Editable Schemes of Work - Papers

Edexcel IGCSE History from 2009

SOW Version 2: Updated February 2010


Practical support to help you deliver this Edexcel specification

Schemes of work

These schemes of work has been produced to help you implement this Edexcel specification. They are offered as examples of possible models that you should feel free to adapt to meet your needs and are not intended to be in any way prescriptive. It is in editable word format to make adaptation as easy as possible.

These schemes of work give guidance for:

• Content to be covered

• Approximate time to spend on different key themes

• Ideas for incorporating and developing the assessment skills related to each unit.

Suggested teaching time

This is based on a two year teaching course of five and a half terms with one and a half hours of history teaching each week.

This would be a seventy week course with total teaching time of approximately 100 hours. The schemes suggest the following timescale for the different sections:

• Section A 20 hours for each of the two units: Total 40 hours.

• Section B 20 hours for the unit: Total 20 hours.

• Section C: 25 hours for the unit since it covers a longer period in time. Total 25 hours.

• Revision: 15 hours.

Possible options for those with less teaching time

• 20 hours for Section C

• 10 hours for revision.

Other course planning support

You will find other support for planning the course in the Teacher’s Guide. This is a free downloadable resource that you can access at IGCSE2009.

Edexcel Subject Advisors

Edexcel has a team of specialist subject advisors available to help you with implementation of this specification. You can contact them by email or phone.

Email: HistorySubjectAdvisor@edexcelexperts.co.uk Phone: 0844 576 0034

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Edexcel IGCSE History from 2009

Section A — Option A1: Development of a Nation: Unification of Italy, 1852-70

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|3 |The Papal States |To know the mixed reactions of Cavour to |Draw up a table comparing and contrasting the views of |Using sources on developments 1858-62 to stimulate own |

| |Garibaldi’s advance northwards to the |Garibaldi’s successes. |Garibaldi, Napoleon III and Cavour to: |knowledge. |

| |Papal States. | |Garibaldi’s successes in two Sicilies | |

| |Reaction of great powers and Cavour. | |Garibaldi’s advance on the Papal States. |Encourage students to underline key dates, events and |

| |Intervention of Piedmont. | | |people in source and then write more about them. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Planning answer to source and own knowledge question using |

| | | | |planning grid. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Peer assess plans. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Practice in writing source and own knowledge question. |

|2 |Venice and Rome |To understand how Italy gained Venetia |Group activities: |Practice in writing source and own knowledge question. |

| |Piedmont and Austro-Prussian War and |and Rome in the years 1866-70. |Draw up a time chart for Italian unification to cover the | |

| |Venetia. | |whole period |Self and peer assess source and own knowledge question |

| |Piedmont and Franco-Prussian War and | |Put together a mind map on A3 summarising the key events in |using mark schemes. Highlight use of source and knowledge. |

| |acquisition of Rome. | |the period 1852-70. | |

Section A — Option A2: Development of a Nation: Unification of Germany, 1848-71

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|6 |Wars against Denmark and Austria |To understand the causes, events and |In pairs produce two separate mind maps each |Using sources on developments 1862-65 to |

| |Use of Schleswig-Holstein to provoke Denmark. |results of the wars against Denmark |showing the reasons for Prussian success in the |stimulate own knowledge. |

| |Defeat of Denmark and Convention of Gastein. |and Austria. |two wars. On each mind map: | |

| |Diplomacy to isolate Austria and provoke. Sadowa and reasons for | |Rank order the reasons clockwise beginning with |Encourage students to underline key dates, |

| |Prussian victory. |To identify the reasons for Prussian |the most important at 12.0. clock |events and people in source and then write more|

| |Treaty of Prague and establishment of North German Confederation. |success. |Draw lines to show links between the reasons. |about them. |

| | | |Explain links along lines. | |

| | | | |Planning answer to source and own knowledge |

| | | | |question using planning grid. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Peer assess plans. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Practice in writing source and own knowledge |

| | | | |question. |

|5 |Franco-Prussian War |To understand how Bismarck provoked |Group tasks. |Practice in writing source and own knowledge |

| |Diplomacy to isolate France. |war with France. |Draw up a time chart for German unification to |question. |

| |The Ems Telegram. Support of southern states. | |cover the whole period to assist with chronology| |

| |Key events of the Franco-Prussian War. |To identify the reasons for Prussian |question |Self and peer assess source and own knowledge |

| |Reasons for Prussian victory. |success |Put together a mind map on A3 summarising the |question using mark schemes. Highlight use of |

| |Treaty of Frankfurt and the Proclamation of the German Empire. | |key events in the period 1848-71 |source and knowledge. |

Section A — Option A3: Development of Dictatorship: Germany, 1918-45

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|5 |Life in Nazi Germany |To understand how Hitler was able to remove |Students produce a time line to show the key developments|Using sources on key features of Nazi Germany |

| |Setting up the Nazi dictatorship through the |opposition and establish a dictatorship of the |in the removal of opposition in the years 1933-34. |1933-39 to stimulate own knowledge. |

| |Reichstag Fire, Enabling Act, Night of the Long |Nazi Party in the years 1933-34. | | |

| |Knives, the police state and propaganda. | |Divide the class into four groups. Each group given one |Encourage students to underline key dates, |

| |Nazi policies towards women, the young, the Jews |To identify the changes brought about by the Nazis|of the following to research and produce a presentation |events and people in source and then write |

| |and the Churches. |in the lifestyles of the young, women and the Jews|to explain the degree of change under the Nazis for |more about them. |

| |Policies to reduce unemployment. |and in the position of the Protestant and Roman |Women, Jews, the young and the Churches. | |

| |Were Germans better or worse off under the Nazis?|Catholic Churches. | |Planning answer to source and own knowledge |

| | | |Each student summarises the presentations by producing a |question using planning grid. Peer assess |

| | | |table showing the changes for each group in the years |plans. |

| | | |1933-39. |Practice in writing source and own knowledge |

| | | | |question. |

|3 |The impact of the Second World War on Germany |To know the effects of the Second World War on |Group tasks. |Practice in writing source and own knowledge |

| |Nazi policies towards the Jews including ghettos,|Nazi policies towards the Jews and on the home |Draw up a time chart for Germany to cover the whole |question. |

| |death squads and the Final Solution. |front in Germany. |period to assist with chronology question. | |

| |The German Home Front and the growth of | |Put together a mind map on A3 summarising the key events |Self and peer assess source and own knowledge |

