A result of Harburg Project research activities (HarburgProject@) VERSION 01


This list contains the basic genealogical contents of nearly 1.000 grave inscriptions of the Jewish cemetery of Wallerstein in Bavaria and was compiled by Rolf Hofmann in the years 2003 – 2005, based on the transcription of the Hebrew inscriptions, carefully done by the Jewish teacher Hieronymus Stein and his son Sigmund Stein around 1890 (sponsored by the Wallerstein born banker Emil Wassermann of Bamberg), later completed by the teacher Gustav Erlebacher (around 1935), whose wife was buried here in 1936 (grave 990) and who in 1941 became a shoah victim. Translation into German was provided by Rachel Dror, Dr Joachim Hahn, Mario Jacoby, Ruth Litai-Jacoby, David Birnbaum, and Gisela Blume. Additional information was taken from still existing grave monuments (ca 330), tax lists, burial lists of the historic County of Oettingen, the "Jews matrikel" of the 19th century, various other personal files and 19 th century vital records of those Jewish communities then still using this cemetery as a central burial ground, until some of them started with their own cemeteries: Wallerstein, Oberdorf (until 1824), Oettingen (until 1850), Hainsfarth (until 1850), Pflaumloch (until 1839) and Kleinerdlingen (usually called "Erlangen" by Jews, never had its own cemetery). Besides that the Noerdlingen Jewish community was reestablished in 1870 (after 363 years of absence), and had its own cemetery since 1880. The Noerdlingen Jewish cemetery was also documented by Harburg Project with a grave list plus map in 2004.


Many of the following notations unfortunately contain errors as a basic and inevitable problem for several reasons. The stonemasons then were Christians, who were not familiar with Hebrew letters at all, so mistakes could easiliy have happened. Further more the teacher Stein might have had problems in deciphering old inscriptions, when he did his work around 1890, with most headstones decades old and many of them even more than one hundred years old. Besides that most common civil names were quite different from the traditional names of the deceased (which they were given when born), so often enough their names on their grave monuments were not the same as those by which they were known officially in every day life and in tax lists. Often enough a definite identification is very difficult or even impossible, because names and personal relations are not clear, and names of home villages are missing. The following list was very carefully composed, but still is not perfect in many ways and not always 100 % correct, as we probably may have contributed further errors due to the incredible amount of information we had to deal with. But it's a unique and valuable source not only for ancestors delving deeper into the far away history of their own family, but also for other genealogists and historians. Identification efforts probably will be a never ending task for future researchers.


As there is obviously only very little interest in this documentation by most German speaking historians or researchers, we decided to make this display for English speaking readers, especially for the descendants of Jewish families who once had lived in this area. So we named the months and holidays in English, but we generally left the names of the inscriptions in their original spelling, which was in Hebrew with some Jiddish aspects. In addition the names taken from vital records (and those in the name index) have a more German touch. One has to keep in mind that spelling varied then, because in these days spelling was mostly individual, often enough phonetical and not based on a general rule.


The hebrew death dates given in the original grave list often enough did not match the death dates given in other (more reliable) records, so we had to speculate in finding the identity of many of the deceased. We tried to do this very carefully to avoid mistakes. In cases where we had doubts we put question marks. Date conversion from Hebrew dates to Gregorian dates was done with the help of hebcal date converter. Probably the identity of many of the deceased never will be uncovered, but it's a miracle anyway that with so many of them identification was possible. And above all, the fact that the original grave list survived the holocaust is the real miracle indeed.


Without a last name index readers of this gravelist would get totally lost in confusion. A last name index is very helpful for researchers following an ancestral guideline. So we tried to find out the last names of the deceased. As most Jewish families had no last names during the 18th century, we also tried to find the last names which their descendants adopted in 1813 according to the order of the Bavarian king. This sometimes was a pretty hard task, and we were not successful in all cases. The last name index (in MS Works) comes in a separate file and can be easily switched to other indexes like grave numbers, death years and home villages, which might be helpful for some researchers in tracing their ancestors.


So may be in one hundred years or so someone might appreciate our efforts the same way as we did with the gratefully respected results of teacher Stein's troublesome initiative in compiling a somehow complete list of grave inscriptions that otherwise might have been lost since then. A hidden and valuable treasure of the past, unique for the Swabian part of Bavaria, ignored so far by those who should have recognized.


(1) "=" instead of the first digit of the five digit Hebrew year display indicates that this grave monument still existed in 2003 (but far not all of the existing grave inscriptions were still legible at this time).

(2) "?" instead of the five digit Hebrew year display means that identification of this person is not yet clear.

(3) "H" in connection with Hebrew year means that identification was positively checked by applying Hebrew calender converter, but often enough inscription date and death record or date of burial list doesn't match.

(4) "N" in connection with Hebrew year means that verification by using calender converter was not successful


nr year names on head stones (written in capital letters)

001 5533-N TELZ of Oettingen (daughter of Haenle, wife of Koppel) died Sukkot III 533 (= 12-18 Oct 1732 according to hebcal)

002 ? ESTHER, daughter of Benjamin, died 24 Elul 411 (no village mentioned)

(would be 10 Sep 1651 or 21 Sep 1851 according to hebcal)

003 5480 SARA RACHEL (daughter of Parnas Jakob Oettingen, wife of Rabbi Pinchas Katzenellenbogen in Oettingen)

died Monday 8 Adar II (year in original index = 485 ? – year must be wrong – according to death list she died

18 Mar 1720) this must be the first wife of Pinchas Katzenellenbogen, who served as Rabbi for the Wallerstein district

in 1719/20 and who went to Marktbreit after his wife's death, where he married again – his son Jakob Pinchas

Katzenellenbogen (= grave 532, out of second marriage) served as Rabbi for the Oettingen district 1764-1795,

and his grandson Pinchas Jakob Katzenellenbogen (grave 731) succeeded in this position 1795-1845

004 5490-N SARA of Oettingen (daughter of deceased Parnas Meir, wife of Rabbi Ensle)

died 29 Cheshvan 490 (= 21 Nov 1729 according to hebcal)

005 5604-H BELA RACHEL RIES of Hainsfarth (a child, daughter of Seligmann Ries) died 11 Sivan 604

= 29 May 1844 (1 1/2 years old)

006 5597-H TREINLE of Hainsfarth (wife of Isak Oberdorfer) died 16 Sivan 597 = 19 Jun 1837,

she died at age 35 (text continued in appendix), her husband remarried 1 Mar 1838 Breindel Steinmeier of Hainsfarth

007 5608-H HANNA LANDAUER of Oettingen died 1 Adar I 608 (would be 5 Feb 1848 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 6 Feb 1848 at age 39 (= daughter of Hessel and wife of Benedikt Landauer)

008 =592-H SIMON HIRSCH NEUHAEUSER of Oettingen (son of Jitzchak) died 4 Tishrei 592 = 11 Sep 1831 at age 57

009 5646-H HANNA NEUBURGER of Kleinerdlingen (daughter of Moshe Neuburger) died 21 Adar II 646 = 28 Mar 1886,

she was 79 years old and unmarried

010 =597-H MOSHE STEINFURTER (son of Elchanan Steinfurter) died 10 Cheshvan 597

(he was a merchant, born in Jebenhausen and died on his way to Kleinerdlingen on 21 Oct 1836 at age 36)

011 5608-H MOSHE NEUBURGER of Kleinerdlingen (son of David) died 24 Tevet 608 = 31 Dec 1847 at age 80 as a widower

012 =596-H BREINDEL ZUCKENDORFER of Wallerstein (nee Neumaier), wife of Mendel Zuckendorfer, died 1 Elul 596

(would be 14 Aug 1836 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 13 Aug 1836 at age 40

(her husband = grave 811)

013 5598-H MEIER GROSS of Wallerstein (son of Tevel = David ) died 26 Adar 598 (would be 23 Mar 1838 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Meyer Gross, who died in Wallerstein 19 Mar 1838 at age 64, he was unmarried

014 =596-H JOSEPH SCHLOSS of Untereisenheim (son of deceased Lazarus Schloss) died 1 Av 596 = 15 Jul 1836 in Wallerstein

at age 22, he was unmarried (Untereisenheim lies near Wuerzburg in Franconia)

015 =595-H GITELE, a child of 3 1/2 years, died 19 Cheshvan 595 = 21 Nov 1834, daughter of Salomon Aufhauser in Hainsfarth

016 5590 SARA, RACHEL and JITELE = 3 daughters of Rabbi Pinchas Jacob Katzenellenbogen of Oettingen died within a few

months: 30 Nov 1829 (1 3/4 years old), 5 Apr 1830 (8 days old) and 9 Apr 1830 (15 months old)

017 no inscription available

018 no inscription available

019 5599-H ABRAHAM MOSHE FEDERMANN of Oettingen (son of Jitzchak Arje) died 4 Sh'vat 599 = 19 Jan 1839,

three years old son of bag maker Isak Loew Federmann

020 5618 MOSHE WEINMANN of Wallerstein (son of Parnas of Jewish community = Loeb Weinmann) died 5 Adar 517

(year is absolutely wrong, as the surname Weinmann only existed since 1813), according to death record this must

be Moshe Loeb Weinmann, who died 4 Aug 1858 in Neuburg at age 62, he was married

021 5593-H KOPPEL BEN HESSEL of Wallerstein died 19 Sh'vat 593 = 8 Feb 1833 (1 1/2 years old)

death record mentions him as "Jacob, son of Hessel Hoenle"

022 5595-H GABRIEL BEN CHAJM (or HEYUM) of Wallerstein died 22 Adar 595 = 23 Mar 1835, 76 years old and unmarried

(death record mentions no last name)

023 5596-H MORDECHAI BEN CHAJM of Kleinerdlingen died Sukkot IV 596 (would be 11 Oct 1835 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Marx Wallersteiner (servant of the Jewish community) who died 8 Oct 1835 at age 77

024 5601-H SIMON BEN ITZIK of Oettingen died 14 Elul 601 (would be 31 Aug 1841 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be Simon Wernitz, who died 30 Aug 1841 at age 69

025 5622-N MORDECHAI MARX (son of Moshe Meir of Crailsheim) died during Sukkot 622 ?

(would be 19-25 Sep 1861 according to hebcal)

026 5597-H FRADEL PFLAUM of Pflaumloch (daughter of David Moshe Friedmann)

she was born 15 Sh'vat 536 and died 2 Sivan 597 = 5 Jun 1837 at age 61 (her husband Alexander Michael = grave 028)

027 5597-H ABRAHAM BEN SALOMON FRIEDMANN of Pflaumloch (son of Salomon Friedmann)

died 12 Av 597 (would be 13 Aug 1837 according to hebcal)

according to death record he died 11 Aug 1837 (he was born 18 Sep 1836)

028 =591-H ALEXANDER (SENDER) PFLAUM of Pflaumloch (Parnas of Jewish community, son of David Pflaum)

died 16 Tamuz 591 (would be 27 Jul 1831 according to hebcal)

according to death record he died 6 Jun 1831 at age 57 as "Alexander Michael" Pflaum (his wife Fradel = grave 026)

029 5611 CHAJM (HEYUM) BAER of Wallerstein died …? Iyyar 603 ? (no day mentioned)

(year was wrong, must be 611) according to death record he died 4 May 1851 at age 84 (his wife Dina = grave 30)

030 5612 DINA BAER of Wallerstein (daughter of Simon, widow of Chajm) died Pesach IV 612

(would be 29 Mar 1852 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 5 Apr 1852 at age 81

(her husband Chajm = grave 029)

031 5584-N ITZIK SEGAL JITZCHAK HALEVI ? of Oberdorf died 9 Tamuz 584 ? (would be 5 Jul 1824 according to hebcal)

032 5648-H JETTE RENAU of Wallerstein (daughter of Elia Renau) died 11 Sivan 648 (would be 21 May 1888 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 27 May 1888 (she was born ca 1820 in Marktbreit)

033 5573-? MEIER WASSERMANN of Wallerstein (son of Anschel Wassermann), died 3 Kislev 573

(would be 7 Nov 1812 according to hebcal) he was 6 years old

034 5580- ? PESSELE SARA of Wallerstein (daughter of Abraham Oberdorfer ?) died 14 Tishrei 580 at age 12

(would be 3 Oct 1819 according to hebcal)

035 5505-N JAKOB KOPPEL of Hainsfarth (son of Mordechai) died 4 Iyyar 505 ? (would be 15 Apr 1755 according to hebcal)

a Jacob Moses died between 1766 and 1772, as he was followed by his son Moses Jacob in taxlist –

ancestor of Ries family ?

036 5502-H JOSEPH BEN MOSHE JEHUDA of Oettingen died 16 Tamuz 502 (would be 18 Jul 1742

according to hebcal) burial list of 1742 mentions "Mauschy's son in Oettingen", no exact date given

037 5510-N JECHESKIJAHU HESSEL, son of Benjamin Wolf Schlenker of Fuerth, died Pesach IV 510

(would be 24 Apr 1750 according to hebcal) no village mentioned

038 5574-H ARIE BEN LOEB JAKOB WEIS of Wallerstein died 26 Sivan 574 = 14 Jun 1814

(death record mentions him as Loeb Jakob Weis) the surname "Weis" was adopted in 1813

039 5614-H LEA (LINA) ROSENBERGER of Oberdorf died in Wallerstein 26 Tishrei 614 (would be 28 Oct 1853 according

to hebcal) according to death record she died 29 Oct 1853 at age 26, she was the daughter of

Cronum Rosenberger and worked as a servant for Bernhard Redelsheimer (she killed herself by hanging)

040 5595-N MIRJAM BAT SIMON WEIL of Wallerstein died shabat tshuva 592 (no month mentioned) = September 1831

no death record around these years available

041 5585-H NN of Oettingen (daughter of Simon Hirsch Neuhaueser) died 3 Tishrei 585 = 25 Sep 1824

she was born as "Helene" 10 Oct 1814 (grave 041 a)

041 5584-? GNENDEL TAMAR , daughter of Moshe Hirsch of Pflaumloch, died Erev Pesach 584

(would be 12 Apr 1824 according to hebcal) she was three years old (grave 041 b)

042 5584-? ESTHER RIFKA of Pflaumloch (daughter of Schmuel) died 26 Nisan 584 (would be 24 Apr 1824 according to hebcal)

043 5600-H JECHIEL BEN BAER of Kriegshaber died 5 Cheshvan 600 = 13 Oct 1839

(must be Max Naumburg, son of Bernhard Naumburg of Kriegshaber, he was 7 years old)

044 5591-? SCHENDEL BAT MOSHE ARON of Pflaumloch (wife of David) died 7 Tishrei 591 (would be 24 Sep 1830

according to hebcal) she may have been the widow of David Salomon Friedmann, who died 17 Apr 1801 (his grave = 823)

according to Pflaumloch death records David's widow died in September 1830 (her son = grave 045 ?)

045 5594-H ABRAHAM FRIEDMANN of Pflaumloch (son of David Salomon Friedmann and Jeannette)

died "18 Menachem" 594 = 18 Av 594 = 23 Aug 1834 at age 56 (he was the husband of Hendel) his mother = grave 044 ?

046 5591-H ESTHER SARA of Pflaumloch (daughter of David, wife of Jehuda Loeb) died 12 Sivan 591

(would be 24 May 1831 according to hebcal) according to death record this was Esther Lebrecht, daughter of

David Marx Pflaum and Clara, wife of David Lebrecht, she died 21 May 1831 at age 59

047 =592-H DAVID of Pflaumloch (son of Izik) died 16 Sh'vat 592 (would be 18 Jan 1832 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be David, son of Isak Lebrecht and Esther, who died 10 Dec 1831, 6 years old

048 5599-H ABRAHAM BERNHARD BAER of Wallerstein (son of Benjamin Wolf) died 9 Adar 610 = 21 Feb 1850 at age 48,

= Bernhard Wolf Baer, he was married to Bertha nee Feldmayer from Wallerstein

(his mother = grave 049, his father = grave 050)

049 =597-H JETTA BAER of Wallerstein (daughter of Itzik, wife of Wolf) died 19 Tevet 597 =

27 Dec 1836 at age 57 (her husband Wolf Baer = grave 050, her son = grave 048)

050 5609-H BENJAMIN (WOLF) BAER of Wallerstein died 5 Tamuz 609 (would be 25 Jun 1849 according to hebcal)

according to death record he died 24 Jun 1849 at age 79 as a widower (his wife Jetta = grave 049, his son = grave 048)

051 5610-H MENACHEM MENDEL BAER of Wallerstein died 3 Elul 610 (would be 11 Aug 1850 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Emanuel, son of deceased Bernhard Baer and his wife Bertha,

he died 10 Aug 1850, he was five years old (Bernhard Baer had died 21 Feb 1850 at age 48)

052 5609-H VOGEL (FEIGELE) SCHNATTINGER of Kleinerdlingen died 17 Iyyar 609 (= 9 May 1849 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 8 May 1849 at age 78, she was the wife of butcher Isaac Schnattinger

053 5602-H KELA STEINHARTER of Kleinerdlingen, widow of Naphtali Steinharter, died 4 Nisan 602 = 15 Mar 1842 at age 84

(her husband Hirsch Steinharter died 4 May 1838 at age 80 - his grave = 929)

054 5593-H KELA HIRSCH of Pflaumloch, daughter of Hirsch Schielein, died 22 Sh'vat 593 (would be 11 Feb 1833 according

to hebcal) according to death record she died 6 Dec 1832 at age 17 (she was called Caroline) her father = grave 055

055 5596-H HIRSCH BEN JOSCHUA of Pflaumloch died 24 Tamuz 597 ? (rather 596) (would be 9 Jul 1836 according to hebcal)

according to death record he died as "Hirsch Joseph Schielein" 9 Jul 1836 at age 56 (his daughter = grave 054)

056 5591-? SCHIMON BEN MOSHE JONA of Pflaumloch died 6 Adar 591 (would be 19 Feb 1831 according

to hebcal) must be Samson Jung, son of Moshe Isak and Sela, who died 4 Mar 1831 at age 48

057 5600-H MENACHEM MENDEL CRAILSHEIMER of Hainsfarth (son of Simon Crailsheimer)

died 17 Adar I 600 = 21 Feb 1840 at age 21, he had worked in Wallerstein as a glazier (his father = grave 085 ?)

058 5559-N SCHIMSCHON of Pflaumloch died 6 Nisan 559

(would be 11 Apr 1799 according to hebcal) his common name probably was Samson ?

059 =630-H CHARLOTTE (SCHEINLE) WEINMANN of Noerdlingen (18 Oct 1863 – 16 Sep 1869), five years old daughter of

Isak Weinmann, she died 11 Tishrei 630 = day after Jom Kippur (death record mentions 17 Sep 1869 as death date)

060 =637-H HANNA (also called Anna) WEILER, daughter of hazzan Abraham Weiler of Noerdlingen, died Erev Shavuot 637

(would be 17 May 1877 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 16 May 1877, she was 11 months old

061 5599-H ELIESER LIPPMANN REGENSTEINER of Pflaumloch, son of Joseph Joel Regensteiner, died 2 Sivan 599,

(would be 15 May 1839 according to hebcal), according to death record this was Lippmann Regensteiner,

who died 14 May 1839 at age 50 (he was Joseph Joel's son, his wife was Babette nee Hausmann)

062 =589-H JOSEPH JOEL REGENSTEINER of Pflaumloch died 16 Sivan 589 (would be 17 Jun 1829 according to hebcal)

this date is wrong, as he actually died 18 Jun 1828 at age 76 according to family sheet (he was Joel Lippmann's son)

063 5597-H ELCHANAN HONA of Pflaumloch, son of Joel, died 29 Tishrei 596 (would be 22 Oct 1835 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Heinrich Regensteiner, who died 9 Oct 1836 at age 74

(he was Joel Lippmann's son, his wife was Hanna nee Hermann)

064 5593-H NATHANIEL (= SANDEL) REGENSTEINER of Kleinerdlingen, son of Joel, died 11 Sh'vat 593

(would be 31 Jan 1833 according to hebcal) this was the cattle dealer Sandel Regensteiner, who died 17 Jan 1837

at age 72 according to death record, he was born in Pflaumloch, in 1791 he had moved to Kleinerdlingen and married

his wife Jette (grave 067) - "Sandel" obviously was a nickname for Nathaniel

065 5604-H JEHUDA HECHINGER, son of Tevel (= David) Hechinger, born 1769 in Fuerth, died 11 Tevet 604

(would be 3 Jan 1844 according to hebcal) according to death record Juda Hechinger died 2 Jan 1844 in Wallerstein

at age 71 (his wife Reiz had died 26 Feb 1839 at age 66)

066 5598-H PESSELE, daughter of Hona, wife of Chajm Segal of Hainsfarth, died 24 Nisan 598 (= Pessla Heumann, who died

19 Apr 1838 at age 29 according to death record), she was born in 1808 as daughter of Hona Regensteiner in

Pflaumloch and had married her husband on 21 Dec 1836

067 5612-H JITLE REGENSTEINER of Kleinerdlingen died 17 Tamuz 612 = 4 Jul 1852 at age 87

as widow of Nathaniel (= "Sandel") Regensteiner, she was called "Jette" (her husband = grave 064)

068 =610-? LEA ? PAPPENHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen, widow of Baer Pappenheimer, died 23 Kislev 610 ? probably wrong,

should be Fradel ? Pappenheimer who died 20 Dec 1838 at age 77 as a widow (her husband Baer Pappenheimer = grave 214)

069 5611-H OSER (JISACHAR) PAPPENHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen died 12 Tishrei 611 = 18 Sep 1850 at age 51

070 5597-H NAPHTALI HIRSCH of Pflaumloch, son of Joseph, died 13 Kislev 597 (= Hirsch Steiner, who died 22 Nov 1836

at age 77 as a widower) he was the son of Joseph Isak Steiner and Clara,

his wife was Marie Anna nee Aufhauser of Hainsfarth (his brother = grave 072)

071 5608-H NATHAN BAER KREISDORFER of Oettingen died 13 Sh'vat 608 = 18 Jan 1848 at age 88,

his widow Michle died 26 Jan 1857 at age 83

072 =596-H SALOMON BEN JOSEPH of Pflaumloch died 16 Sivan 596 (would be 1 Jun 1836 according to hebcal), according to

death record = Salomon Steiner, son of Joseph Isak, who died 2 Jan 1836, (his wife = grave 073, his brother = grave 070)

073 5592-H BREINDEL BAT ENSLE, wife of Salomon of Pflaumloch died 4 Av 592 (would be 31 Jul 1832 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be Salomon Steiner's wife Brendel, who died 3 Aug 1832 at age 64

(she was the daughter of Elias "Ensle" Schulm and his wife Bluemle), her husband = grave 072

074 =585-? ELA BAT MOSHE of Pflaumloch (wife of Schalom ) died fourth day after Shavuot 585

(would be 28 May 1825 according to hebcal) death list shows Salomon's wife at 7 Apr 1825

075 5597-H SCHENDEL (JEANETTE) of Pflaumloch (daughter of Maier Hirsch of Steinhart and his wife Theres),

widow of Salomon Ensle, died 4 Nisan 597 (would be 9 Apr 1837 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 7 Jun 1837 at age 70 (husband = grave 076)

076 5588-H SCHLOMO (SALOMON) BEN ENSLE of Pflaumloch died 23 Cheshvan 587 ? (rather 588 ?)

(23 Cheshvan 588 would be 13 Nov 1827 according to hebcal) according to death record this must be Salomon Ensle

who died 15 Dec 1827 at age 60 (his wife Schendel = grave 075)

077 5616-H MAHRUM (MAX) EISING of Wallerstein, 3 years old son of Isac Eising,

died last day of Pesach 616 = 27 Apr 1856 (he was born 8 Jul 1852)

078 5635 HENRY (HEINRICH) EISING 11 Oct 1872 – 21 Apr 1875 (son of Isac Eising of Wallerstein),

079 =609-H ESTHER STEINHARTER of Kleinerdlingen (daughter of Elieser = Lazarus Steinharter) died 1 Cheshvan 609

= 28 Oct 1848 at age 39, she was unmarried

080 5591-H ISAK STEINER of Pflaumloch (son of Joseph Steiner and his wife Theres) died 6 Kislev 591

(would be 22 Nov 1830 according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 21 Dec 1830 at age 92 as a widower

(his wife's name was Rachel), he was the father of Joseph Steiner (1789 – 1865)

081 5608-H TREINLE EHRENSTEIN of Kleinerdlingen (widow of Mordechai Ehrenstein)

died 26 Kislev 608 = 4 Dec 1847 at age 97

082 5598-H ELIESER LAUCHHEIMER of Pflaumloch, son of Jitzchak Lauchheimer, died Erev Sukkot 598 (would be 13 Oct 1837

according to hebcal) according to death record he died as "Lippmann Lauchheimer" 12 Oct 1837 at age 60

(he was married to Maria nee Gutmann, born in Aufhausen)

083 5606-H RESELE BAUER of Hainsfarth (daughter of Mendel, widow of Salomon Bauer) died 13 Elul 606 (would be

4 Sep 1846 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 3 Sep 1846 at age 78 (her husband = grave 084)


died Erev Pesach 601 = 5 Apr 1841 at age 75 (his wife = grave 083)


died 1 Cheshvan 603 (would be 5 Oct 1842 according to hebcal) according to death record this was

Samson Baer Crailsheimer, who died 3 Oct 1842 at age 72, he was married (his son = grave 057 ?)

086 5607 SCHLOMO SALMAN, son of Mendel Laubheimer of Hainsfarth (no death date),

must be Salomon Laubheimer 16 Mar 1826 – 31 Aug 1847, he was not married (this is grave 086 a)

086 5638-H LOEB BARUCH KOHN, former Parnas of Kleinerdlingen Jewish community, died 10 Tevet 638 = 16 Dec 1877

at age 75 as a widower, his wife Breindel = grave 087 (LBK has grave 086 b)

087 5636-H BREINDEL KOHN of Kleinerdlingen died 10 Iyyar 636 = 4 May 1876 at age 60,

she was the wife of Loeb Baruch Kohn (= grave 086 b)

088 5630-H ITZIK (ISAAC) HIRSCH KOHN of Kleinerdlingen, died 13 Nisan 630 = 14 Apr 1870 at age 78

his wife Hindele = Henriette nee Stettheimer = grave 113

089 5625-H SARA (SORLE) BINSWANGER of Wallerstein died 6 Adar 625 = 4 Mar 1865 at age 83,

she was the widow of Gumper Binswanger, she died in Noerdlingen, house nr D 26

090 5603-H LOEB ABRAHAM KOHN (also called "Jehuda Hacohen") of Kleinerdlingen (son of Abraham Hacohen,

widower of Sorle Kohn = grave 091) died 26 Tamuz 603 (would be 24 Jul 1843 according to hebcal)

according to death record he died 25 Jul 1843 at age 79

091 5602-H SORLE (SARA) KOHN of Kleinerdlingen (wife of Loeb Kohn) died 17 Tevet 602 (would be 30 Dec 1841

according to hebcal) according to death record she died 29 Dec 1841 at age 87 (her husband = grave 090)

092 5602-H BARUCH KOHN, son of Abraham Hacohen of Kleinerdlingen, died 21 Elul 602 (would be 27 Aug 1842

according to hebcal) according to death record he died 26 Aug 1842 at age 75 as a widower (his wife = grave 094)

093 5595-H ABRAHAM HIRSCH KOHN, son of Baruch Kohn of Kleinerdlingen, died 12 Sh'vat 595

(would be 11 Feb 1835 according to hebcal) according to death record this was the teacher Hermann Kohn,

who died evening 10 Feb 1835 at age 45, his wife Zerle/Karoline died 6 Jul 1842

094 5594-H BLUM KOHN, daughter of Seckel Baer, wife of Baruch Kohen Zedek (= Kohn) of Kleinerdlingen,

died 1 Sh'vat 594 (would be 11 Jan 1834 according to hebcal), according to death record Blum died 27 Jan 1834

at age 68 (grave 094 b) husband = grave 092

094 5654-H RIELE KRONHEIMER (widow of Salman Kronheimer of Moenchsdeggingen) died 2 Adar I 654 (would be 8 Feb 1894

according to hebcal) according to death record she died 9 Feb 1894 (where ?) (grave 094 a, text in appendix)

094 5660-? MIRJAM BAT FROMET ROSENWALD died 19 Kislev 660, she was unmarried

(would be 20 Nov 1899 according to hebcal) grave 094 b, text in appendix

095 5464-? MOSHE MOSES, son of Joel of Hainsfarth, died 5 "Menachem" 464 = 5 Av 464 (would be 5 Aug 1704

according to hebcal), burial record of 1704 mentions a "Moyses" of Hainsfarth without further details

096 5507-N REISEL BAT ABRAHAM TRILLINGEN ( = last name Wassertruedingen) died 9 Kislev 507

(would be 22 Nov 1746 according to hebcal)

097 5520-H SORLE BAT JOSEPH, wife of Henle (no village mentioned), died 1 Kislev 520 (would be 21 Nov 1759

according to hebcal) according to burial list this should be Hoenle's widow, who died 20 Nov 1759 in Oettingen

098 =648 VOGEL WEISSKOPF, daughter of Seckel (Pinchas) Rosenbaum of Theilheim,

wife of Rabbi David Weisskopf (grave 102), died 6 Nisan 648 = 18 Mar 1888 in Kleinerdlingen at age 83

099 5559-H LEA FALKENAU, daughter of Rabbi Zwi Hirsch Kohn of Wallerstein (= grave 101), wife of Seckel Baer Falkenau

of Fuerth, she died 23 Elul 559 = 23 Sep 1799 (= mother of Blum Falkenau, who married Baruch Kohn in Kleinerdlingen,

and she was also the grandmother of Fanni Falkenauer, who married Rabbi Pinchas Jakob Katzenellenbogen of Oettingen –

this Kohn family was part of the famous Rappaport families of Kleinerdlingen and Wallerstein)

100 ?-N MOSHE LEVI HELLER BEN HAKODESH RAW ABRAHAM died 24 Sh'vat "…" (rest missing) of Wallerstein ?

101 5524-H RABBI ZWI HIRSCH of Wallerstein (son of Baruch Kahana Rappaport) died 7 Tishrei 524 = 14 Sep 1763

(he was Chief Rabbi for the Wallerstein district, succeeded by his two sons, who adopted the surname Cohen and later

became Chief Rabbis in Bonn – a descendant of these Rabbis founded a book and print shop in Bonn, which still exists

today by the name "Bouvier", but it's no more Jewish since the 1930s)

102 =642-H DAVID WEISSKOPF, District Rabbi of Wallerstein, died 18 Adar I 642 = 29 Mar 1882 in Kleinerdlingen

(where his ancestors once had originated and where he had lived during his final years) at age 83

(his wife Vogel = grave 098)

103 =677-H JUDITH KOHN of Kleinerdlingen, widow of last Wallerstein district Rabbi Marx Michael Kohn, died 9 Tishrei 677

= 6 Oct 1916 in Ansbach, where her son Pinchas Kohn served as District Rabbi

(her grave = 103 b, her husband = grave 103 a

103 =648-H MORDECHAI KOHN, last district Rabbi of Wallerstein, son-in-law of Rabbi David Weisskopf, he died as

Marx Michael Kohn 26 Feb 1888 = 14 Adar I 648 at age 61 in Kleinerdlingen (grave 103 a) his wife Judith = grave 103 b

104 5517-N GNENDEL SALOMON of Pflaumloch (daughter of Moshe, wife of Schalom Salomon)

died 8 Iyyar 517? (would be 28 Apr 1757 according to hebcal) husband's name may also be "Schulm" or

"Schulm Ensle" ? (a "Schulm Ensle" died 10 Feb 1772, leaving a widow behind, who died 4 May 1790)

105 5492-H LIPPMANN BEN MOSHE of Pflaumloch died 19 Cheshvan 492 (would be 18 Nov 1731 according to hebcal)

according to tax list he must have died as "Lippmann Moyses" around 1731/32, so he was the ancestor of

two family branches who later adopted the surnames "Jung" and "Regensteiner" in Pflaumloch around 1815

106 5470-N SCHELA BAT RABBI JEHOSCHUA ELIA "KAWI" of Bechhofen died 5 Adar II 470 ?

("kawi" might mean that he was the guardian of the poor ?)

107 5563-? BELA KATZ of Wallerstein (daughter of Hirsch Katz, wife of Anschel Katz) died 24 Elul 525 ?

