PARTY A [POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY –__________________________________]

We are committed the overthrow of the presently existing, oppressive, bourgeois republic and all its imperialist, capitalistic economic and social institutions. The Party favors:

1. The abolition of private property and the development of the people

2. The establishment of land reform programs, which will nationalize the usage of land for the common good of all the people. The state will own, run and maintain the productive forces of agriculture.

3. The ownership by the people through the state of all industrial productive forces of the nation in order that they might benefit all the people rather than the capitalists.

4. Organization of the government under workers’ councils to replace the oppressive bourgeois regime.

5. A foreign policy devoted to developing more harmonious relations between Germany and its natural ally against capitalism, the Soviet Union [Russia].

To the German people: The Cause of your misery is the oppressive domination of international capitalism. The French, British and American capitalists, particularly, seek to exploit the labor of the workers, in order that they might enrich themselves. Germans, unite to rid yourselves of this terrible burden.

PARTY B [POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY –__________________________________]

This party wishes to maintain the democratic republic and to allow Germany to take its place among the free governments of Europe.

1. The party declares that it is committed to the support of the present German republic, in order that the principles of freedom and democracy will continue in the councils of the German government and that justice will live in the hearts of our German countrymen.

2.The party states that it will honor all Germany’s obligations – political and financial – in order that Germany’s honor and respect will not be decreased in the eyes of the world.

3. The party sets as one of its major goals the establishment of a more equitable arrangement of paying reparations, in order that future payments will not be harmful to the German economy as a whole. But the party accepts Germany’s responsibility for paying reparations.

4. To stimulate employment, the party will seek to create more jobs by undertaking an extensive program of public works.

5. To aid the personal burden of German workers who are not employed, the party will establish an unemployment insurance program to provide the necessities of life for a six-month period.

6. To aid farmers, the party will grant subsidies to holders of small farms, in order that they will not reduce production in a period of falling prices.

7. To ease the tax burden of all Germans, the party will attempt to enact significant economic measures to cut government operation costs. One such cut might well be in military spending.

8. The party believes in the right to those who disagree with it to speak and write on the issues without interference.

PARTY C [POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY –__________________________________]

This program is declared inalterable and the following demands unchangeable:

1. We demand the union of all Germans including Austria to form one great Germany.

2. We demand the abolition of the Treaty of Versailles

3. We demand the state make its first duty the promotion of industry and livelihood of its citizens. If it is not possible to nourish the entire population, noncitizens – namely those without German blood – must be excluded from protection by the state. Noncitizens will not be allowed to pursue certain occupations nor live off the honest industry of the German people.

4. We demand the abolition of all incomes not earned by work – namely income from interest and dividends.

5. We demand the confiscation of all profits made by war-profiteers.

6. We demand the reorganization and reorientation of the government, which, until now, has been subservient to the demands of Germany’s enemies.

7. We demand the formation of a large national army provided for by universal military conscription.

8. We demand the maintenance of production levels by state decree

9. We demand the stabilization of the currency by state decree.

10. The state shall raise the standard of health by protecting mothers and infants and increasing efficiency through obligatory gymnastics and sports.

11. These demands will be achieved through a strong central leadership.

We believe that our nation can achieve permanent health from within by following this principle: the common interest before self.


In the space beside Party A, Party B and Party C on page above identify the type of political party each one sounds like [communist, Nazi or democratic]

In the space below write down the campaign promises or political objectives the party talks about that helped you make your decision:

|Communist Promises/ Objectives: |

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|Nazi Promises/ Objectives: |

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|Democrat Promises/ Objectives: |

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