K - Pace University

K. Mark Sossin, Ph.D.

Pace University Home/Office

Department of Psychology 1893 Stewart Avenue

41 Park Row New Hyde Park, NY 11040

New York, NY 10038-1598 Tel: 516-326-2401

212-346-1506 or 346-1727 Fax: 516-326-6973

Fax: 212-346-1618 E-mail: ksossin@pace.edu

Curriculum Vitae

Current Positions

Professor of Psychology, Pace University, NYC, NY 2/07- [Pace Faculty: 1/87-PT, 1/96-FT]

• Associate Chair for Strategic Planning, Department of Psychology (NYC) (10/2013-)

• Previously Associate Professor of Psychology 1/1996-3/2007 (Tenure attained in 2001 - Full Professor as of 2/07); .

• Previously Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology, 1/1987-12/1995

• Director/Co-Director of Parent-Infant/Toddler Research Nursery, McShane Center for Psychological Services, Pace U., 2005-

• Acting Director/Co-Director of Graduate Programs in Psychology, fall, 2001; fall, 2004 & 6/2012 through 1/2013

• Primary responsibilities involve training and teaching in the APA-approved Psy.D. Program in combined school and clinical-child psychology. (Professional and Scholarly Model)

• Coordinator, Psychological/Counseling Services for Campus Based Inclusion Program (CBIP), 2006-present. [Also oversee psychological services for OASIS (formerly BOSS) college students at Pace at the McShane Center]

• Coordinator of External Funding and Scientific Communication, Psychology Department (summer, 2012 – ongoing)

• Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee (9/2011-12/2013)

• Chair, Comprehensive Examination Committee, Psy.D. Program (9/2000-11/2012) (then Co-Chair – 12/2013 )

Private Practice in Clinical Psychology {infants, children, adolescent & adult} 1984-

• and child & adolescent psychoanalysis 1991-

• and adult psychoanalysis 1994-

Other Current Appointments

Training and Supervising Analyst (Children, Adolescents & Adults), The Psychoanalytic Training Institute of the Contemporary Freudian Society (formerly New York Freudian Society), New York, NY (2011- ),

Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychoanalyst. Member, NYFS and International Psychoanalytical Association (1991/94- )

Faculty, Anni Bergman Program in Parent-Infant Psychotherapy. Teaching, Supervision and Curriculum Planning in this Post-

Analytic Track (Committee 9/92- ; Program 9/97- )

Faculty, Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis Program (2007- )

Faculty and Supervisor (Clinical Professor of Psychology-Adjunct), Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY

Faculty and Supervisor in the Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Postgraduate Program and the Adult Program in

Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis 9/95-

Affiliate Faculty, Institute for Training in Infant and Preschool Mental Health at the Youth Consultation Service (Newark, New Jersey)

Teaching Workshops and Collaboration, 1/01-

Research Psychologist, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York

Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene; Collaborative NYSPI WTC Project (NYC, NY) 4/02-

Health Advisory Committee. University Settlement Head Start and Infant/Toddler Programs. 8/98-

Vice-President (since 1995, ongoing). Child Development Research, Inc., NY (With archives at Hebrew University, Israel) conducting KMP research, and grad-level teaching, re: early development and movement 1976-

Participant Researcher, Jerome Riker International Study of the Organized Persecution of Children 1980-

Previously Supervising Psychologist, Center for Parents & Children, Roslyn, NY 1984-1989


Bablylab, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, DK

Scientific Advisory Board (Drs. Mette Vaever & Susanne Harder, Directors) 2009-


Ph.D. - 1983 Yeshiva University (Clinical Psychology}, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, NYC, NY

Doctoral Dissertation: Movement Patterns of Infant and Mother and the Ontogenesis of Aggression in the First Year of Life. Chair: Beatrice Beebe, Ph.D.

M.A. - 1981 Yeshiva University, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, NYC, NY

Master’s Thesis: Dominance, Aggression and Spatial Behavior in Female Adolescents in Residential Treatment. Chair: Carl Auerbach, Ph.D.

B.A. - 1974 Emory University {Honors in Psychology}, Atlanta, GA

Honor’s Thesis: Proxemics and Locus of Control in Adolescence. Supervisor: Marshall P. Duke, Ph.D.

Certificates in Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis - 1991 and Adult Psychoanalysis - 1994, The Psychoanalytic Training Institute of the New York Freudian Society, NYC, NY

Internship: Hillside Hospital, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, 1979-80.

Externship: Roosevelt Hospital, NYC, 1977-78.

License New York State, Licensed Psychologist #007858, since: 1984

Diplomate Status: Professional Psychotherapy, Certificate (#2009), IABMCP, International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counseling and Psychotherapy, 2005.

Fellow: APA, Division 52, International Psychology, 2014-

Additional Training: Through Child Development Research and the associated Center for Parents and Children (1976-1990), I was trained in Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP) notation and interpretation (1976-1978), as well as in dyadic parent-child psychotherapy, primary prevention methods, movement-retraining, and family therapy (from 1979-1990).

• Formal training in the Behavior Rating Instrument for Autistic and Atypical Children (1982, Teachers College/Columbia University).

• Coursework and training in Neuro-developmental Therapy (NDT) methods with neurologically challenged infants and young children, (1983, Div. of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, New York Hospital/Cornell).

• Trained in Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (1984, N.S./New York Hospital/Cornell)

• Completed courses in the Adult Attachment Interview (2002, at CUNY Graduate Center/coll.UCLA), and the related Reflective Functioning Scale (2004, Anna Freud Center, London [Hempstead], England).

• Trained in ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Assessment Scale) at NYU, Summer 2009.

• Several courses in Research Ethics, as required for research participation, most recently: CITI Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative - Human Research Curriculum, NYSPI, Fall, 2012

• Requisite Course in Supervision, Termination & Ethics, Psychoanalytic Training Institute, CFS, 2010-2011

• Multiple other trainings/workshops in developmental/psychological assessment & intervention methods.

Professional Journal Editorial Boards

Founding Editorial Board Member, Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology, 2004- .(Assoc. Editor, 2004-2009)

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. 1997-current

Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 1996-1998

Nonverbal Behavior Section Editor of Journal: Man-Environment Systems, 1980-1990.

Previous Positions (see also below under Teaching Experience)

President. New York Association of Early Childhood and Infant Psychologists 6/00-5/02

Infancy Institute Summer Faculty. Bank Street College, 1995-2003

Adj. Assoc. Professor / Psychology, Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology, St. John's University, Queens, NY 1992-1994.

Psychologist. Schneider Children's Hospital/Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New Hyde Park, NY 1983-1986. (Positions in the Learning Diagnostic, Infant Development Programs, Div. of Child Development, and the NICU)

Psychologist & Nursery Therapist. Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Ctr, Bronx, NY 1980-1983

Research Psychologist, Laboratory of Social Biology, Rockland State Research Institute, Orangeburg, NY 1975-1983. (Director Aristide Hans Esser, M.D)

USPHS Research Scientist in Training, Laboratory of Brain, Evolution & Behavior, National Institute of Mental Health, Poolsville, MD 1976 (Director: Paul Maclean, M.D.)


