Tel. No. (860) 713-6145

October 25, 2004

State of Connecticut

Department of Consumer Protection

Occupational & Professional Licensing Division

165 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, Connecticut 06106

The five hundred ninety sixth meeting of the Architectural Licensing Board, held on September 23, 2004, was called to order by Chairman Mr. S. Edward Jeter at 8:41 a.m. in Room No. 119 of the State Office Building, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.

Present: Paul H. Bartlett Board Member

Robert B. Hurd Board Member

Edward Jeter Chairman/Board Member

Christopher Mazza Board Member

Robert M. Kuzmich License and



Of Consumer Protection

Steven J. Schwane Administrative Hearings

Attorney/Department of Consumer Protection

Diane Harp Jones AIA/Connecticut

Neil T. Hauck Reinstatement applicant

Not Present: Carole W. Briggs Board Member

Note: The administrative functions of this Board are carried out by the Department of Consumer Protection, Occupational and Professional Licensing Division. For information, call Richard M. Hurlburt, Director, at (860) 713-6135.

1. Old Business

1A. Submission of the minutes of the July 16, 2004 meeting of the Board; for review and approval. The Board voted, unanimously, to approve the minutes as submitted. (Hurd/Bartlett)

1B. Continuation of discussion concerning the proposed changes to Regulation Section 20-289-10a(5). Mr. Kuzmich noted that the Board was sent copies of the minutes covering the discussion the Board held in the past concerning the subject matter of these proposed changes. Mr. Schwane explained that these changes would permit a Connecticut architect taking over the work prepared by another Connecticut architect and a Connecticut architect taking responsibility for work prepared by out-of-state licensed architects. Mr. Jeter noted that Ms. Briggs raised a point of discussion concerning the lack of contemporaneous involvement on the part of the Connecticut architect taking overwork prepared by this architect licensed out of state. Mr. Jeter noted his personal experience on this matter stating that the critical issue in the responsibility of the person now in charge of the project.

Mr. Schwane questioned the difference, if any, between this situation and that of drawings prepared by a large architectural firm where the signing architect may have limited involvement in the project. Mr. Bartlett noted that the situation is very similar except for the fact that the principal in charge of the project would also have been in charge of the training for the individuals producing the drawings. Mr. Mazza noted that Ms. Briggs asked for the minutes because he was of the opinion that the Board at that time was not in complete agreement with this type of change and wanted she wanted to know what the objections were at that time.

Mr. Schwane noted that Ms. Briggs focus is on public safety and he asks whether there is a public safety issue involved with architects reviewing plans prepared by others. Mr. Bartlett noted that in his opinion, there is not and, in fact, it can be argued that the public safety may be enhanced because another set of eyes is now looking at the job. Mr. Hurd noted that the regulations as they exist delineate the Boards actions when they changed the regulations in 1998 and the term “responsible charge” was used as taken from NCARB’s Model Law. He believes that the new proposed language is an extension of that term and not a substantive change.

Mr. Bartlett noted that this Board can not act on this language today because Ms. Briggs needs to be present in order to address her concerns. Mr. Bartlett noted that the Board does not want “to change the law because people are breaking it”. Mr. Schwane agreed and respects Mr. Briggs concerns but also believes that she has to demonstrate to the Board how the public is harmed if this language is adapted. Mr. Hurd also raised the issue that it could be argued that the public could be potentially more protected if this change was made. Mr. Hurd acknowledged the respect he has for Ms. Briggs as a public member of the Board and the perspective she brings because she represents many clients and as such, he believes that no action should be taken on this matter today.

The Board voted, unanimously, to postpone further discussion on this item until their next meeting in November. (Hurd/Bartlett)

1C. Update from Mr. Steven Schwane concerning the Department of Consumer Protection’s proposed changes to the Statutes and Regulations concerning the practice of architecture. Mr. Schwane stated that he meet with the Commissioner and Ms. Vanessa Ramirez. He was told that there was little discussion and opposition to the proposed architectural changes and that these changes will be made a part of the Department’s legislative package for 2005. Further, he stated that these changes would be grouped with the Department’s professional occupations package. Mr. Schwane also noted that pharmacy bills would be separate. His point to the Board was that the Department is trying to separate their package strategically to minimize the chance of any controversial bills jeopardizing the fate of other Department bills also before the legislature. Ms. Jones suggested that the Department can check with NCARB regarding what other state actions have been on similar bills for their information. Mr. Schwane noted that the next step is for this package is to go to the Governor’s Office.