(would be 10 Sep 1765 according to hebcal) year is obviously wrong, must be 563

Bela Cohen died 11 Sep 1803, she was the daughter of Hirsch Loew Kohn (see grave 108), she was the first wife of

Anschel Benjamin Cohen who died 1826 in Munich and was buried there (he was a member of the Rappaport families

of Wallerstein and Kleinerdlingen) - AB Cohen's second wife Hanna = grave 125

108 5552-H BREINLE of Wallerstein (wife of Naphtali Kohn, also called "Hirsch Loew Kohn")

died Erev Shavuot 552 = 26 May 1792 (same grave as her husband Naphtali)

108 5556-H NAPHTALI (called Hirsch Loew Kohn) of Wallerstein (son of Jehuda Kohn, widower of Breinle) died Chanukah IV 556

(would be 9 Dec 1795 according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 8 Dec 1795 (same grave as his wife Breinle)

he was a member of the Rappaport families of Wallerstein and Kleinerdlingen

109 5613-H TREINLE (THERES) KOHN RAPPAPORT (1800 – 1853) of Wallerstein (daughter of Salomon Bauer of Hainsfarth, wife of Aron ben Anschel Cohen Rappaport) died Pesach VIII 613 (would be 30 Apr 1853 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 1 May 1853

109 5661 HEINRICH HIRSCH of Kleinerdlingen (son of Sigmund Hirsch and Lina nee Priester, who got married 11 Oct 1894

in Kleinerdlingen) Heinrich was born 28 Feb 1898 and died 21 Jun 1901 (appendix grave 109 a in appendix)

110 5600-H ASCHER MATITJAHU HALEVI EPPSTEIN of Kleinerdlingen died 23 Elul 600

= Lemlein Eppstein (husband of Perl = grave 111) who died 21 Sep 1840 at age 74

111 5622-H PERL EPPSTEIN of Kleinerdlingen (widow of Lemlein Eppstein = grave 110 )

died 22 Tevet 622 = 25 Dec 1861 at age 81

112 5626 BERNHARD (BARUCH) KOHN, son of Abraham Kohn of Noerdlingen, formerly Kleinerdlingen

(13 Sep 1863 – 22 Mar 1866)

113 5615-H HINDLE KOHN of Kleinerdlingen (daughter of Mordechai Michael, wife of Itzik Hirsch Kohn)

died 27 Iyyar 615 = 15 May 1855 at age 66, her civil name = Henriette nee Stettheimer

(her husband Isak Hirsch Kohn = grave 88)

114 5627-H SARA WEISSENBERGER of Kleinerdlingen (daughter of Nathan, first wife of master baker David Weisenberger)

died 25 Av 627 = 26 Aug 1867 at age 45 (her husband = grave 188), her father was Nathan Stern

115 5598-H LEVI WEISSENBERGER of Kleinerdlingen (son of Simon Weisenberg) died 23 Kislev 598

= 21 Dec 1837 at age 26, he was a tailor and unmarried (his mother = grave 116, his brother = 188)

116 5615-H SCHENLE (JEANNETTE) WEISSENBERGER of Kleinerdlingen, widow of Simon Weissenberger,

died 16 Adar 615 (would be 6 Mar 1855 according to hebcal) she died 7 Mar 1855 at age 85 (her son = grave 115)

117 5617-H JOCHEVED LAUCHHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen (widow of David Lauchheimer)

died 21 Sh'vat 617 = 15 Feb 1857 at age 83 (husband see grave 121 ?)

118 5610-H HINDLE ROTHSCHILD of Wallerstein (widow of Chajm Rothschild) died 25 Cheshvan 610 = 10 Nov 1849 at age 65

she was the second wife of Hayum Rothschild (ca 1760 – 18 Oct 1831), his first wife had died 2 Mar 1813 -

Hayum Rothschilds father was Marum Rothschild, his mother was Jachet Sara (see grave 291)

119 5609-H JITEL FRANK of Oettingen (daughter of Moshe, wife of Seligmann Wolf Frank, called Simon Borich Frank)

died 14 Cheshvan 609 = 10 Nov 1848 at age 67

120 5615-H JAKOB called JOKEL (="Koppel") LAUCHHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen, son of David, died Rosh Hashana II 615 (would be

24 Sep 1854 according to hebcal) according to death record he died 1 Oct 1854 at age 65, he was a married horse dealer

121 =578-? DAVID JOKEL (= "Koppel") LAUCHHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen died first day of Sukkot 506 ? (year must be wrong,

no such death record on Sukkot 506 = October 1745 – last name "Lauchheimer" only existed since 1813)

David Jakob Lauchheimer died on 10 Oct 1817 at age 69

122 5594-N ABRAHAM BEN ZWI, born in Kriegshaber, lived in Munich,died 22 Iyyar 594 ?

(would be 31 May 1834 according to hebcal)

123 5602 SCHIMSCHON (SIMSON) NAUMBURG, hazzan of Hainsfarth, son of Elchanan Naumburg, died 9 Nisan 602

(would be 20 Mar 1842 according to hebcal) according to death record he died 18 May 1842 at age 66

(his widow died 17 Apr 1849 at age 78, = grave 192)

124 5605-H SCHIMON (called Wolf), son of Abraham Buehler of Kleinerdlingen , died 29 Iyyar 605 (would be 5 Jun 1845

according to hebcal) according to death record he died 4 Jun 1845 at age 35, he was unmarried,

he was a hides and pelts dealer (same grave as his sister Pessla)

124 5605-H PESSLA, daughter of Abraham Buehler of Kleinerdlingen, died 22 Iyyar = 29 May 1845 at age 27, she was unmarried

(same grave as her brother Schimon)

125 5578-H HANNA KOHN of Wallerstein (wife of Anschel Kohn) died day after Sukkot 575 (would be 2 Oct 1817

according to hebcal) according to death record she was Anschel Cohen's second wife, who died 5 Oct 1817

(his first wife Bela = grave 107)

126 =628 -? ELIA BUEHLER, son of Abraham Buehler of Kleinerdlingen, died 28 Sivan 625 ? (year must be wrong, rather 628)

according to death record this must be Elias Buehler, who died 18 Aug 1868 at age 56, he was married to Klara nee Gump

127 =615-H ABRAHAM BUEHLER, son of Joseph Buehler of Kleinerdlingen, died 5 Sh'vat 615 (would be 3 Feb 1855 according

to hebcal) according to death record he died 24 Jan 1855 at age 76 as a widower (his wife Rechele = grave 128)

128 =609-H RECHELE BUEHLER of Kleinerdlingen, wife of Abraham Buehler, died 25 Sh'vat 609 (would be 17 Feb 1849

according to hebcal) according to death record she died 20 Feb 1849 at age 65 (husband Abraham = grave 127)

129 5591-H GELA, 4 years old daughter of David of Oettingen, died Erev Kislev 591 = 16 Nov 1830 (= daughter of David Engel)

130 =590-H ADEL (ADELHEID) DINA of Oettingen (daughter of Gabriel, wife of Jakob Michelbacher)

died 16 Sh'vat 590 (would be 9 Feb 1830 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 11 Feb 1830 at age 57

131 5592-H JITZCHAK ZWI (called Itzik Hirsch) of Oettingen, died Sukkot VIII 592 = Shmini Atzeret (would be 29 Sep 1831

according to hebcal) according to death record this was Isaac Hirsch Michelbacher, who died 1 Oct 1831 at age 57

132 5597-H MEIER BEN JAKOB MICHELBACHER of Oettingen, died 29 Elul 597 (would be 29 Sep 1837 according to hebcal)

according to death record he died 27 Sep 1837 at age 24, he was an unmarried baker, son of Jakob Nathan Michelbacher

133 5605-H SARA ELLA HERRMANN of Hainsfarth (daughter of Meir Bauer, wife of Leser Herrmann) died 4 Nisan 605

= Lazarus Herrmann's wife Ella or Elise, who died 11 Apr 1845 at age 32

134 =606-H ELLA HERRMANN of Hainsfarth (wife of Kalman Herrmann) died.. ? 606 (no further details) should be 3 Av

according to hebcal and death record) this must be Ella Herrmann, who died 26 Jul 1846 at age 80

135 5642-H DAVID BEROLZHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen (son of Moshe Berolzheimer, husband of Mina = grave 135 a),

died 21 Sivan 642 = 8 Jun 1882 at age 66

135 5654-H MINA BEROLZHEIMER, widow of David Berolzheimer (same grave as David), died 29 Elul 654 = 30 Sep 1894

according to burial list she died 27 Sep 1894 at age 76 (grave 135 b)

136 =625 JITZCHAK LAUCHHEIMER, son of Jekutiel Lauchheimer in Noerdlingen, died 21 Tishrei 625

(would be 21 Oct 1864 according to hebcal), he obviously died evening 20 Oct 1864

in Noerdlingen according to death record

136 =662-H KLARA BEROLZHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen died 20 Elul 662 (would be 22 Sep 1902 according to hebcal)

according to burial list she died 23 Sep 1902 at age 42, she was the daughter of David Berolzheimer

and his wife Mina nee Baumann (this is grave 136 a in appendix)

137 =607-H WOLF LAUCHHEIMER ? (should be LAUDENBACHER according to death record) of Kleinerdlingen

died 8 Adar 607 = 24 Feb 1847 (he was a lotto collector and died at age 77, he was married) his son = grave 138

138 5601-H JAKOB LAUDENBACHER of Kleinerdlingen died Erev Shabbat 10 Elul 601= 27 Aug 1841

at age 25, he was an unmarried physician (his father = grave 137)

139 =619-H JEHUDA MOSHE TREUHERZER of Kleinerdlingen, also called "Loeb", son of Reuben,

died Erev Shabbat 9 Sh'vat 619 = 14 Jan 1859, he was married

140 =604-H FRADEL BIER of Oettingen died 15 Sh'vat 504 (wrong year, must be 604 ! - 15 Sh'vat 604 would be 5 Feb 1844 according to hebcal) according to death record she actually died 5 Feb 1844 at age 81, she was the widow of Simon Bier

141 5598-? ELIESER BEN JITZCHAK RAU of Pflaumloch died Erev Sukkot 598 (would be 13 Oct 1837 according to hebcal)

142 =606-H KELA LAEMMERMEIER, daughter of Kalman Laemmermeier of Oettingen died 16 Iyyar 606

(would be 12 May 1846 according to hebcal) according to vital records she was born 8 Jan 1786 as daughter of

Kalman Levi and died as "Rike" 11 May 1846 (same grave as her brother Jesaia)

142 =608 JESAIA LAEMMERMEIER, son of Kalman Laemmermeier of Oettingen died Sukkot IV 608

(would be 30 Sep 1847 according to hebcal) according to vital records he was born 8 May as son of Kalman Levi

and died as "Isaias" 28 Sep 1847 (same grave as his sister Kela)

143 =589-H MOSHE of Oettingen (son of Jitzchak) died 21 Adar 589 (would be 24 Feb 1829 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be Moshe Schopflocher, who died 27 Mar 1829, his wife = grave 144

144 5597 HENDLE CHAJA SCHOPFLOCHER of Oettingen (daughter of Moshe Gabriel, wife of Moshe Schopflocher)

died 12 Nisan 573 ? (year must be wrong, rather 597 ! - would be 17 Apr 1837 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 16 Apr 1837 at age 64 as widow (her husband = grave 143)

145 =626-H JAKOB BUEHLER of Kleinerdlingen (son of Abraham Buehler) died 9 Sh'vat 626 (would be 25 Jan 1866

according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 26 Dec 1865 at age 41, he was married to Jette Buehler (same grave)

145 = 668-? JITELE (JETTE ) BUEHLER of Kleinerdlingen (widow of Jakob Buehler, same grave)

died 11 Adar II 668 (would be 14 Mar 1908 according to hebcal) , died where ? - text in appendix

146 =645-H NATHANIEL SANDEL BUEHLER of Kleinerdlingen (son of Abraham Buehler) died 6 Nisan 645

(would be 22 Mar 1885 according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 25 Mar 1885 at age 63 as "Sandel Buehler"

(his wife = grave 147) "Sandel" obviously was a nickname for Nathaniel

147 =650-H LEA (LENE) BUEHLER of Kleinerdlingen (daughter of Joseph, widow of Sandel Nathanael Buehler)

died 14 Kislev 650 (would be 7 Dec 1889 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 6 Dec 1889 at age 61 as "widow of Sandel" (her husband = grave 146)

148 5504-N ELIESER LOEB of Kleinerdlingen (son of Jehuda Loeb) died 14 Nisan 504 ?

(would be 27 Mar 1744 according to hebcal)

149 5597-H MOSHE MOSES of Pflaumloch (son of Elieser Lippmann) died Erev Shabbat Sukkot V 597

= Heinrich Regensteiner who died 9 Oct 1836, he was Joel Lippmann's son

150 5601-H EDEL SARA (ADELHEID) STEINER of Oettingen (daughter of Zwi Hirsch, wife of Salomon Steiner)

died 15 Sivan 601 (would be 4 Jun 1841 according to hebcal) according to burial list she died 5 Jun 1841 at age 71,

she was Hirsch Salomon's daughter, her husband Salomon Hess Steiner died 18 Jul 1852 in Oettingen

151 5582-H MERLE of Oettingen (daughter of Seligmann Loeb Segal, wife of Loeb Hirsch) died 19 Iyyar 582 (= Loew Koppel

Neuburger's wife Mariam, who died 10 May 1822 at age 66, two weeks after her husband = grave 635)

152 5525-N FEIGELE of Oettingen (wife of "Yas") was buried 25 Cheshvan 525 ? (would be 20 Nov 1764 according to hebcal)

153 5502 SCHLOMO BEN JITZCHAK of Hainsfarth died 19 Tishrei 502 (would be 29 Sep 1741 according to hebcal)

appears in 1741 burial record without further details

154 =653-H GELA (KAROLINE) BINSWANGER (nee Springer) of Kleinerdlingen died 11 Sh'vat 653 =

28 Jan 1893 at age 84, widow of NN Binswanger in Binswangen

(she was born 15 Jan 1811 in Kleinerdlingen as daughter of Wolf Springer + wife Mathilde)

155 5654-H RACHEL (REGINA) EPPSTEIN (nee Springer) of Kleinerdlingen died 1 Adar I 654 (would be 7 Feb 1894 according

to hebcal) according to death record she died 26 Feb 1894 at age 83 (= widow of Samson Eppstein = grave 156)

156 5645-H LAEMLE LEVI EPPSTEIN (son of Samson) of Kleinerdlingen, died 21 Iyyar 645 (would be 6 May 1885

according to hebcal) according to death record he died 5 May 1885 at age 73 ( his wife Regina = grave 155)

157 =606-H CHAJM (HAJUM) SELIGMANN of Kleinerdlingen (son of Jehuda Segal Seligmann) died 19 Kislev 606

(would be 18 Dec 1845 according to hebcal) according to death record he died 17 Dec 1845, he was a book binder

158 =602-H SCHMUEL (= Samuel), 4 years old child, son of Joseph Koppel of Kleinerdlingen, died 6 Adar I 602 = 16 Feb 1842

159 =597-H GLUECKLE WITTELSHOEFER of Kleinerdlingen (daughter of Schmuel, widow of David Wittelshoefer)

died 9 Sh'vat 597 (would be 15 Jan 1837 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 14 Jan 1837 at age 72 , she was DW's second wife (first wife = grave 181) David Wittelshoefer died 27 Sep 1828

160 =590-H NATHAN, called Natali, of Hainsfarth (son of Jehuda Moshe Loew), died Pesach III 590

(would be 10 Apr 1830 according to hebcal) according to death record this must be the teacher Nathan Ansbacher,

who died 12 Apr 1830 at age 73, he was married

161 =590-H BARUCH ARIE MOSHE LOEB SCHWEIZER of Kleinerdlingen (son of Abraham Schweizer) died 1 Av 590

(would be 21 Jul 1830 according to hebcal) according to death record he died 29 Jul 1830 (age ?), he was married

(he was an ancestor of the Buehler family, who switched their surname from "Schweizer" to "Buehler" around 1813)

162 =595-H BELA ETTENHEIMER (nee Steppacher) of Kleinerdlingen (daughter of Baruch Loeb Steppacher,

wife of Mendel Ettenheimer) died 20 Kislev 595 (would be 22 Dec 1834 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 21 Dec 1834 at age 56 (her husband = grave 164)

163 =598-H BARUCH LOEW STEPPACHER of Kleinerdlingen (son of Rabbi Moshe Salomon Steppacher), died 12 Sh'vat 598 (would be 7 Feb 1838 according to hebcal) according to death record he died 6 Feb 1838 at age 83

(he had served as Rabbi Substitute for the Wallerstein District Rabbinate for a long time,

especially when this Rabbinate was vacant since Ascher Loew had left Wallerstein in 1809 for Karlsruhe)

164 =613-H MENACHEM ETTENHEIMER (also called "Mendel"), well respected talmud teacher of Kleinerdlingen with the title "Zadik", son of Moshe Ettenheimer, died 21 Adar I 613 = 1 Mar 1853, he was the husband of Bela (= grave 162)

and the son-in-law of Rabbi Baruch Loew Steppacher of Kleinerdlingen

165 =618-H MOSHE STEPPACHER of Kleinerdlingen, son of Baruch Loeb Steppacher (grave 163)

died 5 Elul 618 = 15 Aug 1858 at age 73

166 =621-H DAVID STEPPACHER of Kleinerdlingen, son of Baruch Loeb Steppacher (grave 163),

died 16 Sivan 621 = 25 May 1861 at age 67

167 =628-H ESTHER STEPPACHER of Kleinerdlingen (daughter of Abraham Halevi, widow of Moshe =

grave 165) died 17 Tevet 628 = 12 Jan 1868 at age 73

168 5615-H MORDECHAI GUMPER GROSS of Wallerstein (son of David Tevel Gross) died 5 Sivan 609 ? - date must be wrong, rather 615 ? - year wrong, must be 615 (5 Sivan 615 would be 22 Jun 1855 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be Marx Gross, who died 6 Jun 1855 at age 80

169 5595-H JOSEPH LOEB of Hainsfarth (son of Hirsch) died 13 Tevet 595 (would be 14 Jan 1835 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was the teacher Joseph Loeb Mannheimer, who died 13 Jan 1835 at age 85 as a widower (his wife = grave 170)

170 =592-H TEICHELE of Hainsfarth (daughter of Eisik Itzik, wife of Joseph Loeb) died 12 Cheshvan ? 592

(would be 19 Oct 1831 according to hebcal) according to death record this should be Joseph Loeb Mannheimer's

wife Teichele, who died 10 Aug 1832 at age 81 (her husband = grave 169)

171 5634-H JOSEPH ITZIK KOPPEL of Kleinerdlingen (son of Isaak Koppel) died 11 Adar I 634 (would be 28 Feb 1874

according to hebcal) according to death record he died 27 Feb 1874 (he was a master glazier and the father of

the famous stone mason Max Koppel in Noerdlingen, who manufactured grave monuments for Jewish cemeteries all over

Southern Germany (his first wife Hindle = grave 173, his second wife Fradel = grave 189)

172 5591-H SCHIMON BEN MOSHE MOSHE of Oettingen died Erev Pesach 591 (would be 30 Mar 1831 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be Simon Lemle Springer, who died 28 Mar 1831 at age 77

173 5609-H HINDLE KOPPEL of Kleinerdlingen died 8 Tamuz 609 (would be 28 Jun 1849 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 26 Jun 1849 at age 43 (she was the daughter of David Wittelshoefer and

the first wife of Joseph Koppel = grave 171)

174 =604-H JOSEPH GOTTHELF (son of Arie = Loew), hazzan of Kleinerdlingen, died 21 Sivan 604

= 8 Jun 1844 at age 82, his wife Gitel in same grave

174 =607-H GITEL GOTTHELF of Kleinerdlingen, died 6 Tamuz 607 (would be 20 Jun 1847 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 21 Jun 1847 at age 65, widow of Joseph (same grave)

175 =650-H SAMUEL HIRSCH GUGGENHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen died last day of Pesach 650 = 12 Apr 1890 at age 74

176 5650-H KINDEL WOLF of Wallerstein died unmarried 9 Iyyar 650

(would be 29 Apr 1890 according to hebcal) grave inscription indicates "Oct 1815 – 21 Apr 1890" (this was grave 176 a)

176 5654-H JOSEPH WOLF of Wallerstein (son of Moshe Wolf) died 19 Kislev 654 = 28 Nov 1893 (grave 176 b)

177 5464-? NN (an old woman, daughter of Joseph, wife of Baruch Segal) died Purim 464 ?

(would be 20 Mar 1704 according to hebcal) burial list of 1704 shows Guetel of Hainsfarth (no exact date given)

178 5494-N SERLE RIFKA, daughter of Perez of Oberdorf, wife of Moshe Hainsfarth, died 4 Sh'vat 494 ?

( would be 8 Jan 1734 according to hebcal)

179 5503-? ZIERLE of Oettingen (daughter of Jeremiahu, wife of Hirschel) died 9 Nisan 503

(would be 3 Apr 1743 according to hebcal) Hirschel's wife appears in burial list of 1743 without exact date

180 5577-H RANIA of Oettingen (daughter of Jehuda Loeb, wife of Nathan) died 25 Adar 576

(= Rebecca, wife of Nathan Isac Michelbacher of Oettingen, she died evening 12 Mar 1817 at age 82)

181 5560-H RACHEL (RIFKA) WITTELSHOEFER of Kleinerdlingen (wife of David Wittelshoefer) died 12 Sh'vat 502 ?

– year was probably wrong, rather 560 – she probably was DW's first wife (12 Shvat 560 would be 7 Feb 1800

according to hebcal) according to death record she actually died 7 Feb 1800 (second wife Glueckle = grave 159)

182 5522-N TELZ LEA of Treuchtlingen (daughter of Mordechai, wife of Meir) died 25 Cheshvan 529 ?

(would be 5 Nov 1768 according to hebcal)

183 5509 ELIA BEN SCHIMON of Hainsfarth died 10 Adar 509, probably the hazzan Elias of Hainsfarth,

(appears in 1749 burial list without exact date)

184 5505-N ASCHER ANSCHEL NEUBURG of Oberdorf (son of Schmuel Jehoschua Neuburg) Monday 27 Elul 505

died Monday 27 Elul 505 ? (would be 24 Sep 1745 according to hebcal)

185 no text available

186 5603-H CHAJM HEUMANN of Oettingen died 13 Nisan 603

(= the teacher Baer Heumann, who died as a widower 13 Apr 1843 at age 78)

187 =614 BARUCH BEN ELIESER HALEVI of Kleinerdlingen died 8 Sh'vat 614 ? (would be 6 Feb 1854 according to hebcal)

this must be Benedict Stirner, who died 13 Feb 1854 at age 65, his wife = grave 228

188 =641-H DAVID WEISSENBERGER, baker of Kleinerdlingen (son of Schimon Weissenberger) died 2 Adar II 641

(would be 3 Mar 1881 according to hebcal) according to death record he died 30 Mar 1881 at age 66

(his wife = grave 114, his brother = grave 115)

189 =638-H FRADEL (FANNI) KOPPEL of Kleinerdlingen (second wife of Joseph Koppel = grave 171)

died 3 Cheshvan 638 = 10 Oct 1877 (first wife Hindle = grave 173)

190 =617-H RIELE (ROESLE) HELLSTERN of Kleinerdlingen (widow of Eisik Hellstern = grave 191)

died 23 Kislev 606 ? (year was wrong !) according to death record she died 20 Dec 1856 = 23 Kislev 617

at age 78 as a widow (husband = grave 191)

191 5612-H EISIK (ISAK) HELLSTERN of Kleinerdlingen (son of Feis Hellstern) died 22 Kislev 612 (would be 16 Dec 1851

according to hebcal) according to death record ge died 15 Dec 1851 at age 84 (his widow = grave 190)

192 =609-H ESTHER NAUMBURG of Hainsfarth, widow of hazzan Schimschon Naumburg (= grave 123),

died 25 Nisan 609 = 17 Apr 1849

193 5588-H ELIESER LESER SEGAL of Oettingen (son of Pinchas) died 9 Sivan 588 (would be 22 May 1828 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be Lazarus Goldbacher, who died 20 May 1828 at age 88 (same grave as wifeTreinle)

193 5588-H TREINLE (THERESE) GOLDBACHER of Oettingen (daughter of Gerson, wife of Leser) died 5 Nisan 588

(would be 18 May 1828 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 20 Mar 1828 at age 78

(same grave as husband Lazarus)

194 5582-N JOSEPH BEN ABRAHAM SEGAL of Oettingen died 3 Sivan 582 ? (would be 25 Mar 1822 according to hebcal)

195 5660-H JEHUDA STEIN (also called "Gronum" or "Hieronymus"), teacher and hazzan in Wallerstein for 33 years, he died

27 Tishrei 660 = 1 Oct 1899 at age 70 after having compiled transcription of most grave inscriptions of Wallerstein Jewish cemetery (this was grave 195 a in appendix), he was born 27 Aug 1829

195 5655-H TELZKELE (THERESE) ETTENHEIMER (nee Ifri) of Kleinerdlingen, widow of Salomon Ettenheimer,

died 15 Tevet 655 (would be 11 Jan 1895 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 9 Jan 1895 at age 75 (this was grave 195 b)

195 =663-H ELIAHU BEN NAPHTALI SEGAL (= ELIAS ELDOD) of Kleinerdlingen, teacher in Wallerstein,

died 4 Sh'vat 663 = 1 Feb 1903 (noted as grave 195 c in appendix))

195 5653-H KELA FALK nee Ettenheimer of Kleinerdlingen (widow of Josua Falk of Braunsbach),

died 27 Tamuz 653 = 11 Jul 1893 at age 85 (this was grave 195 d)

196 =650-H SALOMON ETTENHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen died 7 Cheshvan 650 = 1 Nov 1889 at age 76

(his wife Therese = grave 105)

197 =647-H ABRAHAM REGENSTEINER of Kleinerdlingen died 29 Nisan 647 = evening 22 Apr 1887 at age 48,

he was married to Regina (Rechele), same grave

197 =662-H REGINA (RACHEL) REGENSTEINER (nee Einstein) of Kleinerdlingen, widow of Abraham Regensteiner

(same grave), was born in Ederheim, married in Kleinerdlingen and finally lived in Noerdlingen as

a widow, where she died 27 Sh'vat 662 = 4 Feb 1902 at age 60 (text in apendix)

198 5586-H JOSEPH (called "Siser"), of Kleinerdlingen (son of Moshe Abraham Segal) died 21 Kislev 586

(= Joseph Moses Levi, who died 1 Dec 1825 at age 72, his wife Tolz died 16 Apr 1839 at age 81)

199 =602-H TREINLE HERRMANN of Hainsfarth (daughter of Salman, wife of Eisik David Herrmann)

died 16 Iyyar 602 (= Isak Herrmann's wife Treinle Chaje, who died 26 Apr 1842 at age 44)

200 =645-H MENACHEM ZWI MENDEL HIRSCH REGENSTEINER of Kleinerdlingen died 15 Tamuz 645

= Emanuel Hirsch Regensteiner, who died evening 27 Jun 1885 at age 82 as a widower (his wife = grave 201)

201 =633-H TELZ (THERESE) REGENSTEINER (nee Einstein) of Kleinerdlingen, wife of Menachem Zwi Regensteiner,

who died 8 Elul 633 = evening 30 Aug 1873 at age 64 (husband = grave 200)

202 5598-H KELA LEA of Hainsfarth (wife of Itzik Michael) died 8 Sh'vat 598

(= Isak Michael Braunhoefer's wife Michla, who died 3 Feb 1838 at age 34)

203 =593-? HENDEL of Oettingen (wife of Mordechai) died 5 Adar 593 (would be 24 Feb 1833 according to hebcal)

204 =593-H JITEL RACHEL of Oettingen (daughter of David, wife of Joseph Loeb) died 22 Kislev 593

(= Joseph Loeb Regensburger's wife, who died 14 Dec 1832 at age 54)

205 =587-H MARIAM of Oettingen (daughter of Mordechai, wife of David) died 7 Cheshvan 587

(= David Bettmann's wife, who died 7 Nov 1826 at age 85) her husband = grave 675

205 =663 RICKA LISBERGER of Wallerstein (4 Sep 1841 – 27 Nov 1902) grave 205 a in appendix

205 =675-H DANIEL BEN SHALOM (called "Schlomo") LISBERGER of Wallerstein

(8 Aug 1845 Lisberg – 1 Aug 1915 Wallerstein) grave 205 b in appendix

205 =678-H REISELE (ROSA) BAT SHALOM (called "Schlomo") LISBERGER of Wallerstein

(1 Apr 1854 Lisberg – 2 Feb 1918 Wallerstein) she was unmarried (grave 205 c in appendix)

206 5480-N EDEL of Hainsfarth (daughter of Schlomo, wife of Seligmann) died 22 Tevet 480 ?

(would be 3 Jan 1720 according to hebcal)

207 5490-N SELKELE of Oettingen (daughter of Jekutiel Halevi, wife of David, who was a son of Naphtali in Oettingen)

died 16 Adar 490 ? (would be 5 Mar 1730 according to hebcal)

208 5492-N DAVID BEN NAPHTALI HIRSCH of Oettingen died 8 Elul 492 ? (would be 29 Aug 1732 according to hebcal)

209 5503-? MADEL OESTREICHER of Oettingen, daughter of Jitzchak, wife of Hirsch Oestreicher,

died 11 Adar 503 (would be 7 Mar 1743 according to hebcal) she appears in 1743 burial list as "Hirschle's wife"

210 5510-N HINDLE RACHEL of Oettingen (daughter of Joseph Itzik, wife of Itzik) died 12 Elul 510 ?

(would be 13 Sep 1750 according to hebcal)

211 5545-? JEHUDA BEN RABBI (MORENU) MORDECHAI, son of Menachem Mendel, died 7 Kislev 534 (no village mentioned)

year might be wrong, rather 545 ? (according to hebcal 7 Kislev 545 would be 20 Nov 1784)

according to burial record this might be Loew Moyses of Wallerstein, who died 12 Nov 1784

212 5594-? BREINDEL of Kleinerdlingen (daughter of "Mats" Mordechai, wife of Judel, died Erev Shabbat 26 Adar 594

(would be 7 Mar 1834 according to hebcal) according to death record this may be Blum Kohn , who died 27 Jan 1834

at age 68, she was married to Baruch (Rappaport) Kohn (1767-26 Aug 1842)

213 5586-N JENTEL of Oettingen (daughter of Schlomo, wife of Sandel) died 8 Tamuz 586 ?

(according to hebcal this would be 13 Jul 1826)

214 5594-H JISACHAR BEER BEN OSER of Kleinerdlingen died 16 Sivan 594 (would be 23 June 1834 according to hebcal)

= Baer Pappenheimer who died 22 Jun 1834 at age 70 (his wife = grave 068)

215 5598-H FEIGELE (VOEGELE) DRACH of Kleinerdlingen (widow of Moshe Drach) died 7 Sivan 590 ?

(would be 29 May 1830 according to hebcal - year was obviously wrong - 7 Sivan 598 instead would be 31 May 1838 according to hebcal) according to death record she actually died 31 May 1838 at age 65

216 5598-H NATHAN DRACH of Kleinerdlingen (son of Schmuel Drach) died 9 Sh'vat 598

(would be 4 Feb 1838 according to hebcal) according to death record he died 3 Feb 1838 at age 69

217 ?-N SCHENLE OESTREICHER of Oettingen (daughter of Moshe Oestreicher, wife of Jakob "Shamesh" of Oettingen, probably the synagogue servant), she died on the day of the Esther reading, death year not mentioned

218 =513-H MEIER BEN NATHAN of Oettingen died 12 Adar 511 (wrong year, rather 513) (12 Adar 513 would be

16 Feb 1753 according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be Meyer Nathan who died 6 Feb 1753

219 5605-N GALE of Oettingen (daughter of David, wife of Itzik) died 5 Tamuz 605 ? (would be 10 July 1845 according to hebcal)

220 5530-N JAKOB KOPPEL BEN NATHAN of Hainsfarth died at the beginning of Iyyar 530 ?

(would be 26 Apr 1770 according to hebcal)

221 5594-N TOLZ LEA of Hainsfarth (daughter of Schlomo, wife of Koppel) died 5 Av 594 ?

(would be 10 Aug 1834 according to hebcal)

222 5487-N NAPHTALI HIRSCH of Hainsfarth (son of Joseph Jessele) died 7 Iyyar 487 ?

