WWII TO&Es - Germany - DriveThruCards.com


By George Chrestensen Design by Nicole Martinez

Table of Contents

Infantry Battalions 1939 - 1940 ........................................... 1 1941 ....................................................... 2 1942 ....................................................... 3 1943 ....................................................... 4

file 1944 - 1945 ........................................... 5

Motorized Infantry Battalion 1939 - 1940 ........................................... 6

Panzergrenadier Battalions 1941 ....................................................... 8 1942 ....................................................... 10 1943 ....................................................... 12 1944 ....................................................... 15 1945 ....................................................... 18

le Armored Panzergrenadier Battalions 1943 ....................................................... 21 1944 - 1945 ........................................... 24

1941 - Early 1942 ................................ 50 Late 1942 - 1943 .................................. 51

Panzer Recon Battalion 1943 - Mid 1944 ................................... 52 Mid 1944 - 1945 ................................... 53

Parachute Battalions 1940 ....................................................... 54 1941 ....................................................... 55 1942 ....................................................... 56 1943 ....................................................... 57 1944 - 1945 ........................................... 58

Volksgrenadier Battalion 1944 - 1945 ........................................... 59

Machine Gun Battalion, North Africa 1941 ....................................................... 60

Panzer Battalions 1939 - 1940 ........................................... 27

p 1941 ....................................................... 29

1942 ....................................................... 31 1943 ....................................................... 33 1944 - 1945 ........................................... 34

Heavy Panzer Battalions

m 1943 ....................................................... 35

1944 - 1945 ........................................... 38

Motorcycle Battalions

a1939 - 1940 ............................................ 41

1941 ....................................................... 43 1942 ....................................................... 45

S1943 ....................................................... 47

Panzergrenadier Battalion, North Africa 1941 - Early 1942 ................................. 62 Late 1942 .............................................. 64 1943 ....................................................... 66

Panzer Battalion, North Africa 1941 - Early 1942 ................................. 68 Late 1942 .............................................. 70 1943 ....................................................... 72

Motorcycle Battalion, North Africa 1941 - Early 1942 ................................. 74 1942 ....................................................... 76 1943 ....................................................... 78

Recon Battalion, North Africa

1941 - Early 1942 ................................. 80

Recon Battalions

Late 1942 - 1943 ................................... 81

1939 - 1940 ........................................... 49

Produced by GHQ. Micro Squad? and Micro Armour? are registered trademarks of GHQ. ? Copyright GHQ, 2010. All rights reserved


All of the tables in this series were researched and compiled by George Chrestensen, the author of Micro Squad?: The 1:1 Scale Game. Although intended for use with that game, they can be used to build forces for any WWII game in any scale.

Beneath each unit's title you will see a "Cohesion" number. When John Fernandes designed GHQ's Micro Armour?: The Game, he came up with "Cohesion" as a way to simulate the effects of the emotional and psychological stresses that plague anyone trying to make reasonable decisions in the midst of battle. Unique to the Micro Armour? and Micro Squad? games,

file "Cohesion" refers to a unit's training, experience, as well as its ability to receive, comprehend, ple and reasonably attempt to execute orders from their commander. Sam


Table of Organization & Equipment

GERMAN INFANTRY BATTALION (1939 - 1940) Cohesion: 13 - 18

Infantry Support Platoon MG Platoon Mortar Platoon Infantry Company Infantry Support Company Infantry Battalion

Cavalry Platoon Cavalry Support Platoon Cavalry Company Motorcycle Recon Platoon Motorcycle Support Platoon

Motorcycle Recon Company

1 x MMG, 1 x 50mm Mortar (3) 2 x MMG 3 x 81mm Mortar (2), 3 x Wagon* 3 x Infantry Platoon, 1 x Infantry Support Platoon, 1 x Inf. HQ, 1 x Kubelwagon*

file 2 x MG Platoon, 1 x Mortar Platoon 1 x Inf. HQ, 1 x Kubelwagon*

3 x Infantry Company, 1 x Infantry Support Company, 1 x Inf. HQ (GHQ), 1 x Infantry, 2 x Truck*


3 x Cavalry 2 x Cavalry MMG 3 x Cavalry Platoon, 1 x Cavalry Support Platoon, 1 x Cavalry HQ

le 3 x Motorcycle Inf.

