GCSE Scheme of Work - Pearson qualifications

Edexcel A Level Geography Scheme of Work Area of study 3: Physical Systems and Sustainability, Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security IntroductionOur specifications offer an issues-based approach to studying geography, enabling students to explore and evaluate contemporary geographical questions and issues such as the consequences of globalisation, responses to hazards, water insecurity and climate change. The specification content gives students the opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of physical and human geography, the complexity of people and environment questions and issues, and to become critical, reflective and independent learners.AS and A Level qualifications that are co-teachableCentres co-teaching AS and A Level can deliver Area of study 1: Dynamic Landscapes and Area of study 2: Dynamic Places in the first year, allowing students to be entered for the AS at the end of year 12.Confidence in geographical skills and fieldworkContent is framed by enquiry questions that encourage an investigative and evaluative approach to learning. We have signposted where and how geographical skills and fieldwork should be embedded in teaching. Our A Level assessment will integrate the assessment of geographical skills with knowledge and understanding. Holistic understanding of geographyThis specification will encourage students to make links between different geographical themes, ideas and concepts through synoptic themes embedded in the compulsory content.Overview of Area of study 3: Physical Systems and Sustainability, Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy SecurityArea of study 3 is examined on Paper 1 which is worth 30% of the marks at A Level. Paper 1 is marked out of 105.All A Level students are required to study Topic 5: The Water Cycle and Water Security and Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security.You need to allow roughly 36 hours to teach Area of study 3, and roughly 18 hours to teach each topic. The suggested hours of teaching should be sufficient to teach students the required content and skills for this topic. The allocation of hours does not take into account individual schools’ approaches to delivering the course, revision, school mocks, topic tests or assessment feedback.The sample assessment materials can be used for question practice to enable students to build up their confidence and skills as part of their revision and exam practice.Scheme of Work for Area of study 3: Physical Systems and Sustainability, Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy SecurityA balanced carbon cycle is important in maintaining planetary health. The carbon cycle operates at a range of spatial scales and timescales, from seconds to millions of years. Physical processes control the movement of carbon between stores on land, in the oceans and in the atmosphere. Changes to the most important store of carbon and carbon fluxes are a result of physical and human responses. Reliance on fossil fuels has caused significant changes to carbon stores and contributed to climate change resulting from anthropogenic carbon emissions.The water and carbon cycles and the role of feedbacks in and between the two cycles, provide a context for developing an understanding of climate change.Anthropogenic climate change poses a serious threat to the health of the planet. There is a range of adaptation and mitigation strategies that could be used, but to be successful they require global agreements as well as national actions.LessonsLearning objectivesDetailed content (vocabulary, concepts, processes, ideas, synoptic themes, place contexts)Place exemplificationIntegrated skillsTeaching resources and synoptic linksEnquiry question 1: How does the carbon cycle operate to maintain planetary health?Lesson 1(1 hour)Key idea 6.1 Most global carbon is locked in terrestrial stores as part of the long-term geological cycle.Suggested learning objectivesTo know stores and flows in the carbon cycle.To explain carbon cycle processes. Skills objectivesAnalysis of proportional flow diagrams.Use of carbon sink distribution maps.6.1a The biogeochemical carbon cycle consists of carbon stores of different sizes (terrestrial, oceans and atmosphere), with annual fluxes between stores of varying size (measured in Pg/Gt) rates and on different timescales.Key wordsPhotosynthesisRespirationDecompositionCarbon sinkCarbon poolCarbon fixationCarbon sequestrationGlobal distribution mapsLocalised examples(1) Use of proportional flow diagrams showing carbon fluxes.StarterStudents suggest vocabulary associated with the carbon cycle. Teacher writes suggestions on the whiteboard to gauge prior knowledge and clarify important vocabulary. This can be used as a building block to develop an understanding of the carbon cycle.MainCarbon cycle activity – split class into small groups and give each group a tray of items representing parts of the carbon cycle, e.g. coal, soil, live plant, dead organic matter, toy animal/person, toy car, a Lego building – house/factory, etc. Ask students to ‘build’ their carbon cycle. Hints can be given by asking students to think about the atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere. When links have been made, students can sketch a simplified and annotated carbon