(would be 28 Apr 1727 according to hebcal)

223 5484-? GITEL of Hainsfarth (daughter of Schlomo, wife of Seligmann of Hainsfarth) died 25 Tevet 484

(would be 21 Jan 1724 according to hebcal ) burial list mentions "Seligmann's wife" in 1724/25, no further details

224 5481-N MOSHE BEN JAKIR (rather Jakob ?) of Hainsfarth died 4 Sh'vat 481 ? (would be 1 Feb 1721 according to hebcal

a Moses Jakob died in Hainsfarth between 1744 and 1749

225 =638 MICHAEL RIES , son of Menachem Ries (born Hainsfarth 11 Jun 1815, died Wallerstein 2 Aug 1878), had emigrated

to North America and had become rich by land speculation during the californian goldrush, according to his last will the Michael Reese Hospital was founded out of the fortune he had left behind

226 =606-H JITZCHAK ITZIK of Oettingen (son of David Bettmann) died 17 Elul 606 = 8 Sep 1846 at age 55

227 =609-? GELA STAUBMANN of Oettingen (daughter of David, wife of "Schile" Staubmann)

died 11 Adar 609 (would be 5 Mar 1849 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 22 Feb 1849 at age 72

(her husband, feather dealer Schiel Staubmann, had died 27 Jan 1845 at age 74)

228 =634-H BLUEMLE MINA STIRNER of Kleinerdlingen (widow of milkman Benedict Stirner, who died 13 Feb 1854 at age 65), died the day before Jom Kippur 633 (would be 30 Sep 1873 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 29 Sep 1873 at age 77, her husband = grave 187

229 5606-H TREINLE (THERES) GUTMANN of Oettingen (wife of Jakob Gutmann) died 5 Kislev 606

(would be 4 Dec 1845 according to hebcal) according to death record he died 3 Dec 1845 at age 63

230 5605-H MATLI GUTMANN of Oettingen died the day before Simchat Torah 605

(= farmer Isak Gutman's wife Mathilde, who died 5 Oct 1844 at age 40)

231 =594-H BREINDEL of Hainsfarth (daughter of Lesi, wife of Sussmann) died 17 Elul 594

= Sussmann Buerger's wife Breinle, who died 21 Sep 1834 at age 55,

she was born as daughter of Lazarus Moses Loew in Hainsfarth and had married ca 1797 Hirsch Elias Rosenthaler,

who had died before 1830 when she married her second husband Sussmann Buerger (= grave 347)

232 5592 GITEL SARA BAT LASI of Hainsfarth died 592 (no exact date given) must be Gitel Gutmann,

who died 26 Mar 1832 at age 43 (obviously wife of cattle dealer Joseph Hirsch Gutmann, who remarried 23 Jun 1833

Sophie Mayer = widow of Israel Mayer in Treuchtlingen)

233 =592-H GALE LEA RIES of Hainsfarth (wife of Mendel Ries) died 14 Kislev 592 = 19 Nov 1831 at age 44

(her son Michael Ries = grave 225)

234 5592-H DAVID TEBEL BEN MOSHE of Hainsfarth died 1 Kislev 592 (= David Ries, who died 6 Nov 1831 at age 76)

he was the father of Seligmann Ries, his wife = grave 235

235 5591-H BELA of Hainsfarth (daughter of Abraham, wife of Tebel) died 24 Sh'vat 591

(= Bela Ries, who died 7 Feb 1831 at age 74) her husband = grave 234

235 5666-H MEIER BEN SCHLOMO MARX of Wallerstein died 15 Tevet 666 (= Meyer Marx 23 May 1837 – 12 Jan 1906)

noted as grave 235 a in appendix german grave text = "Was unser guter Vater uns gewesen, das sagt nicht dieser Leichenstein, doch Mit- und Nachwelt sollen lesen, dass wir auf ewig Dank ihm weih'n"

236 5585-? KELA of Kleinerdlingen (daughter of Hinle, wife of Jischai = Jesaias ?) died 20 Sivan 585

(would be 6 Jun 1825 according to hebcal) according to death record this must be Kela Gundelfinger,

who died as a widow 19 Mar 1825 at age 80

237 5600-H JOEL BEN DAVID of Hainsfarth died 2 Sivan 600 = Joel David Sohn, who died 3 Jun 1840 at age 67 as a widower

238 5595-? BUNDEL BAT SALMAN of Hainsfarth died 19 Sivan 595 ? (would be 16 Jun 1835 according to hebcal) ?

according to death record this could be Salomon Braeumann's daughter Bundel, who died 10 Aug 1838 at age 22

239 5599-H ABRAHAM BEN SALMAN of Hainsfarth died 16 Sivan 599

(= Abraham Braeumann, who died 8 June 1839 at age 34, he was unmarried – son of Salomon Israel Braeumann)

240 5516-N SCHLOMO JAKOB of Hainsfarth died Jom Kippur 516 ? (would be 15 Sep 1755 according to hebcal)

241 5591-H SARA BAT MOSHE of Hainsfarth (wife of Salomon) died Wednesday after Pesach 591

(= 6 Apr 1831 according to hebcal) this was Salomon Israel's wife Gitel , who died 6 Apr 1831

(Salomon Israel was an ancestor of the Braeumann family)

242 5601-H GALE HOLLAENDER of Hainsfarth (daughter of Moshe Salman) died 1 Iyyar 601 (would be 22 Apr 1841

according to hebcal) according to death record she died 21 Apr 1841 at age 64, she was the second wife

of Salomon Josua Hollaender, who had died 5 Apr 1817

243 5471-N SARA BAT JAKOB of Hainsfarth died 25 Tamuz 471 ? (would be 12 Jul 1711 according to hebcal)

244 5473-N MOSHE , son of Abraham Jehuda of "Elm" (?) died 5 Tamuz 473, same grave number as Sara

(would be 29 Jun 1713 according to hebcal)

244 5473-N RESEL, daughter of Jitzchak of Oettingen (left children behind)

died 473 ? (would be 1712/13)

245 5509-N ZIERLE BAT MOSHE , wife of Jakob in Hainsfarth, died 21 Tevet 509 ?

(would be 11 Jan 1749 according to hebcal)

245 ?-N KELA RACHEL MIRJAM, daughter of Schmuel Meir, wife of Chajm in Oettingen

died 17 "Menachem " = 17 Av (no year given – 218 ??? in original index), noted as grave 245 a, text in appendix

246 5514-H LESER DAVID BEN NATHAN NETTE of Hainsfarth died 14 Tamuz 514 (would be 4 Jul 1754 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this was Lazarus Nathan, who died 5 Jul 1754

247 5529-H CHAJM BEN DAVID JEREMIJAHU of Oettingen died 5 Tevet 529 (would be 15 Dec 1768 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this was Heyum David, who died 17 Dec 1768

248 5529-H CHAJM BEN SCHIMON SANWIL HALEVI of Hainsfarth died at Pesach I 529 (Pesach I 529 would have been

22 Apr 1769 according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be Hajum Samuel, who died in April 1769

249 5533-N MOSHE MOSHE BEN JAKOB of Wallerstein died 7 Sh'vat 533 ? (would be 31 Jan 1773 according to hebcal)

250 5552-N BENJAMIN WOLF BEN BARUCH of Oettingen died 12 Elul 552 ? (would be 30 Aug 1792 according to hebcal)

251 5597-H SCHMUEL BEN MOSHE FUCHS of Oettingen died 7 Tevet 597 (would be 15 Dec 1836 according to hebcal)

according to death record Samuel Moses Fuchs died 14 Dec 1836 at age 82 as a widower

252 5605-H HANNA FUCHS of Oettingen (daughter of Morenu Meir Moshe, first wife of Moshe Hirsch Fuchs) died 27 Sivan 605

= 2 Jul 1845 at age 56 (Moses Hirsch Fuchs married 11 Feb 1846 his second wife, the widow Gidel Berolzheimer

of Kleinerdlingen)

252 5390-? MORENU MOSHE BEN ABRAHAM HELLER died 15 Adar = Purim (no year or village given – year 5390 would match)

must be Wallerstein - see appendix, grave 252 a (he was the grandfather of Rabbi Yomtov Lippmann Heller)

252 5517-N JAKOB MENACHEM died 5517 (see appendix, grave 252 a ?)

253 5515-H NATHAN NETTE MOSHE BEN JOSEPH of Oettingen died in 515 ? (no month given)

according to burial list this must be Nathan Joseph, who died 24 Sep 1754

254 5514-H MOSHE BEN JAKOB of Hainsfarth, died 24 Tamuz 514 = 14 Jul 1754 (same grave as his son Menachem Mendel)

254 5514-H MENACHEM MENDEL BEN MOSHE of Hainsfarth died 25 Tamuz 514 = 15 Jul 1754

(same grave as his father Moshe ben Jakob)

255 5519-N HENDEL BAT JAKOB (the Parnas) wife of Moshe in Wallerstein, died 11 Cheshvan 519 ?

(this would be 12 Nov 1758 according to hebcal)

255 5518-H NENA DINA, daughter of Jakob Ellinger, wife of Wolf in Oettingen, died 27 Nisan 518

(would be 5 May 1758 according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be Wolf David's widow,

who died 3 May 1758 (text in appendix, grave 255 a)

256 5519-H JAKOB NOA BEN NAPHTALI HABAKUK of Wallerstein died 25 Adar 519 = 24 Mar 1759

(he died as Jacob Hirsch, death record in tax list)

257 5523-H JEHUDA LOEB MOSHE BEN NATHAN NETTE of Hainsfarth died 3 Iyyar 523 (would be 16 Apr 1763

according to hebcal) according to burial list this was Loew Nathan of Oettingen, who died 17 Apr 1763

258 5527-N TREINLE SARA BAT MOSHE of Hainsfarth (wife of Nathan) died 25 Sivan 527 ?

(would be 22 Jun 1767 according to hebcal)

259 5586-H TREINLE BAT SALMAN of Hainsfarth died 9 Av 586 (= Treinle Braeumann died 12 Aug 1826 at age 26 unmarried)

she was a daughter of Salomon Israel Braeumann

260 no text available

261 =596-H TELZ BAT ENSLE of Hainsfarth (widow of Gabriel) died 25 Cheshvan 596

(= Telz Heumann, who died 17 Nov 1835 at age 66)

262 5509-N GABRIEL BEN CHAJM SEGAL of Hainsfarth died 10 Iyyar 509 ? (would be 28 Apr 1749 according to hebcal)

263 5591-H ABRAHAM BEN JITZCHAK EISIK of Hainsfarth died Sukkot IV 591

(= Abraham Herrmann, who died 7 Oct 1830 at age 75 as a widower) he was the father of Samuel Herrmann

264 =602-H JITZCHAK JOSEPH EISIK HERRMANN of Hainsfarth (son of Abraham Herrmann)

died 28 Tishrei 602 (= Isak Herrmann, who died 13 Oct 1841 at age 65, he was married) his father = grave 263

264 5592-H SORLE, daughter of Benjamin, wife of Seligmann of Hainsfarth, died 17 Tevet 592

(would be 21 Dec 1831 according to hebcal) according to death record this was Seligmann Herrmann's wife Sara,

who died 20 Dec 1831at age 78 (her husband died 18 May 1835 at age 76) text in appendix, grave 264 a

265 =602-H CHAJE RESLE GEIGER of Hainsfarth (daughter of Meir, wife of Hirsch Geiger) died 22 Tevet 602

(would be 4 Jan 1842 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 3 Jan 1842 at age 78

(she was the second wife of Hirsch Geiger, who died 9 Feb 1851 at age 78 and was buried

at Hainsfarth Jewish cemetery – his first wife Telz = grave 629)

266 =596-H JENDELE (JEANNETTE) ALTER of Hainsfarth (widow of Lippmann Alter)

died second day of Shavuot 596 = 23 May 1836 at age 56 (her husband = grave 267)

267 5591-H LIPPMANN BEN SALMAN ALTER of Hainsfarth died Erev Rosh Hashana 591

= 17 Sep 1830 at age 69 (his wife = grave 266)

268 5660-H MOSHE (MORITZ) PRIESTER of Kleinerdlingen died 24 Nisan 660 = 23 Apr 1900 (grave 268 a, text in appendix)

268 5663-H TELZELE PRIESTER died 11 Adar 663 = Therese Priester nee Canareck 26 Jan 1833 – 10 Mar 1903

(wife of Moritz Priesther = same grave ) text in appendix, grave 268 b

268 =6765 SAMUEL SCHIFFMANN of Vienna 5 Aug 1839 – 4 Nov 1914 (or 1915 ?),

he died in Wallerstein (text in appendix, grave 268 c)

268 5584-N ABRAHAM MOSHE BEN SCHMUEL of Oettingen died 3 Tishrei 584 ? (would be 8 Sep 1823 according to hebcal)

269 5552-N RACHEL REISELE BAT SCHLOMO (wife of Loeb of Gunzenhausen) died 5 Tamuz 552 ?

(would be 25 Jun 1792 according to hebcal) (she died where ?)

270 5522-H ESTHER BAT ABRAHAM BAMBERG wife of Loeb in Oettingen, died 7 Tamuz 522

(must be Loew Ephraim's wife, who died 27 Jun 1762)

271 5529-H JEHUDA JUDEL BEN MOSHE of Kleinerdlingen died 13 Iyyar 522 ? (wrong year, rather 529)

(13 Iyyar 529 would be 24 May 1769 according to hebcal) he died as "Jodel Moyses" 24 May 1769, his was noted

as "Hollaender's son" (his widow died March 1787)

272 5524-H BELA BAT MENACHEM MENDEL of Oettingen (wife of David) died 11 Adar 524 (would be 15 Feb 1764

according to hebcal) must be David Isaac's wife, who died in February 1764 according to burial list

273 5548-H JAKOB KOPPEL BEN JITZCHAK of Oettingen died 17 Kislev 548

(= Koppel Isac who died 28 Nov 1787 at age 70)

274 5559-H MADEL BAT RABBI BARUCH FIRDA (= "of Fuerth" ?) of Oettingen (wife of Moshe Loeb) died 27 Adar I 559 (would be 3 Apr 1799 according to hebcal) according to death record this was Moshe Loeb Kleinerdlinger's

wife Mergam, who died 4 Mar 1799 at age 63 (her husband died 29 Mar 1799)

275 5574-H NAPHTALI JAKOB BEN BENJAMIN HIRSCH of Wallerstein died 17 Kislev 574

(= Hirsch Wolf who died 10 Dec 1813 according to burial list) his wife Hanna = grave 472, his son Mendel = grave 406)

276 = ? ZIPER BAT JOEL of Kleinerdlingen (wife of Baruch) no year mentioned

277 5372-N MOSHE ARON, son of "(text missing)" Nettmann (?) died 2 Sh'vat ? 372 ? (grave 277 a, text in appendix)

2 Sh'vat 372 = 6 Jan 1612 (year probably wrong – transcription error ?)

278 5603-N MENACHEM MENDEL JAKOB, son of Mordechai Jisrael of Hainsfarth died 4 Sivan 603 ?

279 =529-H ASARIA SCHRAGA BEN MEIR of Kleinerdlingen died at the beginning of Iyyar 529 (would be 8 May 1769

according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be Veis Meyer's son, who died 7 May 1769

280 5526-H BES SCHIFRA, daughter of deceased Schlomo of Pflaumloch, wife of Itzik, died 13 Tamuz 526,

(= Lippmann's wife, who died 20 Jun 1766)

281 5592-N JEHUDA LOEB ITZIK of Hainsfarth (son of Schlomo) died 9 Kislev 592 ? (would be 14 Nov 1831 according to hebcal)

282 =535-H HIRSCH BEN JOSEPH MOSHE from Mannheim died New Moon 535 = 1 Iyyar 535

(he was the hazzan of the Jewish community of Hainsfarth and died there 30 Apr 1775)

283 5532-H JITEL BAT JECHESKIEL of Hainsfarth, wife of Jossele, died 14 Iyyar 532

(= Joseph Salomon's wife who died 17 May 1772)

284 5549-H GITEL BAT MOSHE of Hainsfarth (wife of Salman) died 11 Tamuz 549

(= Salomon Marx's wife who died 5 Jul 1789)

285 5536-H BREINLE BAT ABRAHAM of Kleinerdlingen (wife of Moshe Loeb) died Erev Pesach 536 = 28 Mar 1776

death list mentions Moyses Loew's wife, who died 2 Apr 1776

286 5628-H RIFKA (REBEKA) HECKSCHER of Wallerstein (widow of Israel Heckscher = grave 289)

died 15 Av 628 = 3 Aug 1868 at age 72

287 5592-H JEHUDA LOEB HECKSCHER of Wallerstein (son of Jisachar Baer Heckscher) died 6 Elul 592

(would be 1 Sep 1832 according to hebcal) according to death record he died 30 Aug 1832 as "Loeb Baer" at age 82

as a widower, he was a mohel (his wife Schendel = grave 288)

288 5590-H SCHENDEL HECKSCHER of Wallerstein (daughter of Menachem, wife of Loeb Heckscher) died 15 Sivan 590

(would be 6 Jun 1830 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 7 Jul 1830 at age 78

(her husband Jehuda = grave 287)

289 5606-H ISRAEL (JISROEL) HECKSCHER of Wallerstein (son of Loeb Heckscher) died 9 Adar 606 I

= 7 Mar 1846 at age 61, he was a butcher (his parents = grave 287 + 288)

290 5553-? CHAJE, daughter of deceased Jakob Cohen, wife of Chajm Sulz in Wallerstein, died 5 Elul 552 ? (would be 1792 ?)

(year probably wrong, as the surname Sulz only existed since 1813) text in appendix -

she must be the wife of the "Schulklopfer" Haium Sulz, who was born ca 1742 and died 20 Feb 1823 (= grave 865)

there is another wife of Haium Sulz = Veile = grave 471 (his second wife ?)

291 5503-? JACHET SARA BAT MOSHE (the Parnas), wife of Marum Rothschild of Wallerstein

died Pesach 503 (she appears in 1743 burial list without exact date)

292 5510-H (changed from 290) TELZ BAT MOSHE (the Parnas), wife of Laemle Segal,

died 9 Sivan 510 (would be 13 June 1750 according to hebcal) according to burial list t

his must be wife of Laemle Levi's wife of Wallerstein, who died 1750 (her daughter in same grave)

292 5510-H SCHIFRA LAEMLE = text not available, check appendix (she died 510 according to index) according to burial list

she must be Laemle Levi's daughter of Wallerstein who died 1750 (no further details available) her mother in same grave

293 5532-? (changed from 292) MIRJAM BAT "JOKEBLI" (meaning "little Jakob") of Hainsfarth

(wife of Arie Segal in Hainsfarth) died 26 Av 532 ? (would be 25 Aug 1772 according to hebcal) no matching death record

"Arie Segal" might be "Loew Levi" who is mentioned in the 1772 tax list of the lutheran government,

he was the ancestor of the Gift family in Hainsfarth – one of his later descendants was the actress Therese Giehse

294 5532-H (changed from 293) SCHLOMO SALMAN BEN JAKOB "KAVLI" (meaning "little Jakob") of Hainsfarth

died 9 Adar 532 (would be 13 Feb 1772 according to hebcal), according to burial list this must be

Salomon Jakob, who died 4 Mar 1772 (he was grown up, not a child)

295 5532-H (changed from 294) RABBI (master of torah) SCHMUEL BEN (Parnas) JAKOB (called Jokebli) of Hainsfarth

died 16 Cheshvan 532 (would be 24 Oct 1771 according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 18 Oct 1771

295 5370-N NN, daughter of Jakob, wife of Abraham in Wallerstein, died 29 Cheshvan 370 ?

(year must be wrong because of missing parts in original text) text in appendix, grave 295 a

296 5589-H HIRSCH BEN SALMAN of Hainsfarth died 16 Tamuz 589 (would be 17 Jul 1829 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this was Hirsch Hollaender, who died in Munich as a weaver

on 16 Jul 1829 at age 30 (his father was Salomon Josua Hollaender in Hainsfarth)

297 =600-N SCHIMSCHE BEN SALMAN of Hainsfarth died 22 Tamuz 600 ? (would be 23 Jul 1840 according to hebcal)

298 5602-H FANELE (rather Treinle ?), daughter of Salman, wife of Schmuel in Hainsfarth, died 9 Sh'vat 602

(= Samuel Oettinger's wifeTreinle, who died 20 Jan 1842 at age 48 ) same grave as her husband

298 =608-H SCHMUEL OETTINGER of Hainsfarth (son of Benjamin) died 18 Adar I 608 (would be 22 Feb 1848 according

to hebcal) according to death record he died 3 Feb 1848 at age 68 (he was a teacher), same grave as his wife

298 5645-? (changed from 299) VOEGELE, widow of Elchanan Eisik Eismann of Wallerstein, died 24 Kislev 645 = 13 Jun 1884

299 5631-H (changed from 300) PINCHAS SELIGMANN NAPHTALI STEINHARTER of Kleinerdlingen died 9 Iyyar 631

= 30 Apr 1871 at age 76, he was unmarried (son of Naphtali = Hirsch Steinharter)

300 5592-H (changed from 301) HIRSCH BEN SCHIMON of Hainsfarth died 12 Iyyar 592,

according to death record this was Hirsch Simon Gutmann, who died 12 May 1832 at age 85,

(he was married to Voegele, who had died 21 Nov 1831 at age 87)

301 no text available

302 5589-H (changed from 301) NATELE BEN "EISIK ?" of Hainsfarth (a 10 year old child) died 22 "Menachem" = Av 589

(would be 21 Aug 1829 according to hebcal) according to death record this was 11 year old Nathan Gutmann,

who died 22 Aug 1829 - his father was Isak Gutmann

303 5585-? ABRAHAM BEN HIRSCH of Hainsfarth died Pesach VI 585 (would be 20 Nisan 585 = 8 Apr 1825 according to hebcal)

304 5597-? ESTHER BAT LOEB, wife of Joel of Hainsfarth, died Rosh Hashana II 597 ? (transcription error ? - Rosh Hashana II

would be 1 Oct 1837 according to hebcal) according to death record this should be Joel Gutmann's widow Esther,

who died 23 Mar 1837 at age 75

305 5586-H JOEL BEN SCHIMON of Hainsfarth died 25 Nisan 586 (= Joel Simon Gutmann, who died

2 May 1826 at age 72) his wife = grave 304 (his son was Abraham Gutmann)

306 =585-H SCHLOMO SALMAN of Hainsfarth (son of Moshe Moshe) died 25 Tevet 585

(would be 15 Jan 1825 according to hebcal) according to burial list this was Salomon Moses who died 16 Jan 1825

307 =608-H (changed from 306) TELZ, daughter of Jecheskiel, wife of Mordechai Baer of Hainsfarth, died 16 Adar II 608

(would be 21 Mar 1848 according to hebcal) according to death record this was Marx Baer Treuchtlinger's wife Dolz,

who died 20 Mar 1848 at age 59 (her daughter = grave 309)

308 5590-? (changed from 307) ECHESKIEL BEN ELIESER LASI of Hainsfarth died 28 Av 590

(would be 17 Aug 1830 according to hebcal) should be the cattle dealer and widower Ezechiel Neuhaeuser,

who died 28 Jul 1830 at age 69 (he was the father of Immanuel Neuhaeuser)

309 =590-H (changed from 308) PERL, daughter of Mordechai Baer of Hainsfarth died 25 Nisan 590 (would be 18 Apr 1830

according to hebcal) according to death record this was Berl Treuchtlinger, who died 21 Apr 1830 at age 17,

she was the daughter of Marx Baer Treuchtlinger) same grave as Nene Lea her mother = grave 307)

309 5590-H NENE LEA BAT LOEB, wife of Schlomo Loeb in Hainsfarth, died 12 Nisan 590

(= Salomon Loew Joseph Gottlieb's wife Nenn, who died 5 Apr 1830 at age 63) same grave as Perl (her sister ?)

310 5653-H ESTHER KOCH of Wallerstein ? died 16 Cheshvan 653 (21 May 1856 – 5 Nov 1892)

311 =600-H SPRINZ BAT JOSSELE, wife of Natte Ansbacher in Hainsfarth, died 26 Adar II 600 (would be 31 Mar 1840

according to hebcal) according to death record this was the teacher Nathan Ansbacher's widow Sprinz,

who died 1 Apr 1840 at age 85

312 = ?-N MIRJAM SARA "MENLI" (?) SELZ SEGAL (unmarried) of Hainsfarth died 4 Av 605

(would be 7 Aug 1845 according to hebcal) no such record in Hainsfarth

313 =644 BERTHA KOCH (nee Behr) 31 Mar 1826 – 2 Nov 1883

314 =655-H CHAJM BEN JOSEPH HALEVI KOCH died 19 Iyyar 655

(= Heinrich Koch of Wallerstein, who died 13 May 1895) grave 314 a

314 =646 HERRMANN KOCH died 1886 (grave 314 b)

315 =651-? KATI GITEL BAT JITZCHAK, wife of Abraham Meir von Weimersheim,

died 12 Nisan 651 (would be 20 Apr 1891 according to hebcal)

316 =647-? KLAERLE, wife of Lippmann Hirsch Wild of Wallerstein, died 12 Iyyar 647 (would be 6 May1887 according to hebcal)

same grave as her husband

316 =648-? LIPPMANN HIRSCH WILD of Wallerstein died 15 Sh'vat 648 (would be 28 Jan 1888 according to hebcal)

same grave as his wife Klaerle nee Lang (his daughter Nanette = grave 322, his son Herrmann = grave 318

317 = ?-N JAKOB KETRIEL (= "my crown is g'd" ?) BEN JOEL FLESCH of Hainsfarth died 3 Kislev 610

(would be 18 Nov 1849 according to hebcal) his father Joel Flesch had died 28 Aug 1826 at age 84 (= grave 321)

318 =652-? HERRMANN NAPHTALI BEN ISAK WILD of Wallerstein died 1 Sh'vat 652 = (would be 30 Jan 1892 acc. to hebcal) he was the son of butcher Isak Wild (grave 989) and his wife Hanna nee Mayer (grave 322) – his sister = grave 990

319 5605-H ELA, widow of Salman Flesch of Hainsfarth, died 25 Tishrei 509 ? (wrong year, rather 505)

(25 Tishrei 505 would be 8 Oct 1844 according to hebcal) according to death record this was Salomon Flesch's widow

Ellie, who died 10 Oct 1844 at age 66 (her husband = grave 320)

320 5602-H SCHLOMO SALMAN BEN JOEL FLESCH of Hainsfarth died 19 Nisan 512 ? (wrong year, must be 602 –

19 Nisan 602 would be 30 Mar 1842 according to hebcal) according to death record this was Salomon Flesch,

who died 22 Mar 1842 at age 73 (his wife = grave 319)

321 5586-H JOEL BEN SCHLOMO SALMAN of Hainsfarth died 26 "Menachem" 586 = 26 Av 586 (according to death record

this must be Joel Salomon Flesch, who died 28 Aug 1826 as a widower at age 84) as 26 Av 586 would have been

29 Aug 1826, he must have died in the evening of 28 Aug), he probably had settled in Hainsfarth around 1769

as Joel Salomon, the last name Flesch was adopted in 1813 (his sons = graves 317 + 320)

322 5585-? SALMAN BEN MORDECHAI called HIRSCH of Hainsfarth died Friday 1 Cheshvan 586 (wrong year, rather 585)

according to burial list this must be "Salomon Moses, son of Moses Hirsch", who died 16 Jan 1825 = 26 Tevet 585

(in 1813 he had adopted the surname "Laubheimer")

322 =658-H THERESE RUTH, daughter of Jitzchak Wild in Wallerstein, died 15 Cheshvan 658 (would be 12 Nov 1897

according to hebcal), according to death record this was Therese Wild, who died 10 Nov 1897 at age 22

(text in appendix, grave 322 a) – she was the daughter of butcher Isaac Wild + wife Hanna nee Mayer (grave 989)

322 =674-H HANNA BAT KALA died 20 Cheshvan 674 = 20 Nov 1913 according to hebcal

(= Johanna Wild nee Mayer 3 Jun 1843 – 20 Nov 1913) text in appendix, grave 322 b – she was the wife of butcher

Isak Wild in Wallerstein (grave 989), her daughter Theres = same grave, her son Herrmann = grave 318

323 5584-? ABRAHAM BEN JECHESKIEL 584 = 1813/14

according to burial list this may be Abraham of Oberdorf, who died 13 Mar 1814 ?

324 5488-? JAKOB KOPPEL, son of Elieser of Oettingen, died 17 Tevet 488 ? (would be 30 Dec 1727 according to hebcal)

same grave as Pessla = his wife

324 5485-? PESSLA, daughter of Joseph, wife of Jakob Koppel of Oettingen, died 18 Kislev 485 (would be 4 Dec 1724

according to hebcal) same grave as Jakob = her husband, burial list shows Koppel's widow in Oettingen in 1724/25

(no exact date given)

325 5495-N JOSEPH BEN JITZCHAK EISIK of Oettingen died 6 Tishrei 495 ? (would be 3 Oct 1734 according to hebcal)

326 5598-N VOEGELE BAT LIPPMANN, wife of Joseph Loeb of Hainsfarth, died 11 Adar 598 ?

(would be 3 Mar 1838 according to hebcal)

327 ELCHANAN BEN ABRAHAM died (…?) Adar (no other information)

328 5600-? MENACHEM MENDEL BEN SCHLOMO SALMAN of Wallerstein, died 26 Iyyar 599 ?

(would be 10 May 1839 according to hebcal) nearest match = Mendel (Max) Crailsheimer, who was born 9 May 1818

in Hainsfarth and died as a glazier in Wallerstein 21 Feb 1840 = 17 Adar I 600, his father was the cattle dealer

Samson Baer Crailsheimer in Hainsfarth (born ca 1765 in Jochsberg)

329 =510-N SCHENDEL SARA BAT MOSHE, wife of Salman in Hainsfarth,

died 13 "Menachem" 510 = 13 Av 510 ? (would be 15 Aug 1750 according to hebcal)

330 5514-H CHAJM BEN MOSHE of Wallerstein died 4 Kislev 514 (would be 30 Nov 1753 according to hebcal)

(death entry in taxlist shows "Hajum Mauschi" = 19 Dec 1753)

331 5535-N SCHLOMO SALMAN of Hainsfarth died 1 Adar 535 ? (would be 1 Feb 1775 according to hebcal)

332 5562-H ABRAHAM GERSON BEN MOSHE of Wallerstein died 27 Iyyar 562 (would be 29 May 1802 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this must be Gerson Moises, who died 19 Sep 1802 (his wife had died before = 10 Aug 1802)

maybe he was a brother of Löw Gerson Sonnenfeld and Jonas Gerson Sonnenfeld ?

332 5549-N HENDELE BAT SCHLOMO of Wallerstein died 4 Tamuz 549 ? (would be 28 Jun 1789 according to hebcal)

333 5382-N SARA, wife of Moslan ? of (no village mentioned) died 12 Kislev 382 ?

(would be 25 Nov 1621 according to hebcal – probably error in notation)

334 =310-N MOSHE BEN MORENU SCHMUEL (no village mentioned) died 1 Elul ? no year given,

in original index = year 310 ? (probably error in notation)

the father probably served as Rabbi for the Jeshiva in Wallerstein

335 5526-H CHAJM BEN SCHIMON JEHUDA of Oettingen died 7 Nisan 526 (would be 17 Mar 1766 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this was Hayum Springer, who died 18 Mar 1766 (his wife = grave 336 ?)

336 5509-? HENDLE LEA BAT SCHMUEL, wife of Chajm in Oettingen, died 21 Adar (no year given, year 509 in index)

would be 11 Mar 1749 according to hebcal (may be wife of Hayum Springer = grave 335 ?)

