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Mr. ChavarrietaMr. BlaggClass website: houston.Class website: houston.E-mail: erik.chavarrieta@ a E-mail: matthew.blagg@Ms. NguyenMrs. DeLeonClass website: houston.Class website: houston.E-mail: camnhi.nguyen@E-mail: mdeleon3@Conference Periods: During asynchronous learning, office hours, and by appointmentCourse Overview:Geometry Magnet requires the prerequisite of Algebra I. The topics covered in Algebra I will be briefly reviewed throughout cycle 1, and students will be expected to not only understand, but be able to apply their Algebra I skills to the topics that are covered in Geometry Magnet. Topics that will be covered in this class include: Logical Reasoning, Proofs, Congruence, Coordinate Geometry, Transformational Geometry, Similarity, Trigonometry, Circles, Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Figures, and Probability.Course Outline:A tentative calendar schedule for lessons, homework assignments, quizzes and exams will be provided to all students at the beginning of each grading cycle. Updates may occasionally be necessary during a grading cycle. I encourage you, the student, to use the schedule to plan your studies and to practice for assessments. You are highly encouraged to read the lesson ahead to get the most out of the class. You are also expected to start on homework on the same day as the lesson.I discourage the use of electronics while I am instructing, while you are studying, and when you are doing homework. You should devote your undivided attention to your assignments. I recommend timing yourself while doing problems to prepare for tests and quizzes; each problem on average should be completed within three minutes.Online Schedule:Textbook / Online Resources:- Website “HUB”: Lesson plans, resources, homework assignments, videos, etc., can all be found on HISD’s PowerUp website also located at ** Online participation is required in this course! The textbook is Pearson Texas Geometry, students will need to access it through the HUB. Lesson plan calendars will be available on the HUB as well. Students are strongly encouraged to download any necessary material while at school if they do not have online access at home. The HUB also provides limited access through an iOS or android app on a smartphone; look for “itslearning” in the Appstore. **Materials:You are required to use these materials:School-issued laptop (not your personal computer)OneNote class notebook on TeamsI suggest the following materials for your use:100 page spiral notebook with graph paper Binder with dividers (suggested: notes, homework, quizzes, exams, resources)Writing utensils (suggested: pencils, erasers, paper)RulerGraphing Calculator (TI-84 recommended)Students are expected to bring their materials daily.About Calculator Use:Throughout the year, we will be honing our mental math skills. You will be notified when we will use scientific calculators in class; until then, please refrain from relying on them. You will be responsible to bring your own calculator. Should you not own one, please purchase one (TI-84 preferred).Grading Categories:30% - Class Work & Participation (Daily Work, Checking for Understanding, EdPuzzle, OneNote Notes) 30% - Homework (MathXL, DeltaMath, Peardeck, Desmos) 30% - Quizzes (Lowest quiz will be dropped) 10% - Tests (One will be given per cycle)For any multiple-choice assessment, students must show work per problem. If answers are marked without showing relevant work, credit will not be given.Grading Policy:Students earn their math grades by actively participating in class and completing classwork, homework, quizzes, projects, participation, tests, and semester and final exams. Students may track their progress using Parent/Student Connect on the HISD website. In addition, progress reports will be given throughout the semester. Assignments should be kept in a safe location, such as a binder or folder. Except for school approved accommodations, if an assignment/assessment is not turned in on the due date, the grade will be a zero. A minimum of 5 assessments would be given this cycle, lowest assessment will be dropped. NO RETAKES WILL BE GIVEN.For any multiple-choice assessment, students must show work for each problem. If answers are marked without showing relevant work, credit will not be given. If students complete the homework, understand the material and does not do well on assessments, the parent may request a conference, so I may provide my assessment of the student’s performance.** Any questions/concerns/changes about grades (tests, quizzes, homework, etc.) must be made within 2 school days (not class days) after the assignment has been entered in the gradebook or returned to students. Grades after 2 school days will not be changed, so review all grades daily and look at all assignments when they are retuned. **Microsoft OneNote: Students will be utilizing Microsoft OneNote for in class assignments, notes, homework, etc. Student are required to have Microsoft OneNote and Microsoft Teams installed on another device (i.e. cellphone, tablets). Set up instructions to the devices will be posted on the HUB. It must be installed and set up before the second day of class. Homework:See your lesson calendar (given at the start of every cycle) for the assignments. Many of your assignments will be done online through Math XL (accessible through your online textbook HUB-Pearson website) unless stated otherwise. Students are expected to start on the homework on the day the lesson was taught. Homework answers are input through the website; however, the involved work must be written on paper to be submitted on Microsoft OneNote separately. All work must be shown on homework to receive credit. It is the policy of DeBakey High School math department that no late homework is accepted.Tests and Quizzes:Students will be notified in advance of most quizzes and tests. Please note, however, Pop Quizzes are unannounced to ensure that you are studying adequately and paying attention in class.Making Up Work Due To Absence:Students should use the cycle lesson/assessment plan distributed at the beginning of each grading cycle to plan their course studies. Homework assignments should be worked in advance of the due date and practice for scheduled assessments should be part of the daily routine.If a student is present for a class lesson, the homework assignment for that lesson is due at the next class period. If the student is absent from class the day a lesson is given, the student should view the class videos to know what they missed. If still confused, they are to attend tutorials or ask their teacher for help. The teacher may give extensions for students with extended illnesses or emergencies on an individual basis. Extensions will be given in writing and a new due date will be specified. Extensions will not be given for lack of organization or planning on the part of