cycle.With the use of PowerPoint and more detailed diagrams of the carbon cycle, the processes and complexities can be explained. Student diagrams or a carbon cycle handout can be further annotated.Small-group then class discussion regarding flows and fluxes within the carbon cycle. Compare and contrast annual fluxes and stores, rates of flux and varying timescale using images on PowerPoint. (See Resources below for data suggestions).PlenaryStudents complete a gapped handout of the carbon cycle diagram as a summary/recall of important vocabulary. Provide differentiated diagrams which can be displayed or given to students.Task 6.1 Independent learning opportunityResources – University of New Hampshire introduction to carbon cycle and key terminology – read for homework – Penn State University and NASA resources – some useful sections and video clips in module 5: The Global Carbon Cycle – useful RGS ‘Geography in the News’ resource for topics 5 and 6. Written for the 2016 Specification. – Earth Labs: Climate and the Carbon Cycle unit overview. Useful general resource for educators, funded by NOAA for US teachers and studentsLesson 2(1 hour)Key idea 6.1 Most global carbon is locked in terrestrial stores as part of the long-term geological cycle.Suggested learning objectivesLocate global carbon sinks.Explain distribution of carbon sink location.Describe and explain how carbon is sequestered into the atmosphere by geomorphological processes.Skills objectivesAnalysis of the geological distribution of carbon sink maps.Literacy skills addressed via independent writing task. 6.1b Most of the earth’s carbon is geological, resulting from the formation of sedimentary carbonate rocks (limestone) in the oceans and biologically derived carbon in shale, coal and other rocks.6.1c Geological processes release carbon into the atmosphere through volcanic out-gassing at ocean ridges/subduction zones and chemical weathering of rocks.Key wordsChemical and physical weatheringSequestrationSubductionVolcanic emissionsGlobal distribution mapsLocalised examplesStarterUse the following animation to recall prior learning: Students can access this individually on their own devices or it can be displayed to the class. ‘Carbon Cycle Articulate’ – students work in pairs/threes and are given a series of cards, each with a term associated with the carbon cycle written on it. Students have 1 minute to explain as many terms as possible to their partner without saying the word in front of them. This can be revisited at the end of the lesson: students swap roles, with the explainer becoming the person who has to recognise the term from the description.MainCompare and contrast carbon sink global maps. Display maps to the whole class / give students handouts of maps / make maps accessible on a shared drive on students’ personal devices.Maps may be annotated to explain how carbon transfers from geology to the atmosphere.‘Describe and explain how carbon is released into the atmosphere through volcanic eruptions and plate boundary processes’ – Synoptic link to Dynamic Landscapes – Topic 1. Use vocabulary from both Area of study 1: Topic 1 and Area of Study 3: Topic 6 in your answer.PlenaryRevisit ‘Carbon Cycle Articulate’ activity – add new terminology where appropriate.Students write a list of something learnt and something they are not sure of regarding the carbon cycle so far, to be addressed at the beginning of the next lesson.Resources A range of images is available on the internet, including: – Earth Labs: Oceans and the Carbon Cycle Part a: Down to the Deep – The Ocean’s Biological Pump Propulsion Laboratory NASA – a range of images: Centre for Climate Research: Stockholm University. The Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database Lesson 3(1 hour)Key idea 6.2 Biological processes sequester carbon on land and in the oceans on shorter timescales.Suggested learning objectivesDescribe and explain the process of marine and terrestrial photosynthesis.Describe and explain the process of respiration and decomposition.Skills objectivesTo know how to describe distributions on global maps, e.g. plankton bloom distribution.6.2a Phytoplankton sequester atmospheric carbon during photosynthesis in surface ocean waters; carbonate shells/tests move into the deep ocean water through the carbonate pump and action of the thermohaline circulation.6.2b Terrestrial primary producers sequester carbon during photosynthesis; some of this carbon is returned to the atmosphere during respiration by consumer organisms.6.2c Biological carbon can be stored as dead organic matter in soils, or returned to the atmosphere via biological decomposition over several years.Key wordsThermohaline circulationPhytoplanktonPlankton bloomPhotosynthesisRespirationDecompositionGlobal distribution of ocean carbon stores and flows.Global distribution of terrestrial carbon stores and flows. StarterTeacher to address student uncertainties identified last lesson regarding the carbon cycle. Informal Q and A.Main The role of photosynthesis, respiration and decomposition in the carbon cycle. Factors influencing the rate of photosynthesis/respiration/decomposition. Teacher-led using PowerPoint images, video clips, discussion.Seasonal variations in plankton blooms:What causes a plankton bloom? What is stratification?Identify locations and seasonal