
Commission on Colleges

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

| |



Name of Institution: Georgia State University

Name, Title, Phone number, and email address of Accreditation Liaison

Dr. Joan G. Carson

Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness


Name, Title, Phone number, and email address of Technical Support person for the Compliance Certification

Mary Jane Casto

Director, IS&T Planning and Strategic Initiatives


Educational Programs

1. Level of offerings (Check all that apply)

Diploma or certificate program(s) requiring less than one year beyond Grade 12

Diploma or certificate program(s) of at least two but fewer than four years of work beyond

Grade 12

Associate degree program(s) requiring a minimum of 60 semester hours or the equivalent

designed for transfer to a baccalaureate institution

Associate degree program(s) requiring a minimum of 60 semester hours or the equivalent

not designed for transfer

X Four or five-year baccalaureate degree program(s) requiring a minimum of 120 semester

hours or the equivalent

X Professional degree program(s)

X Master's degree program(s)

X Work beyond the master's level but not at the doctoral level (such as Specialist in


X Doctoral degree program(s)

X Other (Specify) Professional Certificates; Graduate Certificates

Types of Undergraduate Programs (Check all that apply)

Occupational certificate or diploma program(s)

Occupational degree program(s)

Two-year programs designed for transfer to a baccalaureate institution

X Liberal Arts and General

X Teacher Preparatory

X Professional

X Other (Specify) Undergraduate certificates in conjunction with undergraduate degree


Georgia State University

History and Characteristics

Georgia State University, founded in 1913, has a mission of excellence in teaching, research and service. Located in the heart of downtown Atlanta, this major research university has an enrollment of more than 27,400 undergraduate and graduate students in six colleges. Georgia State is the second largest university in the state, with students coming from every county in Georgia, every state in the nation and from over 145 countries. 

Current Mission

As the only urban research university in the state, the overarching goal of Georgia State University is to achieve a front-rank position among the nation's premier state-supported universities located in an urban setting. Educational opportunities are provided for both non-traditional and traditional students, fostering scholarly interactions among diverse people around compelling ideas and questions and blending the best of basic and applied inquiry, scholarly and professional pursuits, and scientific activity and artistic expression.

Student Population

While students are attracted from all parts of the state, the nation, and many areas of the world, the downtown and satellite campuses provide access to quality education in particular for residents of the entire Atlanta metropolitan area. The University offers a welcoming academic environment to traditional students as well as working and returning students, with over half the students working fulltime. This produces a mature, serious student body with considerable ethnic and international diversity and a high proportion (twenty-six percent) of graduate students.  In fact, GSU is the most diverse institution in the state, with 46% minority undergraduate students, 31.9% minority graduate students, and 16.5% international graduate students. With a selective admissions policy, (54.3% for new freshman applicants were accepted for Fall, 2007), approximately 27,000 students are enrolled in a semester and over 32,000 different students per year take courses for credit. Several thousand bachelors degrees are awarded annually in over 54 majors, as well as over 1700 masters degrees and 150 doctoral degrees.

Peer Institutions

The University System of Georgia proposed peer institutions are the following: George Mason University, SUNY, New Albany, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Virginia Commonwealth University, Arizona State University, University of Louisville, University of New Mexico, Wayne State University, Temple University, University of Tennessee, University of Illinois, Chicago, University of Alabama, Birmingham, University of South Florida, University of Houston-University Park, University of Cincinnati.