Adelphi University Postdoctoral Society (Derner Institute, Faculty/Supervisor)

American Psychological Association & Divisions: Psychoanalysis; Clinical; Developmental; Child & Adolescent;

International; Trauma [APA, Div. 39, Sections I, II, IV, V & VIII; Divisions 7, 12, 52, 56]

American Orthopsychiatric Association (Fellow)

American Dance/Movement Therapy Association (Associate)

Association of Early Childhood and Infant Psychologists/AECIP (Past-President; Currently, Member-At-Large;

Formerly NYAECIP)

Child Development Research, Vice-President, Board of Directors

Co-Director, Kestenberg Movement Profile Section

Participating Researcher/Board Member: International Study of the Organized Persecution of Children

International Psychoanalytical Association

International Society for Infant Studies

International Society for Research on Aggression (Fellow)

Long Island Psychoanalytic Society

Contemporary Freudian Society - Child/Adolescent and Adult Programs (Faculty, 2 programs; T & S Analyst)

World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH)

Zero-To-Three (and New York Zero-To-Three)

Special Areas of Research and Clinical Interest/Collaborations

Infant development; Parent-infant/toddler relations; Psychology of movement behavior; Applications of the Kestenberg Movement Profile; Psychoanalytic theory, esp. as related to early childhood experience, nonverbal behavior, and effects of early trauma; Developmental psychopathology; Concordance/discordance in parent-child interaction; Attachment theory; Development of affects; Autistic Spectrum Disorders, early diagnosis and efficacy of interventions; Psyche-soma relations, especially regarding psychological aspects of living with congenital or chronic illness; Parental developmental phases; Developmental Disabilities; Fatherhood; Methods of primary prevention and clinical intervention and diagnosis in infancy and early childhood; Child & adolescent psychotherapeutic process; Play therapy; Dyadic parent-child therapy; Parent-infant psychotherapy; Child, adolescent and adult psychoanalysis.

Ongoing collaborative studies with: Communication Laboratory, Dept. of Child/Adolescent Psychiatry, Dir: Beatrice Beebe, Ph.D., NYS Psychiatric Inst./Columbia Univ.; World Trade Center Project; CDR; Rebecca School; OASIS Program

Teaching Experience

Pace University

1987-2014 (including currently): Teach and train doctoral students re: early development, research and observation in

practicum (re: infancy, toddlerhood, parenthood).

1992-2014 (* = courses generally taught in yearly rotation) Graduate/Doctoral courses include:

PSY *810>Advanced Psychopathology

PSY *759/859> Early Childhood Assessment and Intervention; (required assessment class)

PSY 710>Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

PSY 656>Developmental Disabilities (next scheduled spring 2015)

PSY 729/*829>Family Interventions

PSY *737>Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy

PSY *713>Psychological Assessment III (Projective Techniques/Personality Assessment)

PSY 728/828>Advanced Psychodiagnostics

PSY 844> Parenthood

PSY 857> Advanced Topics in Infant/Toddler Development, Assessment, and Intervention

PSY 711>Intervention Techniques I: Psychodynamic Perspectives

PSY 834/835> Doctoral Research Seminar

PSY *509B>Practicum in Parent-Infant/Toddler Research Nursery (3-semester year, since 1/87)

PSY 509D>Practicum in Early Childhood Education/Developmental Settings

(PSY 509J)>Practicum in Autism: Assessment and Intervention (approved)

2014- Mentored Lab Courses: Mind, Movement, Interaction, & Development Research Group MMID-RG

PSY 396O 74069 (student must also register for 73889) Undergraduate Mentored Lab Experience

PSY 696F 74072 (student must also register for 73850) Master’s Mentored Lab Experience

Additionally, I serve as Advisor or Consultant on numerous Doctoral Projects

1996-1999 Undergraduate course included:

PSY 104>Introduction to Psychology and PSY 317>Critical Thinking.

St. John's University: Doctoral (Ph.D.) Program in Clinical Psychology

1992-1994: Supervise 3rd and 4th year clinical doctoral candidates in child, adolescent and adult psychotherapy. (Held title of Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology)

Postdoctoral and Postgraduate Teaching Experience

Adelphi University, Garden City, Long Island, NY: Derner Institute; Postdoctoral Programs in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

1996-present: 1)"Prelatency;" (Early Childhood) 2) "Case Seminar"; 3) Classical Psychotherapy I (Child & Adolescent Certificate Track)

1997-1999: Models of Psychoanalytic Thought (Adult Certificate Track)

The Psychoanalytic Training Institute of the Contemporary Freudian Society (NYC)

1997-present: Instructor within the Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytiic Training Program, and within the Anni Bergman Program in Parent-Infant Psychotherapy, a 3 year post-analytic certificate program. Teaching sections on NICU, infant assessment, and parent-infant psychotherapy. Originally co-led a class (with Anni Bergman, Ph.D.) pertaining to infant and parent observation. [As of 2006, this program is jointly run by NYFS and the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR)] 1993(fall), 1995(spring),1996(spring); Co-taught "Developmental and Clinical Issues of Infancy and Early Childhood," an extension course focusing on recent research and on techniques employed in parent-child dyadic psychotherapy.

1992-1993 (winter/spring): Co-taught CA-3 "Parent-Child Observation, Assessment and Intervention"

1997-present: Yearly Lectures to ABPPP Classes regarding prematurity and neonatal intensive care (NICU) experience; Lectures regarding psychoanalytic perspectives on the body, movement, interaction and early development

2009 “Psychoanalytic Theory of Development: Infancy and Toddlerhood”

2012 April/May, Case seminar in Child & Adolescent Training Program Tack

2013 March – June, Early Development and Child Psychopathology

2014 Fall, Semester-long course in Research Methods in Psychoanalysis

Institute for Child, Adolescent & Family Studies (NYC)

1994(spring): Taught seminar on nonverbal behavior in infant-parent interaction and methods of clinical intervention.

Child Development Research & Laban Institute for Movement Studies (Special Faculty) (LI & NYC)

1978-1991: Re: "Movement Patterns: Their Notation and Interpretation in Research, Diagnosis and

Prevention (yearly 80-hour course; over the years, I taught variously from full-length to specified lectures)

Schneider Children's Hospital, Long Island Jewish-Hillside Medical Center (Queens, New York)

1984-1986 Section on 'Developmental Pediatrics' to 3rd-yr medical students; and supervision of

Psychology interns, residents (in pediatrics and child psychiatry) and staff psychologists.

Bronx-Lebanon Hospital (Bronx, New York)

1980-1983: Taught in residents in child psychiatry and pediatrics re: developmental assessment and psychopathology.

Institute for Nonverbal Communication Research, NYC.

1978, 1980 Seminars on development and movement.

University/Departmental Service (Recent)

Associate Chair, Strategic Planning, Dept. of Psychology, 10/2013- (present, ongoing)

Coordinator of External Funding and Scientific Communication 9/2012- (present, ongoing)

Acting Co-Director, Graduate Programs in Psychology, 6/12-2/13 (held more general adm. Co-Director role until 8/13)

Chair, Chair Search Committee, Department of Psychology, 2013

Chair, Clinical/Combined Faculty Selection Committee, 2011-2012

Member, Developmental Faculty Selection Committee, 2011-2012

Chair, Graduate (M.S.Ed./Psy.D.) Admissions Committee, 2011-continuing

Chair, Doctoral Comprehensive Examinations Committee, 2003-2012 (now co-chair)

Member, School/Clinical Psychology Program Committee, 1996- (present)

Member, Clinic Committee, McShane Center for Psychological Services, 1996- (present)

Coordinator, Mental Health Services, BOSS/OASIS/CBIP Programs, School of Education, Pace U. 2006-2010 formally;

Currently continue to oversee mental health services for OASIS students

Director, Pace Parent-Infant/Toddler Research Nursery, 1/87-(present, in either Co-Director or Director status)

Instructor & Overseer, Pace Autism Practicum (and related services), 9/2007-6/2012

Director, “Mind, Movement, Interaction and Development Research Group” (ongoing) sossin-mmid.

Publications [also see below: Ongoing/Current Projects] [* denotes in press]


Cohen, P., Sossin, K. M., & Ruth, R. (Eds.) (2014) Healing after loss of a parent in childhood and adolescence Therapeutic

interventions and theoretical considerations. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield

Beebe, B., Cohen, P., Sossin, K. M., & Markese, S. (Eds.) (2012), Mothers, infants and young children of September

11, 2011. New York: Routledge (Taylor and Francis). 264 pp.

Kestenberg Amighi, J., Loman, S., Lewis, P. & Sossin, K. M. (1999) The meaning of movement: Developmental and

clinical perspectives of the Kestenberg Movement Profile. Amsterdam: Gordon & Breach. { New York: Brunner-

Routledge}. 369 pp.