variations. – NASA: Earth Observatory – Global Patterns and cycles – Earth Labs: Oceans and the Carbon Cycle Part b: Phytoplankton, the Ocean’s Green MachinesPlenary‘Explain the processes of the carbon cycle’ – consolidation of carbon cycle understanding, peer assessment of explanation.Resources NOAA Research website – PMEL Carbon program –how the oceans store carbon – Blue Carbon, the role of oceans as carbon sinks – National Oceanography Centre website – Climate and Sea Level and Carbon in the Ocean – video clip and International Business Times online news article ‘Global Warming could reduce plankton stocks and affect carbon cycle’ Jayalakshmi, K. (2014)Lesson 4(1 hour)Key idea 6.3 A balanced carbon cycle is important in sustaining other systems but is increasingly altered by human activities.Suggested learning objectivesIdentify changes in atmospheric carbon concentrations.Sketch and annotate a simplified greenhouse effect diagram.Skills objectivesTo analyse and interpret graphs outlining atmospheric carbon concentration.To analyse and interpret temperature and precipitation distribution maps.6.3a The concentration of atmospheric carbon (carbon dioxide and methane) strongly influences the natural greenhouse effect, which in turn determines the distribution of temperature and precipitation.Key wordsNatural greenhouse effectGreenhouse gasesShortwave radiationLongwave radiationCarbon dioxideMethaneHockey stick graphGlobal and localised concentrations of atmospheric carbon.Localised temperature and precipitation distribution. Named locations.(2) Use of maps showing global temperature and precipitation distribution.StarterGiven a handout with carbon dioxide emission graphs, students outline 3–5 statements regarding the graph(s).Describe how carbon concentrations have changed over a range of timescales. Earth Systsems Research Lab NOAA – mean monthly carbon dioxide measurements – Mauna Loa observatory – a range of graphs/timescale and animation can be accessed individually or displayed to the whole class to generate discussion.MainIntroduce the idea of the natural greenhouse effect, display image or sketch to class. Students could annotate as teacher explains processes. Students then annotate with own knowledge and research regarding natural greenhouse gas sources. e.g. NASA website: Global Climate Change – Causes How have temperature and precipitation distributions responded to changing carbon concentrations? Display graphs and distribution maps. NOAA website – a range of global temperature and precipitation distribution maps are available at the following link: writing task – students consolidate their understanding of the impact of changing atmospheric carbon concentration by answering the question:‘Explain how an increase in carbon concentration may change the global pattern of temperature and precipitation distribution.’Task 6.2 Independent Learning OpportunityResources – BP Climate Change Student Booklet p3: The Natural Greenhouse Effect – University of Sheffield Worldmapper distribution maps, wide variety of maps availableLesson 5(1 hour)Key idea 6.3 A balanced carbon cycle is important in sustaining other systems but is increasingly altered by human activities.Suggested learning objectivesRecall and synthesise information.Annotate carbon cycle with new information.Summarise and evaluate the impact of fossil fuel combustion, carbon stores and pathways.Skills objectivesTo interpret global distribution of ecosystem productivity.6.3b Ocean and terrestrial photosynthesis play an important role in regulation the composition of the atmosphere. Soil health is influenced by stored carbon, which is important for ecosystem productivity.6.3c The process of fossil fuel combustion has altered the balance of carbon pathways and stores with implications for climate, ecosystems and the hydrological cycle.Key wordsFossil fuelsHydrological cycleTerrestrialCarbon pathwayCarbon storeBiome locations StarterRecall activity – given a blank diagram representing the greenhouse effect, students use a series of statements to explain the process and review their understanding. They could create a flow diagram of the process.MainOceanic and terrestrial photosynthesis, soil health and ecosystem productivity. Analysis of productivity map/biomes – link to photosynthesis and soil health. Teacher-led QandA/discussion of processes and relationships. Consolidation of learning so far. May use video clips, PowerPoint/images displayed or atlas.How have human activities altered the carbon cycle? Students work in pairs to consider this question. They could produce a quiz using Kahoot, Socrative (see below for links) or similar app.How has fossil fuel combustion altered the carbon cycle?Revisit carbon cycle diagram and annotate where human activity can alter the carbon cycle. Teacher to provide carbon cycle diagram or use class collaboration to produce a carbon cycle on the board (class size dependant – students may need to be in small groups and will need blank paper).Students complete a table summarising the impact of changes to the carbon cycle on climate, ecosystems and the hydrological cycle.Consequences to stores and pathways of changes in the carbon cyclePotential positive outcomes to stores and pathways caused by changes in the carbon cycleClimatee.g. increase in CO2 leads to warming of the