337 =524 ABRAHAM WOLF, son of Benjamin (called Wolf), of Oettingen, died erev shabat kodesh at sukkot II, no month given

(according to burial list he was noted on 26 Sep 1763, which may be the date of payment for the burial fees) in fact he died

on Friday evening 23 Sep 1763 = day after sukkot II, he was buried on sunday 25 Sep as next day after shabat (chol hamoed),

he was the Oettingen District Rabbi 1753-1764, Akrostichon = "Abraham Oettingen"

338 5510-N JITLE BAT MEIR NACHUM of Oettingen died 18 Av 510 (would be 20 Aug 1750 according to hebcal)

339 5503-N FRADEL BAT JEHUDA LOEB (of Pflaumloch), wife of Eisik in Oettingen, died 5 Av 503

(would be 26 Jul 1743 according to hebcal)

340 =502 ? MOSHE BEN JOSEPH (a Rabbi ?) of Oettingen died 27 Tevet 502 (would be 3 Feb 1742 according to hebcal)

(both father and son were people of great torah knowledge)

341 5603-H MADELE MIRJAM BELA BAT LOEB GIFT of Hainsfarth died 25 Av 603

(would be 21 Aug 1843 according to hebcal) according to death record this was Leopold Gift's

two years old daughter Mirjam, who died 24 Aug 1843

342 5596-H HIRSCH BEN JEHUDA SEGAL of Hainsfarth died 27 Cheshvan 596

(= Hirsch Levi Gift, who died as a widower 19 Nov 1835 at age 84, he was an iron dealer)

343 =558-H PERL BAT HIRSCH, wife of Schlomo in Hainsfarth, died 10 Tevet 588 (would be 28 Dec 1827 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Berl Reiter, who died 22 Dec 1827 at age 78,

her busband Salomon Reiter (a horse dealer) died 19 Oct 1838 at age 87

344 =631-H JITZCHAK (called Isaak) SCHNATTINGER of Kleinerdlingen (son of Moshe) died 29 Iyyar 631

(= 20 May 1871 at age 79, he had a business as a "traiteur" = innkeeper in Noerdlingen) his wife = grave 345

345 =648-H ESTHER SCHNATTINGER (wife of Jitzchak Schnattinger) of Kleinerdlingen

died 29 Nisan 648 = 10 Apr 1888 at age 77 (her husband = grave 344)

346 NATHAN BEN MEIR MOSHE of Oettingen (no death date given)

347 5605-H ELIESER SUSSMANN BUERGER of Hainsfarth died 13 Sh'vat 605 = Sussmann Buerger, who died as a widower

21 Jan 1845 at age 65, he was born ca 1781 as son of Meir Moshe in Oettingen, his wife Breinle nee Meyer

(widowed Rosenthaler) see grave 231

348 =608-H SCHIMON OBERMAIER of Hainsfarth, son of Natte Michael, died 4 Tamuz 608

(would be 5 Jul 1848 according to hebcal)according to death record this was Nathan Michael Obermaier's son Simon,

who died 4 Jul 1848 at age 22, he was unmarried

349 =596-H PESSLA LEA, daughter of Schimon, wife of Natte Michael in Hainsfarth, died 8 Kislev 586

(would be 18 Nov 1825 according to hebcal) wrong year, rather 596 ? - according to hebcal 8 Kislev 596 would be

29 Nov 1835, according to death record she died 24 Nov 1835 at age 40, she was the wife of Parnas Nathan Michael

Obermaier, who married again 13 Aug 1839 (his second wife = Therese, widow of Hirsch Neubauer in Munich)

350 5595 MOSHE OBERMAIER of Hainsfarth died Erev Rosh Hashana 594 = Moises Nathan Obermaier,

who died 13 Sep 1833 at age 76 (he was Nathan Michael Obermaier's son)

351 5606 RESEL nee Blumenthal , wife of cattle dealer Benjamin Schoenemann in Hainsfarth, died 27 Tishrei 650 ?

(would be 22 Oct 1889 according to hebcal) date is definitely wrong, as she actually died 16 Oct 1846 in Hainsfarth

according to death record, she was Benjamin Schoenemann's second wife (born in Altenmuhr), his first wife = grave 384

(text in appendix)

352 5606-H (changed from 353) SORLE , daughter of Moshe, widow of Loeb Baer of Hainsfarth, died 24 Tevet 606 (would be

22 Jan 1846 according to hebcal) according to death record this was Sara Baer, who died 21 Jan 1846 at age 79

353 =609-H (changed from 352) MOSES BAER of Oettingen (son of Jehuda Moshe) died 5 Elul 609 = 23 Aug 1849 at age 53

354 5605-H (changed from 351) JOSEPH HAUSNER of Hainsfarth (son of Moshe) died 5 Cheshvan 605 = 18 Oct 1844

at age 76, he was married

354 =640-H BLUM BERLINER, daughter of Abraham Obermeier of Treuchtlingen, wife of Abraham Berliner of Roth,

died 23 Iyyar 640 (would be 4 May 1880 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 2 May 1880 at age 84

355 no text available

356 =608-H (changed from 355) HENLE HAUSNER, daughter of Lippmann, widow of Koppel Hausner of Hainsfarth

died 4 Tamuz 608 (would be 5 Jul 1848 according to hebcal), according to death record she died 4 Jul 1848 at age 75

357 5600-H (changed from 356) SCHLOMO LIPPMANN KUGLER, son of Benjamin Kugler of Hainsfarth, died Pesach IV 600

(would be 21 Apr 1840 according to hebcal) according to death record this was Salomon Kugler,

who died 3 Jun 1840 at age 67 as a widower

358 5584-N MICHLE daughter of Hirsch, wife of Jakob of Hainsfarth, died first day of Shavuot 584 ?

(would be 2 June 1824 according to hebcal)

359 5442-N JITZCHAK SELIGMANN BEN WOLF of Fuerth, died 18 Tamuz 442 (would be 24 Jul 1682 according to hebcal)

359 5447-N PESSLE BAT MORDECHAI died 5 Shvat 447 (would be 19 Jan 1687 according to hebcal)

noted as grave 359 a, text in appendix

360 5576 RESI, daughter of Mordechai Gumper, wife of Schimon of Pflaumloch, died Pesach IV

(year ? – maybe 576 ?) (would be 16 Apr 1816 according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be Samson's wife, who died 18 Apr 1816 (also called Theresia) she was an ancestor of Loewengart family (her husband = grave 361)

361 5562 SCHIMON MOSHE, son of Schmuel of Pflaumloch, died Pesach VI 562

(= Samson Samuel, who died 23 Apr 1802 according to tax list)

he was an ancestor of the Loewengart family, who adopted this surname around 1815 (his wife = grave 360)

362 5624-N ESTHER BAT SCHIMON (Schimon was shamesh and grave digger of Wallerstein) died 1 Cheshvan 584

(would be 6 Oct 1823 according to hebcal) text in attachment

363 563-H (changed from 362) VOGEL, daughter of Itzik, wife of Eli "Lachi" of Kleinerdlingen, died Pesach IV 563

(would be 10 Apr 1803 according to hebcal) according to burial list this was wife Elias Lauchheimer's wife,

who died 11 Apr 1803 - her husband died 25 Dec 1811 at age 82

364 ?-N (changed from 363) text not clear: "……" Morenu David Tevli, son of Morenu Mordechai Meir Oettingen

(text was originally obviously illegible)

365 ?-N (changed from 364) DINA, daughter of Jehuda Loeb, wife of deceased Jehuda Loeb (!) of Wallerstein, died first day of ?

(no month and year mentioned – in index = 500 ?) = 1739/40 ?

366 5502-N SCHIMSCHON (rather Samson) NOAH, son of Jehuda Loeb of Wallerstein, died 18 Nisan 502

(would be 22 Apr 1742 according to hebcal)

367 5519-? (changed from 366) MICHLE SARA, daughter of Moshe Abraham Aron Hakohen of Fuerth, wife of Salomon

of Hainsfarth, died 3 Adar I 519 (would be 2 Mar 1759 according to hebcal)

according to burial list nearest match would be Salomon's wife, who died 31 Aug 1759

368 5571-H GELA EPPSTEIN, daughter of Jehuda, wife of Abraham Segal (= Levi) of Kleinerdlingen, died 26 Tishrei 571

= 24 Oct 1810 at age 76 (her husband was a servant of the Jewish community, adopted the surname "Eppstein"

in 1813 and died 17 Aug 1817 at age 79 - his son-in-law Isaac Jacob Harburger from Harburg became the shochet

and hazzan of the Court Jews in Stuttgart around 1803 and stayed in this position for the growing Jewish community

until 1828, when he retired)

369 5520-? NENELE BAT "SANIM" (?), wife of deceased Henle, died 520 (may be Hoenle's wittib of Oettingen

who died 20 Nov 1759) inscription in appendix

369 5550-N NN (girl or wife, 25 years old, died 550 – nothing else mentioned) = 1789/90 (text in appendix)

370 5551-H (changed from 369) SCHULEM, son of Moshe Chajm of Oettingen, died 4 Sh'vat 551

(= Schulm Moyses, who died on 9 Jan 1791 at age 94)

371 5557-H PESSLE, daughter of Abraham, wife of Joseph in Wallerstein, died 5 Adar 557

(= Joseph Loew's wife, who died 3 Mar 1797) Joseph Loeb adopted in 1813 the surname Weinmann

and died 13 Oct 1819, Pessle's son = Anschel Joseph Weinmann = grave 817

372 5577-H MOSHE EISMANN of Wallerstein, son of Henle, died 1 Sivan 577 = 16 May 1817 (his father = grave 373)

373 5540-H ELCHANAN BEN MOSHE of Wallerstein died 18 Adar I 540 (would be 24 Feb 1780 according to hebcal)

according to tax list this was Hoenle Moises, who died 28 Feb 1780 (his son = grave 372)

374 5502-N JITZCHAK BEN ELCHANAN HENLE of Wallerstein died 1 Iyyar 502 ? (would be 5 May 1742 according to hebcal)

375 =529-H ELCHANAN BEN DAVID TEVLI of Oettingen died 2 Cheshvan 529 (= 13 Oct 1768 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this must be Joel Taefele, who died 16 Oct 1768

376 5610 JULIUS WEIL (17 Aug 1812 – 18 Feb 1850) = 7 year old son of Moritz and Charlotte Weil of Wallerstein

377 5574 JITZCHAK JACOB BEN ABRAHAM ISRAEL of Wallerstein died 9 Elul 575 ? (wrong year, rather 574 ?)

(9 Elul 574 would be 14 Sep 1814 according to hebcal)

according to burial record this should be Isaac Abraham Weil, who died 23 Aug 1814 (his wife = grave 378)

378 5605-H HANNA BAT SCHIMSCHON NEUMARK of Wallerstein (widow of Jitzchak Weil) died 17 Adar II 600

( = the widow Hanna Weil of Wallerstein, who died 26 Mar 1845 at age 94) her husband = grave 377

379 ?-N NENE BAT ABRAHAM , wife of Isai Oberdorfer died 25 Sh'vat 561

(would be 5 Feb 1801 according to hebcal)

380 5581-H JONA BEN ABRAHAM ISRAEL of Wallerstein died 4 Adar I 581 (= Jonas Abraham, who died 6 Feb 1821)

381 5509 JEHUDA JAKOB KOPPEL of Kleinerdlingen died 1Tamuz 509 (would be 17 Jun 1749 according to hebcal)

according to tax list information this was Jacob Koppel's son Loew Koppel who died whitsun 1749, leaving a widow behind, who in 1755 got married again in Ichenhausen (grave 454 should be his brother Joseph Koppel)

"Koppel" was a surname for this family from the beginning, when Jacob Koppel settled in Kleinerdlingen around 1682

382 5493-? SARA GITEL BAT KOPPEL, wife of Laemle in Kleinerdlingen, died 25 Adar 493

(entry in burial list 1733 as "Lemle's wife) must be Laemle Gundelfinger's wife

383 5584-H RACHEL BAT HIRSCH, wife of Schimon in Hainsfarth, died 13 Adar I 584 = 12 Feb 1824 grave 383 a, text in appendix

384 5587-H EDEL BAT SALMAN, first wife of Benjamin in Hainsfarth, died 8 Adar 587 = Edel Schoenemann nee Mohr,

who died 7 Mar 1827 at age 34 (she was born in Wassertruedingen), Benjamin Schoenemann's second wife = grave 351

385 =609-H PESSLE BAT SCHMUEL, wife of Schimon Gutmann of Hainsfarth, died 23 Sivan 609

(would be 13 Jun 1849 according to hebcal) according to death record Pessel Gutmann died 12 Jun 1849 at age 60)

386 5639-? TELZ called THERESE, Menachem (= Mendel) David Wolf's widow of Wallerstein, who died 11 Sh'vat 639

(would be 4 Feb 1879 according to hebcal) husband = grave 406

she was born 1811 in Steinhart as Theresia Untermayer and had married Mendel Baer (!) Wolf in 1834 in Wallerstein

387 =633-H SILE BAT MENDEL REISS of Wallerstein died Rosh Hashana 633 (= 3 Oct 1872 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be Zilli Reiss, who died 4 Oct 1872 at age 75, she was unmarried

388 5624-H MENACHEM MENDEL REISS of Wallerstein, son of Moshe Jakob, died 28 Adar I 624

(= the widower Mendel Reiss of Wallerstein, who died 6 Mar 1864 at age 96) his wife = grave 394, daughter = 389

389 5617-H BREIN BAT MENACHEM MENDEL REISS of Wallerstein died 1 Adar 614 ?

(year wrong, must be 617 - 1 Adar 617 = 25 Feb 1857 according to hebcal) according to death record this was

Mendel Reiss' daughter Bertha, who died unmarried 24 Feb 1857 at age 52 (her father = grave 389, mother = grave 394)

390 5606-H SCHMUEL BEN MENDEL REISS of Wallerstein died 3 Tamuz 610 ?

(year wrong, must be 606) (3 Tamuz 606 = 27 Jun 1846 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Samuel Reiss, who died 30 Jun 1846 at age 44, he was unmarried

391 5601-H JOSEPH GUTMANN of Wallerstein died 25 Nisan 601 = 16 Apr 1841 at age 86 (he was unmarried) maybe he was born

ca 1755 as Borich Raphael's son in Kleinerdlingen, which he left after the great fire of 1783, when losing all of his possesions – he even had to send his wife back to her father in Sulzbuerg and moved to Wallerstein together with his

father, who supported him (his mother = grave 781 ?), his father had adopted the surname "Gutmann" in 1813

392 5600-H JOSEPH BEN MENDEL REISS of Wallerstein died 6 Iyyar 600 (= 9 May 1840 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Joseph Reiss, who died 8 May 1840 at age 41, he was a teacher and unmarried

393 5589-? ZIERLE BAT MENDEL of Wallerstein died 25 (no month mentioned) 589, according to death record this must be Mendel Reiss' daughter Zierle, who died 11 Sep 1828 at age 16 (according to hebcal hebrew date must be 3 Tishrei 589)

393 5522-N SORLE BAT MOSHE LOEB, wife of Lippmann in Hainsfarth, died 19 Kislev 522 ?

(would be 15 Dec 1761 according to hebcal) text in appendix as grave 393 a

394 5584-H NUCHA BAT BARUCH SEGAL, wife of Menachem Mendel in Wallerstein died 11 Tamuz 584

must be Mendel Joseph Reiss' wife, who died 7 Jul 1824 - her husband died 6 Mar 1864 in Wallerstein

395 5487-? SARA BAT JAKOB KOPPEL, wife of Naphtali Hirsch in Oettingen died 26 Iyyar 487

(would be 17 May 1727 according to hebcal) burial list of 1727/28 mentions "Hirschen wife"

396 5465-N JAKOB KOPPEL BEN MOSHE DAVID of Oettingen died 10 Iyyar 465 ? (would be 4 May 1705 according to hebcal)

396 5438-N DAVID BAER of Gundelfingen, died Sushan Purim 438

(would be 9 Mar 1678 according to hebcal) grave 396 a, text in appendix

397 5471-? JOSEPH DAVID BEN NATHAN of Oettingen died 9 Tevet 471 (would be 31 Dec 1710 according to hebcal)

398 5619-H MOSHE REISS BEN JAKOB JOSEPH of Wallerstein died 21 Adar II 619 (would be 25 Feb 1859 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be Moses Reiss, who died 27 Mar 1859 at age 82, he was unmarried

399 =590-H JOSEPH SCHMUEL BEN DAVID TEVLI of Wallerstein died 5 Kislev 590

(= the widower Samuel David Eismann, who died 1 Dec 1829 at age 66)

400 =600-H SCHMUEL BEN MOSHE BEROLZHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen died 6 Tamuz 600

= 7 Jul 1840 at age 22, he was unmarried

401 5609-H VEIS BEN DAVID BEROLZHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen died 17 Iyyar 609 = 9 May 1849 at age 86

402 =626-H LEA (LENA) BAT DAVID EISMANN of Wallerstein died 29 Nisan 626 (would be 10 Apr 1866 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Lena Eismann, who died 14 Apr 1866 at age 25, she was unmarried

(her father = grave 403, her mother = grave 405)

403 =618-H DAVID BEN SCHMUEL EISMANN of Wallerstein died 23 Iyyar 618 = 7 May 1858 at age 67

(his wife Esther = grave 405, his daughter Lea = grave 402)

404 =617-H ELCHANAN HINLEIN BEN SCHMUEL EISMANN of Wallerstein died 3 Kislev 617

(= Hinle Eismann, who died 30 Nov 1856 at age 61)

405 =627-H ESTHER EISMANN of Wallerstein, widow of David Eismann, died 11 Cheshvan 627 (would be 20 Oct 1866

according to hebcal) according to vital records she was born 8 Apr 1800 and died 18 Oct 1866

(her husband David = grave 403)

406 =636-H MENACHEM called MENDEL BAER BEN JAKOB WOLF of Wallerstein died 14 Sh'vat 636

= 9 Feb 1876 at age 76, he was married, he died as "Mendel Wolf" (his wife Telz = grave 386)

(Mendel Wolf's father was named Hirsch Jakob Wolf – see grave 275, his mother was Hanna – see grave 472)

407 =636-H RAPHAEL BEN ELCHANAN EISING of Wallerstein died 4 Sivan 636 = 27 May 1876 at age 61, he was married

408 5635-H EISIK BEN ELCHANAN EISING of Wallerstein died 2 Tamuz 635 = 5 Jul 1875 at age 56 (his wife = grave 410)

he called himself Isaak Eising, his father = grave 409

409 5602-H ELCHANAN HINLEIN BEN JITZCHAK EISING of Wallerstein died 24 Adar 622 = 24 Feb 1862 at age 79

ge called himself Hoenle Isaac Eising, his son = grave 408

410 5631-H PERL, wife of Jitzchak Eisik Eising of Wallerstein, died 3 Nisan 631(would be 25 Mar 1871 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 28 Mar 1871 at age 47, she was Isaak Eising's first wife Bertha nee Neuburger

(her husband = grave 408, she was his first wife)

411 =621-H FANI BAT ABRAHAM OBERMEIER of Treuchtlingen, wife of Abraham Rothenheim in Wallerstein,

died 27 Av621 = 3 Aug 1861 at age 50 (her husband = grave 412)

412 =620-H ABRAHAM BEN JAKOB ISAK ROTHENHEIM of Wallerstein died Shavuot 620 (would be 27 May 1860

according to hebcal) according to death record he died 26 May 1860 at age 61(his wife = grave 411)

413 =605-H MIRJAM ROTHENHEIM of Wallerstein, widow of Seligmann Rothenheim, died as

"Marie Anna" 26 Cheshvan 605 = 8 Nov 1844 at age 72 (her husband = grave 414)

414 5593-H SELIGMANN BEN JITZCHAK ROTHENHEIM of Wallerstein died 16 Iyyar 593 (would be 5 May 1833

according to hebcal)according to death record he died 4 May 1833 at age 66 (his wife = grave 413)

(he was born in Kleinerdlingen and had settled in Wallerstein)

415 =593-H ABRAHAM BEN JONA WEIL of Wallerstein died 6 Tevet 593 (would be 28 Dec 1832 according to hebcal)

aaccording to death record he died 27 Dec 1832 at age 38, his wife Judith = grave 430

416 =591-H KELA BAT ARON, wife of Jona Weil of Wallerstein, died Sukkot 591 (would be 2-8 Oct 1830 according to hebcal)

according to death record she died 3 Oct 1830 as a widow at age 71

416 5584-N GNENDEL HIRSCH 584 = 1813/14 ? (grave 416 b) (check appendix ?)

417 5590-? PESSLE BAT CHAJM WALLERSTEIN, wife of deceased "Feifel" in Pflaumloch, died 5 Nisan 590

(would be 29 Mar 1830 according to hebcal)

418 ?-N JAKOB KOPPEL EMMERICH of Wallerstein, son of Rabbi (Morenu) Moshe Schmuel, died 6 Av 608 ?

(would be 5 Aug 1848 according to hebcal)

419 5629-H GITLA BAT MOSHE , widow of Moshe Zwi Fuchs in Oettingen, died 4 Kislev 629 =

18 Nov 1868 at Kleinerdlingen at age 82 at her sons home as "Karoline"

420 5460-N DINA, daughter of ASCHER MOSHE, wife of Parnas Loeb, died New Moon Tevet 460, where ?

(would be Dec 1699 / Jan 1700) text in appendix

421 5429-N SORLE HIRZ of Wallerstein died 1 Tamuz 429 ? (would be 30 Jun 1669 according to hebcal)

422 5592-H JONA BEN NAPHTALI SCHMUEL GUTMANN of Oettingen died 9 Cheshvan ? 592

(would be 16 Oct 1831 according to hebcal) according to death record this must be Jonas Hirsch Gutmann

of Oettingen, who died 24 Aug 1832 at age 77 as a widower

423 5515-? NAPHTALI HIRSCH SCHMUEL of Oettingen, son of Elchanan of Wallerstein, died 11 Nisan 515

(would be 23 Mar 1755 according to hebcal), first ancestor of Gutmann family in Oettingen ?,

according to entry in taxlist this must be Hirsch Hoenle, who died 15 Nov 1755

424 = ?-N HINCHA NEUMARK of Wallerstein, wife of Schimschon (rather Samson) Neumark

died 6 Iyyar 595 (would be 5 Mar 1835 according to hebcal)

425 =604-H MAIER LOEB NEUMARK, Parnas of Wallerstein, died ("with a kiss") 1 Nisan 604 =

21 Mar 1844 at age 76, his wife Taub = grave 426

426 =608-H TAUB NEUMARK of Wallerstein (widow of Maier Loeb Neumark = grave 425)

died 6 Tishrei 608 = 16 Sep 1847 at age 72

427 5628-H ISAK BEN JAKOB HALEVI STERN of Wallerstein died 2 Adar 628 ? (would be 25 Feb 1868 according to hebcal)

according to death record he died 24 Feb 1868 as "Isak Stern" at age 76, he was married

428 =623-H FRADEL (called FANI) WEIL of Wallerstein died 10 Tamuz 623 = 27 Jun 1863 at age 74, wife of Loeb Weil

429 5606-H ABRAHAM BEN PARNAS ITZIG WEIL of Wallerstein died 24 Tishrei 606 (would be 25 Oct 1845 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Abraham Isac Weil senior, who died 24 Oct 1845, he was married

430 =616-H JITLE BAT SCHMUEL ARIE, widow of Abraham Weil in Wallerstein,

died 23 Cheshvan 616 = 4 Nov 1855 (= Judith Weil, who died at age 87) her husband = grave 415

431 5596-H GITELE BAT EISIK of Oettingen (a child of four years) died 7 Adar 596 (would be 1 Mar 1836 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be Klara 10 Jun 1831 - 25 Feb 1836, daughter of farmer Isak David Gutmann

432 =586-H ISAK EISIK BEN MOSHE of Oettingen (a child) died 16 Cheshvan 586

(= Moses Gutmann's son, who died 28 Oct 1825, 6 1/2 years old)

433 5500-N MENACHEM MENDEL NEUMARK of Oettingen (son of Naphtali Neumark) died …. 500 ?

no exact date date given = 1739/40 ?

434 5492-N NAPHTALI HIRSCH MOSHE NEUMARK of Wallerstein (son of Parnas ? Jehuda Loeb Neumark )

died 22 Adar 492 ? (would be 19 Mar 1732 according to hebcal)

435 5585-N MIRJAM BAT ITZIK of Kleinerdlingen (wife of David) died 25 Cheshvan 585 ?

(would be 16 Nov 1824 according to hebcal)


died 12 Sivan 598 = 5 Jun 1838 at age 56 (his wife + daughter = grave 437) his common name was Hirsch Ehrenstein

437 5664-H RECHELE EHRENSTEIN of Kleinerdlingen died 10 Cheshvan 664 = 31 Oct 1903

(she was unmarried and of old age, she was called "Regina") grave 437 a, text in appendix

437 5626-H SARA (SORLE) EHRENSTEIN of Kleinerdlingen died 3 Iyyar 626

= 18 Apr 1866 at age 82 (her husband Hirsch Ehrenstein = grave 436)

438 5526-? FRUMET of Hainsfarth (wife of Zadok) died 23 Iyyar 526 ? (would be 2 May 1766 according to hebcal)

death date not clear, but this was definitely Zadok (called Zottich) Seligmann's wife, he died 4 Oct 1782 in Hainsfarth,

his descendants adopted surname "Treuchtlinger" in 1813

439 =522-H JITZCHAK BEN SCHIMSCHON of Kleinerdlingen died Pesach 522 (would be 8 – 15 Apr 522 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this was Isaac Springer, who died 19 Apr 1762

440 5533-H SCHIMSCHE SCHWEIZER of Kleinerdlingen (son of Parnas Jehuda Schweizer) died 4 Sh'vat 533

= Samson Loew Schweizer, who died 28 Jan 1773

441 5535-N MOSHE BEN ZWI of Oettingen died Pesach IV 535 ?(would be 18 Apr 1775 according to hebcal)

442 5545-N JITEL RACHEL, wife of Sanwil Hirsch of Oettingen, died Shavuot I 545 ? (would be 15 May 1785 according to hebcal)

443 5541-? SORLE BAT SALMAN, wife of Tevli of Oettingen, died 25 Cheshvan 541 (would be 23 Nov 1780 according to

hebcal) according to death record this should be Henle Hirsch's wife Sorle, who died at age 55 (her daughter = grave 444)

444 5547-H GITEL SANWIL of Oettingen (a girl) died 24 Iyyar 547 = 12 May 1787

(= Guetele, unmarried daughter of Henle Hirsch, she died at age 21) her mother = grave 443

445 5565-N JAKOB BEN CHAJM SEGAL of Hainsfarth died 28 Adar 565 ? (would be 27 Feb 1805 according to hebcal)

446 5570-H JOSCHUA BEN SCHLOMO SALMAN of Hainsfarth died Pesach 570 (would be 19 – 26 Apr 1810 according to hebcal)

according to burial list he died 22 Apr 1810, he died as Josua Salomon (ancestor of Hollaender family)

447 5574-H MIRJAM RACHEL BAT ABRAHAM, wife of Hirsch of Hainsfarth, died 5 Nisan 574 (would be 26 Mar 1814

according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be Hirsch Samuel's wife, who died 31 Mar 1814

448 5577-H BENJAMIN BEN BENJAMIN of Hainsfarth died 25 Nisan 577 = 11 Apr 1817 (according to burial list this must be Benjamin Kugler, whose wife had already died 3 Dec 1813, Benjamin Benjamin originally had settled in Hainsfarth around 1786 at age 30 and had married a girl from Aufhausen) his son Salomon = grave 357, his wife = grave 516 ?

449 5565-H MENACHEM MENDEL BEN SCHMUEL of Oettingen died 5 Nisan 565 (would be 4 Apr 1805 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this was Mendel Schmuel, who died 6 Apr 1805 at age 90

450 5577-H ABRAHAM BEN JONA SCHWAB of Oettingen died 14 Tamuz 577 (would be 28 Jun 1817 according to hebcal)

according to death record the Court Jew Abraham Schwab died 27 Jun 1817 at age 68

(his wife = grave 607, his grandfather = grave 723)

451 5556-H SORLE, wife of Chajm Loeb Berle in Oettingen, died 14 Sh'vat 556

(= Heyum Baer Neuburger's first wife, who died 24 Jan 1796 at age 43) daughter of Moses Hirsch in Treuchtlingen,

her husband changed last name in 1813 to "Goldschmidt" (his grave = 878, grave od second wife = 979)

452 5553-N HANNA, wife of Loeb of Oettingen, died 1 Iyyar 553 ? (would be 13 Apr 1793 according to hebcal)

453 5563-? SCHLOMO ZEEW SALMAN WOLF BEN BENJAMIN of Kleinerdlingen died 10 Kislev 563 ?

(wrong year, rather 568 - 10 Kislev 568 would be 11 Dec 1807 according to hebcal)

according to taxlist information he might have died ca 1808 as "Salomon Wolf Samson" ?

454 =557-H JOSEPH JUDA KOPPEL, son of Jakob (called Koppel) of Kleinerdlingen, died Erev Sh'vat 557 = 28 Jan 1797

(would be 28 Jan 1797 according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 24 Jan 1797

(grave 381 should be his brother Loew Koppel) Koppel was a last name for this family

455 5592-N RESLE BAT MOSHE in Fuerth, wife of Joseph Kohn in Kleinerdlingen,

died 21 Kislev 592 (would be 26 Nov 1831 according to hebcal)

456 5485-N KEHLA, daughter of Joseph Jeremia of Wallerstein, died 7 Adar 485 ?

(probably missing letter in date) (would be 20 Feb 1725 according to hebcal)

457 5627-N RACHEL daughter of Itzchak (called Eisik), wife of Jakob of Wallerstein,

died 6 Elul 627 ? (would be 6 Sep 1867 according to hebcal)

458 = no text available

459 =587-? PESLA, daughter of Nathan, wife of Joseph of Oettingen, died Sunday before Shavuot 587 (would be 21 May 1827

according to hebcal) according to death record = Babette, widow of Joseph Wasser, who died 3 Jun 1827 at age 67

460 5589 KELA, daughter of Aron of Baiersdorf (of Rappaport family ?), wife of Israel Weinheimer (?) of Oberdorf,

died 4 Kislev 595 (would be 6 Dec 1834 according to hebcal) - last name and death date are obviously wrong,

Kela Monheimer was born in September 1760, she died 30 Nov 1829 in Oberdorf and was buried in Wallerstein

according to her own will, she was the first wife of Israel Isac Monheimer (5 Feb 1755 – 29 Jan 1842) in Oberdorf

461 5603-? FRADEL BAT LAZI of Oberdorf, widow of Schimon Hirsch, died 25 Adar 603

(would be 25 Feb 1843 according to hebcal) her sister = grave 462 ?

462 5604-H GELA SARA BAT LAZI, wife of Nathan Oberdorfer in Hainsfarth, died Pesach 604 VIII

(= Nathan Oberdorfer's wife, who died 11 Apr 1844 at age 58) her sister = grave 461 ?

463 5625-? JECHESKIEL HESSEL HINLEIN, son of Schlomo of Wallerstein, died 9 Adar 616 ? -

(wrong year ? rather 625 ? - 9 Adar 625 would be 7 Mar 1865 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be Hessel Hinlein, who died 16 Mar 1865 at age 72 (his wife = grave 464)

464 =637-H FRADEL HINLEIN of Wallerstein, widow of Hessel Hinlein, died 25 Nisan 636 ? (wrong year ? rather 637 ? -

25 Nisan 637 would be 8 Apr 1877 according to hebcal)

according to death record she actually died 7 Apr 1877 at age 86 ( husband = grave 463)

465 =638-H SPRINZLE BAT JAKOB HALEVI STERN of Wallerstein died 14 Elul 638

(= Speranza Stern, who had never married and died 12 Sep 1878 at age 90)

466 5639-H BENJAMIN MOSHE WOLF of Wallerstein died 12 Sivan 639,

(he died as Wolf Wolf 3 Jun 1879 at age 65) his wife Karoline = same grave

466 5653-H KAROLINA WOLF, daughter of Schimon Guggenheimer in Harburg, widow of Benjamin Wolf

of Wallerstein, died 6 Iyyar 653 = 22 Apr 1893, her husband Benjamin = same grave

467 5617-H MOSHE BEN BENJAMIN WOLF of Wallerstein died 2 Kislev 617 (would be 29 Nov 1857 according to hebcal)

according to death record he died 19 Nov 1857 at age 82 (he was Bun's husband)

467 5618-H BUN WOLF (widow of Moshe) of Wallerstein died 10 Elul 618

(she died as Babette Wolf 20 Aug 1858 at age 75) her husband Moshe = same grave

468 5611-H MENACHEM MENDEL WOLF of Wallerstein died 4 Sh'vat 611 (would be 7 Jan according to hebcal)

according to death record he actually died 22 Jan 1851 at age 78, he was not married

469 =597-H MINDEL BAT ISRAEL, wife of Hirsch Sulz of Wallerstein, died Shavuot I 597

= 6 Sivan 597 = 9 Jun 1837 at age 95, widow of Hirsch Mendel Sulz = grave 473

470 =614-H DAVID SEM of Wallerstein, son of Mendel Baer Wolf, died 6 Elul 614 = 30 Aug 1854

(= Mendel Baer Wolf's son David, he was 8 years and 7 months old)

471 =595-N VEILE BAT JOSEPH, wife of Chajm Sulz of Wallerstein, died Wednesday after Purim 595 ?

