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Court System Scavenger Hunt Key

You will use the internet to locate the answers to the following questions. You will only have one class period to complete the assignment, so use your time wisely.

1. Who is the current U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice? John G. Roberts, Jr

2. Who is the last person appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court? Sonia Sotomayor

3. Who is the current Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice? Chief Justice Carol W. Hunstein

4. Who are the current Judges for your County Superior Court?

5. Who is the current judge for the City of your town Municipal Court?

6. What three pleas will the Municipal Court of your town accept?

Guilty Not Guilty Nolo Contendre

7. The Municipal Court of your requires that guilty pleas for two categories of offenses be

heard by the court. What are the two categories?

Any offense that involves loss of driving privileges

  Any offense that involves incarceration

8. Who is the chief judge for your town Magistrate Court?

9. Who is the current Probate Court Judge for your County?

10. Who is the current State Court Judge for your County?

11. How many justices serve on the U.S. Supreme Court? Nine

12. The United States is divided into how many judicial districts? Ninety-four

13. The United States is divided into how many judicial circuits? Twelve, plus there is a court of

appeals for the Federal Circuit.

14. Federal cases that arise anywhere in the state of Georgia will have any appeals heard in what

U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals? Where is this court located? 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, Georgia

15. Where are the three closest U.S. Districts Courts? Atlanta, Newnan, Rome

16. What is the address of the your County Courthouse?

17. How many judges serve on the Georgia Supreme Court? Seven

18. How much does it cost to file a criminal case appeal with the Georgia Supreme Court? $80.00

19. How many terms does the Georgia Supreme Court have each year? Three

20. What are the two things an attorney must present in order to be admitted to the Georgia Court

of Appeals? 1. Application card 2. Check for $30.00

21. Who was the first female judge to serve on the Georgia Court of Appeals?

Dorothy Toth Beasley

22. Who was the first female judge to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court? Sandra Day O’Connor

23. Above the west entrance to the U.S. Supreme Court Building is the phrase;

Equal Justice Under Law

24. In the state court system, the judge of what court is appointed to their term, while all others are

elected? Juvenile Court Judge

25. According to the Basic Rules of Court Conduct, for the your town Municipal Court, what is the

proper way to always address the judge? Your Honor


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