the average number of people per square mile

28. Population the way the population is spread out over an distribution area

29. Prime Meridian

imaginary line that that passes through Greenwich, England, and lies at 0 degrees longitude

30. River Basin land covered by a river and its tributaries

31. Rural

located in the countryside

32. Scale

used to measure distances on a map

33. The 180th meridian

International Date Line

34. Tributary

a stream or river that flows into a larger stream or river

35. Urban

located in cities and towns


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