List of Degrees




|ACADEMIC YEAR 2006-07 |

| |


|Degree/Certificate |Program Title |Concentration Title |

|BA |African American Studies | |

|BA |African American Studies |Humanities |

|BA |African American Studies |Pre Education |

|BA |African American Studies |Social/Behavioral Science |

|UG Cert |American Chemical Society | |

|BA |Anthropology | |

|BA |Anthropology |Pre Education |

|BFA |Art Education | |

|BA |Art History | |

|BA |Art Studio | |

|BFA |Art Studio |3-D Studies (Ceramics & Sculpture) |

|BFA |Art Studio |Drawing, Painting, Printmaking |

|BFA |Art Studio |Graphic Design |

|BFA |Art Studio |Interior Design |

|BFA |Art Studio |Photography |

|BFA |Art Studio |Textiles |

|BIS |Arts Admin. Speech/Theatre | |

|BIS |Asian Studies |Asian Studies |

|BS |Biology |General |

|BS |Biology |Microbiology |

|BS |Biology |Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology |

|BS |Biology |Neurobiology & Behavior |

|BS |Biology |Pre-Professional/Physiology |

|BS |Chemistry | |

|BS |Chemistry |Pre-medicine |

|BIS |Classical Studies | |

|BIS |Community Studies | |

|BS |Computer Science |Computer Software Systems |

|BS |Computer Science |Databases & Knowledge-based Sys |

|BS |Computer Science |Graphics & Human Computer Interaction |

|BS |Computer Science |Hardware Systems |

|BS |Computer Science |Networks & Parallel & Distribution Computing |

|BS |Computer Science |Theoretical Computer Sciences |

|BA |English | |

|BA |English |Advanced Composition & Rhetoric |

|BA |English |British-American Joint Studies Prgm |

|BA |English |Creative Writing |

|BA |English |Literature |

|BA |English |Secondary Eng Pre Education |

|BIS |Environmental Science | |

|UG Cert |European Union Studies | |

|BA |Film & Video | |

|BA |French |Foreign Lang Education |

|BA |French |Language & International Business |

|BA |French |Literature |

|BA |Geography |Geographic Info Science |

|BA |Geography |Physical Geog/Environmental Studies |

|BA |Geography |Pre Education |

|BA |Geography |Urban Studies |

|BS |Geology |Earth Science |

|BS |Geology |Environmental Geology |

|BS |Geology |General |

|BA |German |Foreign Lang Education |

|BA |German |Language & International Business |

|BA |German |Literature |

|BIS |Gerontology | |

|UG Cert |Gerontology | |

|BA |History | |

|BA |History |Pre Education |

|BIS |International Studies | |

|BA |Journalism |Print |

|BA |Journalism |Public Relations |

|BA |Journalism |Telecommunication |

|BIS |Language Studies | |

|BIS |Law & Society |Criminology |

|BIS |Law & Society |Pre Law |

|BS |Mathematics | |

|BS |Mathematics |Actuarial Science |

|BS |Mathematics |Computer Information Sys |

|BS |Mathematics |Computer Science |

|BS |Mathematics |Managerial Science |

|BS |Mathematics |Secondary School Teaching |

|BS |Mathematics |Statistics |

|BIS |Middle East Studies | |

|BMu |Music |Composition |

|BMu |Music |Jazz Studies Instrumental |

|BMu |Music |Jazz Studies Piano |

|BMu |Music |Music Tech (Recording) |

|BMu |Music |Perform Orchestral or Guitar |

|BMu |Music |Perform Organ |

|BMu |Music |Perform Piano |

|BMu |Music |Perform Voice |

|BMu |Music |Pre Education General |

|BMu |Music |Pre Education Instrumental |

|BS |Music Management | |

|BA |Philosophy | |

|BA |Philosophy |Pre Law |

|BS |Physics |Applied Physics |

|BS |Physics |Astronomy |

|BS |Physics |Biophysics |

|BS |Physics |Computer Science |

|BS |Physics |General |

|BS |Physics |Geology |

|BS |Physics |Pre Medicine |

|BA |Political Science |General |

|BA |Political Science |International Affairs |

|BA |Political Science |Pre Education Broad Field Science |

|BA |Political Science |Pre Education Broad Field Social Science |

|UG Cert |Political Science |Pre Law |

|UG Cert |Pre Education Broad Field Science | |

|BA |Psychology |Community Psychology |

|BA |Psychology |General |

|BA |Psychology |Pre Education |

|BS |Psychology |Community Psychology |

|BS |Psychology |General |

|BS |Psychology |Pre Medicine |

|BA |Religious Studies | |

|BA |Sociology |Family |

|BA |Sociology |Gender & Sexuality |

|BA |Sociology |General |

|BA |Sociology |Gerontology |

|BA |Sociology |Pre Education |

|BA |Sociology |Race & Urban Studies |

|BA |Spanish |Foreign Language Education |

|BA |Spanish |Language & International Business |

|BA |Spanish |Literature |

|BA |Speech |Life Span Communication |

|BA |Speech |Public & Political Communication |

|BIS |Student Planned | |

|UG Cert |Teaching English as Foreign Language | |

|BIS |Theatre |Design & Production |

|BIS |Theatre |Performance |

|UG Cert |Transatlantic Joint Certificate | |

|BA |Women's Studies | |

| | | |


|Degree/Certificate |Program Title |Concentration Title |

|BBA |Accounting | |

|BBA |Actuarial Science | |

|BBA |Business Economics | |

|BBA |Computer Information Systems | |

|UG Cert |Entrepreneurship | |

|BBA |Finance | |

|BBA |Hospitality Administration | |

|UG Cert |Hospitality Administration | |

|BBA |Managerial Sciences | |

|BBA |Marketing | |

|BBA |Real Estate | |

|BBA |Risk Management and Insurance | |

| | | |


|Degree/Certificate |Program Title |Concentration Title |

|Initial Cert |Comm Disorders(Speech Lang Pathology) | |

|BSE/Tchr Cert |Early Childhood Education |Dual Cert Early Child & Interrelated Special Ed |