Kestenberg, J.S. & Sossin, K. M. (1979). The role of movement patterns in development, Vol. 2. New York: Dance Notation

Bureau Press. [Now published/and distributed by Princeton Press].

Papers and Chapters:

Sossin, K. M. (2015). Early childhood risk factors for autism and psychosis. In J. McCarthy (Ed.), Psychosis in childhood

and adolescence. New York: Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-0415821063

* [Sharkey, J., Sossin, K. M., Mowder, B., & Salbod, S. (accepted for publication/Journal of Early Childhood and

Infant Psychology). Emotional availability, parenting behavior perceptions, child temperament and parent

personality characteristics.]

*[Loman, S. & Sossin, K. M. (in press). Applications of the Kestenberg Movement Profile: An introduction. In S.

Chaiklin & H. Wengrower (Eds.). Life is dance: The art and science of DMT: Second Edition. New York: Routledge.]

*[Loman, S. & Sossin, K. M. (in press). Clinical applications of the Kestenberg Movement Profile (in translation). In S.

Chaiklin & H. Wengrower (Eds.), אמנות ומדע הטיפול בתנועה ומחול , Jerusalem, Israel: The Hebrew University Magnes Press.]

Loman, S. & Sossin, K. M. (2014). Applications of the Kestenberg Movement Profile: An introduction. In S.

Chaiklin & H. Wengrower (Eds.). Life is dance: The art and science of DMT. Seoul, South Korea.

Sossin, K. M. (2014). Parent-infant/toddler/child consultations in the wake of sudden parent-loss:

Psychoanalytically informed close observation and video-feedback. “Section V Invited Panel: Flexibility and

Frame: Conflicts in the Application of Psychoanalytic Practices and Techniques in Extreme Circumstances.The

Sphinx: A Site for Inquiry and Innovation in Psychoanalysis,


Sossin, K. M., Bromberg,,Y. & Haddad, D. (2014). Parent loss during childhood and adolescence: A

prismatic look at the literature In P. Cohen, K. M. Sossin, & R. Ruth (Eds.), Healing after loss of

a parent in childhood and adolescence Therapeutic interventions and theoretical considerations (pp. 1-28). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Sossin, K. M., Cohen, P., & Beebe, B. (2014). Death of a father on September 11, 2001: Video-informed consultations

with widowed mothers. In Cohen, P., Sossin, K. M., & R. Ruth (Eds.), Healing after loss of a parent in

childhood and adolescence: Therapeutic interventions and theoretical considerations (pp. 201-322). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Koch, S. & Sossin, K. M. (2013). Kestenberg Movement Analysis. In Cornelia Müller, Alan Cienki, Ellen Fricke, Silva

Ladewig, David McNeill, & Sedinha Teßendorf (Eds.). Body-Language-Communication: An international handbook on

multimodality in human interaction (pp. 958-973). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

In Beebe, B., Cohen, P., Sossin, K. M., & Markese, S. (Eds.) (2012), Mothers, infants and young children of September

11, 2011. New York: Routledge (Taylor and Francis). 264 pp.

Ch. 5. Sossin, K. M. Introduction to the support groups.

Ch. 7. Sossin, K. M. Support Group II: An evolving approach: Reflections on group process in the early years.

Ch. 12. Sossin, K. M. & Cohen, P. Children’s play in the wake of loss and trauma.

Ch. 15. Bergman, A., Sossin, K. M., Tortora, S., “Lydia,” Cohen, P. & Beebe, B. The team approach to the

treatment of a traumatized mother and child.

Ch. 16. Beebe, B., Cohen, P., Bergman, A., Moskowitz, S., Sossin, K. M., Reiswig, R., Tortora, S., & Friedman,

Donna Demetri. The therapist group: A transformational process.

Sossin, K. M. (2011). Mothers and children in the early years of the support groups: Introduction to the support

groups. Journal of Infant, Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy, 10 (2-3), 205-206.

Sossin, K. M. (2011). Support group II: An evolving approach: Reflections on group process in the early years.

Journal of Infant, Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy. 10(2-3), 217–223.

Sossin, K. M. & Cohen, P. (2011) Children’s play in the wake of loss and trauma. Journal of Infant, Child & Adolescent

Psychotherapy, 10(2-3), 255-272.

Beebe, B., Cohen, P., Bergman, A., Moskowitz, S., Sossin, K. M., Reiswig, R., Tortora, S., & Demetri Friedman, D. The

therapist group: A transformational process. Journal of Infant, Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy. 10(2-3), 317-325.

Bergman, A., Sossin, K. M., Tortora, S., Cohen, P. & Beebe, B. (2011). The team approach to the treatment of a

traumatized mother and child: Ryan and Lydia. Journal of Infant, Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy. 10(2-3), 302-316.

Seskin, L., Feliciano, E., Tippy, G., Yedloutschnig, R., Sossin, K. M. & Yasik, A. (2010). Attachment and

autism: Parental attachment representations and relational behaviors in ther parent-child dyad.

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38(7):949-960.

Zaccario, M., Sossin, K. M., & DeGroat, J. (2009). Assessment of infants and toddlers. In B. Mowder, F.

Rubinson & A. Yasik (Eds.), Evidence-based practice in infant and early childhood psychology (pp. 93-128). Hoboken,

New Jersery: Wiley.

Loman, S. & Sossin, K. M. (2009). Current clinical applications of the Kestenberg Movement Profile. S.

Chaiklin & H. Wengrower (Eds.). Life is dance: The art and science of DMT (pp. 237-264). New

York: Routledge.

Loman, S. & Sossin, K. M. (2008). Current clinical applications of the Kestenberg Movement Profile.

(Translated by Aleisa Gines). S. Chaiklin & H. Wengrower (Eds.). La Vida es Danza: El arte y la Ciencia de la Danza Movimiento Terapia. Barcelona, Spain: Editorial Gedisa.

Sossin, K. M. & Charone-Sossin, J. (2007). Embedding co-regulation within therapeutic process:

Lessons from development. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 6, 259-279.

Charone-Sossin, J. & Sossin, K. M. (2007). Twists in the road on the developmental path towards

co-regulation: Navigating one’s way when many reliable markers are absent. Journal of Infant,

Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 6, 245-258.

Sossin, K. M. (2007). History and future of the Kestenberg Movement Profile (pp. 103-118). In S. C. Koch & S. Bender (Eds.), Movement analysis: Bewegungsanalyse. Berlin: Logos Verlag.

Sossin, K. M. (2007). Nonmentalizing states in early-childhood survivors of the Holocaust: Developmental considerations regarding treatment of child survivors of genocidal atrocities. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 67(1), 68-81.

Sossin, K. M. & Birklein, S. (2006). Nonverbal transmission of stress between parent and young child:

Considerations and psychotherapeutic implications of a study of affective movement patterns. Journal of Infant,

Child, & Adolescent Psychotherapy, 5, 46-69.

Birklein, S. & Sossin, K. M. (2006). Nonverbal indices of stress in parent-child dyads: Implications for

individual and interpersonal affect regulation and intergenerational transmission. In S. Koch & I.

Bräuninger (Eds.). Advances in Dance/Movement Therapy: Theoretical perspectives and empirical findings (pp. 128-141).

Berlin: Logos Verlag.

Gallagher, S., Mowder, B., Sossin, K.M. & Rubinson, F. (2006). Continuing education interests of licensed New York State psychologists serving the zero to five-year-old population. Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology, 2, 201-220.

Sossin, K.M. (2006). Part II: Themes and techniques in the mother-child groups. In an encompassing

digest-article, by Beebe, B., Jaffe, J., Cohen, P., Bergman, A., Sossin, K.M., Moskowitz, S. et al., Support groups and video bonding consultations for mothers pregnant and widowed on 9-11. Association of Early Childhood and Infant Psychologists News, 4, 2-5.

