Section 1.1: Points, Lines, and Planes - Hood River County ...


Chapter 1 Review


Name ________________________________________________________ class period ________

Section 1.1: Points, Lines, and Planes

In Exercises 1?3, use the diagram.

1. Name two points.

2. Name two lines.

3. Name the plane that contains point A, B, and E.

In Exercises 4?7, use the diagram.

4. Give one other name for .

5. Name three points that are collinear.

6. Name three points that are coplanar.

7. Name a point that is not coplanar with points N, P, and M.

In Exercises 8?10, sketch the figure described.

8. plane A and line c intersecting at all points on line c

9. and

10. line and plane X not intersecting

In Exercises 11?14, use the diagram.

11. Name a point that is coplanar with points A, D, and G. 12. Name the intersection of plane HEG and plane DFE. 13. Name a point that is collinear with BH. 14. Name a point that is not coplanar with points C, E, and M.


Chapter 1 Review


Section 1.2: Measuring and Constructing Segments

In Exercises 15 and 16, plot the points in a coordinate plane. Then determine whether AB and CD are congruent.

15. A(-4,1), B (-2,1). C(3,-5), D(3,-2)

16. A1, 1, B1, 1, C3, 4, D5, 4

In Exercises 17 ? 19, find ST.




In Exercises 20 and 21, point B is between A and C on AC. Use the information to write an equation in terms of x.

Then solve the equation and find AB, BC, and AC. Hint: Sketch and label a diagram with the given information.

Show your work.

20. AB 13 2x

21. AB 8x 5

BC 12

BC 5x 9

AC x 32

AC 74

22. You participate in a 150-mile bicycle trip from Madison, Wisconsin to Chicago, Illinois. On the first day, you bike 46.8 miles. On the second day, you bike 51.4 miles. How many miles do you bike on the third day? Which day did you bike the most miles? Show your work.

Section 1.3: Using Midpoint and Distance Formulas

In Exercises 23 and 24, identify the segment bisector of AB. Then find AB.




Chapter 1 Review


In Exercises 25 ? 27, identify the segment bisector of ST . Then find ST. Show your work.




In Exercises 28 and 29, the endpoints of JK are given. Find the coordinates of the midpoint M. Show your work.

28. J 3, 2 and K9, 2

29. J 1, 3 and K7, 5

In Exercises 30 and 31, the midpoint M and one endpoint of AB are given. Find the coordinates of the other endpoint. Show your work.

30. M 2, 5 and A2, 3

31. M 4, 4 and B1, 1

In Exercises 32 and 33, find the distance between the two points. Show your work. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth if necessary.

32. Q5, 6 and P1, 3

33. G2, 5 and H4, 1


Chapter 1 Review


Section 1.4: Perimeter and Area in the Coordinate Plane

In Exercises 34 and 35, classify the polygon by the number of sides. Tell whether it is concave or convex.



In Exercises 36?40, use the diagram. Show your work.

36. Find the perimeter of square ADEF.

37. Find the perimeter of BCD.

38. Find the area of square ADEF. 39. Find the area of ACD. 40. Find the area of pentagon ACDEF.


Chapter 1 Review


41. A rectangle has vertices 1, 4, 3, 4, and 3, 3.

Find the remaining vertex of the rectangle. What is the area of the rectangle? Show your work.

42. You are installing a fence around your yard. In the figure, your yard is rectangle ABCD. Each unit in the coordinate plane represents 10 feet. Show your work. a. What is the perimeter of your entire yard?

b. You consider only installing a fence around your backyard represented by rectangle ABEF. What is the perimeter of your backyard?

c. The cost of fencing is $50 for each 6-foot section. How much do you save by only installing a fence in the backyard?

Section 1.5: Measuring and Constructing Angles

43. Write three names for the angle.

44. Name three different angles in the diagram.


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