|BSE/Tchr Cert |Early Childhood Education |P5 Certification |

|BS |Exercise Science | |

|BSE |Health and Physical Education | |

|Initial Cert |Health Occupations Education | |

|Initial Cert |Mathematics Education | |

|Initial Cert |Special Education General | |

|Initial Cert |Trade & Industrial Education | |

| | | |


|Degree/Certificate |Program Title |Concentration Title |

|BS |Criminal Justice |Crime & Justice |

|BS |Criminal Justice |Legal |

|BS |Nursing | |

|RN to BS |Nursing | |

|BS |Nutrition | |

|BS |Respiratory Therapy | |

|BSW |Social Work | |

| | | |

| |

| |


|Degree/Certificate |Program Title |Concentration Title |

|UG Cert |Analytical Economics | |

|UG Cert |Business Policy Analysis | |

|UG Cert |Development Economics | |

|UG Cert |Economic History | |

|BA |Economics | |

|BS |Economics | |

|BS |Economics |Social Studies Education |

|UG Cert |Econ of Urban Growth & Quality of Environment | |

|UG Cert |Human Resource Economics | |

|UG Cert |International Economics | |

|BA |International Economics & Modern Languages | |

|UG Cert |Law & Economics | |

|BS |Public Policy | |

|UG Cert |Public Policy | |

|BS |Urban Policy Studies |Human Resources |

|BS |Urban Policy Studies |Local Government Management |

|BS |Urban Policy Studies |Planning & Economic Development |

|BS |Urban Policy Studies |Public Policy |




|ACADEMIC YEAR 2006-07 |


|Degree/Certificate/Concentration |Program Title |Concentration Title |

|MA |Anthropology |Applied |

|MA |Anthropology |General |

|MA |Applied Linguistics | |

|PhD |Applied Linguistics | |

|MAED |Art Education | |

|MA |Art History | |

|MFA |Art Studio |Ceramics |

|MFA |Art Studio |Digital Filmmaking & Arts |

|MFA |Art Studio |Drawing/Painting/Printmaking |

|MFA |Art Studio |Graphic Design |

|MFA |Art Studio |Interior Design |

|MFA |Art Studio |Jewelry Design & Metalsmithing |

|MFA |Art Studio |Photography |

|MFA |Art Studio |Sculpture |

|MFA |Art Studio |Textiles |

|PhD |Astronomy | |

|PhD |Biological Sciences |Applied & Environmental Microbiology |

|PhD |Biological Sciences |Cell & Molecular Bio/Physiology |

|PhD |Biological Sciences |Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry |

|PhD |Biological Sciences |Molecular Genetics & Biochm Bioinformatics|

|PhD |Biological Sciences |Neurobiology & Behavior |

|MS |Biology |Applied & Environmental Microbiology |

|MS |Biology |Bioinformatics |

|MS |Biology |Biotechnology |

|MS |Biology |Cell & Molecular Bio/Physiology |

|MS |Biology |Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry |

|MS |Biology |Neurobiology & Behavior |

|MS |Chemistry | |

|MS |Chemistry |Bioinformatics |

|PhD |Chemistry |Analytical |

|PhD |Chemistry |Analytical/Bioinformatics |

|PhD |Chemistry |Biochemistry |

|PhD |Chemistry |Biochemistry/Bioinformatics |

|PhD |Chemistry |Biophysical |

|PhD |Chemistry |Biophysical/Bioinformatics |

|PhD |Chemistry |Organic |

|PhD |Chemistry |Organic/Bioinformatics |

|PhD |Chemistry |Geology |

|PhD |Comm Studies |Moving Image Studies |

|PhD |Comm Studies |Public Comm |

|MA |Communication |Film Video & Digital Image |

|MA |Communication |Human Comm & Social Influence |

|MA |Communication |Mass Comm |

|MS |Computer Science | |

|MS |Computer Science |Bioinformatics |

|PhD |Computer Science | |

|PhD |Computer Science |Bioinformatics |

|MA |English |Creative Writing |

|MA |English |Literary Studies |

|MA |English |Rhetoric, Comp & Tech & Prof Writing |

|MFA |English |Creative Writing |

|PhD |English |Literary Studies |

|PhD |English |Creative Writing |

|PhD |English |Rhetoric,Comp & Tech & Prof Writing |

|MA |French | |

|Professional Cert |Geographic Information Science | |

|MA |Geography |Geotechnology |

|MA |Geography |Phys Geog/Environmental Studies |

|MA |Geography |Urban Studies |

|MS |Geology |Earth Science |

|MS |Geology |General |

|MA |German | |

|Graduate Cert |Gerontology | |

|MA |Gerontology | |

|Graduate Cert |Heritage Preservation |Historic Preservation |

|Graduate Cert |Heritage Preservation |Public History |

|MHP |Heritage Preservation |Historic Preservation |

|MHP |Heritage Preservation |Public History |

|MA |History | |

|MA |History |World History |

|PhD |History | |

|Advanced cert |Hydrogeology | |

|Graduate Cert |Interpretation |Spanish |

|Graduate Cert |Latin American Studies  | |

|MAT |Mathematics | |

|MS |Mathematics | |

|MS |Mathematics |Bioinformatics |

|MS |Mathematics |Biostatistics |

|MS |Mathematics |Discrete Math |

|MS |Mathematics |Scientific Computing |

|MS |Mathematics |Statistics |

|MS |Mathematics |Statistics & Allied Field |

|MMU* |Music |Choral Conducting |

|MMU* |Music |Composition |

|MMU* |Music |Instrument Conducting |

|MMU* |Music |Jazz Studies |

|MMU* |Music |Perf Orchestral Instrument |

|MMU* |Music |Perf Organ |

|MMU* |Music |Perf Piano |

|MMU* |Music |Perf Voice |

|MMU* |Music |Piano Pedagogy |

|MMU*/Tchr Cert |Music Education | |

|MA |Philosophy |Brains & Behavior |

|MS |Physics |Astronomy |

|MS |Physics |Physics |

|PhD |Physics | |

|MA |Political Science |American Politics |

|MA |Political Science |General |

|MA |Political Science |International & Comparative Politics |

|MA |Political Science |Professional Political & Govt Practices |

|PhD |Political Science | |

|MA |Psychology | |

|PhD |Psychology |Clinical Psychology |

|PhD |Psychology |Community Psychology |

|PhD |Psychology |Developmental Psychology |

|PhD |Psychology |Neuropsychology & Behavior Neuroscience |

|PhD |Psychology |Social/Cognitive Psychology |

|MA |Religious Studies |One or more religion |

|MA |Sociology | |

|MA/PHD |Sociology |Family Life Course |

|MA/PHD |Sociology |Gender & Sexuality |

|MA/PHD |Sociology |Race & Urban Studies |

|PhD |Sociology |Family Life Course |

|PhD |Sociology |Gender & Sexuality |

|PhD |Sociology |Race & Urban Studies |

|MA |Spanish | |

|Graduate Cert |Translation |French |

|Graduate Cert |Translation |German |

|Graduate Cert |Translation |Spanish |

|Graduate Cert |Women's Studies | |

|MA |Women's Studies | |

| | | |


|Degree/Certificate/Concentration |Program Title |Concentration Title |

|Graduate Cert |Accountancy | |

|Masters of Professional Acct |Accountancy |Accounting Systems |

