Lou Henry Hoover: References

Agricola and De Animantibus Subterraneis (1549, 1556): References

Agricola, Georgius. 1549. De Animantibus Subterraneis Liber. Basil: H. Froben. 79 pp., plus 30 unnumbered pages of index and name list.

_______. 1556. De re metallica libri XII: quibus officia, instrumenta, machinae, ac omnia denique ad metallicam spectantia, non modo luculentissim describuntur, sed & per effigies, suis locis insertas, adiunctis latinis, Germanicisque appellationibus ita ob oculos ponuntur, ut clarius tradi non possint; eiusdem De animantibus subterraneis liber / ab autore recognitus; cum indicibus diuersis, quicquid in opere tractatum est, pulchre demonstrantibus. Basil: H. Froben. 538 pp.

_______. 1961. “De Animantibus Subterraneis” [1549 and 1556]. Pages 139-231 Georgius Agricola – Ausgewälhte Werke, vol. 6, Hans Prescher, ed. Staatslichen Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden. Berlin: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften. [A modern German translation with editorial commentary.]

[NB: Librarians give Agricola’s first name variously as Georg, Georgii, Georgio, and Georgius. His name on the title pages of his works is given as Georgii Agricolae, which is correct, but if it is cited as Agricola, then Georgius is correct.]

Dibner, Bern. 1958. Agricola on Metals. Norwalk CT: Burndy Library. 128 pp.

Gudger, E. W. 1953. On certain small terrestrial mammals that fish with their tails. American Midland Naturalist 50:189-201.

Hannaway, Owen. 1992. “Georgius Agricola as Humanist.” Journal of the History of Ideas 53:553-560.

Hoover, Herbert Clark, and Lou Henry Hoover. 1912. Georgius Agricola De re Metallica, translated from the 1st Latin edition of 1556, with biographical introduction, annotations and appendices upon the development of mining methods, metallurgical processes, geology, mineralogy and mining law, from the earliest times to the 16th century. London: The Mining Magazine. 640 pp.

Hunemorder, Christian. 1983. “Aims and Intention of Botanical and Zoological Classification in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.” History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 5:53-67.

Lefevere, Andre. 1992. Translating Literature: Practice and Theory in a Comparative Literature Context. New York: Modern Literature Association of America. 165 pp.

Nigg, Joseph, ed. 1999. The Book of Fabulous Beasts. New York: Oxford University Press. 408 pp.

Pellegrin, Pierre. 1982, 1986. Aristotle’s Classification of Animals: Biology and the Concept of Unity of the Aristotlean Corpus (translated from French by Anthony Preus). Berkeley: University of California Press. 235 pp.

Agrcola’s List of Authorities for De Animantibus Subeterraneis

Claudius Aelianus, 175-35, Greek rhetorician

Albertus Magnus, 1206-1280, German theologian

Alexander Aphrodisianus, fl. 190-220, Greek philosopher

Ammonius, 435-517, Greek philosopher

*Aratus, 315-206 BC, Greek poet

Aristotle, 384-322 BC, Greek philosopher

Aristophanes, 356-386, Greek dramatist

Athenaeus, fl. 190-210, Greek grammarian

John Cassianus, 360-433, Roman theologian

*Flavius Charisius, fl. 4th century AD, Latin grammarian

Cicero, 106–43 BC, Roman statesman and orator

Lucius Columella, 4-70, Roman agricultural wrtierorn.

Cornelius Tacitus, 56-117, Roman historian

Pedanius Dioscorides, 40-70, Greek physician and botanist in Rome

Galen, 129-200, Greek physician

Homer, 7th c. BC Greek poet(s)

Horace, 65-8 BC, Roman poet

Jornandes, 6th c. Roman historian

Lucanus, 39-65, Roman poet

Martialus Capella, 5th c., Carthaginian rhetorician

Nicander, 2nd c. BC, Greek physician

Oppianus, 2nd/3rd c. AD, Greek poet on fishing and hunting

Ovid, 40 BC-17 AD, Roman poet

Plautus, 254-184 BC, Roman playwright

Pliny the Elder, 23-79, Roman naturalist

Seneca, 4 BC-65 AD, Roman humanist

Seruius, dates not found, Latin grammarian

Strabo, 63 BC-24 AD, Greek geographer

Theophrastus, 370-285 BC, Greek philosopher

Marcus Varro, 116-27 BC, Roman historian

Virgil, 70 – 19 BC, Roman poet

Xenophon, 431-355 BC, Greek historian

*listed in 1556 edition but not in 1549

Names have been modernized and Anglicized to permit searching. Dates are from Web sources and may not be reliable.

Michele Aldrich, Alan Leviton, and Lindsay Sears, October 2007


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