Internship Outline and Objectives - Georgia State University

-631825-64452500261491-289716Georgia State UniversityJ. Mack Robinson College of BusinessDepartment of Computer Information Systems 9500095000Georgia State UniversityJ. Mack Robinson College of BusinessDepartment of Computer Information Systems -524530337144CIS 8391Internship Handbook00CIS 8391Internship Handbook-524059683362P. O. Box 4015 ● Atlanta, Georgia 30302-4015 ● (404) 413-7360 ● cis.gsu.edu00P. O. Box 4015 ● Atlanta, Georgia 30302-4015 ● (404) 413-7360 ● cis.gsu.edu163830047625CIS 8391 Internship HandbookSteps to Apply for Your Internship CreditMeet all prerequisites: You are required to (a) maintain a GPA 3.3 or greater, and (b) have completed one semester coursework for an international student. Otherwise, you are disqualified for CIS 8391. Receive an internship offer letter: The internship must be an IT-related position to which you can apply the knowledge and skill learned in your study. The position can be either a part-time / full-time (20+ hours per week) internship or a permanent job. A job offer letter on company letterhead, or an email offer from the HR, is common. If you are an international student, refer to Step REF _Ref527127421 \r \h 8 for additional requirements.If you are currently employed in the IT field, you may use your employment as the “internship” to fulfill the requirement as an option. You may replace the offer letter with a proof of your employment such as a copy of your last paycheck (redact sensitive data), a photo of your employee badge, employment letter from HR, etc.You may find the position either through your own search efforts, which is strongly encouraged, the Robinson Career Advancement Center, GSU Career Services, or from the sources listed below:TAG/TechFetch Job Board - Internet search of IT Recruitment FirmsComputer Software/Systems jobs - Hoovers Job Bank - InternJobs - Inroads, Inc. - Internship Programs - Feet - Georgia Governors Intern Program - Abroad - - Knocks - . S. Government Jobs - Dept. of Labor – NAC Employer/Student Network - 3806190123380500Check the internship duration: The duration of the internship may be longer than the duration of the semester you are registering for CIS 8391, but it cannot be shorter than the semester duration. Reference to the academic year calendar in Semester Calendars & Exam Schedule at GSU Office of The Registrar web site. The duration of a semester is from the date Classes Start to the last date of Final Exams. CIS 8391 follows the Full Semester, not Mini-Mister schedule in the spring and fall semesters, and Seven Week-Semester in the summer semester. The diagram on the right illustrates minimal and maximum internship durations for the spring semester as an example. If an internship spans across multiple semesters or without an end date, you are required to submit a new application for each following semester only if you need work authorization in the next semester, andyou want to receive additional course credits for it.In such a case, the start date of the following semester is the day after the last day of the previous semester. That is, the internship can be continued into the next semester without any gap between those two semesters.Write a Two-Page Proposal: A clear understanding of the internship needs to be documented in a two-page proposal. The proposal should be detail oriented, describing the responsibilities and duties of the internship position. This includes international students doing curricular practical training (CPT). A sample proposal is included at the end of this packet. Your proposal is where you describe:Semester, year of internship work (e.g. Spring Semester, 2019 internship)Company and division you will be working for.Objectives: What will you learn? (Example: I will learn about SQL)Tasks: What will you be doing to learn?? (Example: I will be creating SQL queries using the Oracle database.) Do not simply cut and paste a job descriptionSelf-directed dates when you will learn/accomplish them over the course of the semester (You must identify dates.)If the internship requires you to work more than 20 hours per week, it is regarded as a full-time internship. For international students, you are required to provide academic justifications in your proposal to explain why full-time is required based on the requirements of the internship. Examples of academic justification may be thorough understanding of the knowledge you learned in specific CIS courses, applying specific skills to the creation or the development of IT systems (e.g., predicative sales models, cybersecurity monitoring), and so on. Note that career development, job prospective, gaining working experience, etc. are non-academic justifications which cannot be used to justify full-time internships (positions).Supervisor Contact Form: The worksite supervisor must complete the Supervisor Contact Form (which is included in this packet). You must submit your internship proposal to the supervisor to approve it as part of this step. If your supervisor is not known until you start the internship or unavailable to sign it, you may use the employee who assigns your offer letter. You can update the form later after you know who your supervisor is.The contact information of your supervisor must be complete. It will be used by the school to contact the supervisor