(would be 18 Mar 1835 according to hebcal) no such death record available

she probably was the second wife of Hayum Sulz = grave 865, his first ? wife = Chaje = grave 290

472 =598-H HANNA BAT MOSHE, wife of Hirsch Wolf of Wallerstein, died 6 Elul 598 (would be 31 Aug 1835 according

to hebcal) according to death record this must be the widow Hanna Wolf who died 27 Aug 1838 at age 85,

her husband Hirsch Wolf = grave 275, her son Mendel Wolf = grave 406)

473 5596-H HIRSCH BEN MENDEL SULZ of Wallerstein died 16 Tamuz 596 = 1 Jul 1836 at age 84 (his wife Mindel = grave 469)

474 =591-H BELA BAT MENACHEM MENDEL SULZ , wife of deceased Abraham "STH" of Wallerstein, died 19 Sivan 591

(= Abraham Steinharter's widow Bel, who died 31 May 1831 at age 90 according to death record)

475 5585-H NACHUM JISACHAR BAER of Wallerstein died 27 Tevet 585 = 17 Jan 1825

476 ?-N HANNA BAT URI, wife of Schlomo in Hainsfarth, died 16 (no month given) 575 = 1814/15

477 5504-? GABRIEL ABRAHAM of Oberdorf, Rabbi (Morenu) and Parnas, "Prince of Torah" , son of the old Torah scholar Rabbi

David "Maluf " ("maluf" is a substitute name for a son, who was born after the death of someone's brother) of Prague –

Gabriel Abraham died on Sukkot IV 504 (would be 6 Oct 1743 acording to hebcal - the 1743 burial list mentions a "Gabriel"

without exact date and death place)

478 5487-? ABRAHAM BEN SCHMUEL of Wallerstein died 23 Adar II 484 (year wrong, rather 487 - 23 Adar II 487 would be

16 Mar 1727 according to hebcal) according to taxlist information Abraham Samuel Kohn, called Frommele,

died before 1728 (burial list mentions "Abraham Weyhl, son of Salomon" in 1727/28, no exact date)

479 5589-H RECHLA BAT ELCHANAN, wife of Jehuda Loeb Weil of Wallerstein, died 16 Kislev 589

(would be 22 Nov 1828 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 20 Nov 1828 at age 66

480 =592-H PERL SARA BAT ABRAHAM, wife of Anschel Wassermann of Wallerstein, died Sukkot II 592

(would be 23 Sep 1831 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 24 Sep 1831 at age 68

(probably daughter of Abraham Schmuel Steinharter of Wallerstein) her husband = grave 481

481 =594-H ANSCHEL BEN ELCHANAN WASSERMANN of Wallerstein died 12 Kislev 594

(would be 24 Nov 1833 according to hebcal) according to death record he died 23 Nov 1833

(he was born 7 Dec 1773 in Harburg as son of Court Jew and Salt Factor Elkan Wassermann) his wife Perl = grave 480

482 =601-H DAVID JEHUDA BEN ANSCHEL WASSERMANN died 22 Sh'vat 601 = 13 Feb 1841(he was born 20 Jul 1797

as son of Amschel Wassermann and had married in 1822 Klara Ballin = daughter of a wine merchant in Segnitz)

483 5613-H SPRINZLE (SOPHIE) BAT DAVID WASSERMANN of Wallerstein died 9 Sivan 613

=15 Jun 1853 at age 22 (she was unmarried)

484 =617-H GELCHE BALLIN (widow of Samson Ballin of Segnitz) died in Wallerstein Erev Shavuot 617 = 28 May 1857 at age 85

485 =637-H ELCHANAN (called Elkan) son of Anschel Wassermann of Wallerstein died 13 Iyyar 637 (would be 26 Apr 1877

according to hebcal) according to death record he died 25 Apr 1877 at age 61 in Bamberg (he was born 1 Sep 1815

in Wallerstein and had founded the Wassermann Bank in Bamberg together with his brother Samuel - he may have had

a rabbinical education, grave inscription mentions Rabbi Joseph Steinhart)

486 =644-H SCHMUEL, son of Anschel Wassermann of Wallerstein died 22 Sh'vat 644 (would be 18 Feb 1884 according to hebcal)

according to death record Samuel Wassermann died 16 Feb 1884 in Bamberg at age 74, where he had founded the Wassermann Bank together with his brother Elkan and where he had lived for 34 years –

he was born in Wallerstein 12 Aug 1810

487 =624-H MOSHE BEN JITZCHAK WEIL of Wallerstein died 22 Cheshvan 624 = 4 Nov 1863 at age 74 (he was unmarried)

488 =?-N DAVID BEN JITZCHAK auf Pflaumloch died 4 Sivan 618

(would be 17 May 1858 according to hebcal) date must be wrong, no matching entry in death records

489 5606-H ANSCHEL CHAJM HIRSCH WASSERMANN of Wallerstein died 19 Cheshvan 606 =

19 Nov 1845 (he was born Pesach 604 and died as "Angelo" )

490 =606-H CHAJM HIRSCH (called HEYMANN) WASSERMANN of Wallerstein, son of Anschel Elkan Wassermann and

his wife Perl, died Jom Kippur 606 = 11 Oct 1845 at age 33 (he was born 15 Sep 1812 and had married

Regina Wassermann in 1840, she was the daughter of David Wassermann in Harburg and his wife Jette)

491 =592-H TOLZ BAT SANDEL, wife of Lazi in Wallerstein, died 21 Sivan 592

(= widow Dolz Lazarus, who died 19 Jun 1832 at age 91)

492 =601-H SCHLOMO BEN ELCHANAN HINLE of Wallerstein died 8 Adar I 601

= Salomon Hinle, who died as a widower 28 Feb 1841 at age 82

493 5588-H SCHIELE HINLE of Wallerstein died 12 Iyyar 588 = 26 Apr 1828 at age 66 as a widower (his wife = grave 494),

surname "Hinle" changed spelling twice: after adoption of surname "Haehnlein" in 1813 it was first changed

to "Hoenle" and then to "Hinle"

494 5584-H RIFKA BAT JOSEPH, wife of Schiele in Wallerstein, died 25 Cheshvan 586 ? (would be 6 Nov 1825

according to hebcal) according to death record she actually died 29 Oct 1823

she was Schiele Hinlein's wife (her husband = grave 493)

495 =486-N GELE BAT SCHMUEL, wife of Moshe of Kleinerdlingen, died 14 Av 486 ?

(would be 11 Aug 1726 according to hebcal)

496 ?-N MOSHE RABBI (?) BEN (deceased) JEHUDA of Oettingen died … Adar 566 = 1806 ?

(Moshe was the Parnas of Oettingen Jewish Community)

497 5465-H ITZIK BEN JEHUDA of Oettingen died 13 Av 465

(would be 3 Aug 1705 according to hebcal) appears in burial record of tax list as Rabbi of Oettingen

498 5467-H SCHIMON BEN SCHLOMO MOSHE of Oettingen died 1 Iyyar 467

(would be 3 May 1707 according to hebcal) appears in burial record of tax list

499 ? DAVID of Oettingen, ordained as a Rabbi (nothing else described)

500 5479- ? JISACHAR JOSCHUA BEER OPPENHEIM of Oettingen died 29 Sivan 479 (would be 16 Jun 1719 according

to hebcal, appears in burial record of taxlist 1718/19), he was known as "Beer Oppenheim" (his wife = grave 501)

501 5487-H ESTHER BAT MORDECHAI HACOHEN, wife of Jisachar Joschua Oppenheim in Oettingen, died last day of Pesach

487 (would be 13 Apr 1727 according to hebcal) she was interred 23 Nisan 487 = 14 Apr 1727 (her husband = grave 500)

502 5519-H CHAJE BAT LIPPMANN, wife of Suesskind (no village mentioned), died 10 Kislev 519

(= Suesskind Beer's widow of Oettingen, who died 10 Dec 1758)

503 ?-N BREINLE BAT SUESKIND of Oettingen died 23 Cheshvan 502 (would be 2 Nov 1741 according to hebcal)

= Suesskind Oppenheim's daughter (same grave as father)

503 5502 SUESSKIND OPPENHEIM of Oettingen, son of Jisachar Beer Oppenheim, died 29 Kislev 502

(would be 7 Dec 1741 according to hebcal), he must have died in 1741,

as taxlist 1741/42 mentions his widow instead of him (father and daughter in one grave)

504 =555-H SCHIMON BEN MOSHE of Kleinerdlingen died 21 Cheshvan 555 = 14 Nov 1794

he died as "Simon Moyses", his widow = Keile

505 5555-H SORLE BAT MEIR, wife of Salman of Hainsfarth, died 26 Tishrei 555 (would be 20 Oct 1794 according to hebcal)

according to burial list Salomon's wife died 21 Oct 1794

506 5557-H BERL, wife of Lasi of Hainsfarth, died 11 Sivan 557 (would be 5 June 1797 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this must be Lazarus Manes' wife, who died 8 Jun 1797

507 =583-H HANNA, wife of still living Elieser Lazi of Hainsfarth, died 25 "Menachem"583 = 25 Av 583

(would be 2 Aug 1823 according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be Lazarus Meier's wife,

who died 3 Aug 1823 (Lazarus Moises Loew was born ca 1752 in Kleinerdlingen, settled in Hainsfarth ca 1785 and

adopted the surname "Meier" in 1813, he died 14 Dec 1829 at age 78)

508 5574-N NATHAN ZEVULUN (meaning "one of the tribes") called NATTE BEN DAVID of Hainsfarth

died 2 Cheshvan 574 (would be 26 Okt 1813 according to hebcal)

509 ? SCHLOMO BEN JAKOB (no year mentioned ?)

510 5545-H DAVID JAKOB BEN NATHAN called NATTE of Oettingen died 22 Adar I 545

(would be 4 Mar 1785 according to hebcal) according to burial he died 6 Mar 1785

511 5545-H ANSCHEL BEN JACOB of Oettingen died 17 Sivan 545 = 26 May 1785, according to death record

this was Amson Jakob, who died at age 38 he was an ancestor of the Frohmann family in Oettingen

512 5536-? SIMON, son of Jitzchak of Kleinerdlingen, died Cheshvan 536 ? (would be Oct/Nov 1775)

a Simon Isaac died ca 1769

513 =532-H DAVID BEN JEHUDA MOSHE of Hainsfarth died Tuesday after Shavuot = 7 Sivan 532

(would be 8 Jun 1772 according to hebcal) according to burial list this was the Parnas David who died 9 Jun 1772

514 ?-N JOSEPH BEN SELIGMANN of Hainsfarth died 5 Iyyar 487 (would be 26 Apr 1727 according to hebcal) wrong date ?

a Joseph Seligmann settled and married in Hainsfarth in 1720, he died 23 Mar 1772 as a widower

514 ?-N KINDEL, wife of Joseph of Hainsfarth, died Pesach 587 ? (would be 12 – 19 Apr 1827)

she may have been Joseph Seligmann's wife and may have died in 487 = 1726/27

515 =555- BELA LEA BAT MOSHE, wife of deceased hazzan Abraham Katz (a Cohen ?) of Wallerstein, died 555

(no exact date mentioned) may be Abraham Weil's widow, who died 13 Apr 1795 ?

516 5574-H SORLE CHAVA RIFKA BAT RAPHAEL, wife of Benjamin of Hainsfarth, died 17 Kislev 574

(would be 10 Dec 1813 according to hebcal) according to burial list this was Benjamin's wife, who died 3 Dec 1813

(probably wife of Benjamin Kugler = grave 448)

517 5577-H ISAK EISIK BEN RAPHAEL of Wallerstein died 4 Elul 577 (would be 16 Aug according to hebcal), according

to burial list this was Isac Raphael Eising, who died 20 Aug 1817 (his wife = grave 518) – "Eising" was a surname

518 5590-H MICHLE BAT ELCHANAN, wife of Isak Eising in Wallerstein, died Shavuot II 590 (would be 29 May 1830

according to hebcal)according to death record this was the widow Michla Eising, who died 30 May 1830 at age 85

(her husband = grave 517) – "Eising" was a surname

519 5535-H TELZ BAT NATHAN, wife of Nette in Hainsfarth, died 26 Elul 535 (would be 21 Sep 1775 according to hebcal)

according to burial record this must be Nathan David's wife, who died 30 Sep 1775 -

Nathan David died as Nathan Hainsfarther 16 Jul 1794 in Hainsfarth as head of the Jewish community,

Nathan David's son Moyses Nathan kept the last name Hainsfarther, his wife = grave 522

520 5559-N MOSHE BEN JOSEPH of Hainsfarth died 25 Iyyar 559 ? (would be 30 Mai 1799 according to hebcal)

521 5544-N ESTHER BAT MOSHE, daughter of "Mashul", wife of Mendel in Hainsfarth, died 4 Nisan 544

(would be 26 Mar 1784 according to hebcal)

522 5585-? SARA BAT ELIESER, wife of Moshe in Hainsfarth, died 23 Kislev 585 (would be 14 Dec 1824 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this must be "wife of Moses" who died 14 Nov 1824 (probably Moses Nathan Hainsfarther's wife)

523 5562-H MOSHE GABRIEL BEN RABBI NAPHTALI of Oettingen died 16 Iyyar 562

(= Gabriel Hirsch, who died 18 May 1802 at age 64)

524 5566-N ELIESER LAZI BEN MOSHE LOEB of Hainsfarth died 9 Kislev 566 ?(would be 30 Nov 1805 according to hebcal)

525 5555-? LEA BAT ASCHER SALMAN of Kleinerdlingen died 14 Kislev 555 ? (would be 16 Dec 1794 according to hebcal)

probably daughter of Rabbi Substitute Salomon Laemle Marx ?

526 =555-N MOSHE SCHLOMO BEN MOSHE JOSEPH of Kleinerdlingen died 16 Iyyar 555 ?

(would be 15 Mai 1795 according to hebcal)

527 5535-? RAPHAEL BEN JOSEPH HALEVI of Kleinerdlingen died 1 Adar 535 ? (would be 1 Feb 1775 according to hebcal)

according to taxlist information he must have died 24 Feb 1773 as "Raphael Joseph"

528 5534-N NATHAN (called Natte) BEN ELI of Oettingen, died 9 Iyyar 534 ? (would be 20 Apr 1775 according to hebcal)

529 5483-N REUBEN SELIGMANN, son of teacher and Rabbi Abraham of Kleinerdlingen,

died Shavuot I 483 ? (would be 9 Jun 1723 according to hebcal)

530 5474-N SARA MERLE , wife of Abraham Schwab of Oettingen, died 16 Sivan 474 ?

(= 30 May 1714 according to hebcal) her husband = grave 723

531 5605-H PINCHAS JAKOB KATZENELLENBOGEN, District Rabbi in Oettingen for 50 years, died 7 Tamuz 605 = 12 Jul 1845

at age 76 (his grandfather's first wife = grave 003)

532 5555-H JAKOB PINCHAS KATZENELLENBOGEN, District Rabbi in Oettingen for over 30 years,

died 11 Jul 1795 = 24 Tamuz 555 at age 71 (his father's first wife = grave 003)

533 5513-H ESTHER EDEL MICHAL BAT RABBI (man of torah knowledge) ABRAHAM ASCHER, wife of the Great Head of the

Rabbinical Court (?) Rabbi Abraham Mahler in Oettingen (who had become by this time Head of the Rabbinical Court

in Bamberg), died Monday 15 Tishrei 513 (would be 23 Sep 1752 according to hebcal), the 1751/52 burial list mentions

"Rabbi's wife of Oettingen", no exact date mentioned

534 5532-H BELA RIFKA BAT SCHIMON of Kleinerdlingen died "Menachem" = Av 532

(= Simon Moyses' daughter who died 23 Aug 1772 according to burial list)

535 5581-N VESLE FEIGELE BAT MOSHE, wife of Moshe in Oettingen, died 6 Adar 581 ?

(would be 8 Feb 1821 for Adar I according to hebcal)

536 5584-H MINDELE RIFKA BAER of Wallerstein died 1 Kislev 584 = 4 Nov 1823 (she was the daughter of Bernhard Engel)

537 5593-H JISACHAR BAER BEN LOEB of Wallerstein died 14 Adar 591 ? wrong year, rather 593 ?

(14 Adar 593 would be 5 Mar 1833 according to hebcal) should be Bernhard Loeb Engel, who died 8 Mar 1833 at age 67

he was the brother of Mendel and Jonas Engel

538 5601-H JONA BEN LAEMLE of Wallerstein died 20 Kislev 601 (= Jonas Engel, who died 14 Dec 1840 as a widower)

539 5612-H MENACHEM (MENDEL) ENGEL of Wallerstein (son of Loeb) died (…) 612

(= 10 Jan 1852 at age 85) his wife = grave 540

540 =618-H LEA ENGEL of Wallerstein (daughter of Jossel) died 29 Av 618 (would be 9 Aug 1858 according to hebcal)

according to burial list she died 7 Aug 1858 at age 90 as a widow, her husband = grave 539

541 5593-H DAVID ABRAHAM BEN JOSEPH ULMANN of Wallerstein died 25 Sivan 593 = 12 Jun 1833

(according to death record he died at age 72, his wife Hendel = grave 542)

542 =601-H HENDELI RIFKA ULMANN of Wallerstein, wife of David Ulmann, died 25 Tishrei 601 (would be 22 Oct 1840

according to hebcal) according to death record she died 21 Oct 1840 at age 77 (her husband = grave 541)

543 =601-H SCHENLE ORDENSTEIN, daughter of Joseph Ordenstein of Wallerstein, died 11 Kislev 601 (would be 6 Dec 1840

according to hebcal) according to death record she died 23 Nov 1841 (a child named Jeannette) her father = grave 544

544 5603-H JOSEPH ABRAHAM ORDENSTEIN of Wallerstein died 4 Tishrei 603

(= 8 Sep 1842 at age 38, he was married) his daughter = grave 543

545 =637-H GELA OBERDORFER of Wallerstein died 20 Elul 637 (would be 29 Aug 1877 according to hebcal)

according to burial list she died 27 Aug 1877 at age 77 as a widow (her husband Mendel = grave 546)

546 =636-H MENACHEM MENDEL OBERDORFER of Wallerstein died Pesach I 636 = 9 Apr 1876

at age 76 (his wife Gela = grave 545)

547 =638 LIEBERMANN OBERDORFER of Wallerstein died 6 Mar 1878 at age 69, he was unmarried

548 =620-H ELIESER JAKOB REDELSHEIMER of Wallerstein died 3 Sivan 620

(= Lazarus Redelsheimer, who died 24 May 1860 at age 43, he was married) his father = grave 549

549 5620-H JAKOB BEN SCHIMON REDELSHEIMER of Wallerstein died 4 Adar 620 (would be 27 Feb 1860 according to hebcal)

according to burial list he died 22 Feb 1860 at age 73, he was married (his wife = grave 552, his son = grave 548)

550 5619-H ARON DAVID REDELSHEIMER of Wallerstein died 28 Tevet 619 = Bernhard Redelsheimer, who died 4 Jan 1859

at age 35, his wife was Regina nee Wassermann, his daughter = grave 551

551 5619-H LEA LUISE REDELSHEIMER, daughter of Aron David Redelsheimer in Wallerstein,

died 2 Tevet 619 = 9 Dec 1858 as a child of 8 years (her father = grave 550)

552 5608-H LEA REDELSHEIMER, wife of Jakob Redelsheimer in Wallerstein died 18 AdarII 608 =

23 Mar 1848 (her husband = grave 549)

553 5595-H BREINDEL BAT MOSHE SANDEL of Pflaumloch died 10 Kislev 595 (would be 12 Dez 1834 according

to hebcal) according to burial list this was Sandel Kronheimer's second wife, who died 8 Dec 1834 at age 53

(she was the daughter of Moshe Hechinger in Kleinerdlingen and Bezalel's sister = same grave)

Breindels husband died as "Israel" Kronheimer 11 Oct 1842, he was buried in Pflaumloch

553 5592-H BEZALEL BEN MOSHE HECHINGER of Kleinerdlingen died 26 Iyyar 592 (= Bezalel Blumenstaetter, who died

26 May 1832 at age 53), his wife Rebeka died 24 Jun 1826 at age 57, couple changed surname "Hechinger"

into "Blumenstaetter" (Bezalel was obviously the brother of Breindel in same grave)

554 no text available

555 =595-H ESTHER BAT GERSON, wife of Itzik Eschwege in Wallerstein, died 13 Adar 590 ?

(wrong year, rather 595 ? - 13 Adar 595 would be 14 Mar 1835 according to hebcal)

according to death record this actually was the widow Esther Eschwege, who died 14 Mar 1835 at age 68

556 5601-H JOSEPH BEN MENACHEM FELDMAIER of Wallerstein died 4 Adar I 601 = 24 Feb 1841 at age 74 as a widower

557 5595-H JONA BEN GERSON of Wallerstein died 26 Tishrei 595 (would be 29 Okt 1834 according to hebcal)

according to death record this should be Jonas Gerson Sonnenfeld, who died 25 Nov 1834 at age 68, he was divorced

558 5584-H JEHUDA BEN GERSON of Wallerstein died 14 Kislev 584 (= Loew Gerson Sonnenfeld, who died 17 Nov 1823)

559 5504 SARA RIFKA BAT NATHAN, wife of Henle, died 15 Tishrei 504 (would be 3 Oct 1743 according to hebcal)

burial list mentions "wife of Haenle Moyes of Wallerstein" with no exact date

560 5476-? BREINDLE, wife of Jona in Kleinerdlingen, died 5 Sh'vat 476 (would be 29 Jan 1716 according to hebcal)

taxlist shows a Jona in 1716

561 5477-? JITEL BAT BENJAMIN SEGAL, wife of Schmuel in Kleinerdlingen, died 16 Sivan 477 ?

(would be 26 Mai 1716 according to hebcal) taxlist shows a Schmuel in 1716

562 ?-N RIFKA SCHEINLE SCHIFRA BAT NATHAN, wife of Loeb in Oettingen, died 25 Nisan ?

(no year mentioned in text, but 496 in index) ?

563 ?-N ABRAHAM BEN RUBEN SCHIMON of Kleinerdlingen died 494 (no exact date given) would be 1743/44 ?

564 506-? BARUCH BEN JONA of Kleinerdlingen died 494 (no exact date given) year must be wrong ! According to burial entry

in tax list he must have died around 1746, he was the father-in-law of Laemle Gundelfinger's (= grave 565) first marriage

565 5522-H ASCHER LAEMLE BEN JISACHAR MORDECHAI of Kleinerdlingen died Pesach 522 (would be 8 – 15 Apr 1762

according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be Laemle Marx Gundelfinger, who had settled in Kleinerdlingen around 1720 and who died 16 Apr 1762 (father-in-law of his first marriage was Baruch ben Jona = grave 565)

his first wife had died ca 1734, his second wife = grave 566

566 5533-? FRADEL, daughter of deceased Parnas David, wife of Itzik called Laemle Gundelfinger in Kleinerdlingen,

died fourth day of Chol Hamoed Sukkot 533 = 17 Oct 1772

(according to burial list this must be Laemle Gundelfinger's second wife, who died 12 Dec 1772)

567 5543-? MESHULAM (called SALOMON), son of Ascher (who was called Laemle Gundelfinger) of Oettingen ,

he died 23 Sh'vat 596 ? as an old man (he was a Rabbi)

(23 Sh'vat 596 would be 11 Feb 1836 according to hebcal) date must be wrong !

according to tax list information this was Salomon Laemle Marx, who served as Rabbi Substitute in Kleinerdlingen

from 1745 until his death around 1783 (his father Laemle Gundelfinger = grave 565)

568 5577-H BARUCH BEN MESHULAM (called SALMAN) of Kleinerdlingen died 6 Tevet 577 (would be 25 Dec 1816

according to hebcal) according to death record this must be Baruch Salomon Hirnheimer who died 24 Dec 1816

at age 58 (his father was Rabbi Substitute Salomon Laemle Marx = grave 567), Baruch's wife = grave 957

569 5566-H SARA (SORLE) BAT FEISEL, wife of Moshe Feldmaier in Wallerstein, died 4 Nisan 566

(=Moises Maendel's widow, who died 23 Mar 1806)

570 5546-H CHAJM BEN MENACHEM MENDEL JOSEPH of Hainsfarth died 26 Kislev 546

(would be 28 Nov 1785 according to hebcal) according to burial list this was Hajum Maendel, who died 29 Nov 1785

571 5574-H GITEL BELA BAT MORDECHAI, widow of Mendel in Hainsfarth, died 12 Nisan 574 = 2 Apr 1814

572 5549-H SORLE BAT ELI, wife of Parnas Mordechai in Hainsfarth, died 4 Av 549 (would be 27 Jul 1789 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this was Marx Hirsch's widow, who died 28 Jul 1789 (ancestor of Oberdorfer family)

573 5571-? MORDECHAI BEN NAPHTALI (called HIRSCH) a child of Hainsfarth died 10 Av 571

= 31 Jul 1811 (burial list indicates "son of Hirsch") Mordechai's sister = grave 574 ?

574 ?-N TREINLE SARA BAT NAPHTALI (called HIRSCH) a child of Hainsfarth, died 26 Tevet 563

(would be 20 Jan 1803) Treinle's brother = grave 573 ?

575 no text available

576 5573-H MORDECHAI BEN HIRSCH MICHAEL of Oettingen died Pesach II 573 (would be 16 Apr 1813 according to hebcal)

according to burial list he died 17 Apr 1813 at age 11, he was Hirsch Michael Badmann's son

577 5559-H MOSHE LOEB BEN SCHMUEL of Hainsfarth died 1 Sh'vat 559 = 7 Jan 1799

578 =569-H SER BAT SALMAN, wife of Mendel in Oettingen, died Pesach 569 (would be 1-8 Apr 1809 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Sela, wife of Mendel Koppel of Oettingen, she died 6 Apr 1809 at age 63

Mendel Koppel died 24 May 1811 at age 60 (= grave 841), his descendants adopted the surname Badmann in 1813

579 5566-? RACHEL RIFKA BAT LESER , wife of Baruch Segal of Wallerstein, died 20 Kislev 566

(would be 11 Dec 1805 according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be Borich Raphael's second wife, who died

25 Nov 1805 (her husband and family in 1785 after the great fire had moved from Kleinerdlingen to Wallerstein, where

Borich Raphael died as a widower 7 Dec 1813) he had adopted the surname Gutmann - he was not in this grave list

580 5578-H SCHLOMO BARUCH LOEB of Kleinerdlingen died 6 Tishrei 578

(= Salomon Baruch Hechinger, a milkman who died 16 Sep 1817 at age 66)

581 ?-N GITELE TAMAR BAT MOSHE, wife of Baruch of Kleinerdlingen, died 12 Adar 573 ?

(would be 12 Feb 1813 according to hebcal)

582 5571-H MIRJAM BAT HIRSCH (born in Wallerstein ?), wife of Moshe Hechinger in Kleinerdlingen, died 15 Cheshvan 571

(would be 12 Nov 1810 according to hebcal) according to burial list she died 14 Nov 1810 at age 69

583 ?-N GELA BAT SCHLOMO of Kleinerdlingen died 3 Adar I 518 ? (would be 11 Feb 1758 according to hebcal)

584 ?-N BREINDEL RIFKA BAT MOSHE SEGAL, wife of Naphtali Hirsch Schmuel in Oettingen,

died 23 Cheshvan 561 ? (would be 11 Nov 1800 according to hebcal)

585 ?-N FRADEL LEA, daughter of Parnas Jona, wife of Moshe Tidlingen (?) Segal in Oettingen,

died 12 Elul 529 (would be 15 Sep 1769 according to hebcal)

586 ?-N BREINLE BAT MOSHE, wife of Isserle (Israel ?) of Kleinerdlingen, died 6 Cheshvan 535 ?

(would be 11 Oct 1774 according to hebcal)

587 5504-? BREINLE BAT ABRAHAM, wife of Nette in Oettingen, died 26 Tishrei 504

(according to hebcal 26 Tishrei 504 would be 3 Sep 1744) appears in 1743 burial record, no exact date mentioned

588 ?-N JITZCHAK EISIK BEN NATHAN NETTE of Oettingen died 3 Iyyar 510 ? (would be 9 Mai 1750 according to hebcal)

589 ?-N SCHMUEL JAKOV (called Sanwil) BEN JEHUDA JEREMIA (Neuburger family)

of Oettingen died 1 Cheshvan 476 ? (would be 28 Oct 1715 according to hebcal)

590 ?-N SARA BAT ELIAHU, wife of Baruch Hirsch of Oettingen, died 4 Cheshvan 480 ?

(would be 17 Oct 1719 according to hebcal)

591 ?-N SCHMUEL BEN CHAJM of Kleinerdlingen died 5 Sivan 489 ? (would be 2 Jun 1729 according to hebcal)

592 5506 NUCHA BAT SANWIL of Kleinerdlingen died 15 "Menachem" 506 = 15 Av 506

(would be 1 Aug 1746 according to hebcal) appears in 1746 burial list

593 5632 KELA FELDMAIER of Wallerstein died 6 Adar II 632 (would be 16 Mar 1872 according to hebcal)

according to burial list she died 17 Mar 1872 at age 90, she was the widow of Naphtali Hirsch = grave 594

594 5605-H HIRSCH BEN MENACHEM FELDMAIER of Wallerstein died 4 Elul 605 = 6 Sep 1845

at age 76, his wife Kela = grave 593

595 5587-H MOSHE BEN MENACHEM MENDEL of Wallerstein died 22 Tamuz 587 (would be 27 Jun 1827 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this was Moshe Mendel Feldmayer, who died 17 Jul 1827 as a widower

596 5592-H ARON MOSHE BEN ISAC ITZIK WEIL of Wallerstein died 20 Cheshvan 592 =

27 Oct 1831 at age 51 (or 57 ?), he was unmarried, same grave as Esther Weil (his mother)

596 5591-H ESTHER BAT LOEB, wife of Isac Itzik Weil of Wallerstein died last day of Pesach 591 =

5 Apr 1831 at age 74, widow of Isac Weil, mother of Aron in same grave

597 5591-H ELIESER (called Leiser) BEN JOSEPH of Wallerstein died 29 Av 591 (would be 8 Aug 1831 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Lazarus Joseph Weinmann, who was married and died 7 Aug 1831 at age 74

(his wife = grave 598)

598 5603-H HANNA BAT JISACHAR , wife of Leser = Lazarus Joseph Weinmann of Wallerstein,

she died 5 Elul 603 = 31 Aug 1843 at age 70 as a widow (husband = grave 597)

599 5606-H BEER WEINMANN, son of "Leisik" ? = Lazarus ? Weinmann of Wallerstein, died 3 Tishrei 606

(would be 4 Oct 1845 according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 3 Oct 1845 at age 48 (same grave as his wife),

he died as "Bernhard Weinmann"

599 5606-H SPRINZELE, wife of Baer Weinmann of Wallerstein, died 6 Adar I 606 (would be 1 Mar 1846 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this was Sophie Weinmann nee Weil, who died 4 Mar 1846 at age 47

as a widow (same grave as her husband Bernhard Weinmann)

600 =606-H JOSEPH BEN BAER WEINMANN of Wallerstein died 23 Iyyar 606 (would be 19 Mai 1846 according to hebcal)

according to burial list he died 12 May 1846 (39 years old), he was unmarried

601 =621-H RESELE REITLINGER, wife of Jisachar Reitlinger of Wallerstein died 23 Tevet 621(would be 5 Jan 1861according

to hebcal) according to burial list she died 4 Jan 1861 at age 52, her husband was the hazzan Zacharias Reitlinger

602 5625-H HANNA BAT LOEB WEINMANN of Wallerstein died 2 Elul 625

= 24 Aug 1865 at age 17, she was the daughter of Loeb Weinmann (= grave 605)

603 =628-H SALI BAT LOEB WEINMANN of Wallerstein died 23 Adar 628

(= Rosalie, daughter of Loeb Weinmann, who died 17 Mar 1868 at age 11) her father = grave 605

604 =633-H PERL, wife of Loeb Weinmann of Wallerstein, died 12 Sh'vat 633

(= Bertha Weinmann, who died 9 Feb 1873 at age 60) husband Loeb = grave 605, daughter = grave 603

605 =640-H JEHUDA LOEB BEN ELIESER WEINMANN of Wallerstein died 12 Tishrei 640

= Loeb Lazarus Weinmann, who died 29 Sep 1879 at age 79 (wife Bertha = grave 604, daughter = grave 603)

606 =641-H JECHESKIEL BEN SCHIMON KIRCHDOERFER of Wallerstein died 2 II Adar 641 (would be 3 Mar 1881 according

to hebcal) according to burial list he died 2 Mar 1881 at age 81 as Pfeifer Kirchdoerfer, he was born in Dennenlohe

and probably was a musician playing pipes ("Pfeifer" meaning "piper"), same grave as his son Samson

606 5624-H SCHIMON BEN JECHESKIEL KIRCHDOERFER of Wallerstein died 15 Sivan 624 (would be 19 Jun 1864 according

to hebcal) according to burial list he died 21 Jun 1864 at age 31 (as Samson Kirchdoerfer), same grave as Pfeifer =

his father (Samson Kirchdoerfer was born in Dennenlohe, Franconia, a place well known for excellent

and cheap Jewish musicians, strong competitors for their christian fellow musicians)

607 5597-H FEIGELE BAT SCHIMSCHON, wife of Court Jew Abraham Schmuel Schwab of Oettingen, died 25 Adar II 597

(would be 1 Apr 1837 according to hebcal) according to burial list she died 4 Apr 1837 at age 79 (husband = grave 450)

608 =610-H HANNA, wife of Joseph Arie (no village mentioned), died 5 Av 610 (would be 14 Jul 1850 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be Joseph Loew Hermann's wife Henle, who died in the evening of 13 Jul 1850

in Oettingen at age 68

609 5610-H JETTE BAT SCHIMON, wife of Moshe Federmann of Oettingen, died 22 Nisan 610

(would be 4 Apr 1850 according to hebcal) acording to burial list she died 5 Apr 1850 at age 98 as a widow

610 =592-H MOSHE LOEB JITZCHAK BEN LOEB ITZIK of Oettingen died Sukkot 595 ? (rather 592 - Sukkot 592 would be 22-28 Sep 1831 according to hebcal), must be Moses Federmann, who died 23 Sep 1831 at age 83

611 =608-H TREINLE BAT SCHIMON FEDERMANN of Oettingen died 3 Tamuz 605 ? (would be 8 Jul 1845 according to hebcal), wrong year, according to death record this might be Simon Federmann's daughter Therese, who died 4 Jul 1848 at age 27

612 5555-? KELA BAT NAPHTALI HIRSCH , wife of Abraham Kohn of Kleinerdlingen, died 4 Adar 595 ?, would be beginning of 1835 (date is wrong, no entry in death record), speculation = according to burial list there was Abraham Kohn (member of

the Rappaport family), who died 17 Apr 1785 – his wife died 30 Aug 1795 (Abraham Kohn was the great-grand father of

Rabbi Marx Michael Kohn, who himself was the son-in-law of famous Rabbi David Weisskopf in Wallerstein)

613 ?-N BELA BAT NAPHTALI JOSEPH JEREMIJAHU, wife of Schmuel Kohn of Wallerstein

died 4 Sivan 495 ? (would be 25 May 1735 according to hebcal)

614 ?-N BREINDEL BAT JOSEPH, wife of Moshe Erlangen in Wallerstein, died 2 Kislev 505 ?

