US History Exam Review Sheet - Mr. Crescentini

US History Semester 2 Exam Review Sheet

Name: Hour:

Chapter 15 (all sections) and Chapter 17 Section 2: Cold War

1. What are 4 causes of the Cold War?

A. (Types of government)


B. (Stalin mad at the U.S. for what?) ______________________________________________________

C. (What promise did the Soviets break?) ______________________________________________________

D. (What did the Soviets want to happen with Germany?) ______________________________________________________

2. After WWII, the Soviet Union was most concerned with what two things?

3. What was decided on at Yalta?

4. Define Iron Curtain:

5. Define containment:

6. The U.S. and Soviet Union had opposing views at Potsdam. Explain each side’s views.

7. What was the Berlin Airlift?

8. What caused the Berlin Airlift?

9. Define NATO:

10. What organization did the Soviets form in response to NATO?

11. What were 2 goals of the Truman Doctrine?

A. ____________________________________________________

B. ____________________________________________________

12. What was the Marshall Plan?

13. What happened as a result of McCarthyism?

A. Congressed passed

B. McCarthy looked for in the U.S. Army

C. The Senate passed against McCarthy

D. A “witch hunt” began looking for in the U.S.A.

14. What drills were done in schools during the Cold War?

15. What are covert operations and who used them?

16. What is massive retaliation?

17. What is a satellite nation/buffer zone?

18. What is fallout?

19. What was the purpose of the Bay of Pigs invasion?

20. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?

21. Who were the leaders during the Cuban Missile Crisis:

U.S.? Russian?

22. Why did Nikita Khrushchev begin building the Berlin Wall?

23. What was the end result of the Korean War?

24. Define brinkmanship:

Chapter 16 Sections 1-3 and all of Chapter 17 Sections 1 & 3 – Postwar America

25. What are 2 things that showed the U.S. Economy was strong after WWII?

26. What are 3 things the GI Bill could be used for?

A. ___________________________________________________

B. ____________________________________________________

C. _____________________________________________________

27. Explain the Taft-Hartley Act:

28. What was the purpose of the Federal Highway Act?

29. What 1950s creation came to symbolize the American Dream?

30. What was the baby boom?

31. How did the baby boom impact the U.S. in the 50s and 60s?

32. What was the Bracero Program?

33. How did government housing programs unwittingly encourage residents to remain poor?

34. What did the Supreme Court rule in Gideon v. Wainwright?

35. According to Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program, what 3 things cause poverty?

A. __________________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________________

C. __________________________________________________________________

36. What are the purposes of Medicare and Medicaid?

37. How are Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society and Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal similar?

38. What did the 22nd Amendment do?

Chapter 18 (all sections) and Chapter 20 Sections 2 & 3 – Civil Rights

39. What did the Supreme Court rule in Brown v. Board of Education?

40. Define non-violent resistance:

41. Who advocated non-violent resistance?

42. What did the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling establish?

43. What did the Southern Manifesto encourage white Southerners to do?

44. What method did the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) use to fight segregation in diners and restaurants?

45. Why did President Eisenhower have to send troops to Little Rock High School in Arkansas?

46. What event began when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus?

47. What were the 2 goals of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957?

a. ______________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________

48. What did the Freedom Riders want to draw attention to?

49. What are 4 things the Civil Rights Act of 1964 accomplished?

c. _____________________________________________________________

d. ____________________________________________________________

e. ___________________________________________________________

f. ___________________________________________________________

50. What did the Voting Rights Act allowed the federal government to do?

51. Why did the urban riots in Detroit and Watts begin?

52. What did the Black Panthers urge African Americans to do?

53. What did the Nation of Islam preach?

54. What happened at the March on Washington?

55. What did the National Organization for Women (NOW) want?

56. What did the Roe v. Wade decision state?

57. What does Title IX require universities to provide?

58. What are 4 things that influenced the beginning of the feminist movement?

a. _______________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________

c. _______________________________________________________

d. _______________________________________________________

59. Answer the following questions about Cesar Chavez:

A. What organization did he create?

B. What did he want for farm workers?

C. What type of protest did he support?

D. What boycott did he organize?

60. How do the African American, women’s and Latino rights movements feel about each of the following:

A. pay: B. type of protest:

C. Education: D. Discrimination

Chapter 19 (all) and Chapter 20 Section 1 – Vietnam

61. What did the U.S. want to stop from spreading to Vietnam?

62. What did the Domino Theory state and where was it applied?

63. Who did Congress give their war making powers to with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

64. What did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution violate?

65. Northern Vietnam received military aid from which 2 countries?

66. How was the draft for Vietnam unfair?

67. Tet Offensive:

Who won the military battle?

Impact on public opinion for war?

68. What is the credibility gap?

69. How did media images influence American public opinion about Vietnam?

70. Kent State:

How many were killed? Why were students protesting?

Who opened fire? What did conservatives feel about it?

71. What is the idea behind the 26th amendment, which lowered the voting age to 18?

72. What did the Pentagon Papers reveal?

73. What is Vietnamization?

74. After the U.S. left Vietnam, the North re-unified Vietnam under a ____________ government.

75. Facts about the MyLai massacre:

What did it lead to?

What did American troops do?

Who tried to cover it up?

What did it violate?

76. Legacy of Vietnam War:

Number of Americans killed?

Purpose of War Powers Act?

Feelings toward Containment?

Feelings toward government?

77. What were people who were captured during the war called?

What were people who couldn’t be found after the war called?

78. Define Counterculture:

79. What group was the primary counterculture in the 60s?

80. What right did the protestors at Berkeley earn from the Supreme Court?

Chapter 21 – Nixon, Ford, Carter

81. What did the Watergate burglars break into?

82. Results of Watergate:

Law passed? New unelected president?

American attitude to government? Nixon’s punishment for crimes?

83. What did Nixon mean when he claimed executive privilege kept him from turning over the tapes?

84. Why did the Iranian Hostage Crisis occur?

85. What 2 countries signed the Camp David Accords?

86. What did the University of California Regents v. Bakke rule?

87. Busing:

Designed to get rid of what type of segregation?


What happened because of it?

What is it?

Was it successful?

88. Nuclear energy was supported because it was cleaner than?

89. 4 causes of environmentalism?

A. ______________________________________________________

B. ______________________________________________________

C. ______________________________________________________

D. ______________________________________________________

90. What did people become fearful of after the Three Mile Island disaster?

Chapter 22 – The Reagan Years

91. List if it is a Liberal or Conservative belief:

A. Religious faith to solve problems: ___________________________

B. More power for the federal government over the states: ____________________________

C. those with more wealth should pay more taxes to help run the government: __________________

D. Less government regulation of business makes everyone wealthier: ________________________

E. Government should protect people from big business: __________________________________

F. The government should provide social and welfare programs like the New Deal :________________

92. What do supply-side economists believe tax cuts would do?

93. Why did the Soviet economy collapse?

94. Why did the U.N. go to war in the Persian Gulf?

95. Why did George Bush (1990) take action when Iraq invaded Kuwait?

96. Why did the religious right join the conservative movement in the early 1980s?

97. What were 5 social problems the U.S. faced in the 1980s?

A. _____________________________________________________

B. _____________________________________________________

C. _____________________________________________________

D. _____________________________________________________

E. _____________________________________________________

98. How did Ross Perot impact the 1992 election?

99. Why did residents at Love Canal experience health problems?


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