for employment verification, internship performance check during the semester, and other purposes.Submit internship application: After prepared those three documents: offer letter, internship proposal and supervisor contact form, you should submit your application online in the CIS internship page (). The online application link is “Submit the Graduate Student Internship Application.” Make sure that you click the right link because that page also contains the online application link for undergraduate students. If your application submission is successful, you should receive an acknowledgement message in your GSU email. If you do not receive the email acknowledgement, it is very likely the files you submitted are rejected by the system due to security reasons. You can resubmit a new online application without uploading your files and email those files to the CIS internship coordinator with an explanation. Receive departmental Approval: After your internship is approved, the coordinator will request CIS 8391 registration for you if you are in one of CIS cohort programs. If you are in the MBA program with MIS concentration, the coordinator will grant you a registration permission for CIS 8391. The approval process is completed after CIS 8391 is registered if (a) the internship is an unpaid internship, or (b) the internship is a paid internship and you can legally work in the US. Otherwise, you must complete the following steps. If you have a doubt on whether a working authorization is required for a paid internship, please contact the office of GSU International Students and Scholars Services (ISSS).After the completion of the approval process, you should visit the CIS 8391 class web site to understand the requirements for the class. The class uses the letter grade scheme.Obtain working authorization: If you are required to be authorized to work in the US, follow the additional instructions below: Offer letter for a paid internship: The office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) has specific requirements on the format of the offer letter. Please review the "Job Offer Letter Specifics" in the link: . The offer letter must include the number of hours per week, start date and end date. (Refer to Step 3 above for the start date and date of a semester.) The ISSS office has rejected CPT’s because of the missing / incorrect information. If your internship offer letter does not meet the requirements, you have two options:Get a revised offer letter met the requirements, orSend an email to the HR to explain the requirements, request amending the missing information in the offer letter, and append the acknowledgement email from the HR to the offer letter in your application for CPT form.Offer letter for an unpaid internship: The offer letter must comply with the US Department of Labor’s Internship Programs Under The Fair Labor Standards Act at the link: Practical Training (CPT) form: After your offer letter meets the ISSS requirements, you should raise a CPT form from iStart and enter the email address of the CIS internship coordinator as the secondary approver. The deadline for CPT approval in a semester is the end of the business on the Friday of the first week of the semester.Note: it may take 3 to 4 business days for ISSS to process the CPT form.Frequently Asked Questions & AnswersInternship FAQs for International Students in our one-year, master’s programs:International students can do either part-time or full-time internships (positions) after completing the first semester.? ISSS will approve the internships based on the academic justifications that part-time or full-time work might be required by various jobs. (Refer to Step REF _Ref882724 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 2 in the previous section.)International students can have a GRA position while they are doing part-time (20 hours or less per week). HOWEVER, ISSS will not approve a full-time CPT (20+ hours per week) with a GRA position. To avoid unnecessary delay in the internship approval, you must understand the start date and end date of internships in each term before committing those dates to your internship company. Those dates are different from your class schedule calendar. Refer to Step 3 in the previous section for detailed information on start and end dates.You cannot change the internship company once the CPT has been approved and the internship is started. The change of the internship company can cause the termination of the CPT. Please consult the ISSS staff before making any changes to your internship.CIS 8391 is a full semester course. Refer to Step 3 in the previous section for the required length of each semester. It is possible to combine two or more short-term internships to meet the length requirement. Those internships should be aligned so that the start date of an internship is immediately after the end date of the previous one. In this case, you need to submit one CPT for each internship and all offer letters must meet the ISSS requirements.The extension of an internship into the following semester follows the same process as outlined in this handbook. It requires the same set of application documents and repeats the same approval process. Providing complete documents and information can greatly speedup the approval process.The term internship in this handbook refers to