Department of Education & S

Department of Education International SectionTraining College BuildingMarlborough StreetDublin 1.DO1 RC96Application for a position of English Language Assistant in Austria Typed applications are preferred.Full Name (Family name first):AttachPhotographPermanent Home Address:Mailing Address:Telephone Number and E-mail Address:Nationality:Place and Date of Birth:Leaving Certificate or Equivalent:Date completed: School:Academic Studies completed to date (attach copies of degree certificates or diplomas): Please state if your degree is an Honours or Pass degree by ticking the box.Honours ? Pass ?Name of Institution:Years:Subjects: Degree/ Diplomas awarded with classes of honour etc.9. Current studies,(please mention any forthcoming examinations at the end of this academic year:10. Have you any teaching experience: ?Yes ?No Schools and Dates:Please outline any prior experience (sports, youth projects etc.,) you have working with children or young people.11. Please state the career you wish to pursue:12. State your preference for a specific area(s) in Austria Please select 3 regions (Bundesl?nder) in Austria ranked according to your preference. (Please note that we may not be able to facilitate your choice). Previous visits abroad (country/year/duration):14. Name and address of professors, lecturers, school authorities or Educational Institution personnel who will forward a confidential attestation of your aptitudes directly to the Department of Education and Skill: 2.Have you ever received any other scholarship/assistantship offered by the Irish or Austrian Government? If so, please specify and state year received.16. Please detail any other skills/competencies or other information that you consider relevant.Signature: ___________________________________________Date: ______________________________________________The Department of Education and Skills, as far as practicable and having regard to the resources available, provides for education and training for people resident in the State at a level appropriate to meet the needs and abilities of those people. The main purpose for which the Department requires the personal data provided by you is to assess your application for the English Language Assistant (ELA) Scheme. The personal data provided may be exchanged with the relevant Country Embassy for the purpose of assessing your suitability. Full details of the Department's data protection policy setting out how we will use your personal data as well as information regarding your rights as a data subject are available at ? Details of this policy are available in hard copy from the address above upon request.? CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY IN GERMANApplicant’s Name___________________________Knowledge of German Language according to the CEFR levels.A1A2B1B2C1C2Written German????? ? Spoken German??????C1/C2Proficient UserB1/B2Independent UserA1/A2Basic UserI certify that the candidate has a good knowledge of German and would be able to undertake studies through the medium of that language.Name & Title of referee: _________________________________________Qualification: __________________________________________________Name & Address of Institution: ____________________________________________________________________________________________Signature: __________________________________________Date: _________________POSTS FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE ASSISTANTSIN AUSTRIAApplication forms must be returned by Email to the Department of Education, International Section, ELA@.iePlease note that the confidential attestation forms must be returned to the International Section by the Professor/Lecturer. The attestation forms must not be returned with the application form by the applicantThe latest date for receipt of completed application forms is: Monday 8th March, 2021. Please note that applications which are incomplete or which arrive late will not be considered, also candidates should be aware that this Programme is a competitive process and you may only apply for one country.Applications must include: YesNo1 original application form ??Supporting Documents:2.Certificate of Proficiency in German ??3.Curriculum Vitae ??4.Doctors note to certify you are in good health ??5.CERTIFIED copy of degrees and diplomas??(or copies of recent official transcripts of results (for undergraduate students).6. Two Confidential Attestation forms to be completed by two different professors or lecturers and returned directly by email to the Department of Education, International Section at email address Applicants must ensure that Confidential Attestation forms are forwarded before the closing date.Please give names of referees:________________________________________________________________Signature of applicant:________________________________Date:________________________________Appraisal of the applicant for the post of English Language Assistant in AustriaCONFIDENTIAL ATTESTATION FORM 1 Form to be completed in block capitals462343515240000142303515240000Applicant’s Surname:Applicant’s Christian name:To be completed by Professor/Lecturer176593510795000Name & Professional title:233743516129000Address of the Professor/Lecturer: 24517353937000 The Candidate’s personality: (please tick () the appropriate box)Very GoodGoodAverageIntellectual Skills??? Ability to work in team???Adaptability???222313511620500Professor/Lecturer Comment:23374351695450023374354762500Please rate the applicant’s English language skillsVery GoodGood Average ?? ?Professor’s/Lecturer’s signature:University Stamp: Please return completed attestation form by email to the Department of Education, International Section, ELA@.ieAppraisal of the applicant for the post of English Language Assistant in AustriaCONFIDENTIAL ATTESTATION FORM 2 Form to be completed in block capitals462343515240000142303515240000Applicant’s Surname:Applicant’s Christian name:To be completed by Professor/Lecturer176593510795000Name & Professional title:233743516129000Address of the Professor/Lecturer: 24517353937000 The Candidate’s personality: (please tick () the appropriate box)Very GoodGoodAverageIntellectual Skills??? Ability to work in team???Adaptability???222313511620500Professor/Lecturer Comment:23374351695450023374354762500Please rate the applicant’s English language skillsVery GoodGood Average ?? ?Professor’s/Lecturer’s signature:University Stamp: Please return completed attestation form by email to the Department of Education, International Section, ................

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