Subject: -

|Subject: Math |Timeframe Needed for Completion: 9 weeks |

|Grade Level: 7 Compacting | |

|Big Idea/Theme: Measurement and Geometry |Grading Period: 3rd/4th 9 wks. |

|Unit 4 Title: Shape it up! |

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|Understandings: |

|How scale drawing are used |

|Use a variety of tools to draw different geometric figures using given data. |

|With given angles determine missing measurement using equations. |

|Determine the area and perimeter of given triangles, quadrilaterals and circles. |

|Volume is the interior of a space expressed in cubic units |

|Surface Area is the total area of the surfaces expressed in square units |

|Identify corresponding parts of similar or congruent polygons (corresponding sides and angles) |

|Use proportional reasoning in relationship to similar and congruent figures |

|Transformations: Identify and create translations, reflections, rotations and dilations on a coordinate plane |

|Identify and understand the relationship of parallel lines cut by a transversal. |

|Fluency in problem solving skills- continue with ongoing strategies |

|Curriculum Goals/Objectives: |Essential Questions: |

|Common Core Standards |How are geometric shapes represented in architecture? |

|Draw, construct and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationship between them. |How do you think Volume and Surface Area affect each other? |

|7.G.1 Solve problems involving scale drawing of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas|Are geometric figures and geometric shapes different? |

|from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale. |How would the world be different if it was 2 dimensional? |

|7.G.2 Draw geometric shapes with given conditions. Focus on constructing triangles with three measures of |How are geometric properties used to solve problems in everyday life? |

|angles and sides, noticing what the conditions determine a unique triangle, more than one triangle or no |When does Algebra help us understand Geometry? |

|triangle. |When does Geometry help us understand Algebra? |

|7.G.3 Describe the two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three-dimensional figures as in plane |What happens to a set of parallel lines when it is cut by a transversal? |

|sections of right rectangular prisms, and right triangle pyramids. |How do you distinguish is a figure is similar or congruent? |

|Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measures, area, surface area and volume. |What process is used to distinguish different transformations? |

|7.G.4 Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle and use them to solve problems, showing a | |

|relationship between the circumference and area of a circle. | |

|7.G.5 Use facts about supplementary, complementary, vertical and adjacent angles in a multi-step problem to | |

|write and solve simple equations for an unknown angle in a figure. | |

|7.G.6 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume and surface area of two and three | |

|dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms. | |

|Understand congruence and similarity using physical, models, transparencies, or geometry software. | |

|8.G.1 Verify experimentally the properties of rotations, reflections and translations: | |

|a. Lines are taken to lines, and line segments to line segments of the same length. | |

|b. Angles are taken to angles of the same measure | |

|c. Parallel lines are taken to parallel lines. | |

|8.G.2 Understand that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second can be obtained from the | |

|first by a sequence of rotations, reflections and translations; given two congruent figures, describe a | |

|sequence that exhibits the congruence between them. | |

|8.G.3 Describe the effect of dilations, translations, rotations, and reflections on two-dimensional figures | |

|using coordinates. | |

|8.G.4 Understand that a two-dimensional figure is similar to another if the second can be obtained from the | |

|first by a sequence or rotations, reflections, translations ad dilations; given two similar two-dimensional | |

|figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the similarity between them. | |

|8.G.5 Use informal arguments to establish facts about the angle sum and exterior angle of triangles, about the | |

|angles created when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, and the angle-angle criterion for similarity of | |

|triangles. | |

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|Essential Skills/Vocabulary: |Assessment Tasks: |

| |ClassScape |

| |Nets |

| |Quickwrites |

| |Foldables |

| |Activities on building 3-D figures (identifying the front view, side view and top |

| |view, located in the 7th grade Objective tasks) |

| |Activities on comparing Volume and Surface Area |

| |Attack of a 50 Foot Woman (located in the 7th grade Objective tasks) |

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|Vocabulary: |Pyramid |Skills: | |

|Scale Drawing |Circumference |Area of triangle, trapezoid, circle, rectangles, | |

|Scale |Corresponding |and squares | |

|Scale Factor |parts |Basic Angles | |

|Scale Model |Similar |Basic Geometric Concepts | |

|Solid |Congruent |Coordinate Plane | |

|Volume |Angles | | |

|Rectangular Prism |Base | | |

|Cylinder |Height | | |

|Surface Area |Complex Figures | | |

|Cones |Translation | | |

|Reflection |Rotation | | |

|Sphere |Dialation | | |

|Line Segments |Vertical Angles | | |

|Parallel Lines |Same Side Interior | | |

|Transversal |Angles | | |

|Alternate Interior Angles | | | |

|Alternate Exterior Angles | | | |

|Corresponding Angles | | | |

|Materials Suggested: |

|NCDPI Resources: |

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|National Library of Manipulatives |

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|NCTM Illuminations |

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|Lesson Plan sites and Activities: |

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|Math Graphic Organizers |

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|AVID Library/Write Path Books |

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|SMART Board Lessons |

|exchange. |


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