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George Washington1st President of the United States(April 30, 1789 to March 3, 1797)Born: February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, VirginiaDied: December 14, 1799, at Mount Vernon, VirginiaEducation: No formal educationOccupation: Planter, SoldierPolitical Party: FederalistNotable Events: 1789 The Judiciary Act specified the number of Federal courts and judges.1790 Supreme Court met for the first time with John Jay as the Chief Justice.1791 The Bill of Rights take effect.1792 Post Office established by Congress as a separate entity.1793 War breaks out between Britain and France. On April 22, U.S. declares neutrality.1794 Whiskey Rebellion over excise tax in western Pennsylvania. Federal troops called to suppress the armed rebellion.1795 The Jay Treaty ratified. British troops required to withdraw from the U.S.1796 Washington delivered his Farewell Address.Points of Interest: Believing that shaking hands was beneath a president, Washington bowed to his visitors.Washington has the distinction of being the only president to be elected unanimously by the electoral college.Washington had one remaining tooth at the time of his inauguration. During his lifetime he wore dentures made of human (some his own), cow, or hippopotamus teeth, ivory, or lead, but he never wore wooden teeth.The six white horses in Washington's stables had their teeth brushed every morning on Washington's orders.The nation's capital was located in Philadelphia during Washington's administration making him the only president who didn't live in Washington, D.C. during his presidency.John Adams2nd President of the United States(March 4, 1797 to March 3, 1801)Born: October 30, 1735, in Braintree (now Quincy), MassachusettsDied: July 4, 1826, in Braintree (now Quincy), MassachusettsEducation: Graduated from Harvard College (1755)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: FederalistNotable Events: 1798 Federalists support the highly unpopular Alien and Sedition Acts. They would later be repealed.1800 U.S. capital relocated to Washington, D.C. from Philadelphia.Points of Interest: The Adams' were the first residents of the White House. They moved in in November 1800 while the paint was still wet. Mrs. Adams would hang her laundry in the East Room to dry.The only presidents to sign the Declaration of Independence Adams and Jefferson both died on its 50th anniversary, July 4, 1826. Adams' dying words were "Thomas Jefferson survives". Jefferson, however, had passed on a few hours earlier.Thomas Jefferson3rd President of the United States(March 4, 1801 to March 3, 1809)Born: April 13, 1743, in Shadwell, VirginiaDied: July 4, 1826, at Monticello (near Charlottesville, Virginia)Education: Graduated from College of William and Mary (1762)Occupation: Lawyer, planterPolitical Party: Democratic-RepublicanNotable Events: 1803 Supreme Court ruled in Marbury v. Madison . Any law passed by Congress can be declared unconstitutional by the courts.The Louisiana Territory was purchased from France for $15 million dollars. The price works out to three cents per acre for the 512 million acres.1807 Congress outlaws importing slaves from Africa, March 2.Points of Interest: Jefferson was the first president to be inaugurated in Washington, D.C.Bears brought back from Lewis and Clark's famous expedition were displayed in cages on the White House lawn. For years the White House was sometimes referred to as the "president's bear garden."The only presidents to sign the Declaration of Independence, Adams and Jefferson both died on its 50th anniversary, July 4, 1826. Adams' dying words were "Thomas Jefferson survives". Jefferson, however, had passed on a few hours earlier.Jefferson founded the University of Virginia as an “Academic Village”.Jefferson is credited with several inventions, including the swivel chair, a pedometer, a machine to make fiber from hemp, a letter-copying machine, and the lazy susan.James Madison4th President of the United States(March 4, 1809 to March 3, 1817)Born: March 16, 1751, in Port Conway, VirginiaDied: June 28, 1836, at Montpelier, VirginiaEducation: Graduated from College of New Jersey (now Princeton University; 1771)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: Democratic-RepublicanNotable Events: 1812 Madison reelected.1814 Francis Scott Key observed flag over Fort McHenry at Baltimore, September 14, inspiring him to write "The Star-Spangled Banner".1815 Andrew Jackson defeated British at New Orleans January 8, after war ended.1816 Second Bank of the United States chartered, April 10.Points of Interest: Zachary Taylor and Madison were second