

A fan expansion for Arkham Horror by Jacob Busby

Version 2.0

The Lovecraft Country Horror is based on the works of Lovecraft that have not been covered in the previous Fantasy Flight Games big-box expansions.


The full contents of this expansion, most of which can be found in my album on photobucket, are given below. The following articles are required to use this expansion:

• Lovecraft Country – Rules (You’re reading them)

• Lovecraft Country – Encounter Index

• Lovecraft Country – Bare Minimum document[1]

• Lovecraft Country Board

The following contents are not necessary but can be used as you see fit:

• Lovecraft Country – Designers Notes and FAQ

• 16 Investigators and their corresponding Personal Stories (Alexander Thorne, “Freightcar” Frankie, Henrietta Brooks, Juan Cierva, Ramona Chakrov, Raoul Hutch, Tommy Bongiovi, Wilberforce Gieves, Father Ryan, Angelina Everett, Tara Campbell, Julia O’Brien, Isabella Hargreaves, Chastity Wells, Josh Labotnik, Molly Babbe)

• 4 Ancient Ones and their corresponding Sinister Plots. (Gloon, Magnum Innominandum, Mordiggan, Tru’nembra) There are also 10 Generic Plots.

• 16 Skills (Academic Education, Accountancy, Anatomy, Athletics, Body-Building, Debate, Espionage, Fortean Esoterica, Intimidate, Mathematics, Meditation, Military Training, Organisation, Perception, Positive Thinking, Theology)

• 32 Common Items (Artist’s Materials, Baseball Bat, Bentley, Bicycle, Browning Automatic, Candle, Cast-Iron Skillet, Ceremonial Robes, Chalk, Colt, Crossbow, Doctor’s Bag, The Golden Bough, Harpoon, Hiking Boots, Lewis Gun, Library Card, Meat Cleaver, Mustard Gas, Nerve Tonic, Net, Old Newspaper, Pitchfork, Purdey, Rat Poison, Rolls Royce, Sewer Map, Shovel, Silver Dagger, St. Christopher, Vial of Acid, Winchester)

• 24 Unique Items (Bone Whistle, Cold Iron Blade, Cthaat Aquadingen, Cube of Golthoth, Der Hexenhammer, Easter Island Glyphs x2, Essential Salts, Kris Knife, Map of the Dreamlands, Monsters and their Kynde, P’Dwahr M’Ankanon Nyarlathotep, Silver Ball, Space Mead x2, Spear of Destiny, Sudarshana Chakra, The Moon Lens, The Sixth Ring, The Voynich Manuscript, Tindalosian Ichor, Tyrfing, Visions of Ede The Pious, Voodoo Doll)

• 10 Spells (Body Warping of Gorgoroth, Create Gate, Curse of Chaugnar Faughn, Séance, Tentacles of Nyogtha, The Unpseakable Oath, Voorish Sign, Warp Time, Keenness of Two Alike, Consume Likeness)

• 10 Cults, Guardians, Heralds and Institutions (The School of Paranormal Science, Isis, The Eye of Amara, Lilith, Arkham Chamber of Commerce, The Cult of Starry Wisdom, New World Industries, The Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, The Church)

• 16 Music of Erich Zann cards

• 76 Leads

• 4 Allies (Calvin Wright, George Bennett, Oliver Grayson, Walter Gilman)

• 32 Monsters (Aku-Shin Kage, Banshee, Basilisk, Being from Xiclotl x2, Devoted One x2, Golem, Hu-Ghoul, Lodge Initiate x2, Magah Bird, Martin’s Beach Horror, Men from Leng x2, Minion of Karakal, Oathswearer of Dagon x2, One of the Thousand x2, Poltergeist, Revenant, Sand Dweller, Scarecrow, Shantak x2, Spy, Tengu, The Tick Tock Man, Tindalosian Pack, Will-o-the-Wisp, Y’m-bhi, Zoog)

• Miscellaneous Cards: (Haunted, Vendor’s Permit x8, Phagophobic Difficulty, A Prophecy Foretold x2, Encroaching Doom, Thematic Rules, Non-Euclidean Geometry, Shackling the Beast, End of Everything (Black), Interrogation Techniques, Legal Immunity, Detective's Intuition Boat Hire/Aquatic Assault, Arkham Airfield/Airfield Closed, References/General Store Closes, Footpaths/Road Closed, Safety Deposit Box/Crime Wave, Blue Plate Special/Curiosite Shoppe Closes, Informants/Blackmail, Quiet Contemplation/Crisis of Faith, Guest Bedroom/Ye Olde Magick Shoppe Closes, The Prophecy/All hope is lost!)