atmosphere…Ecosystemse.g. increased CO2 may increase rate of photosynthesis…Hydrological cyclee.g. increase in evaporation may increase precipitation and lead to floodingPlenaryMix and match terminology – provide students with a glossary of terminology used in Enquiry question 1 and definitions that they must match up into the correct order. This can be on a handout or as a card task where the teacher provides cards with terms and definitions to pair. Task 6.3 Independent Learning OpportunityResources – ‘The Carbon Cycle’ – article written by postgrad researchers in combination with Climatica, Geological Society and Quaternary Research AssociationFree online apps: – a fun learning game, ‘kahoots’ made online for free, can incorporate images, videos, diagrams to multiple-choice questions. Good as starters and plenaries – students can create and share their own in addition to teacher’s creations. – another Q and A tool that can be used to create a range of question types to assess students’ level of learning. This app has a function to run reports to gauge learning. Can be used on any device.Enquiry question 2: What are the consequences for people and the environment of our increasing demand for energy?Lesson 6(1 hour)Key idea 6.4 Energy security is a key goal for countries, most relying on fossil fuels.Suggested learning objectivesTo know the distribution of global energy resources.To recognise and evaluate the importance of factors influencing distribution and consumption. Skills objectivesTo analyse distribution maps – energy consumption, levels of economic development and physical factors.6.4a Consumption (per capita and in terms of units of GDP) and energy mix (domestic and foreign, primary and secondary energy, renewable versus non-renewable). 6.4b Access to and consumption of energy resources depends on physical availability, cost, technology, public perception, level of economic development and environmental priorities (??national comparisons USA versus France).Key wordsConsumptionPer capitaEnergy mix/diversityDomestic and foreign energy resourcesRenewable energy resourceNon-renewable energy resourcesEnergy transitionEnergy pathwaySupply and demand accessibilityAffordabilityAvailabilityNamed locations with varying levels of consumption and energy diversity.UK – change in energy mix over time.Global distributionNamed locations China, Japan, UK, USA etc.(3) Graphical analysis of the energy mix of different countries including change over time. StarterDiscussion and clarification of important energy terminology. Each student read out to the rest of the class a definition they researched for homework; teacher to facilitate and explain where appropriate.Global distribution – teacher displays a world map showing the distribution of one fossil fuel. Suitable images can be obtained from Chartsbin, a web-based data and statistical visualisation tool describe the distribution of the fossil fuel. Once finished, students peer-assess their answers using the following success criteria:Generalised comments on the pattern of location.Specific named areas using continents, countries and oceans.Graphical analysis of the energy mix of different countries including change over time.Provide students with an A3 outline world map and a booklet with a series of energy resource distribution maps and an atlas. These maps can be made available on a shared drive for access via computers or devices. Students annotate where a range of resources are located.Students use maps to describe and explain patterns of energy resource distribution. A class discussion could then identify the factors influencing consumption.Task 6.4 Independent Learning OpportunityPlenaryRank factors – provide students with or agree with students the main factors influencing consumption as discussed. Students rank the factors in order of importance, justifying their decisions.Resources Suitable images can be obtained from Chartsbin – a web-based visualisation tool – University of Sheffield Worldmapper distribution maps – wide variety of maps available – UN energy statistics database, contains basic statistics for more than 220 countries/territories, provides time series for the period 1950–2013 and is updated annuallyLesson 7(1 hour)Key idea 6.4 Energy security is a key goal for countries, most relying on fossil fuels.Suggested learning objectivesTo read, research and synthesise information from a range of sources.To collaborate to produce suitable resources and materials for use by others.Skills objectivesLiteracy skills – development of writing skills.Analysis of geological maps.6.4c Energy players (P: role of TNCs, the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), consumers, governments) have different roles in securing pathways and energy supplies.Key wordsPlayer StakeholderOPECNGONamed players, e.g. Gazprom, BP, National government, OPECStarterBased on homework task – students present information on a chosen player for the purpose of developing a mind map of player examples.MainTable summary of player roles and relative importance. Students share information both online and during class collaborations in small groups to build a detailed summary.Named player (and brief outline)Role in securing energyImpact of players on relative energy security (increase/ decrease)Relative importance, rank and justificationOPECTNC