Richardson and Robbins Building Auditorium

89 Kings Highway, Dover, Delaware

Phone 302-739-9912, FAX 302-739-6157


1. Edward A. Montague, Chair 1. Director David E. Saveikis 8 Visitors

2. J. Richard Berry, Vice Chair 2. Greg Moore

3. Ted Palmer 3. Matt DiBona

4. Charles H. Golt 4. Lt. David Blaasch

5. Al Townsend (Absent) 5. Rob Hossler

6. Raymond F. Burris 6. Joe Rogerson

7. Robert C. Nichols 7. John Clark

8. Neal Dukes 8. Stew Michels

9. Garrett Grier, Jr. 9. Karen Kennedy

Taped micro-cassettes of this meeting are available for listening at the Richardson & Robbins Building in Dover. For further information contact the Wildlife Section at (302) 739-9912.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Montague at 7:30 PM.

Agenda Item 1. Approval of Minutes (Chairman).

A motion was made and voted unanimously to approve the October 25, 2011 minutes as written.

Agenda Item 2. Base Migratory Seasons (Rob Hossler).

Rob Hossler, Program Manager, provided the 2012-2013 proposed base migratory game bird seasons for Delaware. The Division’s options are based on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s anticipated framework, maximizing the number of Saturdays and holidays, overlapping goose and duck seasons, minimizing conflicts with deer seasons, hunter survey results and recent year information. A handout was provided to the Council members and the audience. The proposed seasons are as follows:


2012– 2013 Proposed Migratory Game Bird Seasons for Delaware


Sept. 1 – Sept. 29 ½ before sunrise to sunset

Oct. 13 – Oct. 27 ½ before sunrise to sunset

Dec. 18 – Jan. 12 ½ before sunrise to sunset

Limit: 15

Resident Canada Geese

Sept. 1 – Sept. 25 ½ before sunrise to sunset

* No liberal hunting options

Limit: 15

Early Teal

Sept. 12 – Sept. 29

Hours: Teal season will be open all day (1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset) in limited geographic areas. These areas are coastal areas from south of the C&D Canal to Lewes east of Routes 13, 113/113A & 1.

Limit: 4


Oct. 19 – Nov. 3

Nov. 19 – Nov. 24

Dec. 12 – Jan. 26

Daily limit of 6 ducks (except mergansers and coots), may include 1 black duck; 4 mallards including no more than 2 hen mallards; 2 pintail; 1 canvas back; 3 wood ducks; 2 red heads; 2 scaup; l mottled Duck; 1 fulvous whistling tree duck; 4 scoters. The possession limit is 2 times the daily bag limit.

Youth Hunt Oct. 13 and Dec. 8

Bag may include ducks, mergansers, coots, moorhens, Canada geese, snow geese and brant. Standard limits apply.

Canada Geese (Migratory)

Option 1

Nov. 19 – Nov. 24

Dec. 13 – Jan. 26

Option 2

Nov. 19 – Nov. 24

Dec. 15 – Jan. 29

Limit: 2

Snow Goose

Oct. 1 – Jan. 31

Limit: 25

Feb. 1 – April 13 (Conservation Order)


Bombay Hook No dates given yet


Dec. 1 – Jan. 28

Limit: 3

Coots & Mergansers Same season dates as ducks

Rail-King, Clapper Sept.1 – Nov. 8 Limit: 10

Sora, Virginia Limit: 25

Gallinules, Moorhens Limit: 15


Nov. 19 – Dec. 8

Dec. 12 – Jan. 5

Limit: 3


Nov. 19 – Dec. 8

Dec. 12 – Jan. 5

Limit: 8

Sea Ducks

Sept. 25 – Jan. 26

Limit: 7 (No more than 4 scoters)

Within designated sea duck zone (not less than 800 yards

seaward of Delaware Bay shore or Atlantic Ocean

A member of the audience (George Williams) requested that the Division consider moving the early teal date to September 1. This option will be discussed at the February Advisory Council Meeting.

Chairman Montague reported that he had received a complaint that Bombay Hook was not open during Delaware’s second youth hunting day.

Mr. Joe Austin with DOA Outfitters requested that the Division consider having the Snow Goose Conservation Order dates extended, i.e., a two week season after Thanksgiving (Nov. 26 – Dec. 12) similar to what Maryland currently has. The use of electronic calls would be permitted during this season. Mr. Austin understands that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service would allow us to have these two extra weeks as long as they don’t overlap other waterfowl seasons. One advantage would be that the use of electronic calls could help reduce the population of snow geese in Delaware. Mr. Hossler stated that Delaware’s Brant season dates would have to be adjusted because you cannot have a Brant season during a Snow Goose Conservation Order. Councilman Nichols requested that the Division review the dates available for the Snow Goose Conservation Order. Greg Moore, Wildlife Administrator, stated that he and his staff will review the Conservation Order dates in consideration of Mr. Austin’s request. The Division will attempt to maximize hunting opportunities unless other seasons are adversely impacted.

NOTE: These proposed seasons will be discussed and tentatively finalized at the February Advisory Council meeting and then will become final in August when final Federal frameworks and options are adopted.

Agenda Item 3. Snow Goose Conservation Order (Rob Hossler).

This was discussed in Agenda Item 2.

Agenda Item 4. Council Bylaws (Director David E. Saveikis).

Director Saveikis announced that the Governor’s Office has requested that all of the various appointed Councils develop Bylaws. A sample outline of the framework for developing Bylaws was distributed to the Council members. Director Saveikis offered the Division’s assistance if needed. He requested that these Bylaws be done within the next several months if possible.

Chairman Montague stated that members of the Council will meet with Greg Moore soon in order to fulfill this obligation.