the student.Tutorials:Students will have opportunities to attend tutorials during asynchronous time during their class period. Students may be pulled to attend mandatory tutorials during this time as well. If students feel they need additional assistance, please schedule an appointment with me during independent practice, or office hours.Students will not be allowed to stay in tutorials if they exhibit off task behavior (i.e. excessive talking, not working, excessive use of their phone, using YouTube or internet surfing, etc.). Student should come prepared with questions about material to get clarification/assistance. Tutorials will be a collaborative environment where students will work together and ask for teacher support when needed. Returning graded assignments: Quizzes will be graded and returned to students within two class periods from the time of administration. Parents are requested to monitor the progress of their child through these graded assignments and contact the teacher immediately if there are questions or concerns. Exception is made for tests; those will not be released for students to take home.Progress Reports: Progress reports will be given to all students during the beginning of the 4th week of each 6 weeks. Students who have two or more missing homework assignments or have an average below 70, parental contact will be made.Cell Phone Policy If a student’s cell phone is visible or being used during an assessment, this will be considered cheating and the student will receive a 0 in the grade book with no opportunity to retake as accordance to HISD policy. If students use their cell phone during class, their participation grade will be dropped. Academic Integrity Academic honesty is an integral component of a student's education. All graded academic exercises, including homework, quizzes, tests, essays, research papers and projects, are expected to be conducted individually and completed as the student’s original work unless otherwise instructed. The consequences of not adhering to this policy are a zero as the final grade for the assignment, a “P” in conduct for that marking period, and administrative referral. Retakes are allowed with the averaging of the zero given originally.Interventions:(1) Verbal warning, (2) Student/Teacher conference, (3) Parent notification, (4) Referral to Assistant Principal and conduct cutCheating of any kind will result in a zero and disciplinary action described in the Student Handbook.The above consequences are for a violation of classroom rules or Level I rules. All violations of other levels will result in consequences as specified in the Student Code of Conduct.Parents are strongly encouraged to frequently monitor their child’s progress in the course and check for grade updates on HISD Connect Parent Portal (PowerSchool). Live Instruction during Teams Meetings: We will meet online every class day for live virtual instruction. Below are the expectations for online live instruction on Microsoft Teams:Camera- Students are expected to have their cameras on at all times during virtual instruction. Students face must be visible throughout the course of the live instructional session. Students should ensure that the lighting, background, and dress be appropriate and acceptable before live instruction begins. Microphone- Students must mute their microphones at the beginning of every live instructional session. Students must be actively engaged and must be ready to turn on their microphones when called upon by the teacher to answer questions during live instruction. Chat- The chat feature is only to be used to ask and answer questions RELATED TO THIS CLASS AND LEARNING. Any misbehavior, off-task or inappropriate comments in the chat will be recorded and submitted to the administrationRecordings- All live instructional sessions will be recorded and uploaded into the HUB. Students are expected to stay on task and involved throughout the session. Any off-task behavior or misbehavior will be recorded and submitted to the administration. Technical difficulties- It is inevitable that students and/or the teacher will experience technical difficulties during the course of live virtual instruction sessions. If the teacher is experiencing difficulties, students should stay in the Microsoft Teams meeting and wait for the teacher. Teacher might also reach out to students during this time through the Teams chat, through Remind or through the HUB course page. Students should be checking the Teams Chat, Remind, and the HUB regularly for any and all updates. Participation- There will be a variety of ways students can participate during live instruction. Students are expected to be actively engaged during all live instructional sessions. Participation included students sitting up, taking notes, and being involved in lesson as it is being presented. Participation during live instruction may include answering questions in the chat, “raising” hands in Teams, turning on the microphone to answer question aloud in class, munication: Using Remind for my class is required for all students. Students will need to sign up through their cell phone and/or email address (can be personal email or school email). Students who fail to do so will miss important announcements, reviews, or answer keys given out through Remind. Using your cell phone, text the code on the next page for your class period to the number 81010 to receive reminder text messages. Make sure to sign up for the correct class. Please keep in contact with your classmates. It is your responsibility to let me know if you are not receiving the updates for this class. If signing up with your cell phone is not an option, you can also sign up for email reminders as well. Parents are also welcome to join the Remind service. Parents are encouraged to use email to communicate with me, Mr. Chavarrieta. The Remind Service should not be used to discuss grades, behavior, and the like.A4 – Send this text to 81010: @a4geomcB1 – Send this text to 81010: @b1geomcB3 – Send this text to 81010: @b3geomcStudent Keys to Success:Coming to class prepared with materials and necessary assignments.Students should advocate for their self and ask questions when needed. Paying full attention in class, taking good notes, and reviewing them daily. Daily practice of previously learned concepts and working on a regular basis to learn new concepts.Starting homework assignments the day they are assigned, working on homework assignments seriously and being prepared to ask specific questions when the homework is reviewed in class.Reviewing all quiz and homework problems before an exam and making sure that these problems can be worked successfully without assistance.After reviewing this syllabus, please fill out the Syllabus Agreement Form that has been posted on the HUB. This will be your FIRST grade in the gradebook. ................

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