-2286002095500Georgia’s Constitution Break Down:The Amendments in Other WordsArticle I – Bill of Rights: Describes the rights of citizens, like the United States Bill of Rights (Life, Liberty, and Property, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech and Press, Right to Bear Arms, Right to Assemble and Petition, Right to Trial by Jury, Protection from Unreasonable Searches and Seizures)Article II – Voting and Elections: Describes voter requirements and rules for electionsArticle III – Legislative Branch: structure and powers to the General Assembly (remember from a long time ago when we talked about the legislative branch in Georgia… It has a TREMENDOUS amount of power. More power than any other branch, so it’s no wonder it’s listed before the other branches. It was considered the most important.)Article IV – Constitution Boards and Commissions: Set up government bodies (Public Service Commission, State Transportation, Board of Pardons/Paroles)Article V – Executive Branch: establishes offices of the governor and lieutenant governor (lieutenant governor is kind of like the Vice President and the governor is like the President)Article VI – Judicial Branch: establishes the court system and rules for the courtsArticle VII – Taxation and Finance: power to tax and purposes/methods of taxingArticle VIII – Education: Establishes public education and Board of EducationArticle IX – Counties and Municipalities: powers and structure of county government (local governments)Amendment X – Amendments to the Constitution: describes the process of amending/fixing/altering the state constitutionAmendment XI – Miscellaneous Provisions: Meaning other random things the government can and cannot doWhat’s the Point of Having Our State Constitution?Elected persons work for the people and are accountable for their actionsThe people of the state to right of regulating their governmentGives voters the right to control state governmentGovernment is meant to serve the peopleCan change when it doesn’t serve the people Georgia Constitution – Where do I find it? Directions: For each item found in the Georgia Constitution, identify the article you would find that information.Sets out the qualifications and terms of office for both governor and lieutenant governor _________________________Provides for a State Personal Board that ensures the rights of people who work for the state of Georgia. _________________________Explains the duties and powers of the governor. _________________________Explains how changes, or amendments, to the Constitution can be made. _________________________Separation of church and state _________________________Provides for a Public Service Commission that oversees utilities such as electricity and water _________________________Property rights _________________________Separation of Powers _________________________Gives the purposes and limits of each of Georgia’s seven types of courts _________________________Short paragraph that gives reasons for the Constitution _________________________Explains who is allowed to vote in Georgia _________________________Steps to take in case of run-off (tie) election _________________________Individual Rights _________________________Outlines Georgia’s unified court system _________________________Elections must be by secret ballot and law-abiding _________________________Explains how bills are passed into laws _________________________List the reasons why the state of Georgia may tax its citizens _________________________Outlines the roles and functions of county and city governments _________________________Lists other elected positions in Georgia’s executive branch of government _________________________Outlines the structure of the school system at the state and local levels. _________________________THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT – U.S.-228600339725THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT – GEORGIA914400137160000457200114300000BRANCHES COMPARED Separation of Power (Branches) Federalism(Levels)Legislative BranchPurpose: Make LawsExecutive BranchPurpose: Enforce LawsJudicial BranchPurpose: Interpret LawsNational/Federal LevelExample: United StatesState LevelExample: GeorgiaLocal LevelExample: AtlantaQUESTIONS1. What do we call the U.S. legislative branch? ___________________________________: The Georgia legislative branch? _______________________________2. What do we call the chief executive of the U.S.? ____________________________ What do we call the chief executive of Georgia? __________________________3. What do we call the person who is 2nd in succession to the chief executive in U.S. Federal Government? _________________________________ Georgia? ____________________________________________4. What does BICAMERAL mean? _________________________________ Checks and Balances MatchingChecks and Balances: The process in which each branch prevents the others from having too much power by “checking” or reviewing their actions and stopping them from making bad decisions. Directions: Match the action of one branch with the “check” done by another branch. Answer questions.1. ______ Congress writes a law. A. Supreme Court finds a law that is being enforced to be unconstitutional. 