2. New Business

2A. Appearance before the Board by Mr. Neil T. Hauck concerning the reinstatement of his Connecticut’s Architect license; Mr. Hauck was originally licensed in Connecticut on August 17, 1984 by reciprocity with an NCARB Certificate Record (New York). His license lapsed on July 31, 1998; for discussion and action by the Board. Mr. Hauck explained to the Board the circumstances involving the lapse of his license. He noted that it was not his intention to let his license lapse and has maintained membership’s in other professional organizations during the time his architects’ license lapsed. Mr. Hauck asked if the Board would allow him to keep his original license number. Mr. Schwane noted that normally, unless a license has been revoked, a licensee should keep his original number. Mr. Kuzmich noted that the directive for a new license number is regulatory and the Board has some latitude on their decision. Mr. Hurd had no problems in allowing Mr. Hauck to keep his original license number. Other members of the Board agreed.

Mr. Hurd noted that it is the Board’s policy to ask reinstatement candidates to send to them in writing a statement detailing their actions to prevent an unintentional lapse of their license in the future. Mr. Hauck will send a letter to the Department in accordance with the Board’s directive. As such, Mr. Hurd motioned to reinstate Mr. Hauck’s license and allow him to keep his original license number. Mr. Mazza seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

2B. The following candidates have passed the Architect Registration Examination and are recommended by the Department of Consumer Protection for licensing as architects in the State of Connecticut;

the Board voted, unanimously, to approve the following individuals for licensing as architects in Connecticut: (Bartlett/Hurd)

1. Derek M. Labrecque

2. Christopher S. Strange

3. Kyle D. Thiel

4. Jennifer J. Triscele

2C. Applications for reciprocal licensing; the following individuals are recommended by the Department of Consumer Protection for licensing as architects in the State of Connecticut on the basis of reciprocity with an NCARB Certificate Record or by Direct Reciprocity; the Board voted, unanimously, to approve the following individuals for licensing as architects in the State of Connecticut: (Bartlett/Hurd)

|1. |Buschfrers, Maximo |Reciprocity w/New York |(NCARB File No. 78996) |

|2. |Cammalleri, Vince |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 74578) |

|3. |Cuthbertson, Jr., Francis C. |Reciprocity w/Pennsylvania |Direct |

|4. |Ellingson, Daniel R. |Reciprocity w/Maine |(NCARB File No. 51928) |

|5. |Frear, Robert C. |Reciprocity w/New York |Direct |

|6. |Garvin, Scott L. |Reciprocity w/South Carolina |(NCARB File No. 43996) |

|8. |Gillespie, Christopher R. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 35150) |

|7. |Gilroy, Michael A. |Reciprocity w/New York |(NCARB File No. 09786) |

|9. |Godwin, Roger T. |Reciprocity w/Georgia |(NCARB File No. 32332) |

|10. |Hess, Barbara |Reciprocity w/New Jersey |(NCARB File No. 57908) |

|11. |Johnson, James R. |Reciprocity w/Georgia |(NCARB File No. 25966) |

|12. |Kane, Paul A. |Reciprocity w/Colorado |(NCARB File No. 24923) |

|13. |Kim, Susie S. H. |Reciprocity w/New Hampshire |(NCARB File No. 61434) |

|14. |Koenig, Todd L. |Reciprocity w/New York |Direct |

|15. |Kracauer, Cynthia |Reciprocity w/New Jersey |Direct |

|16. |Kramer, Frederick A. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 99166) |

|17. |Larson, Richard W. |Reciprocity w/Pennsylvania |(NCARB File No. 84911) |

|18. |Lautzenheiser, Gregory S. |Reciprocity w/Michigan |Direct |

|19. |Loehr, David A. |Reciprocity w/Maryland |(NCARB File No. 00932) |

|20. |Mayne, Thom |Reciprocity w/California |(NCARB File No. 55013) |

|21. |O'Brien, Cheryl A. |Reciprocity w/Pennsylvania |(NCARB File No. 58685) |

|22. |Occhiogrossi, Robert J.M. |Reciprocity w/New York) |(NCARB File No. 73671) |