|Masters of Professional Acct |Accountancy |Financial Reporting & Assurance |

|PhD |Accountancy | |

|MAS/MRM |Actuarial Science/Risk Mgt Insurance |Mathematical Risk Mgt |

|MAS |Actuarial Science | |

|MBA |Actuarial Science | |

|Executive MBA |Business Administration | |

|PhD  |Business Administration | |

|Professional MBA |Business Administration | |

|MBA |Business Analysis | |

|MBA |Business Economics | |

|MS |Business Economics | |

|MS/PFP |Certified Financial Planner | |

|MS |Computer Information Systems |Information Sys Bus Process Innovation |

|MS |Computer Information Systems |Information Sys Development & Project Mgt |

|MS |Computer Information Systems |Information Systems Mgt |

|MS |Computer Information Systems |Medical Informatics |

|MS |Computer Information Systems |Wireless Organization |

|PHD |Computer Information Systems | |

|MS |Computer Information Systems |Wireless Organization |

|PHD |Computer Information Systems | |

|Graduate Cert |Electronic Commerce | |

|Graduate Cert |Enterprise Risk Management | |

|MBA |Finance | |

|MS |Finance |Corporate Finance |

|MS |Finance |Financial Institutions & Capital Markets |

|MS |Finance |Investments |

|Ph.D. |Finance | |

|MBA/MIM |French/Mgt | |

|MBA/MHA |Health Administration | |

|MSHA |Health Administration |Clinical Mgt |

|MSHA |Health Administration |Finance |

|MSHA |Health Administration |Human Resource Mgt |

|MSHA |Health Administration |Information Systems |

|MSHA |Health Administration |Managerial Sciences |

|MSHA |Health Administration |Marketing |

|MSHA |Health Administration |Risk Mgt & Insurance |

|MBA |Human Resource Mgt | |

|GP MBA |IAE/GrdBusSch/COPPEAD**** | |

|MBA |Information Systems | |

|MBA |International Business | |

|MIB |International Business | |

|MIB/MA POLS |International Business | |

|MIB/BA FL |International Business French | |

|MIB/BA FL |International Business German | |

|MIB/BA FL |International Business Spanish | |

|MS |Managerial Sciences |Business Analysis |

|MS |Managerial Sciences |Human Resource Mgt |

|MS |Managerial Sciences |Operations Mgt |

|MS |Managerial Sciences |Organizational Change |

|PhD  |Managerial Sciences |Decision Sciences |

|PhD  |Managerial Sciences |Operations Mgt |

|PhD  |Managerial Sciences |Org Behavior/Human Resource Mgt |

|PhD  |Managerial Sciences |Strategic Mgt |

|MBA |Marketing | |

|MS |Marketing | |

|PhD  |Marketing | |

|Graduate Cert |Personal Financial Planning | |

|MBA |Personal Financial Planning | |

|MS |Personal Financial Planning | |

|MIB/MA POLS |Political Science |International Affairs |

|Graduate Cert |Real Estate | |

|MSRE |Real Estate | |

|PhD |Real Estate | |

|MSRE-MAI |Real Estate-Appraisal Inst | |

|MBA |Risk Mgt & Insurance |Enterprise Risk Mgt |

|MBA |Risk Mgt & Insurance |Financial Risk Mgt |

|MBA |Risk Mgt & Insurance |General |

|MS |Risk Mgt & Insurance |Math Risk Mgt |

|MS |Risk Mgt & Insurance |Risk & Insurance |

|PhD |Risk Mgt & Insurance | |

|MTX |Taxation | |

|Concentration for MBA | |Accounting Info Sys Design & Assurance |

|Concentration for MBA | |Actuarial Science |

|Concentration for MBA | |Business Analysis |

|Concentration for MBA | |Business Economics |

|Concentration for MBA | |Electronic Commerce |

|Concentration for MBA | |Entrepreneurship |

|Concentration for MBA | |Entrepreneurship & International Business |

|Concentration for MBA | |Finance |

|Concentration for MBA | |Finance/Risk Mgt & Insurance |

|Concentration for MBA | |Health Administration |

|Concentration for MBA | |Hospitality Administration |

|Concentration for MBA | |Human Resource Mgt |

|Concentration for MBA | |Information Systems |

|Concentration for MBA | |International Business |

|Concentration for MBA | |International Business & Info Technology |

|Concentration for MBA | |Marketing |

|Concentration for MBA | |Operations Management |

|Concentration for MBA | |Organization Management |

|Concentration for MBA | |Real Estate |

|Concentration for MBA | |Risk Mgt & Insurance |

