District Grade Level English Curriculum Map Grade

Historical Perspective – Literary Movement Unit 10.3 Revision – This revision represents a more comprehensive look at the original model unit. It includes more teacher resources and connections between text and activities.

| |

|Literary Modernism (1900 - 1950) |Post World War I and II / Social Action/Protest Literature |Harlem Renaissance, Jazz Age – 1920s (Addressed in Unit 10.4) |

|1914 Panama Canal opens |1925 The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald |(Included in Modernism) |

|1917 – 1918 U.S. in World War I |1929 A Farewell to Arms, Hemingway |A Raisin in the Sun, Lorraine Hansberry |

|1918 My Antonia, Willa Cather |1937 Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck |Native Son, Richard Wright |

|1920 U.S. women get vote |1938 Our Town, Thornton Wilder |Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston |

|1922 The Wasteland, Eliot |1939 Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck |Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison |

|1929 Stock market crash begins Great Depression |1944 The Glass Menagerie, Williams | |

|1934 Dust Bowl begins in Great Plains |1949 The Death of a Salesman, Miller | |

|1941 – 1945 U.S. in World War II |1953 The Crucible, Miller | |

| | | |

|Literary Authors/Poets |Literary Authors |Literary Authors /Poets |

|Willa Cather, T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, Sara Teasdale, |E. E. Cummings, Ralph Eliot, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, Arthur Miller, John |Countee Cullen, W.E.B. DuBois, Langston Hughes, Claude McKay, Jean Toomer |

|William Carlos Williams |Steinbeck, Tennessee Williams | |


Big Ideas/Themes

Focus/Essential Questions |Literary Genre Focus Anchor Texts

|Linking Texts

Instructional Resources |Narrative Text

|Informational Text

|Reading, Listening/Viewing

Strategies and Activities

|Writing, Speaking, Expressing

Strategies and Activities

|On-Going Literacy

Development | | |Grade 10 Disposition

Critical Response and Stance

Big Ideas

• relationships, balance, mutualism

• attitude toward life

• acceptance and belonging

• optimism and hope

• dreams and visions

• resilience


• Relationships serve many purposes.

• All relationships are not equally beneficial to all participants.

• The human spirit can thrive during times of hardship and difficulty.

• Resilience is the ability to withstand and recover from the effects of adversity.

Focus Questions

• What are the benefits of having relationships?

• Are all relationships equal?

• How do relationships support our lives?

• What are the trade-offs or compromises in relationships?

• What determines the relationships we have?

• How do class, religion, race, and culture determine our relationships?

• What role does empathy play in mutual relationships?

• What place does a dream/vision have in one’s life/relationships? |Narrative Text

Novel (“Play-Novelette”)

Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck


Film Study

Of Mice and Men, 1992 film directed by Gary Sinise

A Novel Look at Film

Of Mice and Men

American Film Institute & Montgomery Schools

Literary Nonfiction

Tuesday’s With Morrie

Mitch Albom, 1997, Random House

Informational Text

“Living in Sym”

Symbiotic relationship

“Symbiosis,” from Wikipedia


High School Biology Textbook



Old Man and the Sea

Ernest Hemingway

Read by Charlton Heston

NPR Radio Broadcast

The Enduring Depths of Old Man and the Sea

“The Lost Generation-Happy Days are here again”

Photo Essay


“Great Quotes from Great Leaders” Movie

This I Believe NPR

Community in Action

Studs Terkel

Critical Literary Analysis

Books of The Times

Old Man and the Sea

Orville Prescott, The New York Times, 8-28-52

Short Story

Under the Lion’s Paw,

Hamlin Garland

|Genre Study

Characteristics of

• social protest literature

Author Study

• John Steinbeck

• Mitch Albom

Literary Periods



• Experimental as writers seek a unique style

• Use of interior monologue and stream of consciousness

• Pursuit of the American Dream

• America as the land of Eden

• Importance of the individual

• Optimism replaced by themes of alienation and disillusionment

• World War I and II stories

• Writers reflect the ideas of Darwin (survival of fittest)