(would be 8 Oct 1744 according to hebcal)

615 ?-N MORDECHAI MOSHE BEN ASCHER of Kleinerdlingen died 27 Adar 496 ?

(would be 10 Mar 1736 according to hebcal)

616 5498 ISRAEL ARON "HALGART" (?) of Kleinerdlingen died 22 Sivan 495 ? wrong year, rather 498 (22 Sivan 498 would be

10 Jun 1738 according to hebcal) burial list of 1738 mentions "Israel + wife of Kleinerdlingen",

tax list mentions that he died around Whitsun 1738 (his wife = same grave)

616 5498 SARA JETTELE BAT BENJAMIN WOLF of Kleinerdlingen died 19 Cheshvan 499 ?

(would be 2 Nov 1738 according to hebcal) = wife of Israel Aron (same grave)

616 ?-N MORDECHAI GUMPERLE died 609 (no text available)

617 ?-N JEHUDA LOEB BEN ABRAHAM NEUBURGER of Oettingen died 9 Tevet 504 ?

(would be 25 Dec 1743 according to hebcal)

618 ?-N JEHUDA MOSHE BEN JISCHAI of Kleinerdlingen died 6 Tamuz 505 ? (would be 6 Jul 1745 according to hebcal)

619 =518-H FRADEL BAT SANWIL, wife of Mordechai in Kleinerdlingen, died 20 Kislev 518

(would be 2 Dec 1757 according to hebcal) must be Marx Baer's wife who died 29 Nov 1757

620 ?-N ELKELE, daughter of Salomon Jakob in Kleinerdlingen, died 25 Iyyar 560 ?

(would be 20 Mai 1800 according to hebcal) may be she was born in Leimersheim ?

621 ?-N ZIPEL BAT MOSHE, wife of Joseph Schmuel of Wallerstein, died 2 Cheshvan 585 ?

(would be 24 Oct 1824 according to hebcal)

622 5574-H RANLE ZIPORA, daughter of deceased Parnas Mordechai, wife of Parnas Nathan in Oettingen, died 12 Tevet 574

= 4 Jan 1814, she was Parnas Nathan Koppel Badmann's wife and died at age 71 (her husband = grave 624)

623 5605-H JOSEPH BEN JAKOB OBERDORFER of Wallerstein died 24 Tevet 605 = 3 Jan 1845 at age 69,

he was married to Hanna (also called "Haendel") nee Koch = grave 806

624 5582-H NATHAN (called Nette) BEN KOPPEL of Oettingen died 29 "Menachem" 582 = 29 Av 582 (= Nathan Koppel Badmann,

Parnas of Jewish community of Oettingen, died 16 Aug 1822 at age 79) his wife = grave 622

625 5601-H NAPHTALI MICHAEL BEN NETTE BADMANN of Oettingen died Sukkot 601 (would be 12 – 18 Oct 1840

according to hebcal) according to burial list Hirsch Michael Badmann died 15 Oct 1840 at age 69

626 5584-H EISIK BEN NAPHTALI HIRSCH MICHAEL of Oettingen died 20 Sivan 584 (would be 16 Jun 1824 according

to hebcal) according to burial list this was Hirsch Michael Badmann's son Isac, who died 15 Jun 1824 at age 16

627 ?-N MEIER BEN JOSSELE GABRIEL of Ichenhausen died 16 Sivan 503 ? (would be 8 Jun 1743 according to hebcal)

628 ?-N MEIER BEN MOSHE LOEB of Oettingen died 1 Sivan 596 ? (would be 17 Mai 1836 according to hebcal)

629 5582-H TELZ BAT HIRSCH, wife of Raphael in Hainsfarth, died Pesach 582 (according to hebcal Pesach I would be

6 Apr 1822) according to burial list Raphael's wife died 2 Apr 1822 (her husband must be Hirsch Raphael Geiger,

who married a second time = Chaie, who died 3 Jan 1842 at age 78) her grave = 265

(Hirsch Geiger died 9 Feb 1851 at age 78, he was buried at Hainsfarth Jewish cemetery)

630 5588-H CHAVA SARA BAT BENJAMIN of Wallerstein died 28 Cheshvan 588 (would be 18 Nov 1827 according to hebcal),

according to death record this was Benjamin Rosenbusch's daughter Eva Rosenbusch, who actually died 29 Nov 1827,

she was unmarried (her mother Rifka Rosenbusch = grave 709, her brother Meier Rosenbusch = grave 708)

631 5569-H RAPHAEL BEN SCHLOMON SALMAN of Hainsfarth died 5 Iyyar 569 (would be 21 Apr 1809 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was the "Schulklopfer" of Hainsfarth, who died 29 Apr 1809

632 5571-H ISAK ITZIK BEN ARON WEIL of Wallerstein died 27 Tamuz 591, wrong date, rather 571 ?

(27 Tamuz 571 would be 19 Jul 1811 according to hebcal) according to death record Isaak Aron Weil died 19 Jul 1811

633 5509-? MOSHE DAVID BEN RABBI SCHMUEL of Oettingen died Sunday 5 Adar 509, father was Head of Rabbinate Court in "Eidlitz" ? (5 Adar 509 would be 23 Feb 1749 according to hebcal) the 1749 burial list mentions a "Moses",

the taxlist of 1750 mentions Moses David's widow

634 = 541-? RABBI JITZCHAK called ITZIK BEN ISRAEL of Lwow died 541 (no exact date given), he was a Grand Rabbi,

Head of Wallerstein District Court, according to burial list he died in 1750 ?, acrostic shows "Yisroel" (text in appendix),

his widow probably died 19 Jan 1757 ?

635 5582-H JEHUDA LOEB BEN KOPPEL of Oettingen died 16 Iyyar 582 (would be 7 Mai 1822 according to hebcal)

according to death record Loew Koppel Neuburger died 6 May 1822 at age 57 (his wife = grave 151)

636 ?-N JEHUDA MENACHEM BEN JECHISKIJAHU (Jechiskijahu being the son of Joseph of Wallerstein)

died 19 Kislev 505 ? (would be 24 Nov 1744 according to hebcal)

637 ?-N DAVID BEN RABBI (man of torah knowledge) JAKOB of Kleinerdlingen died 5 Av 596 ? (would be 19 Jul 1836,

according to hebcal), according to tax list he may have died around Whitsun 1737 as "David Koppel"

638 ?-N MALKE SARA BAT BERL LOEB of Kleinerdlingen died 10 Adar I 599 ? (would be 24 Nov 1744 according to hebcal)

639 5584-H KELA BAT SCHIMON, wife of Abraham in Oettingen, died 13 Adar I 584 =

Abraham Riemann's wife Kela, who died 12 Feb 1824 at age 80

640 5595-H KINDEL BAT MEIR, wife of Schimon Riemann of Oettingen, died 2 Iyyar 595

(= Karoline Riemann of Oettingen, wife of teacher Simon Riemann, she died 1 May 1835 at age 44)

641 5592-H JAKOB BEN BENJAMIN WOLF of Oettingen died 26 Nisan 592 (= Jakob Weinmann, who died 26 Apr 1832 at age 57)

642 =596-H MICHLE, wife of Ensle in Oettingen, died 18 Iyyar 596 = 5 May 1836

according to death record she was the widow of Ensle Wacker, she died at age 84

643 ?-N MIRJAM BAT ELCHANAN, wife of Wolf Oestreicher of Oettingen, died 23 Adar II 577 ?

(would be 11 Mar 1817 according to hebcal) wrong date - she actually died 30 Mar 1837 at age 77)

her last name was "Oestreicher" , her husband Wolf Oestreicher = grave 843

644 5627 MENDEL FELDMAIER of Wallerstein died Tamuz 627 (1 Mar 1800 – 16/17 Jul 1867)

same grave as wife Ernestine, whom he had married in 1830

644 =650 ERNESTINE FELDMAIER of Wallerstein died Erev Shavuot 650 (14 Nov 180..? – 24 May 1890)

she was Mendel's wife, born as Esther Reh in Wassertruedingen (same grave as her husband) her sister = grave 645

645 5629-? MARGALIT (KLARA) BAT URI of Wassertruedingen died in Wallerstein 18 Nisan 629

(would be 30 Mar 1869 according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be daughter of Loeb Reh,

she died 13 Mar 1869 at age 60 (her sister = grave 644)

646 =626-H BENJAMIN DOV BEN ELCHANAN LEOPOLD of Kleinerdlingen died 15 Adar I 626 (would be 2 Mar 1866

according to hebcal) according to death record Benjamin Leopold died 1 Mar 1866 at age 74, he was married

647 =622-H SCHLOMO SALMAN BEN MEIR PAPPENHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen died Pesach 622

(15 Apr 1862 was Pesach I in 622 according to hebcal) according to death record Salomon Pappenheimer died

15 Apr 1862 at age 68, he was married, he was a servant of the Jewish community

648 5594-? RUBEN SCHMUEL ZEEW BEN ABRAHAM SEGAL of Kleinerdlingen died 14 Elul 594 ?

(would be 18 Sep 1834 according to hebcal) must be Samuel Wolf Epstein who died in 1834 (no exact date known)

649 ?-N RANLE BAT JOSCHUA, widow of Lippmann Segal of Oettingen, died Sukkot 583 ?

(would be 30 Sep – 6 Oct 1822 according to hebcal) year is obviously wrong, as she actually died 29 Sep 1844

her father was Schiele David (last name "Truedinger" since 1813) from Wassertruedingen, who settled in Oettingen ca 1770,

her husband was Lippmann Hirsch (last name "Hirschmann" since 1813) from Moenchsroth, who married her in 1784

650 5588-H JEHOSCHUA BEN DAVID TEVEL of Oettingen died 26 Tishrei 588 (= Schuele David Wallersteiner, who died

17 Oct 1827 at age 94), "Schuele" was a common nickname for Jehoschua or Josua

651 5637-H HIRSCH ZWI BEN MORDECHAI ROSENTHAL of Kleinerdlingen died 29 Av 637 (would be 8 Aug 1877

according to hebcal) according to death record this was the butcher Hirsch Rosenthal, who died 7 Aug 1877 at age 60

as a widower (his wife = grave 652)

652 5633-H TELZELE, wife of Hirsch Rosenthal of Kleinerdlingen died 13 Sivan 633 (would be 29 May 1873 according to hebcal) according to death record she was nee Neumetzger and died 8 Jun 1873 at age 57 (husband = grave 651)

653 5615-H KELA, wife of Kalman Neumetzger of Kleinerdlingen died 7 Adar I 615 = 25 Feb 1855

(according to death record she died as "Karoline" at age 69) her husband = grave 891, her son = grave 890

654 5588-? ELKELE SARA BAT MENDEL, wife of Menachem Mendel in Hainsfarth, died 2 Nisan 588 = 17 Mar 1828 at age 48,

she had married Mendel Salomon Oberdorfer's in April 1804, her stepfather was Joel Koppel in Gunzenhausen

655 =605-H SORLE BAT SALMAN OBERDORFER, wife of Seligmann Ries in Hainsfarth,

died 15 Sh'vat 605 (would be 23 Jan 1845 according to hebcal) according to burial list she died 27 Jan 1845 at age 38

656 ?-N TREINLE, daughter of Parnas Perez, wife of Loeb Frankfurter, died 6 Tevet 502 ?

(would be 13 Dec 1741 according to hebcal)

657 5523-H JEHUDA LOEB ARON BEN DAVID of Hainsfarth died Tamuz 523

(according to burial list this was Loew David, who died 12 Jun 1763)

658 =503-? MOSHE BEN CHAJM MOSHE of Oettingen died 3 Sh'vat 503 (same grave as Rachel) may be husband of Rachel ?

(a Moshe died in Oettingen in 1743 according to burial list) 3 Sh'vat 503 would be 28 Jan 1743 according to hebcal

658 =503-? RACHEL MALKA BAT JITZCHAK of Oettingen died 22 Tevet 503 (same grave as Moshe) may be wife of Moshe ? (Moshe's wife died in Oettingen in 1743 according to burial list) 22 Tevet 503 would be 18 Jan 1743 according to hebcal

659 5500-? MIRJAM "JERUSCHA" (?) BAT ISRAEL, widow of Elia of Oettingen, died 4 Nisan 500

(would be 1 Apr 1740 according to hebcal) death record of 1740 indicates "Elias' wife of Oettingen"

660 5501-? MERLE RACHEL BAT JOSEPH JEHOSCHUA, wife of Perez in Oberdorf, died 9 Iyyar 501

(would be 25 Apr 1741 according to hebcal) burial record indicates "Bernet's wife of Oberdorf" in 1741

661 5501-? ZIPER RENA BAT ELIESER, wife of Abraham in Oberdorf, died 3 Iyyar 501

(would be 19 Apr 1741 according to hebcal) burial record indicates "Abraham's wife of Oberdorf" in 1741)

662 ?-N SCHENLE BAT MOSHE , wife of Abraham of Oettingen, died 6 Sh'vat 504 ?

(would be 20 Jan 1744 according to hebcal)

663 ?-N ITZIK BEN MOSHE of Oettingen died 16 Sh'vat 503 ? (would be 10 Feb 1743 according to hebcal)

664 ?-N SORLE BAT JAKOB of Oettingen died 13 Iyyar 522 ?

665 =520-H JACOB ARON BEN JITZCHAK ITZIK (no village given) died 26 Tishrei 520 (would be 17 Oct 1759

according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be Jacob Isaac of Oettingen, who died 12 Oct 1759

666 5557-H DAVID TEVELE BEN JITZCHAK of Wallerstein died 5 Av 557 (would be 28 Jul 1797 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this was the teacher David Isaac died 31 Jul 1797 (his descendants adopted the surname Gross

in 1813 – his wife = same grave) his son Meier = grave 013, his son Marx = grave 168,

he was also the father of the teacher Hirsch Gross (1768-1854), whose wife = grave 667

666 5584-H RIFKA BAT GUMPER, widow of Tevele of Wallerstein, died 11 Adar I 584 = 10 Feb 1824

she was David Isaac Meyer's widow = same grave

667 5603-H JENDEL BAT ISRAEL of Deggingen (meaning "Moenchsdeggingen"), wife of Hirsch in Wallerstein,

died 14 Tamuz 603 (would be 12 Jul 1843 according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be Jendel Gross,

who died 11 Jul 1843 at age 67, she was the wife of teacher Hirsch Gross (1768-1854) whose grave is not available

(her parents-in-law = grave 666)

668 5557-H ELI BEN DAVID of Pflaumloch died 9 Sh'vat 557 (= David Marx's son, who died 5 Feb 1797) his father = grave 670, his mother = grave 669 (David Marx was an ancestor of the Pflaum family, he was the grandfather of Elias Pflaum,

who founded a banking business in Stuttgart together with his son Alexander Pflaum)

669 5565-H KLAERLE, wife of David of Pflaumloch, died Erev Sukkot 562 (wrong year, must be 565)

(Erev Sukkot 565 would be 19 Sep 1804 according to hebcal) according to family sheet this was David Marx Pflaum's

second wife Clara, who died 15 Oct 1804 (her husband David = grave 670, her son Eli = grave 668)

670 5581-H DAVID BEN MORDECHAI of Pflaumloch died 12 "Menachem" 581 = 12 Av 581

(would be 10 Aug 1821 according to hebcal) according to burial list this was David Marx Pflaum,

who died in August 1821 (his wife Clara = grave 669, his son Eli = grave 668)

671 5563-H FEILE BAT ITZIK, wife of Hona of Pflaumloch, died 18 Tamuz 563 (= Henoch Joel's wife, who died 8 Jul 1803)

672 5563-H PERL, wife of Joseph of Wallerstein, died 19 Sh'vat 563 (=Joseph Loew's wife, who died 11 Feb 1803)

673 5532-H SAMUEL BEN JEREMIA (?) SCHLOMO of Oberdorf died 12 Tevet 532

(would be 9 Dec 1771 according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 19 Dec 1771

674 5556-H ELIESER LIEBERMANN BEN JITZCHAK of Wallerstein died 2 Adar 557 (wrong year, rather 556)

(2 Adar 556 would be 11 Feb 1796 according to hebcal) according to burial list this must be Liebermann Isaac,

the former Salt Factor and Court Jew, who died 9 Feb 1796, his descendants adopted the surname "Binswanger" in 1813

675 5570-? DAVID DOV BEN JEHUDA LOEB of Hainsfarth (?) died 2 Adar 570 ? (would be 8 Mar 1810 according to hebcal)

could be David Isaac Loeb (ancestor of Bettmann family in Hainsfarth) ? who died 10 Oct 1809, his wife = grave 205

676 5556-? MOSHE JAKOB BEN DAVID TEVEL of Hainsfarth died 16 Nisan 556 (would be 24 Apr 1796 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this may be the teacher Moyses, who died 21 Apr 1796

677 5563-H AVIGAIL SPRINZLE BAT HESSEL, wife of Abraham in Wallerstein, died 14 Iyyar 563 (= Abraham Samuel

Steinharter's wife, who died 6 May 1803) she probably was his first wife, his second wife died 9 Oct 1816 and

his third wife Bel died 31 May 1831 – he himself died 23 Mar 1824 at age 93 (!) – may be he even had married

a fourth wife = Bel, who survirved him and died 31 May 1831 ?

678 5592-H TELZ BAT RABBI MOSHE of Oettingen, wife of Jona, died 23 Nisan 592 (would be 3 Apr 1832 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Jonas Gutmann's wife Theres who died 23 Apr 1832 at age 79

679 ?-N RABBI (MORENU) MOSHE BEN RABBI (MORENU) JAKOB of Hainsfarth died Jom Kippur 550 (wrong date ?)

there would be a "Moyses Jacob of Oettingen" who died 1 Oct 1789 according to burial list

680 =?-N CHAJE BAT RABBI MOSHE REBBI, wife of Sekle of Oettingen, died Erev Chanukah 599 ?

(would be 10 Dec 1838 according to hebcal)

681 5507 JOSEPH BEN JITZCHAK SEKLE of Oettingen died 6 Iyyar 507

(would be 16 Apr 1747 according to hebcal) burial list mentions "son of Saecklen" in 1747 with no exact date

682 =?-N ASCHER ANSCHEL BEN JISACHAR JEHOSHUA BAER, Parnas of Oettingen, died Sukkot IV 520 ?

683 ?-N ELCHANAN BEN SCHLOMO HAKOHEN of Treuchtlingen died 5 Av 505 ?

(would be 3 Aug 1745 according to hebcal) he was a person of great torah knowledge

684 =?-N HANNA BAT PARNAS PEREZ, wife of Moshe in Hainsfarth, died 2 Sh'vat 502 ?

(would be 7 Jan 1742 according to hebcal)

685 ?-N MORDECHAI BEN NAPHTALI JAKOB (old Parnas of Hainsfarth) died Sukkot III 545 ?

(would be 2 Oct 1784 according to hebcal)

686 5504-? ISAK JAKOB BEN ARIE of Oettingen died 5 Tamuz 504 (would be 15 Jun 1744 according to hebcal)

burial list mentions "Eysing of Oettingen" in 1744 with no exact date

687 =503 ZIERLE BAT JITZCHAK, wife of Seligmann in Kleinerdlingen, died 2 Adar 503 (would be 26 Feb 1743

according to hebcal) noted in taxlist 1743 without exact date, according to taxlist information Seligmann died 1726/1727

688 5584 NAPHTALI JOSEPH called HIRSCH BEN ELIA of Hainsfarth died 28 Tishrei 584

(would be 3 Oct 1823 according to hebcal) must be Hirsch Elias Rosenthaler who died 12 Oct 1823

689 =?-N SCHLOMO SALOMON BEN MORDECHAI of Hainsfarth died 7 Cheshvan 584 ?

(would be 12 Oct 1823 according to hebcal)

690 5587-H NAPHTALI HIRSCH BEN MORDECHAI of Hainsfarth died 13 Tevet 587

(= the Parnas Hirsch Marx Oberdorfer, who died 12 Jan 1827 at age 79 1/2, he was married) wife = grave 691

691 5597-H TREINLE BAT SALMAN, widow of Hirsch in Hainsfarth, died 597, no exact date given

(must be Hirsch Marx Oberdorfer's widow, who died 3 Sep 1837 at age 78) husband = grave 690

692 5593-H MENACHEM BEN MORDECHAI of Hainsfarth died Erev 15 Tamuz 593 (would be 2 Jul 1833

according to hebcal) according to death record this must be Mendel Marx Oberdorfer, who died 16 Jun 1833

693 5599-H MORDECHAI MOSHE BEN MENDEL GROSSMAIER of Oettingen died 15 Adar 599

(= Marx Mendel Grosmaier, who died 1 Mar 1839 at age 51) his wife Resele = grave 694

694 =603-H RESELE daughter of Jona Gutmann, wife of Mordechai Grossmaier of Oettingen, died 15 Adar I 603

(would be 15 Feb 1843 according to hebcal) according to death record this was Rosine Grossmeier,

who died 16 Feb 1843 at age 55 as widow of Marx Grossmaier ( her husband = grave 693)

695 =632-H MOSHE BRAUNSCHWEIG BEN NAPHTALI HALEVI of Kleinerdlingen died 9 Cheshvan 632 (would be

24 Oct 1871 according to hebcal) according to death record he died 23 Oct 1871 at age 83 (his wife = grave 698)

696 5604-H BREINLE BAT ISIDOR OBERDORFER of Hainsfarth died 7 Adar 604 (would be 27 Feb 1844 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Mendel Oberdorfer's widow Bertha (Breindel), who died 26 Feb 1844 at age 75

697 5651-H MOSHE BEN JISACHAR WOLF (born in Ellingen, married in Kleinerdlingen)

died 20 Sh'vat 651 = 29 Jan 1891 at age 79, husband of Hanna (same grave)

697 5661-H HANNA, widow of Moshe Wolf of Kleinerdlingen, died 29 Adar I 661 = 20 Mar 1901

at age 82 (Hanna was nee Lindenthal), same grave as her husband (this was grave 697 a, text in appendix)

698 =653-H KAROLINE BRAUNSCHWEIG of Kleinerdlingen died 26 Tevet 653 = 13 Jan 1893 at age 85,

widow of Moshe Braunschweig (she was born in Ellingen, nee Wolf) = grave 695 (grave inscription in appendix)

699 =648-H SALMAN SCHLOMO SCHULMANN of Wallerstein died 7 Sh'vat 648

(18 Feb 1830 Moenchsroth – 20 Jan 1888 Wallerstein) husband of Fanny (grave 699 b)

699 =670-H FANNY, wife of Salman Schulmann of Wallerstein, died 22 Iyyar 670 = Fanny Schulmann nee Weinmann

(4 Dec 1836 – 31 May 1910), wife of Salomon Schulmann (this was grave 699 a, text in appendix)

700 =632-H JAKOB KOPPEL HECHINGER of Wallerstein, died 10 Nisan 632 (would be 18 Apr 1872

according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 17 Apr 1872 at age 71, his wife in same grave

700 =633-H MATEL, widow of Jakob Hechinger of Wallerstein, died 28 Cheshwan 633 = 29 Nov 1872

at age 59 (she was called Lina), her husband in same grave

701 5605-H MERLE BAT JOSEPH, wife of Jos Englaender of Hainsfarth, died 5 Adar 605

(would be 12 Feb 1845 according to hebcal) = Joseph Englaender's wife Merla, who died 15 Feb 1845 at age 68

702 5589-H TELZ BAT JAKOB, wife of Jacob Engländer of Hainsfarth died 15 Cheshvan 589

(would be 23 Oct 1828 according to hebcal), she died evening 23 Oct 1828 at age 69

703 =641-H MEIR BEN HINLE SCHACHMANN of Wallerstein died 24 Elul 641 (would be 18 Sep 1881 according to hebcal)

= Meier Schachmann, who died unmarried 16 Sep 1881 at age 61, he was a son of his father's first marriage

(his father = grave 707)

704 5635-H DINA, widow of Hinle Schachmann of Wallerstein died 11 Tamuz 635 = 14 Jul 1875 at age 75,

she was born as Dina Hausner in Hainsfarth and she married Hinle in 1833 as his second wife (her husband = grave 707)

705 5617-H MIRJAM, widow of Mordechai Schwab of Wallerstein died 1 Adar I 613 ? (rather 617 - 1 Adar I 617 would be

25 Feb 1857 according to hebcal) = Mirjam Schwab died 27 Feb 1857 at age 76 (her husband = grave 706)

706 5598-H MORDECHAI BEN JITZCHAK MENACHEM (no village mentioned) died 26 Nisan 598 (= 21 Apr 1838

according to hebcal) = Max Schwab of Wallerstein, who died 22 Apr 1838 at age 55 (his wife = grave 705)

707 5614-H ELCHANAN HINLE BEN MEIR SCHACHMANN of Wallerstein died 24 Kislev 614

(would be 25 Dec 1853 according to hebcal) = Hinle Schachmann, who died 24 Dec 1853 at age 64, he was

a servant of the Jewish community,after his first wife Margaretha had died 8 Feb 1833 at age 32 (grave 863), he married

his second wife Dina nee Hausner 21 Aug 1833 (his second wife = grave 704, a son of his first marriage = grave 703)

708 5627-H MEIER ROSENBUSCH of Wallerstein died 19 Sivan 627 (would be 22 Jun 1867 according to hebcal)

he died unmarried 19 Jun 1867 at age 81 (his mother = grave 709, his sister = grave 630)

709 5596-H RIFKA, daughter of Aron Baer in Wallersteinn (who had died 20 Jan 1779), wife of Benjamin in Wallerstein,

she died 19 Av 596 = Benjamin Rosenbusch's widow Meila, who died 2 Aug 1836 at age 80,

her husband had died 2 Jul 1800 as Benjamin Michel (her son = grave 708, her daughter = frave 630)

710 =615-H TREINLE, widow of Loeb Reitlinger of Wallerstein, died Shavuot I 615 = 6 Sivan 615 = 23 May 1855 at age 81,

she was called Therese

711 =?-N MOSHE ARIE JOSEPH LOEB BEN ZWI HIRSCH of Wallerstein died 14 Tamuz 586 ?

(would be 19 Jul 1826 according to hebcal)

712 ?-N JETTELE SARA BAT SELIGMANN, wife of David of Hainsfarth, died 2 Cheshvan 506 ?

(would be 28 Oct 1745 according to hebcal)

713 ?-N JITZCHAK JOSEPH BEN ABRAHAM of Kleinerdlingen, died 6 Adar 506 ?

(would be 25 Feb 1746 (husband of Kreinle, same grave)

713 ?-N KREINLE BAT MEIR, wife of Jitzchak Joseph of Kleinerdlingen

(wife of Jitzchak Joseph, same grave) died 507 ? (no exact date given) = 1746/47 ?

714 5510-? SCHMUEL BEN URI SCHRAGA of Kleinerdlingen, died 15 Kislev 510 (would be 25 Nov 1749 according to hebcal)

burial list 1749 mentions "Schmuel of Kleinerdlingen" without exact date,

according to taxlist information he settled in Kleinerdlingen in 1747 as "Schmuel Schweizer" and died in fall 1749

715 ?-N KELA BAT ABRAHAM, wife of Schmuel Kohn in Wallerstein, died after Shavuot 590 ?

(would be 28/29 Mai 1830 according to hebcal)

716 ? MATEL BAT JAKOB, wife of Salomon in Oberdorf, died 6 Nisan 628 (would be 29 Mar 1868 according to hebcal)

date probably wrong, as Oberdorf had its own cemetery since 1824

717 =? BELA MIRJAM BAT ELIJAHU "me Fissa" (= "of Fischach" ?) died 9 Tamuz 515 ?

(would be 18 June 1755 according to hebcal) her mother in same grave - no burial list of 1755 available

717 =? SORLE, wife of Elijahu ("me Fissa" = "of Fischach") died 5 Adar 515

(would be 16 Feb 1755 according to hebcal) her daughter in same grave - no burial list of 1755 available

718 5520-H SCHMUEL BEN DAVID of Kleinerdlingen died 1 Sivan 520 ? (would be 16 Mai 1760 according to hebcal)

according to tax list information he died whitsun 1760 as a widower = 13 Jun 1760

719 5523-H JEHUDA BEN MORDECHAI MOSHE died 4 Nisan 523 = 18 Mar 1763

burial list mentions him as "son of Marx in Kleinerdlingen" and gives exact death date, he died as "Judel Moyses"

720 ?-N SARA MIRJAM , daughter of deceased JItzchak, Rabbanit, wife of deceased Rabbi Akiba Baer in Gunzenhausen,

died 5 Tamuz 550 ? (would be 17 Jun 1790 according to hebcal) no extra biography mentioned

721 ?-N ESTHER, wife of Loeb in Oberdorf, died 4 Iyyar 551 ? (would be 8 Mai 1791 according to hebcal)

husband in same grave

721 5555-H JUDA LOEB BEN TEVEL of Oberdorf died 15 Elul 555 (= Loew David, who died 30 Aug 1795) wife in same grave

722 5525-H JONA BEN EISIK of Oberdorf died 25 Sivan 525 ? (would be 14 Jun 1765 according to hebcal)

= Jona ben Eisik Hayum, who died in August 1765

723 5577-H ABRAHAM BENJAMIN BEN JEHUDA LOEB SCHWAB of Oettingen died 9 Tamuz 497

(would be 8 Jul 1737 according to hebcal) burial list mentions Abraham Schwab in 1737, no exact date given,

he was the grandfather of the Oettingen Court Jew Abraham Jonas Schwab, who died 27 Jun 1817 at age 68

(his wife = grave 530, his grandparents = graves 450 and 607)

724 ?-N JITLE MIRJAM BAT JEHUDA, wife of David in Oberdorf, died 9 Tevet 502 ?

(would be 16 Dec 1741 according to hebcal)

725 ? no text available

726 5598-? SORLE BAT KOPPEL, wife of Koppel Gumperz in Wallerstein, died 572 ? (rather 598 ? - would be 1837/38))

= teacher Koppel Gumperz' first wife Zierle, who died 2 Jan 1838 at age 50, he thereafter married his second wife

Caroline nee Bachmann in 1838, Koppel Gumperz died 4 Jul 1848 at age 58,

727 ?-N HINDEL BAT DAVID, wife of Parnas Nathanael of Oberdorf, died 10 Iyyar 530 ?

(would be 5 Mai 1770 according to hebcal)

728 ?-N ABRAHAM BEN DAVID of Oberdorf died (no exact date given) 512 = 1751/1752 ?

729 =510-? GABRIEL DAVID BEN JAKOB of Oettingen died 1 Elul 510 ? (year given in acronym)

(would be 2 Sep 1750 according to hebcal) could be Gabriel Jakob Mayerlen ?

730 5514-? BREINDEL BAT MORDECHAI, wife of Hirsch in Wallerstein, died 15 Adar 514 ? (would be 9 Mar 1754

according to hebcal) 1753 burial list mentions" wife of Hirsch Jacob in Wallerstein", no exact date given

731 ?-N BREINDEL BAT BENJAMIN WOLF COHEN of Wallerstein, wife of Moshe in Kleinerdlingen,

died 16 Sh'vat 504 ? (would be 30 Jan 1744 according to hebcal)

732 ?-N MINKELE BAT NATHANEL, wife of Nathan in Oberdorf, died 20 Tevet 527 ?