| | | |


|Degree/Certificate/Concentration |Program Title |Concentration Title |

|Graduate Cert |Applied Behavior Analysis | |

|Graduate Cert |Assistive Technology | |

|MED |Behavior/Learning Disabilities | |

|MED |Communication Disorders | |

|Tchr Cert |Consultative/Special Education | |

|Tchr Cert |Consultative/Special Education/Early Child | |

|PhD |Counseling Psychology | |

|PhD |Counselor Ed & Practice | |

|Tchr Cert |Deaf & Hard of Hearing | |

|EDS |Early Childhood Education | |

|MED |Early Childhood Education | |

|PhD |Early Childhood Education | |

|Tchr Cert |Ed Leadership L6 | |

|Tchr Cert |Ed Leadership L7 | |

|EDS |Ed Leadership | |

|MED/Admin Cert |Ed Leadership | |

|PhD |Ed of Students w/Exceptionalities |Behavior Disorders |

|PhD |Ed of Students w/Exceptionalities |Learning Disabilities |

|PhD |Ed of Students w/Exceptionalities |Mental Retardation |

|PhD |Ed of Students w/Exceptionalities |Orthopedic Impairments |

|PhD |Ed of Students w/Exceptionalities |Sensory Impairments |

|PhD |Ed of Students w/Exceptionalities |Special Ed/Early Child |

|PhD |Ed Policy Studies |Ed Leadership |

|PhD/Tchr Cert |Ed Policy Studies/L8 |Research, Measurement & Statistics |

|PhD/Tchr Cert |Ed Policy Studies/L9 |Social Foundations of Ed |

|MS |Ed Psychology | |

|MS/PhD |Ed Psychology | |

|PhD |Ed Psychology | |

|MS |Ed Research |Computer Applications |

|MS |Ed Research |Institutional Research |

|MS |Ed Research |Measurement |

|MS |Ed Research |Policy Research |

|MS |Ed Research |Program Evaluation |

|MS |Ed Research |Qualitative Research |

|MS |Ed Research |Statistics |

|MS |Ed Research |Survey Research |

|MS |Ed Research/Professional Counseling | |

|Tchr Cert |Emotional & Behavior Disorders | |

|MED |English Education | |

|MED APP**/Tchr Cert |English Education | |

|MS |Exercise Science |Exercise Physiology |

|MS |Exercise Science |Fitness & Health Promotion |

|MS |Exercise Science |Occupational & Sport Biomechanics |

|MED/Tchr Cert |Health & Physical Ed | |

|MS |Instructional Technology | |

|PhD |Instructional Technology | |

|Tchr Cert |Learning Disabilities | |

|MLM/Tchr Cert |Library Media Tech | |

|MED APP**/Tchr Cert |Math Education | |

|MED/Tchr Cert |Math Education | |

|Tchr Cert |Mental Retardation | |

|MED |Middle Childhood Ed | |

|MED APP** |Middle Childhood Ed |Advanced Studies Science |

|MED APP** |Middle Childhood Ed |Advanced Studies Social Studies |

|MED APP**/Tchr Cert |Middle Childhood Ed |Advanced Studies Math |

|MED APP**/Tchr Cert |Middle Childhood Ed |Lang Arts & Social Studies |

|MED APP**/Tchr Cert |Middle Childhood Ed |Math & Science Ed |

|MED/Tchr Cert |Multiple & Severe Disabilities |Behavior Disorders Autism |

|MED/Tchr Cert |Multiple & Severe Disabilities |Deaf Education |

|MED/Tchr Cert |Multiple & Severe Disabilities |General/Early Childhood |

|MED/Tchr Cert |Multiple & Severe Disabilities |Mental Retardation |

|MED/Tchr Cert |Multiple & Severe Disabilities |Physical & Health Disabilities |

|MED/Tchr Cert |Multiple & Severe Disabilities |Preschool |

|Tchr Cert |Orthopedically Impaired | |

|EDS |Professional Counseling  |Alderian Family |

|EDS |Professional Counseling  |Assessment |

|EDS |Professional Counseling  |Career |

|EDS |Professional Counseling  |Child/Adolescent |

|EDS |Professional Counseling  |Consultation |

|EDS |Professional Counseling  |Family |

|EDS |Professional Counseling  |Gerontology |

|EDS |Professional Counseling  |Health Psychology |

|EDS |Professional Counseling  |Mental Health |

|EDS |Professional Counseling  |Research |

|EDS |Professional Counseling  |Skills Application |

|EDS |Professional Counseling  |Traumatology |

|MS |Professional Counseling  | |

|MS/EDS |Professional Counseling  |Concurrent Option |

|MED |Reading, Lang & Literacy Ed | |

|MED |Reading, Lang & Literacy Ed |Early Literacy |

|MED |Reading, Lang & Literacy Ed |Reading Instruction |

|MED APP**/Tchr Cert |Reading, Lang & Literacy Ed |Teach English as Second Language |