e.g. GazpromEtc…PlenaryExtended writing task – evaluate the relative importance of a range of players in the securing energy pathways and supplies.Class collaborate to create a set of ‘Energy Player TopTrumps’. Cards to include the full range of players; categories to be agreed with students but could include size of organisation, annual turnover, type of player, an environmental impact score etc. This should be completed for homework and could act as the starter for the next lesson.Task 6.5 Independent Learning OpportunityResources – Centre for Alternative Technology offers a range of resources; Top Trumps example can be used as a guide. Many other carbon cycle and sustainability-related resources available.Lessons 8/9(2 hours)Key idea6.5 Reliance on fossil fuels to drive economic development is still the global norm.Suggested learning objectivesTo research and identify key information.Read and synthesise information from a range of sources.Skills objectivesLiteracy skills – development of research and writing skills.Presentation skills.6.5a There is a mismatch between locations of conventional fossil fuel supply (oil, gas, coal) and regions where demand is highest, resulting from physical geography.6.5b Energy pathways (pipelines, transmission lines, shipping routes, road and rail) are a key aspect of security but can be prone to disruption, especially as conventional fossil fuels deplete (??Russian gas to Europe). (4)6.5c The development of unconventional fossil fuel energy resources (tar sands, oil shale, shale gas, deep water oil) has social costs and consequences for the resilience of fragile environments. (??Canadian tar sands, USA fracking, Brazilian deep-water oil.) (P: role of business in developing reserves, versus environmental groups and affected communities.)Key wordsEnergy pathwaysUnconventional resourcesFrontier resourcesTar sands/oil shaleFrackingRussia/UkraineCanadian Tar SandsUSA/UK frackingBrazilian deep-water oilANWR(4) Analysis of maps showing global energy trade and flows.StarterOption 1: Class collaboration from the previous lesson could be used as the starter here. Option 2: Identify and annotate environmentally sensitive areas and energy pathways on an A4 map outline using maps displayed, e.g. of energy trade and flows. Teacher-led discussion.MainStudents create a series of case study summaries. Perhaps provide students with a booklet of resources and tasks to research suggested case studies/place exemplification. Students may choose to present one case study of their choice as a video (e.g. Adobe Spark Video, iMovie). This can be shared with the class via a shared drive or area that all have access to, and used for revision purposes. Students are contributing to a bank of resources. This research can be undertaken in small groups when researching and or presenting. When students are feeding back they could create a summary table/diagram/mind map.Potential headings that students could consider for research/mind map/table/summary purpose:LocationExtraction/TechnologyCostsBenefitsEvaluation of case study or researchPlenaryExtended writing task – evaluate the range of factors that influence energy security globally and in named locations.Students could create a ‘popplet’ if they have the app on their devices to summarise case studies – can be completed for homework. Popplet can be created on the web or iPad/iPhone; it encourages students to think and learn visually. Students can create an online mindmap of facts, thoughts and images, and develop an understanding of the relationship between them.Task 6.6 Independent Learning OpportunityResources – Chartsbin – a web-based data and statistical visualisation tool – University of Sheffield Worldmapper distribution maps – wide variety of maps available and ANWR: case-study resources, useful to understand and research ANWR, an example of a fragile environment. Also – USGS factsheetTar sands: case-study resources: – UK and Canada NGO/Charity organisation working with other like-minded organisations – Canadian Geographic Magazine website – the Guardian: ‘Keep It In The Ground’ campaign – a series of videos/audio interviews written by Suzanne Goldenberg Brazil case study – the Guardian: ‘Keep It In The Ground’ campaign – a series of videos/audio interviews written by Jonathan Watts – Geographical Association resource – Gulf of Mexico case study – Edexcel pdf resource, ‘Geography in the News’, Simon Oakes, 2009 – Shell UK: Energy from deep waterLessons 10/11(2 hours)Key idea6.6 There are alternatives to fossil fuels but each has its costs and benefits.Suggested learning objectivesTo research and identify key information.Read and synthesise information from a range of sources.Skills objectivesLiteracy skills – development of research and writing skills.Presentation skills.6.6a Renewable and recyclable energy (nuclear power, wind power and solar power) could help decouple fossil fuel from economic growth; these energy sources have costs and benefits economically, socially and environmentally, and in terms of the contribution they can make to energy security. (??changing UK energy mix)6.6b Biofuels are an alternative energy source that are increasing globally; growth in biofuels however has implications for food supply as well as uncertainty over how ‘carbon neutral’ they are. (??Biofuels in Brazil). (5).6.6c Radical