2. ______ President sends troops to another country. B. Congress must approve all appointments to the Cabinet. 3. ______ President enforces a law. C. Only Congress can declare war. President can only send out troops for a short period of time on his own. 4. ______ President signs a treaty (peace agreement) with another country. D. Congress must approve all nominations for the Supreme Court. 5. ______ President can appoint people to his Cabinet (his group of advisers) E. Congress must approve all treaties. 6. ______ President can appoint Supreme Court justices. F. President vetoes (turns down) a law. 1. Why are checks and balances so important? 2. What could happen if we didn’t have checks and balances?3. Do you think checks and balances work? CITIZENS AND THE GOVERNMENTDebrief – Rights and Responsibilities1. Why is it important that you vote? 2. What do you think would happen if everyone says, “My vote doesn’t matter, anyway. I’m just one person”? 3. What do taxes pay for? Why is it important that citizens pay taxes?4. Why do we have laws? What would happen if we didn’t have laws?5. The 6th amendment says you have the right to an “impartial jury of your peers.” Why is this important to having a fair trial? 6. What is the “selective service”? 7. What is a “selective service draft”?8. Do you think it’s a fair trade to get the rights spelled out in the Bill of Rights in exchange for the responsibilities outlined? Why?9. Do you think the voting age is appropriate? Do you think it should be older? Younger? Explain.10. Why do you think people that have been accused of a felony cannot vote? Political Party: an organized group of people who control or seek to control a governmentWhat do they do? Recruit and nominate candidatesEducation the people about campaign issuesHelp candidates win electionsMonitor actions of elected officialsDemocrats (Liberal)Believes in a larger role of the federal government in people’s daily livesSupports higher taxes to promote social programs and more money going to the federal government to oversee and control the economy Republicans (Conservative)Believes in a more limited role of the federal government in people’s daily livesSupports lower taxes and more money staying with the people to spend and keep the economy working rather than the governmentIndependents () Believes in the maintaining of the original Constitution and its beliefs; minimizing the role of the federal government in daily lives (privatization) Supports ridding the country of debt through necessary taxing and budget-cuttingFocuses on democratic participation and votingBeliefs on typical major issues changes with each candidate; there is no consistent beliefs for each independent candidate** There are many people who have both Liberal and Conservative views LEGISLATIVE BRANCHGEORGIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES180 MEMBERSLEGISLATIVE BRANCHTHE GENERAL ASSEMBLYGEORGIA SENATE56 MEMBERS? MUST BE 21 YEARS OLD? GEORGIA RESIDENT FOR 2 YEARS? MUST LIVE IN DISTRICTQUALIFICATIONS? MUST BE 25 YEARS OLD? GEORGIA RESIDENT FOR 2 YEARS? MUST LIVE IN DISTRICT ? SERVE 2 YEAR TERMS? NO TERM LIMITSTERM? SERVE 2 YEAR TERMS? NO TERM LIMITS? 180 DIFFERENT HOUSE DISTRICTS? VOTE DURING GENERAL ELECTION EVERY EVEN NUMBERED YEARSELECTION? 56 DIFFERENT SENATE DISTRICTS? VOTE DURING GENERAL ELECTION EVERY EVEN NUMBERED YEARS? PROPOSING (MAKING) LAWS? PASSING GEORGIA’S BUDGET? AMENDING THE CONSTITUTIONDUTIES? PROPOSING (MAKING) LAWS? PASSING GEORGIA’S BUDGET? AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION? SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE (3RD IN LINE TO SUCCEED THE GOVERNOR)? MAJORITY PARTY LEADER ? MINORITY PARTY LEADER? FLOOR LEADER (works with Governor)LEADERSHIP? LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR (2ND IN LINE TO SUCCEED THE GOVERNOR)? MAJORITY PARTY LEADER = PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE ? MINORITY PARTY LEADER? 36 COMMITTEES (groups of representatives who meet to pass bills / laws)COMMITTEESYSTEM? 26 COMMITTEESCOMPARE AND CONTRAST GEORGIA’S GENERAL ASSEMBLYDirections: For each of the categories above, place the information in the below Venn diagram. 