Agenda Item 5. Trout Season Schedule (Stew Michels).

Stew Michels, Program Manager II with the Fisheries Section, introduced John Clark who is the new Fisheries Administrator. Mr. Michels provided a power point presentation on Delaware’s Freshwater Trout Program which originated in 1937. It has been a continuous program since 1954. It is funded through trout stamp sales and is matched with the Sport Fish Restoration (SFR) Program monies. A trout stamp is required for residents from ages 12 through 64 and non-residents 12 years of age or older. The stamp is free for residents under the age of 12 or 64 years and older. The objective of this program is to provide increased angling opportunities by stocking catchable-sized trout in Delaware streams in New Castle County and two small ponds in Kent and Sussex Counties. Streams in New Castle County are stocked prior to the April opener and a less publicized fall stocking is done in October. Approximately 16,000 pounds of trout are stocked annually in recent years which include some trophy fish. A disabled angler’s event is also held at Wilson Run. Tidbury Pond in Dover and Newton Pond in Greenwood are stocked prior to the March opener and are popular among the local anglers. Mr. Michels also stated that access and parking continue to be a problem. In addition, Red Clay Creek which was stocked from 1972 through 1986 had elevated PCBs, dioxin and pesticides in the water. It was determined then that the Division would no longer stock this Creek. The creek has improved in recent years and data suggest a limited 30 day fishing season could occur.

Agenda Item 6. Legislation and Director Update (Director David E. Saveikis).

Director Saveikis announced the following Division legislative bills which are currently being developed and requested the Council’s approval:

1. The Scientific Collection Permit law is being considered for updating. Some research facilities and academics are capturing protected wildlife for research purposes without obtaining permits from the Division.

2. The Spotlighting Law is being considered for updating to also prohibit use of night vision technology. It is illegal to shine lights in the field from a vehicle including vehicle lights as well as hand held spotlights to hunt or observe wildlife. There have also been safety concerns for Enforcement Officers while patrolling at night. An Enforcement Officer in the State of Georgia was shot and killed while on night patrol by someone using night vision technology.

3. The Poisoning Statute is being considered for updating to close some loopholes to clarify wording around the intent of the use of poison that could affect wildlife.

4. Legislation is being considered for updating to give authority to the Department to develop regulations to define what methods of take are allowed for invasive fish species such as the invasive snakehead.

The Council endorsed the Division’s development of these legislative bills. Director Saveikis stated that he would keep the Council updated.

Director Saveikis provided the following monthly Division update:

1. Nutria which is an invasive aquatic rodent from South America has been found in Mud Mill Pond in Delaware. The occurrences of Nutria have been documented in Delaware in the 1970s and again in 1990 at Prime hook National Wildlife Refuge. The Division is currently working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wildlife Services on this issue.

2. The Ad Hoc Committee which was convened by the Recreational Fishing Funding Advisory Council recommended raising the base service charge that private license agents can charge by $1.00. This would increase the service charge to $2.50. Councilman Rick Berry served as the Council’s representative on this Committee. The Division had been given the authority to do this by the General Assembly and Director Saveikis approved the $1.00 increase in December to be effective for fishing licenses on January 1, 2012 and hunting licenses on July 1, 2012.

3. The Division’s first fishing and hunting photo contests were held with 53 fishing entries and 27 hunting entries submitted. The contests were held to promote youth and their families to become more involved in hunting and fishing activities. The entries were judged by Kevin Fleming, a well-known professional photographer and two local photographers, both DNREC employees, Tony Pratt and Freda Barrett. The winners will be announced in a press release and will be featured on the covers of or in our Hunting & Trapping Guide and the Fishing Guide. Runners up will be noted inside both of the Guides. This contest may be held annually.

4. House Bill #189 developed by the General Assembly which allows the use of handguns in the deer depredation program passed the House and is headed to the Senate Natural Resources Committee.

5. Senate Bill #129 with Senate Amendment 1 developed by the General Assembly to establish coyotes as an unprotected species was tabled in the House Natural Resources Committee. This Bill includes method of take restrictions.

6. In response to the Council’s previous inquiry about license fee increases, Director Saveikis provided the Council with a copy of a letter from Southwick Associates. This company helps agencies identify license pricing that will enable them to better meet their revenue needs.

Chairman Montague suggested increased awareness that senior citizens can still purchase hunting and fishing licenses even though those 65 and older are exempt from purchasing a license, with revenues from such purchases helping fund the Division’s conservation efforts.

Councilman Palmer stated that seniors who would like to purchase a license even though they are exempt were recently told at the DNREC Building that they “can’t do that.”

A member of the audience (Ralph Holston) suggested that a statement about this be printed in both the hunting and fishing guides.

Chairman Montague thanked Mr. Michels for his Freshwater Fish presentation. Director Saveikis stated that Freshwater Fish presentations will be routine now at the monthly Advisory Council meetings.

Representative Walls made a plea for rabbit hunters since there is only one place in Delaware to train dogs which is at the Milford Neck Wildlife Area in Kent County. He also requested that the Council and the Division consider stocking rabbits and also to charge a $10.00 user fee for non-hunters or anglers using fish and wildlife areas.


1. Approval of Minutes (Chairman).

2. Base Migratory Bird Seasons (Greg Moore).

3. Review of Fisheries Construction Projects (Lacy Nichols).

4. 2011-2012 Deer Harvest Results (Ken Reynolds).

5. Dog Training on Wildlife Management Areas (Greg Moore).

6. Director’s Update (Director David E. Saveikis).

There being no further business, a motion was made, seconded and carried that the meeting be adjourned at 9:04 PM.



Karen Kennedy

Recording Secretary


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