Geometry ~ Conditional Advertisements Project

Rubric : Geometry—Logic Project

Student Name: _______________________________

|Category |20 Points |15 Points |12 Points |10 Points |0 Points |

|Accuracy of Statements|All of statements (conditional, |75%-90% of statements (conditional,|50%-76% of statements (conditional,|Less than half of statements |None of statements are |

| |converse, inverse, biconditional |converse, inverse, biconditional |converse, inverse, biconditional |(conditional, converse, inverse, |accurate. |

| |and contrapositive) are accurate. |and contrapositive) are accurate. |and contrapositive) are accurate. |biconditional, and contrapositive)| |

| | | | |are accurate. | |

|Summary |All of the questions are answered.|Most of the questions are answered.|Some of the questions are answered.|Only a couple of questions are |Summary is not |

| |There is a paragraph and it is |Paragraph is thorough, but not |Paragraph includes basic |answered. Paragraph is missing key|included. |

| |thorough and thoughtful. |thoughtful. |information. |information. | |

|Following Directions |The slide includes original |The slide includes |The slide includes conditional but |Less than half of the required |Less than 25% of the |

| |statement and conditional |original/conditional statement and |not original statement. Notes have |elements are in the notes and on |required elements are |

| |statement and notes the rest of |notes most of the required elements|most of required elements. |the slide. |included on the slide or |

| |the required elements | | | |notes. |

|Creativity |The slide is exceptionally |The slide is attractive in terms of|The slide is acceptable though it |The slide is distractingly messy |It is evident that very |

| |attractive in terms of creative |creative design, layout, and |may be a bit messy. |or very poorly designed. |little time was put into |

| |design, layout, and neatness. |neatness. | | |making the slide creative. |

|Grammar and Spelling |There are no errors on the slide |There are 1-3 errors. |There are 4-7 errors. |There are 8-11 errors. |There are 12 or more |

| |or the written assignment. | | | |errors. |

Total Points:_______________/100


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