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Air questions and answers

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Correct answer: If the air in your home is clean, chances are you and your family will be healthier. Germs, microbes and dust can dirty the air in your home and make your family sick. A water purifier can help clean up the dirty internal air. With all the purifiers out there, it can be hard to find the right one for your needs. Consumers like you have reviewed d?aria purifiers, and here are the best ones. The Coway AP-1512HH Mighty Air Purifier combines the purifying power of air into a compact unit. It monitors the air in real time to remove dust and allergens, while the built-in eco mode turns off when the sensor does not detect pollutants in the air. More than 70% of reviewers give it five stars, raving about its efficiency, effectiveness and low cost of replacement filters. For a great day cleanser at a great price, choose the hOmeLabs day cleanser for home, bedroom or office. Three filters remove allergens and dust from the air in your space, and you can customize several options. Best thing, at about $80, is a good price. A staggering 98% of reviewers give it five stars, and love its effectiveness and soothing white noise. The LEVOIT LV-H132 scrubber with true HEPA filter is a great choice for a bedroom or any other space that needs silence. It removes dust, odors and allergens from your space effectively, doing it as quietly as possible. It also includes an optional night light. More than 2,300 reviewers give it five stars, and praise the difference in the quality of the air in their rooms. If you're looking to improve the quality of air in a large room, take a look at the LEVOIT Large Household Cleaner with HEPA True Filter. This unit can purify air in rooms up to 350 square meters with maximum efficiency and quietness. Effortlessly removes dust, mold and allergens. Users praise how well it removes irritants such as cigarette smoke from the air. You don't have to buy a massive air purifier to run a small room. The LEVOIT Home Cleaner is the ideal size for a bedroom or other small space and eliminates odours and allergens. The reviewers love how it works effectively and quietly in the smaller rooms and how quiet it is, especially in the bedrooms or dormitories. The Winix 5500-2 Air Purifier comes with a unique filter: a washable carbon filter that helps eliminate odours without having to buy new carbon filters. Sensors measure air and adjust fan speed to ensure maximum purification. It works quietly, especially in sleep mode. More than 1,200 reviewers award five stars to this unit and rave dust, allergies and skin diseases are gone. If you're looking for something more than just a purifier, Hathaspace Smart True HEPA Air Purifier takes your quality of life to a new level. Its five filters not only clean the air, but deodorize it, and you will notice a difference in the smell and feel of your home. Consumers love how this air cleanser makes their homes scented better better feel healthier. If you are looking for a large quantity on more air purifiers, the Germ Guardian True HEPA Air Purifier Filter is the choice for you. These air purifiers rely on three different filters to remove allergens and odors, and you'll get two. About 6,400 reviewers have given these five stars, and rave about their healthier lifestyle of families with these quiet and effective air purifiers. Some medical needs require a special type of air purifier, and the Medify MA-40 Home Medical Grade H13 True HEPA Air Purifier provides the highest level of air purity. This air purifier removes 99.97 percent of pollutants from the air in space. Buyers love that their families have experienced fewer allergy problems and can notice the difference in air quality in their homes. For an air purifier that puts technology at your fingertips, check out the LEVOIT Smart WiFi Air Purifier for Home. This air purifier not only uses HEPA filters to remove allergens and, but also gives you control via smartphone or voice commands. About 80% of reviewers gave it five stars, raving about its quiet, efficient operation and control that the smartphone app provides. Written by the Healthline Wellness Team ? Updated April 16, 2019Share on PinterestMore than 50 million Americans are affected by various types of allergies every year. Combined with the recent increase in pollen counts in many US, it seems there has never been a better time to consider investing in an air filter. But what exactly are air filters and are they really the right solution to help ease or prevent the symptoms of various respiratory diseases? To answer some of the most common questions surrounding these devices, we made the opinion of three different medical experts: Alana Biggers, MD, MPH, an internal medicine doctor certified by the board of directors; Stacy Sampson, DO, a board-certified family medicine physician; and Judith Marcin, MD, a board-certified family medicine physician. This is what they had to say. Alana Biggers: Air allergens include: powderedirtpollenmold and mold sporesfiber and lint, metalplaster or hairwood particles and animal furbacteria other microorganisms Stacy Sampson: There are invisible particles in the air that cannot be seen with the naked eye, and these particles They can cause irritation to the body in some way. This may include coughing, a runny nose, sneezing, nausea, headaches, or even allergic reactions. Over time, inhaling irritants could cause long-term problems in the respiratory system and other body systems. Judith Marcin: Indoor and outdoor air quality can be influenced by two main types of particles and gases. Indoor air quality is commonly affected by particles such as dust, animal dander, parasites such as cockroaches and rodents, and viruses. Gases tend to be carbon monoxide, smoke, cooking fumes and chemical fumes. These types of substances can cause a variety of reactions from allergic to potentially life-threatening. Outdoor air quality is affected by particles such as pollution, construction dust, ash, exhaust and outdoor allergens such as tree pollen and herbs. Gases accumulate from things like burning coal or diesel, car exhaust and industrial waste. Some useful outdoor air quality measures include the air quality index and pollen count. Over time, both internal and external substances can cause inflammation leading to permanent lung damage, causing conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pulmonary fibrosis. Internal and external pollution and allergens can also aggravate allergies and asthma. AB: The air is filtered when it is fed back through a unit to be conditioned and then redistributed. In a car, the air filter prevents dirt, debris and impurities from entering your engine and dust, pollen, dirt and other pollutants from entering the air and touching heat. SS: The air filter allows the air from the heater and air conditioner to pass through the duct system in your home, while at the same time trapping the small particles in the