WWI Poster Project

WWII Project – LA/SS

Assigned: Jan 21ST wEDNESDAY

Due: Feb 20th Friday


• Choose one of the possible 32 research topics (listed on the back) for the WWII unit. If there is a topic that you would like to research that is not on the list, please see me and get it approved.

• You will write a 1-2 page paper

• You must cite your sources in a “Works Cited” page and cite your sources in your paper if you use direct quotes, paraphrase, or use another author’s idea.

• You will also have to find at least 5 supporting visuals for your topic. These can include (but are not limited to): photographs, graphs, pictures, original artwork (created by you), timelines, news articles, posters, primary source documents, maps, etc. The visuals MUST supplement your project topic. They MUST help the reader/viewer of your project to further understand what your topic is and why it is significant.

• Once you have your topic, you must research this topic using at least FIVE credible sources.

• In Language Arts, You will write a 1-2 page paper that answers these research questions

• In your research, you should explain the following:

• to define the topic,

• explain what it is,

• explain what its SIGNIFICANCE was to the WWII era.

• Why is it an important topic?

• Analyze the effect that your topic had on the war and what impact it has had on the world today.

• Be sure to include the facts that you found interesting!

• In Social Studies, You will create a form of propaganda that either supports your topic or fights against it.

• Your project can take the form of one of the following:

• Poster created on poster board

• Commercial – video recording for TV commercial or voice recording for radio commercial

• Billboard advertisement created on large butcher paper

• Political Cartoon on oversized paper

• If you have another idea for a form of propaganda, see your teacher for permission

• Brief answers to the Language Arts research questions are typed in a bulleted list and attached to your propaganda project

• The Works Cited page created with your research paper is will need to be attached to your propaganda project as well.

Possible WWII Research Paper Topics

|War in Europe |America’s Influence in WWII |

|Stalingrad |Wartime Era Songs |

|Invasion of Normandy (D-Day) |All-American Girls Professional baseball |

|Battle of Britain |league |

|Blitzkreig |North African Campaign |

|Victory in Europe Day |Pearl Harbor |

|Fascism |American War Propaganda |

|Nazism |Dwight D Eisenhower |

|Winston Churchill |George C Marshall |

|Battle of the Bulge |George Patton |

|Gestapo |Douglas MacArthur |

|Benito Mussolini |Tuskegee Airmen |

|Joseph Stalin |Ira Hayes |

|Adolf Hitler |Lend Lease Agreement |

|The Munich Pact |Neutrality Act of 1939 |

|The Nazi-Soviet Pact |Women’s Army Corps- WAC |

|U-Boat |War Bond Drives |

|The Invasion of Poland |Women in the Workforce |

| |Japanese Internment Camps |

|War in Japan |German Internment Camps |

|Navajo Code Talkers |Franklin Delano Roosevelt |

|Manhattan Project |Eleanor Roosevelt |

|Iwo Jima |Charles A Lindbergh |

|Okinawa |Doris Miller |

|Hiroshima |Arizona’s Training Bases (Luke Airforce Base/Davis Montham) |

|Nagasaki |Braceros |

|Japan’s Aggressive Search for Resources |Rationing |

|Victory in Japan Day | |

|Battle of Midway | |

|Battle of Guadalcanal |Holocaust |

|Battle of Leyte Gulf |Poston |

|Hideki Tojo |Kristallnacht |

|Kamikaze Pilots |Auschwitz |

|The Bataan Death March |Dachau |

| |Warsaw Ghetto Uprising |

|Other Topics | |

|Airplanes of WWII (chose 3 or 4) | |

|Vehicles used in WWII (chose 3 or 4) | |

|Weapons used in WWII (chose 3 or 4) | |

**Any other topic that you wish to research, with Approval**


| |

|Research Report : WWII Research Paper – Language Arts |

|[pic] |

| |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

| |

|CATEGORY | Full points |¾ points | ½ points |¼ points |

|Quality of Information |Information clearly relates |Information clearly relates |Information clearly relates |Information has |

| |to the main topic. |to the main topic. It |to the main topic. Not all |little or nothing to |

| |Information answers the |answers the required |research questions were |do with the main |

| |required research questions |research questions, but |answered or they were not |topic. |

| |thoroughly and discusses the|could have been done more |done thoroughly. | |

|20 points |significance/importance of |thoroughly. Discusses the |Importance/Significance not | |

| |the topic to the WWI era and|importance/significance in |discussed or discussed | |

| |to today. |an adequate manor. |minimally. | |

|Sources |All sources (information and|All sources (information and|All sources (information and |Some sources are not |

| |graphics) are accurately |graphics) are accurately |graphics) are accurately |accurately |

| |documented in the desired |documented, but a few are |documented, but many are not |documented. |

| |format. |not in the desired format. |in the desired format. | |

|10 points | | | | |

|Mechanics |No grammatical, spelling or |Almost no grammatical, |A few grammatical spelling, |Many grammatical, |

| |punctuation errors. |spelling or punctuation |or punctuation errors. |spelling, or |

| | |errors | |punctuation errors. |

| | | | | |

|10 points | | | | |

Total points: ______/50


| |

|Research Report : WWII Propaganda Project – Social Studies |

|[pic] |

| |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

| |

|CATEGORY | Full points |¾ points | ½ points |¼ points |0 points |

|Quality of Propaganda |Images/Script clearly |Images/Script relates to the|Images/Script somewhat |Images/Script has |No project attempted.|

| |relates to the main topic. |main topic. It is apparent |relates to the main topic. It|little or nothing to | |

| |It is apparent to the viewer|to the viewer that the |is apparent to the viewer |do with the main | |

| |that the author took time |author spent an adequate |that the author did not spend|topic. It is apparent| |

| |and effort to create their |amount of time to create |adequate time or effort to |to the viewer that | |

|20 points |project. Includes a Wow |their project. |create their project. |the author scrambled | |

| |Factor. | | |to assemble their | |

| | | | |project last minute. | |

Research Questions are attached to Propaganda

10 points |All 6 Research Questions are answered in a bulleted list on the back of their propaganda project. | |Some of the research questions are answered in a bulleted list on the back of their propaganda project. | |No project attempted, or no research answers are provided on the back of the propaganda project. | |Works Cited is attached to Propaganda

10 points | Works Cited page is attached to the propaganda project. | |Works Cited page is attached but incomplete. | |No project attempted, or the works cited page is not attached to the propaganda project. | |

Total points: ______/50


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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