| |opposition to Hitler. |To identify the reasons for Hitler’s downfall and |in the period 1918-45. |question using mark schemes. Highlight use of |

| |Defeat and Hitler’s death. |death. | |source and knowledge. |

Section A — Option A4: Development of Dictatorship: Italy, 1918-43

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|4 |Domestic policy and life in Fascist Italy |To understand the key achievements of the Fascist state in |In pairs produce a balance sheet of the |Using sources on key features of Fascist Italy to |

| |The Lateran Treaty and the Corporate |the years 1924-39, especially the various battles and the |successes and failures of Mussolini’s domestic|stimulate own knowledge. |

| |State. |Lateran Treaty. |policies. | |

| |Mussolini’s economic policies including |To evaluate Fascist successes and failures during these | |Encourage students to underline key dates, events and|

| |the Battles of Wheat and Lira. |years. |Sketch a set of scales |people in source and then write more about them. |

| |The Battle of Births | |Successes on left hand side | |

| |Control of the youth. | |Failures on right hand side |Planning answer to source and own knowledge question |

| | | | |using planning grid. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Peer assess plans. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Practice in writing source and own knowledge |

| | | | |question. |

|3 |The impact of the Second World War on |To identify the effects of the Second World War on Italy and |Group tasks. |Practice in writing source and own knowledge |

| |Italy |understand the reasons for Mussolini’s downfall and death. |Draw up a time chart for Italy to cover the |question. |

| |Entry in 1940. | |whole period to assist with chronology | |

| |Effects of war on home front. | |question |Self and peer assess source and own knowledge |

| |Growth of opposition and German | |Put together a mind map on A3 summarising the |question using mark schemes. Highlight use of source |

| |occupation. | |key events in the period 1918-43. |and knowledge. |

| |Puppet ruler and circumstances leading to | | | |

| |his death. | | | |

Section A — Option A5: Russia: Autocracy and Revolt, 1881-1914

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|3 |The Dumas and Stolypin |To understand why the first three dumas were |In pairs, students produce a balance sheet to show |Using sources on key features of Stolypin’s |

| |The attitude of Nicholas to the first three dumas. |shortlived. |achievements and failures for the key developments in |policies and the dumas to stimulate own |

| |Stolypin’s policy of repression and land reform. |To identify the importance of Stolypin’s |Russia in 1906-14. |knowledge. |

| |The Lena Goldfield strike. |reforms for the peasants. | | |

| | | |Students prepare for a class discussion on whether |Encourage students to underline key dates, |

| | |To know why there was widespread discontent in |Nicholas II was stronger or weaker in 1914 than he had |events and people in source and then write |

| | |the years before 1914, especially the |been in 1905. |more about them. |

| | |importance of the Lena Goldfield Strike. | | |

| | | | |Planning answer to source and own knowledge |

| | | | |question using planning grid. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Peer assess plans. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Practice in writing source and own knowledge|

| | | | |question. |

|4 |The growth of opposition to Tsarist rule |To identify the key features of opposition |Divide class into groups. Each group has to research an |Practice in writing source and own knowledge|

| |Emergence of opposition groups including the |groups in Russia in the years before 1914. |opposition group and produce a poster and brief |question. |

| |Constitutional Democrats (Cadets), Octobrists, Social| |presentation giving the key features and aims of that | |

| |Revolutionary Party and Social Democrats. |To understand the importance of the split in |group. |Self and peer assess source and own |

| |Split in Social Democrats – Mensheviks and |the Social Democratic Party in 1903 and the |Further group tasks. |knowledge question using mark schemes. |

| |Bolsheviks. |early developments in the Bolshevik Party. |Draw up a time chart for Russia to cover the whole period|Highlight use of source and knowledge. |

| |Awareness of the early developments in the Bolshevik | |to assist with chronology question. | |

| |Party, 1903-14, especially the leadership of Lenin. | |Put together a mind map on A3 summarising the key events | |

| | | |in the period 1881-1914. | |

Section A — Option A6: Russia: Dictatorship and Conflict, 1924-53

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|3 |Cult of personality and revision of history |To understand the methods by which Stalin |Divide class into groups. Give each group one of|Using sources on key features of cult of personality|

| |Reasons for and methods of cult of history. |controlled the Soviet Union. |the following to research: |to stimulate own knowledge. |

| |Censorship, propaganda, control of education. | |Cult of personality | |

| |The Soviet interpretation of history. |To identify the key features of the Cult of |Censorship and propaganda |Encourage students to underline key dates, events |

| | |Personality. |Control of education |and people in source and then write more about them.|

| | | |Soviet interpretation in history | |

| | |To know how Stalin used propaganda, education and|Each groups gives a brief presentation on their |Planning answer to source and own knowledge question|

| | |the revision of history to strengthen his |topic: |using planning grid. |

| | |dictatorship. |Explaining its key features | |

| | | |Ratings its importance in Stalin’s control of |Peer assess plans. |

| | | |the Soviet Union on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being | |

| | | |highest |Practice in writing source and own knowledge |

| | | | |question. |

|3 |The impact of the Second World War |To identify the reasons for early German success |Group tasks: |Practice in writing source and own knowledge |

| |Early German success, 1941-2. |and later Soviet recovery. |Draw up a time chart for Russia to cover the |question. |

| |Reasons for the revival of the Soviet Union under | |whole period to assist with chronology question.| |

| |Stalin. Stalin’s popularity. |To evaluate the importance of Stalin’s leadership|Put together a mind map on A3 summarising the |Self and peer assess source and own knowledge |

| |Post war purges and Stalin’s death. |in the recovery of the Soviet Union. |key events in the period 1924-53. |question using mark schemes. Highlight use of source|

| | | |Class discussion on the achievements and |and knowledge. |

| | |To understand the key features of Stalin’s later |shortcomings of Stalin’s rule. | |

| | |years. | | |

Section A — Option A7: A Divided Union: Depression and Recovery in the USA, 1929-45