technologies, including carbon capture and storage and alternative energy sources (hydrogen fuel cells, electric vehicles) could reduce carbon emissions, but uncertainty exists as to how far this is possible.Key wordsRenewable energyRecyclable energyRadical technologiesCarbon capture and storageSustainabilityBiofuelsUKBrazilChinaRange of global locations(5) Comparisons of emissions from different energy sources.StarterStudents to search (image search engine) to identify images to generate a discussion surrounding alternative energy and technologies.MainComparisons of emissions from different energy sources. Students compare and contrast data/graphs and come to a judgement.Cost-benefit analysis of a range of alternative energy sources and radical technologies. Students bring their own research to class to share. Teacher provides supporting materials. Alternatively, students could work in small groups to focus on a particular energy source or range of radical technologies and produce a presentation to the class. Energy source/radical technologyCase study detailCosts(S.E.E.P)Benefits(S.E.E.P)Overall judgementPlenaryEvaluate one alternative strategy at a local or national scale.Task 6.7 Independent Learning OpportunityResources – Geological Society: UK factsheet, useful starting pointCase study: Biofuels in BrazilBBC news article: ‘Brazil’s biofuel industry finds new sweetspot’, (Gallas, D., 2015) – BP: Biofuels – National Geographic: ‘Biofuels, Green dreams’, (Bourne, Jr. J.K. 2007)Radical technologies: – the Telegraph: ‘Radical technology improvements ‘essential’ for low-carbon society’ (Prof. MacKerron, G. 2012), a 2012 article but a useful starting pointEnquiry question 3: How are the carbon and water cycles linked to the global climate system?Lesson 12(1 hour)Key idea6.7 Biological carbon cycles and the water cycle are threatened by human activity.Suggested learning objectivesDescribe, explain and evaluate the impact of human activity on the carbon and water cycles.6.7a Growing demand for food, fuel and other resources globally has led to contrasting regional trends in land use cover (deforestation, afforestation, conversion of grasslands to farming) affecting terrestrial carbon stores with wider implications for the water cycle and soil health. (6)6.7b Ocean acidification, as a result of its role as a carbon sink, is increasing due to fossil fuel combustion and risks crossing the critical threshold for the health of coral reefs and other marine ecosystems that provide vital ecosystem services.Key wordsDeforestationAfforestationTipping pointThresholdEcosystem servicesRegional locations(6) Using GIS to map land-use changes such as deforestation over time.StarterHow are the carbon and water cycles threatened by human activity? – students work in pairs to think of as many answers as possible in 2–3 minutes (display timer); teacher could create a table.Students consolidate notes using the following link: – ‘The Carbon Cycle’ – article written by postgrad researchers in combination with Climatica, Geological Society and Quaternary Research Association (also possibly used in lesson 5).MainHow has human activity threatened carbon stores, water cycle, soil health, ocean carbon sink, coral reefs and marine ecosystems? Students create a detailed mind map either as a whole-class activity or small-group work. Students could bring their own research in preparation, guidance given by teacher in terms of A2 textbook, internet research, Geofiles/Geography Review articles if available. A pack of resources could be collated and distributed. This must incorporate named case study detail.‘Water and Carbon Cycling’, by Martin Evans – a useful RGS resource with case study information: Plenary3-2-1 activity – students write down 3 facts learnt, explain 2 human threats and outline 1 case study; this can be peer-reviewed.Resources – Royal Geographical Society resource: The Changing Carbon Cycle– ‘The Carbon and Water Cycles, climate and change’: general resources from the RGS, linking the carbon and water cycles to the global climate systemNews articles: – ‘Human impact has pushed Earth into the Anthropocene, scientists say’, (Adam Vaughan, 2016) – ‘How Northern European waters soak up carbon dioxide’, (Jonathan Amos, 2016)Lesson 13(1 hour)Key idea6.7 Biological carbon cycles and the water cycle are threatened by human activity.Suggested learning objectivesTo understand how the human contribution to global warming can have wider physical and human consequences.To identify the complexities of climate change impact.Skills objectiveDescribe and explain distribution of drought.6.7c Climate change resulting from the enhanced greenhouse effect may increase the frequency of drought due to shifting climate belts, which may impact on the health of forests as carbon stores. (?? Amazonian drought events).Key wordsEnhanced greenhouse effectClimate changeDroughtClimate beltAmazonian drought eventsStarterCompare and contrast the natural and enhanced greenhouse effect. Teacher to provide two diagrams. Students to outline the causes of the enhanced greenhouse effect – pair activity.MainFocus on the impact of the enhanced greenhouse effect and climate change on drought frequency, forest health and shifting of climate belts.Teacher could display suitable images or students could search for images using (image