Mowder, B. A., Guttman, M., Rubinson, F. D. & Sossin, K. M. (2006). Trauma and parenting: Effects of 9-11 on

parents and their children. Journal of Child and Family Studies (Online First), 1-11.

and Journal.of Child and Family Studies, 15, 733-743.

Birklein, S. B. , Sossin, K. M., & Loman, S. (2006). The effect of stress on the caregiver-child

relationship: Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP) research and intervetnions. [Refereed

Presentation, followed by publication in print and digital] ADTA 2006 Proceedings.

Sossin, K. M. & Loman, S. (2004). The Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP) as a tool for research in

dance/movement therapy. ADTA 2004 Annual Proceedings, 101-107.

Budman, C., Rockmore, L. Stokes, J. & Sossin, K.M. (2003). Clinical phenomenology of episodic

rage in children with Tourette Syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 55(1),59-65.


Rubinson, F., Sweeney, K., Mowder. B., & Sossin, K.M. (2003). Collaborative practices of New York

State Early Childhood School Psychologists. The School Psychologist, 57(3), 74-85.

Mowder, B., Goliger, I., Sossin, K.M., & Rubinson, F. (2003). Continuing education interests and needs of New York

State Early Childhood School Psychologists. The School Psychologist, 57(4), 130-140.

Sossin, K. M. (2002) Interactive movement patterns as ports of entry in infant-parent psychotherapy.

Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 2, 97-131.

Sossin, K. M. (2001) Discussion of a paper by Judith S. Kestenberg with Arnhilte Buelte: Prevention,

infant therapy and the treatment of adults: 1. Toward understanding mutuality. APA Division 39 Section V: Continuing Education Program: Turning Point Papers in Psychotherapy. [Invited]

Sossin, K.M. (2001). Assessing the impact of 9/11 upon young children: President’s message. NYAECIP

Newsletter, 1, 5.

Sossin, K.M. (2001). From the president: Reviewing our purposes, functions and hopes. NYAECIP

Newsletter, 1, 1-3.

Sossin, K. M. (1999) Remembering Judith S. Kestenberg. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 21, 67-68.

Sossin, K. M. (1999) Historical Reflections: Special Tribute to Dr. Judith S. Kestenberg. Movement News,

24, 1-2.

Sossin, K. M. (1999) Legacies of Judith Kestenberg: Psychoanalytic developmental theory, trauma

research and nonverbal behavior. International Psychoanalysis (IPA Newsletter), Fall, 1999. (Also

published as Nachruf auf Judith Kestenberg in the German edition of the same publication).

Sossin, K. M. (1999) Obituary: Judith S. Kestenberg. International Psychoanalysis (IPA Newsletter), Spring, 1999.

Sossin, K.M. & Amighi, J. K. (1999). Introduction. In J. K. Amighi, S. Loman, P. Lewis & K. M. Sossin. (Eds.), The

meaning of movement: Developmental and clinical perspectives of the Kestenberg Movement Profile. Amsterdam: Gordon & Breach Publishers. {NY: Brunner-Routledge}

Sossin, K. M. (1999). The KMP and infant-parent psychotherapy. In J. K. Amighi, S. Loman, P. Lewis &

K. M. Sossin. (Eds.), The Meaning of Movement: Developmental and Clinical Perspectives of the Kestenberg Movement Profile.

Amsterdam: Gordon & Breach Publishers.Kestenberg Movement Profile. Amsterdam: Gordon & Breach Publishers.

Sossin, K. M. (1999). Interpretation of an adult profile: Observations in a parent-child setting. In J. K.

Amighi, S. Loman, P. Lewis & K. M. Sossin. (Eds.), The Meaning of Movement: Developmental and Clinical Perspectives of the Kestenberg Movement Profile. Amsterdam: Gordon & Breach Publishers. {NY: B-R}

Kestenberg, J. S., Sossin, K. M., Buelte, A., Schnee, D. & Weinstein, J.(1993) Manifestations of aggression: An

exploration of movement patterns. In T.B. Cohen, M.H. Etezady & B.L. Pacella. (Eds). The Vulnerable Child,

Monograph I. Madison, CT: International Universities Press.

Sossin, K. M. (1993). Pre- and postnatal repercussions of handicapping conditions upon the narcissistic line of

development. Pre- and Perinatal Psychology Journal, 7, 195-213.

Sossin, K. M. & S. Loman. (1992). Clinical applications of the Kestenberg Movement Profile. In Loman, S. (Ed.), The body-mind connection in human movement analysis. Keene, NH: Antioch New England.

Romer, G. & Sossin, K. M. (1991). Psychishe aspekte des haltens und tragens beim saugling. Psychosozial, 46, 38-46.

Romer, G. & Sossin, K. M. (1990). Parent-infant holding patterns and their impact on infant perceptual

and interactional experience. Pre-and Peri-Natal Psychology, 5, 69-85.

Sossin, K. M. (1990). Metapsychological considerations of the psychologies incorporated in the KMP

System. In Lewis, P. & Loman, S. (Eds.), The Kestenberg Movement Profile: Its past, present applications and future directions. Keene, NH: Antioch New England.

Sossin, K. M. & Charone-Sossin, J. (1987). Maternal depression rteactive to the birth of an impaired child. In R.

Formanek & A. Gurian (Eds.), Depression and women: A lifespan approach. New York: Springer.

Sossin, K. M. (1987). Reliability of the Kestenberg Movement Profile. Movement Studies, 2, 23-28.

Sossin, K. M. (1983). Discussion at Proceedings of Ecology of Knowledge Network Meeting, Sponsored

by Tarrytown Group, l982. Man-Environment Systems, 13, l983.

Sossin, K. M. (1982). Book Review of Torsten Malmburg’s “Human Territoriality.” The Hague: Mouton, l980. Man-Environment Systems, 12, 47-48.

Kestenberg, J.S., Marcus, H., Sossin, K. M. & Stevenson, R. (1982). The development of paternal attitudes. Chapter in

Cath, Gurwitt & Ross (Eds.), Fathers: Observations and reflections. Boston: Little, Brown.

Sossin, K. M. (1981) Discussion of developmental aspects of the human knowledge process. Ecology of Knowledge

Network Proceedings, Ottawa, Ont., May, l981. In Man-Environment Systems, 11.

Sossin, K. M., Esser, A. H. & Deutsch, R. (1978). Ethological studies of spatial and dominance behavior of

female adolescents in residence. Man-Environment Systems, 8, 43-48

Deutsch, R., Esser, A. H. & Sossin, K. M. (1978). Dominance, aggression and the functional use of space in institutionalized female adolescents. Aggressive Behavior, 4, 313-329. [Refereed]

Esser, A. H., Deutsch, R. & Sossin, K. M. (1977). Paying attention to becoming desirable. Report to H.F.Guggenheim Foundation.

Print/Television/Internet Media (e.g. Articles/Quotes/Interviews)

• Fogelman, E., & Sossin, M. (2014). Israel’s children under fire. Jewish Link of Bergen County, 42, 50 (July 31, 2014).

• To Move is to Be Alive: Penny Lewis contributor (appearing interviewee) for documentary by Judy Rubin of Expressive Media, Inc.

• The Mind, Movement, Interaction & Development Research Group/Lab

• The Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP)

• The International Study of the Organization of Persecution of Children, CDR:

• Embodied Intentions, Anna Freud Centre, London, UK:

Jacket cover quote (2011): The First Year and the Rest of Your Life: Movement, Development, and Therapeutic Change by Frank, R. and La Barre, F. (2011), New York, NY: Routledge Press

2010. . “8 Weird Kid Quirks Explained.” Why toddlers run naked, play in dirt, climb into boxes, and more. By Margaret Renkl.