• 24 New Injuries and Madnesses (Brain Damage x2, Chronic Condition x2, Cuts and Bruises x4, Grievous Injuries x2, Hairline Fracture x2, Complex x2, Pantophobia x2, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder x2, Psychosomatic Injury x2, Shock x4)

• 84 Tokens (Investment Token x 12, Rhythm Token x 12, Music Token x 40, Isis Token x 20)

If you do not wish to use the encounter index, the following cards should be printed out:

• 54 Mythos Cards (A Regular Day in Arkham… x 18, An End to Boom and Bust, Bail Sought, Bicyclist Disappears on Aylesbury Pike, Buskers, Chorus of the Damned, Cursed Heirlooms, Drunken Brawl, Endless Night, Essex County Receives Federal Grant, Family Secrets Revealed, Forbidden Lore, Funding Crisis, Geological Survey Team Updates Maps, Ghoul Gates, Highway Patrol Gets New Wagon, High Tides, Hot Hail, Hymns to the Old Ones, Hypocrisy, Malicious Melodies, On the Campaign Trail, Pelmanism, Police Appeal for Witnesses, Polluted Water Table, Sailors Scrutinised at Sea, Smoke, Spectres of the Brocken, Stock Market Plunges, Stunning Revelations, The Riddle of the Sands, Song of Blood, Too Close to Call, “Tough on Crime, Tough on the Causes of Crime”, Train Wreck, Virtuoso Performance, Wildcat Strikes)

• 41 Outer World Encounters

• 52 Location Encounters for each Lovecraft Country Neighbourhood (French Quarter / Industrial District / Tenements, Martin’s Beach / Billington Estate / Dean’s Corner, Akeley Farmhouse / Peck Valley / Witches Hollow)

Zipped versions of the .eon files for Strange Eons can be obtained from dropbox. Specifically: Allies, Ancient Ones, Boards, Common Items, Gates, Heralds and Guardians, Injuries, Investigators, Leads, Locations, Miscellaneous Cards and Counters, Music of Erich Zann, Monsters, Mythos Cards, OW Encounters, Rules, Skills, Spells and Unique Items. These files are presented in case you wish to modify the core files that come with this expansion.

This rules document can also be found on boardgamegeek.


Martin’s Beach, Witches Hollow, the Akeley Farmhouse and the Billington Estate count as unstable locations and should receive clue tokens at the start of the game.

At the start of play add a number of clue tokens to the Martin’s Beach Horror Track equal to the Gate Limit minus 4. Remember that for each additional board beyond the first, you should reduce the number of Investigators by one. The Lovecraft Country board counts as an additional expansion for the purpose of this calculation. Hence if the Dunwich, Kingsport, Innsmouth and the Lovecraft Country expansions were in use, ten Investigators would have the effective strength of seven.

In addition, draw two Unique Items and a number of Common Items equal to the Gate Limit and place them face down at Dean’s Corner.

If you are using the Integrated Terror Track, place these cards (on the blue side), beside the board as a reminder.


The Phrase “In Arkham”

The phrase “In Arkham” applies to all areas in Lovecraft Country as well.

Gates, Clues and Monsters in Lovecraft Country

There are four unstable locations within Lovecraft Country (Akeley Farmhouse, Billington Estate, Martin’s Beach and Witches Hollow)

Mythos cards only occur occasionally in Lovecraft Country (See The Lovecraft Country Mythos Phase), so each gate location also has a unique trigger which will cause gates to open. In addition, some encounters at those locations will cause gates to open.

If a gate opens in Lovecraft Country it follows all the standard rules for gates. Monsters are drawn from the cup to guard the gates, doom tokens are added to the Doom track, the gate counts towards the gate limit, seals will prevent gates from opening (but are ineffective against gate bursts), etc.

Each of the unstable locations begins with a clue token. Some unstable locations may also receive additional clues, under special circumstances.

Monsters appear in Lovecraft Country as a result of encounters or when the Outskirts clear. Whenever the Outskirts clears, the first player should choose one monster from those that are cleared and place it on Aylesbury Pike. If for any reason the Outskirts has a Monster Limit of 0, draw random monsters for each time it would be breached.