search engine) to begin discussion.Amazonian drought case study – students to identify the complexity of drought in the Amazon. Why is forest health uncertain? Why is the impact of climate change on forest health complex? Is drought in the Amazon of greater concern than deforestation? ‘Climate change could triple Amazon drought, study finds’, (Chelsea Harvey, 2016) NASA Satellites Detect Extensive Drought Impact on Amazon Forests will be the impact of climate change resulting from the enhanced greenhouse effect?Students answer this question which is then peer-marked. Peer-marking to underline specialist vocabulary, exemplification and explanation.Alternatively, Improve the answer activity – provide a part answer to explain how the carbon and water cycle are threatened by human activity. Students have to finish the answer.Task 6.8 Independent Learning opportunityResources – RGS: UK water and climate risks (2014) Lesson 14(1 hour)Key idea6.8 There are implications for human well-being from the degradation of the water and carbon cycles.Suggested learning objectivesInterpretation and application of knowledge to new information.Skills objectivePractice exam-style questions.6.8a Forest loss has implications for human well-being, but there is evidence that forest stores are being protected and even expanded, especially in countries of higher levels of development (environmental Kuznets’ curve model). (A: attitudes of global consumers to environmental issues.)Key wordsKuznets curveConservationCryosphereRiver regimeContrasting locations: developed and developing world examples.StarterDisplay Kuznets’ curve model, ask students to interpret the model and to think of locations to apply to the curve. Informal Q and A activity. MainKuznets’ curve – students develop a factsheet to include a sketch, a description of the model, named contrasting locations with justification. Application of attitudes – how consumer attitudes and behaviours to environmental issues change with development and declining inequality.Exam technique workshop:‘What makes a good A Level answer?’ class discussion.Provide students with model answers to discuss merits and improvements.Students could write an example question.PlenaryStudents write an answer under timed conditions.Task 6.9 Independent Learning OpportunityResources SAMsPast papersLesson 15(1 hour)Key idea6.8 There are implications for human well-being from the degradation of the water and carbon cycles.Suggested learning objectivesReading and synthesis of new information.Identification and evaluation of key threats in a variety of locations.Evaluate the impact of threats to human well-being.Skills objectiveAnalysis of climate model maps to identify areas at most risk from water shortages or floods in the future.6.8b Increased temperatures affect evaporation rates and the quantity of water vapour in the atmosphere with implications for precipitation patterns, river regimes and water stores (cryosphere and drainage basin stores). (??Arctic) (F: uncertainty of global projections.)6.8c Threats to ocean health pose threats to human well-being, especially in developing regions that depend on marine resources as a food source and for tourism and coastal protection.Key wordsCryosphereRiver regimeDrainage basinArctic AfricaSouth Pacific Island States(7) Analysis of climate model maps to identify areas at most risk from water shortages or floods in the future.StarterAnalysis of climate model maps to identify areas at most risk from water shortages or floods in the future.MainStudents create an A3 summary sheet identifying the impact of carbon and water cycle modifications in chosen locations. This could be organised as a table or as a mind map.Physical impact of temperature increaseImpact of carbon cycle changes on human well-being Precipitation:Social:River regimes:Political:Water stores:Economic:Class discussion to identify and evaluate the uncertainties surrounding climate predictions and associated impacts, in preparation for next lesson.Plenary‘Sevens’ – students write a list of seven new details learned during the lesson.Resources – ‘Using the IPCC’s Assessment Report data and climate change science in Geography’, IPCC Climate Change 2014, James Riley & Charlotte Wolliscroft; useful for maps and scenario graphs, some lesson ideas, a number of links to other websites on slides 50–51. – Royal Meteorological Society, MetLink: IPCC Updates for Geography Teachers; resource produced for 2008 specification but useful information/data and links to IPCC – ‘Help small island states win their battle against climate change’, Achim Steiner (2014)Lesson 16(1 hour)Key idea6.9 Further planetary warming risks large-scale release of stored carbon, requiring responses from different players at different scales.Suggested learning objectivesTo recognise and evaluate the strategies governments, other organisations and individuals use to manage climate change.Skills objectivePlotting graphs of carbon dioxide levels, calculating means and rates of change.6.9a Future emissions, atmospheric concentration levels and climate warming are uncertain owing to natural factors (the role of carbon sinks), human factors (economic growth, population, energy resources) and feedback mechanisms (carbon release from peatlands and permafrost, and tipping points, including forest dieback and alterations