cousins.Madison was the first president to wear long trousers. All previous presidents wore knee breeches.During the War of 1812 Madison was under enemy fire. He was the first president to be in that situation.At 5 feet, 4 inches and less than 100 pounds, he was the shortest and lightest president.James Monroe5th President of the United States(March 4, 1817 to March 3, 1825)Born: April 28, 1758, in Westmoreland County, VirginiaDied: July 4, 1831, in New York, New YorkEducation: Graduated from College of William and Mary (1776)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: Democratic-RepublicanNotable Events: 1818 Congress fixed the number of stripes on the U.S. flag at 13 to honor the original colonies, April 4.1819 Florida ceded by Spain to the United States on February 22. In exchange the U.S. cancelled $5 million in Spanish debts.1820 The Missouri Compromise, forbade slavery above 36 degrees 30 minutes latitude.Monroe reelected.1823 On December 2, Monroe Doctrine delivered to Congress.Points of Interest: Monroe was the first president to ride on a steamboat.He was the first president to have been a U.S. senator.In the election of 1820 Monroe received every electoral vote except one. A New Hampshire delegate wanted Washington to be the only president elected unanimously.John Quincy Adams6th President of the United States(March 4, 1825 to March 3, 1829)Born: July 11, 1767, in Braintree (now Quincy), MassachusettsDied: February 23, 1848, in Washington, D.C.Father: John AdamsMother: Abigail Smith AdamsEducation: Graduated from Harvard College (1787)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: Democratic-RepublicanNotable Events: 1828 Andrew Jackson defeated Adams.Points of Interest: President Adams regularly swam nude in the Potomac River. Anne Royall, the first American professional journalist, knew of Adams' 5 A.M. swims. After being refused interviews with the president time after time, she went to the river, gathered his clothes and sat on them until she had her interview. Before this, no female had interviewed a president.Adams was the first to be elected president without receiving either the most popular votes or the most votes of the electoral college.Andrew Jackson7th President of the United States(March 4, 1829 to March 3, 1837)Born: March 15, 1767, in the Waxhaw area, on North Carolina-South Carolina borderDied: June 8, 1845, at the Hermitage in Nashville, TennesseeEducation: No formal educationOccupation: Lawyer, soldierPolitical Party: DemocratNotable Events: 1830 Jackson authorizes Indian Removal Act of 1830.1832 Jackson vetoed the rechartering of 2nd Bank leading to the creation of the Whig Party.1835 U.S. became debt free (briefly) for the only time in history.1835 Jackson signs Treaty of New Echota with unrecognized leaders of Cherokee Nation, which allows him to force the Cherokees to move to land in what is now Oklahoma. 4,000 Native Americans die on this journey, also known as the Trail of Tears.Points of Interest: Jackson was the only president who served in both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.Jackson was the only president to have been a prisoner of war. He was thirteen when he joined the South Carolina militia to fight in the Revolutionary War. After his capture, he was ordered to clean the boots of a British officer. Jackson refused. The officer then drew his sword and slashed Jackson across the forehead, leaving a scar.Jackson was the first president born in a log cabin.Jackson was involved in many duels. A duel on May 30, 1806 against Charles Dickinson was over some unflattering remarks made about Jackson's wife. In this duel Jackson was wounded. After he was hit, he took aim and fired at Dickinson. Jackson's gun misfired. As Dickinson was forced to stand his ground, Jackson took aim once again and killed Dickinson. The bullet that wounded Jackson was lodged near his heart and could not be safely removed. He carried that bullet in his chest for the rest of his days.Martin Van Buren8th President of the United States(March 4, 1837 to March 3, 1841)Born: December 5, 1782, in Kinderhook, New YorkDied: July 24, 1862, in Kinderhook, New YorkEducation: Graduated from Kinderhook Academy (1796)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: DemocratNotable Events: 1838 Continuation of forced relocation of the Cherokee people, which started under Andrew Jackson. 