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|3 |Reactions to the New Deal |To know the reasons for opposition to the New|Group task. Give each group a different feature of|Using sources on key features of the New |

| |Opposition to the New Deal, especially Supreme Court, |Deal. |opposition to the New Deal including |Deal and opposition to stimulate own |

| |Republicans, Huey Long and Dr Francis Townsend. Students should| |The Republicans |knowledge. |

| |be aware of Roosevelt’s attempts to change the Supreme Court. |To evaluate the nature and effects of this |Supreme Court | |

| |Successes and failures of the New Deal. |opposition. |Huey Long |Encourage students to underline key dates, |

| | | |Frances Townsend. |events and people in source and then write |

| | | | |more about them. |

| | | |Prepare a brief presentation on why they opposed | |

| | | |the New Deal and a rating from 1-5 of how serious |Planning answer to source and own knowledge|

| | | |a threat they posed (five being the most serious).|question using planning grid. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Peer assess plans. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Practice in writing source and own |

| | | | |knowledge question. |

|3 |The impact of war on the USA |To understand the impact of the Second World |Paired task. Research the impact of the Second |Practice in writing source and own |

| |Reason for economic growth. |War on the US economy. |World War on |knowledge question. |

| |The treatment of Japanese Americans and black Americans. | |Women | |

| |The contribution of women. |To identify the changes brought about by the |Black Americans |Self and peer assess source and own |

| | |Second World War on the position of women, |Japanese Americans. |knowledge question using mark schemes. |

| | |black Americans and Japanese Americans. | |Highlight use of source and knowledge. |

| | | |Produce a grid showing the benefits and | |

| | | |shortcomings. Make a decision on which group | |

| | | |benefited the most. | |

| | | |Group tasks. | |

| | | |Draw up a time chart for USA to cover the whole | |

| | | |period to assist with chronology question. | |

| | | |Put together a mind map on A3 summarising the key | |

| | | |events in the period 1929-45. | |

| | | |Class discussion on the achievements and | |

| | | |shortcomings of Stalin’s rule. | |

Section A — Option A8: A Divided Union: Civil Rights in the USA, 1945-74

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|5 |Protest movements: students, women and |To identify the reasons for, key features and |Paired task. To produce a two sided summary of the key features|Using sources on key features of the |

| |anti-Vietnam |achievements of the student movement of the |of the student and women’s movements. This should be using two |protest movements of the 1960s to |

| |General reasons for growth of protest movements. |1960s. |of the following methods: |stimulate own knowledge. |

| |The student movement and links to war in Vietnam,| |A grid/table |Encourage students to underline key |

| |Students for Democratic Society and ‘hippies’. |To understand the significance of the Vietnam |A mind map |dates, events and people in source and |

| |Students should be aware of events at Kent State |War. |Bullet points |then write more about them. |

| |University in 1970. | |Picture/story board. |Planning answer to source and own |

| |Betty Friedan, Eleanor Roosevelt, NOW, women’s |To know the reasons for, features and | |knowledge question using planning grid. |

| |liberation movement, abortion and Phyllis |achievements of the women’s movement including | |Peer assess plans. |

| |Schafly. |opposition to its aims. | |Practice in writing source and own |

| | | | |knowledge question. |

|3 |Nixon and Watergate |To understand the key developments in the |Individual task. Put together flow chart showing key |Practice in writing source and own |

| |Reasons for and key features of the Watergate |Watergate Scandal. |developments in the Watergate Scandal. |knowledge question. |

| |scandal. | |Group tasks. | |

| |Impact on Nixon and US politics. |To identify its impact on Nixon, US society and |Draw up a time chart for USA to cover the whole period to |Self and peer assess source and own |

| |New laws. This means to reduce powers of |the powers of the presidency. |assist with chronology question |knowledge question using mark schemes. |

| |President. | |Put together a mind map on A3 summarising the key events in the|Highlight use of source and knowledge. |

| | | |period 1945-74. | |

Section A — Option A9: A World Divided: International Relations Between the Wars, 1919-39

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|6 |Appeasement, 1933-39 |To understand the meaning of and |Class debate on appeasement. Students work in pairs preparing arguments for and |Using sources on key features of |

| |Reasons for appeasement. |arguments for and against the policy of |against the policy of appeasement. Class debate/discussion to follow. |appeasement and the events of 1933-39 |

| |Italian invasion of Abyssinia (1935). |appeasement. | |to stimulate own knowledge. |

| |Rhineland (1936). | |Group task. Each group represents the League of Nations and has to decide on what| |

| |Austria (March 1938). |To identify the key features of the |action to take in response to the key developments of 1933-38 including |Encourage students to underline key |

| |The Sudetenland Crisis and the Munich |Abyssinian Crisis, German occupation of |Abyssinia, Rhineland, German rearmament, Anschluss and the Sudetenland Crisis. |dates, events and people in source and|

| |Conference. |the Rhineland, the Anschluss and the |Their actions must reflect realities of the time but also to try to prevent |then write more about them. |

| |Students should be aware of the |Sudetenland Crisis. |present and future aggression | |

| |Anglo-German Naval Treaty and the collapse| | |Planning answer to source and own |

| |of the Stresa Front and the Rome-Berlin | | |knowledge question using planning |

| |Axis. | | |grid. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Peer assess plans. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Practice in writing source and own |

| | | | |knowledge question. |

|4 |Reasons for the outbreak of the Second |To identify the reasons for the outbreak|Paired task. Draw up a balance sheet of the achievements and shortcomings of |Practice in writing source and own |

| |World War |of war including the German occupation |appeasement using a set of scales with |knowledge question. |

| |German occupation of Czechoslovakia (March|of Prague and invasion of Poland. |Achievements on the left | |

| |1939). | |Shortcomings on the right |Self and peer assess source and own |

| |Anglo-French support for Poland. |To understand the reasons for and |Give a final verdict on the significance of appeasement. |knowledge question using mark schemes.|

| |Nazi-Soviet Pact (August 1939). |importance of the Nazi-Soviet Pact of | |Highlight use of source and knowledge.|

| |German invasion of Poland, weaknesses of |August 1939. |Group tasks. | |

| |appeasement. | |Draw up a time chart for International Relations to cover the whole period to | |

| |Students should be aware of the Pact of | |assist with chronology question. | |

| |Steel. | |Put together a mind map on A3 summarising the key events in the period 1919-39. | |

| | | | | |

Section A — Option A10: A World Divided: Superpower Relations 1945-62

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|3 |The Berlin Crisis of 1961 |To identify the significance of the U2 incident. |Group tasks. Each group given a grid which has the main crises|Using sources on key features of the Berlin Wall|

| |U2 incident (1960). | |of 1945-61 including the Berlin Crisis 1948-49, Hungarian |and Cuban Missiles Crisis to stimulate own |

| |Reasons for construction of Berlin |To understand the causes, events and results of the |Uprising, the U2 Crisis and the Berlin Wall Crisis |knowledge. |

| |Wall. |construction of the Berlin Wall. |Carried out further research on each crisis | |

| |Students should be aware of more long | |Decide which was the most serious giving each a rating of 1-5 |Encourage students to underline key dates, |