• Writers reflect ideas of Karl Marx and how money and class structure control a nation

Time Period

• Technological changes of 20th Century

• Harlem Renaissance

Adapted from

American Literary Periods


|Genre Study

Characteristics of

• descriptive essay (9.2)

• memoir (9.2)

• expository essay/text (9.3)

Review from 10.1 and 10.2

• critical literary analysis

• definition essay/speech

• persuasive essay

• comparison essay

• documentary features

• expository elements

feature news article

Expository Elements

• thesis

• supporting ideas

• supporting statistical information

• supporting expert’s opinion/quotations

• writer’s tone (attitude)

• academic vocabulary

Organizational Patterns

• compare/contrast

• question/answer

• definition with explanation and illustrative examples

*Descriptive Essay

• Answers Question: What is it like?

• has defined subject

• sees through a new lens

• supports author’s underlying point; can be persuasive

• organized by space, a certain aspect, or writer’s perspective

• uses strong visual images; metaphors, similes


*Comprehension Strategies

• Identify purpose.

• Preview text.

• Understand then analyze.

• Identify thesis, evidence, structure, style, organization.

• Summarize.

• Ask questions, visualize, make connections, determine importance, infer, synthesize, and monitor comprehension.

• Skim for pertinent information.

*Close and Critical Reading Strategies

• Use marginalia to describe the craft the author used.

• Use thinking notes and think aloud strategies.

• Annotate text.

• Take and organize notes (Cornell Notes and Double Entry Journals).

• Determine relevance/importance.

• Consider potential for bias.

• Consider perspectives not represented to avoid controversy.

• Look for evidence to support assumptions and beliefs.

• Evaluate depth of information.

• Evaluate validity of facts.

• Recognize influence of political/social climate when text was written.

*Critical Reading Questions

• What does the text say? (literal)

• How does it say it? (figurative)

• What does it mean? (interpretive)

• Why does it matter? (wisdom/allusion/ connections/relevance) |Writing to Access Prior Knowledge

Writing Goals

• Based on unit description, identify areas of interest and what you would like to learn.

Prior Knowledge Activities

• Describe a mutual relationship you have or have had with another person. Explain how both of you benefit from the relationship.

• Explain your thinking on the question of whether we should live for today or for the future?

• A famous phrase “The best laid plans of mice and men go oft astray.” by the poet Robert Burns is often used as an aphorism. John Steinbeck titled his novel after it. What does this saying mean to you? Reflect on your response after reading the story.

Writing to Learn

Writing Workshop

Workshop Focus

• analogies and metaphors

• taking Cornell Notes from Lectures

• taking Notes from textbooks and expository text

Unit-Specific Writing Strategies

• Use class-generated rubrics

Grammar Focus

• See Power of Language (Grammar) Module Part II: Grammar Overview for grade-level recommendations.

mde/GrammarModulePart2Complete 7-23-08_246369_7.pdf

Vocabulary Development

• Classify and compare academic vocabulary (including literary elements, features, and devices: foreshadowing, motif, metaphor,)

|Student Goal Setting and Self-Evaluation Strategies

• Maintain writing portfolio

• Reflect on selected journal entry

• Reflect on two pieces of unit writing that represent best effort

• Monitor growth using literacy indicators

- language fluency

- reading complexity

- modes of discourse

• Evaluate tendency toward dispositions and their appropriate application

Daily Fluency


• HSTW/ACT recommendations of 8-10 books per year in ELA class; 25 books per year across the curriculum

Reading Portfolio recording reading with three levels of support

1. texts/literature studied in class (challenging text in zone of proximal development – text students couldn’t read without the help of the teacher); anchor, linking texts, and author/poet study

2. book club groups reading same text from teacher-selected list (somewhat above comfort level); students choose from list of 5-6 titles that support the unit theme; they read the book outside of class, | | |Focus Questions

Essential Questions |Literary Genre Focus/ Anchor Texts |Linking Texts

|Narrative Text

|Informational Text |Reading, Listening/Viewing

Strategies and Activities |Writing, Speaking, Expressing

Strategies and Activities |On-Going Literacy

Development | | |

Essential Questions

• What can I do to realize my dreams or visions for the future?