August, 2010 Parents Magazine. “How to Decode Your Kid's Body Language.” By Robin Westen. Also reprinted in

Separation Anxiety Age-by-Age: How to ease separation anxiety in babies, toddlers, and preschoolers

• May, 2009. Parents Magazine. “The Benefits of Baby Massage.” By Nancy Gottesman. Also reprinted in

October, 2007. Parents.Magazine. Graves, G. “Gentle Discipline for Toddlers.” Also reprinted in

• July, 2007. Parents Magazine. Marshall, S. “It’s Not My Fault.” (interview/quoted). Also reprinted on as “ How to Teach Kids to Take Responsibility for their Actions.” And “Stop the Blame Game.,”

• 4/29/07 Newsday (NY, Nassau & Suffolk Editions). Copquin, C. G., “LI Kids: Ready To Be On Their Own?” (p. 29).

• (10/06) McClatchy News interview regarding Halloween and issues of trust printed/circulated in varied communities: “Trick-or-treaters may be more trustworthy than you think.” Frank Greve | McClatchy Newspaper

• Scare tactics: Parents should help youngsters handle fright on Halloween night. By Jane Clifford, San Diego UNION-TRIBUNE FAMILY EDITOR (This was published elsewhere as well). October 15, 2005

• (7/05) as TV panelist on Cable’s The Mind’s Eye, regarding the psychology of parenting.

• Two quoted/cited interviews in American Baby Magazine, 2005.

• [Article on the impact of parent stress on young children.] Parents Magazine, 2-1-2004.

• Hand-me-down stress. By Jessica Snyder Sachs. Parenting, November 2004. Also published online as:

• Hand Me Down Stress: When You're Tense, Your Kids Feel It Too. How To Ease the Pressure for Everyone, by Jessica Snyder Sachs. 2004.

• Are Your Children Overscheduled? By Toni Schutta. 2003 Toni_Schutta/articles/articles_over.htm

• Danger Zone? No Hard Data, But Plenty of Concern About How Kids React to Internet Porn.

By Dean Schabner , ABCNEWS, June 26, 2003.

• Challenges upon birth of a new baby sibling. , 2003

• Managing temper tantrums in 1- and 2-year olds. Parenting Magazine, 2003.

Professional Presentations and Conference-Posters (Unpublihed)

( ** 7/12-17/15 Sossin, K. M. (accepted) Bridging gaps between legal process and clinical psychology evidence. Panel on Reflections on inclusive dispute resolution. International Academy of Law and Mental Health. Vienna, Austria.

( **12/6/14 Sossin, K. M. (invited) Mentalization in psychotherapy with adolescents demonstrating Autism Spectrum Disorder. Panel Presentation II – Working and Advocating for the Learning Disabled Child : Treatment and Diagnostic Issues. Wondering and imagining: Mentalization in clinical practice with children and adolescents. New York, NY

( 11/18/14 Cohen, P. & Sossin, K. M. (invited) A trembling nest: Risk, primary prevention, and pathways of intervention in the wake of disaster. All day presentation to the Connecticut Association for Infant Mental Health. Branford, CT.

( 6/20/14 Sossin, K. M. Parent-loss: Child grief in the literature. Discussion of the Cohen, Sossin, & Ruth (Eds, 2014) book: Healing after Parent Loss in Childhood and Adolescence: Therapeutic Interventions and Theoretical Considerations. Washington, D. C., Professional Psychology Program, Columbian College of Arts & Sciences, George Washington University

( 6/17/14 Sharkey, J. M., Sossin, K. M., & Mowder, B. (2014). Emotional availability, parenting behavior perceptions, child temperament and parent personality characteristics in mothers and their 8 to 16 month olds. Presentation at the 14th WAIMH World Congress (World Association for Infant Mental Health): Babies: Their Contributions—Our Responsibilities. Edinburgh, Scotland, June 14-18, 2014.

( 6/16/14 Sossin, K. M., Bryl, K., Sharkey, J. M. , & Salbod, S. (2014). Movement analysis of parent-infant interaction: Windows into meaning-making. Presentation at the 14th WAIMH World Congress (World Association for Infant Mental Health): Babies: Their Contributions—Our Responsibilities. Edinburgh, Scotland, June 14-18, 2014

( 5/4/14 Sossin, K. M. (2014). Psychoanalytic theory and empirical findings regarding child bereavement. Presentation at “Conversations Pertaining to Therapeutic Implications of Parent Loss in Childhood and Adolescence: Marking the Publication of Healing after Parent Loss in Childhood and Adolescence” (Cohen, Sossin, & Ruth, Eds, 2014). New York: Pace University. (Panel included: R. Ruth, P. Cohen, K. M. Sossin, E. Cohen, E. Fogelman, S. Aronson, D. Gensler, B. Pivnick, & L. Towns-Miranda).

( 4/26/14 Parent-Infant/Toddler Consultations in the Wake of Sudden Parent-Loss Psychoanalytically Informed Close Observation and Video-Feedback. Presentation in the Section V Panel: Flexibility and Frame: Conflicts in the Application of Psychoanalytic Practices and Techniques in Extreme Circumstances, APA-Div39 2014 Annual Meeting (spring)

( 4/25/14 Meet the Authors Panel: Healing after loss of a parent in childhood and adolescence: Therapeutic interventions and theoretical considerations, APA-Div39 2014 Annual Meeting (spring)

( 10/25/13 Participant/contributor. Film debut and discussion of • To Move is to Be Alive: Penny Lewis -- a documentary by Judy Rubin of Expressive Media, Inc. ADTA Annual Meetings, Brooklyn, NY

( 8/3/13 Sossin, K. M. & Charone-Sossin, J. “Enhancing Work With Parents of Children in Therapy.” Skill-Building Session at American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI

( 6/25/13 Sossin, K. M. “ADHD: An Infant Mental Health Perspective.” Discussion of a paper presented by N. Donson “"Is There Such a Thing as ADHD?   A Clinical, Psychoanalytic Perspective." New Jersey Psychoanalytic Society, Hackensack University Medical Center, NJ.

( Sch. 6/15/13 Reale, A., Sossin, K. M., Beebe, B. Endres, L., Ward, A. & Liberman, A. “Maternal Dependency and Ambivalent Facial Movement Patterns in Mother-Infant.” Psychoanalysis Conference 2013. The Burroughs, London: Middlesex University

( 4/18/13 Sossin, K. M. “Terpsichore Visits the Infant-Parent Interchange: Sequential Movement Patterns and Embodied Intentionality.” Presentation at YCS Institute for Infant and Preschool Mental Health, East Orange, NJ

( 1/24/13 Sossin, K. M. “Parenting Children on the Autism Spectrum: The Overall Impact on the Family.” Presented at the NGO Committee on the Family (U.N.): Conference: “Practical Solutionsb ot Challenging Family Situations.” NY

( 11/10/12 Loman, S. & Sossin, K. M. “Primary Prevention in Groups Utilizing the KMP.” Presented at the Expressive Therapies Summit, NYC, NY

( 9/26/12 Sossin, K. M. “Parent-Infant Interaction: Affect Sharing, Affect Transmission, Nonverbal Behavior and the Incorporation of Video-Feedback into Parent-Infant Psychotherapy.” Presented at Association for Early Childhood and Infant Psychology “Beyond Bonding,” NYC, NY.

( 4/18/12 Reale, A., Sossin, K. M., Beebe, B., Ward, A., &. Endres, L. "Maternal facial growing and shrinking patterns relate to maternal self-criticism and dependency in a mother-infant microanalysis", presentation at the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Capetown, South Africa.

( 11/11/11 Discussant of “Looking for Me” and “To Move is to Be Alive”: Liberating Creativity through Analysis and the Arts (at The New School) Co-sponsored by the Creative Arts Therapy Program and Expressive Media Inc. Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, New York, NY

( 9/11/11 Symposium: “Managing Collapse: Facilitating the Emergence of Meanings After 9/11.” Sponsored by: The Manhattan Psychological Association, City University’s Dispute Resolutions Center at John Jay College, The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, NYSPA’s Division of Psychoanalysis, and Psych Matters: a 9/11 Tenth Anniversary Symposium on 9/11/11 for the Psychological & Mental Health Communities and the General Public. Presenters: Tom Hennes, Principal at Thinc Design, has led the exhibition design team for the National 9/11 Memorial Museum; Billie Pivnick, PhD, Consulting Psychologist to Thinc Design on the Memorial Museum, Columbia University Teachers’ College, the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, and the William A. White Institute Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program; K. Mark Sossin, PhD, Professor, Pace University, Department of Psychology; and the New York Freudian Society.