4,000 Native Americans die on the journey known as the Trail of Tears.Points of Interest: Van Buren was the first president born in the United States. All previous presidents were born before the United States became country, although all were born in places that would later be a part of the United States.William Henry Harrison9th President of the United States(March 4, 1841 to April 4, 1841)Born: February 9, 1773, in Berkeley, VirginiaDied: April 4, 1841, in Washington, D.C.Education: Attended Hampden-Sydney CollegeOccupation: SoldierPolitical Party: WhigNotable Events: 1841 Delivered the longest inaugural address on March 4. It was an extremely cold day and Harrison did not wear a hat while delivering the 105 minute speech. He contracted pneumonia and died in the White House one month later.Points of Interest: Harrison was the only president who studied to become a doctor.Harrison's father was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.John Tyler10th President of the United States(April 6, 1841 to March 3, 1845)Born: March 29, 1790, in Greenway, VirginiaDied: January 18, 1862, in Richmond, VirginiaEducation: Graduated from the College of William and Mary (1807)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: WhigNotable Events: 1844 Far East opened to U.S. traders after a treaty with China signed.1845 Texas annexed followed by war with Mexico.Points of Interest: Five years after leaving office, Tyler was so poor he was unable to pay a bill for $1.25 until he had sold his corn crop.The tradition of playing "Hail to the Chief" whenever a president appears at state functions was started by Tyler's second wife, Julia.James Knox Polk11th President of the United States(March 4, 1845 to March 3, 1849)Born: November 2, 1795, in Mecklenburg County, North CarolinaDied: June 15, 1849, in Nashville, TennesseeEducation: Graduated from the University of North Carolina (1818)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: DemocratNotable Events: 1848 Treaty of 1848 with Mexico gave the U.S. control over California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and parts of Colorado and Wyoming.Points of Interest: Gaslights were installed in the White House while Polk was a resident.The first annual White House Thanksgiving dinner was hosted by Sarah Polk.News of Polk's nomination was widely disseminated using the telegraph. The first time his had been done.Zachary Taylor12th President of the United States(March 5, 1849 to July 9, 1850)Born: November 24, 1784, near Barboursville, VirginiaDied: July 9, 1850, in Washington, D.C.Education: No formal educationOccupation: SoldierPolitical Party: WhigNotable Events: 1850 The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty signed with Britain guaranteed that any future canal across Central America would be available to all nations.Points of Interest: November 7, 1848 was the first time a presidential election was held on the same day in every state.Millard Fillmore13th President of the United States(July 9, 1850 to March 3, 1853)Born: January 7, 1800, in Locke Township (now Summerhill), New YorkDied: March 8, 1874 in Buffalo, New YorkEducation: No formal educationOccupation: LawyerPolitical Party: WhigNotable Events: 1850 Congress passed the Compromise of 1850 and Fugitive Slave Act in September.Points of Interest: Fillmore was one of five presidents who were never inaugurated.Fillmore refused an honorary degree from Oxford University because he felt he had "neither literary nor scientific attainment."Franklin Pierce14th President of the United States(March 4, 1853 to March 3, 1857)Born: November 23, 1804, in Hillsborough (now Hillsboro), New HampshireDied: October 8, 1869, in Concord, New HampshireEducation: Graduated from Bowdoin College (1824)Occupation: Lawyer, public officialPolitical Party: DemocratPresidential Salary: $25,000/yearNotable Events: 1853 Gadsden Purchase1854 Treaty with Japan negotiated by Commodore Matthew PerryPoints of Interest: Pierce was arrested while in office for running over an old woman with his horse, but his case was dropped due to insufficient evidence in 1853.One of the Democratic party's slogans during Pierce's campaign for president was: "We Polked you in 1844; we shall Pierce you in 1852."Benjamin, Pierce's third and only surviving child, died in a railroad accident two months before his father's inauguration.During his second year at Bowdoin College in Maine, Pierce had the lowest grades out of anyone in his class. He changed his study habits, and graduated third in his class. Among his class mates were Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.Franklin Pierce was the first President to have a Christmas tree in the White House.He installed the first central-heating system and the first bathroom with hot and cold water in the White House.Pierce was an avid fisherman.Pierce died of cirrhosis of the liver as a result of years of heavy drinking.James Buchanan15th