|23. |Racile, James |Reciprocity w/New Jersey |(NCARB File No. 89696) |

|24. |Rhinehart, Christopher J. |Reciprocity w/New York |Direct |

|25. |Seaman, Timothy B. |Reciprocity w/Kentucky |(NCARB File No. 50915) |

|26. |Smith, David C. |Reciprocity w/Texas |(NCARB File No. 35113 |

|27. |Stead, Timothy |Reciprocity w/Colorado |Direct |

|28. |Summerour, Charles K. |Reciprocity w/Florida |(NCARB File No. 58008) |

|29. |Taormina, Christopher G. |Reciprocity w/New York |(NCARB File No. 107339) |

|30. |Twomey, Timothy R. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 35308) |

|31. |Washatko, Allen F. |Reciprocity w/Florida |(NCARB File No. 34579 |

|32. |Wettling, John R. |Reciprocity w/New York |Direct |

|33. |Wright, Andrew B. |Reciprocity w/New York |Direct |

|34. |Young, Jerry |Reciprocity w/New York |Direct |

|35. |Zhang, Ming |Reciprocity w/Washington |(NCARB File No. 97411) |

|36. |Zimmerman, Peter |Reciprocity w/Pennsylvania |(NCARB File No. 43116) |

2D. Applications for the Corporate Practice of Architecture; the Department has reviewed and recommends for approval the following applications; the Board voted, unanimously, to approve the following applications for the corporate practice of architecture in Connecticut: (Hurd/Mazza)

Casey & Associates, Inc. Allen R. Casey

619 S. Pickwick Connecticut Lic. No. 9944

Springfield, Missouri 65802

Dingman Allison Architects, Inc., P.C. Nancy M. Dingman, CEO

1950 Massachusetts Avenue Connecticut Lic. No

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140 10354

2E. Applications for Joint Corporate Practice of Architecture and Professional Engineering; the Department has reviewed and recommends for approval the following applications; for review and approval by the Board. The Board voted, unanimously, to approve the following applications for the joint corporate practice of Architecture and Professional Engineering in Connecticut: (Hurd/Bartlett)

Greenberg Farrow Esmail L. Ghadrdan, President Architecture of CT, LLC Connecticut Lic. No. PEN.20395

1755 The Exchange

Atlanta, Georgia 30339

Lehman Mehler Hirst Lee N. Mehler, President

Thornton Associates, P.A. Connecticut Lic. No. PEN 8774

2805 Meridian Parkway

Durham, North Carolina 27713

RGB Architecture and James R. Carlson, CEO

Engineering, Inc. Connecticut Lic. No. PEN.6203

50 Holden Street

Providence, Rhode Island 02908

2F. File No. 2001-9460, presented to the Board by Mr. Steve Schwane; concerning a corporation that held an Architect, Engineer and Land Surveying Corporation Joint Certificate of Registration. Mr. Schwane explained that this is the first case of this kind he has dealt with. He noted that the engineering board recently approved this agreement. This case involves a corporation involved with the Bridgeport corruption scandal. Mr. Schwane negotiated with their attorney and noted that the agreement basically states that this entity whose registration has now lapsed will not renew or apply for a new registration and recommends that the Board consider approval of the agreement. Mr. Hurd noted that the agreement applies only to this form of their corporation under their current name. Mr. Schwane noted that this is the only entity the Board can act against. As such, the Board voted, unanimously, to accept this agreement. (Hurd/Bartlett) Mr. Jeter signed the agreement.

2G. "CHRO Reviews" CHRO CRITERIA PER SECTION 46a-80; none before the Board. The Chairman noted that there are no CHRO Reviews before the Board today.

2H. Any correspondence and/or business received in the interim.

1. Mr. Schwane noted that he spoke with Mr. Huntsman earlier in the week and that Mr. Huntsman apologized to the Board for not being there today. Mr. Huntsman stated that he reviewed the agenda and could be reached by telephone should the Board have any questions for him.

2. Mr. Jeter noted that NCARB’s website does not list Mr. Mazza’s e-mail address. He attempted to add this address but does not have administrative access to do this and suggested that Mr. Kuzmich may have this access. Mr. Kuzmich will attempt to access the site and add Mr. Mazza’s e-mail address.

3. Ms. Harp Jones invited the Board to attend a ceremony given by AIA/CT this evening at 5:00 p.m. at their offices in New Haven to recognize newly licensed architects (by examination) within the last twelve months.

The meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.(Hurd/Bartlett) The next regular meeting of the Architectural Licensing Board is scheduled for Friday, November 19, 2004 at 8:30 a.m.; State Office Building; Room 121; 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert M. Kuzmich, R.A.

Board Administrator

092304ab.doc rev. (11/02/04)


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