| |term factors and the failure of a | |with 5 being the highest |events and people in source and then write more |

| |negotiated settlement | |Give a presentation to the rest of the class explaining their |about them. |

| |Its effects on relations between East | |decisions. | |

| |and West and on Germany. | | |Planning answer to source and own knowledge |

| | | |Paired task. Produce two different headlines for the day after|question using planning grid. |

| | | |the building of the Berlin Wall |Peer assess plans. |

| | | |One for East Berlin |Practice in writing source and own knowledge |

| | | |One for West Berlin. |question. |

|4 |The Cuban Missiles Crisis |To understand the long term and more immediate |Individual task. Produce a flow chart showing the main events |Practice in writing source and own knowledge |

| |Castro and relations with USA and |reasons for the Cuban Missiles Crisis. |of the Cuban Missiles Crisis. |question. |

| |Soviet Union. | |Group tasks. | |

| |Bay of Pigs. |To identify the key events of the crisis in 1962. |Draw up a time chart for International Relations to cover the |Self and peer assess source and own knowledge |

| |Kennedy and missile sites. | |whole period to assist with chronology question. |question using mark schemes. Highlight use of |

| |Key events of crisis (this includes |To understand the immediate effects of the Crisis on |Put together a mind map on A3 summarising the key events in |source and knowledge. |

| |how it was eventually resolved) |relations between East and West. |the period 1945-62. | |

| |Impact on East-West relations (this | | | |

| |means the immediate effects more | | | |

| |especially the hot-line). | | | |

Section B — Option B1: The French Revolution, 1789-94

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|2 |Developments, 1789-92 |To identify the key developments in the years|Individual task. Summarise the key developments 1789-92 |Planning an answer to the synthesis question using a |

| |Changes brought about by the National |1789-92 including the New Constitution and |using a storyboard or cartoon on one side of A4. |planning grid using sources on the causes of the French |

| |Assembly. |the factors which led to the outbreak of war.| |Revolution and developments 1789-92. |

| |The new Constitution. | | | |

| |The Edict of Fraternity. | | |Categorising the sources to support and challenge the view,|

| |The outbreak of war. | | |using details from the sources. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Using the sources to stimulate own knowledge supporting and|

| | | | |challenging the view. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Peer assessment of plan. |

|4 |Convention and terror |To understand why the French Revolution led |The teacher reads out a contemporary account of the |Practice in answering the synthesis question. |

| |The National Convention. |to a period of Terror. |execution of Louis XVI to stimulate questioning from | |

| |The execution of Louis XVI. | |students. |Peer assessment and feedback of the synthesis question. |

| |The Committee of Public Safety. |To understand the key features of the period | | |

| |Robespierre and the Terror. |of Terror. |Paired task. To research the reasons for the execution | |

| | | |of Louis XVI and examine the arguments for and against | |

| | |To identify the role of Robespierre in the |followed by a class debate on whether he should have | |

| | |Terror. |been executed. | |

|3 |The fall of Robespierre |To identify the reasons for the fall of |Group tasks: |Practice in answering three source questions in timed |

| |Reasons for downfall of Robespierre and |Robespierre. |Put together a mind map on A3 summarising the key events|conditions. |

| |his execution. | |in the period 1789-94. | |

| |Achievements of the Revolution 1789-94 |To evaluate the achievements and shortcomings|Put together a balance sheet of the achievements and |Peer assessment and feedback. |

| |(this should include achievements and |of the French Revolution in the years 1789-94|shortcomings of the French Revolution using a set of | |

| |shortcomings). | |scales with the achievements on the left and the | |

| | | |shortcomings on the right. | |

Section B — Option B2: The First World War, 1914-18

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|3 |The Somme and Passchendaele |To identify the reasons for each of the |Paired task. To research Haig’s role in the Battles of Somme and |Planning an answer to the synthesis question using a |

| |Reasons for the Somme. This includes |battles. |Passchendaele using contemporary and later sources. Was he ‘the |planning grid using sources on Gallipoli, the Somme and |

| |reasons for launching Third Battle of | |Butcher’? |Passchendaele. |

| |Ypres |To understand the key features of each |One student investigate arguments for Haig | |

| |The first day of the Somme. |battle. |The other the arguments against. |Categorising the sources to support and challenge the |

| |Key features of Somme and | | |view, using details from the sources. |

| |Passchendaele. |To evaluate the role of Haig in each |A class discussion on Haig. | |

| |Successes and failures. |battle. | |Using the sources to stimulate own knowledge supporting |

| |Responsibility of Haig. | |Individual task. Produce a balance sheet for the Battles of the |and challenging the view. |

| | |To identify the results of each battle. |Somme and Passchendaele to show their achievements and |Peer assessment of plan. |

| | | |shortcomings. Were they both total failures? | |

|4 |The War at Sea |To understand the key events in the North|Paired research on the Battle of Jutland especially the results |Practice in answering the synthesis question. |

| |German threat to Britain in North Sea.|Sea 1914-18 including Jutland and the |of the battle. Put together two different front page headlines | |

| |German raids. |British blockade. |for the day after the battle |Peer assessment and feedback of the synthesis question. |

| |Heligoland Bight, Dogger Bank and | |A German newspaper | |

| |Jutland. |To evaluate the results of Jutland. |A British newspaper. | |

| |The U-Boat threat. | | | |

| |The Lusitania. |To identify the threat posed by the |Individual task. Produce a grid showing the main measures used | |

| |Anti U boat measures. |U-Boats. |to deal with the U-Boat threat including Q-boats, the Dover | |

| |Students will need to know the effects|To understand the measures brought in to |Barrage, raids on the German coast and the convoy system. Give | |

| |of the British blockade of Germany |deal with the U-boat threat. |ratings 1-5 for the significance of each measure. | |

|3 |The defeat of Germany |To identify the reasons for and |Group task. Put together a mind map on A3 summarising the key |Practice in answering three source questions in timed |

| |US entry into war. |importance of the US entry. |events of 1918 including US entry, the Ludendorff Offensives, the|conditions. |

| |The Ludendorff spring offensives | |Allied Drive to victory and revolution in Germany. | |

| |(1918). |To understand the reasons for the | |Peer assessment and feedback. |

| |The Allied drive to victory |Ludendorff Offensives and their effect on| | |

| |(July-November 1918). |the German armed forces. | | |

| |Revolution in Germany. | | | |

| |Reasons for German defeat. |To identify the reasons for German defeat| | |

| | |in 1918 including the Allied | | |

| | |counter-offensives and the revolution in | | |

| | |Germany. | | |

Section B — Option B3: Russia in Revolution, 1914-24

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|5 |Civil War |To understand Lenin’s policies towards |Individual task. Investigate Lenin’s policies towards |Planning an answer to the synthesis question using a|