President of the United States(March 4, 1857 to March 3, 1861)Born: April 23, 1791, in Cove Gap (near Mercersburg), PennsylvaniaDied: June 1, 1868, at Wheatland (near Lancaster, Pennsylvania)Married: Never married. The White House hostess was his niece Harriet Lane (1830-1903)Children: NoneEducation: Graduated from Dickinson College (1809)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: DemocratPresidential Salary: $25,000/yearNotable Events: Points of Interest: Abraham Lincoln16th President of the United States(March 4, 1861 to April 15, 1865)Born: February 12, 1809, in Hardin (now Larue) County, KentuckyDied: April 15, 1865, at Petersen's Boarding House in Washington, D.C.Education: No formal educationOccupation: LawyerPolitical Party: RepublicanNotable Events: 1861-1865 The Civil War1863 President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, freeing all slaves in the states that had seceded and that were not yet under Northern control.Points of Interest: Lincoln was the first president to die by assassination.Abraham Lincoln was shot while watching a performance of "Our American Cousin" at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. The same play was also running at the McVerick Theatre in Chicago on May 18, 1860, the day Lincoln was nominated for president in that city.At 6 foot, 4 inches, Lincoln was the tallest president.Lincoln had a wart on his right cheek, a scar on his thumb from an ax accident, and a scar over his right eye from a fight with a gang of thieves.Mrs. Lincoln's brother, half-brothers, and brothers-in-law fought in the Confederate Army.He was the first president to be photographed at his inauguration. John Wilkes Booth (his assassin) can be seen standing close to Lincoln in the picture.Lincoln and his wife held seances in the White House. They had great interest in psychic phenomena.Abraham Lincoln was the first president to be born outside of the original thirteen colonies.Lincoln loved the works of Edgar Allan Poe.Andrew Johnson17th President of the United States(April 15, 1865 to March 3, 1869)Nickname: None listed.Born: December 29, 1808, in Raleigh, North CarolinaDied: July 31, 1875, in Carter's Station, TennesseeEducation: No formal educationOccupation: Tailor, public officialPolitical Party: DemocraticNotable Events: Points of Interest: He is one of five Presidents who were never inaugurated.He was the first President to be impeached. His trial in the Senate lead to him being acquitted by one vote. Ulysses Simpson Grant18th President of the United States(March 4, 1869 to March 3, 1877)Born: April 27, 1822, in Point Pleasant, OhioDied: July 23, 1885, in Mount McGregor, New YorkEducation: Graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y. (1843)Occupation: SoldierPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $25,000/year (increased to $50,000/year in 1873)Notable Events: Points of Interest: More facts about Grant can be found at Little Known Facts about Ulysses S. Grant by Diane Meives.Rutherford Birchard Hayes19th President of the United States(March 4, 1877 to March 3, 1881)Nickname: "Dark-Horse President"Born: October 4, 1822, in Delaware, OhioDied: January 17, 1893, at Spiegel Grove in Fremont, OhioEducation: Graduated from Kenyon College (1842) and Harvard Law School (1845)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $50,000/yearNotable Events: 1877 Federal troops withdrew from the South ending Reconstruction..Striking railroad workers and federal troops clashed.Points of Interest: Of the five presidents who served in the Civil War, Hayes was the only one to be wounded.Hayes was the first president to graduate from law school.Mrs. Hayes was known as "Lemonade Lucy" because she refused to serve alcohol in the White House.He won the presidency by only one electorial vote.He signed the act that permitted women to plead before the Supreme Court.The first White House telephone was installed, by Alexander Graham Bell himself, during the Hayes administration.The first Easter egg roll on the White House lawn was conducted by Hayes and his wife.James Abram Garfield20th President of the United States(March 4, 1881 to September 19, 1881)Nickname: None listed.Born: November 19, 1831, in Orange, OhioDied: September 19, 1881, in Elberon, New JerseyEducation: Attended Western Reserve Eclectic Institute (now Hiram College); Graduated from Williams College (1856)Occupation: Teacher, public officialPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $50,000/yearNotable Events: 1881 On July 2, shot by Charles Julius Guiteau. Garfield died of blood poisoning on September 19.Points of Interest: Garfield was the first left-handed president of