Monsters in Lovecraft Country do not count towards the Monster Limit. When a Monster in Lovecraft Country moves into the Vortex increase the Terror Level by one and then:

• Remove an Elder Sign from the Lovecraft Country Horror board.

• OR, if there are no Elder Signs available for removal, open a gate at Witches Hollow and add a Doom token to the Doom Track.

• OR, if there is already a gate at Witches Hollow, place a monster on the Aylesbury Pike and remove a token from the Martin’s Beach Horror Track.

Traveling to Lovecraft Country

You can travel to Lovecraft country using the train / bus. Investigators may travel from one rail depot to another by paying $1 and 1 Movement Point. The rail depots are: Bishop’s Brook Bridge (Dunwich), Central Hill (Kingsport), Dean’s Corner (Lovecraft Country), Joe Sargent’s Bus Service (Innsmouth), Tenements (Lovecraft Country) and the Train Station (Arkham).

If you are using the Integrated Terror Track, additional travel options are available. Investigators may pay $2 and 1 Movement Point to move between Martin’s Beach (Lovecraft Country), River Docks (Arkham), Falcon Point (Innsmouth) or the Harbourside (Kingsport). Investigators lose this capability if the Terror Level is ever 1 or higher.

Additionally, you can also hike to Lovecraft Country from the Outskirts. During the Movement Phase, Investigators next to footpaths may pay 1 Movement Point to move to the Outskirts. The Outskirts counts as Hard Going; any Investigator who moves there loses any remaining Movement Points they possess. Investigators who begin their movement phase in the Outskirts (or have the capacity to ignore Hard Going) may pay 1 Movement Point to move to a footpath. The footpaths are found at: Bank (Arkham), South Church (Arkham), Dunwich Village (Dunwich), Causeway (Kingsport), Falcon Point (Innsmouth) and Aylesbury Pike (Lovecraft Country). Investigators lose this capability if the Terror Level is ever 4 or higher.

Finally, Investigators at the Train Station may decide to take a trip to Arkham Airfield in order to attack monsters in the Sky. The Investigator must pay $3 and 1 Movement Point. If an Investigator begins their Upkeep in the Sky, they are automatically returned to the Train Station. Investigators lose this capability if the Terror Level is ever 2 or higher.

The Lovecraft Country Mythos Phase

Whenever the players begin a Mythos Phase and a complete row of the Ancient has been filled and a new one has yet to begin, the player should draw Mythos cards from the Lovecraft Country Mythos deck and gates from the Lovecraft Country Gate stack.

For instance, Nyarlathotep requires 11 doom tokens to awaken, and has rows which end at 4 and 7. Therefore when the Doom is 4 and 7, the Lovecraft Country Horror Mythos deck should be used instead of the regular deck. Azathoth on the other hand requires players to draw from the Lovecraft country Horror Mythos deck at doom 5 and 9, whereas Yig only requires players to draw at Doom 5.

The following rules should also be observed:

• If you have not printed out these cards, you can use the copy listed in the Encounter Index.

• If the Story Continues card is drawn at any time, shuffle both Mythos decks and then draw from the same deck again.

• If you draw A Regular Day in Arkham…, draw a card from the regular Mythos deck, but continue to draw the gate from the Lovecraft Country Horror Gate stack. If the draw from the Mythos deck is the Story Continues, draw the new card from the Lovecraft Country Horror Mythos deck. If that draw is a double gate card (such as Eerie Coincidences), draw the first gate from the Lovecraft Country Horror stack and the second one from the regular gate stack.


Locations in Lovecraft Country work in the same manner as locations on the main board. Investigators who visit them may either choose to have an encounter, or they may use the special ability of the location. For instance, an Investigator who visits Martin’s Beach may choose to have an encounter there or use the special ability of the Wavecrest Inn to restore their Sanity and Stamina. Some locations have effects which trigger during other phases. For example, Investigators in the French Quarter during the Mythos Phase receive a Music of Erich Zann card. In such instances, the Investigator must have an encounter during the Arkham Encounters Phase nonetheless.

When an encounter occurs, draw a card from a standard deck of cards and look up the appropriate card in the Lovecraft Country Horror Encounter Index. If you draw a Joker, you should shuffle the deck and redraw. Note that due to the wording, drawing a Joker will trigger Bast’s ability.