| |Bolshevik consolidation in power. |the Constituent Assembly and the peace |The Constituent Assembly |planning grid using sources on the events of 1917 |

| |Decrees, Constituent Assembly and Treaty |with Germany. |The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk |and the Civil War. |

| |of Brest-Litovsk. | |Draw up a balance sheet showing the pros and cons of each. | |

| |Two sides in Civil War. |To identify the reasons for Bolshevik | |Categorising the sources to support and challenge |

| |Key events. |success in the Civil War especially Red|Paired task. Produce a grid summarizing the two main reasons for |the view, using details from the sources. |

| |Reasons for Bolshevik victory. |strengths and White weaknesses. |Bolshevik success in the Civil War | |

| |Awareness of the execution of the Tsar and| |Bolshevik strengths |Using the sources to stimulate own knowledge |

| |his family | |White weaknesses. |supporting and challenging the view. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Peer assessment of plan. |

|2 |War Communism |To understand the key features of War |Individual task. Choose one of the following methods to summarise |Practice in answering the synthesis question. |

| |Reasons for and effects of War Communism. |Communism. |the key features of War Communism: | |

| |The Kronstadt Mutiny. | |Mind map |Peer assessment and feedback of the synthesis |

| | |To identify its effects and reasons for|Bullet points |question. |

| | |widespread opposition. |Story/picture/cartoon board. | |

| | | | | |

| | |To understand the causes, events and | | |

| | |results of the Kornilov Revolt. | | |

|2 |New Economic Policy (NEP) |To understand the reasons for and |Groups of three. Each group investigates the NEP and produces an |Practice in answering three source questions in |

| |Reasons for and effects of NEP. |features of the NEP. |interview with each of the following who explain their attitude to |timed conditions. |

| |Opposition to the new policy. | |War Communism and the introduction of the NEP | |

| |Death of Lenin. |To identify the varied reactions to the|A town worker |Peer assessment and feedback. |

| |Awareness of the Lenin Cult |NEP. |A peasant | |

| | | |A leading member of the communist party. | |

| | |To know about the death of Lenin and | | |

| | |the ‘Lenin Cult’ which followed. |Group task. Hot seating Lenin. Each group has to produce questions | |

| | | |they would like to ask Lenin together with his answers. Role play | |

| | | |with students acting the part of Lenin and his interviewer. | |

Section B — Option B4: The USA, 1917-29

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|4 |Mass production and the stock market |To identify the reasons for economic |Paired task. Research and evaluate the importance of the reasons for economic |Planning an answer to the synthesis question |

| |boom |growth in the 1920s. |growth giving each a rating of 1-5 with 5 being the highest. Explain each |using a planning grid using sources on |

| |Reasons for economic boom of 1920s. |To evaluate the impact of Henry Ford. |rating. |Prohibition and mass production. |

| |Henry Ford and mass production. | |Group task. Hot seat Henry Ford | |

| |The popularity of the stock market. |To understand the problems of farming |Research Ford’s career and achievements |Categorising the sources to support and |

| |Problems in farming. |in the 1920s. |Put together a series of questions and answers |challenge the view, using details from the |

| | | |Role play the ‘hot seating’ with one student as Ford and another as the |sources. |

| | | |interviewer. | |

| | | | |Using the sources to stimulate own knowledge |

| | | | |supporting and challenging the view. |

| | | | |Peer assessment of plan. |

|5 |The Roaring Twenties |To understand the key features of the |Group task. Each group is given one of the following features of the Roaring |Practice in answering the synthesis question. |

| |The changing position of women |Roaring Twenties especially |Twenties | |

| |including the flappers. |entertainment, leisure and sport. |Changes in role of women |Peer assessment and feedback of the synthesis |

| |Leisure industry, cinema, Jazz, | |The cinema, radio and Jazz |question. |

| |dancing, sport, radio, advertising and|To identify changes in the position of |Sport | |

| |motoring. |women. |Advertising | |

| |Morals and the ‘Monkey Trial’. | |Research each feature for whole class presentation which should include Power | |

| | |To understand the importance of the |Point. | |

| | |‘Monkey Trial’. |Paired task. Produce two newspaper headlines the day after the Monkey Trial | |

| | | |decision. | |

| | | |One in support | |

| | | |One against. | |

|3 |The position of black Americans |To understand the activities of the |The teacher reads a contemporary account of the activities of the KKK e.g. a |Practice in answering three source questions |

| |The Jim Crow Laws, segregation and |KKK. |lynching. This is followed by student questions written on post-it-notes. The |in timed conditions. |

| |discrimination. | |teacher decides on two or three questions about the KKK. In pairs the students| |

| |The Ku Klux Klan. |To identify the position of black |research the KKK and try to answer these questions followed by a class |Peer assessment and feedback. |

| |An awareness of developments in the |Americans at the start of the 1920s and|discussion on the KKK and attitudes to black Americans. | |

| |position of black Americans and the |the changes that had occurred by the | | |

| |KKK in the years before 1919 |end of the decade. | | |

Section B — Option B5: Colonial Rule and the Nationalist Challenge in India, 1919-47

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|3 |The Impact of the Second World War on India |To understand the impact on India of |Individual task. Summarise using one of the following methods |Planning an answer to the synthesis question using a |

| |Gandhi and Jinnah and attitudes to Second |the Cripps Mission, Quit India and |the key developments during the Second World War: |planning grid using sources on the 1930s and the impact of|

| |World War. |Chandra Bose. |Time line |the Second World War. |

| |Cripps Mission. | |Bullet points | |

| |‘Quit India’ campaign. |To identify the differing policies |A spider diagram |Categorising the sources to support and challenge the |

| |Chandra Bose. |and reactions of Gandhi and Jinnah. |A cartoon strip |view, using details from the sources. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Using the sources to stimulate own knowledge supporting |

| | | | |and challenging the view. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Peer assessment of plan. |

|3 |The growth of communal violence, 1946-47 |To understand the post war |Paired task. Produce a time line which summarises the key |Practice in answering the synthesis question. |

| |Attitude and problems of Labour Government. |developments in India and the |developments in India in the years 1919-47. Highlight in | |

| |Muslim/Hindu differences and clashes. |reaction of the Attlee Labour |different colours those events which have |Peer assessment and feedback of the synthesis question. |

