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The Lost Battalion: Video QuestionsDirections: During the film, fill in the answers to the questions below in the space provided. All of the questions are in order and the bold headings indicate dates/locations show on screen as the movie progresses.Meuse-Argonne Sector, France 1918Where does the film tell us that the American troops are located?Who is Major Whittlesey called to meet with? Where does General Alexander tell major Whittlesey their troops are going to attack? What do we find out was Major Whittlesey’s profession prior to joining the war? What is the significance of the way Lt. Leak pronounces the names of new recruits? What do the new recruits see while riding in the truck that shocks them? What type of weapons are the new recruits told they don’t have to worry about? What type of weapons are the new recruits told they do have to worry about? October 2ndWhat do the Germans use against American troops during the first battle in an attempt to keep us away from their lines? What to Major Whittlesey and his men find in the woods that they feel they must take?How does the German officer describe the American troops? According to the German General, what is the only thing that will cause American troops to leave the forest?What does Capt. McMurtry tell the men that they have to be ready for? Despite the Generals orders where are the flanks assigned to support Major Whittlesey’s men?What happens to the American’s communication line? What do the American troops use as an alternative form of communication? According to the German Major what do the American troops believe that they are? October 3rd What does Lipasti discover happened to Pvt. Chin?Who does Lipasti encounter while running through the woods? What plan does Major Whittlesey develop in an attempt to trick the Germans? During the battle what are the German’s doing to the American line?Who aids the Americans during the battle?Why did the soldier run down to the river for water? What happened to him? What are the Polish-American soldier and the New York soldier arguing about?Specifically, what does Krotoshinky say about why he considers himself an American?October 4th Which of the soldiers believes he knows where the sniper is located?Who is charged with killing the sniper when Lipasti volunteers to be the decoy? What do the Germans think they will need in order to stop the American troops? Why does Major Whittlesey believe that it is so important that the American troops to hold their position?During the battle what type of support do the Americans get?What ends up going wrong?What happens to Cher-Ami?What do the Germans and Americans do after the artillery strike? October 5thWhy do you think the major keeps requesting that the dead soldiers be covered?How is the location of the Lost Battalion discovered by headquarters? How do the Germans respond to this discovery?October 6th What message does the captured U.S. solider bring back from Major Prinz (the German major)?How many able U.S. troops are left at this point in the battle? October 7th What weapon do the German’s introduce to try and overtake the Americans? How does Major Whittlesey react to this specific attack? Why does the fighting finally end? Who wins the battle?What is being collected off the bodies of the dead U.S. soldiers? Why are they doing this? How does Major Whittlesey respond when he is offered a ride in General Alexander’s personal car? How many soldiers started out in Major Whittlesey’s Battalion? How many were left when the Lost Battalion was finally found? ................

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