Important Note: As some gates can come into play when certain trigger conditions are met, you may end up in a position where several game effects cause gates to surge monster. Each gate can only surge once per Mythos Phase.

Akeley Farmhouse

The Akeley Farmhouse is an unstable location. It receives a Clue token at the start of the game.

Every time a Rumour is drawn (even if it is nullified through a special ability or because there is already a rumour in play), place a clue token on the Akeley Farmhouse.

Every time a rumour is failed, a gate will open at the Akeley Farmhouse. This effect takes place after any effects of failing the rumour have been resolved.

If you are using the Vermont Horror Expansion, the Akeley Farmhouse in this expansion counts as the same location as Akeley’s House in that one. Thus an Investigator who began their turn at Grafton Ponds with a speed of 4 could move to Peck Valley (Grafton Ponds to Townshend, then onto Akeley’s House, then to the Hinterlands and finally to Peck Valley) If the Investigator entered from Lovecraft Country use the encounters found here. If they entered from Vermont, use the encounter deck from that set. However, monsters will always move from the Farmhouse to the Hinterlands, unless they have another overriding movement capabilities (e.g. flying, stalker, special effect)


Aylesbury counts as a street location. Investigators here may be prone to attacks by flying monsters and other monsters with special movement abilities.

Aylesbury Pike

Aylesbury Pike is a street location. Investigators on the Pike may be prone to attacks by flying monsters and other monsters with special movement abilities. Aylesbury Pike can be reached from the Outskirts.

Whenever the Outskirts clears to raise the Terror Level, the first player must choose one monster from those returned to the cup and place it on Aylesbury Pike instead. If, for any reason, the Outskirts Level is 0 (e.g. the Sheriff Engle Blight is in play), whenever the Outskirts level would be breached due to an excess of monsters, draw a random monster from the cup and place it on the Aylesbury Pike.

If you are using the Outskirts Board, Aylesbury Pike is connected via a single movement line to the Old Country Road.

Billington Estate

The Billington Estate is an unstable location. It receives a Clue token at the start of the game.

Every time a gate burst occurs place a clue at the Billington Estate.

Whenever the Terror Level hits 4 or 8, a gate opens at the Billington Estate. Should the Terror Track hit 10, a gate will burst open at the Billington Estate, removing any seals which might have been in place.

Dean’s Corner

Dean’s Corner counts as a railway terminal. Investigators may move here by paying $1 dollar and 1 movement point to move from one terminal to another.

At the start of the game draw two Unique Items and a number of Common Items equal to the Gate Limit and place them face down at Dean’s Corner. During the Arkham Encounters phase, after having an encounter at Dean’s Corner, an investigator may purchase one, and only one, of the face items.

Every time a doom token is added to the track or the Terror Level rises, the first player must remove one item of their choice from Dean’s Corner. Every time a player closes a gate, one new Common Item is placed at Dean’s Corner. If the gate was sealed, add a Unique Item too.

If at the end of the Mythos Phase, there are no items at Dean’s Corner, the location is closed. Any Investigators in Dean’s Corner are moved to Aylesbury Pike.

French Quarter

Investigators will principally visit the French Quarter to add clues token to the board. An Investigator who is here during the Upkeep Phase should draw a Music of Erich Zann card. If you have not printed out these cards, roll a die and consult the following table instead:

|Die Roll |Put a Clue token at… |Die Roll |Put a Clue token at… |

| | | | |

|1 |Witches Hollow |4 |Billington Estate |

|2 |Akeley Farmhouse |5 |Martin’s Beach |

|3 |Peck Valley |6 |Dean’s Corner |

The Hinterlands

The Hinterlands is a street location. Investigators here may be prone to attacks by flying monsters and other monsters with special movement abilities.

Martin’s Beach

Martin’s Beach is an unstable aquatic location. It receives a Clue token at the start of the game. Investigators who remain here may find themselves subject to attack from aquatic monsters.

Investigators at Martin’s Beach may choose to forgo drawing an encounter card to enjoy some rest and relaxation at the Wavecrest Inn. Instead of drawing an encounter card, an investigator may pay $2 to restore up to 2 Sanity and 2 Stamina.