| |Demand for Pakistan. |Government. |Hindered | |

| | | |Furthered | |

| | |To identify the reasons for and |the movement for independence. | |

| | |effects of communal violence. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|4 |Independence and partition |To understand the reasons for the |Group tasks. Produce a mind map summarizing the long term, |Practice in answering three source questions in timed |

| |British decision to withdraw. |British decision to withdraw. |short term and immediate reasons for Indian independence on |conditions. |

| |Work of Mountbatten. | |one side of A3 using a variety of colours | |

| |British solution of partition. |To identify the role of Mountbatten |Rank order the reasons clockwise beginning with the most |Peer assessment and feedback. |

| |Further communal violence. |in the British withdrawal. |important at 12.0. clock | |

| | | |Draw lines to show links between the reasons. Explain links | |

| | |To identify the reasons for and |along lines. | |

| | |effects of partition. | | |

| | | |Evaluate the role played by the following individuals in the | |

| | | |achievement of independence, giving each a rating of 1-5 with | |

| | | |5 being the highest. | |

| | | |Gandhi | |

| | | |Jinnah | |

| | | |Chandra Bose | |

| | | |Mountbatten | |

Section B — Option B6: The Fall of Communism in Europe, 1979-91

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|3 |Developments in Eastern Europe 1988-90 |To identify the key developments in |Group task. Each group to research developments in |Planning an answer to the synthesis question using a planning grid |

| |Key developments in Hungary. |Hungary |Hungary |using sources on the policies of Gorbachev and the developments in |

| |Key developments in Romania. |Rumania |Romania |Eastern Europe. |

| |Key developments in Bulgaria. |Bulgaria |Bulgaria | |

| |Awareness of the break up of the Soviet |in the years 1988-90. | |Categorising the sources to support and challenge the view, using |

| |Union 1989-91. | |Produce an A3 grid which compares the developments |details from the sources. |

| | |To understand the reasons for and |in the three countries showing similarities and | |

| | |features of the break up of the Soviet |differences. |Using the sources to stimulate own knowledge supporting and |

| | |Union. | |challenging the view. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Peer assessment of plan. |

|4 |The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia |To identify the key features of the |Group task. Each group has been asked to prepare a |Practice in answering the synthesis question. |

| |Influence of Gorbachev’s policies and visit|‘Velvet Revolution’ in Czechoslovakia |news report on the Velvet Revolution (maximum 5 | |

| |(1987). |in the years 1988-89. |minutes). |Peer assessment and feedback of the synthesis question. |

| |Growth of opposition to Soviet and | |Research the key developments | |

| |communist rule, 1987-89. | |Put together a script for the news report | |

| |Events in Prague in January 1989. | |Role play the news report. This could include | |

| |Gorbachev and changes in Czech government. | |imaginary interviews with eyewitnesses. | |

|3 |The reunification of Germany |To identify the key features of the |Paired task. Produce two newspaper headlines |Practice in answering three source questions in timed conditions. |

| |Growth of opposition in East Germany to |pulling down of the Berlin Wall. |One in East Berlin | |

| |communism and Soviet control in the years | |One in West Berlin |Peer assessment and feedback. |

| |1987-89. |To understand the reasons for the |the day after the dismantling of the Berlin Wall. | |

| |Key events in autumn 1989. Pulling down the|reunification of Germany. | | |

| |wall. | |Group task. Produce a detailed time chart showing | |

| |Reasons for reunification in 1990. | |the key developments in Eastern Europe and the | |

| | | |Soviet Union in the years 1988-90. | |

Section C — Option C1: Revolution and Change in Europe, 1789-1848

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|5 |The Belgian War on Independence |To identify the long term and immediate |Individual task. Summarise the key features of the |Developing understanding of change. Students have to classify |

| |The growth of opposition in Belgium to |reasons for the Belgian War of |Belgian War of Independence using one of the |statements on the Belgian War of Independence showing change and |

| |the union with Holland. |Independence. |following: |continuity. |

| |Reasons for and the importance of Great| |A mind map | |

| |Power intervention in the years after |To understand the key features of the |Bullet points |Develop understanding of degree of change. Students classify |

| |1830. |Belgian War. |A flow chart |statements in rank order from greatest to least. |

| |Key events of the struggle for | |Story board. | |

| |independence. |To identify the significance of great | | |

| |The Treaty of London. |power intervention. | | |

|5 |The revolutions of 1848 |To understand the causes, events and |Group task. Each group given a different country |Individual or paired planning of scaffolding essay using planning |

| |Long term causes including the growth |results of revolutions in Germany, France,|including Germany, Italy, France, Austria & Hungary |grid on Belgian War of Independence or the revolutions of 1848. |

| |of nationalism and liberalism. |Italy, Austria and Hungary. |Research the causes, events and results |Peer assess plan. |

| |Key features of the revolutions in | |Make judgements on the extent of change using scale | |

| |Germany, Italy, France, Austria and |To identify the significance of these |1-5 with 5 highest |Practice in writing scaffolding essay. |

| |Hungary. |revolutions. |Presentation to class. | |

| |Significance of the revolutions. | | |Peer or self assess homework using mark schemes and levels. |

| | | |Paired task. Put together a time lime for the whole | |

| | | |period 1789-1848. On the time line | |

| | | |Plot the key developments | |

| | | |Highlight change in one colour | |

| | | |Highlight continuity in a different colour. | |

Section C — Option C2: The changing nature of warfare, 1803-1905

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|5 |Changing methods of sea warfare, 1815-1905 |To identify the key changes in warships and |Individual task. Using one of the following methods |Developing understanding of change. Students have to |

| |Developments in warships more especially |weaponry in naval warfare in the years |show the key developments and changes in sea warfare in|classify statements on changing methods of sea warfare|

| |change from sail to steam power and from wood |1815-1905. |the years 1815-1905 |1815-1905showing change and continuity. |

| |to iron ships. | |Flow chart | |

| |Improvements in weaponry especially new breech|To understand the lessons of the |Time line |Develop understanding of degree of change. Students |

| |loading guns and the emergence of underwater |Russo-Japanese War. |Bullet points |classify statements in rank order from greatest to |

| |torpedoes. | |Cartoon strip or story board. |least. |

| |Lessons Russo-Japanese War. | | | |

|5 |Warfare at the beginning of the twentieth |To identify the key features of land and sea |Group task. Produce a time line on A3 for the years |Individual or paired planning of scaffolding essay |