• What role does empathy play in how I treat others?

• How am I a reflection of my relationships? (9th Grade)

• How do my relationships within and across groups affect others? (9th Grade)

• How can I discover the truth about others?

• What sacrifices will I make for the truth?

• What criteria do I use to judge my values?

• How will I stand up for what I believe/value?

• How do I handle others’ points of view?

• How do I determine when taking social action is appropriate?

• What voice do I use to be heard?


I “Today we are faced with the preeminent fact that, if civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships... the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world, at peace.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) Thirty-second President of the USA.

II “I see America, not in the setting sun of a black night of despair ahead of us, I see America in the crimson light of a rising sun fresh from the burning, creative hand of God. I see great days ahead, great days possible to men and women of will and vision.”

Carl Sandburg

III “Human relationships always help us to carry on because they always presuppose further developments, a future -….

Albert Camus (1913-1960) French novelist, essayist and dramatist




“Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”

Dylan Thomas


Emily Dickinson

“13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird”

Wallace Stevens

“Hope is a Tattered Flag”

Carl Sandburg

“The People, Yes”


Read by Carl Sandburg

Works of Art

LIFE magazines from 1936-2000


Ben Shahn

Cradling Wheat

Thomas Hart Benton

Wisconsin Landscape

John Steuart Curry

Young Corn

Grant Wood


Media Features

• cinematic terms


• people behind the production

• transformation from linguistic to visual medium (screenwriter’s perspective)

Adapted from

Student Resource Guide

“A Novel Look at Film

Of Mice and Men”

American Film Institute & Montgomery Schools

*Literary Elements

• plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)

• conflicts:

- person against self

- person against society

- person against person

- person against nature

• theme

• mood

• tone

• character development

• reflection of time in dialogue

• symbolism

• author’s style

• point of view

• allegory

• motif

Literary Devices/Techniques

• third-person narration

• dialogue

• dialect

• symbolism

• foreshadowing

• dialogue to develop relationship— plot and character

• framing the story – story comes full circle

• allusions

• irony

• metaphors

|Descriptive Essay (continued)

• draws on 5 senses

• takes a stance

• includes practical and precise details

• employs word choice and sentence structure that support purpose

• uses literary devices

*(Unit 9.2)


(Form of personal narrative, descriptive, and reflective writing)

• Reflects on a brief period of time or a series of related events significant to the writer

• based on the truth

• uses narrative story structure (setting, plot development, conflict, characterization, and literary devices) first person; the author reveals him/herself to the reader through voice, actions, insight, and thoughts

• author’s point of view influenced by memory of event; information at time

• purpose is to share a life lesson learned that appeals the larger world

• tends to be more subjective and personal than autobiography

• has reflection scattered throughout about choices, perspectives, decisions, motives, and actions

• may include selected diary entries, personal letters, or selections from official documents

(Unit 9.2)


*Reading Goals

• Learn to read like a writer.

• Recognize the narrative structure and characteristics of anchor genre through reading mentor text.

• Construct a clear definition of each genre answering these questions:

- What elements must it contain?

- Why would an author choose this genre?

- What makes it unique from other genre?

- What writing styles are appropriate?

- What is its structure?

(*Unit 9.2)

Reading Portfolio

• Maintain reading portfolio to revisit goals, add evidence of progress, reflection and for evaluation purposes.

See Reading Reminders, Jim Burke

Graphic Organizers


• web

• chart

Best Sellers of 1930s Book Club

Select from one of the following 1930s best seller book clubs

• The Pearl, John Steinbeck

• Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell

• The Good Earth, Pearl Buck

• Murder on the Orient Express, Agatha Christie

• A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway

Each club will explore its novel for similar angles of vision selecting from the unit big ideas:

- conflict

- relationships, balance, mutualism

- attitude towards life

- acceptance and belonging

- optimism/hope

- dreams and visions

- resilience

Dialogue within your own book club. Additionally form groups with representatives of the different clubs and discuss the ideas as they pertain to the different books.