(would be 30 Jan 1744 according to hebcal)

733 5532-? SARA RIFKA BAT MORDECHAI, wife of Joseph in Oettingen, died 532 (no excact date)

probably Joseph Simon's wife, who died 5 Dec 1771

734 ?-N JEHOSCHUA BEN MEIR of Oberdorf died 26/27 Sh'vat 531 ? (would be 10/11 Feb 1771 according to hebcal)

735 5536-H CHAJM BEN BENJAMIN of Oberdorf died 25 Iyyar 536 = 14 Mai 1776,

according to burial list this should be Hajum Isaac (his son = grave 737, his wife = grave 736)

736 =529-? BREINDEL BAT VEIS, wife of Chajm in Oberdorf, died 15 Av 529 ? (would be 18 Aug 1769

according to hebcal) according to burial list Hajum Isaac's wife died 22 Feb 1769 (her husband = grave 735)

737 5552-H JITZCHAK EISIK SCHLOMO BEN CHAJM of Oberdorf, died 27 Av (= "Menachem") 552 (would be 15 Aug 1792

according to hebcal) = Isaac Hajum, who died 14 Aug 1792 (his father = grave 735, his mother = grave 736)

must be the Court Jew Isaac Haium, who was in business with the Count of Baldern, his son Israel Isaac

(5 Feb 1755 – 29 Jan 1842) lived in Oberdorf and adopted the surname "Monheimer"

738 5501 BENJAMIN WOLF BEN DAVID of Kleinerdlingen died 30 Iyyar 501 (would be 16 Mai 1741 according to hebcal)

according to taxlist information Wolf David died around Whitsun 1741

739 ?-N MINKELE (……?) LEA died 16 Tevet 535 (no village mentioned) ? (would be 19 Dec 1774)

740 5523-H JACOB MEIR BEN BENJAMIN SEGAL of Kleinerdlingen died Pesach 523 = Meyer Levi, he died Easter 1763 and

was the son-in-law of Wolf David (probably father of Abraham Meyer Levi, who in 1813 adopted surname Eppstein)

741 5520-? HANNA BAT SCHMUEL KOHN, wife of Joseph in Wallerstein, died 4 Sh'vat 520 (would be 22 Jan 1760

according to hebcal) burial list mentions widow Hanna in Wallerstein, who actually died 4 Feb 1760

742 ?-N VOEGELE BAT JITZCHAK (wife of Tevel ?) of Oberdorf

died in 519 = 1758/1759 ? (no exact date)

743 5507 DAVID BEN ASCHER ABRAHAM, hazzan of Oettingen, died 2 Iyyar 507

(would be 12 Apr 1747 according to hebcal) appears in 1747 burial list as hazzan David, no exact date mentioned

744 ?-N JAKOB BEN MOSHE SAMUEL of Hainsfarth died 18 Tishrei 506 ? (would be 14 Oct 1745 according to hebcal)

745 ?-N JEHUDA BEN RAPHAEL MOSHE of Hainsfarth died 22 Iyyar 505 ? (would be 24 Mai 1745 according to hebcal)

746 5603-H HINDELE BAT LASI , widow of Moshe Loeb Fraenkel in Wallerstein, died 15 Adar II 603

= Moses Fraenkel's widow, who died 17 Mar 1843 at age 86 (Moses Fraenkel died 26 Jun 1825)

747 5584-H SCHLOMO JAKOB BEN MOSHE died 6 Adar 584 (no village mentioned) (would be 6 Mar 1824 according to hebcal)

burial list mentions Salomon Moses in Wallerstein, who died 5 Feb 1824, he adopted the surname "Zirndorfer"

around 1813 (his wife = grave 748)

748 5588-H TREINLE BAT JEHUDA LOEB, wife of Schlomo Jakob in Wallerstein, died 15 Kislev 587 ? (rather 15 Kislev 588 =

1827 according to hebcal) must be Salomon Moses Zirndorfer's widow Theresia, who died 16 Dec 1827

(her husband = grave 747)

749 5592-H ZIERLE BAT MOSHE, wife of Baruch in Kleinerdlingen, died 13 Sh'vat 592

= Zier Kreisle, who died 15 Jan 1832 at age 73, she was married (her husband = grave 750)

750 =602-H BARUCH BEN WOLF KREISLE of Kleinerdlingen died 13 Tishrei 602

= 28 Sep 1841 at age 76 as a widower (his wife = grave 749, his son = grave 751)

751 =624-H JAKOB MICHAEL BEN BARUCH KREISLE of Kleinerdlingen, died 26 Sh'vat 624 (would be 3 Feb 1864

according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 5 Feb 1864 at age 65 (suicide by hanging),

in 1837 he had married his wife Rosalie Leiter of Buttenwiesen (his parents = grave 749 + 750)

752 5617-H ESTHER ADLER of Wallerstein, widow of David Halevi Tevel Adler, died 1 Sh'vat 617 = 26 Jan 1857 at age 82

(she was the widow of David Meier Levi Adler, who had died 10 Feb 1824)

753 5629-H RACHEL BAT MORDECHAI EHRENSTEIN of Kleinerdlingen, wife of Moshe in Kriegshaber,

died 7 Iyyar 629 = 18 Apr 1869 = the widow Regina Bachmann nee Ehrenstein, who died at age 75

754 5623-H JITZCHAK FAUL of Kleinerdlingen died 26 Tamuz 623

= Isak Faul, who died 13 Jul 1863 at age 73, he was married (his son = grave 756)

755 5596-? HONA BEN LOEB of Kleinerdlingen died 21 Elul 596 ? (would be 5 Sep 1836 according to hebcal)

maybe this was Heinrich Leopold who died 5 Nov 1833 ?

756 5606-H ABRAHAM BEN ITZIK FAUL of Kleinerdlingen died 8 Cheshvan 616 ? (should be 606) (8 Cheshvan 606

would be 8 Nov 1845 according to hebcal) = Abraham Faul, who died 7 Nov 1845 at age 12 (his father = grave 754)

757 5593-H JONA KOCH SEGAL of Oettingen died 25 Tishrei 593 (would be 19 Oct 1832 according to hebcal)

= Jonas Koch, who died 22 Oct 1832 at age 47, he was unmarried (his mother = grave 758 ?)

758 5592-H PERL BAT JONA, wife of Chajm Segal of Oettingen, died 2 Tishrei 592

= Bertha Koch, who died 9 Sep 1831 at age 81 as a widow (her son = grave 757 ?)

759 5595-H EISIK BEN ELIA BAER SEGAL of Oettingen died at Tzom Gedaliah 598 ? (rather 595)

= Isak Schachtel , who actually died 6 Oct 1834 at age 68

760 ?-N RESLE BAT JOSEPH, wife of Parnas Loeb in Wallerstein, died 594 = 1833/1834 ? (no exact date mentioned)

761 5605-H BREINDEL BAT MOSHE ARIE JOSEPH, wife of Kalman Berliner in Wallerstein,

died 15 Sh'vat 605 = 23 Jan 1845 at age 69 as a widow (her husband = grave 762)

762 =585-H KALONIMUS JOSEPH KALMAN BEN MOSHE SEEW WOLF of Wallerstein died 26 Elul 585 (would be

9 Sep 1825 according to hebcal) = Kalman Moses Wolf Berliner, who died 10 Sep 1825 (his wife = grave 761)

763 ? GITEL BAT JOSEPH, wife of Parnas Henle in Oettingen, died 5 Av (no death year),

she died young, original index notes year as 495 (would be 1735 according to hebcal)

764 5560-H CHAJE BAT JONA, wife of Eisik in Oberdorf, died 19 Av (no death year), (original index gives 560 as death year,

19 Av 560 would be 10 Aug 1800 according to hebcal) according to burial record Eisig's wife died 9 Aug 1800

765 ?-N JOCHEVED, wife of Salman in Oberdorf, died 26 Tamuz 511 ? (would be 19 Jul 1751 according to hebcal)

766 5582-H SCHIMON BEN MORDECHAI of Hainsfarth died 6 Tevet 582 = Simon Marx Buchauer, who died 30 Dec 1821

767 5549-H SORLE BAT SCHLOMO, wife of Abraham, no village mentioned, died Erev Pesach 549 =

Sara, wife of Abraham Joseph of Oettingen, who died 10 Apr 1789 at age 30

768 ?-N SCHIMSCHON BEN MORDECHAI of Wallerstein died 16 Iyyar 554 ? (would be 16 Mai 1794

according to hebcal) his daughter = grave 769 ? speculation: this may be Samson Neumark, who died 19 Feb 1794 ?

769 5585-H TREINLE BAT SCHIMSCHON, wife of Jakob Koppel Segal of Wallerstein, died 11 Tevet 585

= Treinle Stern, who died 1 Jan 1825 (her husband = grave 770, her father = grave 768 ?)

770 5589-H JAKOB KOPPEL BEN JITZCHAK ITZIK SEGAL of Wallerstein died first day of Pesach 589

= Koppel Isak Stern, who died 18 Apr 1829 at age 78 as a widower (his wife = grave 769)

771 5531-H DAVID BEN MOSHE NOA of Oettingen died 14 Tamuz 531 in Pflaumloch = 26 Jun 1771

772 ?-N MENACHEM (called Mendel) MOSHE BEN SCHMUEL HALEVI of Oettingen died 2 Sivan 525

(would be 22 Mai 1765), a Mendel Schmuel Steinharter settled in Oettingen in 1749, he died 6 Apr 1805 at age 90

772 ?-N JITLE MIRJAM BAT EISIK, widow of Mendel Moshe Halevi of Oettingen,

died 16 Sivan 525 ? (would be 5 Jun 1765 according to hebcal)

773 = ?-N ABRAHAM BARUCH DOV BEN ZWI of Wallerstein died 524 = 1763/64 ?

774 ?-N DAVID ELIA BEN JITZCHAK of Oettingen died 2 Cheshvan 527 ? (would be 5 Oct 1766 according to hebcal)

775 5565-H SCHIMON BEN LIPPMANN of Hainsfarth died 21 Tevet 565 = Simon Moises, who died 23 Dec 1804

he was born around 1781 as son of Lippmann Simon and had married Samuel Benjamin's daughter Voegele in 1802

(Samuel Benjamin in 1813 adopted last name "Schoenemann")

776 5564-H DAVID MOSHE BEN JITZCHAK JOSEPH (called Isac) of Oettingen died 16 Kislev 524

(would be 1 Dec 1803 according to hebcal) = David Isac, who died 30 Nov 1803 at age 24

777 5535-H ELLA BAT LIPPMANN, wife of Elia in Hainsfarth, died 27 Sivan 535

(would be 25 Jun 1775 according to hebcal) according to burial list she died 16 Jul 1775

778 5531-H HEVELE RACHEL BAT PARNAS MOSHE, wife of Schlomo in Pflaumloch,

died 29 Kislev 531 (would be 16 Dec 1770 according to hebcal) = Salomon Sekle's wife, who died 17 Dec 1770

779 5516-H FRADEL RIFKA BAT ASCHER EPHRAIM, wife of Parnas Moshe of Pflaumloch, died 7 Iyyar 516 = 7 May 1756 (she was Moshe Liebermann's wife) her husband was called "Moyses Lippmann" and was one of the ancestors of

the Regensteiner family, who adopted this surname after 1813

780 5516-H HINLE BAT MEIR, wife of Joseph in Kleinerdlingen, died Tamuz 516 (no exact day given), this must be

Joseph Samuel's wife of Kleinerdlingen, who died 12 Jul 1756, her son Samuel Joseph was called "Wallersteiner"

781 5536-H BUNDEL RACHEL BAT SCHMUEL (of Wallerstein), wife of Borich Raphael of Kleinerdlingen (later Wallerstein),

died 27 Cheshvan 536 (would be 20 Nov 1775 according to hebcal) according to burial list she died 30 Nov 1775

as his first wife (his second wife = grave 579), son Joseph Gutmann = grave 391

782 5553-H ZIERLE SARA BAT "NETTE" (meaning "Nathan"), wife of Eisik of Oettingen, died 24 Elul (year in index = 553)

(would be 1 Sep 1793 according to hebcal) = Isaak Koppel's first wife who died 31 Aug 1793 at age 30,

in 1794 he married his second wife Meile and in 1813 adopted the surname "Badmann" (Isaak Koppel = grave 842)

783 ?-N PEIE SARA BAT JUDEL, wife of Leser in Kleinerdlingen, died Chanukah II 524 ?

(would be 1 Dec 1763 according to hebcal)

784 5601-H BAIERLE BAT MOSHE, wife of Sanwil "Schatz " (= hazzan ) in Oettingen, died 12 Tishrei 601

= Baierle Ries, who died 9 Oct 1840 at age 76 as a widow

785 5566-? JITEL BAT BENDIT, wife of Hirsch of Frankfurt, died 4 Adar 566

(would be 22 Feb 1806 according to hebcal) may be Hirsch Loew's wife, who died 23 Feb 1806

786 5570-? MATEL TAMAR BAT JOSEPH, wife of Abraham in Wallerstein, died 25 Nisan 570 ? (would be 29 Apr 1810

according to hebcal) may be Abraham Steinharter's second wife who died 25 Jun 1810 (he died 23 Mar 1824)

787 ?-N HESS BEN NATHAN of Oberdorf died 19 Adar 554 ? (would be 19 Feb 1794 at Adar I or 21 Mar 1794 at Adar II)

maybe father of Haium Hess (Oct 1759 – 14 Aug 1835)

788 5575-? DAVID TEVEL BEN CHAJM of Oberdorf died Purim 575 (maybe the "Parnas")

(would be 26 Mar 1815 according to hebcal) burial list mentions "the Parnas David" in 1815 with no exact date

A David Heimann died in 1812, father of Haium Loew Heimann

789 ?-N ZORTEL BAT ABRAHAM, wife of Hirsch in Oberdorf, died 25 Adar II 563 ?

(would be 19 Mar 1803 according to hebcal)

790 5554-H SCHMUEL BEN JECHISKA JEHUDA JOSEPH of Wallerstein died 16 Cheshvan 554

= Samuel Joseph, who died 22 Oct 1793

791 ?-N BRENDLE SARA BAT ELIESER LESER, wife of Naphtali Hirsch in Wallerstein,

died 2 Tamuz 585 (would be 18 Jun 1825 according to hebcal)

792 5563-? JITLE BAT SCHMUEL, wife of Jona in Regensburg, died Sukkot 563 (would be 11-17 Oct 1802 according to hebcal)

burial list mentions David Joseph Ulmann's wife of Wallerstein, who died 12 Oct 1802

(the Uhlmann family originated in Regensburg) her child = grave 793 ?

793 5564-? GUMPERLE BEN DAVID ULMANN, a child, died Rosh Hashana 564 (no village mentioned) (would be 17-18 Sep

1803 according to hebcal) burial list mentions David Regensburger's (Ulmann's) child of Wallerstein,

who died 18 Sep 1803 (his mother = grave 792 ?)

794 =532-? JAKOB KOPPEL BEN ELI of Oettingen died 532 (no day mentioned) = 1771/1772

maybe Elias Isaac's son, who died 18 Dec 1771

795 =526-H ARIE BEN NATHAN NETTE of Oettingen died 11 Nisan 526 = Elias Nathan, who died 21 Mar 1766

(his brother = grave 796)

796 5519-H ELIESER LIEBERMANN BEN NATHAN NETTE of Oettingen died 22 Sh'vat 519

= Liebermann, who died 19 Feb 1759 (his brother = grave 795)

797 5584-H SCHIMON ABRAHAM BEN JISACHAR KRON (known as Beer) of Oettingen died 26 Iyyar 584,

"he never stopped learning and teaching" (would be 14 May 1824 according to hebcal)

must be the teacher Simon Kronheimer, who died 24 May 1824 at age 74

798 5547-? DAVID ARON BEN JAKOB of Hainsfarth died 2 Cheshvan 547 (would be 24 Oct 1786

according to hebcal) must be David Jakob of Hainsfarth, who died 12 Nov 1786 (wife in same grave)

798 5546-? ESTHER RIFKA, wife of David Jakob, died 1 Adar I 547

(would be 19 Feb 1787 according to hebcal) according to burial list she died 28 Jan 1786 (husband in same grave)

799 5618 MOSHE JEHUDA (= MOSES LOEB) WEINMANN of Wallerstein died 4 Aug 1858 at age 62,

he was married, he died in Neuburg and was buried in Wallerstein

800 5585-? ELIESER LASI BEN JEHUDA LOEB of Wallerstein died 4 Sivan ? 585 (would be 21 May 1825 according to hebcal)

must be Lazarus Loeb Weinmann, who died 6 Jun 1825, he was married (his wife = grave 801)

801 5589-H PERL RACHEL BAT FEISEL, wife of Elieser Lasi in Wallerstein, died 6 Tishrei 589

= Lazarus Weinmann's widow Bertha, who died 14 Sep 1828 at age 62 (her husband = grave 800)

802 5597-H MOSHE NAPHTALI ABRAHAM WEINMANN died 25 Sh'vat 597

= Moritz Weinmann of Wallerstein, who died 31 Jan 1837 at age 56

803 5614-H PESSLE WEINMANN of Wallerstein, widow of Anschel, died 25 Tevet 614

= 25 Jan 1854 at age 75, must be widow of Anschel Joseph (her husband = grave 817, her son = grave 804)

804 5612-H JEHUDA LOEB BEN ANSCHEL WEINMANN of Wallerstein died 27 Tishrei 612 = Löw Anschel Weinmann,

a wine merchant, who died 22 Oct 1851 at age 46 (his father = grave 817, his mother = grave 803)

805 5583-H GITEL BAT JOSEPH, widow of Hirsch Segal in Wallerstein, died 22 Sivan 583

= Hirsch Koch's wife who died 1 June 1823 (same grave as her husband, her son = grave 807)

805 5583-H NAPHTALI called HIRSCH BEN "JASR" (?) SEGAL of Wallerstein died 16 Adar 583

= Hirsch Koch, who died 27 Feb 1823 (same grave as his wife, his son = grave 807)

806 5625-H HENDEL OBERDORFER of Wallerstein, widow of Joseph, died 27 Elul 625 = 18 Sep 1865 (husband = grave 623)

807 5589-H JOSEPH JAKOB KOCH of Wallerstein, son of Naphtali Hirsch Segal, died 24 Cheshvan 589

= 1 Nov 1828 at age 45, he was married (his parents = grave 805)

808 5625 JOCHEVED KOCH of Wallerstein, died as "Jacobine" 22 Feb 1865 at age 80, unmarried (no hebrew date mentioned)

809 5601-H SAMUEL REDELSHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen, died 22 Tishrei 601 (would be 19 Oct according to hebcal)

according to burial list he died 22 Oct 1840 at age 64 (his wife Jitel = grave 815)

810 5598-H MEIER STEINHARTER of Hainsfarth died 4 Tevet 598 (would be 1 Jan 1838 according to hebcal)

according to burial list he actually died 31 Dec 1837 at age 56

811 5655 JAKOBINE ZUCKENDORFER of Wallerstein (would be 1895 ), no text available

811 5630 MENDEL ZUCKENDORFER of Wallerstein died 19 Oct 1869 at age 76, no date mentioned (his wife = grave 012)

812 ? JOCHEVET BAT JOSEPH OBERDORFER of Wallerstein died 16 Sivan 655 (would be 9 Jun 1895 according to hebcal)

her father = grave 623, her mother = grave 806

813 =594-H LIPPMANN BEN SCHLOMO of Kleinerdlingen died Pesach 594 = 24 Apr – 1 May 1834 = Liebmann Salomon Melber,

a dairy products dealer, who died 27 Apr 1834 at age 44, he was married (his mother = grave 814)

814 5592-H RIFKA KELA BAT LIPPMANN, wife of Schlomo in Kleinerdlingen, died 1 Cheshvan 592

= Rebeka Melber, who died as a widow 8 Oct 1831 at age 78 (her son Lippmann = grave 813)

815 5600-H JITEL BAT ABRAHAM LIPSCHUETZ, wife of Samuel Redelsheimer in Kleinerdlingen,

died as "Jette" 14 Av 600 = 13 Aug 1840 at age 72 (her husband = grave 809, her father = grave 816)

816 5586-H ABRAHAM BEN MORDECHAI LIPSCHUETZ of Kleinerdlingen, died 11 Av 586

= 14 Aug 1826 at age 89, he was married (his daughter = grave 815)

817 5586-H ANSCHEL BEN JOSEPH of Wallerstein died 12 Tamuz 586 ? (would be 17 Jul 1826 according to hebcal)

= Anschel Joseph Wassermann, a merchant who died 23 Jul 1826

(his father Joseph Loeb = grave 908, his wife = grave 803 , his son = grave 804)

818 5586-H ELIESER BEN ELI BAER of Wallerstein died 26 Adar I 586

= Lazarus Elias Baer Sommer, also called "Elieser Baer, who died 5 Mar 1826 (one year old)

819 5593-H NAPHTALI HIRSCH BEN ELI BAER of Wallerstein died 5 Av 593 = Hirsch Sommer, who died 21 Jul 1833 at age 20

820 5578-H ELI BAER JOSEPH BEN NAPHTALI HIRSCH of Wallerstein died 28 Iyyar 578

(would be 3 June1818 according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 4 June 1818 as "Elias Baer"

821 ?-N MOSHE … ? JITZCHAK ? of ? died 25 Elul 554 (would be 20 Sep 1794 according to hebcal)

could be Moses Isaak vulgo Wellenbueschel, who died 9 Aug 1791 in Kleinerdlingen ?

822 5559-H SCHLOMO MOSHE BEN JITZCHAK SEKEL of Pflaumloch died 14 Sivan 559 (would be 17 Jul 1799 according to hebcal) = Parnas Salomon Saeckle, who died 15 Jul 1799 (descendants adopted the surname Noerdlinger around 1815)

823 5561 DAVID MOSHE BEN SCHLOMO of Pflaumloch died 22 Iyyar 561 (would be 5 May 1801 according to hebcal)

= David Salomon Friedmann, who died 17 Apr 1801, (surname Friedmann was adopted by descendants only after 1813)

his widow Schendel = grave 044

824 5574-H FRUMET SARA BAT DAVID KATZ, wife of Chajm in Oberdorf, died 1 Nisan 574

(would be 22 Mar 1814 according to hebcal) must be Heyum Joel's wife, who died 21 Mar 1814 according to burial list,

Frumet Schwabacher was the daughter of David Kuhn in Harburg and his wife Dolz, she married Haium Schwabacher

(March 1783 – 24 Apr 1857) in Oberdorf in July 1808 - Haium Schwabacher was the son of Joel Schwabacher and

his wife Jendla – Haium Schwabacher's grandfather Lazarus had moved from Schwabach to Oberdorf

825 5567-H PESLA LEA BAT SALMAN, wife of Joseph in Oberdorf, died 14 Sh'vat 567

(would be 23 Jan 1807 according to hebcal) according to burial list she died 16 Jan 1807, her son died three days later

826 5566-? JOSEPH BEN RABBI ARIE SCHRAGA (meaning "light") of Oberdorf died …? Sh'vat 566

(no exact day mentioned) may be Joseph Veit, who died 29 Dec 1805 ?

827 5564-H CHAILE , wife of Wolf in Oettingen, died 14 Iyyar 565 ? wrong year, (rather 564 ?- 14 Iyyar 564 would be 25 Apr 1804 according to hebcal) must be Wolf Kleinerdlinger's wife Keille, who actually died 28 Apr 1804 at age 50

828 5580-? KELA BAT JITZCHAK ITZIK, wife of Menachem Mendel in Oettingen, died 26 Cheshvan 580 (would be

14 Nov 1819 according to hebcal) must be teacher Mendel Springer's wife Kela, who died 16 Oct 1819 at age 72

829 5592-H ABRAHAM BEN MAIER of Oettingen died Jom Kippur 592 = Abraham Stein, who died 17 Sep 1831 at age 65

830 5602-H JEHOSCHUA BEN ASCHER STAUBMANN of Oettingen died 19 Sh'vat 602

(would be 30 Jan 1842 according to hebcal) = the feather dealer Schiel Staubmann, who died 27 Jan 1845 at age 74

831 5572-H JOSEPH LOEB BEN ZACHARIAS of Oettingen died 8 Tamuz 572

(would be 18 Jun 1812 according to hebcal) = Joseph Loew Neuburger of Oettingen, who died 17 Jun 1812 at age 79

832 5570-H RABBI CHAJM BEN JAKOB, shochet of Oettingen, died 13 Tevet 570

= Heyum Heumann, who died 20 Dec 1809 at age 82 (his son David = grave 833)

833 5593-H DAVID BEN RABBI CHAJM of Oettingen, mohel and shochet, died Rosch Hashana 593

= David Heumann, who died 25 Sep 1832 at age 65, his father was the shochet Chajm ben Jakob = grave 832

834 5599-H PERL BAT SHOCHET DAVID, wife of Hirsch Baumann in Oettingen, died 2 Tamuz 599

= Bertha Baumann, who died 14 Jun 1839 at age 39, her father was the shochet David Heumann = grave 833

835 5569-H BREINDEL BAT JONA, wife of Hirsch Gutmann in Oberdorf died 29 Tishrei 569 (would be 20 Oct 1808

according to hebcal) according to Hirsch Gutmann's family sheet she died in October 1808 at age 26,

she was Hirsch's first wife and she was born in Oettingen as daughter of Jonas Gutmann

836 5561-H BREINDEL RACHEL BAT JAKOB, wife of Parnas Loew in Oettingen died 10 Sivan 561 (would be 22 May 1801 according to hebcal) must be Loeb Koppel Neuburger's wife Breinle, who died 29 May 1801 at age 40

after childbirth (her daughter was born 17 Apr 1801 and died 13 May 1801), her husband died 6 May 1822 at age 57

837 ?-N SORLE BAT KAUFMANN, wife of Itzik in Oettingen, died 13 Adar I 505 ? (would be 15 Feb 1745 according to hebcal)

838 5519-? PESSLE RIFKA BAT KOPPEL, wife of Nathan of Oettingen, died 519 - no exact date given,

(must be 26 Jul 1759 according to burial list)

839 5580-H PESSLE RACHEL BAT FEIBELMANN KALA ?, wife of Joseph Loew of ?, died 14 Adar 580

= Joseph Loew Neuburger's widow Bela of Oettingen, who died 29 Feb 1820 at age 69

840 5573-H ANSCHEL BEN JOSEPH LOEB of Oettingen died 23 Sh'vat 573

= Amson Joseph Loew Neuburger, who died 24 Jan 1813 at age 43, he was unmarried

841 5571-? MENACHEM (called Mendel Moshe) BEN JAKOB KOPPEL of Oettingen died 28 Sivan 571 (would be 20 Jun 1811 according to hebcal) must be Mendel Koppel Badmann, who died 24 May 1811, he was an ancestor of the Badmann family, who adopted this surname in 1813 (his wife Sela = grave 578, his brother = grave 843)

842 5587-H JITZCHAK (called Eisik) BEN JAKOB (called Koppel) of Oettingen died 22 Tevet 587 = Isaak Badmann,

who died 21 Jan 1827 at age 65 (his first wife = grave 782) he was a brother of Mendel Koppel Badmann = grave 841

843 5570-H BENJAMIN (called Wolf) BEN ELCHANAN of Oettingen died 8 Adar II 570

= Wolf Henle, who died 14 Mar 1810 at age 55 (last name = "Oestreicher", widow Mirjam Oetsreicher = grave 643)

844 5576-? ABRAHAM BEN MOSHE of Oettingen died 24 Kislev 576 (would be 26 Dec 1815 according hebcal)

must be Abraham Moyses Simon, who died 27 Nov 1815, no age given

845 5567-H SCHIMON BEN JAKOB of Kleinerdlingen died 26 Nisan 567 = Simon Redelsheimer, who died 4 May 1807

846 ?-N JISACHAR BAER BEN VEIS of Oberdorf died Jom Kippur 569 ? (would be 1 Oct 1808 according to hebcal)

847 5572-H MOSHE MOSHE BEN ITZIK JUNG of Pflaumloch died 12 Iyyar 572 = 24 Apr 1812

(he was the father of the three brothers Joseph, Lippmann and Salomon Jung in Pflaumloch)

848 5569-H BLUEMLE BAT MOSHE, widow of Ensle in Pflaumloch, died 9 Sh'vat 569 = 27 Jan 1809

849 5582-H TOLZ BAT MARUM JAKOB, wife of Maier in Pflaumloch, died 20 Sh'vat 582 = 11 Feb 1822

(Marum Jakob was a hazzan)

850 ?-N SORLE RIFKA BAT SALMAN, wife of Jehuda Aron Loeb of Pflaumloch, died 9 Tamuz 576 ?

(would be 5 Jul 1816 according to hebcal)

851 ?-N JISACHAR BAER BEN SCHMUEL of Oberdorf died 579 = 1818/19 (no exact date mentioned)

852 5564-H GNENDEL BAT SCHLOMO, wife of Jakob Thalmessinger of Pflaumloch, died 28 Sh'vat 564

= Loew Thalmessinger's wife, who died 10 Feb 1804

853 ?-N MIRJAM BAT DAVID, wife of Hirsch in Pflaumloch, died 24 Iyyar 581 ? (would be 26 May 1821 according to hebcal)

854 5578-? SCHIMSCHON (must be SAMSON) LOEB BEN HIRSCH HELBING of Wallerstein died 580 = 1819/20 ?

(no exact date given) must be Samson Helbing (father of Hirsch Samson Helbing), who died 15 Oct 1817

855 ?-N JOSEPH SCHIMSCHON ARIE BEN ELIESER of Oettingen died 8 Cheshvan 578 ?

(would be 18 Oct 1817 according to hebcal)

856 = 568-? JOSEPH BEN SCHMUEL of Regensburg died 24 Nisan 568 (no village mentioned)

(would be 21 Apr 1808 according to hebcal) may be Joseph Regensburger in Wallerstein, who died 30 Mar 1808

857 5565-? JITEL LEA BAT LOEB TREUCHTLINGER, wife of Eisik (written "Jain" ?) = Isak Gutmann in Hainsfarth,

died 25 Nisan 565 (would be 24 Apr 1805 according to hebcal) according to burial list this would be Eisik's wife,

who died 5 Sep 1805

858 5566-H SPRINZ RACHEL BAT SALMAN, wife of David in Hainsfarth, died 24 Kislev 566

= David Gutmann's wife, who died 15 Dec 1805

859 ?-N SCHMUEL BEN JOSEPH of Hainsfarth died tuesday before Rosh Hashana 572 ?

(would be 17 Sep 1811 according to hebcal)

860 ?-N GITEL RACHEL, wife of Moshe Koch (of Rawno ?), died 12 Tamuz 675

(would be 24 Jun 1915 according to hebcal)

861 5599-H REIZ HECHINGER, daughter of Chajm Segal (= Levi), wife of Juda Hechinger of Wallerstein,

died 12 Adar 599 = 26 Feb 1839 at age 66 (her husband = grave 065)

862 ?-N KRENLE BAT DAVID, wife of Schimon in Oettingen, died 25 Av 502 ? (would be 25 Aug 1742 according to hebcal)

863 5593-H MIRJAM BAT SCHIMON "KROIN" ?, wife of Hinle in Wallerstein, died 20 Sh'vat 593 = 9 Feb 1833 (at age 42)

she was Hinle Schachmann's wife, called Margaretha

864 5584-? SEEW (= Wolf) JITZCHAK ITZIK BEN JAKOB SULZ of Wallerstein died 24 Cheshvan 586 ? wrong year, rather 584

(24 Cheshvan 584 would be 29 Oct 1823 according to hebcal) must be Jakob Sulz's son Isak, who died 2 Oct 1823

865 5583-H CHAJM ABRAHAM BEN MENACHEM MENDEL SULZ of Wallerstein died 9 Adar I 583

= 20 Feb 1823 as "Haium Sulz" (his first ? wife = grave 290, his second ? wife = grave 471)

866 5623-H MEILE, widow of Wolf Springer of Kleinerdlingen, died Pesach II 623 (would be 5 Apr 1863 according to hebcal

she was called "Amalie" and died 2 Apr 1863 at age 83 (grave 866 a, text in appendix), her husband = grave 867

866 5597-H JAKOB BEN CHAJM SULZ of Wallerstein died 23 Av 597= 24 Aug 1837 at age 50 (same grave as Meile Springer ?)

867 5608-H WOLF BEN ITZIK SPRINGER of Kleinerdlingen, died 25 Cheshvan 608 (would be 10 Nov 1847 according to hebcal)

according to burial list he died 7 Nov 1847 at age 76, his wife = grave 866

868 5583-? BELA BAT SELIGMANN, wife of deceased Mordechai in Kleinerdlingen, died 10 Sh'vat ? 583

(would be 22 Jan 1823 according to hebcal) maybe the widow Bela Gundelfinger, who died 14 May 1823 ?