|MS |Rehabilitation Counseling | |

|EDS |School Counseling | |

|EDS |School Counseling | |

|MED/EDS/Tchr Cert |School Counseling |Concurrent Option |

|MED/Tchr Cert |School Counseling |Elementary Middle Grades |

|MED/Tchr Cert |School Counseling |Secondary Grades |

|MED/EDS |School Psychology |Concurrent Required |

|PhD |School Psychology | |

|Renew Tchr Cert |School Psychology | |

|MED |Science Ed | |

|MED APP/Tchr Cert*** |Science Ed | |

|MS |Social Foundations of Ed | |

|MED |Social Studies Ed | |

|MED APP/Tchr Cert*** |Social Studies Ed | |

|Tchr Cert |Special Ed Interrelated | |

|EDS |Special Ed |Applied Behavior Analysis |

|EDS |Special Ed |Assistive Technology |

|EDS |Special Ed |Research-based Instruction |

|Tchr Cert |Speech Language Pathology | |

|MS |Sports Administration |Sch, Clg & Prof Sports Mgt |

|MS |Sports Administration |Sports Administration |

|MS |Sports Administration |Sports Club & Fitness Mgt |

|MS |Sports Administration |Sports Information |

|MS |Sports Administration |Sports Marketing & Promotion |

|MS |Sports Medicine | |

|PhD |Sports Science |Biomechanics |

|PhD |Sports Science |Exercise Physiology |

|PhD |Sports Science |Physical Rehab Science |

|MS |Urban Teacher Leadership | |

|Tchr Cert |Visually Impaired | |

| | | |


|Degree/Certificate/Concentration |Program Title |Concentration Title |

|PostMstr Cert |Adult Health Nursing | |

|PostMstr Cert |Child Health Nursing | |

|Graduate Cert |Child Welfare Leadership | |

|MS |Criminal Justice | |

|MS |Criminal Justice |Public Admin |

|Graduate Cert |Dietetic Internship | |

|PostMstr Cert |Family Nurse Practitioner | |

|Graduate Cert |Forensic Social Work | |

|MS |Health Sciences |Nutrition |

|MS |Health Sciences |Respiratory Care |

|MS/Graduate Cert |Health Sciences/Dietetic Internship |Nutrition |

|MS/Graduate Cert |Health Sciences/Public Health |Nutrition |

|MS |Nursing |Adult Health CNS/NP Tertiary Care |

|MS |Nursing |Child Health CNS/PNP |

|MS |Nursing |Family Nurse Practitioner |

|MS |Nursing |Perinatal/Women's Health CNS/PNP |

|MS |Nursing |Psy/Mental Health CNS |

|PhD |Nursing | |

|MS/Graduate Cert |Nursing/Gerontology |Adult Health CNS/NP Tertiary Care |

|MS/Graduate Cert |Nursing/Gerontology |Psy/Mental Health CNS |

|PostMstr Cert |Perinatal/Women's Health Nursing | |

|DPT |Physical Therapy | |

|PostMstr Cert |Psychological/Mental Health Nursing | |

|Graduate Cert |Public Health | |

|MPH |Public Health | |

|MS |Public Health |Health Mgt & Policy |

|MS |Public Health |Health Promotion & Behavior |

|MS |Public Health |Prevention Sciences |

|MSW |Social Work | |

|MSW |Social Work |Community Partnerships |

| | | |


|Degree/Certificate/Concentration |Program Title |Concentration Title |

|JD |Law | |

| | | |


|Degree/Certificate/Concentration |Program Title |Concentration Title |

|Graduate Cert |Disaster Management | |

|MA |Economics |General |

|MA |Economics |Policy |

|PhD |Economics | |

|Graduate Cert |Natural Resource Mgt | |

|Graduate Cert |Nonprofit Management | |

|Graduate Cert |Planning & Economic Development | |

|MPA |Public Administration |Criminal Justice |

|MPA |Public Administration |Human Resource |

|MPA |Public Administration |Mgt & Finance |

|MPA |Public Administration |Natural Resource Mgt |

|MPA |Public Administration |Non Profit Mgt |

|MPA |Public Administration |Planning & Economic Development |

|MPA |Public Administration |Policy Analysis & Evaluation |

|MPA |Public Administration |Public Health |

|PhD |Public Policy |Environmental Policy |

|PhD |Public Policy |Health Policy |

|PhD |Public Policy |Info & Telecom Policy |

|PhD |Public Policy |Policy & Program Evaluation |

|PhD |Public Policy |Policy Implementation & Admin |

|PhD |Public Policy |Public Finance |

|PhD |Public Policy |Science & Technology Policy |

|PhD |Public Policy |Urban & Regional Economic Development |

|PhD |Public Policy |Urban Policy |

|MS |Urban Policy Studies |Non Profit & Civic Leadership |

|MS |Urban Policy Studies |Planning & Economic Development |

|MS |Urban Policy Studies |Policy Analysis |

|MS |Urban Policy Studies |Social Policy |

| | | |

|Joint Degree Programs Across Two or More Colleges |

|Degree/Certificate/Concentration |Program Title |Concentration Title |

|BA/MIB**** |French | |

|BA/MIB**** |German | |

|BA/MIB**** |Spanish | |

|EDS |Teaching & Learning |English as Second Language |

|EDS |Teaching & Learning |English Education |

|EDS |Teaching & Learning |Instructional Tech |

|EDS |Teaching & Learning |Library Media Tech |

|EDS |Teaching & Learning |Math Education |

|EDS |Teaching & Learning |Middle Childhood Education |

|EDS |Teaching & Learning |Reading Education |

|EDS |Teaching & Learning |Science Education |

|EDS |Teaching & Learning |Social Studies Education |

|EDS/Tchr Cert |Teaching & Learning |Art Education |

|EDS/Tchr Cert |Teaching & Learning |French Education |

|EDS/Tchr Cert |Teaching & Learning |German Education |

|EDS/Tchr Cert |Teaching & Learning |Music Education |

|EDS/Tchr Cert |Teaching & Learning |Spanish Education |

|JD/MA |Philosophy | |

|JD/MBA |Law/Business Administration | |

|JD-MBA/MHA |Health Administration | |

|MA/MIB***** |Political Science | |

|JD/MPA |LAW/Public Admin | |

|JD/MSHA |Health Administration | |

|PhD |Teaching & Learning |Art Education |

|PhD |Teaching & Learning |Language & Literacy |

|PhD |Teaching & Learning |Math Education |

|PhD |Teaching & Learning |Middle Grades Education |

|PhD |Teaching & Learning |Music Education |

|PhD |Teaching & Learning |Science Education |

|PhD |Teaching & Learning |Social Studies Education |

| | | |

| | | |

|*Applied levels of music are available for students carrying between one, two or three extra credits. |