Adapted from

“Teaching with Questions”

Jim Burke Presentation


Writing to Learn (continued)

• Academic Vocabulary List (Burke)

Research Skills

• Review and enhance Grade 9 skills

• Use on-line databases (ProQuest, EBSCO, CQ Researcher, SIRS Researcher)

• Evaluate websites

• Annotate articles (beyond highlighting and underlining)

• Works cited

• Show understanding of copyright and fair use

• Define plagiarism

OWL-Online Writing Lab

Quotation Notebook

• Record selected quotations and aphorisms of personal significance that relate to unit themes and big ideas.

Data Wall

• “The best laid plans of mice and men”

Life Lessons Data Wall

Explore aphorism websites and select five, either humorous or serious, that you identify with. Create categories of topics such as forgiveness, obtaining material success, or accepting what life gives you. As you read Tuesdays with Morrie add aphorisms that Morrie shared with Mitch. Post on data wall.

Journal Entries

• Define plagiarism.

• For a week, keep a diary about your relationship with someone close to you.

• Write about a person who had a profound influence on your life.

• Write a metaphor to make connections between symbiosis and the relationships among the characters in the novels.

• Generate a list of 5 words that describe Lenny, George, Mitch, and Morrie. After making the list, choose the one word you think best describes each, then explain why, using examples from the test to support and illustrate your idea.

Adapted from “Teaching with Questions,” pgs.9-10 |Reading Portfolio (continued)

participate in book club discussions, and write annotated bibliographies and literary response essays

3 independent reading of student-selected text; reading for pleasure outside of class (at comfort level); students write annotated bibliographies

Reading Strategies

• Skim text for essential information

• Think, write, pair, share new texts

• Time reading to determine time commitment for each text

Vocabulary Development

• academic vocabulary

• technical/specialized vocabulary

• word etymology and variation

• find current uses in Google News


Writing Strategies

• process writing

• language appropriate for purpose and audience

• revise own writing using proofreading checklist

• critique own writing for sophisticated sentence structure

• cite sources using MLA conventions

• evaluate own writing

(review, revise, edit)

• note taking

Grammar Skills

• grammar and rhetoric mini lessons

• practice skills for ACT/SAT success

• Elements of dialogue

• Parts of speech

Grammar Instruction to

• enrich writing: add detail, style, voice

• create organizational coherence and flow

• make writing conventional

| | |Quotations |Literary Genre Focus/ Anchor Texts |Linking Texts

Instructional Resources |Narrative Text

|Informational Text |Reading, Listening/Viewing

Strategies and Activities |Writing, Speaking, Expressing

Strategies and Activities |On-Going Literacy

Development | | |

Quotations (continued)

IV “Relationships are all there is. Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else.

Nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone.”

Margaret Wheatley

V “What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?”

George Eliot

VI “Love each other or die”

Albom (Tuesdays with Morrie)

VII “The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend. I have no wealth to bestow on him. If he knows that I am happy in loving him, he will want no other reward. Is not friendship divine in this?”

Henry David Thoreau

VIII “True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance.”

Henry David Thoreau

IX “Friendship is a sheltering tree”

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

X “Alone, all alone

Nobody, but nobody

Can make it out here alone.”

Maya Angelou

XI “Those truly linked don’t need correspondence. When they meet again after many years apart, their friendship is as true as ever.”