( 9/11/11 NYU Postdoctoral Program Clinic Symposium: The Project for Mothers, Infants, and Young Children of September 11, 2001. Beebe, B., Cohen, P., Sossin, K. M., Reiswig, R., Bergman, A., Moskowitz, S., Demitri Friedman, D., Tortora, S.

( 9/23-24/11 Co-regulated sequential patterns of shape-flow in mother infant interaction: Affect sharing and affect transmission. European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop: Embodied Mentalizing: The Emergence of The Emotional Embodied Mind. The Anna Freud Centre, London, UK

( 8/6/11 Stern, A., Niu, W., & Sossin, K. M. Sibling Relationship Quality, Parent-child Relationship Quality, and their Effects on Adult Romantic Relationships. Poster Presentation: Annual Meetings of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

( 8/6/11 Repercussions of Loss for Mothers and Children: Looking Through the Lens of the World Trade Center Project [The Project for Mothers, Infants, and Young Children of September 11, 2001] Transforming Communal Trauma into a Community of Memory: 9/11's Legacy. APA Panel, Division 56 & APA-President Sponsored Panel Memorialization and the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11/2001. With S. Brennan, B. Pivnick & T. Hennes  Dr. Jeffrey Jay will serve as Discussant, and Dr. Chris Courtois, will serve as moderator. Annual Meetings of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

( 4/10/11 Rustam, K., Ramani, N. & Sossin, K. M. The 39th Annual Hunter College Psychology Convention & The 20th Annual N.E.U.R.O.N. Conference. NorthEast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience

( 4/2/11 Yedloutschnig, R., Sossin, K. M., & Salbod, S. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Parental Attachment Representations and Emotional Availability in the Parent-Child Relationship. Montreal, Quebec: Society for Research in Child Development Ŗ

( 1/14/11 Shaw, J. S., Sossin, K. M. & Salbod, S. Affect regulation from a movement perspective: Shape-flow in embodied parent-child interaction. Presentation at the 2011 National Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Meetings, Waldorf-Astoria, New York, NY

( 11/7/10 Rustam, K., Ramani, N., & Sossin, K. M. Parental stress and differences between parent-child hedonic tone. Presentation at the 22nd Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research, NYC. Ŗ

( 7/24/10 Sossin, K. M. Sequential Analyses of Movement Patterns, Self- & Interactive-Contingencies, and Intersubjectivity through the KMP Lens. Moving from Within, 2nd World Congress, EZETTHERA European Center for Dance Therapy, Freising, Germany

( 7/2/10 Shaw, J., Sossin, K. M., & Salbod, S. Shape-Flow in Embodied Parent-Child Affect Regulation: Heightened Emotional Expression in Dyadic Interaction. World Association for Infant Mental Health, 12th World Congress: Infancy in Times of Transition. Leipzig, Germany, 7/10 Ŗ

( 5/10 Sossin, K. M. Young Children Coping With the Loss of Their Fathers on 9/11: Implicit and Explicit Processes in Dyadic Play. Presented at the 14th Annual Spring Conference, New York Zero To Three: "Trauma and Resilience in Young Children and Their Families", New York, May, 2010 (Beebe, Sossin, Tortora, Cohen, Reiswig, Moskowitz, Bergman, Demitri).

( 4/22/10 Sossin, K. M. & Cohen, P. Adapting a Psychoanalytic Frame in the Shadow of Loss: New Methods and Findings from a Project Helping the Grieving Mothers and Children of 9/11. American Psychological Assoc, Div 39, Psychoanalysis, Chicago, IL Ŗ

( 5/10 Linking Observations of Infant-Parent Dyads to Psychotherapeutic Practice: Considerations of Nonverbal Processes, Body, Affect, Attachment, Intersubjectivity and Parent-Infant Psychotherapy, Child Guidance Center of Southern Connecticut, Stamford, CT.

( 10/10/09 Sossin, K. M. & Loman, S. “Movement Patterns as Viewed through the KMP Among Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders.” ADTA National Conference: Portland, Oregon Ŗ

( 8/6/09 Weiss, K. & Sossin, K. M. “Parental Stress and Relational Quality in the Parent-Child Dyad.” American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Ŗ

( 4/4/09 New England Chapter ADTA Conference hosted at Antioch University New England: “Dance/Movement Therapy: KMP Rhythms in Life”: 1)Participant, “Panel:  The KMP: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow;” 2) K. Mark Sossin & Larry Welkowitz—“Calling on Rhythms and Movement in Clinical Intervention on the Autism Spectrum;” 3) Discussant, “The Value of the KMP in  psychoanalytic psychotherapy.”

( 11/15/08 Sossin, K. M. & LaBarre, F. “The KMP and Laban Influences upon Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.” Beyond Language International Symposium, Laban/Bartenieff Institute for Movement Studies and the 2008 Global Laban Celebration. Pennsylvania Hotel, New York

( 11/15/08 Sossin, K. M., Loman, S., & LaBarre, F. (Presented and Chaired Panel/Roundtable) “The KMP in Childhood Intervention and Clinical Practice.” Beyond Language International Symposium, Laban/Bartenieff Institute for Movement Studies and the 2008 Global Laban Celebration. Pennsylvania Hotel, New York

( 11/8/08 Sossin, K. M. “Dyadic Movement Processes in Parent-Child Interaction: Considerations of Potential Nonverbal Correlates of Mentalization Utilizing the KMP. Embodied Intentionality: Measuring Body-Based

Mentalization -- Multidisciplinary Seminar -- The Anna Freud Centre, London, UK

( 8/4/08 Sossin, K. M. & Charone-Sossin, J. “A psychodynamic psychotherapeutic approach to the treatment of young children with autism.” 11th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health: Celebrating the Baby. Date : Friday 1st - Tuesday 5th August, 2008; Venue : Congress Center, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan Ŗ

( 4/12/08 Sossin, K. M. “Young Children Coping with the Loss of their Fathers on 9/11: Implicit and Explicit Processes in Dyadic Play.” Panel: “Children Playing With a Background of Loss: Development and Clinical Inferences Gleaned from the World Trade Center Project,” with panel members, Phyllis Cohen and Beatrice Beebe. APA/Division (39) of Psychoanalysis: 28th Annual Spring Meeting: Knowing, not-Knowing & sort- of-Knowing: Psychoanalysis and the Experience of Uncertainty, NYC, NY. Ŗ

( 11/6 & 11/13/07 Sossin, K. M. “Lectures on 1) Infant Assessment Procedures and 2) Nonverbal Appraisal in the Service of Infant Mental Health Work: Diagnostic and Treatment Implications of Movement Patterns.” Presentation to Anni Bergman Program in Parent-Infant Psychotherapy of the New York Freudian Society and the Institute for Psychoanalytic Research and Training.

( 10/8/07 Sossin, K. M. “The NICU Experience: Mental Health Implications for Parents, Infants, and Families.”, Presentation to Anni Bergman Program in Parent-Infant Psychotherapy of the New York Freudian Society and the Institute for Psychoanalytic Research and Training; held at Dept. of Neonatology, New York University Medical Center.

