Logic Review Worksheet - Council Rock School District

Logic Review Worksheet

( 1st two sections)

p: I love honors Geometry

q: Mr. Mela is a great teacher

r: Mr. Secoda likes Alg

s: Algebra stinks

Write the symbolic representation.

1. If I love honors geometry then algebra stinks

2. If Mr. Mela is a great teacher or Mr. Secoda does not like Alg then I love Honors Geometry.

3. Alg stinks if I love honors Geometry and Mr. Mela is not a great teacher if Mr. Secoda likes Alg..

Write the words for each.

4. [pic]

5. [pic]

6. [pic]

Write a truth table for the following.

7. [pic] 8. [pic]

9. ((~p ^ q) V (r v q)) ( (p v ~r)

10. Given: ~e ( ~d; d[pic]a; ~(a[pic]b); e ( f

Prove: f

11. Given: c ( ~d; f ( e; a[pic]b; d[pic]~e; a ( c

Prove: ~f

12. Given: a ( f; z [pic] a 13. Given: p ( g; m[pic] w; w ( ~g; ~m

Prove: f

Prove: ~p

14. Given: m[pic]p: x[pic] (w[pic]k); ~q

(x[pic]w) ( q; k ( ~m

Prove: something about p (either p or ~p)

Symbolize the following argument into variables. Use the bold-faced letters as a guide.

Then perform a two-column proof for each.

15. Given: Either Pedro is a Pitcher or Sammy is a Hitter. Additionally, we

Know that George is very Tall or he likes to sell Barbecues. If George is very Tall then Wayne scored a Goal. If George likes to sell Barbecues then Pedro is not a Pitcher. We all agreed that Wayne did not score a Goal.

Prove: Whether Sammy is or is not a Hitter. (h or ~h)


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