Deng Ming-Dao

| |

Teacher Resources

Modernism and Experimentation

A Background to Of Mice and Men

Teacher Resource to

Create Own Website

Create a Theme-Related Brochure in Word

Creating a Brochure

Webquests Adapted for Unit

Montgomery Schools of Mice and Men Webquest

Martinsville High School


Paula Yerman’s Webquest

“Hope Is a Tattered Flag”


from The People, Yes

(Historical Context)

American Dream PPT

Of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men Vocabulary

|Historical/Cultural Perspectives

• geographical, social, cultural and economic factors of 1930s

• marginalized voices in society

• American Civil Rights Movement

• protest writing in response to economic and political climate

• evolution of American literature

Critical Perspectives

• author’s perspective of

Civil Rights in the 1930s


Expository Essay

• Purpose is to explain, inform, analyze a subject

• Thesis is supported

using factual details and examples

• Various organizational patterns are used

• Examples may include comparisons, quotes, expert opinions, facts, laws, and statistics

• A controlling idea appears in the thesis or title, influencing writer’s tone

• Expository text features are used ( e.g., images, graphics, hotlinks, diagrams)

|Before Reading Of Mice and Men


While reading Of Mice and Men and Tuesdays with Morrie you will be analyzing the many purposes that relationships serve and the life lessons that can be learned.

• In groups, discuss Margaret Wheatley’s quotation (I) about relationships using the eight focus questions. Have a group reporter capture the main points of the responses to each question. Share with larger group.

• Individually, write a descriptive essay about a mutual relationship you have or have had using the focus questions.

• Learn to view relationships from a scientific perspective by reading the two informational articles, “Living in Sym” and “Symbiosis”. Take notes and use them to write a summary paragraph. Refer back to selected focus questions to guide class discussion of articles.

• Research the time period and setting of Steinbeck’s novella, Of Mice and Men in a small group. With your group discover the geographical, social, cultural and economic factors that influenced him as he wrote the story. You and your partners will share your research in a brochure.


Research topics and the websites you will visit.

Geographical Factors

The Geography


The Setting

Salinas farm country

The Great Depression

PBS Timeline

History of The Great Depression

Michigan Oral History

Encarta Encyclopedia

Brother Can you Spare a Dime



Journal Entries (continued)

• Complete the following sentence: The relationship between ___ and ___is like…. After you complete the sentence, explain why you think this and provide support from the text to illustrate your idea.

Adapted from “Teaching with Questions,” pgs. 9-10

• The vibrancy of the American Dream was illustrated in the photo essay “Happy Days are here Again.” During the 1930’s the vision of the Dream was lost for the nation, yet Steinbeck points out it was still alive in individuals. View the PPT on The American Dream and respond to this statement: Hopes and dreams help people to survive. At times it’s just the dream itself that gives meaning to their lives, whether or not the dream is realized. Do you think that George will let their dream die or will he be resilient and strive to make Lennie’s and his dream a reality? Support your position based on what you know about him as a character, as well as, your knowledge of the other characters in the story.

Adapted from World of

• View the art work of Benton, Curry, and Wood. In what way do they depict America and The American Dream of this era?

• In literature circles read the short story “Under the Lion’s Paw”. Discuss what literary period this story represents and be able to support your conclusion. Identify moral dilemmas that were faced by characters. Discuss the moral reasoning stages of the main characters using Kohlberg’s 6-stage chart to identify the stage of each example. Use the discussion questions to guide your group’s dialogue.

• Analyze unit quotations and aphorisms and relate them to unit text. Give examples from the texts supporting the connections you have made.

Writing to Demonstrate Learning

Reflective Essay

• Write a reflective essay for your reading and writing portfolio assessing how you are meeting your goals in English language arts. Include in the reflection your effectiveness in class discussions and literature circles. |

Grammar Skills(continued)

Additional MDE Grammar Resource

“Power of Language” Module

(ELA Companion Document)

Part 1

Part 2

ACT College Readiness Standards


Analyze text for

• Topic Development in Terms of Purpose and Focus

• Organization, Unity, and Coherence

• Word Choice in Terms of Style, Tone, Clarity, and Economy

• Sentence Structure and Formation

• Conventions of Usage

• Conventions of Punctuation


Analyze text for

• Main Ideas and Author’s Approach

• Supporting Details

• Sequential, Comparative, and Cause-Effect Relationships

• Meanings of Words

• Generalizations and Conclusions


Write text that

• Expresses Judgments

• Focuses on the Topic

• Develops a Position

• Organizes Ideas

• Uses Language Effectively

- conventions (grammar, usage, mechanics)

