STALINGRADPlease take a moment to let us know how you feel about the movie you just saw. 1.Are you: (CHECK ONE)2.What is your age? (CHECK ONE)Male( )1Female( )218 to 24( )130 to 34( )325 to 29( )235 to 45( )446 to 54( )53.How would you rate the film? (CHECK ONE)4.Would you recommend this film to your friends?(CHECK ONE)Excellent( )1Yes, Definitely( )1Very good ( )2Yes, Probably( )2Good ( )3No, Probably not( )3Fair ( )4No, Definitely not( )4Poor ( )55a.If you said you would definitely recommend this film to your friends in Question 4, why do you feel you would definitely recommend it? (PLEASE BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE)5b.If you did not say you would definitely recommend this film to your friends in Question 4, what is holding you back? (PLEASE BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE)6.What were your expectations before seeing the film? (CHECK ONE) 7.Now that you have seen the film, was it… (CHECK ONE) High expectations( )1Better than I expected( )1Low expectations( )2About what I expected( )2I had no expectations( )3Not as good as I expected( )38.How would you describe this film to your friends?(PLEASE BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE, NOT JUST MENTIONING WHETHER YOU LIKED IT OR NOT)9.What are the scenes you liked most and liked least? (Please be as specific as possible)Scenes Liked MostScenes Liked LeastA.A.B.B.C.C.10.Which age groups do you think this movie will appeal to? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)11.Do you think this movie is…(CHECK ONE)Teenagers( )1For males( )1People in their 20s-30s( )2For females( )2People in their 40s-50s( )3For both males and females equally( )3People in their 60s and older( )4All ages( )512.How would you rate each of the following characters in the film? (Please CHECK one answer for each CHARACTER)ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoora.Gromov, the Russian commander (played by Pyotr Fyodorov)( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5b.Katya, the girl helping the Russian soldiers (played by Maria Smolnikova)( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5c.Masha, the blonde girl (played by Yana Studilina)( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5d.Peter Kahn the Nazi captain (played by Thomas Kretschmann)( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5e.Hans the Nazi colonel (played by Heiner Lauterbach)( )1( )2( )3( )4( )513.How would you rate each of the following elements in the film? (Please CHECK one answer for each ELEMENT)ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoora.The battle scenes( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5b.The story( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5c.The Stalingrad settings( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5d.The relationship between Kahn (Kretschmann) and Masha (Studilina)( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5e.The relationship between Katya and the Russian soldiers( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5f.The dubbing in German( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5h.The 3D effects( )1( )2( )3( )4( )514.Which of the following words or phrases best describe the film? (please CHECK ALL THAT apply)Entertaining( )1Interesting story( )11Too unrealistic( )21Dramatic( )2Intense in a good way( )12Great special effects( )22Good cast( )3Boring( )13Uncomfortable portrayal of Germans( )23Confusing( )4Good ending( )14Emotionally touching ( )24Action packed( )5Authentic period settings( )15Too melodramatic( )25Too slow at times( )6Too long( )16Too violent( )26Interesting characters( )7Too much focus on Russians( )17Not enough romance( )27Interesting WW2 settings( )8Original( )18A unique perspective of the war( )28Too bloody( )9Nothing new/done before( )19Couldn’t relate to the characters( )29Visually impressive( )10All action, no story( )20Engaging love story( )3015.Which of the following scenes or parts in the film did you like or dislike? (please CHECK ONE ANSWER FOR EACH SCENE)LikeDislikeLikeDislikea.Russian troops crossing the river Volga ( )1( )2g.German troops storming the building at the end( )1( )2b.Russian troops meeting the girl Katya ( )1( )2h.The civilian perspective of war( )1( )2c.Russian troops trying to protect Katya( )1( )2i.The German airstrikes( )1( )2d. The battle scenes( )1( )2j.Katya’s birthday party( )1( )2e.Russian troops hiding out in the building( )1( )2k.The sacrifice of the Russian troops at the end( )1( )2f.How the Russian troops defended the building( )1( )2l.The connection to the Japan earthquake ( )1( )216.Have you seen the 1993 German film STALINGRAD? PLEASE TICK ALL THAT APPLYYes, at the cinema[ ]1Yes, on DVD/Blu-ray[ ]2Yes, on TV[ ]3No, but I’ve heard of it[ ]4No, I haven’t heard of it[ ]517.How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements in relation to this film? (Please CHECK one answer for each)Agree stronglyAgree slightlyNeither agree nor disagreeDisagree slightlyDisagree stronglya.I liked the themes that explored loyalty and honour in battle( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5b.I’m not interested in the Russian perspective of WW2( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5c.The movie had a fair portrayal of the German characters( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5d.I liked the way the German characters were portrayed( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5e.I was expecting a balanced portrayal of the Germans and Russians( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5f.The Russian perspective was a unique twist( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5g. I liked the themes that focused on love more than the war.( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5h. I like the modern day connection between Russians and Germans through the Japan earthquake.( )1( )2( )3( )4( )5THANK YOU. PLEASE HAND THE COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRE TO THE PEOPLE COLLECTING THEM AT THE EXITS. ................

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