the United States.James Garfield could write Latin with one hand and Greek with the other, at the same time.He was the first president to campaign in two languages -- English and German.On election day, November 2, 1880, he was at the same time a member of the House, Senator-elect and President-elect.After Garfield's shooting, repeated probing for the bullet with non-sterile instruments resulted in blood poisoning which eventually killed him.Chester Alan Arthur21st President of the United States(September 19, 1881 to March 3, 1885) Born: October 5, 1829, in Fairfield, VermontDied: November 18, 1886, in New York, New YorkEducation: Graduated from Union College (1848)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: RepublicanOther Government Positions:Vice president, 1881 (under Garfield)Presidential Salary: $50,000/yearNotable Events: Points of Interest: Grover Cleveland22nd and 24th President of the United States(March 4, 1885 to March 3, 1889 and March 4, 1893 to March 3, 1897)Born: March 18, 1837, in Caldwell, New JerseyDied: June 24, 1908, in Princeton, New JerseyEducation: No formal educationOccupation: LawyerPolitical Party: DemocratPresidential Salary: $50,000/yearNotable Events: 1886 Dedication of the Statue of LibertyPresidential Succession Act1887 Interstate Commerce Act1893 Panic of 18931895 Controversy with Great Britain over VenezuelaPoints of Interest: Cleveland is the only president to serve two nonconsecutive terms.Cleveland discovered a cancerous growth on the roof of his mouth in the middle of the economic crisis of 1893. So that his illness would not cause a greater panic, he and several doctors snuck aboard a pleasure boat and removed the growth. The public thought he was on a fishing trip and never knew the truth until 1917.While sheriff of Erie County, New York, Cleveland was also the public executioner and personally hanged two murderers.Cleveland was the first executive movie star. In 1895, Alexander Black came to Washington and asked Cleveland to appear in "A Capital Courtship", his photoplay. He agreed to be filmed while signing a bill into law. "A Capital Courtship" was a big hit on the Lyceum Circuit.Cleveland answered the White House phone, personally.According to the Curtiss Candy Company (and now Nestle ?), the Baby Ruth candy bar was named after Cleveland's baby daughter, Ruth. , the Urban Legends Reference Pages, argues that this is false and that the candy bar was named after famous baseball player Babe Ruth.Benjamin Harrison23rd President of the United States(March 4, 1889 to March 3, 1893 Born: August 20, 1833, in North Bend, OhioDied: March 13, 1901, in Indianapolis, IndianaEducation: Graduated from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (1852)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $50,000/year Points of Interest: William McKinley25th President of the United States(March 4, 1897 to September 14, 1901)Born: January 29, 1843, in Niles, OhioDied: September 14, 1901, in Buffalo, New YorkEducation: Attended Allegheny CollegeOccupation: LawyerPolitical Party: RepublicanNotable Events: 1898 Spanish-American WarPoints of Interest: Theodore Roosevelt26th President of the United States(September 14, 1901 to March 3, 1909)Born: October 27, 1858, in New York, New YorkDied: January 6, 1919, in Oyster Bay, New YorkEducation: Graduated from Harvard College (1880)Occupation: Author, lawyer, public officialPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $50,000/yearNotable Events: Points of Interest: The inspiration for the teddy bear is believed to have come from a political cartoon about a bear-hunting trip Roosevelt went on in 1902. William Howard Taft27th President of the United States(March 4, 1909 to March 3, 1913)Nickname: None listed.Born: September 15, 1857, in Cincinnati, OhioDied: March 8, 1930, in Washington, D.C.Education: Graduated from Yale College (1878); Cincinnati Law School (1880)Occupation: Lawyer, public officialPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $75,000/yearNotable Events: Points of Interest: Warren Gamaliel Harding29th President of the United States(March 4, 1921 to August 2, 1923)Nickname: None listed.Born: November 2, 1865, near Corsica (now Blooming Grove), OhioDied: August 2, 1923, in San Francisco, CaliforniaEducation: Graduated from Ohio Central College (1882)Occupation: Editor-PublisherPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $75,000/yearNotable Events: 1921 Peace between Germany and Austria declared.Points of Interest: He was the first newspaper publisher to be elected president.He suffered nervous breakdowns at the age of 24 and had to spend some time in a sanitarium.One of his