- vocabulary (precise, varied)

- sentence structure variety (vary pace, support meaning)

| | |Quotations |Literary Genre Focus/ Anchor Texts |Linking Texts

|Narrative Text

|Informational Text |Reading, Listening/Viewing

Strategies and Activities |Writing, Speaking, Expressing

Strategies and Activities |On-Going Literacy

Development | | |

Quotations (continued)

XII“ A brief candle; both ends burning,

An endless mile; a bus wheel turning,

A friend to share the lonesome times,

A handshake and a sip of wine,

So say it loud and let it ring,

We are all a part of everything, The future, present and the past,

Fly on proud bird, You’re free at last.”

Charlie Daniels (written en route to the funeral of a friend)

XIII “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

C.S. Lewis

XIV “It's that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper — that makes this country work. It's what allows us to pursue our individual dreams, yet still come together as a single American family. "E pluribus unum." Out of many, one.”

Senator Barack Obama

XV "We are each other's business; we are each other's harvest; we are each other's magnitude and bond."

Gwendolyn Brooks

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Teacher Resources


Of Mice and Men in Popular Culture

Of Mice and Men Parody

BUGS BUNNY Falling Hare 1943 Cartoon, at 3-4 minutes

Neuroscience at the Movies

Mental Retardation

Of Mice and Men

Take Notes from Lecture

Jim Burke

Lesson 37

50 essential lessons

Tools & Techniques for teaching English Language Arts

Cornell Notes (Into)

Resources for Students on

How to Take Notes

Teaching with Questions

Jim Burke Presentation Adolescent Literacy

Types of Questions p.3

Test Questions p.5

Reciprocal Reading p.7

Thesis Generator p.8

Socratic Seminar/Blog p.10

Angles of Vision p.11-12

Investigation p.13-14 (Book Club Must Adapt)

Reciprocal Notes

Reader's Companion to Tuesdays With Morrie:

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The Great Depression WEBQUEST (continued)

Political Cartoon


America in the 1930’s

The 30’s The Great Depression

Images & Pictures

The Migrant Experience

The Migrant Experience

Migrant Workers


United Farm Workers

MI lures migrant workers,

Migrant Workers in Northern MI


Steinbeck and the Social Conscience


Steinbeck Time Line

Photo Gallery


Adapted from: Montgomery Schools, Martinsville High School and Paula Yerman’s Webquest See Teacher Resources |

Critical Literary Analysis (10.1)

• Write an analysis of the form, style and content of a unit poem or song.

• Write a literary analysis of how Steinbeck (in Of Mice and Men) portrays the human spirit, which, despite all the problems and troubles facing it, can continue to flourish due to the constant hope and optimism for the future. Include information from your research Web Quest.

• What influenced Steinbeck while writing a social protest novel about migrant workers?

Definition Essay

• Write a definition essay on the meaning of symbiosis. Use the unit informational articles. Cite one additional resource.

Comparison Essay Options

• Select a literary device, literary element, theme or big idea effectively used by two or all three authors, Steinbeck, Hemingway, and Albom. Write a essay comparing the author’s craft; support with examples from the texts. Cite an outside literary expert.

• Select a movie you have viewed that was also a novel or children’s story and describe in a comparison essay many of the differences between the movie and the written text. Point out the strengths and unique qualities of both. Use academic vocabulary from both literary forms. Adapted from “A Novel Look at Film” (p. 6)

• Using characters from the novels, show how Steinbeck and Albom demonstrate man’s need for companionship.

| | | |Quotations |Literary Genre Focus/ Anchor Texts |Linking Texts

Instructional Resources |Narrative Text

|Informational Text |Reading, Listening/Viewing

Strategies and Activities |Writing, Speaking, Expressing

Strategies and Activities |On-Going Literacy

Development | | |

Quotations from

Of Mice and Men

A “Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place. They come to a ranch an’ work up a stake and then they go inta town and blow their stake, and the first thing you know they’re pound in’ their tail on some other ranch. They ain’t go nothing to look ahead to. With us it ain’t like that. We got a future.