1. Which chamber, do you think is more prestigious or important? Why? Give at least 2 reasons.2. Which chamber, do you think, better represents the beliefs of the people? Why? 3. Why is it important that the legislative branch is the only one that is responsible for making the laws (and not either of the other branches)?EXECUTIVE BRANCHGOVERNOREXECUTIVE BRANCHLIEUTENANT GOVERNOR? MUST BE 30 YEARS OLD? CITIZEN OF U.S. FOR 15 YEARS? RESIDENT OF STATE FOR 6 YEARSQUALIFICATIONS? MUST BE 30 YEARS OLD? CITIZEN OF U.S. FOR 15 YEARS? RESIDENT OF STATE FOR 6 YEARS? SERVE 4 YEAR TERMS? CAN RUN FOR A SECOND TERMTERM? SERVE 4 YEAR TERMS? NO TERM LIMITS? MUST WIN THE PARTY PRIMARY ? ELECTED BY CITIZENS - POPULAR VOTE DURING GENERAL ELECTIONELECTION? ELECTED BY CITIZENS? DOES NOT HAVE TO BE FROM THE SAME PARTY AS THE GOVERNOR? CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER? COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF MILITARY? CAN VETO (REJECT) LAWS? CAN SIGN BILLS INTO LAW? APPOINTS PEOPLE TO OFFICES? HELPS DIRECT THE STATE BUDGETDUTIES? PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE? DECIDES WHO SERVES ON THE DIFFERENT SENATE COMMITTEES? 1ST PERSON TO SUCCEED (REPLACE) THE GOVERNOR1. What do you think is most important qualification to run for governor? Why? 2. The Lieutenant Governor does not have to be the same political party as the Governor. Do you think that is a positive or a negative? Explain.3. Why do you think we have term limits? 4. Do you think the governor has too much power/the right amount/too little? Why?Which of the state departments, do you think, is most important for the state of Georgia? Why? JUDICIAL BRANCHVOCABULARYMISDEMEANORCRIME THAT RECEIVES LESS THAN ONE YEAR OF PUNISHMENT or FINE OF LESS THAN $1,000FELONY CRIME THAT RECEIVES MORE THAN ONE YEAR OF PUNISHMENT or FINE OF MORE THAN $1,000APPELLATE HIGHER COURT WHERE PEOPLE APPEAL THEIR CONVICTION TO GET IT CHANGEDPROSECUTOR GOVERNMENT TRIAL LAWYER WHO TRIES TO PROVE A SUSPECTED CRIMINAL IS GUILTYDEFENDANT A PERSON CHARGED WITH A CRIMEPLAINTIFFA PERSON WHO SUES OR HAS A COMPLAINT AGAINST ANOTHER PERSONJURY CITIZENS WHO SIT IN ON A TRIAL AND DETERMINE IF SOMEONE IS GUILTY OR INNOCENTJURISDICTION GEOGRAPHICAL AREA AND THE TYPES OF CASES A CERTAIN COURT IS ABLE TO HOLDDirections: Match each term with the situation that describes it. MisdemeanorFelonyAppellate ProsecutorDefendantPlaintiffJuryJurisdictionTermSituationEveryone citizen is expected to serve on one of these if requested by the government, to make sure other citizens receive a fair trial. Ms. Rodgers felt that she was tried unfairly and that she was truly innocent of her crimes. She went to this court to challenge the decision.Since Mrs. Jones was tried for a crime, she was considered this person in the courtroom.Jane was caught stealing a candy bar, so she was charged with this type of crime. Mrs. Keeling sued Mrs. Arnold for the cost of her pencil sharpener after Mrs. Arnold borrowed it and returned it broken. Mrs. Hobbs would be considered this person in the courtroom.Mr. Cruz was proven guilty by this person that represented the state in the courtroom.Mr. Pinholster stole three luxury automobiles, so he was charged with this type of crime. The police investigated Mr. Hight’s crime because he was accused of committed the crime within their ___________________________. Short StoryDirections: Using the vocabulary terms on the previous page, write a short story that makes sense and demonstrates that you understand the meaning of each term. Underline the words as you use them. Use all 8 words correctly = 100 Points Use 6 or more words correctly = 80-90 points Use 5 words correctly = 70 points Use 4 words or fewer correctly = 60 points_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Use the information above to complete the next activityCRIMINAL OR CIVIL?Directions: Read the scenario and decide whether it is describing a criminal or civil case and write it in the first column. Next, explain how you know and if it is a criminal case identify whether it is a misdemeanor (minor case) or a felony (major/more severe case). SituationTYPE OF CASE (Criminal/Civil)Explanation(Why?)(If it’s a criminal case, is it a Felony or Misdemeanor?)In December of 2001, actress Winona Ryder was seen taking tags off of clothes in a department store, and trying to sneak them out. She was charged, and ultimately convicted of shoplifting. On June 12, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson & Ron Goldman were murdered. Former football player O.J. Simpson was charged with the murder, but was ultimately found not guilty. In 2004, Jay Z and R Kelly signed a contract & agreed to go on tour together. However, Jay Z said that R Kelly was rude and disruptive during rehearsals and on tour. Jay Z kicked R Kelly off of his tour. In response, R. Kelly sued Jay Z, saying that he broke the contract that they both signed. After O.J. Simpson was found not guilty in his murder trial, Ron Goldman’s family filed a “wrongful death” suit against Simpson. The jury found Simpson liable and ordered him to pay $33.5 million to the Goldman family. President Clinton was accused of committing perjury while answering questions under oath. He was was subsequently impeached and ultimately acquitted.What Trial Courtroom Is That? Directions: For each scenario, identify the type of trial court. 