869 5586-H JENDEL BAT NATHAN, wife of Schlomo Salman in Hainsfarth, died 586 (no month given)

= Jendel Wersching, who died 28 Mar 1826 at age 62 = first wife of Salomon Wersching,

who married his second wife Bela ca 1826 and died 27 Feb 1846 at age 84

(Jendel and Salomon Wersching got married in 1789, she was born in Kleinerdlingen as daughter of Nathan Laemle)

870 5591-H LIEBERMANN LOEB BEN SCHMUEL of Hainsfarth died 3 Elul 591

= Lippmann Loeb Wersching, who died 12 Aug 1831 at age 64 as a widower, his wife had died 30 Jan 1820

(their sons = graves 871 + 872)

871 5592-H SCHMUEL NOAH BEN LIEBERMANN of Hainsfarth died 4 Cheshvan 592 (would be 11 Oct 1831

according to hebcal) = Samuel Wersching, who died 14 Oct 1831 at age 34, he was unmarried (his father = grave 870)

872 5592-H BEER MOSHE BEN LIEBERMANN LOEB of Hainsfarth died 20 Tevet 592 (would be 24 Dec 1831

according to hebcal) must be the merchant Bernhard Wersching, who died 8 Dec 1831 at age 32, he was unmarried

(his father = grave 870)

873 5595 -H HIRSCH BEN SANWIL of Hainsfarth died 9 Iyyar 595

= the cattle dealer Hirsch Neumann, who died 8 May 1835 at age 76, he was married

874 5634 LIBEL ROSENFELD (nee Waldmann), widow of Abraham Hirsch Rosenfeld in Kleinerdlingen died 7 Oct 1873

at age 73, her husband Abraham = grave 875 (no hebrew date mentioned)

875 5623-H ABRAHAM ZWI HIRSCH BEN MEIR ROSENFELD of Kleinerdlingen, died as Abraham Hirsch Rosenfeld

10 Adar 623 = 1 Mar 1863 at age 73 (his wife Libel = grave 874)

876 5584-H FRADEL BAT ABRAHAM, wife of Baruch Loeb in Kleinerdlingen, died 12 Cheshvan 584

= Rabbi Baruch Loew Steppacher's wife, who died 17 Oct 1823 at age 69

877 5583 HANNA JOCHEVED BAT JAKOB, wife of Koppel in Oberdorf, died 9 Sivan 586 (would be 14 Jun 1826

according to hebcal – no match) closest match would be Koppel Schwarz's wife Hanna (1 Oct 1789 – 20 Mai 1823),

daughter of Jacob Salomon Rau of Oberdorf + wife Liebel nee Herrmann - Koppel Schwarz had married Hanna

in May 1816 – his second wife (married 12 Nov 1823) became Hanna's sister Voegel Rau (born August 1794)

878 =583 CHAJM DOV (called Chajm Baerle) BEN JOSEPH of Oettingen died 10 Tevet 586

(would be 20 Dec 1825 according to hebcal), according to death record this must be Hayum Baer Neuburger,

who died 24 Dec 1822 at age 83 - in 1813 he had changed last name to "Goldschmidt"

(his first wife = grave 451, his second wife = grave 979)

879 5575-H MEIER ARON BEN MORDECHAI of Wallerstein died 9 Tamuz 575 = Meyer Schachmann, who died 17 Jul 1815

880 ?-N MINKELE BAT CHAJM of Wallerstein died last day of Pesach 574 ?

(according to hebcal Pesach VIII 574 would be 12 Apr 1814)

881 5572-H JAKOB BEN SCHLOMO of Oberdorf died Shavuot II 572 = Jacob Salomon of Oberdorf, who died 18 May 1812

882 5575-? MOSHE BEN SCHLOMO SALMAN of Hainsfarth died 23 Iyyar 575 (may be the Parnas ?)

(would be 2 Jun 1815 according to hebcal) burial list shows "the parnas Moses" in 1815 without exact date

883 =600-H MALKE BAT CHAJM BIENENFELD, widow of Hirsch Helbing, died 8 Sh'vat 600 (would be 13 Jan 1840

according to hebcal) must be Lina Helbing nee Bienenfeld, who died 15 Jan 1840 at age 37 in Wallerstein

(her husband had died in Munich 29 Nov 1836)

884 5582 GELA RACHEL BAT ENSLE of Pflaumloch died first day of new month Tevet 582

must be Ensle's daughter, who died in December 1821

885 ?-N HENDELE wife of Schlomo died 584 = 1823/24 ? (page with inscriptions 885-887 is missing)

886 5580-? LOEB LEVI died 580 = 1819/20 (page with inscriptions 885-887 is missing)

may be Loeb Thalmessinger of Pflaumloch, who died 20 Apr 1820

887 5574 MORDECHAI THALMESSINGER (page with inscriptions 885-887 is missing) (according to hebcal

17 Mar 1814 would be 25 Adar I 574) = Marx Salomon Thalmessinger of Pflaumloch, who died 17 Mar 1814

888 5582-H "TWERLE" (?), daughter of deceased Jona, wife of Jakob "Schatz" (= the hazzan Jakob) of Pflaumloch, died Thursday

first of new moon of Adar 582 (would be 21 Feb1822 according to hebcal)

according to burial list she was the hazzan's wife, who died 21 Feb 1822

889 ?-N ARON JAKOB BEN JISACHAR of Pflaumloch died Purim 570 ? (would be 20 Mar 1810 according to hebcal)

890 ?-N PINCHAS JEHUDA BEN KALMAN NEUMETZGER of Kleinerdlingen died 10 Sh'vat 601 ?

(would be 1 Feb 1841 according to hebcal) a child (his father = grave 891)

891 5608-H KALMAN BEN JAKOB NEUMETZGER of Kleinerdlingen died 25 Av 608 (would be 24 Aug 1848

according to hebcal) Kalman Neumetzger was a butcher and died 27 Aug 1848 at age 66,

(his wife Karoline = grave 653, his son Pinchas = grave 890)

892 5576-H REIZLE SARA wife of Joschua Jakob in Pflaumloch, died 11 Tevet 576 = 12 Jan 1816

893 5596-? ARON MOSHE BEN SIMON REDELSHEIMER died 572 ? - wrong year, rather 596 !

according to death record he died 19 Feb 1836 at age 54, he was married (grave 893 a – text in appendix)

893 5572-? TREINCHE BAT JOSEPH, wife of Hirsch in Oberdorf, died 24 Sivan 572 = Hirsch's widow, who died 5 Jun 1812

894 5596-H MATEL BAT SCHMUEL, wife of Schimon Redelsheimer in Kleinerdlingen,

died 9 Nisan 596 = 27 Mar 1836 at age 88 as a widow

895 5596-H JENDLE BAT ABRAHAM BUEHLER of Kleinerdlingen , born 19 Av 579, died Erev Sivan 596

= Jendle Buehler, who died 16 May 1836 at age 16 (she was the daughter of Abraham Buehler and his wife Regine)

896 5598 EDEL BAT CHAJM, wife of Abraham Regensburger in Oettingen, died Av 598,

must be the widow Morle Regensburger, who died 28 Jul 1838 at age 81 (husband = grave 897)

897 5576-H ABRAHAM BEN JOSEPH of Oettingen died 12 Tamuz 576

= Abraham Joseph Regensburger, who died 8 Jul 1816 at age 72 (his wife = grave 896)

898 5578-? ARON BEN JISACHAR who died 28 Apr 1818 = 22 Nisan 578 (no text in appendix – text missing ?)

might be a son of Isaak Cohen Rappaport, who had served as Rabbi in Wallerstein 1772-1788

898 ?-N SORLE CHAJA BILA BAT SALMAN, wife of Abraham in Hainsfarth, died 27 Adar 583 ?

(would be 10 Mar 1832 according to hebcal)

899 ?-N SORLE BAT JESAJA, wife of Loeb in Hainsfarth, died 13 Sh'vat 580 ? (would be 29 Jan 1820 according to hebcal)

900 ?-N GELA RACHEL BAT SCHIMON, wife of Jona Engländer (no village)

died 1 Iyyar 575 ? (would be 11 May 1815 according to hebcal)

901 5576-H GITEL BAT ELIESER LIPPMANN, wife of Seligmann in Hainsfarth,

died Sukkot 576 (would be 7–13 Oct 576 according to hebcal) = Seligmann's wife, who died 13 Oct 1816

902 5576-H MIRJAM RACHEL BAT SCHLOMO, wife of Abraham Segal in Oettingen died 12 Tamuz 576

= Abraham Goldbacher's wife Mariam, who died 8 Jul 1816 at age 31

903 5581-? GITEL BAT SALMAN, wife of Schlomo in Pflaumloch, died 1 Adar II 581 (would be 5 Mar 1821 according to hebcal)

= Salomon's wife, who died in March 1821, no exact date available,

according to original family sheet she must have been Salomon Friedmann's first wife Caroline (born 2 Dec 1785

in Binswangen as daughter of Salomon Binswanger + wife Matel), whom he had married 10 Sep 1807,

(Salomon Friedmann married his second wife Clara nee Pflaum on 10 Feb 1822 in Pflaumloch)

904 5582-H MALKE BAT EIS..? COHEN, wife of Schmuel in Oettingen, died 2 Iyyar 582

= Samuel Landauer's widow Maly, who died 23 Apr 1822 at age 79 (Samuel had died 9 May 1819 at age 92)

905 ?-N GUETEL BAT HIRSCH NAPHTALI, wife of Loeb Arie in Kleinerdlingen, died 5 Tishrei 575 ?

(would be 19 Sep 1814 according to hebcal)

906 5575-H ZVI HIRSCH BEN MOSHE of Oettingen died 12 Tevet 575

(would be 25 Dec 1814 according to hebcal) = Hirsch Moyses Kellermann, who died 26 Dec 1814 at age 51,

he had married 6 May 1806 in Oettingen Sorle (David's daughter from Kleinerdlingen)

907 5577-? HINLE BAT HIRSCH of Oettingen died Sukkot 576 (a child, ten years old) (would be 19-25 Oct 1815

according to hebcal) must be deceased Hirsch Moyses Kellermann's daughter (14 Aug 1806 – 8 Oct 1816)

908 5580-H JOSEPH ARIE BEN SCHMUEL from Oberdorf, died in Wallerstein 24 Tishrei 580

= Joseph Loeb Weinmann of Wallerstein, who died 13 Oct 1819 (father of Anschel Joseph Weinmann)

909 5607-H HENDELE BAT EISIK, wife of Eisik (= Isaak) Thalmessinger in Oettingen died 24 Adar 607 =

12 Mar 1847 at age 84 (her husband Isaak = grave 911)

910 ?-N SCHLOMO LOEB BEN HIRSCH of Hainsfarth died 9 Nisan 521 ? (would be 13 Apr 1761 according to hebcal)


(would be 12 Nov 1840 according to hebcal) he died as "Isaak" 3 Nov 1840 in Oettingen at age 74

(his wife Hendele = grave 909)

912 5575-H KEHLA BAT MOSHE, wife of Kalman Segal in Oettingen, died 25 Tevet 575 (would be 7 Jan 1815

according to hebcal) according to burial list she died 5 Jan 1815 at age 62 as widow of Kalman Laemle

912 5597-? NENELE, wife of Ensle in Pflaumloch, died Shavuot 597 (would be 9/10 Jun 1837 according to hebcal)

913 ?-N TOLZ BAT MENDEL, wife of Chajm in Wallerstein, died 7 Tevet 575 ? (would be 20 Dec 1814 according to hebcal)

914 5586-H RESLE BAT SCHIMSCHON (must be SAMSON), wife of Joseph in Hainsfarth, died 15 Kislev 586

(would be 25 Nov 1825 according to hebcal) = Joseph Mendel Obergessner's widow Resle, who died 26 Nov 1825

at age 63 (her husband had died 9 Nov 1822 at age 55)

Resle was born in Wallerstein as daughter of Samson and had married Joseph Maendel around 1788

915 =582-H ZIER SARA BAT LASI, wife of Liebermann, died 23 Sivan 582 (would be 12 Jun 1822 according to hebcal)

= Court Jew Liebermann Isaac's widow Zier, who died 13 Jun 1822 (her husband had died 9 Feb 1796)

her son = grave 916 - this family adopted the surname "Binswanger" around 1813

916 5609-H MORDECHAI GUMPERLE BEN LIEBERMANN BINSWANGER of Wallerstein died 6 Sh'vat 609 (would be

29 Jan 1849 according to hebcal) = Marx Lehmann Binswanger, who died 31 Jan 1849 at age 74, he was married

(his mother = grave 915) – a descendant of the Court Jew Isaac Liebermann (Binswangen – Harburg – Wallerstein)

917 5583-H REIZ WOLF of Kleinerdlingen died 19 Iyyar 583 (a woman of old age)

= Reiz Kreisle, who died 30 Apr 1823 at age 71, she was never married

918 =?-N SCHIMON BEN KOPPEL "MATI" (?) died 11 Nisan 577 ? (would be 28 Mar 1817 according to hebcal)

919 ?-N MORDECHAI of Oettingen died 24 Nisan 587 ? (would be 21 Apr 1827 according to hebcal)

920 =587-H SCHLOMO SELIGMANN BEN MORDECHAI of Hainsfarth died 19 Tamuz 587

= Salomon Marx Oberdorfer, who died 14 Jul 1827 at age 75 (his wife = grave 921)

921 =587-H KLAERLE RIFKA BAT MEIR, wife of Schlomo Seligmann in Hainsfarth, died 11 Tamuz 587

= Salomon Marx Oberdorfer's wife Klara, who died 6 Jul 1827 at age 60 (her husband = grave 920)

922 5602-H JACOB MICHAEL KOPPEL BEN SCHIMON BIER of Oettingen, died 2 Av 602

(would be 9 Jul 1842 according to hebcal) = Koppel Bier, who died 29 Jul 1842 at age 48

923 5598-? ELI JOSEPH BEN MORDECHAI of Hainsfarth died 9 Av 597 ? (would be 10 Aug 1837 according to hebcal) wrong date !

must be Elias Marx Rosenthaler (ca 1750 – 26 Jul 1836), married to Michla (ca 1762 – 30 Dec 1843) daughterr = grave 924

924 5608-H REICHELE BAT ELI ROSENTHAL, widow of Hirsch Salomon Oberdorfer in Hainsfarth, died 2 Iyyar 608

= 5 Mai 1848 at age 75, she was a daughter of Elias Marx Rosenthaler (= grave 923)

925 5626 SCHIFRA BINSWANGER of Wallerstein, widow of Schmuel Binswanger, died 1 Cheshvan 626 ?

(would be 21 Oct 1865 according to hebcal) according to burial list she died 30 Oct 1864 at age 85

926 5610-H MENACHEM OBERDORFER of Hainsfarth died Sukkot 610 = 4 Oct 1849 at age 70,

he was married and died as "Mendel" (according to hebcal 4 Oct was Sukkot IV)

927 5590-H ABRAHAM BEN JITZCHAK SECKEL WERTHEIMER of Oettingen died 6 Cheshvan 590 (would be 2 Nov 1829 according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 31 Oct 1829 at age 91 as a widower, he was born in Fuerth 1762 as Abraham Isaac, had settled in Oettingen around 1787 and married 18 Apr 1787 deceased Isaac Moyses' daughter Bessele Kaye, who died 21 Feb 1802 at age 32, his second wife Hendela (married 10 Jun 1802) died 17 Mar 1811 at age 76

928 ? ABRAHAM BEN ITZIK (nothing else mentioned)

929 5598-H NAPHTALI BEN PINCHAS STEINHARTER of Kleinerdlingen died 9 Iyyar 598 = Hirsch Steinharter

of Kleinerdlingen, who died 4 May 1838 at age 80 (his wife Kehle died 15 Mar 1842 at age 84 = grave 053)

930 =584-? JOSEPH BEN NATHAN SUESSEL died 12 Iyyar 584 (where ?)

(would be 10 May 1824 according to hebcal) closest match would be Joseph Nathan of Oberdorf, who died 12 Mar 1824

931 =582-H BENJAMIN SCHAI JAKOB of Hainsfarth died 1 Elul 582 = 18 Aug 1822 (he adopted the surname "Scheuerle" in 1813)

he was the father of Wolf Benjamin Scheuerle

932 =591-H MERLE BAT TEVEL of Hainsfarth died 27 Tishrei 591 = 14 Oct 1830 at age 69, as a widow (husband not mentioned)

933 ?-N ESTHER BAT MARUM, wife of Simon in Wallerstein, died 24 Tamuz 580 ?

(would be 6 Jul 1820 according to hebcal) Simon served as shamash for the Jewish community

934 ?-N MEIER BEN SUSMANN of Hainsfarth died 6 Sh'vat 548 ? (would be 15 Jan 1788 according to hebcal)

935 =?-N TREINLE BAT HIRSCH, wife of hazzan Jakob in Hainsfarth, died 2 Elul 570 ?

(would be 1 Sep 1810 according to hebcal)

936 5582-H NAPHTALI HIRSCH BEN ELIESER of Hainsfarth died 14 Sivan 582 = 3 June 1822

937 5577 SALMAN BEN NAPHTALI HIRSCH of Hainsfarth died 577 (no month given) = 1816/17

according to burial list this must be Salomon Naphtali who died 4 Jan 1816 (father = grave 936 ?)

938 5578-H VOEGELE BAT JAKOV, wife of Schimon in Oettingen, died 25 Cheshvan 578

= widow of Simon Baruch of Oettingen, she died 4 Nov 1817 at age 82, her husband died 4 Mar 1793 in Oettingen,

Voegele was the stepdaughter of Simon Hajum Springer in Oettingen, her daughter Roesle married Moses David

Oberdorfer (born in Oberdorf) in Oettingen

939 5603-H PINCHAS BENJAMIN called SELIGMANN WOLF, son of Simon Frank in Oettingen, died 14 Iyyar 603

= Seligmann Frank who died 14 May 1843 at age 60

940 5580-H JENDELE, wife of Schmuel in Hainsfarth, died 6 Sh'vat 580 (would be 22 Jan 1820 according to hebcal)

according to burial list Samuel's wife died 23 Jan 1820 (might be Samuel Benjamin Schoenemann's second wife)

941 5581-H JAKOB BEN ELIESER JOSEPH (called Suessel) died 16 Cheshvan 581 (would be 24 Oct 1820 according to hebcal)

according to burial list he died 29 Oct 1820 in Oberdorf = this was Suess Ellinger's father Jacob Suess ben Suessel

(July 1755 – 29 Oct 1820), who was married to Kela nee Wolf from Ellingen (born September 1762) who re married

Baer in Ellingen after Jacob's death

942 ?-N DAVID DOV called TEVEL BAER , son of Schlomo (Salman) of Oberdorf died 580 ? (no month given) (would be 1819/20)

943 ?-N SILA LEA BAT NETTE SEGAL, widow of Frank in Oberdorf, died 9 Adar I 578 ?

(would be 15 Feb 1818 according to hebcal)

944 5579-H ZIERLE BAT JOSEPH, wife of David in Kleinerdlingen, died 18 Kislev 579 (would be 16 Dec 1818 according

to hebcal) according to death record this must be David Kaiser's widow who died 26 Dec 1818 at age 84

945 =580-H ASCHER JOSEPH "JENLI" (?) BEN MATITJAHU of Kleinerdlingen died 25 Kislev 580

(= Jakob Waldmann, who died 13 Dec 1819)

946 =579-H MATITJAHU BEN SALMAN of Kleinerdlingen died 7 Tishrei 579 (would be 7 Oct 1818 according to hebcal)

according to death record this was Baruch Matthes Salomon Hirnheimer, who died 5 Oct 1818 at age 58

(his son = grave 948)

947 5600-H HENDELE, widow of Matitjahu Waldmann in Kleinerdlingen, died 18 Nisan 600

(would be 21 Apr 1840 according to hebcal) according to burial list she actually died 4 Apr 1840 at age 80

948 5597 NAPHTALI SEEW BEN BARUCH HIRNHEIMER of Kleinerdlingen died 597 (no exact date given)

must be Hirsch Wolf Hirnheimer, who died 30 Sep 1836 at age 43

(his wife Jette nee Oettinger had died 30 Mar 1826 at age 32, her grave = 958)

949 ?-N JENDEL BAT ITZIK, wife of Jakob Moshe in "EJ ?" (probably "Erlangen" ? = meaning Kleinerdlingen)

died 4 Sh'vat 586 ? (would be 12 Jan 1826 according to hebcal)

950 5581-H JACOB LINDENTHAL of Kleinerdlingen, died 3 Adar II 581 (would be 7 Mar 1821 according to hebcal)

according to death record he died 17 Feb 1821 at age 42, he was married

951 5586-H NENDEL SARA BAT SANDEL, wife of Schmuel of Hainsfarth, died 5 Tamuz 586

(= Samuel Herrmann's first wife, who died 10 Jul 1826 at age 24 after childbirth) text in appendix

952 5592 FRUMETLE BAT MARUM, wife of Hinle in Wallerstein, died Shabbat 11 Sivan 592

(would be 9 June 1832 according to hebcal) must be Hinlein Eising's wife Fani who died 9 Jul 1832 at age 40

in connection with giving birth to a son Fromman who died after 14 days

953 5580-H MINDLE, daughter of Josua of Pflaumloch, died 1Tevet 580

(= Isaias' daughter, who died 19 Dec 1819) text in appendix

954 5594 EDELE CHAJE, wife of Mordechai Flesch in Hainsfarth, no death date given, must be Adelheid Flesch (nee Badmann),

who died 21 Sep 1833 at age 29, first wife of Max Flesch who remarried 19 Dec 1835 Adelheid Steiner from Innsbruck

955 5610-H VOEGELE BAT MOSHE WOLF of Kleinerdlingen died 1 Elul 610 = 9 Aug 1850 at age 3,

she was Moses Wolf's daughter (same grave as her brother Benjamin)

955 5611-H BENJAMIN BEN MOSHE WOLF of Kleinerdlingen died 7 Adar II 611 = 10 Mar 1851

one year old son of Moses Wolf (same grave as his sister Voegele)

956 =576-? ENDEL BAT DAVID, wife of Hirsch Wolf Hirnheimer of Kleinerdlingen, died 12 Sivan 576

(would be 8 Jun 1816 according to hebcal) date obviously wrong, must be Hirsch Wolf's second wife Edel = Adelheid,

whom he married in 1826 and who died 18 May 1836 at age 33 (her husband = grave 948)

957 5584-H HANNA "LESMAT (?)" BAT SCHMUEL, wife of Moshe Baruch in "EL" (= "Erlangen" = Kleinerdlingen),

died 27 Tamuz 584 (would be 23 Jul 1824 according to hebcal) Baruch Hirnheimer's widow Hanna,

who died 22 Jul 1824 at age 62 (her husband died 24 Dec 1816 = grave 568)

958 5586-H JITEL "ESNAT" (?) BAT ELI SEGAL, wife of Naphtali Zeew (known as Hirsch Wolf) in "EL" (= "Erlangen" = Kleinerdlingen), died 21 Iyyar 586 (would be 28 May 1826 according to hebcal), according to death record

this must be Hirsch Wolf Hirnheimer'sfirst wife Jette nee Oettinger, who died 30 Mar 1826 at age 32

(her husband = grave 948)

959 5590-H HANNA BAT MENACHEM MENDEL, wife of Herzle of "EL" (= "Erlangen" = meaning Kleinerdlingen),

died 6 Iyyar 590 (would be 29 Apr 1830 according to hebcal) according to death record this must be Hanna Lauchheimer,

who died 4 May 1830 at age 84 (she was the widow of Hirz Lauchheimer)

960 ?-N SCHENLE BAT MOSHE, wife of Nette in Hainsfarth, died 16 Elul 522 ?

(would be 4 Sep 1762 according to hebcal)

961 5601-H LAEMLE MAI of Kleinerdlingen (son of Jakob Zwi) died 14 Tevet 601 (would be 7 Jan 1841 according to hebcal)

according to death record Lemlein Mai died 6 Jan 1841 at age 57, he was married to Regine nee Ehrenstein

962 5591-H ELKA LEA KOPPEL of Kleinerdlingen (daughter of Jitzchak … Sekel, wife of Isaak Koppel) died 23 Sh'vat 591

(would be 6 Feb 1831 according to hebcal) according to death record she died 7 Feb 1831 at age 71

(her husband = grave 963)

963 5602-H ITZIK KOPPEL of Kleinerdlingen, died 26 Tishrei 602 = 11 Oct 1841 at age 77 as a widower (his wife = grave 962)

"Koppel" originally meaning "little Jacob") was the last name of this family since the 1700s

964 5597-H GALE BAT MENACHEM LEVI, wife of Mordechai (called Marx) Hauser of Kleinerdlingen, died 16 Sh'vat 597

= 22 Jan 1837 at age 47, she was born 1790 in Kleinerdlingen as Mendel Levi Hoechstaedter's daughter

(he payed tax to the "Zimmern Monastery" part of the government, he died 2 Dec 1818 at age 64 in Kleinerdlingen)

965 5619-H ESTHER , wife of Zadok Waldstein of Weisendorf died 30 Adar I 619

(= Esther Waldstein of Kleinerdlingen, who died 6 Mar 1859 at age 74 as a widow)

966 ?-N SARA BAT MORDECHAI, wife of Seligmann in Wallerstein, died 11 Tamuz 582 ?

(would be 2 Jun 1822 according to hebcal)

967 5580-H ABRAHAM BEN ZADIK of Hainsfarth died 9 Sh'vat 580

(would be 25 Jan 1820 according to hebcal) according to burial list he died 26 Jan 1820

probably son of Zadik (called Zottich) Seligmann, who died 4 Oct 1782 in Hainsfarth ,

Abraham Zottich adopted surname "Treuchtlinger", his wife Sara probably died 10 Mar 1823

968 5581 NATHAN NETTE BEN JITZCHAK of Oettingen died 26 Iyyar 581 (would be 28 May 1821 according to hebcal)

next matching entry in burial record would be Nathan Isaac Michelbacher, who died 28 Feb 1821 at age 86

969 5575-H DAVID BEN JITZCHAK EISIK of Hainsfarth died 4 Nisan 575 (would be 14 Apr 1815 according to hebcal)

according to burial record this must be David Isac Herrmann, who died 10 Apr 1818

970 5579-H SCHIMON BEN JITZCHAK of Hainsfarth died 1 Nisan 579 (would be 27 Mar 1819 according to hebcal)

according to burial list this was Simon Engel who died 29 Mar 1819

971 ?-N ISAK ITZIK BEN SANWIL of Hainsfarth died 18 Nisan 509 ? (would be 6 Apr 1749 according to hebcal)

972 5580-? HANNA BAT JOSEPH, widow of Meir in Hainsfarth, died Sunday 2 Sh'vat 580 (would be 18 Jan 1820 according

to hebcal)

973 5580 MIRJAM BAT JOSEPH, wife of Jos in Hainsfarth, died 5 Iyyar 580 (would be 19 Apr 1820 according to hebcal)

death record shows Joseph Moses Ries' wife in April 1820 (her husband = grave 974 )

974 5581-H JOSEPH BEN MOSHE of Hainsfarth died 25 Iyyar 581, according to burial list this was Joseph Moses Ries,

who died 27 May 1821 (his wife = grave 973)

975 5598-H MORDECHAI BEN SCHLOMO HINLEIN of Wallerstein died 1 Sivan 598 (would be 25 May 1838 according

to hebcal) according to death record this was Marx Hinlein, who died 26 May 1838 at age 27, he was unmarried

976 5581-H HAVA (EVA) BAT FEIS, wife of Eisik in Oberdorf, died 4 Sh'vat 581 (= 7 Jan 1821 according to hebcal)

burial list shows "wife Eva" in January 1821

977 5580 LOEB BEN ABRAHAM of Hainsfarth died 13 Tishrei 580 = 2 Oct 1819 (must be Loeb Abraham Bär,

who was born in Hainsfarth ca 1765 and married 1790 Serle = daughter of Moyses David in Hainsfarth)

978 ? GELA BAT CHAJM, wife of Schlomo in Wallerstein, died ? (no date given)

979 =587 BESLE BAT ELIESER SEGAL, wife of Chajm Dov Berle in Oettingen, died 13 Cheshvan 585 ?

(would be 4 Nov 1824 according to hebcal) date is wrong, she was Besele - called Babette (1758 – 3 Nov 1827),

she was born in Markt Berolzheim and married Hayum Baer as his second wife in 1796, family name was at first

"Neuburger" and then changed to "Goldschmidt" in 1813 (husband = grave 878, first wife = grave 451)

980 5586-H MENACHEM MENDEL BEN JOSEPH of Oettingen died 24 Kislev 586

(= Mendel Joseph Aschaffenburger, who died 4 Dec 1825 at age 79) his daughter = grave 981

981 5591-H SORLE BAT MENACHEM MENDEL SCHOENBURG of Oettingen died 16 Tamus 591

(= Sara Aschaffenburger, who died 27 Jun 1831 at age 39, she was unmarried) her father = grave 980,

for some time the last name "Schoenburg" was used instead of "Aschaffenburger"

982 5584 NATHAN NETTE BEN CHAJM (no village mentioned) died 3 Elul 584 ? (would be 27 Aug 1824 according to hebcal)

probably Nathan Haium Einstein of Oberdorf (Mai 1774 – 2 Feb 1824),

he was a son of Haium Hess Einstein + wife Sara nee Hess in Oberdorf,

his wife was Judith nee Stern (born July 1782 in Oberdorf, died 26 Oct 1832 in Munich)

983 5611-H SELIGMANN DITTMANN died in Hainsfarth after Sukkot 611 = 30 Sep 1850 at age 66

(his wife Madel died in Kleinerdlingen 22 Feb 1852 at age 70)

984 5987-H JACHET MOSESSTEIN of Pflaumloch died 14 Sh'vat 587 (would be 11 Feb 1827 according to hebcal)

according to death record this must be Elias (also called "Ensle") Mosesstein's wife, who died 15 Jan 1837 at age 67

985 5576-H RESELE ZIPORA BAT NETTE, wife of Hirsch Michael in Oettingen, died 2 Cheshvan 576

(would be 5 Nov 1815 according to hebcal) according to burial list this was Hirsch Michael Badmann's wife Roesele,

who died 6 Nov 1815 at age 48

986 5576-H RESELE LEA BAT KALMAN of Oettingen (wife of Abraham Frank) died 11 Tamuz 584 (would be 7 Jul 1824 according to hebcal) according to death record this was Rosalie Fraenkel, who died 6 Jul 1824 at age 30,

she had married Abraham Fraenkel of Fuerth on 27 Nov 1822 in Oettingen and died after giving birth of a stillborn daughter

987 =694 MORDECHAI BEN DAVID = MAX LISBERGER (8 Apr 1875 – 1 Jan 1934)

son of Daniel Lisberger and his wife Rika nee Oberdorfer

988 5692-? MADELE MATHILDE BAT MOSHE WOLF of Kleinerdlingen, died 9 Sh'vat 692 ?

(would be 17 Jan 1932 according to hebcal) she was born 16 Nov 1862 in Kleinerdlingen as daughter

of Moses Wolf and his wife Hanna (see grave 697)

989 5684 ISAK BEN ELIESER ZWI = ISAAK WILD of Wallerstein (11 Nov 1848 – 5 May 1924),

he was Parnas of Jewish community for 27 years, his wife Hanna nee Mayer (1843-1913) = grave 322,

his daughter Rika = grave 990

990 5696-H RICKA ERLEBACHER (nee Wild) of Moenchsroth, died 22 Sh'vat 5696 = 15 Feb 1936, (Akrostichon says "Rifka"),

she was born 23 Nov 1877 in Wallerstein as daughter of Isak Wild (grave 989) and his wife Hanna nee Wild (grave 322),

she was the wife of the teacher Gustav Erlebacher (born 2 Jan 1878 in Diedelsheim/Baden) who by 1936 lived in

Moenchsroth (near Dinkelbuehl) with his family (4 children) and who completed this grave list,. He moved to Munich

in late 1937, and in 1941 became a victim of the shoah - his son Hermann Erlebacher (born 30 Mar 1912 in Goldbach) was

a well known teacher at the Jewish school in Koenigsberg (Prussia) and he also became a victim of the shoah.

991 5685-H ESTHER BAT MEIR MARX, daughter of Meir Marx, died 22 Sivan 685

= Ernestine Marx (11 Apr 1838 – 14 Jun 1925) text in appendix

992 5680-H GITEL OBERDORFER died 5 Cheshvan 680 (where ?) of Wallerstein ?

= Karolina Oberdorfer (27 May 1839 – 29 Oct 1919) unmarried – text in appendix

993 5670-? ELLA GOLDA, daughter of teacher Jakob Joseph Lewkowitz, died Pesach IV 670

(would be 27 Apr 1910 according to hebcal) (a seven month old girl, probably called "Elli")



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