B “But not us! An why? Because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that’s why.”


C “I seen hundreds of men come by on the road an’ on the ranches, with their bindles on their back an’ that same damn thing in their heads . . . every damn one of ’em’s got a little piece of land in his head. An’ never a God damn one of ’em ever gets it. Just like heaven. Ever’body wants a little piece of lan’. I read plenty of books out here. Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land.”


D "S'pose you didn't have nobody. S'pose you couldn't go into the bunk house and play rummy 'cause you was black. How'd you like that?”


E “I think, I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we’d never do her. He usta like to hear about it so much I got to thinking maybe we would.”


F “Never you mind… A guy got to sometimes…”


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Teacher Resources


Discussion Questions

Analysis of “Under the Lion’s Paw” Connection to American Dream

Ben Ganter

Guide Questions for “Under the Lions Paw”


What Makes a Good News Story ?

Write All About It: Newspapers

Writing with Scholastic News Editors

Writing about Poetry

How to Analyze Poetry

Model lesson plan

Analyzing the Poem “Solace”

Student Model


Dorothy Parker

*About Writing Memoirs

Dr. Heather Lattimer

| | |

Before Reading Activities (continued)

• Critically read and listen to the poems by Carl Sandburg. Analyze how Sandburg used language to create images of the depression and convey the mood and meaning of the poem. Capture the feeling of the times with a word web. Write a literary analysis. Use your analysis “Solace”, by Dorothy Parker as a model.

Before reading Tuesdays with Morrie

• With a partner visit the website of the best-selling Michigan author Mitch Albom at Generate in-depth questions to answer. Record facts that you think are important about him as an individual, author, and sports writer for The Detroit News. Together write a character sketch of him answering the question: Who is Mitch Albom?

• Morrie, one of the characters in the novel Tuesdays with Morrie is suffering with ALS─ Lou Gehrig’s disease. Answering the 5 W questions read a short summary of the disease at the following website. .

Using an interview format (switching roles) practice with your partner defining this disease.

During the Reading of both Of Mice and Men and Tuesdays with Morrie

Participate in the following activities adapted from

“Teaching with Questions,” Jim Burke.

• Critically read both novels taking reciprocal notes while reading both anchor text to help you identify important details and events. Notes should include:

- surface questions /observation

- deep questions/details

- support your thinking

• Read each novel from a variety of “angles of vision” assigned by the teacher for you to focus on during every few chapters. Take notes on the topic, and then write a one-page paper about that subject.

• Generate different types of questions (one factual, inductive, and analytical question) to ask during class discussions. Provide evidence from the assigned reading of either Of Mice and Men or Tuesdays with Morrie.

After Reading Anchor Texts

• Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Read and analyze the two quotations (XIV and XV). by poet Gwendolyn Brooks and Senator Barack Obama. Clarify and extend your own thinking about this question: by participating in an online discussion group (Blog) with peers. Adapt the directions in Jim Burke’s “Teaching with Questions,” p.10, to participate in this activity.


Poetry Options

• Write a poem using the “13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” by

Wallace Stevens as a mentor text. Develop it around one of the unit themes or big ideas that you related to or were inspired by.

Write a parody and/or music video on the social, cultural, and economic issues of today using the songs of the 1930s: Happy Days are Here Again or "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?"

Persuasive Essay

• Write a persuasive essay supporting this working thesis statement: Conflict between teenagers and their parents is a difficult but necessary stage in kids’ development. Reflect on what you learned during the unit about relationships and your discussions about coming of age during the Huckleberry Finn unit. Adapted from “Teaching with Questions,” Jim Burke

Memoir (9.2)

• In the book Tuesdays with Morrie, Morrie teaches life lessons in short sayings called aphorisms. Choose one or more aphorisms (Morrie’s or your own) to teach a lesson in the context of a memoir. Reflect on what the aphorism means and illustrate it with examples from your own life experiences. View “Great Quotes by Great Leaders” Movie as a resource.