1. _______________________Mrs. Hobb’s went to get a marriage license before her wedding. 2. _______________________Mr. Colvin got a speeding ticket that he wanted to challenge. 3. _______________________Mrs. Abraham sued Ms. Davis for $15 (small claim) for breaking her pencil sharpener.4. _______________________Joey Smith, age 8, stole a candy bar from the corner store.5. _______________________Ted Bundy’s was on trial for murder.6. _______________________The police went to this court to get a warrant to search Mrs. Wexler’s house for evidence while investigating a crime.7. _______________________The police discovered that Ms. Myers had gone to this court to get a gun license.8. _______________________10 students from River Trail Middle School were arrested at Atlantic Station for unruly behavior and taken to this court.9. _______________________Little Chuckie, age 13, was arrested for killing two of his classmates. He was taken to this court as result of the severity of his crime. 10. ______________________Mrs. Sutton got a parking ticket outside of the courthouse. Appellate Courts1. What is another word for “challenging a decision”?2. What does “supreme” mean? 3. How do you know whether your case is going to the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court?Juvenile Justice True or FalseDirections: For each scenario, write true if the statement describes how the system is supposed to work in the juvenile justice process, or write false if the statement falsely describes the process. If the statement is false, write what would make the statement true in the space. Assume each of these people described are under the age of 18. 1. ____________________Kylie is arrested for robbing a gas station. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. ____________________Cole decided to remain silent instead of answering questions by police. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. ____________________Vincent was denied a lawyer because his case was considered too minor to require counsel. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. ____________________Jada was not allowed to have witnesses in her defense. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. ____________________Nina was sent to jail after being found guilty for her crime. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. ____________________In Jessie’s case, there was not jury; just a judge. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Juvenile or Adult Court?Directions: For each of the scenarios, identify whether the case would be handled in juvenile or adult court. 1. __________________ Allie is 14 years old and is accused of shooting her sister Kate. 2. __________________ MacKenzie is 16 years old and is accused of stealing. 3. __________________Caden, Kyle, Vincent, and Nick are 10 years old and are accused of bullying another student (Jack).4. __________________Renee is 15 years old and is accused of skipping school intentionally for 30 days. 5. __________________Kami is 16 years old and is accused of using a fake ID to get into a club. 6. __________________Gwyn is 13 years old and is accused of using a gun to hold up a convenience store. 7. __________________Sasha is 16 years old and is accused of accidentally killing the passenger in his car in a car accident because he was recklessly driving. 8. __________________Sarah is 9 years old and is accused of taking her dad’s gun and accidentally shooting her friend, Gerard. 9. __________________Three 15-year-old boys on the local high school lacrosse team are accused of fatally stabbing one of the school’s cheerleaders. 10. __________________Ally is 14 years old and is accused of driving without a driver’s license. 2286004343400-228600-228600Follow-Up QuestionsDirections: Answer the following questions using the information on the previous page. 1. How many counties are there in Georgia?2. What are the powers of county governments? 3. Who makes decisions about these issues at the county level? 4. How are these people chosen? 5. Let’s say you want to form your own town. What are the requirements you would have to fulfill in order to form your town?6. What does the government of a city have the power to do? 7. In a “Strong Mayor Plan” for a city government, who has the most power? 8. What does that person have the power to do? 9. In a “Weak Mayor Plan” for a city government, who makes policy decisions? 10. Who elects Head of City Departments? 11. In a “Council Management Plan” for a city government, who writes/passes laws? 12. Who appoints city officials? 13. Which system always allows voters to directly elect the mayor? 14. If the mayor is not directly elected, who appoints the mayor in the other systems? 15. Which plan do you think is the best? Explain. ................

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