|**Alternative Preparation Program. |

|***Provides initial teacher certification for those holding bachelor's degrees in the appropriate related field. |

|****Global Partners MBA in association with IAE, the Graduate Business School of the Sorbonne in Paris, & the COPPEAD School of Business |

|at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. |

| | | |

|*****Masters of International Business |

Locations and Distance Education

Georgia State University, Alpharetta Center

Alpharetta, Georgia

MBA, complete degree

BBA, < 50% credit toward program

MS (Business), < 50% credit toward program

MS (Education), < 50% credit toward program

MLM, > 50% credit toward program

M.Ed, < 50% credit toward program

Georgia State University, Brookhaven Center

Atlanta, Georgia

MBA, > 50% credit toward program

MS, < 50% credit toward program

BBA, < 50% credit toward program

Georgia State University, Buckhead Executive Center

Atlanta, Georgia

MBA, < 50% credit toward program

Georgia State University, Henry County Center

MBA, < 50% credit toward program




|College |Discipline |Degree |Accrediting Agency |Reaffirmation Date |

| |

|Andrew Young School of Policy Studies |Public Administration |MPA |Nat’l Assoc. of Schools of Public Affairs and Admin. |2002 |

| | | |Next scheduled accreditation: 2007 | |

| |

|College of Arts & Sciences |Art |BFA, BA, MFA, MAT, |Nat’l Association of Schools of Art & Design |2001 |

| | |MAEd |Next scheduled accreditation: 2008 | |

| |Chemistry |BS |American Chemical Society |1999 |

| | | |Next scheduled accreditation: 2006 | |

| |Music |BM, EdS, MM |Nat’l Association of Schools of Music |2002 |

| |Psychology (Clinical) |PhD |American Psychological Association |2005 |

| | | |Next Scheduled Accreditation Visit—2011 | |

| |

|College of Education |Communication Disorders |MEd |American Speech-Language-Hearing Association |1998 |

| |Counseling |MS, PhD |Council for the Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational|2003 |

| | | |Programs | |

| |Counseling Psychology |PhD |American Psychological Association |1998 |

| |Rehabilitation Counselor Education |MS, EdS |Council on Rehabilitation Education |1997 |

| |School Counseling |Med |Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Education |2003 |

| | | |Programs | |

| |School Psychology |PhD |American Psychological Association and National Association of |2001 |

| | | |School Psychology | |

| |Teacher Education |Bacc, Master’s, |Nat’l Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education |2006 |

| | |Doctoral | | |

| |Teacher Certification |Professional Standards|PSC |2006 |

| | |Commission | | |

| |

|College of Health and Human Sciences |Cardiopulmonary Care Respiratory |BS |American Medical Association, Commission on Allied Health |1999 |

| |Therapy | |Education Programs | |

| | | |Next Accreditation: 2008-09 | |

| |Cardiopulmonary Care Respiratory |BS |Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) |1999 |

| |Therapy | |Next accreditation: 2008-09 | |

| |Nursing |BS, MS |Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education |2004 |

| | | |Continuing accreditation to 2014 | |

| |Nutrition and Dietetics |BS, Dietetic |American Dietetic Association, Commission on Accreditation for |2002 |

| | |Internship (DI) |Dietetics Education (CADE) | |

| | | |Continuing accreditation to 2011 | |

| |Physical Therapy |MPT/DPT |Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education |2002 |

| |(Last MPT class will graduate Spring | |Continuing accreditation to 2012 | |

| |07. Moving to DPT degree) | | | |

| |Social Work |BSW |Commission on Accreditation of the Council on Social Work |2004 |

| | | |Education | |

| | | |Next site visit scheduled for 2012 | |

| |Social Work |MSW |Commission on Accreditation of the |2004 |

| | | |Council on Social Work Education | |

| | | |Next site visit scheduled for 2012 | |

| |

|College of Law |Law |JD |American Bar Association |2000 |

| |Law |JD |Association of American Law Schools |2000 |

| |

|Robinson College of Business |Business Administration |BBA, MBA, MS, MIB, |Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business |2000 |

| | |MPA, MSRE, MTx, Ph.D. |International | |

| |Health Administration |MBA/MHA |Commission on Accreditation of Health Management Education |1999 |

| | | |(previously named the Accrediting Commission on Education for | |

| | | |Health Services Administration) | |

| |Hospitality Administration |BBA |Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality |2000 |

| | | |Administration | |

| |Real Estate |MS |Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |2001 |

Relationship to the U.S. Department of Education

No limitations, suspensions, or termination by the U.S. Department of Education in regard to student financial aid or other financial aid programs during the previous three years.

Updated: August, 2007


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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