2 x Motorcycle MMG, 1 x 81mm Mortar (2) OR 1 x 50mm Mortar (3) 1 x Light Truck 3 x Motorcycle Recon Platoon, 1 x Motorcycle Support Platoon,

p1 x Inf. HQ, 2 x Kubelwagon

Engineer Platoon

Anti-Tank Gun Platoon

Anti-Tank Gun Company

Panzerjaeger Platoon

m Panzerjaeger Company

Flak Platoon


Infantry Gun Platoon

SHvy. Infantry Gun Platoon

6 x Engineer, 6 x Light Truck* 3 x 37mm ATG, 3 x Light Truck* OR Kubelwagon* 4 x Anti-Tank Gun Platoon 4 x Panzerjaeger I 3 x Panzerjaeger Platoon, 1 x Panzerjaeger, 1 x Panzerjaeger (HQ) 3 x 20mm Flak30, 3 x Light Truck* 3 x 37mm Flak37, 3 x Light Truck* 2-4 x 75mm Inf. Gun, 2-4 x Limber* 2 x 150mm Inf. Gun, 2 x Medium Truck*

Division Artillery Battery

4 x 105mm Howitzer, 4 x Limber*


4 x 150mm Howitzer, 4 x Limber*


Table of Organization & Equipment

GERMAN INFANTRY BATTALION (1941) Cohesion: 16-18

Infantry Platoon Infantry Support Platoon MG Platoon Mortar Platoon Infantry Company Infantry Support Company Infantry Battalion

Cavalry Platoon Cavalry Support Platoon Cavalry Company Motorcycle Recon Platoon Motorcycle Support Platoon

Motorcycle Recon Company

3 x Infantry 1 x 50mm Mortar (3) 3 x MMG 3 x 81mm Mortar (2), 3 x Wagon*

file 3 x Infantry Platoon, 1 x Infantry Support Platoon, 1 x Inf. HQ, 1 x Kubelwagon*

3 x MG Platoon, 1 x Mortar Platoon 1 x Inf. HQ, 1 x Kubelwagon* 3 x Infantry Company, 1 x Infantry Support Company, 1 x Inf. HQ (GHQ), 1 x Infantry, 2 x Truck*


3 x Cavalry 2 x Cavalry MMG 3 x Cavalry Platoon, 1 x Cavalry Support Platoon, 1 x Cavalry HQ

le 3 x Motorcycle Inf.

2 x Motorcycle MMG, 1 x 81mm Mortar (2) OR 1 x 50mm Mortar (3) 1 x Light Truck 3 x Motorcycle Recon Platoon, 1 x Motorcycle Support Platoon,

p1 x Inf. HQ, 2 x Kubelwagon

Engineer Platoon

6 x Engineer, 6 x Light Truck*

Infantry Gun Platoon

2-4 x 75mm Inf. Gun, 2-4 x Limber*

Heavy Infantry Gun Platoon 2 x 150mm Inf. Gun, 2 x Medium Truck*

Anti-Tank Gun Platoon

3 x 37mm ATG, 3 x Light Truck* OR Kubelwagon*

m OR

3 x 50mm ATG, 3 x Light Truck*

Anti-Tank Gun Company

4 x Anti-Tank Gun Platoon

Panzerjaeger Platoon

4 x Panzerjaeger I

aPanzerjaeger Company

3 x Panzerjaeger Platoon, 1 x Panzerjaeger, 1 x Panzerjaeger (HQ)

Flak Platoon

3 x 20mm Flak38, 3 x Light Truck*


3 x 37mm Flak37, 3 x Light Truck*

Division Artillery Battery

4 x 105mm Howitzer, 4 x Limber*


4 x 150mm Howitzer, 4 x Limber*



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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