to the thermohaline circulation). (8) (F: uncertainty of global projections.)Key wordsFeedback mechanismsTipping pointPermafrostUK and local(8) Plotting graphs of carbon dioxide levels, calculating means and rates of change.StarterDiscussion of climate change scenario data – business as usual/high-emission scenario, moderate emission scenario, low-emission scenario.MainPlotting graphs of carbon dioxide levels, calculating means and rates of change. Clarify and exemplify feedback mechanisms – students develop own examples. Explain what is meant by the term ‘feedback mechanism’. How might feedback mechanisms offset the effects of climate change?How might feedback mechanisms enhance the effects of climate change?Develop ideas and understanding surrounding uncertainties.PlenaryIn pairs, students consider activities that are likely to: allow the best-case scenario to be achievedcause the worst-case scenario.All pairs share ideas on the whiteboard. Students can then take a photo of this. Task 6.10 Independent Learning OpportunityResources – six graphics that explain climate change, BBC resource with accessible graphicsIPPC Scenarios can be found online and in a range of textbooksLessons 17/18(2 hours)Key idea6.9 Further planetary warming risks large-scale release of stored carbon, requiring responses from different players at different scales.Suggested learning objectivesTo recognise and evaluate the strategies governments, other organisations and individuals use to manage climate change.Skills objectiveRead and synthesise information and data from a range of sources and present ideas in a new format.6.9b Adaptation strategies for a changed climate (water conservation and management, resilient agricultural systems, land use planning, flood-risk management, solar radiation management) have different costs and risks.6.9c Re-balancing the carbon cycle could be achieved through mitigation (carbon taxation, renewable switching, energy efficiency, afforestation, carbon capture and storage), but this requires global-scale agreement and national actions, both of which have proved to be problematic. (A: attitudes of different countries, TNCs and people.)Key wordsAdaptationMitigationConservationManagementStern ReviewCOP conferencesSustainabilityBedZedUKEUDeveloping world examplesCOPKyotoNGOsStarterDefine mitigation and adaptation. Create a brief table/grid of examples.MainStudents research strategies of mitigation and adaptation. They could present their findings as a newspaper article or draw up a plan setting out a range of ideas to combat climate change. (Local authority or other organisations could be used as a template).Examples/Strategies - What? When? Where? Why? How?PlenaryEvaluative consideration of contrasting strategies – costs and benefits/SWOT analysis – can be completed for homework.Resources – NOC to support Madagascan adaptation to climate change (2016), National Oceanography Centre, Southampton – Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report – Adaptation & Mitigation options – NASA: Global climate change. Solutions, examples with useful links – UNESCO lesson ideas on mitigation and adaptation; ‘Teaching and learning for a sustainable future’ – a multimedia teacher-education programme Independent learning/homework6.1Writing taskStudents write up carbon cycle explanation to address flows, stores and processes and complete/devise a glossary for Topic 6 using specification handout and textbook.6.2Independent research How have humans altered the carbon cycle? Students produce one presentation slide to summarise one human factor. 6.3Independent research and extended writingStudents choose one fossil fuel to research: location, distribution/accessibility/consumption/production/associated impact at varying life cycle stage. Encourage the use of data, graphics and named location.6.4Report-writingStudents write a report to summarise their findings of the analysis of maps and graphs used so far. Report should include graphics and data.6.5Group/pair workComplete ‘Top Trump’ activity started in class, ORStudents create a mock Facebook page for one or two players of their choice. This can be hand drawn on A3 paper or perhaps in PowerPoint.6.6Case study researchCase study reading and research. Students produce a 5-minute video using apps such as Adobe Spark Video/ iMovie/Screencast.6.7Independent researchRenewables and radical technologies. Completion of table started in class, either independently or in small groups/pairs.6.8ResearchApplication to exam questionRevisionResearch Kuznets’ Curve and bring findings to class. Flipped classroom plete exam-style question: ‘Evaluate the extent to which today’s increasing demand for energy is the most important factor modifying the carbon cycle’ (20 marks)6.9Research, reading and synthesisResearch the Arctic (or another) case study in preparation for the following lesson. Some handouts provided to students in combination with independent research. Information can be accessed in a range of A Level textbooks.6.10Independent researchAdaptation and Mitigation – students identify resources to share, possibly via a shared folder, e.g. Google Drive/OneDrive/Moodle/Facebook or similar. Encourage students to identify a range of examples from a range of locations. ................

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