sisters was a Washington, D.C. policewoman.Harding was the first president to ride to his inauguration in an automobile.He was the first president to own a radio and the first to speak over the radio airwaves.While president, Harding played golf, poker twice a week, followed baseball and boxing, and sneaked off to burlesque shows. His advisors were known as the "Poker Cabinet" because they all played poker together.Harding wore size fourteen shoes. He had the largest feet of the presidents.Calvin Coolidge30th President of the United States(August 3, 1923 to March 3, 1929) Born: July 4, 1872, in Plymouth, VermontDied: January 5, 1933, in Northampton, MassachusettsEducation: Graduated from Amherst College (1895)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: RepublicanNotable Events: Points of Interest: Herbert Clark Hoover31st President of the United States(March 4, 1929 to March 3, 1933)Born: August 10, 1874, in West Branch, IowaDied: October 20, 1964, in New York, New YorkEducation: Graduated from Stanford University (1895).Occupation: EngineerPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $75,000/yearNotable Events: 1929 Stock Market Crash which was the start of the Great DepressionFranklin Delano Roosevelt32nd President of the United States(March 4, 1933 to April 12, 1945)Nickname: "FDR"Born: January 30, 1882, in Hyde Park, New YorkDied: April 12, 1945, in Warm Springs, GeorgiaMarried: Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962), on March 17, 1905Education: Graduated from Harvard College (1903); Attended Columbia Law SchoolOccupation: Public official, lawyerPolitical Party: DemocratPresidential Salary: $75,000/yearNotable Events: 1933-1939 Initiation of economic relief programs known as the "New Deal".1939-1945 World War IIPoints of Interest: Harry S. Truman (Why the period?)*33rd President of the United States(April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953)Born: May 8, 1884, in Lamar, MissouriDied: December 26, 1972, in Kansas City, MissouriEducation: Attended the University of Kansas City Law SchoolOccupation: Farmer, public officialPolitical Party: DemocratPresidential Salary: $75,000/year (increased to $100,000 + $50,000 expense account in 1949)Notable Events: 1940 Integrated the military1945 Approved dropping of bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima to end World War IIPoints of Interest: Truman was the third left-handed president of the United States.Dwight David Eisenhower34th President of the United States(January 20, 1953 to January 20, 1961)Born: October 14, 1890, in Denison, TexasDied: March 28, 1969, in Washington, D.C.Education: Graduated from U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. (1915)Occupation: SoldierPolitical Party: RepublicanNotable Events: Points of Interest: One of the Leading General of European Theater during World War IIJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy35th President of the United States(January 20, 1961 to November 22, 1963)Born: May 29, 1917, in Brookline, MassachusettsDied: November 22, 1963, in Dallas, TexasEducation: Graduated from Harvard College (1940)Occupation: Author, public officialPolitical Party: DemocratPresidential Salary: $100,000/year + $50,000 expense account (refused by Kennedy)Notable Events: 1961 The U.S. sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba was attempted without success.Nikita Khrushchev, the Prime Minister of the Soviet Union, ordered the creation of the Berlin Wall in June to divide Soviet-controlled East Berlin from West Berlin, which was part of the free and democratic West Germany.1963 August 28: thousands march on Washington, calling for equal access to public facilities, quality education, adequate employment, and decent housing for African Americans. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers his famous "I have a dream" speech.President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas Texas.Points of Interest: Kennedy's speech to the students at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor on October 14, 1960 was the start of the Peace Corps.In his speech to a Joint Session of Congress on May 25, 1961, Kennedy set the goal of landing a man on the moon by 1969 for the United States's Space Program (NASA).Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas Texas. He had spent little more than a thousand days in office before being assassinated.In 1965, the report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (also known as the Warren Commission) found that a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, fatally shot Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Three other government investigations were later conducted. All three agreed with the Warren Commission's conclusions that Oswald's shots did kill Kennedy. However, the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in 1979 also concluded that another shooter fired upon Kennedy from the Dealey Plaza grassy knoll and missed. The existence of a second shooter and many other conclusions in these investigations are very controversial.Lyndon Baines Johnson36th President of the United States(November 22, 1963 to January 20, 1969)Born: August 27, 1908, near Johnson City, TexasDied: January 22, 1973, near Johnson City, TexasEducation: Graduated from Southwest Texas State Teachers College (1930) (now known as Texas State University-San Marcos)Occupation: Teacher, public officialPolitical Party: DemocratPresidential Salary: $100,000/year + $50,000 expense accountNotable Events: 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, a key success for the Civil Rights movement.The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gives the President permission to take "all necessary measures" to repel any armed attack against the United States in North Vietnam.1965 U.S. becomes increasingly involved in the Vietnam war; 180,000 troops are deployed by the end of the year.1968 President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1968, Title VIII, also known as the Fair Housing Act. Points of Interest: Richard Milhous Nixon37th President of the United States(January 20, 1969 to August 9, 1974)Nickname: None listed.Born: January 9, 1913, in Yorba Linda, CaliforniaDied: April 22, 1994, in New York, New YorkEducation: Graduated from Whittier College (1934) and Duke University Law School (1937)Occupation: Lawyer, public officialPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $200,000/year + $50,000 expense accountNotable Events: Nixon resigned and was almost impeached over the Watergate Scandal, named for the burglaries at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate Hotel in Washington. D.C by men found to be connected to Nixon's re-election campaign fundraising committee.1971 The Pentagon Papers, a top-secret U.S. Dept. of Defense study, were leaked to The New York Times. This document showed that the Johnson administration had secretly been expanding U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, further hurting the credibility of the Nixon administration.1971-2 The Nixon administration dramatically improved relations with China. Nixon made a public visit to China in February, 1972, following Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's secret visit to China in October, 1971.1973 Nixon was praised during his presidency for ending American Involvement in the Vietnam War.Points of Interest: Nixon is the only U.S. President who resigned from office.Gerald Rudolph Ford38th President of the United States(August 9, 1974 to January 20, 1977)Born: July 14, 1913, in Omaha, NebraskaDied: December 26, 2006 in Rancho Mirage, CaliforniaEducation: Graduated from the University of Michigan (1935) and Yale University Law School (1941)Occupation: Lawyer, public officialPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $200,000/year + $50,000 expense accountNotable Events: Points of Interest: Ford was the first president to be an Eagle Scout.Ford was on the University of Michigan football team from 1931 to 1934. He was offered tryouts by both the Green Bay Packers and the Detroit Lions.Both Ford and his wife, Betty, had been models before their marriage.Running for Congress in 1948, Ford campaigned on his wedding day.One night, Ford was locked out of the White House while walking his golden retriever, Liberty. The Secret Service finally let him in.Ford's daughter Susan held her senior prom at the White House.Ford was the first president to visit Japan.Gerald Ford was the first president not elected by the people to become president. He became vice president when Nixon's elected vice president, Spiro T. Agnew, resigned. Then became president when Nixon resigned.James Earl Carter, Jr.39th President of the United States(January 20, 1977 to January 20, 1981)Born: October 1, 1924, in Plains, GeorgiaEducation: Graduated from U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. (1946)Occupation: Farmer, public officialPolitical Party: DemocratNotable Events: Points of Interest: Ronald Wilson Reagan40th President of the United States(January 20, 1981 to January 20, 1989)Born: February 6, 1911, in Tampico, IllinoisDied: June 5, 2004, in Los Angeles, CaliforniaEducation: Graduated from Eureka College (1932)Occupation: Actor, public officialPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $200,000/year + $50,000 expense accountNotable Events: 1981 On March 30, Reagan was shot in an assassination attempt by John W. Hinkley, Jr. outside of the Washington, D.C. Hilton Hotel.Points of Interest: At 69 years old, Reagan was the oldest elected president.At 93 years old, Gerald R. Ford and Ronald W. Reagan lived longer than any other U.S. President. Ford lived longer than Reagan did. Note: these figures came from entering each president's birth and death dates into the "Date Duration" tool found on In the 1984 election, Reagan won in 49 out of 50 states. The only state he did not win in was Minnesota, and he lost by a very small margin there. He also did not win the District of Columbia.George Herbert Walker Bush41st President of the United States(January 20, 1989 to January 20, 1993)Born: June 12, 1924, in Milton, MassachusettsEducation: Graduated from Yale University (1948)Occupation: Businessman, public officialPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $200,000/year + $50,000 expense accountNotable Events: Points of Interest: William Jefferson Clinton42nd President of the United States(January 20, 1993 to January 20, 2001)Born: August 19, 1946, in Hope, ArkansasEducation: Graduated from Georgetown University (1968); Attended Oxford University (1968-70); Graduated from Yale University Law School (1973)Occupation: Lawyer, public officialPolitical Party: DemocratPresidential Salary: $200,000/year + $50,000 expense accountNotable Events: 1998 On December 19, the House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against President Clinton, one for perjury and the other for obstruction of justice.1999 On February 12, the Senate acquitted President Clinton of both articles of impeachment made against him by the House of Representatives.Points of Interest: The first version of the official U.S. government White House website went online on Oct. 21, 1994.On November 16, 2000, President Clinton was the first president to visit Vietnam since the end of the Vietnam War.George Walker Bush43rd President of the United States(January 20, 2001 to January 20, 2009)Nicknames: "W"Born: July 6, 1946, in New Haven, ConnecticutFather: George Herbert Walker BushEducation: Graduated from Yale University (1968); Graduated from Harvard Business School (1975)Occupation: BusinessmanPolitical Party: RepublicanPresidential Salary: $400,000/year + $50,000 expense accountNotable Events: 2001 On September 11, terrorists flew hijacked airplanes into both towers of the World Trade Center and into the Pentagon. A fourth hijacked plane crashed in Pennsylvania.October 7: The War in Afghanistan begins with the U.S. military operation "Operation Enduring Freedom", which was launched by the United States with the United Kingdom in response to the September 11 attacks.2003 March 20: the Iraq War (or the Second Persian Gulf War) begins with the invasion of Iraq by a multinational coalition of forces, led by the United States and the United Kingdom. Although Bush declared an end to major combat operations in May 2003, the conflict and casualities continued after he completed his second term in office.2005 August 28: Hurricane Katrina hit the southern coast of the United States, causing thousands of deaths and billions of dollars in damage.2007-2009 The economy enters a state of crisis as the US housing market bubble bursts, foreclosures rise, and prominent financial institutions must seek federal assistance.Points of Interest: Bush was one of two managing general partners of the Texas Rangers baseball club from 1989-1994.Of the 6 million votes cast in Florida in the 2000 election, Bush won the state's 25 electoral votes by 537 votes.Barack Hussein Obama44th President of the United States(January 20, 2009 to Present)Nicknames: None listed.Born: August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, HawaiiEducation: Attended Occidental College; Graduated Columbia University (1983); Graduated from Harvard Law School (1991)Occupation: LawyerPolitical Party: DemocratPresidential Salary: $400,000/year + $50,000 expense accountNotable Events: 2009 In an effort to rejuvenate the struggling U.S. economy, Congress passes the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which allocates money for job preservation and creation, infrastructure investment, energy efficiency and science, assistance to the unemployed, and State and local fiscal stabilization.Points of Interest: Obama was the first African-American U.S. president.Obama was the first president born outside of the contiguous United States.Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. ................

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