QUITMAN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATIONGEORGETOWN, GEORGIAMINUTES OF APRIL 11, 2017The Quitman County Board of Education met in a regular session on April 11, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the Administrative Office, 215 Kaigler Road. Mr. Willie J. Anderson, Chairman, presided.PRESENT: Mr. Willie J. Anderson, Chairman; Mr. Billy Shirah, Sr., Vice Chairman; Mr. Jimmy Eleby, Mrs. Christi Green and Mr. Larry Wilborn; Board members; and Mrs. Victoria Harris, School Superintendent.ABSENT: None.CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING CEREMONYThe meeting was called to order by Chairman Anderson with a moment of silence followed by the Pledge. AGENDA APPROVALThe Superintendent recommended approval of the agenda as printed. On a motion by Mr. Wilborn and a second by Mr. Eleby, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to accept the agenda as printed. The motion passed.APPROVAL OF MINUTESThe Superintendent recommended the approval of March 7, 2017 regular Board minutes. On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mr. Wilborn, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.The Superintendent recommended the approval of March 27, 2017 Called Board minutes. On a motion by Mr. Wilborn and a second by Mr. Shirah, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORTS & UPDATESPrincipal’s ReportPrincipal Jones reported on School Activities. He reviewed the End of the Year Calendar. Some of the events were as follows: April 22nd – Jr./Sr. Prom, April 27th – Apple Visit, April 29th – Man Up Day, May 8th – Spring Fine Arts Showcase/Academic Signing Ceremony, May 10th – Athletic Banquet, May 21st – Baccalaureate Ceremony, May 26th – Graduation. He said the District Improvement Plan is being composed, he enjoyed being a part of School Board Member Appreciation, and Spring Break was successful; all the students returned safely. Student RecognitionsSuperintendent Harris gave special recognition to the Varsity Boys Basketball Team. She presented each player with a certificate. The team made it to the second round of the State Playoffs before being eliminated.Superintendent Harris shared information regarding a letter from Dr. William Small. Dr. Small expressed an interest in presenting recognition awards to our students.Schneider Electric Update Ms. Alyssa Hovland was present and gave the Board a brief update on the current status of the proposed Energy Project. She said that everything is on schedule. The proposals are due in Thursday, once the proposals are in, a company will be selected. She gave the Board the opportunity to ask questions. Ms. Hovland said she would be meeting with Mrs. Harris on Wednesday.Surplus Sales UpdateThe Surplus Sales total amount was $557.00. Superintendent Harris said she plans to start cleaning out the old auditorium to get rid of the items that could not be sold. Superintendent Harris said the Cleaning Crew came by today to clean up some of the debris from the storm.New Teacher Induction Survey ResultsThe Superintendent shared with the Board the New Teacher Induction Survey Results for the current school year. She said the results will be used to help plan for next year. She informed the Board that Exit Interview Forms would be given to the employees who would be leaving the system through retirement, resignation, etc. The data would be used to help make improvements within the District.GSBA Summer Conference – Delegate & AlternateThe Superintendent informed the Board that a delegate and alternate would need to be selected for the GSBA Summer Conference. Mr. Jimmy Eleby agreed to serve as the Delegate and Mrs. Christi Green agreed to serve as the alternate. Mr. Shirah said he was contacted by GSBA again this year to serve on the GOC (Governmental Operations Committee) on April 24th.Superintendent Harris said the AdvancED Team would be on site on April 20th. She has been working to get documents uploaded in the system. She is hopeful that the team will see the progress that has been made by the District. PERSONNEL (EXECUTIVE SESSION)The Superintendent recommended entering executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel. On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mr. Wilborn, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mr. Wilborn, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to resume regular session. The motion passed. Chairman Anderson stated that the Board had met in executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel. No decisions were made and no votes were taken; only discussion took place. However, the Superintendent may have some recommendations resulting from the Executive Session. The Superintendent recommended approval to add 30 additional days for a total of 60 additional days for Mrs. Shirley Gilbert. On a motion by Mr. Wilborn and a second by Mr. Eleby, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed. The Superintendent recommended approval to promote Mr. Jerome Upshaw to Transportation Supervisor. On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mrs. Green, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.The Superintendent recommended approval of FMLA for Mr. William Thomas. On a motion by Mr. Wilborn and a second by Mr. Eleby, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0) to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.The Superintendent recommended approval of FMLA for Ms. Gladys Burks. On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mr. Eleby, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.FINANCIAL REPORT/TAX COLLECTIONSThe Superintendent recommended approval of the financial report and approval of expenditures for March 2017. On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mr. Wilborn, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passedThe Superintendent reported the tax collections for February 2017. MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS Principal Jones gave a report on the Fire & Security Systems. The Superintendent recommended to move forward with the updates to the systems for the District Office and Head Start building. Head Start will pay for part of the cost. On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mrs. Green, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.Principal Jones was in possession of 3 quotes for bleachers for the Elementary School Gym. The Superintendent recommended to accept the bid from Georgia School Specialty for $17,325.00. On a motion by Mr. Wilborn and a second by Mr. Eleby, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.Principal Jones gave an update on the leaking roof. He said the insurance company would be fixing it and sending us the bill for the deductible.Principal Jones said the trees are scheduled to be cut down and cleaned up at no charge to the Board.Superintendent Harris said she would like to have signage placed on each building. She recommended to contract with Dick Whatley Sign Service of Headland, Alabama for $13,068.98. The project will take 4-6 weeks to complete. On a motion by Mr. Wilborn and a second by Mr. Eleby, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESSThe Superintendent shared a list of upcoming Summer Capital Outlay Projects with the Board.The Superintendent shared a Proposed Salary Scale for Classified Staff with the Board for their review.The Superintendent recommended approval of the ESPLOST Election Results Resolution. On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mr. Green, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed. The Superintendent and Board agreed to have a Called Board Meeting on April 24, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. for Personnel Items. ADJOURNMENTWith there being no other business to discuss, on a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mr. Wilborn, the Board voted unanimously (5, 0), to adjourn.___________________________________________________________ChairmanSecretary ................

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