BINF 730 - George Mason University

Course Title: BINF 705 -Research Ethics

Semester: Spring 2009

Instruction: Saleet Jafri

Class Time: Tuesdays 6:05 pm-7:00 pm

Class Location: 132 Bull Run Hall, Prince William Campus, George Mason University

Course Description: This course provides an examination of ethical issues in scientific research. The course begins with a reflection on the purpose of scientific research and a review of the foundational principles used for evaluating ethical issues. It provides skills for survival in scientific research through training in moral reasoning and teaching of responsible conduct. Students learn to apply critical thinking skills to the design, execution, and analysis of experiments and to the analysis of current ethical issues in research. Such issues include the use of animals and humans in research, ethical standards in the computer community, and research fraud. In addition, currently accepted guidelines for behavior in areas such as data ownership, manuscript preparation, and conduct of persons in authority may be presented and discussed in terms of relevant ethical issues.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Textbooks: Scientific Integrity, an Introductory Text with Cases, by Francis Macrina, ASM Press 1995.

Ethics and Computing, Living Responsibly in a Computerized World, Ed. Kevin Bowyer, ed 2, IEEE Press 2001.

Class format: The class will consist of lecture and discussion with an emphasis on discussion of the ethical issues covered in each class.

Grading Policy: Students will be graded on class participation (50%) and final exam (50%). If a student must miss a class due to an unavoidable conflict, they will be required to submit a 1-2 page essay on the topic covered in class. Sutdents cannot miss more than two classes during the semester.

Class Schedule:

Janueary 20, 2009 – No class Inauguration Day

Janueary 27, 2009 – Jennifer Murphy on Intellectual Property

February 3, 2009 – Matthew Kluger on University Research Misconduct Policy



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