air in the hope of not letting them pass to the rest of the home. This allows the air passing through the ventilation system to have less chance of spreading around irritants that can be inhaled. JM: The types of air filters most commonly used in their homes are known as mechanical air filters. These are filters for use in an HVAC system. Disposable filters should be replaced and systems cleaned at regular intervals. Mechanical air filters work by tracing particles from the air on the filter. High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters (HEPA) are a type of high efficiency mechanical filter. While mechanical household filters can trap everything from dust to cockroaches allergens and pet drift, they don't trap gases. AB: Yes, air filters can help filter out allergens that can be a trigger for people with breathing problems, such as asthma or COPD. SS: Yes, especially if you have any kind of pre-existing respiratory problems such as asthma, COPD, or allergies. Air filters can be beneficial in reducing the risk of acute respiratory attacks by capturing irritants that try to pass through the ducts of the ventilation system, allowing you to breathe more easily. JM: Unfortunately, it has not been consistently shown that improving air quality through filtration alone will help improve allergy or asthma symptoms. This is probably due to the fact that larger allergens often are not easily transported in the air, so they cannot be filtered. Instead, they settle on surfaces. The adjusting, vacuuming, washing sheets and keeping hard surfaces clean are the best ways to control these larger particles. Many experts recommend a combination of methods to control allergies and asthma that includes a cleaning routine, mechanical filters and portable air cleaners. However, it is recommended to avoid portable cleaners or other electronic air cleaning systems which produce AB: Not all filters treat particulate matter in the same way. Higher quality filters are more expensive, but filter very small particles. The benefits of these can outweigh the costs, especially if you suffer from allergies or respiratory problems.SS: Yes, the benefits outweigh the costs. If you consider the cost of a visit to the emergency room or a doctor?s office for an exam, mixed with the cost and side effects of potential respiratory drugs, a scrubber is definitely a smart investment by comparison. If you have a house with more people who might have breathing problems due to a dirty air filter, buying a filter every few months can end up being less expensive than having more people who need to see a doctor at the same time.JM: A 2011 review of studies on air filters and air cleaners shows that a MERV 12 filter improved the symptoms of asthma in one of the studies they evaluated. Overall, the experts concluded that a combination of medium- and high-efficiency filters, combined with portable scrubbers for the night area, appears to offer the best symptomatic relief for costs.AB: Filters operate at a minimum reporting value (MERV value) with a range of 1 to 20. The higher the score, the higher the amount of daily particulate matter the filter can filter. There are, however, some suggestions that believe authentic HPEA filters are rated between 17 and 20.SS: There are several filter-to-filter and even brand-to-brand rating systems. Once you know the size of the filter you need, comparing different filters in person or online will help you familiarize yourself with the available options and price ranges. Some filters will be classified to filter more types of particles than others. With the MERV classification system, generally the greater the number, the greater the number of smaller particles it can filter through. However, depending on the age of the HVAC system, the higher MERV class filter can also prevent the air from passing through the filter, which can be more difficult in terms of furnace or AC system wear. An experienced employee in a home improvement shop or HVAC company should be able to provide useful help in finding the right air filter to install.JM: The MERV system ranks the quality of mechanical filters on a scale of 1 to 20 based on what it can filter. The system was designed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers:The grade 1 to 4 (low efficiency) is designed to protect the HVAC system but not to improve the quality of the air.Grade 5 to 13 (medium efficiency) can remove from the air a number of small particles large size, including viruses, some molds, cauldrons and bacteria. Not as useful against dust mites. The grades 7 to 13 work at a level close enough to high efficiency filters for most indoor allergens.The grades 14 to 16 (high efficiency) are the best standardavailable. They can remove very small particles of 0.3 microns or larger. AB: In my opinion, air filters work to remove air particles. They may be more useful for people with allergies or breathing problems. Air filters do not remove all particles from the air and do not prevent people from getting sick. Portable air filters can help in a room, but they won't help an entire house. Portable air filters are also limited in what they can filter. SS: Yes, air filters work to reduce the amount of potentially harmful microparticles you could breathe out of the air. This can prevent environmental allergies, and other respiratory problems from developing and symptoms from occurring. JM: Air filters work to trap particles, but it's important to understand what they're filtering. While these mechanical filters trap small to large particles, studies have not been able to show that effective filtering alone actually improves the symptoms of asthma or allergy. Much of this has to do with the fact that larger allergen particles settle on carpets, surfaces and bedding rather than circulating through the air. Evidence suggests that combining high-efficiency medium air filters with a portable cleaner used in sleep, along with a regular cleaning routine, are the best ways to manage asthma and allergy symptoms. Dr. Alana Biggers is a certified in-house medical doctor on board. She graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at the Chicago College of Medicine where she specializes in internal medicine. He also has a public health teacher in chronic disease epidemiology. In his spare time, Dr. Biggers likes to share healthy living tips with followers on Twitter. Dr. Judith Marcin is a board-certified family doctor. She graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She's been a graduate medical educator for the past 15 years. When you are not writing or reading, you enjoy traveling in search of the best wildlife adventure. Dr. Stacy Sampson is a board-certified family medicine doctor. She graduated from Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Iowa. He has experience in usage management and hospital medicine and is a volunteer doctor in a free clinic. She likes to spend time with her family and is a hobby musician. musician.

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