( 7/22-7/24/07 Sossin, K. M. “History and Future of the Kestenberg Movement Profile.” Invited keynote speaker at the Conference Moving Within, sponsored by Zentrum fuer Tanz & Therapie in cooperation with the University of Heidelberg. Frieburg/Munich, Germany. See website: tanztherapie-zentrum.de

( 4/18-4/22/07 I organized an invited symposium titled “Longitudinal Impressions from the World Trade Center Project: Following Families Who Lost” in addition to presenting one of the constituent papers on “Play Processes and Themes as Evidenced in Young Children During their First Five Years.” Division 39 of the American Psychological Association, held at the Royal York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

( 3/9/07 Sossin, K. M. “Explanatory Considerations and Treatment/Education Implications Regarding Preschool Children with Autism: Discussion of Dr. Dianne Zager’s presentation on Autism: Identification and Intervention in Early Childhood.” Conference sponsored by the Association of Early Childhood and Infant Psychologists, NYC

( 1/20/07 Sossin, K. M. “Parent-Child Movement Patterns and Interactions Styles: Considerations of Dyadic

Stress-Sharing.” Presentation at Vulnerable Child Workshop “Child Analytic Perspectives on Helping Chidren Whose Mothers are in Treatment for Trauma and Depression,” at the Annual Meetings of the American Psychoanalytic Association (NYC). Chairs: Theodore Cohen, M.D., & M. Hossein Etezady, M.D. Waldorf Astoria, New York. (Invited)

( 10//19/06 Sossin, K. M., Loman, S., & Birklein, S. Panel: “The effect of stress on the caregiver-child relationship:  KMP research and interventions.” Annual Meetings of the American Dance/Movement Therapy Association. Long Beach, CA. Including: Sossin, K.M. “Channels of Stress-Communication: Correspondences between the ERA and KMP Patterns in Relation to Parental Stress.” Ŗ

( 10/7/06 Cohen, P. & Sossin, K. M. Mother-infant groups, video-feedback consultation and interventions for those who

suffered traumatic loss: Considering loss ad 9/11. Invited Presentation at Meetings jointly sponsored by the The Kansas City Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology (A Local Chapter of the Division of Psychoanalysis of the American Psychological Association) & The Greater Kansas City-Topeka Psychoanalytic Center. Kansas City, MO.

( 8/10/06 Sossin, K. M. Channels of stress communication in parent-child movement patterns and interaction styles: Correspondences between coding systems, and considerations of dyadic stress-sharing. Presentation within panel (I served as Panel Chair): Stress and Parent-Child Interaction: Highlighting Intricate Patterns of Communication, Nonverbal Processes, and Clinical Implications. (Panel: K. M. Sossin, K. Adams, & S. Birklein). American Psychological Association Meetings, New Orleans, LA. Ŗ

( 7/9/06 Sossin, K. M.. Play and interactive styles in mother-child dyads: Longitudinal follow-up following 9-11 loss. Also, Themes and Techniques in Mother-infant Groups. (I served as Chair of Symposium: “Support Groups and Mother-Infant bonding Consultations for Mothers Pregnant and Widowed on 9-11-01” - including R. Reiswig, S. Tortora, D. Demetri Friedman, & S. Moskowitz). World Association for Infant Mental Health, Paris, France. Ŗ

( 5/19/06 Sossin, K. M. (May 19, 2006). Trauma transmission: Mother-child dyads in the wake of 9-11. To be presented as part of a larger panel (with collaborators Phyllis Cohen, Anni Bergman, Rita Reiswig, Suzi Tortora, & Sally Moskowitz) on the NYSPI 9-11 research project. Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, NYC.

( 2/11/06 Birklein, S., & Sossin, K. M. (Germ./Eng.) Movement patterns indicative of stress in parent-child dyads: A KMP perspective. 2nd International Research Colloquium in Dance/Movement Therapy. Pforzheim, Germany. Ŗ

( 2/3/06 Sossin, K. M. Discussion of Miriam Steele’s Presentation: “Clinical Implications of Attachment Theory and Research: Adoption & Foster Care Considerations.” Conference spons. by the Association of Early Childhood and Infant Psychologists, NYC.

( 10/28/05 Birklein, S., & Sossin, K. M. Non-verbal indices of high stress in parent-child interaction: A KMP Study. Poster presentation at the 40th Annual Meetings of the American Dance Therapy Association, Nashville, Tennessee. Ŗ

( 10/24/05 Sossin, K. M. Play in the Wake of Traumatic Loss. Workshop: Suzi Tortora & K. Mark Sossin: Support Groups and Mother-Infant Video Bonding Consultation for Mothers Pregnant and Widowed on 9-11. MI-AIMH 28th Biennial Conf., Emotions in Motion: Infants, Young Children and Parents Dancing with Feeling(s), Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health. Ann Arbor, MI. Ŗ

( 7/05 Sossin, K. M. Transmission of disillusionment. Mother-child dyads in the wake of 9-11. Presented as part of a larger panel (with collaborators Anni Bergman, Rita Reiswig, Suzi Tortora, & Sally Moskowitz) on the NYSPI 9-11 research project. International Psychoanalytic Congress on Trauma. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ŗ

( 4/05 Sossin, K. M. Comments on mother-child video-analysis in the NYSPI 9-11 project. Presented at the Annaual Meetings of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association as part of a panel (Anni Bergman, Phyllis Cohen) Waldorf-Astoria, NY. Ŗ

( 4/05 Sossin, K. M. Widowed mothers and infants of 9-11: A model for a program of primary prevention and intervention: Mother-child groups. . Presented at the Annaual Meetings of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association as part of a panel (Beatrice Beebe, Anni Bergman, Phyllis Cohen,, Stephen Seligman) Waldorf-Astoria, New York. (Invited panel)

( 2/10/05 Sossin, K. M. Developmental observations using the Kestenberg Movement Profile.. Infant Mental Health Section, Youth Consultation Center, Newark New Jersey (Invited)

( 10/05/04 Sossin, K. M. Clinical interventions in infancy and toddlerhood: Rationale and approaches in infant-parent psychotherapy. Presentation at Antioch New England Gruaduate School. Keene, New Hampshire. (Invited)

( 8/04 Sossin, K. M., Mowder, B., Rubinson, F. D., Guttman, M., Levy, J., Bojkova, E., & Salbod, S. Sequelae of 9/11: Behaviors and states of mind via stress reactions of nearby adults and their offspring. Poster presentation at Annal Meeting of the American Psychological Associaiton, Honolulu, Hawaii, August, 2004. Ŗ

( 8/04 Mowder, B.A., Sossin, K.M., Rubinson, F.D., & Guttman, M. Trauma and parenting: Effects of 0-11 on parents and their children. Poster presentation at Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2004. Ŗ

( 4/04 Sossin, K. M. From Observations of Infant-Parent Dyads to Psychotherapeutic Practice: Considerations of the Body, Affect, Attachment and Nonverbal Processes. Grand Rounds, Barnert Hospital, New Jersey.

( 3/19/04 Sossin, K. M. Extrapolating from Observations of Infant-Parent Dyads to Psychoanalytic Practice: Considerations of the Body, Affect and Nonverbal Process. Panel Chair and Presenter at the American Psychological Association, Division 39 Annual Meetings, Miami Beach, FL. Ŗ

( 11/21/03 Sossin, K. M. Movement Profiling of Public Figures: Interpretability and the Ethics of Making Interpretation Public. Panel Presentation (with Martha Davis, Ph.D.) at LIMS MOSAIC - Annual Meetings of the Laban-Bartenieff Institute for Movement Studies, NYC. (Invited)

( 9/18/03 Infant Diagnosis and Infant Mental Health. Clinical interventions in infancy and toddlerhood. Invited Workshop presentation at St. Mary’s Children’s and Family Servces. Syosset, NY. (Invited)

[*Between 4/02 and 9/03, several professional papers were presented at Meetings/Conferences of The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), The American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA), The New York Association of Early Childhood and Infant Psychologists, The Infancy Institute of Bank Street College of Education, The New York and Long Island Chapters of the New York Freudian Society (NYFS). Between 1979 and 4/02, over 40 other professional presentations, on topics ranging across topics including 9/11, infant and early childhood assessment and intervention, infant-parent psychotherapy, developmental disabilities, early-experienced trauma, nonverbal/movement behavior, parenting, affect development, the psychology-education interface, and psychoanalytic theory, have been offered through many sponsoring groups, including NYFS, the Society of Psychoanalytic Study and Research, NASP, Bank Street, NYC Board of Education, Adelphi, Zero-to-Three (and, earlier, NCCIP), Association for the Study of Man-Environment Relations (ASMER), Society for Research on Aggression; American Orthopsychiatric Association, ADTA, American Psychoanalytic Association, Motus Humanus, Queens General Hospital, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Antioch New England Graduate School, and Allegheny University.