Newspaper Article Options (10.1)

• Use your Cornell notes to write a factual newspaper article that relates to your study of background information on Of Mice and Men. Include three pictures or images in your article.

• Create a newspaper article that relates to a particular event or theme in Of Mice and Men, Old Man and the Sea, or Tuesdays with Morrie.

• Research and submit an article, editorial, or political cartoon to your school newspaper on a topic of interest to the student body.

| | | |Quotations |Literary Genre Focus/ Anchor Texts |Linking Texts

Instructional Resources |Narrative Text

|Informational Text |Reading, Listening/Viewing

Strategies and Activities |Writing, Speaking, Expressing

Strategies and Activities |On-Going Literacy

Development | | | | |Teacher Resources


Truly Awful Metaphors

World’s Worst Metaphors

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After Reading Anchor Activities (continued)

• Discuss the theme with peers of the human spirit thriving during times of hardship and difficulty Give examples of how it is interwoven through out the texts: Of Mice and Men, Old Man and the Sea, and Tuesdays with Morrie. Apply this theme to your own lives and discuss the obstacles that may arise in you achieving your own dreams and how you will overcome them.

• Develop test questions for the unit. Include all text read. Include different types of questions:

- “Right There”

- “Think & Search”

- “Author & You”

- “On My Own”

Adapted from “Teaching with Questions,” Jim Burke


The Old Man and the Sea was originally published as a single issue of “Life” magazine. Critically listen to Old Man and the Sea.

Participate in the following activities adapted from “Teaching with Questions” by Jim Burke

• Listen from the selected angles of vision such as: hope, relationships, nature, duty or responsibility, or choices.

• Respond to the novel from one or more angles of vision. Write a metaphor that was inspired from the story.

• Discuss with peers questions such as the following three:

-- How does nature demand respect?

-- What is our place in nature?

-- What are our duties and responsibilities toward nature?

• Describe the old man’s relationship with the fish.

• In a small group, Use “A Novel Look at Film Making” study guide to view the film Of Mice and Men.

-- In the pre-viewing activity, think about the relationship between the novel and the film and the changes that will occur when a filmmaker transforms a linguistic medium into a visual one. (5-6)

-- The art of filmmaking has its own language. Cinematic terms are defined and scenes they are illustrated in are in the guide. Assign group members to anticipate them in the movie so you can pause. (8-9)

-- Critically view the three elements of character, setting and cinematic relationships in three groups. Use focus questions to guide each group. A Novel Look at Film (10-11)

-- Reflect on your group’s understanding of the film/novel relationship after viewing the film. Use the guide’s focus questions to guide your discussion.

-- Before viewing the interview with the director read the overviews of the individual jobs of the people behind the production. (13-14) |

Research Brochure

Reading Activity

• Research the time period and setting of Steinbeck’s novella, Of Mice and Men in a small group. With your group discover the geographical, social, cultural and economic factors that influenced him as he wrote the story. You and your partners will share your research in a brochure.

Expository Essay

• Write an expository essay to analyze successful relationships. Using the descriptions of symbiosis, analyze the relations of two people, two companies, two states, or two countries. The inquiry will be to search for the relationships that supported the success. The essay should examine each kind of symbiosis.


• Ask three different people (one over 25, one over 40, and another over 60) to share an aphorism that they have found to be true during their lifetime. Post their aphorisms and a short statement about the story behind them, on the data wall.

Resource: “Great Quotes from Great Leaders” Movie

• Share in discussion groups what you have learned about the impact of class, religion, race, disability, and culture on relationships.

• Discuss with peers one or both of the following questions: How will knowledge of symbiosis help you decide what relationships you will pursue? and/or How will knowing about kinds of relationships help you make good decisions about the relationships in your life?

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