| |century |warfare at the beginning of the twentieth |1803 to 1905 to show the key developments in land and |using planning grid on changing methods of land and or|

| |On land developments in heavy artillery and |century |sea warfare. Show the significance of these |sea warfare 1815-1905. Peer assess plan. |

| |machine guns. | |developments by highlighting each in one of three | |

| |Large conscript armies. |To understand the importance of the |different colours: |Practice in writing scaffolding essay. |

| |At sea, the importance of the battleship, |dreadnought in naval warfare. |Very significant red | |

| |emergence of the submarine and the development| |Quite significant blue |Peer or self assess homework using mark schemes and |

| |of the dreadnought. | |Little significance green. |levels. |

Section C — Option C3: Changes in Medicine, c1845-c1945

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|5 |Developments in public health provision |To identify the importance of the work of |Individual task. Using a storyboard or cartoon strip |Developing understanding of change. Students have to |

| |Chadwick and Snow and public health reform. |Chadwick and Snow. |show the contribution made by Chadwick and Snow to |classify statements on changes in public health |

| |Changes in public health provision in the | |public health reform. |provision showing change and continuity. |

| |later nineteenth century. |To understand the key changes in public | | |

| |Liberal measures 1905-11. |health provision in the second half of the |Paired task. Produce a mind map showing the main changes|Develop understanding of degree of change. Students |

| | |nineteenth century. |in public health provision brought in by the Liberals in|classify statements in rank order from greatest to |

| | | |the years 1905-14 |least. |

| | |To identify the key changes brought in by the|Rank order the changes clockwise beginning with the most| |

| | |Liberal Governments of 1905-14. |important at 12.0. clock | |

| | | |Draw lines to show links between the changes. Explain | |

| | | |links along lines. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|4 |The importance of the two world wars in |To identify the key developments in medicine |Paired task to research and produce a grid which |Individual or paired planning of scaffolding essay |

| |bringing about change |brought about by the First and Second World |compares the impact of the two world wars and answers |using planning grid on changes brought about by the two|

| |Importance of First World War for women and |Wars. |the following question. ‘Which of the two world wars |world wars. Peer assess plan. |

| |medicine, surgery, X-rays, blood transfusion | |brought about the greatest changes in medicine? | |

| |and fighting infection. | | |Practice in writing scaffolding essay. |

| |Importance of Second World War for | |Group task. To produce a summary on one side of A3 to | |

| |development of penicillin, treatment of burns| |show the main changes that took place in medicine in the|Peer or self assess homework using mark schemes and |

| |and skin grafts, blood transfusion and public| |years 1845-1945. This could be |levels. |

| |health. | |A mind map | |

| | | |A grid | |

| | | |A time line. | |

Section C — Option C4: The Changing Role of International Organisations: the League and the UN, 1919-2000

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|6 |Successes of the League and UN |To identify successes of the |Individual task. Put together a time line for the |Developing understanding of change. Students have to |

| |Successes of the League include the Aaland Islands |League especially in the 1920s. |successes of the League of Nations in the 1920s. Your time|classify statements on the successes of the League and |

| |(1920), Upper Silesia (1921), the Greek-Bulgarian War| |line should include a brief explanation of each success. |the UN showing change and continuity. |

| |(1925), the Refugee and Drugs Committee. |To understand successes of the UN |Group task. Give each group one case study of a UN success| |

| |For the UN, Korean War (1950-53), the Suez Crisis |especially Korea, Suez, the Congo |e.g. Korean War, Suez Crisis, Congo, Gulf War or |Develop understanding of degree of change. Students |

| |(1956), the Congo (1960-64), the Gulf War (1991) and |and the Gulf War. |Mozambique |classify statements in rank order from greatest to |

| |Mozambique (1990-94). | |Research the case study |least. |

| |Other case studies may be used for both | |Make a judgement about the extent of UN success using a | |

| |organizations. | |scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest | |

| | | |Make a presentation to the rest of the class justifying | |

| | | |the group decision. | |

|7 |Weaknesses of the peacekeeping roles of the League |To identify weaknesses in the |Individual task. Research the weaknesses of the League and|Individual or paired planning of scaffolding essay using|

| |and UN, 1919-2000 |League. |the UN and summarise on one side of A4. Using two |planning grid on the failures of the League and the UN. |

| |The general weaknesses of the League and the UN. | |different highlighters |Peer assess plan. |

| |For the League failures over Corfu (1923), Manchuria |To identify weaknesses in the UN. |In one colour highlight similar weaknesses | |

| |(1931-33) and Abyssinia (1934-36). | |In another colour different weaknesses |Practice in writing scaffolding essay. |

| |For the UN, Palestine (l947-48), Hungarian uprising |To understand case studies of the | | |

| |(1956), the Lebanon (1975-87), Somalia (1991) and |failure of the League. |Paired task. Study o one of the failures of the League and|Peer or self assess homework using mark schemes and |

| |Bosnia (1995). | |one of the failuref of the UN |levels. |

| |Other case studies may be used for both |To understand case studies of the |Research the case studies | |

| |organizations. |failure of the UN. |Make a judgement about the extent of each failure using a | |

| | | |scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest | |

| | | |Make a presentation to the rest of the class justifying | |

| | | |your decisions. | |

Section C — Option C5: Conflict, Crisis and Change: The Middle East, c1919-c1973

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage|Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|7 |The Arab-Israeli conflicts of |To understand the causes, events and results of the |Individual task. Using two of the following |Developing understanding of change. Students have to classify |

| |1967 and 1973 |1967 war. |methods summarise the key features of the wars of |statements on the Arab Israeli conflicts of 1967 and 1973 showing |

| |Nasser and Arab aims v Israel. | |1967 and 1973 |change and continuity. |

| |Israeli attack on Arab |To understand the causes, events and results of the |Mind map | |

| |neighbours in 1967. |1973 war. |Bullet points |Develop understanding of degree of change. Students classify |

| |Events of Six Day War. Israeli | |Cartoon strip |statements in rank order from greatest to least. |

| |gains. |To identify reasons for Israeli success in 1967 and |Story board | |

| |Reasons for Israeli success. |1973. | | |

| |Arab attack on Israel on Yom | |Paired task. Compare and contrast the wars of 1967| |

| |Kippur (1973). | |and 1973 in causes, events, results and reasons | |

| |Reasons for early Arab success | |for outcome. | |

| |and eventual Israeli recovery. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|3 |Superpower involvement in the |To identify reasons for and examples of Soviet and |Group task. Produce a timeline on A3 showing the |Individual or paired planning of scaffolding essay using planning |