Preventing the awakening of the Horror at Martin’s Beach is one of the principal reasons for the investigators to visit Lovecraft Country. The Martin’s Beach Horror Track represents the mystical energy at Martin’s Beach preventing the Martin’s Beach Horror from breaking forth and attacking. During Upkeep, any player at Martin’s Beach may sacrifice any number of clues to place a corresponding number of clues on the Martin’s Beach Horror Track. The Martin’s Beach Horror track cannot hold more than six clue tokens at any time.

Whenever a monster surge occurs, or a monster enters the Lovecraft Country Vortex whilst there is a gate at Witches Hollow, remove one clue token from Martin’s Beach. If you cannot remove a clue token from Martin’s Beach, the following happens:

• A gate opens (generating a Doom Token)

• If the Martin’s Beach Horror is not in play, place it at Martin’s Beach. If the Martin’s Beach Horror is in play, draw a random monster and place it at Martin’s Beach instead.

The Martin’s Beach Horror terrorises the neighbourhood, alarming the residents of Arkham and its environs. Whenever the Martin’s Beach Horror would move, increase the Terror Level by one instead. Remember that any effect which causes the terror level to increase to ten or more will generate doom tokens. If the Martin’s Beach Horror is overcome, it may not be taken as a trophy. Instead, the horror has merely been repelled. Roll a die and add that many clues to the Martin’s Beach Horror track.

Peck Valley

After having an encounter here, an Investigator may discard one Undead monster trophy to take a Blessing or one non-Undead monster trophy to take a Spell.

Monsters which enter the vortex adjacent to Peck Valley will cause the Terror Level to increase and can remove Elder Signs from Lovecraft Country Board, cause gates to open at Witches Hollow and ultimately wake the Martin’s Beach Horror.


The Tenements count as a railway terminal. Investigators may move here by paying $1 dollar and 1 movement point to move from one terminal to another.

The Tenements special ability is drawn from their reputation for criminal and the occult. After having an encounter in the Tenements, an Investigator pay $3 to draw one monster trophy from the cup.

Witches Hollow

Witches Hollow is an unstable location. It receives a Clue token at the start of the game.

Every time a token is added to the Dunwich Horror track or a rift fully opens, add a clue token to Witches Hollow.

Witches Hollow counts as a cult location. Investigators with One of the Thousand Cult Membership may choose to take a One of the Thousand encounter instead of taking a normal encounter.


You should only use gates for boards which you are using. If you are using no boards beyond the main one and the Lovecraft Country Horror, this will equate to 2 x K’n-Yan gates, 2 x Ulthar gates and 3 x Unknown gates. Use one of each of the other gates, if you are playing the relevant expansions.


K’nyan is a red / green Other World with the Circle symbol. There are no special rules concerning K’n-yan.


Ulthar is a four colour other world with the Slash symbol. If you are using The Dreamlands expansion, you may choose to move from the first area of Ulthar to the Enchanted Woods.


When an investigator enters an unknown gate, draw a new gate from the normal gate stack, this represents their destination. Consequently investigators will not know where they are going until they enter this gate.

Koth of Hyboria

This gate should only be used with the Koth of Hyboria board. Ignore the rules about Terror and Doom tokens associated with the board. An investigator who successfully escapes from Koth of Hyboria automatically closes this gate and can seal it for the usual costs (typically 5 clue tokens).

Yuggoth Mine

The Yuggoth Mine is part of the Vermont Horror Expansion. This other world is Blue and Yellow and uses the circle symbol. By default, cards which solely refer to the Yuggoth Mine from that expansion are pink in colour.

Other Earthly Locations: Antarctica / Sentinel Hill / Strange High House in the Mists / Y’ha-nthlei / Throne Room of the Bent Pyramid / Tunnels Under the Sphinx / City Beneath The Sands / Grey Dragon Island

When an investigator enters one of these locations, they immediately move to the relevant location, close the gate and may take the gate as a trophy. However, gates to these locations may not be sealed. Antarctica can be found on the Mountains of Madness expansion. The exotic locales come from the Masks of Nyarlathotep Expansion. If you are not playing with these expansions, do not use these gates.


This optional rule can only be used with the Final Battle cards from Kingsport and Miskatonic Horror. It makes the final battle even predictable than it currently is.

When fighting the final battle, draw two sinister plots for the Ancient One and then add a generic plot. Place them so that the Generic Plot is central, so that the first plot is a regular sinister plot, the second is one of the generic plots and the third is a sinister plot. In this fashion, players will not be able to rely on a specific sinister plot from arising as that may be the plot which has been removed.