internships, co-ops, and permanent positions. Some companies / organizations may use other different terms. If you have any doubt on the qualification of an offer, you should discuss it with ISSS and the CIS internship coordinator.Sample Internship Proposal CIS 8391 Field Study/Internship – [insert internship semester, year]Student Name: Panther ID:Major: Class:GSU Student Email: Internship Outline and ObjectivesCompany and Internship Information A Large Corporation (ALC) is one of the largest manufacturers of paper based consumer products. Its supply chain network consists of fifteen (15) mills and about twenty (20) warehouses. The customers are located all over the country. The demand distribution follows very closely to the population profile of the regions. ALC produces over fifteen hundred (1500) different items to meet the demands of its customers.The demand profile varies within a region over different items and so does the cost to serve these items and their associated revenues. Hence the profits for ALC in any given region could be considered to depend upon the items being sold there, their associated cost to serve and revenues derived. It has been noticed that for a particular item, the cost to serve increases and the associated revenue decreases with quantity being sold. This creates a point beyond which selling more quantities does not yield any further profit. This point is usually termed as Sweet Spot. The Sweet Spots differs significantly from item to item for a given region.The Business Improvement Process (BIP) department at ALC is currently putting together a Decision Support Model (DSM) to determine Sweet Spots for the items that it produces. The intent is to use this model to determine how much of which item in what quantities should be sold and where.The DSM will consist of a database in ACCESS, GUI and middleware in , and an optimization model. The intern is required to help build the database, GUI and middleware to enable smooth use of the optimization model.Objectives: (educational component--what you will learn at the company in this section)Understand the IT enabled manufacture industry of paper based consumer products and how a large manufacturer company operates to serve its customersGain field experience on how IT can impact the supply chain network in a national manufacturer companyUnderstand how the supply chain network operates for a large multi-product organizationLearn how cost, quantity of goods sold and regions can affect the profit and how IT can help optimize itUnderstand how the business improvement process and decision support model works in a large organizationPractice the knowledge of system analysis and architecture design of the prototype Gain hands on experience with database, GUI design and skillsHave opportunities to integrate optimization business model within the prototype and present the model to corporate executivesA list of specific tasks to achieve the objectives: (tasks that will help you learn in this section)Understand ALC as a company and its businessUnderstand the role BIP department plays in ALCUnderstand the business problem being addressed in this projectUnderstand the Decision Model being put togetherProvide suggestions to improve the design and architecture of the prototypeDesign data models for the prototypeBuild required queriesParticipate in design of GUIBuild GUIIntegrate optimization model within the prototypeBuild reportsPresent the prototype to ALC management as neededMilestones: (when you’ll perform/complete the tasks that will help you learn in this section)August 30, 2016 (put in your date) Finish organization and industry orientationAnalyze the current supply chain system and associated problemsOctober 30, 2016 (put in your date)Design the decision support modelEvaluate the tools for building the DSMDecember 16, 2016 (put in the last day of class for the semester or earlier)Deliver prototypeSupervisor Contact FormCIS 8391 GRADUATE FIELD STUDY CLASSStudent InformationStudent Name: _____________________________Internship Semester/Year: _______________Panther ID #: _______________________________Credit Hours for Semester: _________________(Typically 3 hours; 1 or 2 hrs if second internship)Student Telephone #: ____________________Student Email: _____________________________(To give student notification to register for course once approval has been granted.)Company Name:Address of location you are working at:Internship Proposal: ________ (print initials) I have attached/sent my internship proposal. Signatures*It is helpful to the student if the internship manager identifies learning objectives related to the student’s field of study and assigns meaningful work related to these objectives. As the internship manager, I will be evaluating the students work upon completion of the internship._______________________________________Internship Manager Name (Printed/Typed) Date(By signing this request I agree to fulfill all requirements stated in the course outline for authorization for CIS 8391.)_______________________________________Internship Manager Signature_________________________________________Student Signature Date_________________________________________Internship Manager Phone_______________________________________Internship Manager Email ................

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