| |Middle East |US involvement in the Middle East. |key developments in the Middle East in the years |grid on the Arab-Israeli conflicts of 1967 and 1973 and Superpower |

| |Reasons for and examples of US | |1919-73. |involvement. Peer assess plan. |

| |support for Israel. |To understand the impact of Superpower rivalry in |Highlight any events which brought about a | |

| |Reasons for and examples of |the Middle East on the Cold War. |significant turning point in the history of this |Practice in writing scaffolding essay. |

| |Soviet support for Arab | |area. | |

| |countries. | |Include a brief explanation of Soviet or US |Peer or self assess homework using mark schemes and levels. |

| |Impact of the Cold War and | |involvement. | |

| |events in Middle East. | | | |

Section C — Option C6: Conflict, Crisis and Change: China, c1934-c1989

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|3 |Change under Deng Xiaoping |To identify the key changes |Individual task. Summarise the main changes under Deng using two of the |Developing understanding of change. Students have to|

| |Changes under Deng in education, birth |under Deng. |following methods: |classify statements on the changes under Deng |

| |control, agriculture and industry. | |Bullet points |Xiaoping showing change and continuity. |

| |Emergence of privatization and |To understand the reasons for |Story board | |

| |westernization. |and effects of the treatment of |Cartoon strip |Develop understanding of degree of change. Students |

| |Treatment of ‘Gang of Four’. |the ‘Gang of Four’ |Mind map |classify statements in rank order from greatest to |

| | | | |least. |

|3 |The development of the Democracy Movement |To identify the reasons for the |Paired task. Put together two sets of headlines the day after Tiananmen |Individual or paired planning of scaffolding essay |

| |Origins of Democracy Movement (1979). |emergence of, support for and |Square |using planning grid on the changes under Deng |

| |Support of university students from 1986. |features of the Democracy |The official CCP headlines |Xiaoping and the Democracy Movement. Peer assess |

| |Features and aims. |Movement. |From a Western (British or US) newspaper |plan. |

| |Reaction of Deng. | | | |

| |Tiananmen Square, 1989. |To understand the reaction of |Group task. Put together a time line on A3 showing key developments and |Practice in writing scaffolding essay. |

| | |Deng. |changes in China in the years 1934-89. Highlight any important turning | |

| | | |points in the history of China. |Peer or self assess homework using mark schemes and |

| | |To understand the events at | |levels. |

| | |Tiananmen Square and their | | |

| | |effects on the Democracy | | |

| | |Movement. | | |

Section C — Option C7: Change in Africa: from Colonialism to Independence, 1945-2000

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|4 |Independence movements in North Africa |To identify the reasons for and key |Paired task. Compare developments in Algeria and |Developing understanding of change. Students have to classify |

| |Independence movements in Algeria and |features of independence movements in |Tunisia before and after independence. Prepare a grid |statements on changes in the Congo showing change and |

| |Tunisia and reasons for French |Algeria and Tunisia. |showing similarities and differences in |continuity. |

| |withdrawal. | |The reasons for independence | |

| |The achievements of Habib Bourguiba and |To understand the career and achievements |The events leading to independence |Develop understanding of degree of change. Students classify |

| |Ben Bella. |of Bourguiba and Ben Bella. |The achievements of Bourguiba and Ben Bella. |statements in rank order from greatest to least. |

|7 |South Africa and the end of apartheid |To identify the key features of apartheid. |Paired task. Draw a sketch of a black South Africa. |Individual or paired planning of scaffolding essay using |

| |The Nationalist Party and the system of | |Label the sketch with the key features of apartheid. |planning grid on South Africa and the end of apartheid. Peer |

| |apartheid. |To understand the key developments in the | |assess plan. |

| |Awareness of Sharpeville and Biko |1980s and early 1990s which led to the end |Individual task. Research the career and achievements | |

| |Support for and opposition to apartheid |of apartheid. |of Nelson Mandela. Write a paragraph for a book on |Practice in writing scaffolding essay. |

| |at home and abroad. | |famous people of the twentieth century. | |

| |Changes in apartheid under Botha. |To identify the career and achievements of | |Peer or self assess homework using mark schemes and levels. |

| |The role of Nelson Mandela, the ANC and |Mandela and his role in ending apartheid. |Group task. Produce a mind map showing the main reasons| |

| |de Klerk in the end of apartheid. | |for the apartheid in South Africa. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Class discussion on the reasons for the end of | |

| | | |apartheid. | |

Section C — Option C8: The Changing Nature of Warfare, c1936-c2003

|Hours |Key themes and contents coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar classroom activities |Exemplar assessment activities |

|4 |The development of atomic and nuclear |To identify the reasons for the use of |Paired task. Prepare a debate on the use of the atomic bombs against |Developing understanding of change. Students |

| |weapons |the atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. |Japan. |have to classify statements on the development |

| |Reasons for dropping of atom bombs in | |One student prepare arguments in favour |of atomic and nuclear weapons showing change |

| |1945. |To understand the key developments in |One student prepare arguments against |and continuity. |

| |Key developments in nuclear warfare, |nuclear warfare in the years after 1945 |A class debate to follow | |

| |especially the arms race, 1945-90 and |To identify attempts to limit nuclear | |Develop understanding of degree of change. |

| |development of weapons of mass |weapons. |Individual task. Produce a time line to show the key developments in |Students classify statements in rank order from|

| |destruction. | |atomic and nuclear weapons in the years 1945-90. |greatest to least. |

| |MAD theory and attempts at arms |To understand why there has not been a |Highlight in red developments which could lead to even greater mass | |

| |limitation. |nuclear war. |destruction | |

| | | |Highlight in green attempts to limit the development or manufacture of | |

| | | |weapons of mass destruction. | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

|3 |Warfare at the beginning of the |To understand the nature of warfare at |Group task. To summarise on one side of A3 the key developments in |Individual or paired planning of scaffolding |

| |twenty-first century |the beginning of the twenty-first |warfare in the years 1936-2003. |essay using planning grid on the development of|

| |Importance of conventional warfare. |century. |Use different colours for air, war, land and nuclear warfare. |atomic and nuclear weapons and warfare at the |

| |Impact of terrorism. | |Show links between developments in these different areas. |beginning of the twenty-first century. Peer |

| |High tech warfare. | | |assess plan. |

| |Awareness of key features of Second Gulf | | | |

| |War | | |Practice in writing scaffolding essay. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Peer or self assess homework using mark schemes|

| | | | |and levels. |


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