When forming the deck of red and green cards deal only eight green cards and eight red cards, then place the End of Everything at the bottom of this stack. In this fashion, the battle conditions and effects will not occur in every Ancient One combat and hence cannot be relied upon.


Leads represent clues that require Investigators to follow up on them. During set-up, investigators may receive leads instead of clue tokens. The number of leads an investigator receives is calculated as follows:

• Any Investigator who begins play in an unstable location receives a clue token for starting play in that location.

• Each Investigator receives clue tokens equal to the minimum of their spells and/or the clue tokens that they would normally receive.

• Any excess clue tokens are turned into Leads.

Example 1: Joe Diamond begins play in a stable location with three clue tokens and no spells. Therefore, instead of receiving clue tokens, Joe Diamond receives three leads.

Example 2: Harvey Walters begins play in a stable location with 1 Clue token and 2 Spells. Therefore Harvey begins play with 1 clue token, as this does not exceed the number of spells he receives.

Example 3: Kate Winthrop begins play in an unstable location with 2 Clue tokens and 2 Spells. Kate receives 2 clue tokens. If she had started with 3 clue tokens, Kate would have still received 3 clue tokens, 1 from the unstable location and 2 due to the spells.

Example 4: Lola Hayes begins play in a stable location with 2 clue tokens and 1 Spell. Because the number of clue tokens she receives is greater than the number of spells she possesses, the excess clue tokens are turned into leads. Hence Lola starts play with 1 Clue token and 1 Lead.

Optionally, if all players agree, each player can be dealt an additional Lead at the start of the game and then hand one back.

Each lead requires the investigator to go a particular location. Should they visit that location they will receive one clue token at the start of the Arkham Encounters Phase. In addition, if the lead was redeemed at a stable location, the Investigator should immediately roll a die. On a success, they may take a new lead. Consequently, players with leads will receive less clue tokens when the game begins, but can potentially earn more clue tokens as the game progresses. Because of the tempo hit, when using Leads, the game should now start with the Upkeep Phase, not the Mythos Phase.

Leads can be swapped with other investigators, but only for other Leads. Canny players can use this to ensure that only one Investigator has to go to Dunwich or Kingsport.

Leads are not lost when an Investigator is driven insane or is knocked unconscious. They do not count as items and cannot be stolen or discarded.

Players may acquire new Leads by discarding a Cultist, Maniac, Witch or High Priest monster trophy at the Police Station during the Upkeep Phase. For each trophy sacrificed, one new Lead is acquired. This rule is summarised on the Interrogation Techniques card.

Finally, to represent the increased capabilities of the forces of law and order, two additional conditions have been created. The Legal Immunity should be taken by any player who takes the Deputy card, whereas Detective's Intuition should be taken by any player lucky enough to gain the Private Investigator condition (found in the Curse of the Dark Pharaoh expansion)


The Integrated Terror Track is a way of playing Arkham Horror which makes the Terror Track a little more interesting. When the game begins, place the ten Terror track cards on the blue sides. These sides represent minor advantages available to the players, such as the capability to buy a meal from Velma’s Diner or hike across the Outskirts. As the Terror Level rises, flip the cards other to the red side.

The cards should be as follows:

|Terror |Name |Type |Effect |

| | | | |

|1 |Boat Hire |Initial |Pay $2 and 1 movement Point to move between the River Docks, |

| | | |Martin’s Beach, Harbourside and Falcon Point. |

| |Aquatic Assault |Inverse |Move all Aquatic monsters |

|2 |Arkham Airfield |Initial |Pay $3 at Train Station to move to the Sky |

| |Airfield Closed |Inverse |All Flying monsters move |

|3 |References |Initial |+1 to skill checks when using Tomes at the Library |

| |General Store Closes |Inverse |As regular game |

|4 |Footpaths |Initial |May hike to / from outskirts at Bank, South Church, Dunwich Village,|

| | | |Causeway, Falcon Point and Aylesbury Pike. The Outskirts counts as |

| | | |Hard Going. |

| |Road Closed |Inverse |All Green bordered monsters move; Gate opens at Billington Estate |

|5 |Safety Deposit Box |Initial |May deposit / withdraw items at the bank |

| |Crime Wave |Inverse |Luck / Fight check or lose $2 and an item; all items in Safety |