Ongoing/Current Projects

[Additional Work In Progress/In Preparation, anticipated projects in 2014-15]

• Weiss, K., Sossin, K. M., & Zaccario, M. Parental stress and relational quality in the parent-child dyad. [revision]

• Sander, G. & Sossin, K. M. Chapter (invited) for book: Narrative analyses of child Holocaust survivors: Effects of age at victimization.

• Sossin, K. M. & Charone-Sossin, J. Individual/dyadic psychotherapy for young ASD children, and family interventions.

• Shaw, J., Sossin, K. M., & Salbod, S. Heightened emotional episodes (markedness) in parent-child play.

• Reale, A., Endres, L., Beebe, B., Ward, A., Sossin, K. M. Sequential shape-flow processes in mothers in dyadic interaction with 12 month old children: Influence of depression and anxiety.

• Sossin, K. M. & La Barre, F. Early childhood movement patterns and developmental psychoanalysis.

• Sossin, K. M. & Cohen, P. The trembling nest: primary prevention of risk in infancy:: Clinical approaches.

• Reale, A., Endres, L., & Sossin, K. M. Coding manual for Sequential Bipolar- and Unipolar Shape-Flow

• Kestenberg Amighi, J., Loman, S., Sossin, K. M., Birklein, S., La Barre, F. & Hastie, S. The Meaning of Movement:

Developmental and Clinical Perspectives of the Kestenberg Movement Profile, 2nd ed. (For submission to Brunner-Routledge/Psychology Press of the Taylor and Francis Group, publishers of 1st ed.)

• Sossin, K. M. & Bryl, K. Kestenberg Movement Profile correlates of mother and child in correspondence to emotional availability, maternal personality.

• Sossin, K. M. and colleagues. Lag sequential analysis of KMP patterns in mothers and their one-year old infants: Movement factors as interactive regulators.

• [grant application as Co-PI: Mahler Foundation] Trub, L. & Sossin, K. M. Impact of cell phone interruptions on parent-infant/toddler interaction and emotional availability: The roles of maternal reflective functioning, infant temperament.

• [grant application as Consultant: NIOSH/CDC]. Longitudinal study of mothers and infants (then at 1 year) born after father died in World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. In conjunction with B. Beebe & the Laboratory of Communication Science, New York Psychiatric Institute, Columbia Medical School, NY.

Completed Research Support (none at present)

• Child Development Research - Sossin (PI) 2000-2007 $25,000

o Funds were in support of research utilizing the Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP) and related nonverbal, developmental, and psychological constructs.

• Pace University Scholarly Research - Sossin (PI) 2003-2004 $2000

o Funds and release time in support of development of a research model applying nonverbal behavioral coding toward primary prevention applications in video feedback.

• Pace University Scholarly Research - Sossin (PI) 2010-2011 $1750

o Funds in support of upgrade of Noldus Observer equipment, software and functional-level, so that ongoing and planned research on parent-infant behavior and nonverbal behavior streams can be coded and analyzed.

• New York State Mental Health Foundation - Sossin (Consultant) NYSPI Post-9-11 Project 2002-2010 $7500

• Robin Hood Foundation – Sossin (Consultant) NYSPI Post 9-11 Project 2002-2010 $4000

Non-Pace University Thesis/Dissertation Advisement/Consultation/Panel

• Shaw, Jocelyn (2014). Early Development of the Interaction of Language and Movement and Its Effects. Ph.D. Dissertation, Derner Institute for Advanced Psychological Studies, Adelphi University. (completed successfully)

• Papadakis, Desiree (2010). Implementing the Kestenberg Movement Profile as a Screening Instrument in the Early De

• tection of Autistic Disorder. M.A. Thesis (Dance-Movement Therapy and Counseling), Drexel University, Philiadelphia, PA. (completed successfully)

• Thompson, Laurel. (2010). Artistic Choices in Therapeutic Practice: The Use of Art Forms in Creative Arts Therapy. Ph.D. Dissertation (Interdisciplinary Studies with a Concentration in Psychology and a Specialization in Creative Arts Therapy). Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, OH (completed successfully)

• Birklein, S. (2005). Nonverbal Indices of High Stress in Parent/ Child Interaction. Ph.D. Dissertation (Clinical Psychology), New School for Social Research, NYC, NY (completed successfully)

Current/Ongoing/Recent Pace U. Doctoral Project Advisement/Collaboration

• Sharkey, J. (2013/completed) Emotional Availability, Parenting Behavior Perceptions, Child Temperament and Parent Personality Characteristics (Adv)

• Endres, L. (ongoing) Relation of Maternal Depression to the Child’s Movement Qualities: Sharing Affective States through Movement (Adv)

• Bromberg, Y. (ongoing) A Microanalysis of Infant Growing and Shrinking Sequential Patterns in Relation to Maternal Emotional State Within Mother-Infant Interactions: An Application of the Kestenberg Movement Profile (Adv.)

• Hegg, L.(2013/completed) Mindfulness, theory of mind, reflective function and parental stress in ASD children(Adv)

• Blinkoff, A., (2011/completed). Theory of mind, social communication, and executive functioning in children with autism spectrum disorders

• Rodker, J. D. (2013/completed). Promoting Social-Emotional Development of Children During their Kindergarten Year: A Zippy's Friends Program Evaluation (Adv)

• Rosen, J. (2013/completed) Reaction to Diagnosis, theory of mind and reflective function, and parental stress in ASD children(Adv)

• Herbst, R. (ongoing) Microanalysis of Infant Shape-Flow Patterns in relation to Maternal Facial Shape-Flow Patterns: in Sequece and with Regard to Maternal States of Depression (Adv)

• German, S. (2013/completed) 12-month old infant interaction patterns with mother, emotional availability, parenting behavior perception, parent personality characteristics and child temperament in ASD children (Adv)

• Araki, M. (ongoing). Personality, stress, parenting, and movement patterns. (Adv)

• Haddad, D. (2014, results successfully presented). Personality, stress, parenting, and emotional availability. (Adv)

• Samson, E.. (ongoing, nearing completion) Emotional Availability, parenting stress, and parental RF + (Adv)

• Bitter, E.(2014/completed). Parenting role and religiosity (Cons)

• Twomey, S. (2012/completed) Parenting Stress and Theory of Mind Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Influence of Parental Reflective Functioning on this Relationship (Adv)

• Johnston, S. R. (2012/completed) Sibling Adjustment Following the Birth of a Premature Infant (Cons)

• Robinson, N. (2011/completed) Prematurity and Developmental Outcome during the First Thirty Months of Life

• Finkel, A. (2011/completed) The Relationship Between ‘OCEAN’ Personality Domains and Self Perceptions of Parenting Behavior

• Stern, A. (2012/completed) Sibling Relationship Quality, Parent-Child Relationship Quality and their Effects on Adult Romantic

• Sandler, G. (2010/completed). Long term effects of childhood trauma: A study of child survivors of the Holocaust using narrative coding analysis

• Weiser, D. (2012/completed) NICU follow-up, developmental outcome as per risk factors. (Cons)

• Reale, A. (2012/completed) Maternal States and Traits Predict Movement Contingencies in Mother -Infant Interaction: Correspondences Between Maternal States and Observed Dyadic Behavior. (Adv)

Professional References Available Upon Request


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