
Integrated Math I Honors: Curriculum Paper

Mr. Porter

Redlands East Valley High School 2017-2018

Welcome to Integrated Math I Honors. The following curriculum paper will explain textbook, content, requirements, expectations, and grading policy of the course. Please read the following information to guarantee successful year in this course.


Integrated Math I Honors (IntMathIH) has been designed to prepare students for AP Calculus by their senior year. IntMathIH will cover all of IntMathI topics and two units of IntMathII. This is an extremely fast paced course with very little time for remediation. Struggling students will be advised to transfer to a slower paced IntMathI course.

Common core State Standards (CCSS) Integrated Pathway: Mathematics I Program is a complete set of materials developed around the CCSS focused on developing topics built around accessible core curricula, ensuring that the material is useful for striving students and diverse classrooms. The topics addressed include Relationships Between Quantities, Linear and Exponential Relationships, Reasoning with Equations, Descriptive Statistics, Congruence, Proof, and Constructions, and Connecting Algebra and Geometry through Coordinates.

Instructional Materials

Textbook: Common core State Standards (CCSS) Integrated Pathway: Mathematics I Program, Walch Education, J. Weston Walch, Publisher, Portland, ME 04103 (2012)

Scientific Calculator: I require that every student bring a scientific calculator each day.

Many of the problems from the text are complicated and tedious. If you cannot afford a scientific calculator, please see me.

Ruler/Compass/Protractor: These tools are highly recommended, but will not be used

on a daily basis, unlike the scientific calculator.

Expectations: Each student will be expected to…

1. Be in your seat ready to learn each day without ANY ELECTRONIC DEVICE (other than an approved calculator).

2. Bring your STUDENT WORKBOOK, paper, and pencil every day.

3. Not bring gum, food or drink in the classroom. No electronic devices unless approved by teacher for the purpose of a lesson

4. Be polite and respectful to others.

5. Give 100% of your effort to learn the material (success is guaranteed!).

Course Requirements

Homework/Participation: Homework will be assigned each day and will be checked at the start of the period. Late assignments will not be accepted. If you have an excused absence, you have the number of days absent to make-up the missed assignments. The assignment is due the day of your return. Homework is approximately 15% of your grade. Participation will be based on a point system where points are earned by bringing the Student Workbook every day, responding to questions and being actively focused in class activities (10%).

Tests/Quizzes/Final Exam: Unit Tests will be given at the end of each unit and Lesson Quizzes will be given after each lesson. A final exam is given at the end of each semester. Tests, quizzes (50%), and the final exam (25%) are approximately 75% of your grade. Some assessments will be given using computer software in alignment with Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). Expect a Test/Quiz EVERY WEEK on BLOCK DAYS.


Quarter and semester grades will be based on accumulated points according to the following scale.

100-93% A 76-73% C

92-90% A- 72-70% C-

89-87% B+ 69-67% D+

86-83% B 66-63% D

82-80% B- 62-60% D-

79-77% C+ Below 60% F

E-mail is the best way to communicate with me. Feel free to provide your e-mail address on the following page. Grades can be checked online through the ABI Parent Portal website (visit the new REV website: for more information).

Comments: As the school year progresses I may find it necessary to adjust requirements and the grading policy. I will always give you advance notice of any changes. Also, feel free to ask me for help anytime during the school year. I welcome any questions, comments, or concerns that you have regarding this class. I am looking forward to a successful year!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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