| | | |Deposit Box are lost. |

|6 |Blue Plate Special |Initial |Pay $1 at Velma’s to restore 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina |

| |Curiosite Shoppe Closes |Inverse |As regular game |

|7 |Informants |Initial |Buy or sell clues at Police Station |

| |Blackmail |Inverse |-1 to Retainers and Loans |

|8 |Quiet Contemplation |Initial |Set sliders at South Church during Upkeep |

| |Crisis of Faith |Inverse |-1 to Blessings; Gate opens at Billington Estate |

|9 |Guest Bedroom |Initial |May deposit / withdraw Allies at Ma’s. |

| |Ye Olde Magick Shoppe Closes |Inverse |As regular game; All Allies in guest bedroom are lost. |

|10 |The Prophecy |Initial |Placeholder only |

| |All hope is lost! |Inverse |As regular game; Gate Burst at Billington Estate |


Chart 1: Initial Set-up

|Investigators |Outskirts Limit |Monster Limit |Gate Limit / Dean’s Corner |Martin’s Beach |

|1 |7 |4 |8 |4 |

|2 |6 |5 |8 |4 |

|3 |5 |6 |7 |3 |

|4 |4 |7 |7 |3 |

|5 |3 |8 |6 |2 |

|6 |2 |9 |6 |2 |

|7 |1 |10 |5 |1 |

|8 |0 |11 |5 |1 |

Chart 2: Vortex Effects

|Vortex Location |Effect |

| | |

|Anywhere |Flying monsters move |

| |Terror Level increase by one |

|Dunwich |Add a token to the Dunwich Horror Track |

|Lovecraft Country |Remove an Elder Sign from the Lovecraft Country Horror board |

| |If there is no Elder Sign on the Lovecraft Country Horror board, open a gate at Witches Hollow instead. |

| |If there is already a gate at Witches Hollow, add a monster to Aylesbury Pike and remove a token from the |

| |Martin’s Horror Beach Track |

|Innsmouth |Add a token to the Deep One Uprising Track. |

Chart 3: Music of Erich Zann Cheat-Sheet[2]

|Die Roll |Put Clue token at… |Die Roll |Put Clue token at… |

| | | | |

|1 |Witches Hollow |4 |Billington Estate |

|2 |Akeley Farmhouse |5 |Martin’s Beach |

|3 |Peck Valley |6 |Dean’s Corner |

Chart 4: Gate and Monster Triggers in Lovecraft Country

|Location |Clue appears.. |Gate appears… |Monster appears… |

| | | | |

|Akeley Farmhouse|Start of game |A Rumour is failed |With Gate |

| |A Rumour is drawn |Via encounters and Mythos cards. |Via encounters and Mythos cards. |

| |Via encounters and Mythos cards. | | |

|Aylesbury Pike |Via encounters and Mythos cards |n/a |When the outskirts clears. |

| | | |Monster enters Witches Hollow Vortex |

| | | |and there is a Gate at Witches Hollow |

| | | |Via some Mythos cards. |

|Billington |Start of game |Terror Level is 4 /8. |With Gate |

|Estate |A Gate Burst is drawn |Terror Level is 10. (Burst) |Via encounters and Mythos cards. |

| |Via encounters and Mythos cards |Via encounters and Mythos cards. | |

|Martin’s Beach |Start of game |Martin’s Horror awakens |With Gate |

| |Via encounters and Mythos cards |Via encounters and Mythos cards. |Via encounters and Mythos cards. |

|Witches Hollow |Start of game |A monster enters the vortex AND an |With Gate |

| |Dunwich Horror token is placed. |elder sign cannot be removed from |Via encounters and Mythos cards. |

| |A rift opens |Lovecraft Country. | |

| |Via encounters and Mythos cards. |Via encounters and Mythos cards. | |

Chart 5: Dean’s Corner Triggers

|Trigger |Effect |

| | |

|Doom token / Terror Level increase |Remove one item from Dean’s Corner |

|Gate closed |Add a Common Items to Dean’s Corner |

|Gate sealed |Add a Unique Item to Dean’s Corner |


[1] This document allows you to enjoy the Lovecraft Country Horror with the minimum amount of effort.

[2] Use this table if you have not printed out the Music of Erich Zann cards. Place a clue at the relevant location instead of drawing a card.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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